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As abbreviated as permille. Ppm as a unit of measure for alcohol intoxication How ppm is designated

The signs of percent (%), ppm (‰), number (No.) and paragraph (§) are used only with the numbers related to them, from which they are separated by a non-breaking space. If it is necessary to use double signs of number and paragraph, then they are not separated from each other.

Examples. ABOUT relative air humidity 87%. IN In the Great Salt Lake, the salinity of the water reaches 250 ‰. W and 99.9% of voters voted for the candidate. W task number 5. Read § 11. Complete tasks number 4-8. Answers to questions can be found in §§ 6-9.

However in cases where the percent sign is used to abbreviate compound words formed with the help of a numeral and an adjective percentage, the percent sign is typed close to the number, that is, without a space.

For example, 20% sour cream(means twenty percent sour cream),
10% solution, 20% solution, But fat content of sour cream is 20%, solution concentration 10% and so on.

Points are not used:

  • in headers and footers;
  • in headings;
  • in table rows;
  • in captions under figures, diagrams and diagrams.

Dots are not placed in the following common abbreviations:

  • designations of the system of measures (ha, mm, cm, kg, km, kW, etc.);
  • conventional abbreviations (used, cotton).

The point is put, if the words are not abbreviated according to generally accepted methods or there is no generally accepted method (electronic device, sq. m).

The point is put in abbreviations, etc., etc.

When separating a decimal fraction from a whole, a comma is placed in a fractional number, not a dot.

Hyphen it is used only in complex words like "after all", "little by little" and is not separated by spaces.

Dash used in all other cases and delimited by spaces on both sides

Middle dash, or minus sign (-). This sign never not used in literary text - exclusively in mathematical formulas as a minus sign. However, Word persistently pushes it as an autocorrect hyphen if the latter is surrounded by spaces. Word, apparently, knows that the hyphen is not surrounded by spaces, but the conclusions are a little different ... :

Long dash. It is the long dash, and only it, that is used as the usual "dash" - a punctuation mark. In all books you can meet exactly him. The task is complicated by the fact that there is no such key on the keyboard, and therefore many use the middle dash out of ignorance.

A dash should not start a line, so a non-breaking space must be inserted before the dash in dialogs.

End of work -

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For owners of their own cars and those who often spend time on the road, the process of determining the level of intoxication by the patrol services of drivers becomes very relevant. After all, if there is a certain acceptable dose per mille, there is also a maximum permissible level of alcohol, having accepted which the owner of the car will not encounter trouble during the test.

But, before determining the permitted volume of alcohol, you should find out what this concept includes, what designation it has (the ppm sign) and how it is calculated. Having understood the features of this definition, one can easily calculate the permissible level of ethanol, which will not lead to penalties and withdrawal of rights.

Ppm was taken as a hundredth of a percent

What is the physical meaning behind this measurement? It should be clarified that it is much more convenient for a person to operate with certain fractions or parts of any whole unit in various calculations. The simplest and most common such quantities include:

  1. Half (or 1/2).
  2. Third (or 1/3).
  3. Quarter (or 1/4).
  4. Tithing (or 1/10).

But sometimes it becomes necessary to use much smaller values. It was due to this need that such calculations as interest arose in due time. Their meaning was hidden in the fact that one percent means 1/100 of the total number. It turned out that in terms of percentages, it is much more convenient to produce various estimated characteristics and compile various reports and charts.

Origin of interest

The ppm designation turned out to be even more successful. Especially when detecting a certain part of a suspension or other component in liquids. It turned out to be much more acceptable for specialists to make calculations, armed not with hundredths, but with a more accurate indicator - thousandths.

Subsequently, when identifying the most accurate volume of ethanol in a liquid (in our case, blood) in laboratory conditions, ppm was taken. Since the percentage turned out to be too large a unit.

Few spelling rules

First of all, you should know that this word is not declined. That is, spellings such as “ppm”, “ppm”, “ppm”, etc. will turn out to be erroneous. Only one spelling of this concept is possible - “promille”. But, you can not bother yourself with additional knowledge of spelling, but find out how ppm is indicated.

By the way, this word refers to two genders - feminine and neuter. Therefore, when writing, you can rely on a couple of options: “two ppm” and “two ppm”. In both cases, the sound will be correct. And in order to find out how the ppm is abbreviated, it should be remembered that this indicator means 1/10 percent, therefore, the abbreviated spelling of ppm is as follows: ‰.

How are percentages and ppm

How to calculate the indicator yourself

Before proceeding to the study of this event, it should be understood that the body of a man and a woman has a big difference. Although the toxic effects of alcohol occur in both cases in the same way, the woman's body is more susceptible to ethanol, therefore, ppm (even if the dose is the same as that of a man) will begin to accumulate faster.

Although the calculation based on thousandths, by its principle, does not differ at all from percentage calculations, it should still be analyzed in more detail. So, the ppm symbol is ‰. It is similar to the percentage symbol (%), but these are different units and do not need to be combined.

When identifying an existing alcohol dose, the following translation of numerical values ​​\u200b\u200band ratios is applied:

  1. Since ppm is one thousandth, we calculate: 1 ‰ \u003d 1/1 000 \u003d 0.1% \u003d 0.001.
  2. Monofractional liquid (i.e. content without any impurities): 1000‰=100%=1.
  3. 400‰=40%=400/1000=0.4.
  4. 0.23‰=0.023%=0.00 023.
  5. 0‰=0%-0. Zero always means emptiness, nothing.

There is nothing complicated in converting percentage to ppm level and vice versa. It is only necessary to remember the existing basic ratio. In this case, it becomes clear that the difference that exists between the percentage and ppm is purely nominal.

It is noted that the highest peak concentration of ethanol in the blood plasma occurs 30-40 minutes after the dose taken.

Already knowing the value of ppm and applying simple calculations, you can easily get values ​​\u200b\u200bsuch as:

  • the level of alcohol used;
  • the content of alcohol in the internal organs after a certain period of time;
  • the time period required to cleanse the body of ethanol residues.

How does a person's weight affect the time of withdrawal of various types of alcohol from the body

In order for the measured data to be acceptable for use in accurate calculations, a number of certain parameters should be known and taken into account. They are the following:

  1. A person's age, body weight and gender.
  2. Percentage level of fluid in the body of a person.
  3. The amount of alcohol that the subject took initially.

Calculate ppm using a simple example

  1. Determine the amount of fluid in the body. For men, this level is calculated from the standard accepted volume of fluid in 70% of the total body weight. So, for a person of 85 kg of weight, this mass fits into 59.5 kg.
  2. Calculate the volume of purified ethanol. In milliliters, this is: 500x0.4 \u003d 200 ml. In grams: 200x0.79 (0.79 - the density of purified alcohol) \u003d 158 g. Theoretically, we can say that the volume of pure ethyl alcohol is: 158 g-10% \u003d 142.2 g.
  3. In the end, we get that in the consumed dose of alcohol, the mass of pure ethyl alcohol is equal to: 142.2 / 59.5 \u003d 2.39 ‰ (ppm).

Based on the calculation, you can easily calculate what indicator (in ‰) will be in human blood after taking a particular dose of alcohol. This is not difficult to do, but it must be borne in mind that all the results obtained are of a conditional (approximate) nature. After all, the alcohol is drunk gradually, and not in one sitting. And after some time, alcohol begins to gradually leave the body.

When determining ppm, one should also take into account the age / gender of the individual, his state of health, and the emotional component.

How a certain dose of ethanol affects behavioral responses

Narcologists, based on the existing concentration of alcohol, subdivide a person's condition into degrees (or stages) of intoxication. If in the first phase the symptoms of drunkenness are barely noticeable, then the last (3rd) stage can turn into a fatal stage of intoxication for the individual. A severe degree of drunkenness sometimes leads a person to a coma and a subsequent fatal ending.

The lethal level of alcohol-containing products depends on the initial state of health of the individual and her age. Eg:

  • for persons of the older age category, as well as those weakened by the disease, it is 3 g of ethanol per 1 kg of body weight;
  • for strong and healthy adults, this volume varies between 4-8 g.

Stages of intoxication

If this indicator is exceeded, there is a high risk of death for the intoxicated. As for the percentage of alcohol for each stage, sometimes even experts find it difficult to derive an exact figure. Everything is too individual.

Taking into account that for each degree of drunkenness there is a certain ratio of ppm, the picture looks like this:

  • up to 0.3‰: intoxication is not fixed;
  • 0.3-0.5‰: weak stage;
  • 0.5-1.5‰: initial (light) stage;
  • 1.5-2.5‰: medium (moderate) degree;
  • 2.5-3.0‰: heavy (strong) stage;
  • 3.0-5.0‰: extremely severe stage (there was a risk of coma and subsequent death);
  • 5.0-6.0‰: lethal degree.

Promille and driving

Some car owners are very interested in the question of how much it is allowed to “take on the chest” so as not to pay a fine for drunk driving. To identify a safe level, it is worth learning more about how a given level of alcohol affects the reaction and behavior of the driver. The following table will help with this:

Stage of intoxication ppm level (in blood) Exhaled air readings (mg/l) Driver behavior
natural (permissible) level 0,10-0,35 0,04-0,16 even with an acceptable dose of alcohol, a person has some disturbance in the perception of light sources moving towards
light 0,40-0,85 0,17-1,90 the ability to concentrate and evaluate the current situation is sharply reduced, the desire to add speed increases, the feeling of adequacy disappears, the maintenance of the necessary interval when moving is not taken into account
average 0,90-1,30 2,00-2,90 the ability to calculate the distance to moving objects will be lost, which provokes gross errors when driving a vehicle, the assessment of the situation, transport and traffic signals are inadequately assessed
heavy 1,35-1,75 3,00-3,90 such a level of intoxication responds with relaxation of a person, is characterized by a low reaction to changes occurring on the road, signals from cars, traffic lights are not perceived, the driver’s actions are incorrect and very weak, the ability to concentrate disappears
comatose 1.80 and up4.00 and upthis stage simply will not allow a person to turn on and control the machine, the person is in an unclear consciousness, vision problems are noted, the reaction and the ability to navigate in space completely disappear

How to test yourself for drunkenness

Modern industry allows this possibility. Now every owner of his own vehicle can purchase a household breathalyzer. This device allows you to take the necessary measurements at home. Moreover, the price of this measuring device (alcotester) is quite affordable.

In some European countries, every driver is required by law to have, along with a first-aid kit in the car, a hiking breathalyzer.

But it should be recalled that this device measures the level of ethyl alcohol in the air that the subject exhales (mg / l). Considering that the traffic police officers also test for the degree of drunkenness, armed with a breathalyzer, we can say that the ppm position (despite all the accuracy and convenience) is starting to lose ground. The maximum allowable alcohol limit for a car owner is:

  1. In the blood: 0.35 ppm.
  2. In exhaled air: 0.16 mg / l.

These norms were introduced in 2013, and to this day they remain. The only change that has taken place since the adoption of such standards was only the tightening of penalties for driving while intoxicated. But, if for some reason the driver does not agree with the final indicators of alcohol testing, he has every right to be tested for drunkenness in a medical laboratory.

This is where blood sampling will be carried out and the dose of ethanol present in the body in ppm will be revealed. What ratio will be in this case between the level of alcohol in the blood and the exhaled air was given in the table above. Moreover, the detection of the level of intoxication in the blood will sometimes be much more reliable and accurate.

Breathalyzers can have a certain degree of error. And it was this nuance that was taken into account when the new rules were introduced in 2013. It is 0.35 ppm. This level is the "green" corridor that allows the driver to stay in the allowed zone of intoxication.

The amount of alcohol in the blood is measured in such a unit as ppm. To understand the meaning of this term, it is necessary to estimate the amount of alcohol in the blood taken as a unit, and what effect this unit can have on the human body and nervous system. It is also worth determining the difference between the amount of alcohol in the blood and the amount of alcohol that a person consumed inside. An explanation of all these questions will make it possible to understand the meaning of the concepts, definitions and figures used by traffic police officers and doctors in cases of suspected alcohol intoxication.


The concept of ppm, which is denoted by the symbol ‰ (Unicode character U+2116), when defining intoxication, is understood as 1/1000 share or 1/10 percent. Denotes the number of thousandths of something in general. But when evaluating the values ​​of blood alcohol content in the blood of women and men, it is worth understanding that the female and male bodies differ significantly in the total content of fluid in the body. If the body of a man is 70% liquid, then in women this figure is reduced to 60%. That is why the total amount of alcohol in the bodies of different sexes with the same digital value in ‰ has a different physical meaning. It is also worth considering that in order to convert ‰ into shares, it is worth proceeding from the ratio 1‰ = 1/1000 or 0.1%.

  1. 1 ‰ \u003d 0.1% \u003d 1/1000 \u003d 0.001;
  2. 0.5‰ \u003d 0.05%;
  3. 50 ‰ \u003d 5% \u003d 0.5;

As for the dependence of the measurement value on time, the maximum concentration of alcohol in the blood occurs 30 minutes after drinking alcohol. That is why the readings of the device will change over time. Moreover, knowing the time of drinking alcohol, you can calculate the amount of alcohol consumed. You can also calculate how long it will take the body to get rid of alcohol. So, to evaluate the results of measuring the concentration of alcohol in the blood, it is worth knowing the following parameters:

  • Gender and age characteristics;
  • % fluid relative to body weight;
  • The volume of alcohol consumed.

As an example, consider the readings of the blood alcohol concentration of a man weighing 77 kg, who drank half a bottle of vodka (40% alcohol). Based on the weight of the test participant, there are 77 * 0.7 \u003d 53.9 kg of liquid in his body. As for the consumed alcohol, its mass is: 250 * 0.4 \u003d 100 ml, given that the density of vodka is 0.79, then the mass of alcohol that enters the body is 100 * 0.79 \u003d 79 g. To calculate , how much pure ethanol got into the body along with vodka, we reduce the resulting figure by 10% and get 71.1 g. As a result of the consumption of such an amount of alcohol, the breathalyzer will record a value of 71.1 / 53.9 = 1.32 ppm. In these calculations, it is impossible to take into account such parameters as age, health status and other factors, so such side factors are not taken into account in the formulas.

The influence of the amount of alcohol consumed on human behavior

The severity of intoxication directly affects a person's behavior. If in the mild stage a person feels elated, then more serious doses, which cause moderate or even severe intoxication, mean serious damage to the internal organs and the central nervous system. If the amount of alcohol consumed reaches a lethal dose, then a fatal outcome is possible. This lethal dose mainly depends on the body weight and age of the user:

  • Adults - 4-8 grams;
  • Young and old people, adults with diseases - 3 grams.

As for the effect of alcohol on the human body, depending on the percentage of alcohol in the blood, the following can be noted:

  1. less than 0.3‰ - such a concentration of alcohol is excreted from the body through the liver without consequences;
  2. 0.3-0.5‰ - insignificant effect;
  3. 0.5-1.5‰ - mild degree of intoxication;
  4. 1.5-2.5‰ - the average degree of intoxication;
  5. 2.5-3‰ - a strong degree of intoxication;
  6. 3-5‰ - a severe degree of intoxication, the result of which may be an alcoholic coma;
  7. 5-6‰ - fatal alcoholic coma.

How much can a driver drink?

The driver should not drink alcohol while driving. Any amount of alcohol affects the functioning of the nervous system. You can consider the distinctive signs of the behavior of a motorist with various indicators of alcohol in the blood:

  • 0.2-0.5 digits ppm. In such a state of intoxication, the driver is not able to adequately respond to the traffic situation, light sources are poorly perceived. All this, against the backdrop of euphoria from alcohol, becomes the basis for fast driving, risky overtaking and maneuvers, breaking the distance, which inevitably creates an emergency situation on the road.
  • 0.5-0.8 digits ppm. At this stage of alcohol intoxication, the distance to the object is incorrectly perceived, the situation on the road is also not perceived adequately. The risk of a motorist's behavior increases.
  • 0.8-1.2 digits ppm. At this stage, not only the reaction of a person decreases, an additional risk factor for driving is the narrowing of the angle of view, which also reduces the likelihood of adequate behavior of the driver on the road - he may simply not notice the danger from the side. Since the body falls into a relaxed state, such a driver is simply dangerous for others.
  • 1.2-2.4 characters - the degree of intoxication contributes to loss of consciousness, falling asleep at the wheel and even alcohol. Driving in this state is a 100% chance of an accident. Failures in the work of vision and the nervous system turn the motorist into a kamikaze.

How to determine the stage of toxicosis without measurements

The following symptoms can be considered common signs of intoxication:

  1. the smell of alcohol, that is, fume from the mouth;
  2. violation of motor function - hands tremble, unsteady gait, a person does not fully control his body;
  3. violation of speech function - speech becomes slurred, long pauses, “freezing” of thoughts;
  4. redness / whitening of the skin;
  5. increased sociability, aggressiveness and any other non-standard behavior for an individual.

As for the behavioral characteristics inherent in each stage of alcoholic toxicosis, it is worth noting the following ranges in ppm:

  • 0.10-0.29: no special differences in behavior are noticeable, at this stage, toxicosis can only be detected using instruments,
  • 0.3-0.59: slight euphoria, the person is in a high mood, talkative, sociable, concentration is reduced, as is the level of restraint,
  • 0.6-0.9: at this stage, the middle stage of intoxication occurs, so that the person's reactions are superficial, the reaction of the pupil to light is inhibited,
  • 1-1.9: this stage of toxicosis is characterized by irascibility and anger directed at others, which is accompanied by slurred speech, impaired motor skills, unpredictability in mood changes,
  • 2-2.9: at this stage, inhibition occurs in reactions, a drunk person feels drowsiness, loss of consciousness is possible, severe intoxication causes serious motor impairment,
  • 3-3.9: the drunk loses consciousness, the central nervous system is severely depressed, so that involuntary emission of urine and feces occurs, a fatal outcome is possible,
  • 4-5: affects the central nervous system, disturbed heartbeat, breathing, severe intoxication, death,
  • over 5: lethal dose.

A sufficiently large range of the death zone in ppm is due to differences in the body of people who may have different resistance to alcohol. So, the answer to the question of how much vodka poses a mortal threat to a person depends on the person himself.

(‒ , –, -, ― ) ellipsis (…, ..., . . . ) Exclamation point (! ) dot (. ) hyphen () hyphen-minus (- ) question mark (? ) quotes („ “, « », “ ”, ‘ ’, ‹ › ) semicolon (; ) Word separators space () ( ) ( )
  • 1 ‰ = 1⁄1000 = 0.1% = 0.001
  • 100 ‰ = 10% = 0.1
  • 300 ‰ = 300/1000 = 30% = 30/100 = 0.3
  • 0.7‰ = 0.07% = 0.0007
  • 0 ‰ = 0% = 0
  • 1000‰ = 100% = 1

The value in ppm of the mass, expressed in kilograms, is equivalent to the mass in grams; from mass in tons - kilograms.


  • 1 ppm\u003d 1/1000000 \u003d 0.000001 \u003d 1 10 -6 \u003d 0.001 ‰ \u003d 0.0001%


There are some quantities (shares) traditionally measured in ppm.

Representing the rail as the hypotenuse of a right triangle, one of the legs of which has a length of 1000 meters and is parallel to the horizon, we will see that the second leg will be equal to the height to which the train will rise, having traveled a little more than 1 kilometer. The ratio of the second leg to the first in practice is often a very small value, so it is convenient to express it in thousandths. A slope of 8 ‰ means, for example, that after driving 1 kilometer, the train will rise to a height of 8 meters (the tangent of the ascent angle is 0.008, that is, the actual ascent angle is arctan 0.008 ≈ 0.46).

However, in American practice, the slope of the path is measured as a percentage, using decimal fractions. This may be due to the fact that America uses the English system of measures, in which the ratios between units of distance (specifically miles, yards, and feet) are not multiples of 1000.

see also

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; denoted by (‰ ); used to indicate the number of thousandths of something in general. The ppm sign is formed from the percent sign (%) by adding another "zero". The symbol can be entered on a Windows computer using Alt - 0 1 3 7: with Num Lock on, hold Alt and type 0137 on the numeric keypad.

  • 1 ‰ = 1 ⁄ 1000 = 0,1 % = 0,001
  • 100 ‰ = 10% = 0.1
  • 300 ‰ = 300 ⁄ 1000 = 30% = 30 ⁄ 100 = 0,3
  • 0.7‰ = 0.07% = 0.0007
  • 0 ‰ = 0% = 0
  • 1000‰ = 100% = 1

The value in ppm of the mass, expressed in kilograms, is equivalent to the mass in grams; from mass in tons - kilograms.


  • 1 ppm\u003d 1/1000000 \u003d 0.000001 \u003d 1 10 -6 \u003d 0.001 ‰ \u003d 0.0001%


There are some quantities (shares) traditionally measured in ppm.

Representing the rail as the hypotenuse of a right triangle, one of the legs of which has a length of 1000 meters and is parallel to the horizon, we will see that the second leg will be equal to the height to which the train will rise, having traveled a little more than 1 kilometer. The ratio of the second leg to the first in practice is often a very small value, so it is convenient to express it in thousandths. A slope of 8 ‰ means, for example, that after driving 1 kilometer, the train will rise to a height of 8 meters (the tangent of the ascent angle is 0.008, that is, the actual ascent angle is