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Adjustment of the attachment for working and transport positions. What is a jump rope

A jump rope can be considered a very affordable and simple in its essence sports equipment, used by both advanced athletes and ordinary people, even those who have just decided to take care of their health and appearance. For all its simplicity, a jump rope is a fairly complete cardio exercise machine that helps you shed unnecessary pounds, keep your muscles toned, improve the condition of your heart and blood vessels, and even lift your spirits! In addition, it does not take up space in the house, and what’s more, it fits in your pocket! What do you need to know in order to choose the right thing for such a wonderful thing and how not to make a mistake when choosing the length of the rope? Just a few factors. One of them, the most important, is how long the jump rope should be.

Our article is about how to choose a skipping rope. For this, some simple knowledge will be useful. You definitely need to know how to choose a jump rope for your height, as well as the material it is made of and additional functions, if desired.

Training using a skipping rope is also called “skipping” - (“skipp” means “jump” in English).

So, the very first and most important point of our choice will be the length of the rope according to height. After all, it’s not pleasant if the cable hits your legs during jumps, and this will happen if its length is short. An excessively long jump rope is also bad, as then the rope will drag along the floor, getting tangled and slowing down the training process. It is advisable to exercise with a skipping rope comfortably, profitably and without any unpleasant surprises.

How to choose a jump rope according to your height?

Method 1

When you go to a display with jump ropes in a store, take the one you like in your hands; its cord should go down to the floor. Step on its middle with your feet. Now you need to move the handles of the jump rope slightly to the sides, bringing them to your armpits. If at the same time the ends of the handles just reach the armpits– the product corresponds to the height, “must take it.”

Method 2

There is also a way that tells you how to choose the length of the rope. To do this, you need to fold it in half and grab it with your hand by the two handles at once. Next, we extend our arm with the rope in front of us at a ninety-degree angle relative to our body. WITH The poop should touch the floor with the lower end of the cord without lying on it or hanging in the air.

Method 3

But how to choose a jump rope according to your height if there is no opportunity to try it on, such as when making a purchase through an online store? Created for this occasion table of the relationship between human height and the length of the selected product:

  • If a person is 150 cm tall, choose a jump rope approximately 2 meters long;
  • If your height is from 151 to 167 cm, the length of the product is about 2.5 meters;
  • From 168 to 175 cm – 2.8 meters;
  • From 176 cm to 183 cm we buy a three-meter jump rope;
  • For people taller than 183 cm, a rope length of 3.5 to 3.8 meters is required.

It is better to purchase a jump rope at a sports store, where an experienced and competent consultant will help you choose. If the purchase is made through an online store, find and read as many reviews as possible about the selected jump rope.

These are the basic rules on how to choose the right jump rope for your height. Although, even following all the tips listed above, a person buying a jump rope for the first time may make a small mistake, which, of course, is undesirable. After all, even a few extra or, conversely, missing centimeters of cord length can significantly affect the quality of training. The ability to accurately determine how to choose the right rope according to height comes through experience, but in order to immediately avoid mistakes, there are jump ropes with adjustable rope length. In addition, with the ability to adjust the length, one jump rope can be used not by one person, but by all family members!

A jump rope with adjustable length is an ideal purchase for a sports family!

How to adjust the length of the jump rope?

When purchasing an adjustable jump rope in a store, you can ask a consultant how to adjust the jump rope according to your height. These jump ropes have clamps located near the handles. Having pulled the cord to the required length, you should clamp it. As a rule, a length regulator is provided for high-speed jump ropes that also have a hinge device on the handle to speed up the rotation of the cord. Now we will describe the choice of a jump rope according to its functional purpose.

  • For regular warm-ups perfect the most common inexpensive jump rope A.
  • For more intense workouts need to purchase speed jump rope, characterized in that there is a hinged mount on its handle, which allows you to increase the number of rotations. The purchase of such equipment is attractive from a financial point of view, since it can be used by both a beginner at the beginning of his sports journey, and those who want to further increase the level of sports loads. This jump rope is ideal not only for training endurance and speed, but also for losing weight.
  • For those who want to lose weight will be a great tool electronic jump rope, allowing constant control over the weight loss process. She will make the training both useful and interesting. This jump rope counts the calories burned during training. A sensor is mounted in the jump rope handle that records jumps and energy costs. We enter your weight, and after training we look at the device monitor. It shows how many jumps were made and calories burned. In addition to calorie and energy counter, such a smart jump rope can have a timer.

How to choose a jump rope based on the cord material?

For effective training, it is also important to know how to choose the right jump rope based on the material of the cord and handles.

The cord can be:

  • Nylon– we recommend choosing it for beginners and children. It is very soft, its blows to the body are not painful. But a nylon cord will not provide intense training; jumping with it will be slow.
  • Rope– also light and non-traumatic, lacking strength and cannot provide high speed.
  • Rubber or plastic– both of these options are suitable for beginners. They are elastic, durable, and do not tangle. The plastic cord is stiffer, it cuts the air better than rubber, which contributes to a more intense pace of training. Rubber cords are not elastic enough after being rolled up for a long time and can be difficult to straighten.
  • Steel, with or without length adjustment. Used for speed jumping ropes. The cable is covered with a PVC or silicone braid on top, which protects it from moisture and other influences, making outdoor activities possible. Not suitable for difficult jumps with twisting of the cord - it may break. Traumatic.
  • Leather. It is durable, does not tangle, and rotates - an excellent option for professionals. The disadvantages are that it cannot be adjusted in length and is expensive.
  • Beaded, consisting of plastic multi-colored beads. Such jump ropes are bought for children so that playing sports will arouse their interest and bring joy. This rope is quite light and does not get tangled.

Features: too light, like heavy jump ropes - not for speed jumping! This applies to nylon, leather jump ropes and those with a rope cord - they are very light, but rubber ones will be too heavy. The fastest are jump ropes with a metal cable

How to choose the right rope based on handle material?

The handles are a seemingly small detail of a jump rope, but what they are made of is very important.

  • Neoprene– a recognized leader in all respects. It perfectly removes moisture, as a result of which the handle remains dry and the rope does not slip out of your hands during even very long workouts;
  • Tree– also a good material, non-slip, but not as practical as neoprene;
  • Plastic– light, pleasant and good material, but loses in comparison with neoprene because accumulating moisture from sweaty palms makes such handles slippery;
  • Metal– we can call it a men’s athletic version, since it provides for a heavier structure, which puts additional stress on the shoulders and arms;
  • Rubber– durable, inexpensive, wear-resistant, but heavy material. For the beginning of a sports journey, when short training sessions are planned, the choice of such handles is quite reasonable, but for long training sessions it is not worth considering.

I feel bad asking this question because I've been doing bike maintenance for over 20 years and this seems like a noob question. I couldn't find a Shimano manual to answer this question. I just bought a Norco Threshold CX bike with Shimano Ultegra SL-RS685 brake/shift levers. I want to adjust the front derailleur cable length to fine tune the derailleur position. The cable is routed inside the frame and there is no barrel adjuster anywhere. I looked under the brake hood and didn't see anything that would affect the cable length adjustment.

Obviously, I could adjust the length of the cable on the switch by loosening the bolt, moving the cable a little, and tightening the bolt again. But it seems difficult to do fine tuning this way.

If you're wondering why I'm adjusting the derailleur on a brand new bike: the front derailleur wasn't shifting properly because the rear fender (installed by the bike shop) was in the way. Before I realized it, I thought the cable length needed adjusting and I couldn't figure out how to do it. From a technical standpoint I can leave the cable alone for now, but eventually it needs tweaking and I'd like to know how.

Daniel R Hicks

I find it unforgivable for a derailleur bike to not have adjusters on the shift cables.

Mike Baranchak

Double check cable regulators. Daniel is right - it's hard to believe they forgot something simple. Maybe they're hidden somewhere, maybe they don't look like cable regulators...

I'll watch it again tonight. If it's not there, I'll get one LBS installed. They said I get 1 year free labor for whatever I want, so if they don't want to give me a free regulator, I just pay $10-$15 and they will install it for free.

Talked to the guy at the bike shop and he says Norco doesn't put adjusters on this bike. I have one installed now.



If you don't have a barrel adjuster, you'll need one installed. Ask LBS to do this or do it yourself:

  1. Get a built-in barrel adjuster and two 4mm lugs. It's pretty cheap.
  2. Get tools to cut the cable housing.
  3. Make sure there is enough shift cable left to accommodate the 3-4 inches added by the adjuster. If it is too short, purchase a new cable.
  4. Disconnect the cable from the switch.
  5. Find a straight section on the cable body that doesn't lose anything and mark it.
  6. If your frame runs through the cable uninsulated and does not go through the inner sheath, attach a long rope to the end of the cable before pulling it out. This will help guide the cable back.
  7. Cut the body at the marked location, install the tips at both ends. If the tips have long tongues, they also need to be cut out.
  8. Set the adjuster to the shortest position and fit it into the cut.
  9. Route the cable back using a string. You can now adjust the front derailleur cable tension.

The result should look something like this. Note that 5800/6800 switches have a more complex installation procedure than older models, be sure to download the dealer manual and read the instructions carefully.

Thanks for the answer and great picture. LBS will install it for me since they already have a list of issues that need to be fixed. I will print this guide and save it in case I need to adjust anything in the future.

Rich Wagenknecht

You may still want a built-in regulator, but if you don't have one, here's the procedure I use (I don't use one):

  1. Disconnect the cable from the front derailleur
  2. Switch to small ring, large cog
  3. Adjust the lower limit screw so that the distance between the chain and the inner cage is 1mm.
  4. Turn the bottom limit screw clockwise 1/2 turn (pushes the cage further away from the chain)
  5. Connect the cable and tighten with pliers
  6. Turn the lower limit screw counterclockwise 1/2 turn (undo adjustment from step 4).

Steps 4 and 6 add some tension to the cable.

Which child doesn't love jump ropes? Yes, this is one of the very first sports equipment that a child masters. It is also important that jumping rope is not just a game, it is also a good way to develop a child’s physical abilities: agility, endurance, and to strengthen the cardiovascular system. Let's figure out what a jump rope should be like for a child and how to learn to jump rope.

Today, jump ropes and the word “skipping” itself are very popular. Jump ropes are used not only in rhythmic gymnastics, but also by athletes to train their leg muscles. Therefore, to say that the jump rope is a purely female sports equipment is not entirely true. If you decide to give your child jump ropes, you should know a few important points.

What is a jump rope

A jump rope is a rope of a certain length with or without handles. In gymnastics they simply use a rope with knots at the ends, and in sports stores they often sell jump ropes equipped with handles. Some manufacturers build mechanical or electronic counters into the handles of jump ropes.

The jump rope can be:

  • rope,
  • leather
  • nylon.

Which one you prefer is a matter of personal taste and convenience. However, it is important for the child not to spoil the first impression of such a sports equipment.

When choosing a jump rope for a child, you should be guided not by the color, shape of the handles or drawings of cartoon characters, but by convenience and size.

For your child’s first acquaintance with a jump rope, you should not choose a projectile with handles in the form of doll heads or palms. These jump ropes, while beautiful in design, may not be entirely comfortable for children's hands. And the last point - when jumping, the rope should rotate in the handles, and not twist and get tangled.

How to adjust the length of a jump rope

Often jump ropes are sold at a specific length. For adults, these are 3-meter ropes, for children - a little less. Excess rope (nylon) will have to be cut off. Don’t be stingy and try to tie the rope in knots or hide the excess. U

Angry and deformed arms are not the best option for children's sports equipment. Just as your baby grows, you will choose other jump ropes of the required length.

So, how to adjust the jump rope:

Ask your child to take the handles of the jump rope in his hands and step on the rope with both feet. The baby should hold his hands at chest level. The rope will stretch, cut off any excess.

How to learn to jump rope

It is very important to teach your child to jump rope. Don't think it's that simple. It’s easy for an adult who grew up on Agnia Barto’s books to jump “..with a turn, and with a jump, and with a run, and on the spot, and with both feet together...”, but it’s difficult for a child to figure out “how”, “where” and “why” for himself. she clings.”

The best teacher in jump rope is your own example. Stand next to your child and show him how to hold his hands and how to jump over the rope. Take your time and don’t be upset if your baby doesn’t figure it out right away. The ability to jump will come with experience. Believe me, on the fifth, tenth or fiftieth attempt, the rope will slip under your feet and the baby will rejoice as if he had conquered Everest.

Jump ropes for the whole family

And when the child learns to jump, you can diversify the exercises and show how to jump with a crossed rope, on one leg, a double jump, back and forth, etc. But the most correct thing is to listen to music and with the whole family. After all, jumping rope burns twice as many calories as running.

Watch the video of how they masterfully jump rope

I feel bad asking this question because I've been doing bike maintenance for over 20 years and this seems like a noob question. I couldn't find a Shimano manual to answer this question. I just bought a Norco Threshold CX bike with Shimano Ultegra SL-RS685 brake/shift levers. I want to adjust the front derailleur cable length to fine tune the derailleur position. The cable is routed inside the frame and there is no barrel adjuster anywhere. I looked under the brake hood and didn't see anything that would affect the cable length adjustment.

Obviously, I could adjust the length of the cable on the switch by loosening the bolt, moving the cable a little, and tightening the bolt again. But it seems difficult to do fine tuning this way.

If you're wondering why I'm adjusting the derailleur on a brand new bike: the front derailleur wasn't shifting properly because the rear fender (installed by the bike shop) was in the way. Before I realized it, I thought the cable length needed adjusting and I couldn't figure out how to do it. From a technical standpoint I can leave the cable alone for now, but eventually it needs tweaking and I'd like to know how.

Daniel R Hicks

I find it unforgivable for a derailleur bike to not have adjusters on the shift cables.

Mike Baranchak

Double check cable regulators. Daniel is right - it's hard to believe they forgot something simple. Maybe they're hidden somewhere, maybe they don't look like cable regulators...

I'll watch it again tonight. If it's not there, I'll get one LBS installed. They said I get 1 year free labor for whatever I want, so if they don't want to give me a free regulator, I just pay $10-$15 and they will install it for free.

Talked to the guy at the bike shop and he says Norco doesn't put adjusters on this bike. I have one installed now.



If you don't have a barrel adjuster, you'll need one installed. Ask LBS to do this or do it yourself:

  1. Get a built-in barrel adjuster and two 4mm lugs. It's pretty cheap.
  2. Get tools to cut the cable housing.
  3. Make sure there is enough shift cable left to accommodate the 3-4 inches added by the adjuster. If it is too short, purchase a new cable.
  4. Disconnect the cable from the switch.
  5. Find a straight section on the cable body that doesn't lose anything and mark it.
  6. If your frame runs through the cable uninsulated and does not go through the inner sheath, attach a long rope to the end of the cable before pulling it out. This will help guide the cable back.
  7. Cut the body at the marked location, install the tips at both ends. If the tips have long tongues, they also need to be cut out.
  8. Set the adjuster to the shortest position and fit it into the cut.
  9. Route the cable back using a string. You can now adjust the front derailleur cable tension.

The result should look something like this. Note that 5800/6800 switches have a more complex installation procedure than older models, be sure to download the dealer manual and read the instructions carefully.

Thanks for the answer and great picture. LBS will install it for me since they already have a list of issues that need to be fixed. I will print this guide and save it in case I need to adjust anything in the future.

Rich Wagenknecht

You may still want a built-in regulator, but if you don't have one, here's the procedure I use (I don't use one):

  1. Disconnect the cable from the front derailleur
  2. Switch to small ring, large cog
  3. Adjust the lower limit screw so that the distance between the chain and the inner cage is 1mm.
  4. Turn the bottom limit screw clockwise 1/2 turn (pushes the cage further away from the chain)
  5. Connect the cable and tighten with pliers
  6. Turn the lower limit screw counterclockwise 1/2 turn (undo adjustment from step 4).

Steps 4 and 6 add some tension to the cable.

Category -

When operating the MTZ-80/82 tractor with wide-cut implements, install forks 5 and 23 (see Fig. " ") on the slot. This will ensure better adaptability of the implement’s organs to the soil topography along the working width.

The design of the right brace 17 provides for its length adjustment using handle 21.

To decrease the length of the brace, rotate the handle counterclockwise, to increase it - clockwise.

Do not adjust the left brace when working with mounted implements; its length must be constant and equal to 515 mm. To level the plow in the transverse plane, adjust the right brace.

Leveling the depth of travel of the front and rear working parts of the mounted implement is ensured by adjusting the length of the central link 24. Adjust the length of the link 24 by rotating the pipe using the handle 25.

Make sure that the locknuts of the brace, limit chains and center link are securely tightened: loosening the locknuts can lead to misalignment and thread breakage.

When moving a tractor with an implement over long distances, to improve the cross-country ability of the unit, shorten the central link 24.

Adjusting bolts 8 are screwed into the brackets 6, which provide tension on the chains when lifting the implement into the transport position to reduce its swinging in the transverse plane.

Adjust bolts 8 in the following order:

  1. attach the implement to the hinges of the longitudinal and central links. Screw the adjusting bolts 8 into the brackets until they are tight.
  2. lift the implement so that its working parts do not touch the ground.
  3. adjust the length of the limiting chains by rotating the ties so as to ensure freedom of swing of the trailing rod hinges in accordance with the implement’s operating manual. For mounted plows, the freedom of swing in the horizontal plane should be 125 mm. in each direction from the average position.
  4. adjust the length of the right brace to the specified working depth (when working with plows).
  5. lift the implement into the transport position by unscrewing bolts 8 from the brackets, tighten the chains so that they sag slightly, ensuring the implement swings no more than 20 mm. round trip.
  6. secure securely with locknuts. Accompany each change in the length of the right brace by adjusting the bolt of the right bracket to ensure self-locking of the limit chains.

When inter-row cultivation, sowing, and also when working using the longitudinal rods of the mounted device, completely block them from lateral movements to avoid damage to plants or rocking of the implement. Perform blocking by shortening the length of the chains as much as possible within the limits of the existing adjustment; in this case, screw the adjusting bolts into the bracket until they are tight.

Violation of this order may lead to breakage of limiting circuits or other damage.

To lock the attachment in the transport position, do the following (see figure " "):

  • 1 - open the rear window of the tractor.
  • 2 - lift the attachment to its highest position by setting the distributor handle to the “lift” position.

The stop 10 of the hydromechanical valve of the hydraulic cylinder must be in the rearmost position on the hydraulic cylinder rod.

  • 3 - lower handle 13 to the bottom position.
  • 4 - place the distributor handle in the “floating” position. Under the action of the mounted implement, the rotary lever will rotate and tooth 12 should come into contact with gripper 1.

To unlock the attachment, do the following:

  1. Raise the attachment to its highest position by setting the distributor handle to the “lift” position.
  2. lift handle 13 to the top position.