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UCH circuit on stk with printed circuit board. High quality amplifier based on STK4048II chip

This article will tell you how to assemble simple sound amplifier based on integrated circuit STK4362 SANYO company. This UMZCH has the following parameters:

Maximum supply voltage - 50 V

Number of channels – 2

Power – 10W + 10W min, at THD = 1.0%

This amplifier is not suitable for a car due to a power supply other than 12 V, but it will perfectly replace multimedia speakers with a built-in amplifier.

Schematic diagram of STK4326 from the datasheet:

Integrated circuit STK4326, wiring diagram

Not finding a ready one on the Internet printed circuit board it was decided to breed it independently. The board was made in the SprintLayout program.

Integrated circuit STK4326, printed circuit board

After which the printed circuit board was manufactured using the method LUT(laser iron). For etching, a mixture was used: hydrogen peroxide + citric acid + salt. The board in the photo is slightly different from the circuit made in SprintLayout, since after installation some places in the circuit were changed for ease of installation.

PCB for STK4362

The following components were used for installation:


C1, C2 – 470 pf (you can take ceramic or mica);

C3, C4, C5 – 47 uF 50 V (polar);

C6 – 1 µF 50 V (polar);

C7 – 100 uF 50 V (polar);

C8, C9 – 0.47 µF 50 V (polar);

C10, C11 – 220 µF 50 V (polar);

C12, C13 – 1000 uF 35 V (polar);

C14, C15 – 0.1 uF 50 V or more (film);


R1, R2 – 4.7 Ohm;

R3, R4 – 120 Ohm;

R5, R6 – 1 kOhm;

R7 – 100 Ohm;

R8, R9, R10 – 100 kOhm;

Ready UMZCH on STK4326

To tin the board and mount the parts, I used solder paste ordered from Aliexpress for 300 rubles. The tube in the photo is enough for more than one board, and this greatly speeds up the process, since it contains flux and solder at the same time.

In the early 90s, AIWA music centers were very popular. For a long time, the AIWA ZM-2900 music center served me faithfully. Over time, a laser disc player failed, then a two-cassette tape recorder and a radio receiver. The power amplifier and transformer remained operational.

The electrical circuit of the AIWA ZM-2900 music center can be downloaded from the attachment.

Of the entire electrical circuit, I was interested in the stereo power amplifier on the STK419-150, which provided decent power (about 100 W per channel) and good sound quality.

The connection diagram for integrated amplifiers STK419-110, STK419-130, STK419-140 and STK419-150 is shown below.

Resistances R13 and R14 (with a power dissipation of at least 2 W) determine the level of current limitation through the output transistors of the integrated assembly. Inductors L1 and L2 are made by winding one layer of copper coil wire with a diameter of 0.8 - 0.9 mm onto resistors R12 and R13 (MLT 2W). Resistors R16 and R17 with a power of 0.5 - 1W. The power of all other resistors is up to 0.25W.

The main characteristics of stereo amplifiers STK419-110, STK419-130, STK419-140 and STK419-150 are given in the table.

Integrated amplifier parameters: STK419-110STK419-130STK419-140STK419-150
Case H3-20H3-20H3-20H3-20
Output stage supply voltage (Vcc2)minV±25±27±30±33
Supply voltage UN (Vcc1)minV±36±37±42±50
Quiescent current (Iо) mA60 60 60 60
Maximum power output (Poutmax) W2x502x602x802x100
Nominal load resistance (Routnom) 6 6 6 6
Frequency range (Bw) kHz0,020-50 0,020-50 0,020-50 0,020-50
Input resistance (Rin) 55 55 55 55
Harmonic distortion at Poutmax % 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2
Gain (Gv) dB32 32 32 32
Manufacturer SanyoSanyoSanyoSanyo

To manufacture the power supply of the amplifier, a W-shaped transformer of the music center was used, which has a primary winding of 220 volts, as well as a secondary winding with a common middle terminal (0V), with leads for powering the final stages (20V each) and a voltage amplifier (50V each). The power supply diagram is shown below.

Subjectively, the amplifier sounds more pleasant than the LM3886.

I hope that this information regarding the STK419-110, STK419-130, STK419-140 and STK419-150 integrated circuits will be useful for making your own stereo amplifiers.

Best regards,

On the chip STK4048XI. We offer a slightly modified circuit of this amplifier based on STK microcircuits. If the circuit itself remains unchanged, and only the microcircuits from the list below are replaced, you can change the output power of the audio amplifier depending on your needs from 6 to 200 watts. Depending on the marking STK chips they have different levels of nonlinear distortion: II - 0.2%; V - 0.08%; X - 0.008%; XI - 0.002%.

Approximate layout of radio elements on a printed circuit board:

At all STK chips This series provides high output power and low nonlinear distortion. This allows you to get high quality sound reproduction from the amplifier.

The supply voltage is bipolar from 20 to 95 volts (varies depending on the brand of the microcircuit, see table). Amplifier load is at least 4 ohms; optimal - 8 ohms. The input impedance of the UMZCH is 55 kOhm. The quiescent current is 120 mA. Output current up to 15 amperes (depending on the microcircuit used, see table). Microcircuits of the STK40** series require the use of a radiator with an area of ​​at least 400 mm 2. To effectively remove heat, you can screw the chip onto a heat sink using heat-conducting paste.

The list of microcircuits in the table will be incomplete without mentioning two more markings of this series, which provide an output power of the assembled amplifier of 200 watts. This STK4050II and STK4050V. The recommended voltage for the circuit on these microcircuits is not lower than 66 volts, and the maximum is 95 V.

Assembled amplifier based on STK4050 with an output power of 200 watts:

I present to your attention my new project - a portable power amplifier based on the STK4231 chip.
And so, first things first...

Idea from Sanio - STK4231

About a year ago I bought two SANYO microcircuits - STK4231. I wanted to build an amplifier based on I. Korotkov’s article “320 W amplifier on the STK4231 chip”, published in RADIO magazine No. 11, 2005.
Then there were problems with the board - I simply couldn’t do it well enough because I drew it with a marker (the board is visible in my article about photoresist) and there was no desire to redraw it in SPRINT LAYOUT.
So the mikruhi remained in the box until recently.

I found an interesting article on the Internet by Finn Mikko Esala. So I assembled such an amplifier; I actually added a level indicator on the Samsung mikruha.

The amplifier is assembled according to a circuit close to the one in the datasheet.
It is necessary to keep in mind that there are two modifications of STKashki – STK4231-II and STK4231-V. The differences are that STK4231-II pins 1, 2, 21, 22 are not used and the second one has a lower harmonic coefficient - 0.08%. The connection diagram for STK4231-V is slightly different - additional elements are simply connected as shown in the figure.

Thank you for your attention!
Igor Kotov, editor-in-chief of Datagor magazine

power unit
🕗 08/19/08 ⚖️ 4.23 Kb ⇣ 364 Hello, reader! My name is Igor, I'm 45, I'm a Siberian and an avid amateur electronics engineer. I came up with, created and have been maintaining this wonderful site since 2006.
For more than 10 years, our magazine has existed only at my expense.

Good! The freebie is over. If you want files and useful articles, help me!

Today I would like to tell you about an amplifier which, in my opinion, is an excellent solution in terms of price-power-quality ratio. And so, today we have the STK series microcircuit in the leading role. STK microcircuits are hybrid microcircuits that are made on unpackaged transistors using thick film technology and laser adjustment of the values ​​of all resistances. I, like quite a large number of radio amateurs, consider these amplifiers to be one of the best and surpass the well-known TDA and LM in sound quality. Of course, you can also remember tube amplifiers, but this is a rather vague topic, and besides, today it is no longer easy to find worthwhile tubes and transformers, and if you do, the prices for such exhibits are not the lowest. Well, as for microcircuits, they are just gaining momentum and finding the necessary wiring parts for them is not difficult. If you dig deep into the industry and consider the range of microcircuits that most companies install on their sound-reproducing devices, you can see an interesting trend, for example, if you consider almost any budget-level speaker system (1000-2000 rubles), then at best you will find tda7294 or tda2050 there . Manufacturers resort to such solutions in view of the fact that microcircuits of this series are not picky about power supply, they require an extremely small amount of external wiring (resistors, capacitors, coils), and sometimes they do not require any at all. If you try to look at more expensive and high-quality speakers, then in most cases you will see either transistor amplifiers or those same STKs.
In this article we will look at the STK402-120S microcircuit. One of the advantages of the “STK402-020...STK402-120” line is that each of these microcircuits has absolutely the same wiring, and the last value (..120) indicates the maximum power that this microcircuit is capable of provide (120W). This means that everyone will be able to choose the power that he needs, and if it no longer suits him, it will be enough to replace only the microcircuit with a higher rating and, in some cases, the power transformer with a higher voltage.
And so I think it’s worth moving on to practice and we’ll start with the parameters of the entire model range:

And the characteristics of our specific amplifier:

After all the characteristics have been announced, I think we can move on to assembly. And as expected, we will start the assembly with power. It uses a bipolar power supply system or, as it is also called, midpoint power supply. Here is the diagram of our power supply:

Power supplies of this type have a minus, a plus, and a ground (case). The voltage indicated in the parameters, namely +-39 V, is the voltage that should be between plus/minus and ground, i.e. There should be 78 V between plus and minus.
Then consider the circuit of the amplifier itself:

Output resistors of 0.22 Ohm and 4.7 Ohm must have a power of at least 2 W, the rest can be taken at 0.25 W. Also, the maximum voltage of electrolytic capacitors of 100 and 10 microfarads should be higher than the supply voltage.
Well, now I think we can move on to assembly. I was partially lucky and got my hands on an old music center from which quite a few of the parts were borrowed.
Again, let's start with the power supply. This was the main part that I borrowed.

The transformer produced +- 50, but this is completely within the acceptable parameters of our microcircuit. There was only one problem... Since the smoothing capacitors were on another board, they had to be desoldered and our own board made:

Here is the final photo, so that no questions arise, I’ll say right away that most of the non-polar capacitors in this case are in the same cases as resistors. In addition, this photo is missing two 4.7 Ohm output resistors.
With this, most of the work has come to an end; all that remains is to remove all the components into the case and attach the microcircuit to the radiator.
In my case, I decided to use the same case from the music center.