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The Tesla generator is an ideal source of energy. Make your own Tesla transformer (Tesla coil) Tesla coil drawings

The Tesla coil is probably familiar to many from computer games or feature films. If anyone doesn’t know, let’s clarify this, this is a special device that creates high voltage at high frequencies. To put it simply, thanks to a Tesla coil you can hold a spark in your hands, light a light bulb without wires, and so on.

Before you start making our reel, we suggest watching a video

We will need:
- 200 m of copper wire with a diameter of 0.1 to 0.3 mm;
- wire with a diameter of 1 mm;
- 15-30 cm of plastic sewer pipe with a diameter of 4 to 7 cm;
- 3-5 cm of sewer pipe with a diameter of 7 to 10 cm
- transistor D13007;
- radiator for the transistor;
- variable resistor 50 kOhm;
- constant resistor of 75 Ohm and 0.25 W;
- power supply 12-18 volts and current 0.5 per ampere;
- soldering iron, solder and rosin.

A long piece of pipe is needed for the secondary winding, and a short piece for the primary. If you cannot find a pipe of this diameter, you can replace it with ordinary tape, as the author does. Copper wire can be obtained from old transformers or simply purchased on the market.

Now that you have sorted out the materials, you can start assembling. According to the author of the video, it is better to start the assembly not from the primary, but from the secondary coil, that is, a long pipe. To do this, we take a pipe, which from now on will be the frame, and fasten the wire to it.

Now you need to wind about 1000 turns, making sure that there are no overlaps or large distances between the turns. The author claims that this is not as difficult to do as it might seem at first glance, and if you wish, you can finish the job in an hour and a half.

When the winding of the secondary frame is finished, it is recommended to cover it with varnish or simply cover it with tape so that the structure does not deteriorate over time.

Now you can proceed to the primary winding. It is made with ordinary wire with a diameter of 1 mm. Absolutely any wire can be used. You need to wrap about 5-7 turns.

We attach the D13007 transistor to the radiator, then solder the wire going from the secondary winding to one contact of the transistor.

We solder a constant resistor to the same contact.

At the second end of the constant resistor we solder a variable resistor.

Now we take the primary winding, insert the secondary into it and solder two wires that go from it to the variable resistor and resistor D13007.

We connect the positive and negative wires to the same resistors and connect our tesla coil to the source. If the desired effect is not observed, then you just need to swap the wires coming from the primary winding.

In order to create a Tesla generator yourself, you need to have the following parts:

  • capacitor;
  • arrester;
  • the primary coil, which should have low inductance;
  • the secondary coil must have high inductance;
  • the capacitor is secondary and must have a small capacity;
  • wire of different diameters;
  • several tubes made of plastic or cardboard;
  • regular ballpoint pen;
  • foil;
  • metal ring;
  • pin to ground the device;
  • a metal pin to catch the charge;

Step-by-step assembly instructions

In order for the invention to work properly and not pose a threat, you need to carefully follow all instructions and be very careful.

Follow the guide carefully and you won't have any problems:

  1. Select a suitable transformer. It determines the size of the coil you can make. You need one that can output at least 5-15 watts, and a current of 30-100 milliamps.
  2. First capacitor. It can be created using smaller capacitors connected like a chain. They will evenly accumulate energy in your primary circuit. But for this they must be the same. The capacitor can be removed from a non-working TV, bought in a store, or made yourself using regular film and aluminum foil. For your capacitor to be as powerful as possible, it must be charged constantly. The charge must be applied every second 120 times.
  3. Arrester. For a single arrester, you can take a wire whose thickness is more than 6 millimeters. This is necessary so that the electrodes can withstand the heat that will be released. The electrodes can be cooled using a flow of cold air, using a hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, or air conditioner.
  4. Winding of the first coil. You need a special shape to wrap the copper wire around. You can take it from an old unnecessary electrical appliance or buy a new one in a store. The shape on which the wire will be wound should be either a cylinder or a cone. The inductance of the coil directly depends on the length of the wire. And the primary, as already written above, should be with low induction. There should be few turns, and the wire may not be solid; sometimes pieces are used to fasten them together.
  5. You can now assemble the created devices into one whole, connecting them one to another, like links in a chain. If everything is done correctly, then they should create a primary oscillatory circuit that the electrodes will transmit.
  6. Secondary coil. It is created in the same way as the first one, wire is wound around the form, there should be more turns. After all, the second coil is needed much larger and higher than the first. It should not create a secondary circuit, the presence of which could lead to combustion of the primary coil. Do not forget that these coils must be of the same frequency in order to work properly and not burn out when the device is turned on.
  7. Another capacitor. Its shape can be either round or spherical. This is done in the same way as for the primary coil.
  8. Compound. To create a secondary circuit, you need to connect the remaining coil and capacitor into one. But, it is necessary to ground the circuit so as not to harm the devices that are connected to the network. You need to ground as far as possible from the wiring that is located throughout the house. Grounding is very simple - you just need to stick a pin into the ground.
  9. Throttle. It is necessary to make a choke so as not to damage the entire electrical network with the arrester. It’s easy to create – wrap the wire tightly around a ballpoint pen.
  10. Put it all together:
    • primary and secondary coils;
    • transformer;
    • chokes;
  11. Both coils need to be placed nearby and connect a transformer to them using chokes. If the second coil turns out to be larger than the first, then the first one can be placed inside.

The device will start working after connecting the transformer.


circuit of the simplest Tesla transformer

This device consists of several parts:

  • 2 different coils: primary and secondary;
  • arrester;
  • capacitor;
  • toroid;
  • terminal;

Also, the primary composition includes a wire with a diameter of more than 6 millimeters and a copper tube. Most often, it is created horizontally, but it can also be vertical and in the shape of a cone. For the other coil, much more wire is used, the diameter of which is smaller than that of the first.

To create a Tesla transformer, they do not use a ferromagnetic core, and thus reduce the induction between the primary and secondary coils. If you use a ferromagnetic core, then the mutual induction will be much stronger. And this is not suitable for the creation and normal functioning of the Tesla device.

The oscillatory circuit is formed thanks to the first coil and the capacitor connected to it. Also, it includes one nonlinear element, namely a conventional gas spark gap.

The secondary one forms the same circuit, but instead of condensate, the capacitance of the toroid and the interturn gap itself in the coil are used. In addition, in order to prevent electrical breakdown, such a coil is coated with special protection - epoxy resin.

The terminal is usually used in the form of a disk, but it can also be made in the form of a sphere. It is necessary to obtain long discharges from sparks.

This device uses 2 oscillating circuits, which distinguishes this invention from all other transformers, which consist of only one. In order for this transformer to work properly, these circuits must have the same frequency.

Principle of operation

The coils you created have an oscillating circuit. If voltage is applied to the first coil, it will create its own magnetic field. With its help, energy is transferred from one coil to another.

The secondary coil creates, together with the capacitance, the same circuit that is capable of accumulating the energy transferred by the primary. Everything works according to a simple scheme - the more energy the first coil is capable of transmitting, and the second one is able to accumulate, the greater the voltage will be. And the result will be more spectacular.

As mentioned above, in order for the device to start working, it must be connected to the supply transformer. In order to direct the discharges produced by the Tesla generator, you need to place a metal object nearby. But do this so that they do not touch. If you put a light bulb next to it, it will glow. But only if there is enough voltage.

To make a Tesla invention yourself, you need to do mathematical calculations, so you need to have experience. Or find an engineer who can help you derive the formulas correctly.

  1. If you have no experience, then it’s better not to start the work yourself. An engineer can help you.
  2. Be very careful, because the discharges produced by the Tesla generator can burn.
  3. Such an invention can damage all connected devices; it would be better to remove them away before turning them on.
  4. All metal objects, which are close to the switched on device, can burn.

Nikola Tesla, a scientist and inventor whose name is covered in legends, was born 162 years ago. He is credited with the invention of the first, wireless transmission of electricity and even “death rays”. But Tesla’s real, studied and confirmed inventions are also impressive: he made a huge contribution to the study of electricity, radio waves and magnetic fields.

Tesla's main discovery remains alternating current. Of course, the brilliant Serb did not invent it (as is sometimes written in popular articles), but only found practical application for it. Along the way, he designed an engine and an alternating current generator, the “descendants” of which are still in use today.

Components can be placed on a printed circuit board or by surface mounting - on MDF or cardboard.

And a few words about safety precautions. Despite the fact that the discharges of a Tesla coil do not cause harm to a person due to the so-called “skin effect” (current passes along the surface of the skin), it is important to observe electrical safety when assembling and testing it. It is also not recommended to stay near a working coil for too long: the high-voltage field can negatively affect your well-being.

Now let's move on to assembling the device. We have already discussed the power supply above, but here are five ways of how and from what to build a housing, coils and a toroid.

Method one: “on the flute of drainpipes”

Here's what you'll need.

  • Switch.
  • 22 kOhm resistor.
  • Transistor 2N2222A.
  • Connector for the crown.
  • PVC pipe d=20 mm, length 85 mm.
  • Battery "crown" 9V.
  • Copper wire with a cross section of 0.5 mm.
  • PVC insulated wire with a cross section of 1 mm, a length of 15-20 cm.
  • A piece of plywood or laminate measuring approximately 20x20 cm.

The assembly procedure here is almost the same as in previous models.

1. Let's start with coil L2. Wind the copper wire onto the pipe in one layer, turn to turn, departing from the edges by about 0.5 cm. Secure the first and last turns with paper tape so that the winding does not fly off.

2. Attach the reel pipe to the plywood or laminate base using hot glue. Also secure the switch, transistor and crown connector.

3. Make coil L1. Wrap the insulated wire around the coil twice and also secure it with hot glue.

4. Connect the circuit into a circuit:

♦ the lower end of the wire of the secondary (long) coil - to the middle contact of the transistor;

♦ resistor - also to the middle contact of the transistor;

♦ the upper end of the wire of the primary (short) coil - to the resistor;

♦ the lower end of the primary winding wire - to the right contact of the transistor;

♦ contact of the resistor with the wire of the primary winding - to the contact of the switch;

♦ red wire of the “crown” connector (+) - to the middle contact of the switch;

♦ black wire of the crown connector (-) - to the left contact of the transistor.

After you install the battery in the connector and press the switch, the coil will work. It will not produce any visible discharge due to its low operating voltage, but it will be able to light a fluorescent lamp in your hand.

Bonus: a giant three-meter-tall reel

This “recipe” was developed and tested by a Habr user zerglabs and his team. They created a coil about three meters high with an estimated power of approximately 30-40 kW. Enthusiasts have chosen a variation of the Tesla coil known as DRSSTC - Dual Resonant Solid State Tesla Coil. It has a special “musicality”: it produces sounds, the pitch of which can be controlled using a midi remote control.

The team used:

  • Copper wire 1.6 mm.
  • PVC sewer pipe d=30 mm, length 180 cm.
  • Copper tube with a diameter of 22 mm.
  • Aluminum pipes d=50 mm.
  • Plywood and fiberglass for frame parts.

Build process:

1. Like previous masters, zerglabs and his “accomplices” first wrapped the pipe with copper wire to make a secondary circuit. It was mounted on a plywood stand.

2. The secondary circuit was made of a copper tube, which was placed in a stand with grooves. Six turns, diameter 22 mm.

3. The team built a special toroid that is convenient for transportation. It consists of plywood elements and bent aluminum pipes and, when assembled, looks like a skeletonized donut. As zerglabs explains, the field “envelops” the toroid, so it can be made not continuous.

4. Assembling the electrical part. Power inverters for large Tesla coils often use IGBT modules. For the giant coil, the team took two CM600DU-24NFH modules (600 amps continuous current, 1200 volts) and connected them in a bridge circuit. The modules were fastened with copper busbars and equipped with electrolytic and film capacitors. An automatic starter (large power relay) and several power resistors were built into the control automation so that when turned on, the coil would not knock out the mains fuses.

The design also included a battery of capacitors: five pieces with a total capacity of about 1.2 microfarads and a maximum voltage of 20 kilovolts. They were connected using copper plates.

The complex and secret part of the giant coil is the driver, which modulates the oscillation frequency. It allows you to control the discharges, including in order to play melody on the coils. But his scheme is the intellectual property of the developers.

The idea of ​​generating “fuel-free” electricity at home is extremely interesting. Any mention of current technology instantly attracts the attention of people who want to receive the intoxicating possibilities of energy independence free of charge. To draw correct conclusions on this topic, it is necessary to study theory and practice.

The generator can be assembled without much difficulty in any garage

How to create a perpetual generator

The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning such devices is the inventions of Tesla. This person cannot be called a dreamer. On the contrary, he is known for his projects that were successfully implemented in practice:

  • He created the first transformers and generators operating on high-frequency currents. In fact, he founded the corresponding direction of electrical RF equipment. Some of the results of his experiments are still used in safety regulations.
  • Tesla created a theory on the basis of which the designs of multiphase electrical machines appeared. Many modern electric motors are based on his developments.
  • Many researchers rightly believe that Tesla also invented the transmission of information over a distance using radio waves.
  • His ideas were implemented in the patents of the famous Edison, according to historians.
  • The giant towers, power generators that Tesla built, were used for many experiments that were fantastic even by modern standards. They created an aurora at the latitude of New York and caused vibrations comparable in strength to powerful natural earthquakes.
  • The Tunguska meteorite, they say, was in fact the result of an experiment by the inventor.
  • The small black box that Tesla installed in a production car with an electric motor provided full power for many hours without batteries or wires.

Experiments in the Tunguska region

Only some of the inventions are listed here. But even brief descriptions of some of them suggest that Tesla created a “perpetual” motion machine with his own hands. However, the inventor himself used not spells and miracles for calculations, but quite materialistic formulas. It should be noted, however, that they described a theory of the ether, which is not recognized by modern science.

To check in practice, you can use standard device diagrams.

If you use an oscilloscope to measure the oscillations that a “classical” Tesla coil produces, interesting conclusions will be drawn.

Voltage oscillograms for different types of inductive coupling

Strong inductive coupling is achieved in a standard way. To do this, a core made of transformer iron or other suitable material is installed in the frame. The right side of the figure shows the corresponding vibrations and the results of measurements on the primary and secondary coils. The correlation of processes is clearly visible.

Now you need to pay attention to the left side of the picture. After applying a short-term pulse to the primary winding, the oscillations gradually die out. However, a different process was recorded on the second coil. The oscillations here have a clearly expressed inertial nature. They do not fade out for some time without external replenishment of energy. Tesla believed that this effect explains the presence of ether, a medium with unique properties.

The following situations are cited as direct evidence of this theory:

  • Self-charging of capacitors not connected to an energy source.
  • A significant change in the normal parameters of power plants, which is caused by reactive power.
  • The appearance of corona discharges on a coil that is not connected to the network, when it is placed at a great distance from a working similar device.

The last of the processes occurs without additional energy expenditure, so we should consider it more carefully. Below is a schematic diagram of Tesla coils, which you can assemble without much difficulty with your own hands at home.

Schematic diagram of Tesla coils

The following list shows the main product parameters and features that must be taken into account during the installation process:

  • For a large primary winding design, you will need a copper tube with a diameter of about 8 mm. This coil consists of 7-9 turns, laid with a spiral expansion towards the top.
  • The secondary winding can be made on a frame made of a polymer pipe (diameter from 90 to 110 mm). PTFE works well. This material has excellent insulating characteristics and maintains the integrity of the product structure over a wide temperature range. The conductor is selected to make 900-1100 turns.
  • A third winding is placed inside the pipe. To assemble it correctly, use a stranded wire in a thick sheath. The cross-sectional area of ​​the conductor should be 15-20 mm 2. The amount of voltage at the output will depend on the number of turns.
  • To fine-tune the resonance, all windings are tuned to the same frequency using capacitors.

Practical implementation of projects

The example given in the previous paragraph describes only part of the device. There is no precise indication of electrical quantities or formulas.

You can make a similar design with your own hands. But you will have to look for circuits of the exciting generator, perform numerous experiments on the relative position of the blocks in space, and select frequencies and resonances.

They say that luck smiled on someone. But it is impossible to find complete data or credible evidence in the public domain. Therefore, only real products that you can actually make at home yourself will be considered below.

The following figure shows the electrical circuit diagram. It is assembled from inexpensive standard parts that can be purchased at any specialized store. Their denominations and designations are indicated in the drawing. Difficulties may arise when searching for a lamp that is not currently commercially available. To replace, you can use 6P369S. But you need to understand that this vacuum device is designed for less power. Since there are few elements, it is permissible to use a simple wall-mounted installation, without making a special board.

Electrical circuit of the generator

The transformer indicated in the figure is a Tesla coil. It is wound on a dielectric tube, guided by the data from the following table.

Number of turns depending on winding and conductor diameter

The free wires of the high-voltage coil are installed vertically.

To ensure the aesthetics of the design, you can make a special case with your own hands. It will also be useful for securely fixing the block on a flat surface and subsequent experiments.

One of the generator design options

After connecting the device to the network, if everything is done correctly and the elements are in good condition, you will be able to admire the coronary glow.

The three-coil circuit shown in the previous section can be used in conjunction with this device for experiments in order to create a personal source of free electricity.

Coronary radiation over the coil

If it is preferable to work with new components, it is worth considering the following scheme:

Field-effect transistor generator circuit

The main parameters of the elements are shown in the drawing. Assembly explanations and important additions are listed in the following table.

Explanations and additions to the assembly of a field-effect transistor generator

DetailMain settingsNotes
Field-effect transistorYou can use not only the one marked in the diagram, but also another analogue that works with currents from 2.5-3 A and voltages of more than 450 V.Before installation operations, it is necessary to check the functional condition of the transistor and other parts.
Chokes L3, L4, L5It is acceptable to use standard parts from the line scan unit of the TV.Recommended power – 38 W
Diode VD 1It is possible to use an analogue.Rated current of the device is from 5 to 10 A
Tesla Coil (Primary Winding)It is created from 5-6 turns of thick wire. Its strength allows you not to use an additional frame.The thickness of the copper conductor is from 2 to 3 mm.
Tesla Coil (Secondary Winding)Consists of 900-1100 turns on a tubular base of dielectric material with a diameter of 25 to 35 mm.This winding is high-voltage, so it will be useful to additionally impregnate it with varnish, or create a protective layer with fluoroplastic film. To create the winding, a copper wire of 0.3 mm in diameter is used.

Skeptics who deny the very possibility of using “free” energy, as well as those people who do not have basic skills to work with electrical equipment, can make the following installation with their own hands:

Unlimited source of free energy

Let the reader not be confused by the lack of many details, formulas and explanations. Everything ingenious is simple, isn’t it? Here is a schematic diagram of one of Tesla's inventions, which has survived to this day without distortion or correction. This installation generates current from sunlight without special batteries or converters.

The fact is that in the radiation flux of the star closest to Earth there are particles with positive charges. When hitting the surface of a metal plate, a process of charge accumulation occurs in an electrolytic capacitor, which is connected to a standard ground electrode with the negative side. To increase efficiency, the energy receiver is installed as high as possible. Aluminum foil is suitable for baking food in the oven. With your own hands, using available tools, you can make a base for securing it and raise the device to a greater height.

But don't rush to the store. The performance of such a system is minimal (below is a table with information on the device).

Exact experimental data

On a sunny day after 10 o'clock the measuring device showed 8 volts at the capacitor terminals. Within a few seconds in this mode, the discharge was completely spent.

Obvious conclusions and important additions

Despite the fact that a simple solution has not yet been presented to the public, it cannot be said that the electromagnetic generator of the great inventor Tesla does not exist. The theory of ether is not recognized by modern science. The current systems of economics, production, and politics will be destroyed by free or very cheap energy sources. Of course, there are many opponents of their appearance.

Nikola Tesla is one of the most famous scientists in the field of electrical power and electricity, whose scientific legacy still causes much controversy. And if practically implemented projects are actively used and known everywhere, then some unrealized ones are still objects of research, both by serious organizations and amateurs.

Generator or perpetual motion machine?

Most scientists deny the possibility of creating a free energy generator. It should be countered by the fact that even in the past, many modern achievements also seemed impossible. The fact is that science has many areas where research has been far from complete. This especially concerns issues of physical fields and energy. Those types of energy that are familiar to us can be felt and measured. But it is impossible to deny the presence of unknown species only on the grounds that there are no methods and instruments for their measurement and transformation.

For skeptics, any proposals for generators, schemes and ideas based on the conversion of free energy seem to be perpetual motion machines that operate without consuming energy, and are even capable of generating excess in the form of known energy, thermal or electrical.

We are not talking about perpetual motion machines here. In fact, the eternal generator uses free energy, which currently does not yet have a clear theoretical justification. What was light previously considered to be? And now it is used to generate electrical energy.

alternative energy

Supporters of traditional physics and energy deny the possibility of creating a workable generator, using existing concepts, laws and definitions. A lot of evidence is given that such devices cannot exist in practice, since they contradict the law of conservation of energy.

Proponents of the “conspiracy theory” are convinced that calculations of the generator exist, as well as its working prototypes, but they are not presented to science and the general public, since they are not profitable for modern energy companies and can cause an economic crisis.

Enthusiasts have repeatedly attempted to create a generator; they have built many prototypes, but for some reason reports on the work regularly disappear or disappear. It has been noted that network resources dedicated to alternative energy are periodically closed.

This may indicate that the design is actually functional, and it is possible to create a generator with your own hands even at home.

Many people confuse the concepts of generator and transformer (Tesla coil). For clarification, we need to look at this in more detail. The Tesla transformer has been studied sufficiently and is accessible for repetition. Many manufacturers successfully produce various models of transformers both for practical use in various devices and for demonstration purposes.

A Tesla transformer is a converter of electrical energy from low voltage to high voltage. The output voltage can be millions of volts, but the design itself is not very complex. The genius of the inventor lies in the fact that he managed to assemble a device that uses the known physical properties of electromagnetic fields, but in a completely different way. There is still no comprehensive theoretical basis for the operation of the device.

The design is based on a transformer with two windings, with a large and a small number of turns. The most important thing is that there is no traditional ferromagnetic core, and the connection between the windings is very weak. Considering the output voltage level of the Tesla transformer, we can conclude that the usual method of calculating the transformer, even taking into account the high conversion frequency, is not applicable here.

Tesla Generator

The generator has a different purpose. The generator design also uses a transformer similar to a high voltage one. Working on the same principle as a transformer, the generator is capable of creating excess energy at the output, significantly exceeding that spent on the initial start-up of the device. The main task is the method of manufacturing the transformer and its configuration. Precise tuning of the system to the resonance frequency is important. The situation is complicated by the fact that such data is not freely available.

How to make a generator

To assemble a Tesla generator, you need very little. On the Internet you can find information on assembling a Tesla generator transformer with your own hands and diagrams for starting the structure. Based on the available information, recommendations are given below on how to independently assemble the structure and a brief setup procedure.

The transformer must satisfy conflicting requirements:

  • High-frequency free energy requires a reduction in size (similar to the difference in size of meter and decimeter range television antennas);
  • As the dimensions decrease, the efficiency of the structure decreases.


The issue is partially solved by selecting the diameter and quantity of the primary winding of the transformer. The optimal winding diameter is 50 mm, so it is convenient to use a piece of plastic sewer pipe of the appropriate length for winding. It has been experimentally established that the number of turns of the winding should be at least 800; it is better to double this number. The diameter of the wire is not significant for a homemade design, since its power is low. Therefore, the diameter can be in the range from 0.12 to 0.5 mm. A smaller value will create difficulties during winding, and a larger value will increase the dimensions of the device.

The length of the pipe is taken taking into account the number of turns and the diameter of the wire. For example, PEV-2 wires 0.15 mm in diameter with insulation are 0.17 mm, the total length of the winding is 272 mm. Having retreated 50 mm from the edge of the pipe for fastening, drill a hole for fastening the beginning of the winding, and after 272 mm another one for the end. The pipe margin on top is a couple of centimeters. The total length of the pipe section will be 340-350 mm.

To wind the wire, thread its beginning into the bottom hole, leave a margin of 10-20 cm there and secure it with tape. After the winding is completed, its end of the same length is threaded into the upper hole and also secured.

Important! The turns of the winding must fit tightly to each other. The wire should not have kinks or loops.

The finished winding must be coated on top with electrical varnish or epoxy resin to prevent shifting of the turns.

For the secondary winding you need a more serious wire with a cross section of at least 10 mm2. This corresponds to a wire with a diameter of 3.6 mm. If it's thicker, that's even better.

Note! Since the system operates at a high frequency, due to the skin effect, the current propagates in the surface layer of the wire, so you can use a thin-walled copper tube instead. The skin effect is another justification for the large diameter of the secondary winding wire.

The diameter of the turns of the secondary winding should be twice as large as the primary, that is, 100 mm. The secondary can be wound on a 110 mm section of sewer pipe or on any other simple frame. A pipe or a suitable blank is needed only for the winding process. The rigid winding will not need a frame.

For the secondary winding, the number of turns is 5-6. There are several design options for the secondary winding:

  • Solid;
  • With a distance between turns of 20-30 mm;
  • Cone-shaped with the same distances.

The cone-shaped one is of the greatest interest because it expands the tuning range (has a wider frequency band). The lower first turn is made with a diameter of 100 mm, and the upper one reaches 150-200 mm.

Important! It is necessary to strictly maintain the distance between the turns, and the surface of the wire or tube must be made smooth (at best, polished).

Power supply circuit

For the initial start-up, a circuit is required that supplies a pulse of energy to the Tesla generator transformer. Next, the generator switches to self-oscillating mode and does not constantly need external power.

In developer slang, the power supply device is called a “kacher”. Those familiar with electronics know that the correct name for the device is a blocking oscillator (shock oscillator). Such a circuit solution generates a single powerful electrical impulse.

Many variants of blocking generators have been developed, which are divided into three groups:

  • On vacuum tubes;
  • On bipolar transistors;
  • On field-effect transistors with an insulated gate.

A tube electromagnetic generator using powerful generator tubes operates with high output parameters, but its design is hampered by the availability of components. In addition, not two, but three winding transformers are required, so tube blocking oscillators are now rare.

The most widely used devices are those based on bipolar transistors. Their circuitry is well developed, setup and adjustment are simple. We use domestically produced transistors of the 800 series (KT805, KT808, KT819), which have good technical parameters, are widespread and do not cause financial difficulties.

The proliferation of powerful and reliable field-effect transistors has made it possible to design blocking oscillators with increased efficiency due to the fact that MOSFET or IGBT transistors have better parameters for voltage drop across transitions. In addition to increasing efficiency, the problem of cooling transistors becomes less problematic. Proven circuits use IRF740 or IRF840 transistors, which are also inexpensive and reliable.

Before assembling the generator into a finished structure, double-check the workmanship of all components. Assemble the structure and supply power to it. The transition to self-oscillating mode is accompanied by the presence of voltage on the windings of the transformer (at the output of the secondary). If there is no voltage, then it is necessary to adjust the frequency of the blocking generator in resonance with the frequency of the transformer.

Important! When working with a Tesla generator, extreme caution must be exercised, since when starting, high voltage is induced in the primary winding, which can lead to an accident.

Generator application

The Tesla generator and transformer were designed by the inventor as universal devices for wireless transmission of electrical energy. Nikola Tesla repeatedly conducted experiments confirming his theory, but, unfortunately, traces of the energy transfer reports were also lost or safely hidden, like many of his other designs. Developers have only recently begun to design devices to transmit energy, but only over relatively short distances (wireless phone chargers are a good example).

In an era of inevitable depletion of non-renewable natural resources (hydrocarbon fuels), the development and construction of alternative energy devices, including a fuel-free generator, is of great importance. A free energy generator with sufficient power can be used for lighting and heating homes. You should not refuse research citing a lack of experience and specialized education. Many important inventions were made by people who were professionals in completely different fields.
