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Psychology of driving a car. Driver psychology

Learning is a process determined by the psychological characteristics of the learner, such as the perception of information, the ability to relate and apply the acquired knowledge, thus transforming theory into practical experience. So personality invariably influences the learning process as a whole. This has long been understood in the West, where driving training is carried out taking into account personal characteristics, because it is they, and not automatism and driving skills, even if polished to perfection, that often trip up even experienced drivers who have failed to adequately assess the situation. It is obvious that the driver’s personal psychology is very important and must be taken into account in order to create a safe environment on the roads.

Russia is mastering modern teaching methods, bringing its own methods and ideas. Driving skills are considered from the perspective of the human factor, influenced by external factors, which training using the new system helps to cope with.

European experience and GDE matrix

A new modular driver training system is gaining momentum in the European Union. The scope of skills is determined by the specific category of vehicles. The system is known as GDE matrices. It views drivers as active, goal-oriented participants and observers of the traffic environment.

On the road, internal thought processes are subordinated to a single stimulus - to drive the car in such a way as to safely reach the goal. Ideas about goals, means and results constantly resonate with each other and change, shaping the experience of perceiving reality.

Psychologists, discussing the personality traits of the driver, came to the conclusion that the driver makes two most common mistakes: he tends to overestimate his own strength and thinks that accidents are the lot of other drivers.

Psychologists are of the opinion that such beliefs distract from thoughts of trouble and neutralize the fear of a car. In fact, stereotypes provoke people to take unnecessary risks. Such a cocktail, seasoned with little driving experience, has a lethal effect.

Training by stages

The driving training model is based on a 4-level hierarchy.

  • The art of maneuvering a vehicle (knowledge of the vehicle control system, the structure of the vehicle).
  • Managing the situation on the road (practical application of acquired knowledge in solving a specific traffic situation).
  • Driving goals and context (decision to drive, driving purpose, environment, social factors and company).
  • Life goals and necessary skills (the influence of a car on personal development, self-control skills, habits, stereotypes, special needs, limitations).

When learning to drive, attention is paid to such factors as: lifestyle, gender, age, group membership, attitude towards the car, physical and mental abilities.

Driving style is influenced by the type of trip, the mental and physical state of the driver, the company he is traveling with, and the time of the trip.

The novice driver must be aware and aware of the risk factors.

At the second level, attention is paid to practical aspects:

  1. Selecting speed.
  2. Effective interaction with other road users.

For example, traveling home from work (social factor, driver condition) on a poorly lit road (environment) during a hurricane requires taking into account risk factors and making an effective decision (driving at low speed).

There are three whales

The training system is based on three pillars:

  1. Knowledge and skills that a driver must be able to operate.
  2. Factors that increase the risk of driving, about which the driver should be warned.
  3. Adequate driver self-esteem.

An experienced instructor is responsible for knowledge and skills, who must pass on his experience to the student. The second area, concerning risk factors, requires involvement and awareness not so much from the instructor as from the student. Only a student can and should evaluate himself constructively.

Learning to drive is an active and ongoing process. At first, students develop automaticity in driving a vehicle, and only then they move on to managing the situation.

The learning process constantly resonates with the learner's goals.

The theory is always reinforced in practice, and after completing the exercises there is discussion and feedback from both the trainees and the instructor himself.

In the footsteps of the Europeans

In Russia, it has already been proposed to amend the driving education system, which is still considered professional training and is carried out according to the program of the Russian Ministry of Transport.

Before putting a novice driver on the road, it is recommended that he undergo training on a special simulator, which increases the feeling of safety and helps cope with the anxiety that arises when driving a vehicle.

Driver training must be carried out in several stages, including passing several exams.

At a driving school, the student takes a theoretical course and gains practical skills on the race track, and after passing an internal exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, which includes theory and driving practice on the site, he is allowed to master city driving. Finally, comes the final exam – practice driving around the city.

More and more private methods are emerging that take into account not only the importance of practical skills of novice drivers, but also the psychological characteristics of the driver, feelings of anxiety and fear of the car.

Increasingly, the emphasis is on psychological factors.

Many methods involve systematizing driving knowledge and developing an algorithm for drivers’ actions in various situations. For these purposes, methods and exercises are used, during which the driver not only learns the basics of driving, but also learns to react to different situations.

Experience shows that such techniques help beginners quickly get used to and master the skills of response, analysis and decision-making.

Feb 28, 2014 Autopsychologist

Natalya Boychenko

A car is a comfortable and necessary means of transportation, especially in the city. Despite all the advantages, many people experience discomfort when sitting in the driver's seat and do not know how to overcome the fear of driving a car. Mostly beginners experience such emotions. You only have driving school and instructor tips behind you. The courses are completed, the license is received, but the fear of driving remains and is growing every day. If you retreat during this period, you will lose the knowledge gained in the driving school. Therefore, do not put off practical training. How to overcome the fear of driving a car for a beginner?

Where does the fear of driving come from?

Fears arise as a result of beliefs, parting words from others, scary stories, or for a reason. Seeing a city highway at rush hour, a novice driver comes into a state of shock, not knowing how to overcome the fear of driving a car in the city. The road is presented in the form of a labyrinth, along which cars, city transport, and minibuses scurry. No one can pull themselves together, immediately get behind the wheel and drive perfectly. That's why decide what is better: continue to panic or master driving step by step. The psychology of driving a car will help you find answers to pressing questions. Consider what fears exist and whether they can be overcome.

How to overcome the fear of driving? Drive on familiar roads to begin with

Fear of cars. If you are afraid that you will lose control. A car is a complex mechanism, but if you diligently attend courses, the basics should be learned. If there is not enough information, then check with an experienced driver, look for data on the Internet, watch a video. Having studied the car from the inside, you will understand how to overcome the fear of driving a car, because you will find out why certain movements are made and what they lead to.
Fear of getting into an accident. Occurs in people who have already been involved in an accident. Either the future driver is a sensitive person and was impressed by the news report or the stories of friends. It also appears in experienced drivers who have been in an accident. To find out if you can overcome your fear of driving, try taking a defensive driving course.
Is it possible not to be afraid to drive a car when you see an oncoming car? To calm down, remember that the same person as you is driving the car. This is not a soulless machine rushing towards you at full speed. Getting rid of fear comes with experience, because only after driving a few thousand kilometers will you feel the dimensions of the car.
Fear of ridicule from experienced drivers. The problem of how to stop being afraid to drive a car most often occurs among girls. After traveling with a male instructor and husband, women become convinced of their inability. To cross the barrier, think that all drivers have started at some point, made mistakes, and have also been honked at and curse words shouted at them. Everyone goes through this, so don't pay attention and focus on the road and being careful.

Boys, as a rule, get used to driving even children's cars from childhood

Fear of driving often occurs among newcomers who are afraid of traffic police officers. There are no drivers who have not been stopped by an inspector one day. This is not always due to driving violations. Is it possible to stop being afraid of driving in this case? Psychologists give a clear answer: don’t panic, pull yourself together. Calmly listen to the inspector's complaints and solve the problem legally. Girls better forget about women's charms and hysterics. Traffic police officers are good psychologists, so they will notice fear and recognize a newcomer. If the inspector seems suspicious, then write down the necessary data: full name, rank and car number. If necessary, pay a fine.

Psychological problems leave their mark. Those who are insecure feel afraid of cars, tormenting themselves by cramming the rules. A suspicious person thinks that he has forgotten the signs, traffic rules, and markings.

Get started by choosing a quality driving school. After completing the theory, take a closer look at the instructors. Choose a patient person with good reviews. The instructors themselves advise how to overcome the fear of driving a female beginner: take additional driving lessons. After graduating from driving school, enlist the support of your loved ones. Go out with them at first. Get used to it a little and make independent raids. If you don’t refuse help in time, you will get used to driving according to someone else’s orders.

Over 90% of green drivers are afraid to get behind the wheel. At the same time, women take a more responsible approach to driving, while men count on the support and solidarity of experienced drivers.

How to overcome the fear of driving a car for a beginner?

Master the routes gradually. The fear of driving a car most often occurs among beginners. Is it possible to overcome it? During the first weeks, travel short distances by car. Plan your route in advance. Choose early morning or late evening for training, when the roads are not crowded with cars. Then move on to long distances, but without reference to time. You should not be late, this adds fuss and hassle. After a week of successful travel, go to work by car.

Use a navigator and choose familiar short routes at the beginning

Be positive. A person knows how to work himself up into a state of neurosis. Scroll in your head not scary scenes of accidents or the distorted faces of angry drivers. To the question “how not to be afraid to drive,” the psychologist’s advice gives a clear answer. Imagine driving up to your office, parking, and getting out of your car. You are filled with a sense of pride; your colleagues are looking at you. A positive attitude helps relieve stress and gives confidence.
Don't be upset over trifles. Disturbances from other machines should not disturb you. Don't panic if you're sure you're doing everything right. Any doubts? Stop at the side of the road, turn on your emergency lights, think, and share your experiences with a friend. Then continue driving at minimum speed, joining public transport.

A controversial issue among green drivers is whether it is necessary to hang special signs on glass, a shoe or a teapot. One side is in favor, arguing that the stickers are a warning to other drivers. As a result, those around you will be understanding, give way, and offer advice. The second side is categorically against it, arguing that such labels are unnecessary. They shy away from newcomers on the road, and some craftsmen deliberately create dangerous situations by watching the driver panic. Since there is no clear opinion on how to deal with fear as a novice driver, try driving a day without a sticker, and a day with it, and compare the drivers’ reaction.

How to overcome the fear of driving a car after an accident?

The first step is to seek psychological help. The participation of a specialist will be required if the accident ended in tragic events: severe injuries to the driver, passengers or pedestrians. A psychologist will help you get rid of the fear of driving a car, will help remove blocks, sort out problems. However, when approaching the car, you will initially feel jittery.

Do you want to get rid of fear while driving after an accident? Break your trip to the store into several steps and do one a day. To overcome fear while driving on the road, just force yourself to approach the car, stand next to it, clean up the interior. The next day, sit in the driver's seat, remember the pleasant trips, get used to this position. Then proceed to ride, cover at least 10 m. These steps are necessary. If you don't act, the panic won't go away.

After an accident, many people behave inappropriately

A little jitters and a desire to overcome the fear of driving will remain for some time, but this is normal. Fears and bad experiences make the driver more cautious and responsible. The understanding comes that it is better to give way than to stick to your line.

Driving skill requires regular training. If you have clearly decided for yourself: I’m afraid to drive a car, but I want to – go for it! If you haven’t driven for a long time, then knowledge is lost and practice is forgotten. The adaptation period directly depends on how many months or years you have been as a passenger. During the first month of riding, follow the beginner's rules. Think over your route, choose quiet highways.

Girls are more often afraid to drive a car

How can a woman overcome her fear of driving?

How can a woman learn not to be afraid to drive a car in the city? If you look at automobile or women's forums, it will become clear that every second girl is overcome by panic and then the desire to learn not to be afraid to drive a car within the boundaries of a populated area. Fears appear after traveling with my husband. The other half, trying to protect the beloved from mistakes, makes a bunch of comments. The husband can be understood; he is worried about his wife’s health and the safety of the car. But at the same time, it instills in the girl fear and horror of the road. If you feel strong pressure from your loved one, then refuse his guardianship.

Start test drives. To do this, get up at 5–6 o’clock in the morning, when the streets are empty. Don't tell your friend or husband about your planned trip. Before going out, repeat the basic rules and discard the complexes instilled by men.
Practice every day. Gradually make the task more difficult: driving during rush hour, mastering a new route, picking up a child from school.
Study materials that will help you behave in unusual situations, they will tell you how to get rid of the fear of driving. Don't leave questions open. You met an unfamiliar sign on the road, come home and find the meaning. If you see a controversial situation, sort it out and understand who was right.

Statistics show that 70% of accidents are caused by the driver. I was distracted while driving, smoking, talking on the phone. So ladies, forget about using lipstick while driving.

Enlist the help of a friend with driving experience. Surely she went through the mistrust of her husband or the ridicule of men and was already able to learn to drive a car without fear. Explain to your loved one that you have set a goal to learn to drive, and his negative statements will not stop you.
Get to know the car. Before getting behind the wheel of a car, carefully read the instructions. You must understand the information on the device displays and know what to look for while the machine is moving.
Don't forget that you are a girl, so behave properly. Yes, at first it will not be easy, because there is an opinion that women are not able to cope with a car. But practice shows: girls are more responsible, attentive and careful drivers. Therefore, forget about unjustified chauvinism and go ahead - conquer the city highways.

31 March 2014, 15:37

Absolutely everyone who gets behind the wheel for the first time has a fear of driving a car. And you shouldn’t believe the statements of people who claim that it was he who allegedly didn’t feel any fear when he first got behind the wheel. In any case, he had a little embarrassment and slight timidity, and this is normal. From a psychological point of view, the feeling of fear is very useful for a person, as it saves him in dangerous life situations. But the feeling of fear is useful when it is rational fear, when it is conscious and appropriate to the situation. Fear of a car in most cases is irrational and far-fetched. Over time, such an irrational fear of driving a car can develop into a phobic component, and a person will no longer get behind the wheel under any circumstances. However, all human fears and phobias are reversible disorders, which means that such fears can be overcome quite successfully.

Face your fears 😉

Each person has his own fears, since each person is an individual. Some people are simply afraid of trouble while driving a car. Others, for example, are afraid to fly on an airplane. Some people are afraid of meeting with a traffic police officer, others are simply afraid of driving into the oncoming lane, or that their brakes will fail. From this we can assume that a person is afraid for his life, but all people are different, and fear manifests itself differently in everyone. Some people, having a car, cannot overcome their fear of driving; behind the wheel they feel indecisive, constrained, sometimes cowardly and insecure, hiding their fear, which can lead to disastrous consequences. Such people will never be able to become full-fledged drivers.

Women behave in cases of fear of driving a little differently than men. This is primarily due to biological reasons and the characteristics of her body. The weaker sex is usually slower and less decisive than the stronger. However, if a lady can take a step and overcome her fear, she may well become a qualified driver, no worse than a man who is also subject to an irrational fear of driving a car. Sometimes a woman can be a better driver than most men. Fears are different, they can arise in different ways and in completely different situations. Fear itself, of course, can pass, but in very rare cases. Basically, it acquires more and more new colors, forms, and manifestations. A person in this state is under constant stress, which gets worse and can lead to a neurotic disorder. Such a person may become aggressive or simply withdraw into himself.

The simplest thing you can do in such a situation is not to be afraid to try to drive more often and learn to drive a car outside the city, where there is no traffic at all, and just don’t give a damn about all your negative emotions. On the one hand, the advice is sound and correct, and in some cases it works quite well. But there is still a certain category of people who cannot overcome their fear. Such people begin to tremble before the trip long before it begins, constantly replaying in their heads various incredible situations in which they can find themselves, thereby intimidating themselves even more. How should drivers deal with such grief? Is there a way out of such a difficult situation from their point of view, and is it possible to help them overcome this far-fetched fear?

Fear must be dealt with gradually

Such a person must understand why he needs to drive a car, and whether he really wants to. Having realized that driving a car is necessary and will bring pleasure, the second stage is important to realize that all the fears that exist are nothing more than just a fiction, its violence, cowards, fantasies. It is important to know that it is possible to cope with such fears, and sometimes it is not as difficult as it seems.

Psychology claims that the fear of driving is associated with a person’s low self-esteem, which is never too late to increase even with age; this must be done in order to feel free, and not be dependent on fear, and most unpleasantly, from a far-fetched fear, which reality is not supported by anything, only by human fantasies. So, you can and should fight the feeling of fear, but the feeling of helplessness that gives rise to these fears is much more difficult. Moreover, in the absence of life achievements, the feeling of helplessness will certainly increase.

After a person understands and decides that he needs to drive a car, and he is not the only one in this world who will drive a car, he will need to accept two main components for himself:

  1. A person must admit that he really has a fear of driving, and this fear is irrational, and therefore phobic.
  2. Realize that by succumbing to such fear, it gives rise to new fears, which will be much more difficult to cope with without the help of a specialist. Thus, a person lives in his fears and loses or limits his freedom.

Be persistent in overcoming your phobias

There are also several psychological affirmations that work on the principle of self-hypnosis to overcome fear:

  1. There is no danger for me when I am driving a car
  2. Negative thoughts are just a figment of my imagination, which it’s time to give up
  3. Fear is just an emotion that you need and can easily step over.
  4. Fear is meant to be a teacher, I learn from my fears, so it is great pleasure to turn negative thoughts into positive ones
  5. You need to wake up every morning feeling confident

The gradual method is very effective in overcoming fear. If the fear is very strong, then your comfort zone needs to be expanded, and this must be done gradually. To begin with, this could be driving training outside the city, then on familiar streets with minimal traffic. It is necessary to start driving a car and overcome fear in the company of good friends or close relatives who are experienced drivers. The visualization method also works and bears fruit. It is based on the idea of ​​a dangerous and extreme situation from which a person emerges with dignity and honor, that is, he acts very calmly, confidently, and most importantly skillfully. It is better to carry out work using the visualization method with confident and skillful driving, and the result will not be long in coming. Driving will subsequently become skillful and masterful.

Everyone has a fear of driving a car.

And one last thing. During the struggle and overcoming your fear, it is not advisable to watch television programs about accidents on the roads. As the fear of driving begins to subside, it will be replaced by a feeling of great satisfaction, and the true pleasure of driving a car will give you a feeling of good mood and pride in yourself.

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Where does fear of driving come from?

You approach your car, get into it and...suddenly you realize that you are simply SCARED to leave the parking lot or yard and stand in this humming, beeping, continuous and seemingly chaotic stream of soulless metal on wheels. And there is no one to tell you, the driving instructor is no longer your guardian angel and prompter. And you are so used to him telling you where to turn and what to do.

The fear of driving a car becomes stronger than all the tasks that are scheduled for today. And the thought crept into my head: I’ll go on the subway. STOP. This should not be done under any circumstances, otherwise you will never overcome the fear of driving a car. Let's think.

These are theoretical reasons, the solution to which you will have to find yourself, practically. And it is not necessary for everyone to have these fears of driving a car, and their importance and consistency are not required. But for anyone who has a fear of driving, it is imperative to analyze and overcome these reasons. You can do it.

  1. Psychological reasons: low self-esteem of my abilities and capabilities as a driver: I don’t remember the signs, I don’t remember the markings, I forgot the rules of priority passage, etc. Your reluctance to be the center of rude attitude toward yourself from other drivers or traffic police officers.
  2. Fear of responsibility: make a collision, hit a pedestrian, violate traffic rules, lose control.
  3. Lack of practical experience: there was no opportunity to go to a driving school, but with the instructor everything was clear, and he suggested what to do.
  4. Having negative experiences or impressions: you yourself were involved in an accident or a picture of an accident or a report from the scene of the accident is etched in your memory.

Basically, except for point 3, this is a fear of driving a car based on your psychological state, and you can cope with them yourself and with the help of your loved ones. As a last resort, you can contact a psychologist, but this is a very extreme case.

How to overcome your fear of driving

Of course, what is written does not guarantee that after reading it you will overcome your fear of driving a car. We did not set a goal to achieve instant results. You must prioritize your efforts to overcome your fear of driving.

Recommendations for overcoming the fear of driving are, in fact, closely intertwined, so they need to be addressed in a complex manner. And it happens that having eliminated one of the causes of fear of driving, the second will go away on its own. Everything is in your power.

1. Practice overcoming your fear of driving

  • In order not to be afraid to drive a car, you need to drive it as often as possible. Start with the fact that you need to learn each of your routes. Make trips first on the short shoulder, i.e. to nearby shops, hairdressers, anywhere, even if this “anywhere” is only 200 m away. Each time you get into a car, start it, drive off, change gears is a small step towards a big skill.
  • Drive all your main routes several times at a time when there is little traffic on the street, on weekends, in the evening. Get used to junctions and road signs.
  • Always initially develop your route to the smallest detail before you start moving. A “brain” GPRS card will work in your head and you will feel much more confident on the road.
  • Knowledge of traffic rules: signs, markings, traffic lights and, especially, the traffic controller - this is not even discussed. This is the default. It is these “teeth-flying rules” that will help you cope with the fear of driving a car, based on a sense of responsibility for traffic violations and the consequences for these violations.

The basis of how to overcome the fear of driving a car practically is the acquisition of driving skills at a reflex level.

2. Psychology in overcoming the fear of driving a car

  • You can do everything. Like every person who is passing by you in their car right now. Do you really think that he is special or endowed with some kind of gift? No. He is exactly the same as you.
  • Get taller. Yes, it is to rise above the rudeness that you encounter on the road and neglect - you are an intelligent and civilized person. You understand that stubbornness is for donkeys. Calm your ambitions, let them pass if some driver even violates traffic rules, because repairing your car and your nerves are more expensive than your momentary emotional explosion.
  • A thorough knowledge of the rules will help you overcome the fear of driving a car, based on the fear of the traffic inspector. You are confident and you are not violating. This will also help you cope with the fear of negative experiences. Nothing can happen to you if you do everything right. More than 70% of accidents occur due to the fault of the victims themselves: speeding, violating overtaking rules, smoking or being distracted while driving, and many other reasons. Tired fell asleep at the wheel instead of stopping and resting for half an hour.

Fear is a feeling inherent in all people. For some, experienced drivers, fear, based on practical experience, protects them from emergency situations. And for beginners, fear serves as a magnifying glass. Don't exaggerate the danger, but always be ready to react.

And if, for example, while driving according to the rules, you experience some kind of hitch, do not panic. Stop the car. Turn on the life-saving emergency flasher, analyze your actions and... go ahead, move on, overcoming your fear of driving a car. You can do it.

Good luck, car lovers.