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Charging is in progress but the phone is not charging. Why is the battery not charging?

Over the past 20 years, phones have become an integral part of our lives. Not every home may have a TV, but every family member has a smartphone. Even small first-graders usually have a means of communication for emergency calls. The gadget performs various functions: from the ability to make calls to a music player and e-reader. Therefore, a person whose phone stops charging finds himself in a state of mild panic. We have collected various reasons why your phone won't charge and ways to solve these problems yourself.

It sounds very stupid, but sometimes it is this side that really lets you down. And it will be very disappointing, after disassembling the phone and trying all the options, to suddenly realize that the problem was with the socket. Therefore, first of all, try moving the charger to a different outlet.

Faulty wire

Very often the problem lies in the charger itself. They are not as durable as we would like, and constant use of the cord greatly shortens its life. This usually doesn't happen suddenly. First, you start to notice that the phone only charges in a certain position. You begin to twist the charger, fix it in a bent state to get the desired charge. But at some point the cord stops working completely.

First of all, check that your power cord is working properly. If your phone is a standard Android, then finding a cord is not a problem. You can go to any communication store and ask to check the gadget. Usually such requests are not refused, because you will buy a new cord in the same store.

Attention: if your mobile phone is one of those models where there is access to the battery, then it is tempting to connect the wires directly to the battery. In an emergency, this method will work. Simply cut off the adapter, strip the wires, and connect them to the battery contact. But such experiments damage the battery itself; it stops holding a charge. Then you will have to buy not only a charger, but also a new battery. Therefore, do not resort to this method.

Clogged contacts

The problem may be contamination or oxidation of the contacts. To solve the oxidation problem you will need alcohol and a thin brush. Lightly wet the brush with alcohol and carefully clean the connector. It is more convenient to remove dirt and dust from the connector using a thin needle or toothpick. Just be very careful not to damage the connector.

Power adapter failure

If your phone won't charge when plugged in, try checking the power adapter (the small box that plugs into an outlet). If it is too hot or, conversely, cold, this may be an indirect sign of a breakdown. Connect your phone to your computer via a USB cable. If it starts charging, the problem is with the adapter. Go to any hardware store and buy a new one that matches the model of your device.

Faulty charging connector

It happens that the phone shows that it is charging, but the charge still “melts before our eyes.” Even if you connected it to the network or power bank.

If everything is absolutely fine with the cord, the reason may lie in a faulty connector. This problem also manifests itself gradually. Usually it was not possible to put the device on charge right away; we had to move the charger a little in the area of ​​the connector. The cause of the breakdown is usually careless use of the phone. At risk are people who like to leave their smartphone charging but continue to use it. Also, the cause of this problem may be the age of the mobile or simply a poor-quality connector. Cheap chargers also greatly loosen the connector socket and dislodge the contacts.

You can try to solve this problem yourself.

  1. Turn off your device. Remove the battery if possible.
  2. Take a small thin object (toothpick or needle).
  3. Insert the pin into the USB port and pull the small fastener up. This should be done very lightly and as carefully as possible.
  4. Insert the battery. Check if your phone is charging.

If you couldn’t fix it yourself, then use the services of a specialist. The problem is solved quite quickly and inexpensively. After repairs, try to charge your phone less often. Try to charge your phone fully once a day.

Operating system problems

Due to a failed update or malicious viruses, your phone may stop showing that it is charging. These problems are solved differently in different operating systems.


  1. Use programs to optimize system operation (CCleaner, Clean Master, Smart Manager).
  2. Install an antivirus and scan your device for viruses.
  3. Reset the system to factory settings. To do this, find the “Settings” menu item on your phone.

Find "Backup & Reset".

Then select Factory Reset.

If the problem was in the operating system, then the last method will definitely help. Just don't forget to transfer all important data to the flash card.


  1. Force restart your iPhone. To do this, you need to simultaneously hold down the Home and Power buttons for about 30 seconds.
  2. If the problem occurs after the update, you can simply cancel them. To do this, connect your device to your computer. Open iTunes and make a backup.

Windows Phone

  1. Reboot your phone.
  2. Try turning off the device and charging it for 20 minutes while it is turned off.

Battery fault

If your phone won't charge, then the problem may be with the battery. Like any thing, it has its own service life. It is especially shortened if the mobile gets wet or falls. If it is possible to take out the battery and examine it, then be sure to do so. Pay attention to whether the battery has any deformation, swelling or bending. This is a sign that the battery is not working.

If the battery is non-removable, then there is another way to check for defects. Place your smartphone on the table and try to rotate it around its axis. A swollen battery will cause the phone to spin vigorously.

When buying a new battery, try to buy an original one from the manufacturer. They cost more, but the quality is much better than third-party developments.

Problem with the controller

If you have checked everything you could and the phone is not charging, then most likely the problem lies in a broken controller. It is he who is responsible for ensuring that the phone is charged. You won’t be able to identify the problem yourself, much less fix it. It is better to contact a specialist who can accurately determine the cause of the breakdown and fix it.

The phone has become such a part of our lives that without it you feel like you have no hands. But if your phone has stopped charging, this is not a reason to despair. Replacing a battery, connector, or charger is quite quick and inexpensive. It’s much worse when, for example, the screen glass of a gadget breaks. That's where the repair can cost as much as buying a new phone. Here the problem is local in nature and is solved very quickly.

Owners of used or fairly old cars may encounter a problem such as the lack of efficient battery charging. This is a common situation that occurs for various reasons. Sometimes the battery does not receive a charge even when using a special one, but do not rush to throw it away. First of all, you need to figure out why the battery is not charging and eliminate the reasons.

Problem Definition

If the car is not charging the battery, this will be immediately noticeable in the operation of the electrical equipment. At a minimum, the car simply won’t start, since to start the engine the starter needs to turn the engine, and to spin it up, energy is taken from the battery. However, if the car is pushed or rolled down a hill, the engine will be spun up by the wheels, and so it will also start. This cannot be done with an automatic transmission.

Often the battery device has nothing to do with it at all, and the problem may be hidden in the generator or even the wires. To determine the malfunction, first of all you need to check the voltage at the terminals using a multimeter. If you don’t have your own multimeter, then any service station or just your neighbor in the garage has one. Note that if the battery is not charging, we can only find out the main reasons using a multimeter. We simply need him.

Checking with a multimeter

To check, the engine must first be started. We start it up, set the multimeter to voltage measurement mode, connect its probes to If charging is in progress, the voltage will be around 14-14.4 V. If the battery is not charging, then the voltage on the multimeter will be 12 V or lower if the battery is very low .

If you connect the battery to a charger and measure the voltage with a multimeter, you can see that the voltage at the terminals is constantly increasing, which indicates full charging. It will stop at a certain value - this is normal. However, if the voltage does not change at all since charging, this means that charging is not taking place at all.

This simple method of checking allows you to understand whether the problem is in the battery itself or if it should be looked for in the generator. In any case, now you know how to check if the battery is charging. However, this requires a multimeter. Fortunately, this is an inexpensive device that is sold in any specialty store.

Why is the battery not charging? Causes

One of the most common reasons is sulfation of the plates, which occurs if the battery has not been used for a very long time. During sulfation, a white coating forms on lead plates - these are crystals of lead sulfate, which reduce the working surface of the plates. As a result, the battery capacity is greatly reduced. If the battery operates in normal mode, that is, it is constantly discharging and charging, then crystals will not form. They appear only in case of downtime.

If there are few of these crystals on the plates, then you can get rid of them by constantly discharging and charging the battery. For this purpose, there are even special chargers that charge the battery, then apply a large load to discharge it, then charge it again, etc. When receiving and releasing a charge, the crystals gradually disappear, the working surface of the lead plates increases, and the battery is able to accept a normal charge . However, this can be done without special charging. But in this case, you will have to charge and discharge (connect lamps to it, for example) the battery over the course of two or three days, which is not particularly convenient.

In cases where sulfation affects large areas of the plates, physical cleaning will be required. That is, the plates themselves are removed from a plastic container (the pre-acid solution is drained) and the crystals are removed manually. a method that often requires unsoldering the top cover of the battery. It must be done very carefully, since there is acid inside, and getting it on the skin will cause a severe burn.

This type of malfunction occurs only on old batteries. Therefore, if the VAZ-2107 battery is not charging, then the problem is most likely sulfation. On relatively new batteries, first of all you need to check whether the terminals are oxidized.

Oxidation of terminals

Oxidation is the process of chemical interaction of a metal with oxygen contained in the air. As a result, a white coating forms on the terminals, which significantly increases the resistance. It is logical that with high resistance, normal battery charging is impossible, so the plaque must be removed. This can be done using regular fine-grained sandpaper. It is worth considering that you need to rub the terminals carefully, because lead is a soft metal. After removing the deposits, the terminals need to be secured back and the charge checked.

Note that this is the most banal and insignificant problem that can be easily solved.

Oxidation or broken wires

Not only terminals can be subject to oxidation, but also wires. Or rather, not the wires themselves, but the places where they contact the terminals. They also need to be cleaned with sandpaper and reconnected. In rare cases, a wire may burn out at some point due to a voltage drop. This will cause an open circuit and the battery will not charge since it will not be connected to the generator at all. Therefore, it is necessary to inspect the entire wire for burnout.

Timing belt slippage

The next reason why the battery is not charging could be the timing belt. When starting the engine, this belt maintains its stable operation. If the belt is heavily worn, it may slip, which will lead to unstable rotation of the engine crankshaft and, as a result, the generator rotor.

Note that belt slipping produces a characteristic high-pitched whistle that comes from under the hood when the engine is running. And a break in this belt can generally bend the valves of the power plant, not to mention the inability to charge the battery. Therefore, it is very important to monitor suspicious whistles that may be coming from under the hood, and also change the timing belt in a timely manner. Depending on the car model, manufacturers recommend replacing it after 50-80 thousand kilometers. It is advisable to adhere to periodicity, because in the end they will require large investments in repairs. However, a broken timing belt does not always bend the valve, but this is no longer the topic of this article.

Generator relay diodes

The battery charging system, although simple, includes many devices. Failure of any of them may result in a lack of battery charge. A common item that often fails is the generator relay.

The test is carried out as follows: using a multimeter, measure the voltage at the battery terminals with the engine not running. Then the engine is started and the voltage is measured again. Normally, the voltage when the engine is running should be 13.5-14.3 V, when not running - 12.5-12.7 V. If you increase the speed while the engine is running by pressing the gas pedal, the generator will spin faster, the value on the multimeter screen may also increase. Nothing like this should happen, but if there is an increase in voltage, then the problem most likely lies in a malfunction of the generator relay diodes. In this case, unscrew the generator, open its cover and replace the relay completely. A person without experience in such work is unlikely to cope with such a task, so he will have to go to a service station.

After replacing the diodes, the battery will receive normal current. Therefore, it will also charge normally.

Problem with the battery itself

If everything is in order with the generator, then only the battery remains. Sulfation has already been written above, but there may be other reasons why the battery of a VAZ and other brands of cars does not charge.

Alternatively, you can try replacing the electrolyte. To do this, liquid is drained from all cans and distilled water is added. After some time, this water also needs to be drained and electrolyte added - it is sold in almost all stores with goods for cars that have batteries. After changing the electrolyte, the battery charge can be restored.

By the way, it is very important to keep the electrolyte density at 1.285 g/cm 3 . Density is measured with a special device, which drivers most often do not have. Therefore, it is best to perform this operation at a service station.

In general, if there is something wrong with the battery, then most often it is simply replaced with a new one. The old one is being sold. Usually, when buying a new battery, the old one is taken away for an average of 400-500 rubles. Thus, if the battery of a VAZ or other car brands is not charging, then the replacement option looks attractive. The battery is a consumable item and has a limited lifespan, so don't get too upset if it fails. This is quite normal if we are talking about old devices.

More reasons

And although there are only three main reasons (the battery, the generator itself, the circuit between these devices), the malfunction may lie deeper. On very old generators, the rotors are very worn. They may get stuck during operation. If this happens, then a complete replacement of this unit is necessary. It is also possible that the circuit through which the generator is driven is broken. Determining the specific location of the break is quite difficult, and only experienced service station technicians can do this.


Now you know why the battery is not charging. Unfortunately, this is a common problem, which in most cases is solved by replacing the latter. But this is not the worst malfunction that can happen to any car, so you shouldn’t be too upset about it.

Why isn't my phone charging? This question arises when you connect the charger to the phone's charging port, but the phone does not charge. Or you see the charging process on the phone screen, but the charge level does not increase.

In this article, we will look at the reasons why your phone stops charging.

If the phone does not charge when you connect the charger, the first thing you need to do is make sure that the charger is working properly. To do this, try connecting this charger to another phone, unless of course the type of connector is the same. Another phone also refuses to charge from this charger? So the problem is still in the charger or cord. In this case, you should replace the charging unit or charging cord.

You should take into account the power of the charger, or rather the current that the charging unit can produce. There are 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 Ampere chargers. The higher the battery capacity, the more powerful the charging should be.

It happens that the phone charges, but it is unstable. The charging plug must be pressed in a certain position for the phone to start charging. Again, you must first make sure that the cord itself is in good condition and the plug is not damaged. If everything is fine with the cord, the reason for such unstable charging is most likely the phone's charging connector, the contacts of which wear out over time and contact with the charger is broken. Inaccurate connection of the charger to the phone can also cause damage to the charging connector. If the phone charging connector is damaged, it must be replaced with a new one. But before you run to the service center to replace the socket, try carefully cleaning the connector contacts with alcohol. If this procedure does not give a lasting result, feel free to go to a service center, where they will resolder the connector for a new one.

If the phone stops charging after opening, replacing the battery, replacing the display, screen, display module, then most likely you forgot to connect the board-to-board cable or the cable was damaged. In order to understand whether the cable is intact or not, you need to ring all the contacts one by one with a tester. If a break or high resistance is detected between some contacts, you can try to restore contact between them or replace the entire board-to-board cable.

The reason why the phone takes a long time to charge or if the phone stops charging completely may be a faulty battery. The average guaranteed service life of a mobile phone battery is 1.5-2 years, after which a significant loss of its capacity is possible. Usually the battery gradually loses capacity, and the user notices that the battery has less capacity to hold a charge and discharges quickly. But in some cases, the battery suddenly loses capacity to almost zero and you have to urgently change it in order to continue using the phone. A faulty battery can become very hot, swell, and even explode! Therefore, if you notice or suspect that something is wrong with the battery, immediately contact a service center to have the battery checked! A swollen battery can push out the cover or display module of the phone and damage it.

A faulty power controller or charge controller can also be the reason why your phone won't charge. The controller can burn out due to connecting a non-original charger to the phone, supplying increased voltage (above 5 volts), water getting inside the phone, or after exposure to high humidity.

If the phone does not charge due to a damaged or torn charging connector, the connector will need to be replaced. This always involves disassembling the phone. Some phones just need to unscrew and remove the back panel to get to the motherboard or bottom cable, and almost all modern smartphones require peeling off the back cover or display module. The cost of replacing the charging connector depends on the complexity of disassembling the phone.

So let's summarize. The phone may not charge for the following reasons:

Faulty charger;

The charging cable is damaged;

The phone charging connector (socket) is damaged or broken;

The battery is faulty;

The bottom cable or bottom board is faulty;

The inter-board cable is damaged;

Water got inside the phone;

The charge controller or power controller has failed;

To ensure that your phone charges properly and does not cause charging problems, handle it with care. Carefully connect the charger to the phone and also carefully disconnect it, do not tear the wire out of the socket. If possible, do not use the phone while charging, do not bend the charger cable. Use only the original charger and cable or a high-quality analogue. You should not charge your phone from your car's cigarette lighter using a cheap Chinese adapter!

If you still encounter a problem where the phone does not charge and you were unable to solve this problem yourself, we suggest that you contact our Repair48 service center in Lipetsk for help. We will try to find the reason why your phone stopped charging as quickly as possible, fix the problem and give you a working phone on the same day! You can ask any question about repairs by calling our service center by phone:

If your phone's battery isn't charging properly, don't think it's just the battery or the charger that's causing the problem. Based on personal experience, the problem and its solution may be much simpler than you think. If your smartphone or tablet is charging poorly or not charging at all, then check out 10 ways to fix these problems.

Why is the device not charging?

Problems arise to varying degrees. Either the phone doesn't want to charge at all when it's connected, or the process is too slow. Here are some solutions for you.

1. Poor contact

Very often the metal coating inside the USB port and micro USB has poor contact, either through a manufacturing defect or through wear and tear on the cable.

All you need to do is turn off the device, remove the battery if possible, and clean the contacts inside with something like a needle or toothpick. Do this very carefully and carefully, then insert the battery and connect the charger again. 9 times out of 10, that's all you need to do.

2. Clean the charging port from dust and foreign fibers

Do you keep your phone in your jeans pocket? If so, then fibers could be the culprit: we've lost count of the number of times fibers in our clothing have caused faulty charging.

You can also return the charging connector to normal condition by blowing it with compressed air.

3. Try a different cable

The most fragile part of the charger is the cable. It constantly bends, which can damage it over time.

The easiest way to diagnose a damaged cable is to take another one and see if it works properly with your device. If yes, you know that the original charger wire is faulty. If not, then you need to look for a solution further.

4. Use a different adapter

You have ruled out problems with the cable, then you need to check the functionality of the charging device itself. This is much easier if you can pull the wire out of the adapter. We've encountered many chargers where the USB ports have become worn out due to endless plugging and unplugging of the cable.

Also check the charging/wire functionality on other phones as this will help rule out the possibility that it is a problem with your smartphone. In addition, you must make sure that the outlet is working properly.

5. Remember - safety comes first

Do not charge your device near water or in extremely hot or humid conditions. Do not keep the device connected to the charger for too long. Don't leave it charging overnight when it only needs 2-3 hours. This may cause hardware damage.

If you want to replace the charger or its cable, be careful: cheap third-party adapters are quite dangerous. Recently, there have been many cases of mobile phones catching fire due to them.

The video below captured one of these cases:

6. Replace the battery

The life of a battery does not last forever, and after several years of use, it loses its capacity. The more often you charge and discharge it, the sooner it will deteriorate. Of course, if the battery stops working after six months of use, then you need to contact the seller for a warranty.

Some defective batteries can be easily identified by their appearance. If it is swollen, then it should be replaced immediately.

7. Charge from the correct source

Charging from a wall outlet will always be faster than from a computer because its USB ports have too little power. Thus, the phone charges much faster from a power outlet.

The problem may also be that you are using an adapter from another device, for example, from a Bluetooth headset, which is not intended for your gadget. This adapter does not supply enough current. In the case of the latest high-end smartphones, you may have a device that supports fast charging, but the adapter is not suitable.

8. Update the software or roll back to the previous version

Software updates can degrade a mobile phone's battery life, especially when an older device receives the latest version of Android. Newer smartphones and tablets are often optimized to take advantage of the latest software.

If this happens to you and you can't find a solution, try rolling back to a previous version. You can, of course, try doing a hard reset first, as the manufacturers recommend, so as not to risk the data on your device due to an old version of Android.

Likewise, sometimes a smartphone's battery life can be significantly improved by a recent update.

9. Try turning it off

Using heavy applications while charging affects the duration of the process. For example, if you are chatting on Skype or playing games, the device will take longer to charge.

Therefore, charge the device in the off state or in airplane mode.

10. Calibrate the battery

Sometimes, the battery charge level displayed on the screen may differ from the actual battery level. Because of this, your phone's behavior may seem strange to you.

Many car owners or simply amateurs prefer to know everything about their iron friend rather than constantly taking it to a car service center for diagnostics, paying a good amount of money for it.

But it’s simply impossible to know everything at once, so I suggest you fill a possible knowledge gap on one of the frequently asked questions: what to do if the battery is not charging? Moreover, the reasons and methods for eliminating such “non-working” depend on the type of malfunction itself.

Option 1: you turned on the ignition, but the red indicator lamp does not light up.

There can be many reasons why the battery is not charging.

  • The battery may simply be low. In this case, naturally, to eliminate the breakdown, you just need to charge it.
  • Your control lamp itself may be faulty. Here, again, you should simply replace it, and the problem will be solved.
  • The brushes may already be worn out - replace them too.
  • The wire entering the battery may be broken. Or the terminals in your car have oxidized or become loose. Regardless, check the terminals (and clean if necessary) and the integrity of the wire.
  • The wire between the warning light, ignition switch and generator may also be broken. This circuit should be checked with a probe.
  • The voltage regulator has failed. The solution is to replace it.
  • In such a situation, it is possible that an insulating layer may form between the brushes and slip rings due to moisture (for example, after washing the engine). In this case, you need to blow out the generator with compressed air or clean the brushes and rings.
  • The generator is faulty. The solution is to have the generator repaired at a service station or replace it.

Option 2: the engine is running, but the charging indicator lamp is blinking or even lights up.

Let's look at several of the most common causes of this situation and ways to correct their consequences.

  • The accessory drive belt is loose or has fallen off - check the belt tension.
  • The generator has failed (see solution above).
  • The brushes are worn out. The solution is to replace the voltage regulator.
  • There may be poor contact at the generator terminals or a wire break altogether. In this case, the contacts and the wire itself are checked, and the necessary measures are taken to restore their functionality.

Option 3: increased formation of steam in the battery.

There is only one way out - replace the voltage regulator due to its malfunction.

Case 4: The top of the battery is wet.

In this case:

  1. You may have poured the required amount of distilled water - then give it time to evaporate. Do not pump out electrolyte!
  2. Perhaps the voltage regulator has failed, then it should be replaced.
  3. The battery holes are probably clogged. If this is the reason, then you need to clean the vents.