Portal for car enthusiasts

Yellow cars are new. Why does color matter when selling a car? Approximate prices are given

Story yellow taxi originates in the USA. A certain John Hertz achieved success in the car sales business. He managed to make a fortune with the help of an original idea. Hertz offered to take a used car as partial payment for a new car. Thus, Americans began to exchange their cars for new ones, paying extra money for it.

However, the used cars had to go somewhere. They began to be repainted yellow and used for passenger transportation. And so the first in the world appeared yellow taxi and the Yellow cab brand, which has become famous far beyond the United States.

Today yellow taxi can be seen in different countries. These cars are very noticeable in the general traffic, so the use of yellow is a big advantage for passenger carriers. Previously in our country yellow taxi was not a prerequisite, but now the situation has changed significantly. At the moment we are talking only about Moscow, but changes may affect other Russian cities.

New law

On July 1, 2013, a law was passed according to which all taxi cars in Moscow must be yellow. Without compliance with this condition, carriers cannot obtain a license. So far, the yellow taxi law is only in effect in Moscow, but it is possible that the same law will be adopted for the Moscow region and other regions.

Moscow taxi services are already faced with the need to change the color of their cars. Today, to obtain a license to carry out passenger transportation, it is necessary to repaint the car or yellow pasting. Moreover, the second option is the most preferable. It is beneficial both practically and economically.

Taxi services that received a license before the changes in the law are not yet subject to the requirement for yellow cars. Until the end of the license period, there is no need to repaint or wrap the car, since previously the legal requirements were different. However, at the moment when it becomes necessary to renew the license, yellow taxi will become a mandatory condition for the implementation of passenger transportation activities.

Thus, the new law provides for a flexible transition to yellow taxi and does not infringe on the rights of carriers who have already registered and received a license in Moscow before July 1, 2013.

Repainting or wrapping it yellow?

The issue of a taxi license can be resolved in two ways: by repainting or pasted in yellow. Repainting is a very expensive undertaking that will require a large investment. In addition, such cars are actively used in work, and after 5-7 years they have to be replaced. What's the point of repainting a car?!

Pasting in yellow color
- a cheaper and more practical event. You will spend less time and money on it. In addition, the wrap will improve the protection of the car. It will look great even after several years of active use, since the film will become an additional protective mechanism against various chips and cracks.

Yellow taxi wrap has too many advantages over repainting, which is why most carriers choose the film option. The car can be covered completely or partially. There are options with 50%, 70% and 100% body wrap. The cost of services depends on this.

In addition to the total area of ​​the pasting, the number of car parts that require installation and dismantling, the need for surface preparation, and the price of the film itself play a role. All this adds up to the final cost of the work.

Taxi wrap options

Issued subject to repainting or wrapping cars yellow. However, there are certain nuances here. The law does not clearly stipulate the required percentage of taxi body wraps. Therefore, the taxi owner decides this issue independently. If the car is completely covered with film, the owner of such a taxi will not have any complaints.

This option is the most reliable in terms of obtaining a license. In other cases (50 or 70% of the wrap), the taxi color may be considered a combination color, which will complicate the process of obtaining a license. To prevent such risks, it is better to choose a full wrapping the body with yellow film or obtain the necessary advice from the authority that issues a license for passenger transportation.

This information will help you comply with the necessary requirements in case of partial body wrapping. In addition, wrapping 50 or 70% will allow the car owner to save money, but it is important that taxi license was received.

Pasting in yellow color involves a choice of different shades. In this regard, the process is similar to painting a car. Such pasting involves developing an individual style, sticking logos, checkers and contact information. All this is decided on an individual basis. The choice of a specific option depends on the client’s wishes.

What should a taxi owner do?

Taxi license– a document the receipt of which is not a complicated process. A number of conditions must be met. There is a certain algorithm by following which you can be guaranteed to obtain a license:

1. You need to cover the taxi with yellow film, choosing the option that suits you.
2. You need to contact the traffic police with documents for the car in order to make changes to the registration data.
3. Having received the documents from the traffic police, you need to contact the authority that issues licenses.
4. Next, you need to return to the traffic police again to get a new yellow number.

After meeting all the above requirements taxi license will be in your pocket. You don't need to repaint the car for this. Everything can be solved by wrapping taxis with yellow film.

Choosing a film for wrapping a taxi

Taxi owners are unlikely to be able to solve the problem of choosing the right film for wrapping a car on their own. Here you will need the help of specialists who will suggest the most suitable option.

Modern films are different from each other, but represent a high quality item. To yellow pasting made sense not only from the point of view of obtaining taxi licenses, but also to improve the protection of the car body, you need to choose the appropriate film.

A very important factor is the choice of a company that provides taxi wrapping services in yellow. By contacting us, you will receive high-quality services at a low cost.

Different types of films are used for wrapping taxis.

  1. Calendered films. They have a low degree of tension, which is why they are used for flat surfaces. This film can last for 5-7 years.
  2. Cast films. They are used for gluing any surfaces, do not shrink, and eliminate the formation of bubbles when gluing. Service life – up to 10 years.
  3. Matte or glossy films. This is a brightly colored vinyl with a noticeable matte effect. The films differ from each other. There are options designed exclusively for protective functions.
  4. Polyurethane protective anti-gravel film. It allows you to enhance the protection of your car from chips, scratches and other damage to the body. The film is applied using transparent glue.

This is a general classification of films, but every driver has the right to choose the option that seems optimal to him. An important condition is the combination of the beautiful appearance of the machine and the reliability of the protective coating.

You need to know that any film cannot solve corrosion problems. If this destructive process has already begun, the corrosion must be stopped urgently, and only then can the yellow film be applied.

KPMF 8800 vinyl film is often used as a material for wrapping a car yellow. There are other interesting options, including film from 3M Corporation. The modern consumer has a lot to choose from. Yellow Taxi most often has a bright yellow or “sunflower” color tone. Such films are used for wrapping taxis more often than others.

Advantages of wrapping taxis with yellow film

Wrapping a taxi yellow is the easiest and least expensive way to change the color of a car. Why should you use adhesive?

  • Economical. We have already mentioned the financial benefits of such an event, but it is so tangible that this point is worth emphasizing.
  • Practicality. High-quality vinyl film can last 5-7 years, and in some cases even longer. This period coincides with the normal period of active service of the vehicle for passenger transportation. Such a coincidence speaks in favor of pasting with yellow film. In addition, it is easily removable.
  • Possibility to decorate the car in a corporate style. Branding and individual style are the big advantages of a yellow taxi. Vinyl wrapping will help make the car recognizable, and giving it individual features will make it different from other companies.
  • An easy way to comply with the law. Taxi license from July 1, 2013, it is issued in Moscow under different conditions than before. Wrapping a taxi with yellow vinyl film is the most suitable and easiest way to solve the problem.
  • Possibility of profitable sale of a car. The car can be actively used for passenger transportation for 5-7 years, then it will need to be replaced. Since vinyl film protects the car body and paintwork well from cracks, chips and other wear, after removing the film, such a car retains its presentation. Therefore, it can be easily sold.

Pasting in yellow color using a special film - a very profitable option for a taxi. Currently, it is more relevant than repainting the car. Even large taxi companies use it, because yellow taxi wrap will save them a considerable amount of money.

Profitable proposition

The company "IT'S ME Taxi" provides car wrapping services. Why should you contact us?

  • Low prices. We offer car wraps on favorable terms. The offer "IT'S ME Taxi" is very attractive for Moscow.
  • Quality. Our employees are highly qualified specialists who perform their work professionally and efficiently. Contacting us will guarantee excellent car wrapping.
  • Various pasting options. You can order a full or partial car body wrap in yellow. Each option has its own nuances. Our employees will tell you the advantages of any of them, after which you can make the right decision for yourself.
  • Additional services. In addition to the usual taxi wraps, you can order a choice of color shade, application of your company logo and the development of an individual style.

Do you need to wrap your car with yellow film? Contact the company "IT'S ME Taxi". We will be glad to see you among our clients.

Observant people might be wondering, what are yellow license plates on cars? You can spot them while walking down the street. Considering that the color is unusual, the question immediately arises, what do these signs mean? By the way, there are other colors that can also be seen in the city. Now let’s look at what a certain shade of a license plate on a car means.

Definitions of colors

If you focus on the legislation, you can understand that there are not only yellow numbers, but also other colors. In total there are 5 varieties. Among them: white, yellow, blue, red and black. Naturally, the car owner does not choose the color he likes best. You get a certain look depending on the purpose of the vehicle. Now let’s figure out what the yellow numbers mean, as well as other types.

Definition of colors:

  1. If blue signs are attached to the car, then the car belongs to the internal affairs bodies. We are talking about private security, traffic police, police.
  2. The black color indicates that the vehicle belongs to the Ministry of Defense. Moreover, the codes on the numbers correspond to military units. This is not a region code at all. Drivers are advised to avoid these vehicles.
  3. Red signs in Russia mean that the car is owned by diplomats and consulates. The first three digits correspond to the code of the country's representative office, which is located in the Russian Federation. An example is the following: USA – 004; Japan - 005; China - 009. If the series is CD, then the transport belongs to the head of the diplomatic mission. If it says T, the car is owned by the consulate staff. We are talking about security guards, secretaries, etc. If the series is D, the consul or ambassador will ride in the car.
  4. Yellow license plates on the car indicate that the vehicle is transporting people. We are talking about buses, taxis, minibuses. Moreover, the driver has a license for this activity. However, not all buses are now equipped with such signs.

By the way, until 2002, the yellow color indicated that the car belonged to a stateless person or a foreigner. However, now migrants are no longer given signs of this color. But cars that received yellow license plates before 2002 can still drive.

Receipt procedure

Some people are wondering how to get yellow plates. They have certain advantages. For example, such a car can stop for free in a paid parking lot. In addition, she is allowed to travel in public transport lanes. However, you cannot become the owner of yellow state badges just by choice.

If the vehicle belongs to a taxi driver, then you can contact the traffic police. However, it is important to first obtain a license to transport people. If the car is less than 10 years old, then you can issue an activity permit for 5 years.

However, it must be taken into account that if the vehicle is rented or provided by proxy, then a license cannot be obtained. You can also not count on it if your driving experience is less than 3 years.

Important! If the car is leased, then a license can be obtained. After all, in this case, a person uses a car with the right to buy it.

Separately, it should be noted that taxi drivers need to equip the car accordingly. It is required to install a taximeter, a receipt device, an orange roof light, etc. Then it will be possible to obtain a license.

You will need to submit certain documents:

  1. National driver's passport.
  2. An extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, which was received no later than 30 days ago.
  3. Certificate of registration of rights to the car.
  4. Leasing agreement (if necessary).
  5. Diagnostic card.
  6. OSAGO or CASCO insurance policy.

You will have to wait up to 30 days for the application to be reviewed, after which a response will be given. If the person and his car meet the conditions, then there will be a chance to get a license.

The color of a car can tell a lot about the character of its owner. For example, by the shade of the “iron friend” you can understand what kind of temperament and worldview a person has. Let's find out what the color of your car says about you.

When buying a car, you need to pay attention to many details and nuances: brand characteristics, dimensions, condition, mileage, cost, etc. Technical data is very important, but we also recommend that you take the choice of car color no less seriously.

The car becomes our faithful assistant and friend. Since we spend quite a lot of time in a car, its color can affect our mood, well-being and worldview. In addition, each existing shade carries a number of certain characteristics that send signals to the subconscious of people. The color of your car can tell a lot about you, at least to others who will involuntarily associate the shade of your “iron friend” with you.

So, what is the meaning behind the most common car colors?


The lightest shade is associated with purity, innocence, kindness, sincerity and perfection. As a rule, this color is chosen by neat, calm and organized people. White color has calming properties, so the owner of a snow-white car will probably avoid conflicts on the road and not lose composure even in the most critical situations.

It is believed that a white car is chosen by people who are used to taking life seriously. They don’t waste time, literally planning out their day minute by minute. Lovers of snow-white tones have a philosophical worldview, often think about lofty things, analyze their actions, and try to develop spiritually.

People around them subconsciously perceive the owners of snow-white cars as calm, reasonable and slightly pedantic people. They are often characterized as serious and reliable comrades who can be relied on in difficult times.

It is interesting that if a person prefers not “pure” white color, but a shade of ivory, champagne, beige and other similar tones, such features as romanticism and dreaminess are added to his characteristics.


The antitype of white color in many countries of the world is a symbol of grief, sadness and death. But, despite these characteristics, black shades in most cases are perceived positively by us. A “night-shade” car is often chosen by self-confident, purposeful and active people. The owners of such cars are big careerists and often occupy leadership positions. Black lovers care about their image, so they can boast of an impeccable appearance and good manners. However, sometimes the determination of these people develops into assertiveness and even some kind of aggressiveness.

As a rule, people around them characterize the owners of black cars as influential, smart and slightly mysterious people.


Gray color, being a symbiosis of black and white tones, gives people thoughtfulness, prudence and insight. In most cases, a gray car is chosen by conservative, goal-oriented and pragmatic people. Owners of such cars strive for mental and physical comfort: they surround themselves with beautiful and useful things, like to relax and take care of their health.

People around them perceive people whose car is painted in gray tones as balanced, intelligent and honest individuals. However, lovers of gray tones may seem a little unsociable, and there is some truth in this. Owners of gray cars are very careful when choosing friends and acquaintances.


Silver or steel tone represents sophistication, sophistication and elegance. Cars of this color are most often chosen by people who value material well-being and know how to set goals and achieve them. Being calm, competent and confident drivers, owners of silver cars exude composure and a certain detachment. It may seem that these people live in their own world and are reluctant to make contact. However, this impression is created due to the fact that the silver color enhances a person’s tendency to reflect, introspection and thoughtfulness.


The color yellow and all its shades are associated with joy, happiness, summer and optimism. This sunny shade is chosen by cheerful and sociable people who treat even the most unpleasant life situations with humor. These people, just like their cars, attract the attention of others. Absolutely everyone enjoys communicating with lovers of yellow shades, because they are able to amuse others, cheer them up, and also come to the rescue in a difficult situation.

Owners of bright yellow cars approach life lightly and somewhat childishly. Often these people are characterized by increased gullibility and naivety.


A golden car is chosen by people who want to be original and noticeable. The color of the precious metal indicates that a person strives for wealth, luxury, and is also distinguished by a proud and unapproachable character.

As a rule, owners of golden cars live by the “all or nothing” principle. They do not know how and do not want to compromise, achieving their goals at any cost. These people may repel others with their outward inaccessibility, but in fact they value true friendship and loyalty.


Owners of green cars belong to the category of harmonious, open, socially active and friendly people. Green is a symbol of youth, life and nature, and people who prefer it tend to care about the environment and strive to benefit our world.

Lovers of green tones are often altruists who, without hesitation, will help those in need. These people are easy and pleasant to communicate with, so they are always surrounded by friends and fans. Owners of green cars are very calm and reasonable; they try to avoid conflicts and showdowns.


If a person chooses a car in red, scarlet or purple tones, it means that he loves risk, danger and adventure. The owner of a red car cannot be called a cautious driver: he often exceeds the speed limit, practices dangerous techniques on the road and violates traffic rules. This person loves intense emotions so much that he is even willing to risk his health for them.

Lovers of red shades are very active, agile and courageous individuals. Often they become ideological inspirers in the company of friends and acquaintances. In addition, a person who prefers red tones is very emotional in love and in showing feelings.


The color blue is associated with the sea and the evening sky. Looking at this tone, it seems as if it emanates coolness, silence and peace. People who drive blue cars are calm, thoughtful and wise individuals. They never do anything rashly, preferring to carefully consider their actions and actions. Fans of blue shades value stability and consistency. It is difficult for them to get used to new things, and unexpected circumstances can unsettle them for a long time.

Blue cars are chosen by calm, hard-working and reliable people who will never act against their conscience. These people treat others with respect, trying to avoid insults and quarrels in communication.


Violet and dark lilac colors have creative energy. These shades are chosen by people with a fine mental organization and who have well-developed intuition.

A purple car gives its owner mystery, dreaminess and eccentricity. This man is never left alone, because many dream of unraveling his inner secret. As a rule, people who drive purple cars are individualists. Their dreams and goals are sometimes very different from generally accepted standards.


The color pink symbolizes femininity, tenderness, kindness and happiness. A pink car is chosen by sociable, soft, merciful, smiling and, as a rule, young girls.

Communication with the owner of a pink car is a pleasure for absolutely everyone. The character of these people lacks self-centeredness, arrogance and mannerisms, so they are always surrounded by a crowd of friends and fans.

People who distinguish pink from all other shades are very active, but somewhat dispensable. They take life easily, without worrying about troubles and problems.


The rich orange tone represents energy, sensitivity and emotionality. A car of this color is liked by cheerful, active, sociable and frivolous people. Fans of orange shades love to be the center of attention, demonstrating their abilities and talents to others. For these people, communication and entertainment are often the most important areas of life, so they are in no hurry to burden themselves with family ties.

Data on price loss were obtained taking into account the specifics of the foreign market. Data provided by iSeeCars.com

Color matters when it comes to a car's residual value. On average, according to research statistics, a car depreciates by 29.8 percent during the first three years of ownership. Cars in orange and yellow depreciate less than any other color, 27.4% and 26.2% slower than the average car. was selected according to an analysis of 1.6 million cars for the period from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, by iSeeCars.com. It is important to emphasize that, according to research, cars in the two above-mentioned colors showed the lowest losses for almost all bodies and in all market segments.

What makes them unique? According to the CEO of iSeeCars.com, Fong Lee, one of the main factors is supply and demand.

The less often they come across, such as orange, yellow or green (the percentage of cars with this color scheme is only 1.5%), the more popular they are among buyers.

Average loss in value due to car color

Car color

Average depreciation over 3 years

Percentage difference compared to an average priced car





































Average car



Also a factor keeping the cars from losing value for the three colors, orange, yellow and green, is that they are mostly sports cars. are usually not used as a car for every day, which means their condition is better, the researchers are sure, which will affect the residual value for the better.

For example, the average mileage of three-year-old orange sports cars in North America ranges from 26,822 miles to 27,210 miles, compared to an average of 36,324 miles for other body styles.

Surprisingly, selling cars in rare colors doesn't take any longer than selling the average car in any other color. The director of the research company stated that: “On average it takes 43.9 days, while the average for orange cars is 44.1 days and 44.9 for green cars. Yellow cars took a little longer to sell, 49.5 days.”

Average number of days on sale for three-year-old cars by color


Average number of days on sale

























Average value


The statistics on cars such as black, white and gray were unexpected. They fall in price the fastest, since buyers of such cars have a wide choice and sellers cannot maintain a high price bar due to high competition.

After conducting a large-scale study, experts found that cars whose bodies are painted yellow or orange lose much less value over the years than popular white, black or gray cars.

Thus, the car portal iSeeCars.com claims that yellow cars, after five years from the date of release, become cheaper by an average of 26.2% of the original price. Cars with an orange body color have slightly higher depreciation rates - they lose an average of 27.2% in value.

Green cars, according to the study, lose 31.4% of their value over five years, teal cars - 31.4%, red cars - 31.7%, and beige, brown and gold cars - 33.3%. Blue cars will become cheaper after five years by 33.6%, white cars by 33.7%, silver cars by 34.0%, and gray cars by 34.2%. Black cars turned out to be the worst choice from this point of view. Over 60 months, their price falls by an average of 34.4%.

At the same time, the depreciation of cars in the main popular colors occurs more intensively. Cars of popular colors and shades, researchers believe, lose value faster due to the fact that there are, in principle, many more such cars on the market. Experts discovered this pattern by analyzing 20 million used cars sold from 1981 to 2010.

“While market-favorite black or silver vehicles continue to be more sought after and sell more easily and quickly on the secondary market, our analysis shows that they may not hold the same price as yellow and orange. cars,” comments the CEO of iSeeCars.com, Fong Lee, on the results of the study. — This difference is explained by the shortage: yellow and orange cars make up only 1.1% of the total number of cars produced during the study period. If we add green and teal cars to them, it will be 5% of the total.”

In addition, experts have also identified the dependence of the drop in cost on the combination of color and body type. For example, rare yellow SUVs or convertibles painted teal on the market will lose less value than the same cars painted in more conservative colors.

It is worth noting that white is the most popular body color option among motorists of all countries. Many car enthusiasts deliberately purchase a car with a white body, because they understand that it will be easier to sell such a car in a few years. On average, white cars are preferred by 25% of buyers worldwide. Black cars are purchased by 18% of motorists. Cars painted silver are just as popular.

General Director of Selection Auto Denis Eremenko agreed with the results of the study.

“In our market, everything works the same way: cars of bright colors are on average more expensive than black, white or gray ones,” Eremenko told Gazeta.Ru. “But only if it’s not a taxi car, which are often yellow.”

“Non-mass models are often painted orange or yellow—charged hatchbacks, for example. People pay extra for owning a rare model, and even in a rare color,” explains the expert.

“For new cars, white color is extremely popular today: more than 50% of all cars are now sold and ordered in this color,” says Eremenko. — If we talk about the used car market, then buyers are less focused on the color of the body - it is much more important for them to find a car in good technical condition and the equipment they need.

“White cars are also the easiest to sell today. However, it is worth noting that if earlier people, when buying a new car, already thought about how easy it would be to sell it and chose popular body colors, today car enthusiasts tend to buy what they like best,” says the expert.