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Good brands of bicycles. Foreign bicycle manufacturers List of all possible bicycle brands

Bicycles are always in fashion. This type of transport is chosen by supporters of a healthy lifestyle, athletes, as well as lovers of active and extreme recreation. Convenience and reliability of the model are the main criteria for choosing an “iron friend”.

For certain purposes different bicycles, best brands and popular models will be described below.

World bicycle brands

At the moment, there are more than a hundred different brands of bicycles, both well-known and recently introduced.

World bicycle brands are represented by the following popular brands:


Let's talk in more detail about some famous bicycle brands.

Trademark bicycles Cube have been known for more than two decades. This is a popular German brand. Reliable bicycles are made from high-quality materials - metal, plastic, rubber, and therefore serve their owners faithfully for many years. It is also important that such models from Cube provide their owners with safe riding on any roads, be it mountainous terrain or a special bike path. A photo of the factory in Waldershof, Germany allows you to see that bicycles are produced using the latest technological processes.

The Cube brand line includes models of various modifications: women's and children's, folding, city (road) and mountain, etc. Recently, new products on the cycling market – electric bicycles – have become very popular.

Southern California (USA) company GT on the market for almost 40 years. During this time, she managed to gain the trust of millions of cycling enthusiasts of all ages around the world. The range of bicycles from the GT company includes high-quality balance bikes for children, walking models, and samples for professionals. Bicycles of this brand are produced in large numbers and occupy the first positions in sales. The management of the brand annually enters a team of Factory Bicycle GT cyclists into all prestigious competitions in cross-country, downhill and other cycling disciplines.

Trademark Merida(Taiwan) has long been the sales leader in a number of Asian, and then European, countries. The reference points were Japanese-made bicycles. Japanese spare parts were also used. The company produces high-quality budget models. Below is a photo of the assembly shop at the Merida plant:

The direct competitor of the above company is the corporation GIANT. It was founded in 1972 in Taiwan. It developed at such a pace that by 1980 it became the largest manufacturer in its country. GIANT then began opening branches around the world. The countries where the corporation has branches include Holland, USA, Japan, Australia, Canada, China and others. Bicycles of this brand appeared on the Russian market in 1994. Thanks to its huge production capacity in Taiwan and China, the company is able to fulfill orders from smaller market players. Thus, GIANT factories produce products from the brands Schwinn, Specialized, Scott, Trek and others.

Improvements are constantly being developed and there are several patented technologies. The corporation is one of the few around the world that produces both aluminum and carbon frames at its factories. In 2013, GIANT was the first to introduce a full line of bicycles with 27.5-inch wheels. The corporation sponsors 3 international cycling teams and a huge number of smaller teams. In the line of models they produce you can find bicycles of both entry-level and professional levels. GIANT bicycles are among the leaders in terms of price-quality ratio.

The best Russian bicycle brands

The most popular brands of domestic manufacturers among cycling enthusiasts are the following:


Manufacturer on the market since 1999. For the highest quality of products, it received the “Product of the Year” award (2011). Forward produces both professional vehicles for bicycle racing (premium class) and a wide range of road and mountain bikes. Production technologies are not inferior to many foreign famous manufacturers. Some of the technologies used in production are: hydroforming, robotic welding of steel frames, 6061 aluminum alloy frame, technoforming, 3D design, to name a few. More details can be found on the manufacturer's official website.


The company's assortment includes a huge selection of children's, women's, and travel models. Budget models are reliable. You can see the production of Stels bicycles in this video:

Navigator Stels

This Stels line specializes in producing bicycles for children. The samples meet international safety standards. In addition, children's models have additional features: height adjustment, removable wheels, turn limiter (on the steering wheel). All models are distinguished by almost “jewelry” assembly and high quality parts.>


The brand's line includes mountain bikes for various sports. When creating “bikes,” the latest developments are used, including the use of special fiber (carbon fiber), milling of frame units, etc. The frames are ordered from Taiwan, which says a lot about the quality of their products.

Rating of bicycle brands

There is a huge assortment of bicycles of different brands, models, and configurations on the modern market. Such a choice makes your eyes wide open, so the best solution would be to try to highlight “certain” top bicycle brands that really deserve attention.

So, let's indicate bike brands by quality assembly and reliability of components/parts. The following parameters are also important for compiling such a rating:

  • selection of models;
  • quality of materials used;
  • history and fame of the brand;

For many potential buyers who have decided to purchase a bicycle, the problem of choosing turns into a headache. After all, in addition to modification, size, standard size and color, you have to decide on the brand, because bicycles whose brands are unknown to anyone are considered second-rate. Using the rating of bicycle brands on the global market, this article will help you decide on a purchase.

Rating of bicycles on the Russian market

Among the large assortment on the two-wheeler market, identifying a leader is not so difficult; you just need to turn to sales to see their dynamics. The rating of bicycles on the domestic market looks like this:

  1. GT (Gary Turner) is considered the leader in sales. Buyers are not even deterred by the high cost of two-wheelers.
  2. Merida is considered the best-selling bicycle in the world; it has no competitors in terms of reliability.
  3. Trek is considered to be an indestructible bicycle (this niche was previously occupied by the Comanche, before it began to be produced in China).
  4. German-made Cube is popular due to abundant advertising, but many professionals note that their price is clearly overpriced.
  5. Giant is considered the most technologically advanced vehicle on the Russian market.

Large assortment is the key to success

If you pay attention to popular brands of bicycles, the ranking of which primarily depends on the number of vehicles sold, you will find that the GT brand leads by a large margin over its competitors due to its large assortment. Firstly, the manufacturer focused on the price-quality ratio for the entire children's bicycle series, which attracted attention to itself. These are not just toy bicycles that are made of plastic and designed to be ridden in the yard of a house. Children's transport are smaller copies of professional bicycles that can be used to travel long distances and move over rough terrain without any problems. The price of such bicycles is in the range of 10-20 thousand rubles, which is quite acceptable for people of low and middle income. Naturally, a serious brand has taken care of all other classes - mountain, road, MTB, city brands of bicycles - a list for every buyer’s taste.

Participant in all cycling races

Many buyers wonder what brand of bicycles to choose so that they have no equal in terms of reliability. Most beginners give their preference to the Merida brand, because in all cycling races this brand is in the majority. It is clear that the manufacturer has provided the two-wheeled vehicle with a very strong and lightweight frame, but one single characteristic is not enough to evaluate the bike itself. In addition, there are stars, connecting rods, bushings and many other components on which the coherence of work also depends. In any case, after riding a bicycle, you need to carry out maintenance: cleaning, lubrication, washing, otherwise during operation the bicycle will quickly break down and fail.

Hit the dirt

A few years ago, Trek brand bicycles were positioned on the domestic market as the most affordable and aimed at the cheapest price niche, which rightfully previously belonged to the famous Comanche brand. However, more recently, the market has seen models of bicycles under the Trek brand for the middle and most expensive price categories. And these are not new products from the manufacturer.

It's all about the marketing of the manufacturer, whose goal was to conquer the Russian market with cheap, high-quality bicycles, followed by offering elite-class two-wheelers. The manufacturer managed to conquer the domestic market in this way. In addition, no competing company can offer a bicycle costing 30 thousand rubles or more with a lifetime warranty.

The main thing is to create a halo

Several decades ago, the Germans managed to instill in the minds of Russian citizens the idea that the Mercedes car is the best among its analogues in the world. Every second person in our country dreams of a legendary transport, and every 17th person drives one. Similar success with the launch of the right advertising was repeated by the German bicycle manufacturer Cube. Having focused on style and appearance, the owner of the company made the right decision, and his product was deservedly included in the “best bicycle brands” rating.

Even in stock configuration, Cube bicycles have expensive mechanisms and spare parts that are in demand among professionals. Naturally, the price of a two-wheeled vehicle is high because of this - 50 thousand rubles and more. Many overweight buyers are attracted by advertisements that claim that there are no weight restrictions for a bicycle frame. This is true. Branded frames can support a rider weighing 130-150 kilograms.

Ladies' man

If buyers were interested in bicycle brands whose ratings were determined by the criterion of “the most feminine transport,” then the Giant brand would take first place. After all, it was thanks to the niche of women's bicycles that he penetrated the Russian market and is not going to give up his position.

Starting from multimillion-dollar colors with a specific frame geometry, and ending with an original design with a large number of attachments, Giant brand bicycles quickly found fans in the Russian market. And only after winning the hearts of beautiful ladies, the manufacturer allowed the male population to get acquainted with its products for extreme driving. Light weight, high frame strength, and excellent equipment apply to all bicycles of the brand. Prices of 35-50 thousand rubles quickly attracted everyone's attention to the little-known brand.

Price-quality rating

Many potential buyers would be interested to see a rating of quality bicycles from the inexpensive segment. Many owners of two-wheeled vehicles may say that this is impossible, because the price is directly proportional to the quality, but they would be wrong. After all, very often we have to pay for a brand (for example, Sony, iPhone, Bang & Olufsen and others). The situation with bicycles is the same as with household appliances - the more famous the brand, the more expensive its products.

Ghost brand bicycles are still assembled only in Germany, but the lack of advertising and low popularity among the population have led many people to consider this brand to be Chinese. The Slovak brand Kellys was also unlucky, which is also produced only in Slovakia, and not in Ukraine, as many potential buyers think. Even though their price on the market is very low (from 20 thousand rubles), but in terms of build quality and frame strength, the two-wheeled vehicle can easily compete with the famous Cube brand.

List of the best SUVs

It is not known who came up with the idea of ​​rating bicycles based on sales, but judging by the reviews of professional athletes, there is no logic in this. After all, sales include children's and urban two-wheeled vehicles from the budget class, but they cannot be tested in terms of wear resistance and reliability.

Cyclists have their own ratings and testing methods to determine which brand of bicycle is better. First of all, the evaluation is not based on appearance and price, but the behavior of the bike on mountain slopes and off-road is examined. Only all kinds of jumps and falls can confirm the build quality and strength of the frame, and not the indicative number of seams at the welding site. And without the opinion of professionals, it is clear that the leading lines in the rating will be occupied by bicycles with two shock absorbers - front and rear (mountain bike brands GT, Trek, Ghost, Bergamont, Stevens Ridge).

A separate story of a popular brand

If you set out to find out which brand of bicycle is the most popular in the world, you will find that the leader is the Author brand. A potential buyer, naturally, will doubt this, because the range of bicycles on the domestic market under this brand leaves much to be desired. The fact is that the Author company promoted its brand not through two-wheeled transport, but thanks to accessories for bicycles and their owners.

Everything will become clear to anyone who looks into the clothing, backpacks or lighting department of any bike store. Having picked up any product labeled Author, the buyer will experience the feeling that he has in his hands the ideal thing that he definitely needs to buy. Having thus developed the brand, the company put its bicycles on the market, for which build quality became a priority, albeit at the expense of price.

A new direction in the world of cycling

It's funny that in the ratings where the best brands of bicycles participate, there are no devices with a planetary hub. But this “technology of the future” has already captured all the markets of the developed countries of the world. The problem, as it turns out, is in the minds of the buyers themselves, who regard planetary gears as a gearbox capable of operating in a narrow range of gear ratios.

Only most owners of mountain bikes forget that their two-wheeled vehicle, which has 10 stars in the cassette and three stars in the cranks, does not have thirty speeds, as stated by the manufacturer, but several times less, because the gear ratios between the stars have a peculiarity repeat. And since we are talking about high-tech bicycles with planetary gears, there is a need to add them to the “price-quality” rating.

Rating of bicycles with planetary hubs

An extreme bicycle with a planetary gear seems to many cyclists to be something fantastic, but overseas they no longer think so. Since bike component leader Shimano introduced the world to an eleven-speed hub that can handle harsh conditions, the range of off-road bikes on the market has become a little larger.

The segment of mountain bikes using planetary gears has been replenished with the Volume Generator and Merida brands, the cost of which in the domestic market reaches the price of a small car at second hand. However, this does not at all hinder the sales of two-wheelers with advanced technology. And it even encourages competitors to add a miracle bicycle to their product range. Definitely, in the future, when constructing a list to determine which brand of bicycle is better, a potential buyer will find a vehicle with a planetary gear.

A little about exclusives

Well-known automobile concerns BMW, Ferrari, Audi, Land Rover and others do not need any introduction. Any person on the planet knows what these brands are and what products they make. However, quite recently on the world market there was an opportunity to choose a brand of bicycle with the logo of one of the well-known concerns. The automotive giants have created their own bicycles, which have distinct styling, coloring and tuning to match the top-end four-wheelers.

The main difference between exclusive models and other brands of bicycles on the market is the cast wheels instead of old-fashioned spokes. And there is no need to create illusions that the weight of the bike will be overestimated due to casting. Very light and durable alloys are used to produce elite bicycles. All exclusive bicycles are equipped with top-end components, and accordingly their price is an order of magnitude higher than usual. For example, a Ferrari bicycle in red costs about 22 thousand euros, which is considered quite inexpensive for the owner of a sports car under the same brand.

Domestic manufacturer

Bicycles of the Stealth brand have existed on the domestic market for several decades, but their popularity among cyclists is very low. For some reason, many potential buyers and sellers believe that Russian-made products do not deserve attention.

In fact, in terms of price-quality ratio, a two-wheeled vehicle can attract attention. Initially, the bicycle is positioned as a Russian transport for Russian roads, without exaggeration. And if you look at many bicycle tests that can be found in the media, it turns out that the Russian brand is quite competitive in terms of build quality and price. The only thing that confuses us is the lack of service centers from the manufacturer in major Russian cities. Perhaps this is one of the significant reasons why buyers prefer foreign brands of bicycles.

Products from neighboring markets

Bicycles of the USSR of the brands “KhVZ”, “ZiCh”, “Shkolnik”, “Orlyonok” and others are probably remembered only by the older generation, who managed to ride two-wheeled vehicles of the last century. Most of the old brands were eliminated and new bicycle names appeared in their place. For example, Pride (Ukraine) or AIST (Belarus) bicycles, which are advertised in the media in the markets of the post-Soviet space.

First of all, potential buyers are attracted by the price (around 10-12 thousand rubles). The happy buyer will be pleased with the excellent color scheme and frame geometry as a bonus. Only beginners who choose a two-wheeled vehicle based on the criterion of “low price” give preference to such bicycles. If you study the range and models of competitors, you will find that cheap bicycles are copies of someone else. A lot of questions arise about the build quality. For comparison, without maintenance, the cheapest Kellys brand can travel 20 thousand kilometers, but Pride and AIST, according to owner reviews, require specialist intervention up to the first thousand.


When wondering which brand of bike to choose, many potential buyers hope to get one specific answer. However, this is not possible due to the large range of products on the market and their intended purpose. You cannot trust some rating compiled by an unknown center based on marketing research and buy a bike that occupies the top position on the list. Before purchasing, a person must decide on a number of questions, by answering which he will be able to easily choose the bike he needs from the list of the best brands that produce truly high-quality products.

  1. Purpose: city, bike rides in the countryside, off-road trips, mountain slopes, highways.
  2. Possibility of modernization, which will improve driving characteristics in the future.
  3. Possibility of transportation, adding all kinds of accessories for ease of riding.
  4. The need for all-season skating and similar issues.

Author Bicycles

Czech manufacturing company Bicycle Author was founded in 1993, and began with the import of bicycles from Southeast Asia. However, she soon began producing bicycles on her own, creating and selling inexpensive and relatively high-quality bicycles. Gradually, the model range expanded, not only budget mountain bike models appeared, but also top-end cross-country models, including dual suspension ones.

One of Author's strengths is a large number of hybrid bicycles, designed not so much for athletes, but for ordinary people who want to have a bike that is more advanced than a road bike.

In recent years, the company has been actively promoting a fashionable and modern theme - gravel bikes (gravel bikes) - such as bicycles from the Author Ronin and Author Aura XR lines.

Among more than a hundred bicycle models in the production program, there are several dozen bicycles built on carbon frames. The series of electric bicycles equipped with Bafang or Shimano electrical equipment is gradually expanding.

The quality of the bicycles produced has grown over the years and by 2019 it had reached the level of the most famous brands. But you have to pay for everything, and now you can no longer call Author bicycles budget.

Cube Bicycles

Cube was founded in 1993 in Germany with just one person at first, but has grown rapidly and now employs around 300 people. Cube Bicycles have won the love and trust of millions of cyclists around the world. What is their secret? Probably the same thing as the secret of any German technology – reliability and durability.

Today, Cube develops and produces bicycles of almost all types: mountain, hybrid, road, women's, children's, as well as a line of city bicycles, including cargo ones.

Cube pays great attention to electric bikes: Since 2014, more than 100 models have been released. The well-known company Bosch was chosen as the supplier of electrical equipment. In 2019, the CUBE Reaction Hybrid HD 500 model took first place among electric bicycles in the EMTB reader vote: “EMTB of the year 2019”.

One of the company's modern concepts is Natural Fit - an optimal combination of sports component, design and ergonomics for a number of bicycles and components.

In addition to bicycles and components, Cube produces accessories and cycling clothing. Cube has a cycling team that constantly wins prizes in a variety of competitions.

Electra Bicycles

“Beauty will save the world” - this phrase could well become a motto for everyoneElectra bicycles . If you are the proud owner of such a bike, then you can undoubtedly be congratulated for having taste. Due to its brightness and original design details, the Electra often becomes a “star” bike. Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis, Adam Sandler... Electra's track record even includes a couple of presidents and prime ministers. What other brand can boast of this?

Like the Cube, Electra was founded in 1993 in the US, but since 2014 Electra has become a division of Trek. Electra specializes in the production of city bikes, cruisers and hybrids, as well as a range of accessories.

The Electra is a completely different bike. Not only stylish looking, but also very comfortable for daily movement around the city. This is facilitated by a high seating position with excellent visibility, a comfortable handlebar and saddle, and a very low pedal position: you do not need to reach from the saddle to the surface of the ground when stopping.

Forward Bicycles

Forward Bicycles (one of the few Russian bicycle manufacturers, founded in 1999) boast a large variety. Among them you will find children's, mountain and road models. The products are designed for a wide variety of cyclists, although the emphasis is on bicycles with the most affordable prices. For many years, Forward has been supporting several of its cycling teams, which manage to win prizes at Russian and world championships in disciplines such as triathlon, cyclocross, trial bike and downhill.

Professional athletes take part in the development, construction and testing of Forward bicycles. All production from development to assembly is concentrated in Russia, and only part of the frames are ordered in Asia.

At the moment, Forward is the second Russian bicycle manufacturer, second only to Stels.

Merida Bicycles

Sometimes one seemingly insignificant incident can lead to the creation of an entire bicycle empire. This is what happened to the creator of the Merida brand, Ike Tsen. One fine day he passed by a bicycle repair shop, on the door of which there was a sign that Taiwanese bicycles were not accepted for repair due to their inherently poor quality. Ike Tsen couldn’t think of anything better than to start producing bicycles himself, and ones about which nothing bad could be said.

Merida initially entered the market as a manufacturer of bicycles for other companies, and only then began producing bicycles under its own brand. At the moment, Merida has become one of the world leaders in the production of bicycles. And, although it is known primarily for bicycles for the mass market, it also develops models up to the premium class. Merida also sponsors a number of cycling teams and individual athletes.

In Russia they are in special demandMerida mountain bikes . Cyclists are pleased with their strength, reliability, and wear resistance in harsh Russian conditions. In addition to mountain hardtails, Merida also produces dual-suspension bikes, road bikes, hybrids and children's bikes.

The trend in recent years has been the active expansion of the line of electric bicycles: at the moment there are already more than 100 models and modifications.

Shulz Bicycles

Shulz Bicycles originally from St. Petersburg. Yes, yes, despite such a German name, it was in the northern capital that these folding bikes appeared. The team that created this brand has been successfully engaged in bicycle rental for many years. This experience helped to determine exactly what qualities a real city bike should have and what is missing in popular models today. A little enthusiasm and... Here is an almost perfect Shulz folding or road bike. Why "almost"? Because, as we know, there is no limit to perfection.

Shulz adhere to three principles: a bicycle for the city should be simple, reliable and not require daily maintenance. And, preferably, add more bright colors to the design. And, most likely, they are 100% right here, since you can increasingly see a Shulz bike on the streets, and the line of bicycles is becoming wider: recently, many children’s and teenage bicycles have been added, as well as touring and road bikes.

Silverback Bicycles

German Silverback bikes were able to achieve popularity in a very short time. The company was founded in 2004, and already in 2014silverback bicycles can be purchased in 54 countries around the world.

The reason for this popularity is the unique technologies developed by the company’s specialists: the research department is Silverback’s strong point. Just look at the introduction of a USB port into some city models to recharge gadgets while cycling!

Great attention is paid to the comfort of the cyclist during the trip. For this purpose, special seatposts and handlebar stems are designed, making it possible to adjust the usually stationary elements of the bicycle.

Silverback produces very light ones. Durable and rigid frames. Top models of Silverback mountain and road bikes are equipped with carbon frames created using Carbon Aero technology. With all this, the bicycles have a stylish design.

Also in the catalogs of Silverback bicycles you can find children's, women's and road models.

Bicycles Stels

Stels is another Russian bicycle brand, and what a great one! Today it is the largest domestic manufacturer of bicycles (about 1.5 million units per year), and the share of Russian components in production is very high. Naturally, in accordance with current realities, Stels focuses mainly on the middle price segment, where it successfully competes with purely Chinese bicycle brands. An excellent offer in terms of price/quality ratio for the mass consumer.

The product line includes very simple single-speed bicycles: road, folding, and a wide range of mountain, hybrid and other bicycles of all stripes. The choice for every taste and color is simply huge. Among the interesting and relatively original models are adult tricycles.

For children and teenagers, the line is very wide: from balance bikes to teenage fat bikes and double-suspension bikes, among which there are many bikes with an original and memorable design.

Strida Bicycles

Manufacturers Strida bicycles literally reinvented the bicycle, creating a bicycle design not in its likeness, but almost from scratch.

Strida was conceived as a reliable assistant for those people who travel a long distance every day from home to work and back, transferring from bus to train, from train to metro, from metro to bus. Thanks to the convenient folding mechanism, the Strida bicycle literally in a few seconds turns into a very compact structure, reminiscent of a folded baby stroller, which can be easily rolled next to you and carried into public transport without any problems.

Strida bikes do not have a chain that needs to be lubricated. Instead, a heavy-duty drive belt is used. This means you won’t be able to stain yourself or other passengers with oil.

At the moment, several modifications are being produced, but they all have a similar unique appearance, similar to the letter “A”.

But Strida is bought not only by those who live far from the metro or bus stop. Bright triangular bikes appealed to lovers of everything unusual and stylish. Indeed, it is difficult to find a more suitable and safe way for a cyclist to attract attention than to change to an orange, green or, say, deep turquoise Strida.

Trek Bicycles

Trek – probably one of the most famous bike manufacturers in the world. From the very beginning, the focus was on producing high-quality bicycles and distributing them only through a network of branded bicycle stores, which allowed us to immediately create an excellent reputation. The design department has always been the brand's strength. Another key point that has emerged over time is a wide range of manufactured bicycles, both for models within the same line and for rare types of bicycles: tandems, specialized children's models, touring bikes, etc. Moreover, the Trek company had a direct hand in the development of some types attitude.

Over the years, Trek has acquired other bicycle brands, absorbing their best features. One of the most significant events was the purchase of the famous Gary Fisher brand, which made it possible to increase sales many times over. As well as the cult brand Klein and the respected component manufacturer Bontrager.

Trek has long been a sponsor of the legendary Lance Armstrong, multiple Tour de France winner.

Which brand of mountain bike is better? Which company's model should you choose so that your budget doesn't suffer? What to buy if you are a professional athlete? The rating of bicycle manufacturers will help answer these and other questions, because the top ten best companies include those bike models that you can safely choose in stores and not be afraid for quality.

Bicycle brand rankings cannot be based on public opinion alone. Quite a lot of factors are taken into account here, such as quality and price, as well as the history of the company, its loyalty and assortment. Let us consider in more detail why it was decided to choose certain criteria as an assessment.

For a brand to rank among the top 10, it must offer a wide range of bikes. There are many manufacturers that focus on only one segment, for example, they produce wonderful sports bikes or women's models. However, there are companies that can produce various lines of bicycles, and their quality will be no worse. For a manufacturer to be recognized as the best, it must satisfy the needs of a diverse audience.

One of the main criteria that allows a manufacturer to be included in the ranking of the best is quality. Without it, even the widest range of products will be unclaimed. Quality means good design, optional features, long service life, as well as the coincidence of real expectations with those declared by the brand. The qualitative characteristics of bicycle models are determined not only based on the opinions of experts, but also from customer reviews.

Again, the quality of the company’s models may be very high, but the cost of such a vehicle will not be affordable for many. Availability is the next criterion to rank bicycle brands.

Availability can mean not only the price of a particular product, but also the ability to test it. When the buyer is offered a test drive so that he can verify the characteristics and ease of use not in words, but in deeds, the manufacturer moves itself far ahead in the ranking.

The last criterion is the history of the brand itself. Everyone knows that companies with a rich and long history have more experience, which, naturally, is reflected in the quality of the bicycles they produce.

Brand rating

Tenth place
In tenth place are Trek bikes. This is an American bicycle brand, known throughout the world for its innovative technologies in the production of bikes. Currently, Olympians compete on bicycles from this company. Professional athletes highly value Trek for the quality as well as quantity of its products. The brand's assortment is its strong point. Trek is famous for its mountain bikes, which are divided into professional and semi-professional, amateur, beginner, 27.5 and 29 inch bikes. There is also a large assortment of city, double-suspension, women's and children's bicycles. Among the disadvantages are the inexpressive design and fairly high cost. This manufacturer is not very popular in Russia, but in the USA it confidently occupies an average position.

Ninth place
Schwinn takes the ninth position quite justifiably. This manufacturer can easily be considered one of the legends of cycling, because the company began producing bike models back in the late 19th century. Separately, it is worth noting the fact that the company is at the origins of the creation of modern bike models. It was this manufacturer that first produced a cruiser.

Models from this company were popular then and are no less popular today. Schwinn bicycles have a bright, memorable design, but the brand’s range cannot be called wide. Availability for Russian buyers is also low. That is why the Schwinn brand is in ninth place in the ranking of bicycle manufacturers.

Eighth place
Forward was included in the ranking of bicycle brands. It ranks quite low precisely because of its history. For a long time, the manufacturer tried to become a leader and raise its bar after it was founded on the basis of Russian Kama bicycles from the Perm Bicycle Plant. But gradually the brand became recognizable and achieved good reviews from customers. The advantage of the brand is the availability of models, a wide range of which helps you choose the best bikes. However, the quality still remains very average and lags behind global manufacturers in terms of technological characteristics.

Seventh place
Models from Author are very popular due to their good quality. In Russia, the brand is quite recognizable and in demand. The company is Czech, but its production bases, like many other companies, are concentrated in Asia. Buyers speak of the models of this company as a good combination of price and quality. Bicycles are reliable and affordable, and the range can please you with the presence of MTB, BMX, double-suspension, women's, children's, teenage, folding and other bikes.

Sixth place
The Smart company was founded by enthusiasts who were involved in the retail of bikes, analyzing the needs of customers. In other words, the brand has been improving the bicycle for more than ten years in order to make a comfortable, reliable and affordable model. The company uses innovative technologies that attract the attention of cyclists around the world.

Fifth place
German quality is considered one of the best, which is why Cube was included in the ranking of bicycle brands. The history of the company begins in 1993, when it was founded by a German student. All components are assembled in Bavaria, although they are produced in Asia. However, the build quality of a bicycle is important, sometimes even more than its parts themselves.

It is thanks to the high quality and fairly affordable price of the models for any buyer that the Cube brand occupies an average position in the ranking. Models have their audience among both amateurs and professional athletes.

Fourth place
Specialized has a rich history that dates back to the 70s. The founder of the company is bicycle enthusiast Mike Sinyard, who was engaged in restoring old bicycles and selling them. Then he expanded the scope of his activities, producing bikes of his own production.

Currently, the company is one of the largest leaders in the production of high-quality and reliable bicycles, thanks to which it entered the ranking of bicycle brands, taking fourth place. Specialized now produces components and bikes for professional athletes. The only disadvantage that its models have is their high price, so such a criterion as availability is not taken into account.

Third place
Merida has been delighting with its products for over 25 years. The company was founded directly in Taiwan, and later even bought almost 50% of the shares of Specialized. Now Merida is very well known to both professionals and cycling enthusiasts in the USA and Europe. The brand is also valued in Russia.

Second place
Silver rightfully goes to the well-known Stels brand, which is often called an analogue of Cube and Author. In Russia, it has its own production plants, so accessibility is one of the main positive qualities of the brand.

It is known that the company is a leader in the number of models produced in Europe. The history of the brand is quite interesting. The company was founded in Russia in 1996, and initially the models were assembled abroad, but subsequently the production bases were moved to Russia.

First place
The ranking of bicycle brands is headed by GT companies. She earned her leadership thanks to many criteria. Firstly, it produces a wide range of models. Meanwhile, production is clearly calibrated. The company knows the needs of its customers very well, so it produces both headliners for a wide audience and quite rare bike models for amateurs. In 1972, Gay Turnen invented a BMX frame for his son's bicycle. But her model turned out to be so successful that seven years later he opened his own production. Currently, the company is in association with such manufacturing companies as Cannondale and Schwinn.

  • It is GT that combines the following criteria: range, history, reliability, quality and affordability. These are the best models you can choose today.

Of course, the ranking of bicycle brands is far from complete. For example, the American company Mongoose could be selected and included. In the premium segment it is known as Shmick, which sponsors various cycling competitions. However, even budget options cannot be called cheap, because the cost starts from $1000. Giant, whose models are considered to be among the most technologically advanced, may also be included in the ranking of bicycle brands.

Among the most budget-friendly options, and therefore the most affordable, are considered to be the models of bicycles from the Chinese company Challenger. The cost of bikes from this company starts from $100.

Another well-known company is Stern. The models of this company are distinguished by their good design and the use of the latest technologies in production, which allow the bikes to meet their intended purpose.

The decision to purchase a bicycle pushes buyers to study all the detailed information about bicycles and the brands that produce them.

But when a person comes to the store, then, as they say, “your eyes run wild” from the variety of goods. Bicycles of the same parameters, but from different manufacturers and at different prices. Which one should you choose? We suggest studying the rating of bicycle brands.


Among the huge number of bicycle manufacturers, sometimes you have to rack your brains for a long time over which brand deserves special attention. We hope that the rating of bicycle brands presented below will help you navigate today's variety of brands and their models.

When choosing a bike and wondering which brand to choose, you can resort to the Internet, to friends, even to the seller. But do not forget that the seller will benefit from this for himself, and friends and information on the Internet may not always be useful to you, since the quality of the bicycle depends not only on the brand, but also on the cost and model.

Therefore, even if you are sure that one brand takes first place and is famous for its name, then perhaps there is a bicycle of the same quality nearby, but the price of the first is much higher, precisely because of its name.

Beware of fakes, they are the worst quality of all bicycles! Famous brands that are in great demand are often counterfeited.

Often there is a fake with the name spelled incorrectly: they changed one letter or added an extra stroke to the icon and if something happens, it’s a different brand.

Therefore, remember the brand symbols and carefully inspect the bike. But there are also products that have a cheap price only because they are of low quality; be careful when you come across a bike with a price that is too low, so that you don’t have to regret buying it.

So, to know the best manufacturers, here is a list of the 10 most popular among buyers for their quality.

Attention! The presented article is an analysis and expression of the author's opinion. We do not claim that these models are 100% better than each other. During the analysis, parameters such as brand, equipment, year of production and final price were selected.


The presented model is a good solution for those who like recreational riding.

The advantage of buying this bike is that it has a comfortable frame and an effective fork for your money. 24 speeds will not let you get tired during long climbs, and will also provide the ability to easily maintain speed when descending.

The downside is that the equipment is frankly crude. ROMET ORKAN 3.0 M is chosen by those who need to quickly get to the right place, and the question regarding components is not interesting.

NINTH PLACE - FORWARD AGRIS 2.0 27.5 DISC (2015) (26,760 RUBLES)

An interesting feature is that the domestic company Forward decided to follow new trends by switching to the 27.5 wheel standard.

This point was taken into account during the production of the frame.

If necessary, you can switch to the more common option - 26 inches. The frame design is designed in such a way that the cyclist uses its rigidity to his advantage while riding. The fork can be locked if necessary.

There are disc hydraulics, but Shimano Altus are the most budget hydraulic brakes from the manufacturer. Accordingly, you shouldn’t expect smooth operation from them for a long time. The same can be said about the rest of the hitch. The frame is attractive, but the components will have to be looked after.


This bike attracts potential buyers with its price, which is half that of its competitors.

If you are looking for your first “adult” transport, you can safely choose the presented model.

Main advantages: 18 speeds, 26-inch wheels. But this bike is not suitable for difficult walks - the class is not the same. We place this model in eighth place only because anyone can afford to buy it.

SEVENTH PLACE. SMART 90 (2015) (19,790 RUBLES)

SMART 90 2015 model year is one of the most attractive solutions for walking together with your friends.

Compared to the model options presented above, in this case the SR Suntour XCT fork with a stroke of 100 mm is used, which is more stable in terms of operation. The list of advantages also includes the presence of semi-professional SCHWALBE SMART SAM tires in the 26×2.1 version.

Again, the bike is a touring bike, so even though we like the proposed option, we can't take it any higher.


A notable feature of the 2014 KROSS LEA F4 bicycle is the use of a 24-speed transmission.

Even though there are no disc brakes at all, it uses durable Mach ER-10 rims with cross-country-specific hubs from Joy Tech.

The SR Suntour XCT fork is quite enough for riding not only around the city, but also outside it. The aluminum frame has a good margin of strength and rigidity. Accordingly, you can install something new at any time without unnecessary problems.

FIFTH PLACE - MERIDA MATTS 6. 40-D (2015) (29,956 RUBLES)

The Matts model is the most popular among the manufacturer in this class. The bike is equipped with a 27-speed Shimano Altus transmission.

The advantages also include the presence of a cartridge non-separable carriage on industrial bearings. But accelerating is one thing, stopping is quite another.

To ensure maximum braking performance, Promax DSK hydraulic brakes with 160 mm diameter rotors are installed at the front and rear.

Perhaps one of the best solutions if your first bike is to introduce you to sports riding at an amateur level.


The 2015 GT AGGRESSOR EXPERT (HYDR) model is in demand due to the introduction of 27.5-inch wheels. The frame design is designed to withstand heavy loads.

It is noteworthy that in this case the fork has less travel (80 mm instead of the traditional 100 mm).

This feature only plays into the cyclist’s hands when he covers serious distances. Naturally, Tektro hydraulic disc brakes are used as brakes.

It was not enough to reach the pedestal by quite a bit - the model is inferior “thanks” to the steering wheel, stem and shifters, which are of frankly poor quality for the money.


The well-known American company SCOTT took third position thanks to the use of innovative technologies in the production of frames. A potential client can choose from three types of wheel diameters within one model. That is, you can choose a model with 26″, 29″ and 27.5 wheels - the newest ones at the moment.

Using a special “twist”, you can adjust the spring stiffness of the SR Suntour XCT-26 fork.

The frame is able to withstand any abuse, even if you plan to constantly take part in competitions.

Despite the use of quite serious equipment, it is unforgivable to install mechanical disc brakes on such a bike. Therefore, we gave third place to the ASPECT 660 model.


The CUBE brand, as stated on some websites, is the best-selling brand in Europe.

Naturally, one can easily argue with this, but the 2014 AIM 26 DISC model will complicate this task.

Despite the lack of new 27.5″ wheels, this model is ready for virtually any test in forest and mountainous areas.

The bike is based on equipment from the Shimano Acera series. An SR Suntour XCT fork is also installed, which has 100 millimeters of travel. The CUBE AIM 26 DISC frame itself is designed in such a way that the top tube is short. As a result, the rider receives a comfortable riding position.

The advantages also include the use of high-quality Schwalbe Black Jack tires, created in Germany.

“Silver” is justified by the weight, as well as the use of cheap pedals. However, this will not bring any special problems.


Specialized cares about its customers and it shows.

Every year, all bicycles undergo significant modernization, and this applies not only to appearance and small technical details.

First of all, we are talking about the composition of the alloy from which the frame is created. Even with extreme riding, you're unlikely to break the Specialized Rockhopper.

The use of Shimano Deore equipment ensures long-term operation even in harsh riding conditions. 27 gears, Tektro hydraulic disc brakes, three wheel diameters, top-of-the-line Rockshox XC28 spring-oil fork - this is what makes competitors bow to the presented model.


A hybrid is a bicycle that combines in its design the attributes of a mountain bike and a road bike.

You can ride this bike both on rough roads and around the city.

When new bicycle models appear, new names come with them, the meaning of which most buyers simply do not understand. Hybrid bicycles were invented for variety and perhaps for greater comfort.

There was a time when all buyers were eager to buy a mountain bike, and no other.

Many believed that such a bike could cope with any roads.

A little later, people began to buy road cars, which are easier and faster to drive on asphalt roads.

That’s when the idea came to mind to create a mixture of a road and mountain bike, thereby making a fresh impression on buyers. And it was a success! Lightweight design, like for a mountain bike, and super durable, like for a road bike.

This is an excellent choice for those who love something original or who conquer roads of various difficulties. The hybrids did not stop with this mixture of bicycles.

Now we can name the three most popular hybrid bicycles. This is an MTV hybrid, road and trekking.

The main advantage of hybrid bicycles is their versatility.

It should also be noted that recently the demand for hybrid bicycles has increased. This is not easy, such bicycles are reliable and have a durable aluminum or steel frame.

Wheels with a diameter of 28 inches, wide. As a rule, they are equipped with a shock absorber and have a straight steering wheel that can be adjusted in height. Most models are equipped with protection against dirt. Some models are equipped with a disc brake. These bikes have a high seating position, just like road bikes, and the saddle is comfortable and cushioned.

Number of speeds: 3x7, 3x8. Twenty-one speeds have become less and less common lately, as manufacturers are moving to a more widespread 3x8 standard, i.e. at twenty-four speeds.

In general, hybrids are good for cycling on asphalt and smooth dirt roads, but are not suitable for winter and off-road riding.


The start-highway bicycle (sports road bicycle) was produced at the Kharkov Bicycle Plant named after. G.I. Petrovsky in three models B-552, B-553 and B-555.

The peak of popularity of these bicycles was during the years of the Soviet Union. Nowadays modern bicycle models are replacing the highway start. But their low cost compared to new models still attracts buyers.

Advantages of the Start Highway bike:

  • Sturdy construction . The bike has a sturdy design and is great for covering long distances.
  • Alloy steel. The frame of these bicycles is made of alloy steel and therefore is so durable.
  • Balanced landing. Road start bikes have a comfortable riding position and monotube tires on the wheels.
  • Reinforced body. The pedals are metal and have a reinforced body.
  • Number of gears. Equipped with 5 gears at the rear and 2 at the front.
  • Reliability of the braking system. Claw-type brakes with central link and reliable brake pads.
  • Special switches. Rear and front derailleur with parallelogram design.

It is very easy to recognize a start-highway bike, since on the front of the steering column there is an HVZ emblem with a swallow depicted on it, a sunset and the inscription HVZ, and there is also an inscription “start-highway” on the frame.

The easiest way to recognize the start of a highway is by looking at the steering wheel; it has a peculiar curved shape or, as it was also called, “horns”.

For lovers of cycling and fast riding, such a bike will come in handy.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the Start Highway bike definitely has something to brag about. And if you consider that its production was established in the middle of the last century, and this bicycle, along with modern ones, has good quality, reliability and strength indicators, it deserves respect.

Before making your final choice, we recommend that you first decide in what style you will use your future bike.

For quiet walks, you can get by with budget models, since they do not suffer from serious loads.

If you want to actively ride through the forest and mountains, we recommend purchasing a model with many gears (ideally 27).

Amateur athletes, accordingly, cannot do without a model with a hitch that is a level higher than in the case of other options. And, of course, don’t forget to choose the right bike for your height. This is the key to comfort.