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Tarot fortune telling for the future. Test: what to expect tomorrow (choose a card from a hypnotherapist)

There are periods in life when you simply need to know what will happen tomorrow. To do this, you can use fortune telling for tomorrow. There are many options for finding out the events of the next day, the most effective of which will be discussed below.

Fortune telling on a book and by the clock for tomorrow

For the first option, absolutely any book or even magazine will do. Take the book in your hands and ask what awaits you tomorrow, then close your eyes and think of 2 numbers from 5 to 15. The first number is the page number, and 2 is the line number. As a result, the line you read should give you the desired answer.

For the second option, you need a watch with a second hand. This should be done before going to bed. Ask a question about tomorrow, count to 27 and look at the second hand. Write down the number of seconds you saw on a piece of paper and go to bed. As soon as you wake up, say out loud: “Now I want to know the answer to my question,” count to 27 again and look at the second hand. Now compare the two results, if the difference is more than 10 seconds, everything will be fine, if from 10 to 20, then obstacles and trials await you, and if from 20 to 30, then tomorrow can be both good and bad, it all depends on you. Well, if the result is more than 30 seconds, then tomorrow will be a bad day for you. Just remember that even a bad prediction can be changed, as it is up to you.

Tarot reading for tomorrow

Recently, the most popular option for fortune telling. With the help of these cards you can predict the future for any period, but we are interested in the option for tomorrow. Fortune telling on Tarot cards for tomorrow is carried out as follows: concentrate on tomorrow, only these thoughts should be in your head. Afterwards, carefully shuffle the deck and draw one card with your left hand. Its meaning will tell you about tomorrow.

Guessing what awaits me tomorrow?

For this option, you need to separately add the numbers of your date of birth and the date of tomorrow. For example, the date of birth is 11/08/1989, and you want to know what will happen on 01/12/2014.

Add up the numbers of your birthday:


Now you need to add up the resulting numbers:

3+7=10, and again 1+0=1

Now he counts the date of tomorrow:

Adding up the numbers:

The last thing to do is to add the resulting two numbers, that is, 1+2=3.

Now it’s time to find out what you were interested in, namely the future for tomorrow:

1 – This day is intended for active actions. If you are planning to start a new business, then this is a great chance to make it happen.

2 – Stop, it’s time to think about everything carefully, as one wrong step can lead to serious problems. In addition, this day is so unpredictable that everything can start well and end badly and vice versa.

3 – On this day, anything you do will be a stunning success. It's time to travel.

4 – It’s time to take stock of all the things we’ve started. It’s better not to start something global on this day.

5 – On this day, fortune is on your side. It is tomorrow that the risk will be justified for you, so do not be afraid.

6 – On this day you need to stop and refuse any risks. All actions must be thoughtful.

7 – Finish what you started, take the advice of close friends and relatives, it will be to your advantage.

8 – Gather all your strength into a fist, because on this day all issues will be resolved quickly and easily, do not miss the moment.

9 – On this day you can start a new business, which will certainly end. During this period, you will be able to reach new heights in any direction.

This is a rather complicated layout, we advise people with some experience to do it. Otherwise, difficulties may arise in its interpretation. Fortune telling is used to cast a horoscope for a specific period of time. In this case, the following questions are asked: “What awaits me over the next 30 days,” “What awaits me this year,” etc. The horoscope can also be decomposed for a specific event. From the tarot reading you will learn the development, the evolution of your question. Sample questions: “Will we get married,” “Will anyone love me...”, “How will my career develop,” etc. For the layout, you need to draw 12 minor arcana and 7 major arcana.

A horoscope can be laid out either for an event or for a certain period of time. Therefore, the first 4 major arcana of the tarot describe 4 large periods (either the evolution of an event or a time period): beginning, apogee, slope, sunset. In case of a question about an event, slope may mean let. The last 3 terrible arcana of the tarot describe 3 periods that stand out sharply from one another: past, present, future.

The 12 minor arcana symbolically represent 12 months. The further away the lasso is, the more distant the period of time it describes.

Use this layout no more than once a week, or even less often.

Selecting a form. After you have selected all the cards, you will need to select a blank - a card representing you in the layout. If it is impossible to combine both age and appearance from the table, select a form only based on your gender and appearance. If the card you have chosen for the blank is already in the spread, you will need to replace the card from the spread with the major arcana of the tarot. Almost all of this will be done automatically and will not be difficult. The form is placed in the center of the layout.

A shortened way of fortune telling for the future

This is a shortened version of the horoscope for the future; it is simpler in layout and interpretation. Can be used daily, for example as a daily forecast.

Sample questions: “How will such and such a matter end?”, “How will such and such an issue develop?”, “Will we be together?” and other questions that can be asked during the usual method of fortune telling. You will need to draw 4 minor arcana and 3 major arcana. The third minor lasso represents an obstacle. If the card in this position is good, there will be no obstacles on your way.

Depending on the topic of the question, only one suit of the minor arcana is used in the layout. If the question concerns work, enterprise, career or any other matter, you should choose wands. If you arrange for love, take the cups. If the question concerns any struggle, confrontation, process, take swords. If the question is about money, make the layout with pentacles.

Every person at least once in his life dreamed of knowing what will happen tomorrow. There are several effective fortune telling that will help you look into the future and understand what the coming day promises.

Fast and accurate fortune telling- exactly what you need if you don’t want to spend a lot of time. Effective fortune telling does not have to be difficult or require any additional skills from you. The world of esotericism and bioenergy offers many simple ways to predict the future. In this article we will look at those that help you find out about upcoming events.

Fortune telling by book

You will need a book and two random numbers. See how many pages the book contains and ask your loved one to guess a number from 1 to the last page number. Then count how many lines there are on each page and ask a friend or relative to guess the second number, ranging from 1 to the final number. There are a couple of notes:

  • the book must be strictly fiction - a novel, a fairy tale, a short story, and so on;
  • It is advisable to guess from the same book only once. After some time, this resolves again - after a month or a couple of weeks, but the longer the better.

You will have two numbers. Open the book to the page you wished for and find the line that was named. Read this line - it should contain an encrypted message for you that will either help resolve a difficult situation the next day or tell you what awaits you. Correct understanding of strings comes with experience.

It is best to guess in the time interval between 19:00 and 23:00.

Fortune telling by date of birth

There is an effective numerological fortune telling for tomorrow. Let's say tomorrow is 08/14/2010, and your date of birth is 12/01/1989. You need to add up all the numbers of months and days: 1+4+0+8+0+1+1+2=17. Add the numbers until you get a number from the interval from 1 to 9. 1+7=8. Here is the interpretation of the numbers:

1: a unit indicates that tomorrow you will need the desire to win. Without confidence and desire to become the best, you can't achieve much. This is an ideal number for purchases and financial transactions of any type.

2: a two means it's time to think about the people around you. Try not to be excessively selfish and not to offend your loved ones with thoughtless words. Possible problems with money and increased fatigue.

3: The number three predicts good luck in any business. The day can be stable in every sense. For a positive forecast to come true, avoid loneliness: three is a sociable number.

4: four is a symbol of solitude. If troubles overtake you, try to cope with them yourself.

5: The number five in numerology is a symbol of freedom. A great day awaits you, suitable for travel or business trips. You can easily change the decor of your home or change your image.

6: Numerologists call six the number of work. Work is not in terms of service or duty, but in terms of influencing your inner world, overcoming your own weaknesses and shortcomings. Try to be as responsible as possible.

7: the number seven is spiritual. On this day, fortune telling advises devoting yourself to prayer, solitude and the search for spiritual enlightenment.

8: If according to fortune telling you got the number 8, then the next day is perfect for physical exercise, sports and hard work. Idleness can ruin your luck.

9: when you get a nine, expect quarrels, conflicts and troubles. To avoid them, you will need a lot of patience and a little cunning.

Both fortune telling are effective, but their results may differ. So much the better, because this difference is imaginary. In fact, the results complement each other, helping you build the most successful behavior strategy for tomorrow.

There are different ways, but for each person there is only one most effective method. Finding such a method may take years, but rest assured that your efforts will pay off in a big way. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.02.2017 03:21

If you have ever told fortunes, you were probably sure that the method of fortune telling that you chose...

A day can be compared to a drop of water. Rivers, seas and oceans consist of an incredible number of drops that cannot be counted. So human life, like the oceans, is made up of the same drops called day. Another question is that the days of a human life, even the longest, can still be counted.

Looking from above, one might think that a single day, in relation to human life as a whole, does not play any role. Day - life does not create. However, this is one of the most terrible misconceptions. After all, our lives are created not only by days, but also by moments. Many of us know stories about how a few seconds saved or, on the contrary, took a human life. Moments woven into days determine the course of our lives. And you shouldn’t underestimate them.

But how do you find out what these moments conceal? Very simple! Fortune telling for today, presented on the Mogur website, will answer this question.

In the Daily Fortune Telling section, you can easily choose exactly the Oracle that will best suit you. But, of course, it’s worth trying all the fortune telling, because they are so different, but at the same time perfectly complementing each other.

For example, Intimate fortune telling is an Oracle that only the fair half of humanity can communicate with. Kryon fortune telling is a unique fortune telling in every sense of the word, through which you can hear the voice of the Spirit itself. Fortune telling by Madame Lenormand and the Kiev soothsayer, Tarot and Runes is a great opportunity to find out what today has in store for you. A huge number of solitaire games, including: Indian, Arabic, Recamier, Fairytale, Zodiac and others, will also be able to orient you on what events may happen to you on this day.

There is only one thing left for you to do - try each of the Oracles, choose your favorite or several favorites, with the help of which you will always be aware of what awaits you. And as a result, you will greet the new day fully armed.