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Watermelon lemonade. Why watermelon is so good for women Viagra substitutes of natural origin

Colorful and refreshing homemade watermelon lemonade will fill the body with vitamins, as well as energize and instantly quench your thirst. The drink is prepared instantly: you just need to mix all the ingredients one by one and pour into glasses.

In our example, the lemonade will be carbonated, but if you wish, you can do without gas by diluting the fresh watermelon with plain drinking water. Honey or sweet powder is also added at the cook’s discretion, but lemon juice is a must for homemade lemonade!

Ingredients for 3-4 servings:

  • watermelon pulp - 200-300 g;
  • lemon - ½ piece;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon (or to taste);
  • sparkling water (without salt, dyes and other additives) - 500 ml;
  • mint - 1-2 sprigs (for serving the drink).
  1. After cutting off the rinds and, if possible, removing all the seeds, cut the watermelon pulp into arbitrary pieces and place in a deep bowl.
  2. Puree using an immersion blender or simply knead in any convenient way. The watermelon pulp will release juice very quickly.
  3. Grind the resulting fresh watermelon through a fine sieve, getting rid of the remaining pulp.
  4. Dilute the drink with freshly squeezed lemon juice. We adjust the dosage of citrus based on personal taste.
  5. Next, add liquid natural honey and mix vigorously. If desired, instead of honey, you can add powdered sugar, sweet syrup to watermelon lemonade, or do without any sweetener at all. It is better not to use sugar in its pure form, since its grains do not dissolve well in a cold drink.
  6. Pour our preparation into transparent glasses, throw in ice cubes if desired, and then dilute the drink with pre-chilled sparkling water. The concentration can be varied - the more watermelon juice in the glass, the richer the taste of lemonade will be.
  7. We supplement the finished drink with mint leaves and lemon slices. Serve homemade watermelon lemonade immediately!

Enjoy every sip of this tonic drink! Enjoy your holiday!

National Watermelon Day is celebrated in America on August 3rd. We think this is a great holiday and a great excuse to cook something delicious!

Watermelon and raichon smoothie

This is an interesting cocktail that is perfect to quench your thirst on a hot summer day. It only has three ingredients and it couldn't be easier to make.

For two servings of smoothie you will need:

  • two cups chopped and frozen watermelon
  • cup of water
  • honey to taste
  • rayhon leaves

Watermelon needs to be frozen, but not too much - very hard pieces can bend the blender blades. The original recipe says the raichon “takes watermelon smoothies to the next level,” and you can adjust the amount to taste.

Place the watermelon in a blender, add water and blend until smooth. Add honey and raichon and beat for some more time until the consistency becomes smooth - this will take about 20 minutes.

Watermelon, mint and banana smoothie

Watermelon is refreshing, mint is cooling, and frozen banana tastes like ice cream. This smoothie is not only refreshing, but also rich in vitamins.

For two servings you will need:

  • 2 cups chopped watermelon
  • 8 medium sized strawberries
  • 1 banana, sliced ​​and frozen
  • mint leaves

If you don’t have strawberries, it doesn’t matter, you can do without them. You may need to add water in this case. Or you can experiment and add, for example, cherries to your smoothie! If you want your drink to become a real vitamin bomb, add spinach leaves - however, in this case you won’t get a beautiful pink color.

The preparation process is incredibly simple - put all the ingredients in a blender, mix until smooth, pour into a beautiful glass and enjoy!

Smoothie made from watermelon, apples and pears

This smoothie contains a large amount of vitamin A and vitamin C. It is sweet and tender, and the amount of ingredients, as always, can be changed to your taste.

You will need:

  • 2 cups chopped watermelon
  • 1 apple
  • 1 pear
  • 2 cups baby spinach leaves
  • 1/2 cup water

You can omit the spinach leaves or replace them with a few mint leaves - spinach is very healthy, but the finished smoothie will not be very beautiful to look at. This smoothie, like the previous one, is prepared in a matter of minutes - place all the ingredients in a blender, mix, pour into a glass and drink. You don't have to add water if you're happy with the consistency of the drink.

Watermelon and oatmeal smoothie

Sounds interesting, doesn't it? This smoothie is perfect for breakfast, especially for those who don’t like to eat a lot in the morning.

You will need four ingredients:

  • sliced ​​watermelon
  • cereals
  • natural yogurt
  • frozen strawberries

If you wish, you can add lemon juice or lemon zest.

Place all ingredients in a blender, mix until smooth, and drink.

Watermelon lemonade

And this is a lighter and more pleasant drink, which, however, is as easy to prepare as a smoothie.

For 6-8 servings you will need:

  • 7 cups chopped watermelon
  • 1 cup lemon juice
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 4 cups carbonated drink

You can take lemon soda, Sprite or any other drink you like. If you don’t like such drinks, you can take plain sparkling water and add mint or any mint to it, which we have already written about.

Puree the watermelon in a blender, add lemon juice and sugar, blend until smooth. Dilute with carbonated beverage to desired consistency. Place a few ice cubes in a glass, pour in lemonade, garnish with a slice of lemon and enjoy the refreshing taste!

Martha Stewart Watermelon Mint Lemonade

This lemonade is perfect for hot days. It's sour, cold and very minty - worth a try!

You will need:

  • 2 lemons, cut into quarters
  • 1 cup fresh mint leaves
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • half a medium sized watermelon, cut into pieces

Squeeze the juice from the lemons into a large decanter; do not throw out the squeezed quarters - put them there too. Add mint and sugar to the carafe and rub them well with a wooden spoon.

Puree the watermelon in a blender and strain through a fine sieve or piece of muslin (cheesecloth works too). We only need watermelon juice, which we will add to the carafe with lemons and mint. Stir, add ice cubes to the carafe, garnish with lemon slices and mint sprigs and serve.

Natural Viagra, there is no other name for this miracle drink! The secret of this proposed remedy is in the high amount of aphrodisiacs that help increase sexual desire in men and women. The drink suits everyone!

For sexual dysfunction, men often resort to pharmaceutical drugs. Chemicals solve the problem, but only for a short moment, until the effect of the pill wears off... It is much more effective to go the other way.
It is worth paying more attention to your general health, monitoring your diet, sleep and rest patterns, and engaging in active physical activity. As soon as you tone your body completely, sexual issues will be resolved by themselves! Do not neglect folk remedies to increase potency, and here is a recipe whose effectiveness is surprising...


1 watermelon
1 lemon
Cut a whole watermelon into small pieces and squeeze the juice out of it, you can use a juicer. You will get approximately 1 liter of fresh, aromatic watermelon juice. Also squeeze the juice from 1 lemon.
Pour watermelon juice into a saucepan, heat and boil for 3 minutes. Then add lemon juice. Reduce heat and simmer the drink for about 15 minutes. As a result, the contents of the pan should decrease.
Cool the watermelon-lemon mixture, pour into a glass bottle and store in the refrigerator. Take the product on an empty stomach, the dose depends on your weight: approximately 2-5 tbsp. l. 1 per day.
Citrulline is an amino acid found in watermelon pulp. This substance helps increase physical activity, endurance, and helps improve blood flow.
Watermelon is also rich in lycopene, a strong antioxidant that increases energy levels and the body's ability to perform all its functions at the highest level.

Summer is the time for watermelons. Red, pink and even yellow fruits can be easily purchased in supermarkets and markets. This delicious berry has a wide range of beneficial properties and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the human body in general and women in particular. So what are the benefits of watermelon for women? Let's figure it out.

Chemical composition of the berry

The main component in the composition is watermelon water. It is 90% in watermelon. But, despite this, the berry contains a large amount of other vitamins and microelements:

  • vitamins of group B, A, C, PP;
  • calcium and iron;
  • magnesium and sodium;
  • phosphorus and lycopene;
  • mineral salts;
  • dietary fiber;
  • easily digestible sugars;
  • carotene and thiamine;
  • riboflavin and nicotinic acid.

The seeds of the fruit contain a large amount of polysaturated acids.

It is in the composition that the benefits of watermelon for the body lie.

It’s good to know that the maximum portion of watermelon per day should not exceed 3 kg.

As an integral element of the diet

Those who are overweight know that watermelon, like melon, is an excellent diuretic that removes toxins from the body. Its low-calorie properties allow you to satisfy your hunger without adding extra pounds. The berry is an excellent product for fasting days, saturating a woman’s body with useful elements and effectively removing water from it.

As a daily product, the fruit tastes very pleasant: sweet, juicy. From the very first days of the diet, a woman will receive a boost of energy due to the fact that the body will begin to actively cleanse itself of numerous wastes and toxins. Therefore, losing weight using watermelon in your diet is a pleasure.

Anti-cancer drug

The antioxidant properties of watermelon, proven by American scientists, are effective in the fight against numerous diseases, including cancer. Lycopene, a substance involved in protecting DNA cells from various defects, contained in the berry, is part of preventive agents to combat cancer.

As a skin treatment

The juicy pulp of the berry saturates the epidermis with the necessary moisture. Well-hydrated skin is an important factor in the fight against the appearance of wrinkles. For those with oily skin, watermelon will help effectively combat breakouts.

The pulp of the berry is also widely used in cosmetology and home care. Masks and lotions using watermelon refresh the skin and even out its color.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The fetus contains many vitamins, including folic acid, which is necessary for the development of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother. Eating berries will also help cope with anemia, a disease that sometimes occurs when carrying a baby.

Beginning in the middle of pregnancy, some women suffer from constipation. Nutritionists recommend eating the fruit in small quantities to prevent this phenomenon.

Also, the red, watery pulp effectively fights heartburn and promotes the removal of fluid during increased swelling. The main thing is to check the fetus for nitrates, which can greatly harm the baby.

During breastfeeding, watermelon will help improve lactation due to its water content and will lift your spirits.

For a woman’s body that does not tolerate the menstrual period well and suffers from PMS, eating the fetus will help restore vitality and reduce the intensity of pain in the lower abdomen. Watermelon also stabilizes large blood loss.

The benefits of watermelon for men

There are legends about the effect of the berry on erection, so what is watermelon good for men?

It turns out that watermelon contains citrulline, which, together with the aforementioned lycopene, is good for potency. By dilating blood vessels, these two components are similar in their properties to Viagra, only of natural origin. It is clear that the effect of the berry is not the same as that of a tablet, but the absence of side effects is an important advantage.

Men often suffer from nervous tension and stress, and from the resulting problem - impotence. For them, flaunting their emotions is considered a sign of bad taste, and therefore they keep everything to themselves. This fact gives rise to prolonged depression and chronic fatigue. Watermelon can be a kind of help in this problem. Citrulline actively affects the synthesis of arginine, which is responsible for relaxation, helping to calm the nerves. That is why the berry is considered a natural antidepressant.

With an unhealthy lifestyle, the liver in the male body is an organ that especially requires attention. The berry will effectively cleanse the liver and kidneys of toxins, stimulating the process of cell regeneration. When consuming watermelon, you can improve the functioning of the gallbladder, ridding it of sand, and also remove stagnation of bile from the body.

With prostate adenoma, eating berries can relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Watermelon seeds will improve acidity in organs such as the urethra and bladder. It is better to consume them fresh, squeezing the milk. It is an excellent remedy for the treatment of prostate diseases.

Natural aphrodisiac “lemon plus watermelon”

Natural Viagra can be easily prepared at home by purchasing the simplest products in the supermarket. To do this you need:

  1. 1 small watermelon. When making a cocktail, its white part is also used. She is also useful.
  2. Juice of one freshly squeezed lemon.

To prepare the drink, you need to pass finely chopped pieces of fruit pulp through a juicer. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan and heat over the fire until it boils. Add lemon juice to the liquid and boil until exactly half of the mixture has evaporated. After such a long evaporation, let the cocktail cool for an hour. Bottle it and store it in the refrigerator until ready to use.

This drink should be taken on an empty stomach, 3 tablespoons once a day. The dose can be increased based on the characteristics of the man’s body. The impact of the mixture is absolutely safe due to the naturalness of its components. A lemon plus watermelon cocktail will strengthen your erection and give you a boost of energy.

Negative effects on a woman’s body

Having many beneficial qualities, in some cases watermelon can harm women’s health:

  1. For problems with urine flow.
  2. Ladies suffering from intestinal disorders, diarrhea, colitis. Eating watermelon in excessive quantities can cause discomfort and bloating.
  3. If a woman has large stones in her kidneys. The process of activating bile exchange can move the elements, thus provoking the appearance of colic and pain.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that the berry may contain health benefits and harms, so it is better to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications and not consume it in large quantities.

Peel a cold watermelon or scoop out the pulp with a spoon.

Remove all the seeds and cut the watermelon as desired. By the way, if you use yellow watermelon, the lemonade will turn out to be a sunny yellow color.

Place the watermelon pieces into a blender bowl. We will roughly need 2 cups of chopped, peeled watermelon. Pour in a cup of water. It could just be drinking water or soda. When blending in a blender, even with ordinary water, a foam of small bubbles will appear. If the watermelon is not very sweet, add a little sugar to taste, about 2 tsp. Pour in lemon or lime juice (squeeze half a lemon or lime). It's even easier to use concentrated lemon juice in bottles; you can add it to taste (about a teaspoon).

Beat until the mixture is homogeneous.

Strain the mixture through a large sieve. It is better to strain into a vessel from which it will be convenient to pour the lemonade into glasses. Taste the lemonade for sweetness and acidity, adding more sugar or lemon juice if necessary.

Pour watermelon lemonade into glasses, garnish with lemon or lime slices and a mint leaf.