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The best additives for internal combustion engines. Engine additives: should they be poured into the engine


The issue of using additional additives in engine oil has long divided the audience of car owners into two irreconcilable camps. Those who are discussed with the "officials", in most cases, take the official position of the oil producers, stating that the finished oil already has everything that is needed for the normal operation of the equipment. Those who use multi-brand services, or service equipment in garages, allow or recommend additional additives. Let's see if additives in engine oil are harmful?

Additional additives are added when the car owner wants to solve either individual problems that arise during operation, or when he wants to protect the engine and increase its resource.

According to independent estimates, Russian conditions are difficult. The main thing is our climate, daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations, dirt in the air and on the roads, operation mode, fuel quality and the average age of the fleet are not the best conditions for increasing engine life. For comparison, the average age of a car in Germany is nine years, and in Russia it is seventeen, that is, almost twice as old. Of course, the resource of the engine will be quite different. But even in Europe they use additives in motor oils. In Italy and Greece additives are more popular than in Finland or England. Germany, as a country with a well-developed automotive and chemical industry, has the largest number of manufacturers of additional additives. And car owners in Germany also use additives.

Additives solve certain operational issues, such as: wear, oil leaks, oil smoke and waste, compression reduction, noise, pollution. That is, all the issues for the solution of which the package of active substances added during the production of commercial oil is intended.

Most additives are similar substances that are used in the production of commercial oil, only in higher concentrations.

When developing a certain type of engine oil, the manufacturer solves many issues, and one of the main ones is the cost of the finished product. Additives are the most expensive components, manufacturers calculate their concentration in such a way that the oil meets the conditions of normal operation. And if the operation is not normal, then the additive components begin to be quickly developed, reducing the oil resource. A decrease in oil life is fraught with a decrease in engine life. Frequent oil changes are expensive and not only because of the cost of the oil itself. It requires manual labor and time to plan the procedure. That is, frequent replacements are not beneficial to the car owner, and here additional additives come to the rescue.

How can additives help an engine?

The first and most common problem. Approximately in the middle of the service interval oil thins out, this is a natural process, but it can lead to a loss of pressure in the oil line and increased oil consumption. During operation, the oil thins due to the destruction of the polymer thickener and the oil begins to lose viscosity. To restore viscosity characteristics, the car owner can use the Liqui Moly Visco Stabil thickener additive. The use of additives will increase the viscosity of the oil, the pressure in the system and reduce oil waste. This prevents premature wear due to low oil pressure.

The second problem. No matter how much you improve standard oil, it anti-wear properties will be insufficient. Especially for modern engines where internal friction is reduced to achieve better fuel economy. Friction reduction is achieved by reducing the area of ​​friction surfaces, as a result of which the load on them is seriously increased. Modern engines no longer have a million resource, like their ancestors from the 90s. The way out is to use additional anti-friction additives, such as. The additive in the complex protects the engine from wear, facilitates the movement of parts, reduces the noise of operation and fuel consumption, together this allows you to increase the engine life. The secret is in micro-ceramic particles of boron nitride, which are the most slippery substances on Earth. Cera Tec can be used with any motor oils, microceramics do not chemically interact with a standard additive package. You can choose an anti-friction additive for a particular case. Or ask for advice on the company's forum.

A frequent problem is oil leaks and his high flow. Consumption is structurally incorporated into many modern engines. But the consumption of more than a liter per 1000 kilometers, this is a reason to think. In most cases of increased oil consumption, the engine designer is to blame. To get more power, the working process of the engine is made more and more “hot”. As a result of constantly elevated temperatures, the valve stem seals “dry” and begin to let oil into the combustion chambers. As a result, high oil consumption without characteristic smoke, since the catalyst copes with the smoke quite successfully. At some point, this can lead to oil starvation, which will negatively affect the engine resource. Liqui moly will help restore gaskets, oil seals and valve stem seals to working condition. As an active component, this additive contains esters (essential oils), which not only restore rubber, but also increase the stickiness of the oil film. That is, using this additive, the consumer reduces oil consumption and further reduces engine wear.

Engine pollution. As a rule, even if the requirements of the operating instructions are observed, pollution in the engine accumulates already by 40-50 thousand kilometers. If nothing is done, then the pollution progresses, which leads to increased wear as a result of poor oil circulation and coking of the rings with loss of compression. Numerous Internet publications are devoted to this topic, but the main solution to the issue is the regular use of oil flush additives. Flushing additives can be fast, acting for 5-10 minutes and long-term, designed for 150-300 km of run, the latter being the most effective. How it works? Flushing consists of the same detergent components that are used in motor oils, but in much higher concentrations. In addition, solvents are used to dilute the oil and improve its circulation in thin gaps. Naphthenic oils are often used as part of long-term flushes instead of solvents, which have excellent cleaning properties. Proper flushing does not remove large particles of contaminants, but gently and layer-by-layer transfers contaminants to a dissolved state, allowing them to leave the engine during the draining of old oil. Also in the composition of flushes, as in engine oil, anti-seize components are necessarily present that protect the engine during the flushing process. Flushing restores the performance of the oil system, reduces wear, frees “stuck” rings, eliminates smoke and maintains the efficiency of engine hydraulic mechanisms such as hydraulic lifters, hydraulic tensioners and VTEC or VVTi phase control couplings. Flushing additives are almost completely drained from the engine during an oil change and do not affect the properties of fresh oil, unlike the so-called "flushing" oil. The use of flushes can significantly increase the life of the engine. Select a detergent additive. depending on the specific case is possible . Or ask for advice on the company's forum.

One more problem - noisy operation of hydraulic lifters. Increased noise during the operation of the gas distribution mechanism is a sign of a malfunction, which in the future can develop into a costly repair. To normalize the operation of hydraulic lifters, a special additive is used - Liqui moly. This additive normalizes the operation of all engine hydraulics and eliminates noise during operation. The mechanism of its action is to eliminate contaminants in oil channels and increase the resistance of the oil film due to polymer components. Thereby increasing the reliability of the gas distribution mechanism.

We have reviewed the main uses of additives in motor oil, certainly not all possible options. Now, knowing the composition and action of additives, you yourself can conclude whether additives in engine oil are harmful.

Greetings! The internal combustion engine is rightfully considered the main element in the design of any car, and you, dear friends, are sure to have heard this more than once. To a greater extent, this applies to our cars, which quite often present surprises in the form of various breakdowns of the power unit. If you own a domestic car for a long time, you probably had to "stab" the engine more than once or twice. No, I understand that for a seasoned person, any engine repair (even the worst one) is a matter of time. However, for the majority, this problem is complex and difficult to overcome.

And it seems that thanks to modern technologies, there are already special compounds on sale that protect the power unit from malfunction, but the attitude of drivers towards them is ambiguous. We are talking about additives that have been available for free sale for 10 years now. We Russians get used to the new for a long time, so even today some motorists do not risk experimenting. Others, on the contrary, use a novelty, which is already ridiculous to call a novelty, to the fullest. Today, your obedient servant has a clear intention - to describe to you the best additives in the engine. And to convince all non-believers that they are really effective!

Additives in the engine - definition, types and principle of operation

Fluids designed to increase the life of the motor, as well as the gearbox, are called additives. In a wide range of each manufacturer there is a place for similar products for diesel and gasoline engines. In order for the additive to begin to perform its immediate functions, it is enough for a motorist to add it to the oil of a power unit or gearbox. However, gasoline additives are no less popular, they can not only clean the engine of harmful elements, but also increase the octane number of the fuel, drain it, and so on.

Additives for the engine, depending on the functions, are divided into the following types:

  • conservation;
  • Viscosity-changing oils - useful in both cold and hot weather;
  • anti-corrosion;
  • Compression additive;
  • Detergents are the best solution for cleaning the power unit from soot and other contaminants;
  • Antifriction;
  • Protective - protect the motor from the appearance of various "badass".

This type of liquid works as follows: when it gets into the oil, the additive forms a film on the friction pairs, due to which pressure and compression increase for a while, and even the consumption of the same oil and fuel decreases. However, here we must pay tribute to the pessimists, there is some truth in their words. The fact is that a budget product, like a more expensive one, will give a positive effect, but over time, due to the content of chlorine and paraffin in their composition, they can lead to clogging of oil channels. Therefore, I draw your attention to the fact that engine additives are not something you need to save on. Don't worry, I'll tell you about really high quality products!

Some more varieties

That is, you understood yes, a high-quality additive reduces the friction force, thereby increasing productivity. In addition, this is an ideal option for an engine after a major overhaul, because such a composition improves the grinding of engine parts. For engines with high mileage, the additive will also come in handy, it will not only restore the ceramic-metal layer, but also clean important engine elements from resinous deposits.

Of course, a similar effect is achieved due to the chemical composition, according to this criterion, all additives are divided into three types:

  1. Based on mineral powders, the surface of the parts is polished, after which a ceramic-metal layer is created.
  2. Based on active chlorinated paraffin and polyesters - probably the most slow-moving product, but it also has its advantages. In an environment of high temperatures and pressure, such a composition is able to act like a conventional flushing oil. It converts all deposits (dirt, soot, etc.) on the parts into an ionic state, due to which all contaminants leave the engine along with the oil when it is drained.
  3. Based on metal-cladding compositions - when liquid penetrates into the place of friction, where there are defects due to excessive wear of the crankshaft and piston group bearings, it completely evens them out due to the formation of a cladding layer.

When planning to buy an additive for an engine, it is extremely important to understand what you want to achieve from it: break in a rebuilt engine, extend the life of an old one, or simply increase its performance. Also, your choice should be influenced by the type of engine you have and the oil poured into it. Please note: different additives are used for semi-synthetics, synthetics and mineral oils, the wrong choice can deprive you of the expected effect. By taking into account the above factors, you significantly increase the likelihood of acquiring a product that is relevant to your motor!

When is the use of an additive the only option?

An additive for restoring the engine is like an abandoned inflatable ring to a drowning man for a motor whose resource is running out. You yourself know that the replacement or repair of the power unit will definitely cost a pretty penny to its owner, and the use of the creation of new technologies will extend the life of the “car heart”. I agree, not for long, but a few thousand additional kilometers are worth the cost of such a chemical additive.

For example, I will tell my story from the past. The engine of my Zhiguli for a certain time made it clear to me that he did not have long to live. Compression dropped noticeably, poured a lot of oil, well, almost on a par with fuel. It's funny to you, but then I was not very. So one experienced comrade, having assessed the situation, tells me - "Your friend has only three options." Here's what he suggested to me:

  • Overhaul - I immediately rejected neither the money nor the desire to mess around for days under the car I had.
  • Buying a specialized and, accordingly, expensive oil for engines with high mileage - having learned its cost, this option was also rejected.
  • Cheap oil in tandem with additives - I chose without hesitation, but I had nothing to lose.

To be honest, I didn’t expect a special result, experienced people know with such symptoms the days before the engine repair are numbered. But thank God I was wrong! Without noticing it, I began to add oil much less often, and turn the steering wheel much more often. However, the saddest thing is that the effect of the supplement is short-term, after a couple of months everything returned to normal. And the most offensive - the reuse of additives did not give a result.

From this conclusion: the additive is able to help the power unit in a "difficult moment", but this effect is not endless. And again, this is a “coin” with two sides: if everything is in order with your motor, you should not resort to various additives, because just like restoring, they can do harm! With the advantages and disadvantages of the described compositions, I hope everything is clear, then you will find out which additives have proven themselves exclusively on the positive side.

The best additives sold in Russia

In our state, you can find a variety of brands that specialize in the production of additives for the engine. I analyzed the market and selected the best for you! They are for your attention!


The domestic brand with more than 20 years of history has won both its supporters and critics. The latter emphasize the high cost of Hado formulations, so one tube with a capacity of 10 ml will cost you at least 300 rubles. The manufacturer insists that in order to fully restore the power unit, it is necessary to conduct a full course of a similar procedure, which includes five such repetitions. Thus, in order to achieve the desired effect, it will take from 1500 rubles and more.

However, there are much more advantages, it is thanks to them that the product is popular not only in the Russian Federation, but also far beyond its borders. The Hado additive is a completely safe product, you still need to manage to damage the engine, although based on the reviews, this possibility is almost completely excluded. The quality of the action is at the same high level - the motor will work stably after 200 and 300 kilometers traveled by the car.


The same reviews of the majority speak of the high quality of Suprotec additives. This manufacturer produces additives for engines, gearboxes and even gearboxes (be careful when choosing). And the best part is that the product, like the one described above, is completely safe, and most importantly, effective!

Users note a significant reduction in fuel consumption (10-15%) for instances intended for filling into a gas tank. As for restorative compounds, they are also good. Increasing compression in the engine, as well as closing all microcracks - this is only part of the positive qualities. And the most important thing for the consumer is the price. Compared to the same Hado, it is half the price. So, a 90-ml tube will cost you again 1,500 rubles.

Liqvi Moly

And of course, our mini-rating could not do without the representative of Germany. It doesn’t matter at all whether you have a diesel car or a gasoline car in the assortment of the German brand Liquid Moli, there are additives for all types of engine. The product of this brand is positioned as universal. That is, with its help it is possible not only to reduce the overall fuel consumption, but also to restore the metal surfaces of the cylinder-piston group of the power unit. In addition, the cost of the additive is the most democratic - 400 rubles.

Personally, my opinion is that the choice of additive is one of those cases when you should not give preference to a domestic manufacturer! Well, why overpay when you can save money without losing the quality of the product. What you choose is up to you to decide! Before saying goodbye, I assure you once again: do not believe the critics, it has been proven by many international studies - additives from the world's leading manufacturers really correspond to the properties declared by the manufacturer! Appreciate the power unit of your car, and he will answer you in the same coin! All the best and don't forget about the video that I have prepared for you!

To improve the properties of the lubricant and increase the life of the internal combustion engine using special formulations. Engine oil additives are available from various manufacturers. Depending on the chemical composition of the fluid, they perform different functions and affect the lubricant and components of the power plant in different ways.

Types of compositions of additives in engine oil

On sale there are additives in oil for diesel or gasoline engines. Depending on the function performed by the composition, all additives can be divided into several categories:


They clean the oil channels and components of the power plant from various kinds of contaminants. During the operation of the power unit, contaminants are deposited on the parts. These are metal chips, or deposits, resulting from exhaust gases entering the crankcase.

With prolonged use, the lubricant loses its properties. As a result, the oil channels are blocked. With blocked channels, it is impossible to supply lubricant under pressure to the engine parts.

Improved break-in

The additives are intended for use in power units with non-lapped moving parts. When used, the substance forms a specialized layer on the surface of the components, which improves the grinding of moving parts.

IMPORTANT: Car manufacturers do not recommend pouring various additives into the engine of a new vehicle. If the fact of using additives is revealed, the manufacturer will refuse to carry out warranty repairs. Modern oils contain all the necessary additives for the normal operation of components and mechanisms.

Friction reducing

Used in cars with different mileage. Manufacturers of friction reducing additives claim that the substance is able to reduce the friction of components. During the operation of the power plant, the substance creates a protective layer on the surface of moving parts. This reduces the friction of parts and the degree of their heating.


They are used to restore worn parts. The manufacturer claims that reducing agents in gasoline or diesel engine lubricants reduce fuel and lubricant consumption.

ATTENTION: Worn parts of the power unit require their replacement. The use of specialized additives can help restore engine performance for a short time.

According to the manufacturers, the substances contained in the additives of the reducing type fill in microcracks and damage to metal surfaces, creating a protective layer. To achieve the maximum effect, the constant presence of substances in the lubricant is necessary. In this regard, with each oil change, it is necessary to fill in the additive.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of an additive has both advantages and disadvantages. Below are the pros and cons of using supplements.

  • Protection of parts against high wear in case of damage to the oil pan. The protective layer prevents wear of components when using the unit without lubricant. In case of damage to the oil pan and leakage of lubricant, the additive will protect the crank mechanism and other parts from damage;
  • Cleaning channels and internal surfaces of the power plant. Substances with a cleaning effect allow you to keep the internal parts of the internal combustion engine in good condition;
  • Reducing the consumption of fuels and lubricants. Restoration of metal surfaces reduces fuel and oil consumption;
  • Low noise level. Reduced friction during engine operation leads to lower noise levels.
  • Oil additives for a gasoline engine or any other internal combustion engine have a number of disadvantages:
  • The need for constant use to maintain the effect. This leads to unnecessary financial costs;
  • The probability of coking channels. Cleaning will require complete disassembly of the power unit;
  • Increase in the amount of harmful substances in exhaust gases. Decreased compliance with international environmental standards;
  • Possibility of incompatibility with engine oil. The additive may react chemically with the lubricant. This may lead to a major overhaul of the installation.

There are a large number of additives from various manufacturers. When choosing a substance, you need to pay attention to the originality of the packaging, carefully study the instructions for use and reviews.

The best additives in engine oil

Each car owner independently decides whether to use an additive substance. Below are a few supplements from well-known manufacturers.


It is used for the internal combustion engine working both on solar oil, and on gasoline. Used with motor oils of various manufacturers. When applied:

  1. Cleans the channels of the oil system and the internal surfaces of the parts of the power unit. Eliminates the occurrence of carbon deposits on the inner surfaces of the crankcase walls, parts of the piston group and the gas distribution mechanism;
  2. Reduces the level of friction of moving parts of the power plant. The friction coefficient is reduced due to the formation of a specialized layer;
  3. Improvement of indicators of resistance to wear of parts of the crank mechanism, piston group, and gas distribution mechanisms.

REFERENCE: For maximum effect, continuous use of the material is recommended.

US made chemicals. The material is in demand among car owners and has a number of advantages:

  • Does not enter into a chemical reaction with various motor oils. This allows you to use the substance with engine oils from various manufacturers;
  • Reduces lubricant consumption of both diesel and gasoline power units;
  • Reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere;
  • Increases the period of use of the internal combustion engine. The reduced level of friction allows the use of the power plant for a long time;
  • Restores worn parts of engine parts. Creating a thin layer on the parts of the piston group allows you to increase compression. This improves power and dynamics;
  • Makes the operation of the power plant quiet.

The best additives in engine oil made in Germany. The supplement contains reducing agents. A distinctive feature of the material is that the protective layer is formed not only on worn areas, but also on the entire surface of the product. This makes the motor quiet and eliminates the presence of a large amount of harmful emissions.

Restoration of the surface of the sleeves and rings allows you to improve the technical characteristics of the vehicle. The tight fit of the compression rings to the inner surface of the sleeve allows you to increase compression. The normal operation of the oil scraper rings prevents the occurrence of increased smoke in the exhaust gases.

REFERENCE: The additive does not improve the physical properties of the lubricant. She does not interact with him. The additive independently envelops the internal surfaces of the engine.


The substance is used in various internal combustion engines. A distinctive feature is that the additive does not affect engine oil. It does not mix with lubricants and does not change its structure. The substance acts directly on metal parts.


  • Maintains the integrity of surfaces when starting a cold power plant. When driving a car with an engine that has not reached operating temperature, the parts of the crank mechanism are subject to high wear. SMT 2 protects plain bearings and piston group;
  • Increases performance and dynamics. This is possible due to the reduction of the counteracting force arising in the internal combustion engine as a result of the friction of moving parts;
  • Increases the life of the motor.

During the operation of the power plant, the substance envelops the internal parts with a copper layer. It prevents damage resulting from friction. A distinctive feature of the additive is a significant increase in engine life.

The substance performs the following functions:

  • Protects the environment from harmful substances. Penetration of lubricants into the combustion chamber is minimized. This prevents the appearance of smoke and an increase in the amount of harmful substances in the exhaust gases;
  • Saves car owner money. Savings are achieved due to reduced consumption of fuels and lubricants;
  • Reduces oil temperature during operation of the internal combustion engine. This allows the power plant to be used at high ambient temperatures;
  • Improves the technical performance of the motor. Good contact between compression rings and sleeves minimizes the ingress of the working mixture into the crankcase of the power plant. This increases compression and improves the dynamic properties of the motor.


Hado engine oil additives are distinguished by the fact that they act directly on the damaged parts of the components. This principle of operation allows you to increase the life of the motor.

REFERENCE: Additives, regardless of their composition, cannot completely restore damaged parts. The use of additives increases the service life of components. In case of severe wear, damaged parts of the engine must be replaced.

Additives in engine oil resource are low cost. The manufacturer claims that the substance protects the mechanisms of the internal combustion engine from wear. The protective layer is the smallest particles of silver and copper.

When using the additive, the consumption of fuels and lubricants is reduced, and the technical performance of the power plant is improved. Increases engine life and reduces the noise level during operation.

Additive application

The method of application of various additives depends on the manufacturer. Please read the instructions before use. The following is a method of application suitable for most supplements:

  • Warm up the power plant to operating temperature. This is necessary to lower the degree of viscosity of the lubricant. Hot oil will flow out of the oil pan in a shorter amount of time;
  • Drain the used oil. To do this, prepare a container with a wide mouth. When performing work, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment. Hot liquid can cause burns;
  • Flush the system. For this, specialized tools are used;
  • Replace filter element. The installation of a new filter element is mandatory when changing the oil. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to deterioration in the quality of the new fluid;
  • Fill in new grease. The viscosity of the lubricant is selected based on the manufacturer's recommendations;
  • Pour in the additive;
  • Start the unit and let it idle for 20-25 minutes;

To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to fill in the additive with each lubricant change. In some cases, it is necessary to top up the additive after reaching a certain mileage.

From the above, it follows that additives added to the motor lubricant are necessary to improve technical characteristics. Tools have both advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the manufacturer, the properties of the substances differ.

There are many recommendations in order to maximize the service life. One of the more interesting tips is adding an additive to your engine oil. What is it? This is usually referred to as a specially designed chemical mixture that improves the properties of lubricants and thereby allows
not just improve performance, but even restore normal operation in case of some technical problems.

The use of additives must be carried out wisely and carefully thought out in advance. After all, each of them has various useful properties that will find their application only in cases where it is necessary.

In our country, the attitude towards these compounds remains mostly negative. Motorists believe that the engine always functions worse after additives, and do not trust these additives.


However, in most cases, engine additives are useful components for the car that just need to be properly selected and used. How to do this and what is the best additive in the engine, we learn from our article.

The main purposes of using additives for the engine

So, for starters, let's decide on the purpose of using additives for the engine. In fact, it is advisable to use it for cars that have traveled more than a hundred thousand kilometers.

In most cases, it is not advisable to fill them into the engine of a newly purchased, new model that has recently rolled off the assembly line. With a few exceptions, which we will mention.

In general, the use of additives will not provide any positive difference compared to the regular replacement of lubricants.

But additives in engine oil, the resource of which has already been used by at least 50%, can be very useful. What exactly? Let's list in general terms.

  1. The power of the old engine can be seriously increased with their help.
  2. Fuel costs will drop significantly.
  3. The amount of toxic substances emitted from the exhaust system into the environment will decrease.
  4. The operation of the old car will be much safer.
  5. The resource of durability can significantly increase.
  6. In some cases, with the help of an oil additive, it is even possible to restore the correct operation of the power unit.
  7. Cleaning hydraulic lifters on new cars.

Oil additive to restore and preserve the resource

Despite the large number of useful properties, the main benefit is that the additive retains a useful resource for the engine, protecting it from premature destruction.

So, additives to oil in the first type of engine form a protective film immediately after addition, reduce friction and maintain the integrity of the parts.

The use of remetallizers is a somewhat more complicated procedure. Waste lubricating fluid is drained, flushed, filters replaced. After that, the remetallizant is poured in, the motor idles for no more than half an hour, after which the lubricating fluid is poured.

This additive forms a more serious protective layer that eliminates small cracks and damage to the engine, thus increasing its service life. The resource of the additive can be up to 10,000 km, after which it is recommended to repeat the procedure.

Rice. 1. The simplest scheme of operation of remetallizers.


Engine oil additive for worn engines may differ depending on the active substance. There are only 3 main types.

    Metal cladding - used in most remetallizers. It is this substance that fills the damaged areas and levels the inner surface. Restoration of a car engine is usually carried out using components of this particular type.

    Mineral - perform a grinding function. Effective for creating a protective cermet layer.

    Polyester - remove solid mud deposits in the internal combustion engine.

The best emergency help

When the engine is on the verge of a serious breakdown, it is recommended to use the best engine additive with a high content of phosphorus and zinc. It significantly reduces friction and fills microcracks.

This is an excellent way out of a situation where major repairs are postponed due to objective reasons, and there is an urgent need to operate the machine.

But do not think that such a measure will completely replace the repair work. This will only allow you to drive about another thousand kilometers without fear of the destruction of the power unit, but no more.

Rice. 2. Line from the company Liquid Moli.

Durability for high mileage powertrains

What additives are added if there is a desire to take care of additional protection and extend the life of the engine? Most often, those that include the zinc we mentioned, as well as copper.

The layer created by these substances reduces wear by an average of 25-35%.

New car

Earlier we noted that even the best additives for a new car engine are often useless, and in some cases even harmful. This is due to the fact that metals such as zinc and copper, which are ideal for rebuilding old systems and filling defects, are not suitable for pouring into a new unit.

Instead of being useful, they will most likely clog the channels and, on the contrary, will accelerate the occurrence of a breakdown. What additive can be poured, if you really want to? It is worth paying attention to the compositions using chlorinated paraffin. This will keep most of the useful properties of engine oil throughout the entire period of use.

Filled and cleaned. Cleaning hydraulic lifters

The best oil additive for an engine with seriously clogged hydraulic lifters does not contain any metals, but only detergents that act as solvents and allow for effective cleaning.

It is not recommended to add them to a lubricating fluid that has worked for some time - the efficiency will be low. It is best to fill with a complete replacement.

Reducing compression or how to make sure that the car does not eat oil

Some oil consumption reducing additives can be used to increase pressure. For this, only remetallizers are best suited, but they, of course, are not able to solve the problem completely, only to provide a slight delay until a normal overhaul.

Directional action

To eliminate defects and cracks so that the engine does not knock, an additive containing molybdenum disulfide is also perfect. It effectively reduces friction and fills existing cracks.

For diesel and petrol units

In general, it doesn't matter if you need an oil additive for a diesel engine or an additive for a gasoline engine. Almost all of them are completely universal and suitable for use in both diesel and gasoline systems.

The only difference may be in the dosage and usually there is an indication of this on the instructions for use.

Rice. 3 Suprotec.

The best supplement: suprotek, hado, liquid moth.

Supplements on the market are amazing in their diversity. There are foreign, and there are Russian additives. How to choose the best additive for the engine to an inexperienced motorist?

To begin with, it should be remembered that supplements differ in purpose. Therefore, if the driver buys compounds that contain components for effective flushing of deposits to restore the power unit, then of course there will be no effect. But this does not mean that the composition is ineffective. Such a comparison of additives will look incorrect.


So, among the variety of supplements, we will try to choose the best ones. If you believe the reviews and numerous reviews, then according to the absolute majority of matches, the winners are the products:

    domestic production - suprotek, resources;

    German production - liquid moth;

    Ukrainian production - hado.

Suprotec is a tribological composition. This name hides not a new additive that gives the oil new properties. It is an additive that works independently, without being dissolved in oil, performs its functions: reduces fuel consumption, reduces friction and extends the life of the piston system. The basis is made up of special mineral powders.

Rice. 4. Resources.

The domestic additive resurs uses a special alloy of copper, tin and silver. In fact, it is also a remetallizer that eliminates damage and creates a protective layer.

The additive will be useful for owners of older cars that have a strong engine knock.

The liquid moth contains phosphorus, zinc, copper, molybdenum disulfide. All these components can provide the old unit with reliable protection for a long time.

The popular brand of hado contains revitalizants in its composition - they build up a ceramic-metal layer in those places where damage or cracks occur.


How much will you have to pay for the highest quality supplements listed in our article? The most expensive is liquid moth. For a bottle you will have to pay 1200 - 1600 rubles.


Prices for Suprotec products are in a similar range, on average 1,300 rubles per jar. Representatives of XADO and Resurs are a little cheaper - on average, they ask for a little more than 1,000 rubles per bottle.

Automotive additives are relatively new products for the Russian market. The attitude of car owners towards it is ambiguous: from enthusiastic to sharply negative. This is partly due to the fact that on sale, along with really high-quality goods, there are completely useless and even those that can frankly harm the car. Our review of the TOP 10 best car oil additives will help you make the right purchase. When selecting products for the rating, first of all, customer reviews were taken into account. All additives included in the rating have passed special tests and are distinguished by good performance.

What are additives and why are they used?

Currently, increased requirements have begun to be imposed on engine oil used for cars. The consequence of this was a revision of the qualitative composition of oil components. This explains the growth in the production of special additives called additives. These are components that are added to the lubricant in small quantities to improve its performance. Automotive additives must meet a number of requirements:

  • indelibility with water;
  • good solubility;
  • inability to settle on oil filters;
  • prevention of corrosion processes for metal components;
  • affordable price. This is important so that the application of the composition is economically feasible.

A common reason for using additives is increased oil consumption. By changing the characteristics of the lubricant, the additive contributes to the fact that the car “eats” it less intensively.

Advantages and disadvantages of using additives

The use of additive compositions has its strengths and weaknesses. First, about the benefits:

  • protection of components against wear. If the oil pan is damaged and there is a lubricant leak, the crank mechanism is protected from damage;
  • cleaning the power unit from the inside. The substances that make up the additive make it possible to keep the motor in perfect order;
  • reduction in the consumption of fuel and lubricants;
  • engine noise reduction;
  • increase the efficiency of the "cold" start of the motor;
  • extending the life of the machine;
  • reducing the time required for grinding nodes.

There are also some disadvantages:

  • the need for constant application to maintain the effect. Naturally, this is associated with additional costs;
  • for remetallizers - sedimentation of particles in oil channels and inactive motor components;
  • the need for strict control of the dosage in accordance with the instructions.

The undoubted minus is also that many manufacturers do not voice the composition of the products. Therefore, it is possible to guess whether the additive is suitable for a given car only experimentally.

Types of additives

A large number of additives that are added to engine oil to improve vehicle performance can be divided into the following types:

  • anti-corrosion - prevent the development of corrosion in elements made of non-ferrous metals. Such additives form a protective film on the surface that protects metal parts from exposure to an aggressive environment;
  • antioxidant. As the name implies, their purpose is to slow down the oxidative process. These compounds do not allow automotive oil to oxidize;
  • polymeric. Their task is to improve the indicator of the viscosity-temperature balance of the lubricant, which makes it possible to save at least a little fuel;
  • antifriction - reduce the coefficient of friction between surfaces;
  • washing. Their feature is the presence in the composition of surfactants that dissolve pollution. The latter pass into oil;
  • anti-wear - slow down the aging of the elements of the power unit during operation. Additives with a restoring effect are popular, allowing you to eliminate minor damage. They, in turn, are divided into remetallizers (compositions based on metal cladding) and mineral additives with the effect of microgrinding of metal surfaces;
  • sealing liquids help eliminate minor defects in rubber and plastic parts, repair minor damage. They also have an antioxidant effect.

Engine Oil Additive Selection Criteria

The choice of additives in oil requires an extremely responsible approach. Using the reviews of specialists and car owners, as well as information about the properties declared by the manufacturer, you can choose the best product for you. If you want to buy it, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • purpose (type of car, engine condition);
  • type of fuel used;
  • chemical composition;
  • spending;
  • official warranty from the manufacturer;
  • price category.

The best additives in engine oil


A unique anti-friction conditioner that uses automotive lubricant as a carrier of the composition to friction units. When pouring, the dosage should be strictly observed. ER-8 is applied to moving parts or added directly to the oil. Judging by the reviews, users are pleased that the engine runs much quieter, and the time interval between oil changes increases.


  • torque increase;
  • oil saving;
  • improving the performance of the power unit;
  • acceptable price.

No deficiencies have been identified.

An additive in engine oil that improves the performance of internal combustion engines. The basis of Suprotec Active Diesel products is cermet particles, which, embedding into the surface of the components of the power unit, form a cermet-cermet pair, which is much more resistant to wear than metal-metal.

The principle of operation depends on the processing stage of the power unit. First, the composition washes away corrosion residues from the surface of engine parts. Further, under the influence of high temperature, metal-ceramic particles are embedded in metal surfaces, forming a protective layer that practically does not wear out. This allows you to restore the performance of the motor to almost its original parameters. "Indications" for the use of the composition are:

  • increased consumption of lubricants, or, alternatively, their combustion above the norm;
  • extraneous sounds from the engine compartment;
  • vibration of the motor, which is a source of discomfort for both the passenger and the driver;
  • the appearance of scoring in the internal combustion engine;
  • oil pressure light is on.

Main advantages:

  • reduction of grease burnout, pronounced anti-smoke effect;
  • increase in oil pressure and compression in the cylinders;
  • reduction by approximately 10% of the consumption of diesel fuel;
  • minimization of extraneous noise and vibration in the engine compartment;
  • protection of the power unit from premature wear, in particular, during a "cold" start.

There are no negative reviews. Many buyers note that the effect of the use of additives does not occur immediately.

Nano-additive-remetallizer, the use of which allows to achieve the following results:

  • reduction of fuel and lubricant consumption;
  • vibration reduction;
  • reduction of noise and vibration.

The main active ingredient of the additive is a nano-powder of an alloy of silver, tin and copper. As a result, a protective layer is formed on the surface of metal parts. It improves the operation of the cylinder group, crankshaft bearings, and evens out microdefects of surfaces, making them almost invisible. The experiment showed that from the first moments of application of the additive, wear is reduced by a factor of four. The restored surface has a porous structure, so it perfectly absorbs lubricant, thereby creating reliable protection against premature wear. The additive is packaged in 50 ml vials.

Usage algorithm:

  • warm up the engine to operating temperature, then shut it off;
  • shake the vial vigorously for about 0.5 minutes;
  • pour the contents into the oil filler neck;
  • start the internal combustion engine so that it runs at idle for 10-15 minutes.


  • fuel economy up to 10%;
  • effective elimination of engine smoke;
  • reduction of oil waste by five times;
  • compression equalization;
  • ease of use;
  • performance.

Anti-friction additive with molybdenum disulfide, used for engines of cars and motorcycles. Can be used for diesel and petrol engines. Recommended for oil change. Application Features:

  • for cars - 50 ml of the composition per 1 liter of oil;
  • for motorcycles - 20 ml / 1 l of lubricant.

Molybdenum disulphide suspension reduces friction between cylinder walls and piston rings. The particle size is very small. They do not form deposits and do not affect the filtration system. Possible packing options: 5.0 l, 0.125 l and 0.3 l.


  • versatility. The tool is mixed with all types of motor lubricants;
  • preservation of operational properties under prolonged and significant loads, dynamic or thermal;
  • no effect on the engine filtration system. The agent does not clog the filter and does not form deposits;
  • minimization of engine wear even at high loads and during long runs;
  • increase in the working resource of the engine;
  • trouble-free removal from the automotive lubrication system;
  • reduction in oil and fuel consumption;
  • prevention of wear of the internal combustion engine during operation in extreme conditions.

An additive that increases the life of a car engine. The product is supplied in 75 ml bottles and is designed for single use. Area of ​​use:

  • all-wheel drive vehicles with an engine of 2.3-5.0 liters and a mileage not exceeding 100 thousand km. Recommended frequency of use: at least once a year;
  • serviceable manual transmission and gearboxes of axles of all-wheel drive vehicles.


  • quick effect;
  • improving engine reliability;
  • reduction of fuel consumption within 7-12%;
  • ease of use;
  • normalization of oil consumption;
  • motor protection against overheating;
  • extension of the working life of the power unit;
  • improvement of traction performance;
  • reliability of operation, including, with a sharp change in temperature.

There are no negative reviews.

This option is for a worn motor. "Oil burner" for no apparent reason is a problem familiar to all owners of used cars. The additive increases the lubricant pressure and helps to reduce its consumption. The product prevents lubricant from entering the combustion chamber. And, therefore, you can not be afraid of such problems as engine smoke and soot formation. In addition, the composition forms a protective layer on the surface of components rubbing against each other. This contributes to the trouble-free "cold" start of the motor and its trouble-free operation in difficult conditions. The content of 1 bottle is sufficient for a 5 liter oil system. The additive is added when changing the oil (the engine must be warmed up to operating temperature).

  • mixing with all types of mineral oils;
  • reduction of motor wear;
  • elimination of smoke from the power unit.

Additive SMT2 from the American company Hi-Gear belongs to the category of metal conditioners. Thanks to its special composition, the mixture forms a protective film with an extremely low coefficient of friction on the metal surface. Lubrication is retained in the pores of the film, which also slows down the wear of rubbing surfaces. The additive is poured into new oil (as an option, it is added to fuel or grease). Application order:

  • for engine oil at the first filling - 60 ml / 1 l of lubricant. In the future, the amount of additive is halved. This is due to the fact that the protective layer formed during the first application remains for a long time;
  • for manual transmission and other transmission components - 50 ml / 1 liter of oil. A similar amount of funds will be required to add to the power steering;
  • for 2-stroke engines and low-power garden motor vehicles - 30 ml / 1 liter of lubricant.

When lubricating bearing assemblies, 100 g of lubricating composition accounts for 3 g of additive.

According to the reviews of car owners, after the first application, positive changes are observed in the operation of the power unit:

  • improvement of dynamics;
  • reduction in oil consumption;
  • soft operation of the engine, reducing its noise;
  • a significant increase in compression in the cylinders;
  • acceleration of engine start at low temperatures.

There are also complaints about the work of SMT2. Some buyers call the additive completely useless. This is quite logical for owners of cars with a fairly shabby engine: with mechanical damage and huge oil consumption. Hoping to restore the power unit to factory settings, of course, is not worth it.

Universal additive for trucks and cars equipped with gasoline or diesel engines. It is also used for motorcycles, with the exception of motorcycles with a clutch that works in an oil bath. Application area:

  • removal of combustion products from the grooves of piston rings and hydraulic compensators;
  • oil or engine contamination.

Principle of action: means crushes pollution to microparticles and transfers to a suspension. After that, the dirt can be removed without problems along with the used oil. In addition, the additive lubricates the treated surfaces, reducing the coefficient of friction. The composition is added to preheated oil before replacement. It can be used with any kind of oils: from mineral to synthetics. After adding to the used oil, run the engine in idle mode for 10 minutes. The oil and filter can then be changed.

  • extending the life of newly filled lubricant;
  • cleaning a contaminated motor;
  • increase in compression in the cylinder system.

The peculiarity of this additive is the return of elasticity to gaskets made of plastic or rubber. In addition, the use of this tool makes the exhaust smoke not so caustic, helps to reduce the noise from the running engine.


  • elimination of oil leaks in gaskets and seals;
  • increase in the resource of the oil-conducting system;
  • reduction of motor noise;
  • low price.

The only negative is that the efficiency is not in all oil-conducting nodes.

Full Metal anti-wear additive is one of the flagship products of the American company Bardahl. The main effects that it allows you to achieve:

  • restoration of damaged rubbing surfaces (if we are not talking about deep cracks and scuffs);
  • protection of the internal combustion engine during operation in extreme conditions;
  • restoration of compression in the cylinders;
  • reduction of motor noise;
  • pressure increase in the lubrication system;
  • simplification of starting the engine in the cold;
  • fuel economy;
  • for a worn power unit - an increase in resource.

At the same time, the additive does not have a negative effect on particulate filters. Add a reducing agent after changing the lubricant. To achieve complete mixing, the engine is started at idle for 5-10 minutes. The 400 ml bottle holds 6 liters of lubricant.

Thus, in order for the effect of the use of additives to be noticeable, you need to carefully approach the choice. Type, condition of the internal combustion engine, type of fuel - all this must be taken into account. For a new and worn motor, you will need different products. If the additive with the revitalizant is chosen correctly, you can count on extending the life of the engine and the car as a whole.