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In 2018, the cost of a CASCO insurance policy depends on the financial policy of the insurer, special offers and additional options. You can calculate the price of the policy for all insurance companies and get acquainted with all the offers using the CASCO online calculator.

How to use the CASCO calculator - instructions

Online calculation on the CASCO calculator is quite simple and takes only a few minutes. If you have additional questions, please read the instructions below:

  1. First of all, select the make, year of production and model name of the car.
  2. Next, the calculator will request information about the body of the vehicle, transmission, engine size and power.
  3. Use the interactive sliders to set the current mileage and market value of the car.
  4. In the next step, note the presence or absence of satellite signaling.
  5. Next, select one of the options - whether the car was bought on credit or not.
  6. Select the region of the owner by registration from the proposed options or enter your own in the appropriate field.
  7. At the final stage, provide information about the driver or drivers. Click Show Results.
  8. After that, the calculator will offer you a calculation of the CASCO cost for all insurance companies.

After calculating the prices, you can continue the online registration of the policy, taking into account all the proposed discounts and promotions in the selected insurance company.

What is the difference between CASCO and OSAGO

In 2018, Russia provides for 2 main insurance products for car owners - and CASCO, which are radically different both in purpose and in cost. The first policy stands for compulsory third party liability insurance and in fact insures not the car itself, but the material consequences of the driver himself in the event of his guilt in an accident.

The CASCO policy prevents possible material losses in case of any damage to the vehicle or its theft. It is worth noting that now in the market for this type of insurance there are many different tariffs that provide either full protection or insurance against certain impacts.

The price of OSAGO insurance is significantly lower than CASCO, however, in 2018, a significant increase in prices is expected for the mandatory type of insurance, as a result of which the prices for these products may equalize.

List of required documents for calculation and registration of CASCO in 2018

To purchase a CASCO policy, the following package of documents is required:

  • General passport of the Russian Federation
  • Driver's license of all people allowed to drive the vehicle
  • Passport of technical means (PTS)
  • Application for conclusion of a CASCO agreement.

When calculating and issuing CASCO online, you will need reliable information from the first 3 documents. The application will be generated automatically after filling in all the fields of the calculator form.

What determines the cost of a CASCO policy

By the beginning of 2018, the average cost of a CASCO policy for individuals in Russia amounted to 65 thousand rubles for an annual contract. The main factors that directly affect the final price tag are the model and equipment of the car, the region of its operation, the age and driving experience of the owner, as well as the current financial policy of the insurance company, the selected tariff and other conditions.

How to save on CASCO

In order to save money on purchasing a CASCO policy, it will be important to study all the current offers on the auto insurance market from leading companies specializing in this type of service. Taking into account the fact that there are more than a dozen such companies, and each of them has its own tariff scale, consisting of a whole list of insurance types, this is not easy to do. An online calculator will help you calculate the cost of CASCO for all insurance companies in just a couple of minutes. In addition, take note of a number of other ways to save on car insurance:

  • Use a franchise. Deductible is the amount that is deducted from the basic cost of the policy, but the same amount will be deducted when paid after the occurrence of an insured event.
  • If possible avoid buying a car on credit. Typically, insurers increase the cost of CASCO for credit cars by 10-15 percent.
  • Do not include young people in the contract drivers with little driving experience. Experienced drivers with a good insurance history can save up to 50 percent on the cost of the policy.
  • Ask your insurance company if they have discount for a complex purchase of CASCO and OSAGO. Some companies are developing both directions of auto insurance, so they are interested in selling two products at once.
  • Explore additional services and special offers. When buying CASCO from some official insurers, after calculating on the calculator on our website, an additional discount is provided.

On our site, visitors are given the opportunity select, calculate and purchase an online CASCO auto insurance policy. Thanks to this service, you no longer need to independently visit the offices of insurance companies and study a lot of documentation in search of the best solution. Moreover, insurance is one of the most important areas of life, providing confidence in the future and protecting your property from unforeseen situations. This is especially true for auto insurance, since it is the car that is exposed to potential danger on the roads every day, and thanks to the CASCO policy, you can save yourself from material costs in the event of an accident, theft or other insured events.

What is CASCO and why is it needed?

CASCO is a voluntary insurance of cars and other vehicles against damage, theft or theft. This policy is useful for drivers who want to protect themselves from any problems, it provides for the repair of the car at the expense of the insurance company in any case (after a traffic accident or damage to the car without an accident), as well as compensation for the cost of the car if it is completely destroyed or in the event of theft.

When can CASCO become mandatory?

Making a CASCO policy may be a mandatory requirement when applying for a car loan, so we recommend that you select, compare and calculate the best insurance option in advance for the price and conditions of car insurance.

How to choose an insurance company?

Each insurance company independently determines the CASCO price and calculates its tariff scale for the policy. In addition, if the owner of the car does not fulfill the requirements that are mandatory for a particular company (insufficient amount of security equipment on the car, etc.), then the conclusion of the contract may be refused. Therefore, to calculate the cost of CASCO and conclude an insurance contract, a large number of factors and nuances are taken into account.

The process of insurance payments under CASCO also has its own characteristics. First of all, this is a method of compensation, which is indicated in the contract and can be carried out as a statement of the affected car for repair in a service station, or it can consist in transferring funds to the client's account. For the implementation of insurance compensation for CASCO, in most cases, a court decision is not needed (unlike OSAGO). To receive compensation under CASCO, you must contact the office of the insurance company and prepare the necessary documents.

How to calculate the cost of car insurance online?

When choosing a CASCO policy in various insurance companies the main difficulty lies in the large amount of data which must be taken into account in the calculation. Such data includes:

  • driving experience of the owner of the car;
  • the number of drivers who drive this car;
  • driver's age;
  • cost and brand of the car;
  • and much more.

Therefore, to save your time, on the site you can make a quick calculation of the cost and choose a CASCO policy only by filling in the fields of the calculator with basic information.

How to use the auto insurance calculator?

In addition, our website provides options for basic calculations for the most popular makes and models of cars. The calculations were made on the basis of average indicators and allow you to instantly estimate the price of the policy, as well as calculate a more accurate cost by changing some data in accordance with personal information.

Only reliable insurance companies!

You no longer need to ask questions about calculating the most profitable CASCO insurance or how to calculate the cost of insurance for a new or used car - our online calculator knows everything about the offers of leading insurance companies. If you use our service, you will receive an additional discount on CASCO insurance and other benefits.

We offer this cost-effective solution for quickly and efficiently determining the cost of insurance, choosing a reliable insurance company and the possibility of buying a policy at low rates. Better service for less money. The offers for which the calculation is being carried out are presented on the page with all CASCO packages, but it is better to trust the specialists.

In which cities can you get a policy?

You can use our "CASCO" calculator to calculate and find out how much the cheapest insurance policy costs in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Yaroslavl, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar, Tver, Saratov and other cities of Russia, after why to issue a policy at the indicated prices at the nearest office of a suitable insurance company.

CASCO - voluntary vehicle insurance.

This is insurance against any trouble, whether it be damage or theft. And it doesn’t matter under what circumstances the damage occurred (accident, ice falling from the roof, a stone that broke the windshield, scratched in the parking lot, broken glass), the insurance company will compensate you for the damage in any case. In the event of an accident with other participants, it does not matter at all whether you are at fault or not.

What determines the cost of CASCO

For an accurate calculation of the CASCO cost, the insurance company will ask you for many parameters, such as the make and model of the car, year of manufacture, mileage, engine type and power, gearbox type, body type, alarm, auto start, and, of course, age and experience of licensed drivers. All these parameters directly or indirectly affect the likelihood of accidents and theft, and, accordingly, the cost of insurance. Preference is given to older, experienced drivers with families as it promotes a relaxed driving style and minimizes the risk of accidents. The cost of the policy in this case will be minimal. The cost is also affected by statistics on the theft of a given car model in a particular region and the cost of spare parts for it.

What is a franchise?

Deductible is the amount by which the cost of your payment will be reduced in the event of an insured event. Moreover, the larger the deductible, the lower the cost of the policy. Typically, the size of the franchise can be selected in the approximate range from 10,000 to 75,000 rubles. If you have CASCO with a franchise of 20,000 rubles, and the damage is 100,000 rubles, then the insurance company will pay you only 80,000 rubles. By choosing CASCO with a franchise, you can save more than 50% on the cost of the policy. You need to understand that in case of small damage (up to the deductible amount), the insurance company will not pay you anything at all.

What compensation will I receive if the car is stolen or completely destroyed?

The CASCO contract discusses the sum insured that you will receive in the event of a complete loss of property. This amount is calculated based on the age and condition of your car and can be changed, as a rule, only within a small range from the calculated one. The online CASCO calculator is able to determine the cost of the car from the parameters you entered, however, the insurer makes the final decision after inspecting the vehicle.

Can I be denied reimbursement?

Yes, there are some circumstances under which the insurer may refuse to pay you compensation:

  • If it is proven that the damage was caused intentionally.
  • If at the time of the damage the car was driven by a person who does not have the right to drive a vehicle.
  • If the Driver was under the influence of alcohol or other substances.
  • If the insured event occurred outside the coverage area of ​​the policy (for example, abroad).

These are just the main points. Check with your insurance company for a complete list.

Car insurance on credit

If you decide to buy a new car on credit, then voluntary CASCO will become mandatory for you. After all, the car is pledged to the bank, and the bank insures it at your expense. At the same time, the bank will oblige you to insure the car not in any insurance company, but only with the bank's partner company, and, at the maximum rate, for all types of risks.

CASCO - voluntary car insurance, which is used by drivers on their own initiative. It allows, unlike OSAGO, to receive compensation for losses associated not with causing damage to passengers or other participants in the accident, but with the car of the policyholder. There are different types of policies offered by insurance companies. Let's figure out how much CASCO costs for a car.

How does the price of CASCO depend on its type?

The cost of an insurance policy directly depends on what type of CASCO you have chosen for your car:

1. Full CASCO or without restrictions. Provides an opportunity to insure the car for all occasions, namely:

2. Partial or incomplete CASCO- including several selected insured events, in the event of which the car owner will receive compensation from the insurance company. The most common practice is insurance against theft and damage caused during an accident, since these are the most likely situations that can happen to a car.

3. Aggregate CASCO- implies that the amount of compensation that you will receive from the company will decrease after each new insurance payment, according to the contract.

4. Non-aggregate CASCO– with such an insurance contract, you will receive stable payments specified in the contract, and their amount will not depend on the number of accidents that happened earlier.

CASCO price and what car insurance depends on

The main criteria for calculating the cost of CASCO insurance for a car include:

  • Type of insurance (full, partial, aggregate and non-aggregate);
  • Age of the driver (if the driver has not reached the age of 21 or is over 65 years old, then a multiplying factor is applied);
  • Driving experience (the more the CASCO price is lower);
  • Make, model and year of manufacture of the machine;
  • The presence of an installed security (anti-theft) system or devices;
  • Add. car options;
  • Franchise - means that the company will keep a certain percentage of the insurance payment in its favor;
  • presence of additional circumstances. These include: paid parking, buying a car on credit, the driver's cooperation in the past with a competitor company. Under the latter condition, you can get a discount of up to 30%;
  • The number of persons included in the insurance contract (the more the policy is more expensive).

The CASCO insurance contract is concluded mainly for 1 year. The reason for this is the condition that the amount of car insurance must be comparable to its market value. It can be installed both in Russian and in foreign currencies, but payments are made only in rubles at the exchange rates of the Central Bank.

How much does car insurance cost for a year

The standard price category for an insurance policy is from 4 to 12% of the market value of a car.

The high tariffs are based on statistics, according to which the largest number of thefts and accidents occur in Russia. But there are exceptions. More favorable conditions can be obtained by drivers with a clean insurance history.

The table shows the cost of a CASCO policy for a year for common and budget car brands. The cost of CASCO insurance for cars whose value is more than 2,500,000 rubles will be approximately 4-7% of the market value of the car.

Machine brand

The average cost of CASCO for a new car for a year

Moscow MO St. Petersburg Leningrad region.
chevrolet cruze 49 135 45 113 47 933 44 972
Daewoo Matiz 28 022 27 001 28 264 28 732
Daewoo Nexia 46 238 40 321 42 500 40 068
Hyundai Solaris 44 812 41 909 46 487 41 877
Kia Sportage 66 361 72 549 66 196 62 072
Lada Granta 37 219 35 845 35 330 34 917
Lada Kalina 32 205 30 983 31 635 30 813
Lada Largus 41 045 38 800 39 813 39 960
Lada Priora 44 916 43 253 41 913 41 865
Mercedes-Benz C class 126 331 104 360 115 500 108 045
Nissan Qashqai 92 829 87 023 85 960 86 767
Nissan Almera 71 619 63 066 61 020 58 785
Renault Logan 44 434 44 249 38 660 37 778
Renault Duster 56 625 51 981 55 359 51 981
Skoda Octavia 68 309 61 255 66 303 61 255
Toyota Camry 138 747 133 035 130 545 121 666
Toyota Corolla 68 126 68 036 68 489 68 036
Toyota Highlander 79 397 80 318 80 859 80 318
Volkswagen Tiguan 88 068 81 451 88 171 81 188
Volkswagen Jetta 71 553 69 418 75 520 72 416

How to save on CASCO

When calculating the cost of CASCO, you noticed that the cost of the policy differs depending on the insurance company. To save money on buying insurance:

  • find out the cost from several insurers,
  • use a franchise
  • choose an incomplete CASCO package,
  • insurance company promotions or special offers

Some insurance companies provide their own lucrative offers.

  • "50/50" when the client and the company share the losses in half.
  • Naked CASCO is one of the cheapest options.
  • "Smart" - the car owner is paid the full cost of damage, but not more than twice a year.
  • "VIP" or "All Inclusive" - ​​some conditions are added to the main policy at the discretion of the company.

Video: How to save on a CASCO policy

In order for the insurance conditions to be acceptable, we suggest using our online CASCO calculator. You will see offers from 20 leading insurance companies in Russia.

Calculate CASCO for a car online (calculator)

How much does CASCO cost for a car? The calculation of the cost of the CASCO policy is made for each car individually.

After calculating CASCO, our specialist will contact you, answer all questions and tell you how to buy a CASCO policy at a convenient office of PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh.

A set of documents for concluding an agreement

  • passport (or military ID);
  • driving licenses of persons admitted to driving;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • if a loan is paid for the car or it is pledged - the relevant documents;
  • purchase and sale agreement (if any).
  • Savings when buying CASCO

    PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh offers clear insurance programs with flexible conditions.

    Under the ROSGOSSTRAKH AUTO "ZASCHITA" program, you can calculate how much CASCO costs for a car by choosing only the options you need. In addition, to reduce the CASCO price, you can use the following tools:

    • Franchise The part of the loss that the insurer does not compensate for in the event of an insured event. It is measured in rubles or as a percentage of the sum insured, is prescribed in the contract and significantly reduces the cost of the CASCO policy. Read.
    • History of OSAGO A discount on the CASCO policy in the event that no insured event occurred under the previous CMTPL policies due to your fault.
    • Renewal of an existing policy With a continuous extension of the CASCO policy, you can take advantage of a variety of benefits and discounts. The more careful the driver is, the cheaper CASCO auto insurance will be for him.

    CASCO for beginners

    • Nothing extra. The minimum cost of a CASCO policy with a maximum set of risks and an unlimited number of claims for insured events.
    • Anti-crisis proposal for CASCO. Apply for a CASCO policy online and protect yourself from unforeseen major risks. The program includes payments for risks not covered by OSAGO.

    CASCO for experienced drivers

    • Economy (50/50). Pay the second half of the CASCO insurance cost only upon the occurrence of an insured event.
    • Accident protection. Need protection from inexperienced drivers on the road? Try to calculate CASCO using this program.