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Design and device of the Flying Saucer. Accumulated information about UFOs

Now let's look at the operating principle of the UFO engine.

The UFO engine is a density generator, which, when the ship moves, acts bidirectionally, bipolarly, like a magnet. In front of him, as he moves, he creates a field of low density, and behind him - a high one. For an ordinary person to understand, it is like the wind, or like the flow of water from a tap. And for physicists, it’s like the movement of electricity in a conductor, where electrons move from an area of ​​high density to an area of ​​low density. In other words, the UFO is one big electron, and its movement is no different from the natural movement of electrons.

That is why the UFO has such a high speed of movement, which is regulated by increasing or decreasing the power of the generator.

In hover mode, the generator operates unidirectionally, only downwards, creating a density of the environment equal to itself. It's like throwing a potato into a barrel of honey. It will hover and not sink because the density is approximately the same.( Rice. 1 ) The generated high-density field is indicated in red.

In terms of movement, everything is clear and understandable here, so there is no point in going into details. But the spatial jumps of UFOs are already interesting.

So here it is. In order not to bore readers with formulas, let’s consider this using a specific example, the presented frames from the video.

The video was shot very high quality, all the details and all the moments that happen are visible.

You can watch the original video here:LINK A short selection with facts about teleportation is here:LINK 2

Photo 1 In the first photo, the object is quite material, has color, shape and size. The four working areas of the density generator are clearly visible. One is in the center, and is used for hovering and for spatial jumps. And the other three, which are located at the edges, are used only for movement. This video confirms this:Link

Photo 2 In the next shot, the central area of ​​the density generator is turned on. But this time it turns on not unidirectionally but omnidirectionally. On all sides. In this case, all the electrons of each atom that fall within this radius of action of the generator change their orbits upward. That is, the UFO changes its structure. Due to changes in the orbits of electrons, quantum emission occurs, which is accompanied by a flash of visible light.

As you know, plasma is crystals that are capable of holding the exact shape of crystal lattices and, by the way, even the exact DNA helix. (What I mean is that living biological beings can also move in the same way as non-living ones)

Photo 3 Then the third cycle occurs: a bright flash, and the ball disappears.

There is no doubt that at the same moment it appears again, but in another corner of the universe. Therefore, the object appears unexpectedly, as if from nowhere. At the same time, the materialization of UFOs already occurs with the absorption of radiation, which means that electrons move back from outer orbits to inner ones.

How does the movement itself occur?

I only have assumptions about this question.

1) Maybe it's quantum teleportation.

Experiments confirm that quanta can exist in two or even three places at the same time. Therefore, it is quite possible that, being in a state of plasma, all its crystals can be copied by applying some additional energy. Therefore, there are two copies, one of which is material, and the other is at the other end of the universe in a state of plasma. Then, on the contrary, the other goes into plasma, and the first materializes. This can be compared to a switch that operates two light bulbs, where only one of them can glow, although in fact there are two of them. But then it is not clear how information accumulated by one object is stored and transmitted to another.

2) Another version. The movement of plasma (that is, crystal lattices) occurs along a standing torsion wave. There is evidence of teleportation of bacteria from one hermetic test tube to another over fairly large distances, precisely along a standing wave of a torsion field. Unlike quantum theory, teleportation occurs without destroying the original source, and explains the preservation of accumulated information. Also, the torsion field has no time, and the movement occurs instantly.

But the difficulty is that the torsion signal must be precisely directed from one point to another. It's like a laser beam. How to synchronize such precision, given such vast distances and the constant movement of the universe???

Although... Perhaps this huge artificial satellite rotating in geostationary orbit around the sun is a torsion beam navigation system???

Actually, I used to assume that this satellite is a kind of stoker of our sun. Someone is constantly adding wood to the fire. Someone is taking care of our hearth. After all, everyone knows that any fireplace changes its intensity during the combustion process. And the sun burns with the same intensity, at least for the last 10 thousands of years. This means that someone regulates the temperature and creates a comfortable microclimate for us. Video about this

In general, I am sure that teleportation is a transition from a solid state to plasma and back.

P/S I'm going to test an experiment on the teleportation of water from test tube to test tube using a torsion standing wave, at least a few tens of meters to begin with. I will post the results of the experiments after completion.

February 22, 2018, 11:02 pm

Engines of this type must have unique properties and allow them to move freely in three-dimensional space without releasing jet thrust and without pushing off from anything; they will be able to move along roads in a horizontal plane without pushing off from the road, on water or under water without pushing off from water, in the air, without pushing off from the air, in space in airless space, overcoming environmental resistance and gravitational forces, in addition, be able to hover and soar at a given point in space, overcoming gravitational forces and environmental fluctuations. UFOs have similar properties.

This effect is somewhat reminiscent of the fabulous effect of Baron Munchausen, who lifted himself by his hair. It is clear that such an action is impossible and contrary to the laws of physics, which allows short-sighted people to dismiss the effect citing its proven impossibility. However, not everything is so simple here and the effect is not only possible, but also confirmed by numerous experiments, even those that do not have clear explanations.

It is clear that the wheel is mechanically pushed off the road and thanks to this the car moves, a helicopter and a propeller-driven airplane are pushed off from the air and therefore flies, a rocket is a different engine, it can move under water, on water, along the road, in airspace, but the main thing is that it moves easily in space in airless space. The jet thrust effect is based on a micro-explosion that creates uniform pressure on all walls of the working chamber, except one, which is open to the exit of the micro-explosion wave, due to which a difference in pressure forces is created and the chamber begins to move, away from the open part from which discharged spent fuel comes out. .

Far from practical, but an interesting idea that can clearly explain the essence of a new idea - it’s a rocket within a rocket. No one is stopping you from hiding a jet engine in a large closed housing and turning it on. It is clear that such an engine will not work for a long time and efficiently, since it will require the release of the spent reactive mass and the length of the cylinder with the jet engine at the base must be large enough so that the jet can freely exit without resting against a closed wall. It is theoretically possible to come up with a system for recycling waste mass and then everything will work, but just as a model proving that this is theoretically possible, since there is no practical sense in this.

Here is a more interesting option that explains in detail the operating principle of the new type of engines and is close to practical implementation. To make it simple, let's conduct an experiment with water; later we will explain why water is only a visual aid and is not of interest for practical implementation. So, again, take a closed capsule with an energy source, say a battery, water at the bottom of the closed capsule, a pump. We turn on the pump and pump out water from the bottom of the capsule, creating a powerful jet entering the divider to the left and right (you can do the same with two pumps, one of which creates a powerful jet to the left, the other to the right), this creates two powerful jets of water pushing away from the center capsules, one of which moves to the left, the other to the right. If each jet simply hits its own wall, then nothing special will happen and the capsule will remain in place, but if, for example, the left jet is allowed to transform its energy into another type of energy by launching it not at the left wall, but at the propeller-fan standing nearby, capable of absorbing the energy of the jet and even generating electricity from it, and the right jet will simply rest against the right wall, transferring its mechanical impulse to it, then the entire system will begin to move to the right. The disadvantage of this method, which makes practical implementation pointless, is that for terrestrial conditions the efficiency of the engine is too low, i.e. it will require a lot of energy to create insignificant thrust, and for space it is not of interest due to the fact that it is not capable of creating the proper speed, since its speed will be limited by the speed of the water jet. However, the fact of the possibility of a new type of engine is thus confirmed

An engine that already has practical applications will work in a similar way, where instead of a flow of water, a flow of electrons will be used. The best simple example of such a motor is a conventional cathode tube, also known as an X-ray tube. In it, instead of water, we emit a stream of electrons in both directions, while the left stream will bombard the soft material in which the flow of electrons will only cause heating during its smooth braking, and the right stream will bombard the hard material, while the mechanical impulse of the electron will be transmitted to the entire structure and that, in turn, will acquire traction to the right side. The thrust will be regulated by the electron flux density, and the maximum speed of the engine will be equal to the speed of the accelerated electrons and can be quite significant, up to tenths of the speed of light. In reality, it will not be possible to obtain significant thrust in such an engine due to the very low efficiency, therefore, in terrestrial conditions, the use of such an engine is not profitable, but in space it will work, giving good speed performance, with naturally smooth acceleration. Similar experiments were carried out by Thomas Brown with the Coolidge X-ray tube.

However, this type of engine described cannot be classified as anti-gravity. True anti-gravity engines should create anti-gravity radiation, and an object located in the field of this radiation will be able to accelerate to enormous speeds without overloads associated with inertial forces, which is also discussed in this article

Alexander Vladimirovich Romanov also shares interesting ideas once again

DLR#536. ERPE. About gravity

Unidentified flying objects have been the subject of debate among scientists for decades. The unique abilities of UFOs are perplexing, not allowing us to give any definite explanation for the principle of movement of these objects.

Yuri Koinash, candidate of technical sciences and researcher, made a sensational statement, announcing that he understood the principle that drives UFO engine. Yuri Alekseevich suggested that the shape of the flying saucer is a round wing that creates lift. He was prompted to this idea by the angle at the base of the UFO; it is close to 45 degrees, which is the optimal value in the case of creating lift. Only the propeller of this design is located inside; it can be a rotating liquid or ionized gas, which can be driven by an electromagnetic field. The layer of liquid itself can be very thin, this is enough to provide the required effect. According to Yuri Koinash, in the event of some improvement in the design, as well as an increase in size, the effect will be sufficient for the lifting force to acquire the necessary value for the creation of flying vehicles. The open UFO engine, if successful, could provide earthlings with a universal engine that would allow, for example, a flying taxi, to cheaply get to another city, bypassing traffic jams and traffic lights. The same engine would make it possible to create interstellar ships at near-light speeds.

According to the author’s calculations, the best performance for such a device is mercury, which has a high density. It is curious that Indian vimanas, according to the description, also had a device inside them in which mercury rotated. An ordinary airplane wing experiences the influence of air particles that act on it from the outside, while the UFO body is affected by a force from the inside, creating a colossal lifting effect. The researcher conducted a series of experiments with liquid on a model in which an impeller rotated inside, forcing the water to move along the body of the disk-shaped model, creating a lifting force. He experimented with a completely closed environment, finding that the apparatus lost weight for a while.

Bold ideas always encounter opposition, and only after a while do people understand them. Perhaps this is how the anti-gravity engine is destined to appear.

Relatively recently, especially in Japan, large-scale work was carried out on a new generation of engines for ships that used the Lorentz force with the electrical conductivity of water, that is, attempts were made to assemble an engine for a UFO with their own hands. But over time, the attention of the developers shifted more to the development of a plasma jet engine for an aircraft, since plasma is also capable of conducting current, which may help to unravel the operation of the engine for a UFO. After all, a flame with hot gases emanating from a jet engine is practically also plasma. And if electrodes are placed in it to pass electric current, then the efficiency of using the gas flow rate will increase many times, which will simultaneously increase the traction force.

The secret of the circuit design of this UFO engine is the use of powerful superconducting magnets. The magnetic field they create, when intersecting perpendicularly with the electric current lines of force, causes the emergence of the Lorentz force and the formation of thrust, acting at an angle relative to the electric current and magnetic field along the axis of the aircraft. Due to this, hot exhaust gases escape from the engine nozzle, which is similar to the operation of the UFO engine in the video. A significant limitation is the creation of a powerful magnetic field, which requires superconducting high-temperature electromagnets.

For example, an alloy of thallium with bismuth produces the most powerful fields - 30,000 times higher than the parameters of a conventional magnet, with virtually no consumption of electricity in a state of superconductivity. And the traction force directly depends on the strength of the supplied electric current. Experimental developments created by scientists have made it possible to better understand how the engine of a UFO works.

Moreover, as calculations have shown, if you use nuclear power plants of submarines, then the power of the electric current will be sufficient for high-speed movement in a straight line, for sharp braking, and turning around almost on the spot. Using the principle of operation of the UFO engine, you can accelerate the flow of gases from a jet engine. This idea was applied in the Russian Design Bureau “Fakel”, developing an electroplasma engine for propulsion in space. The first samples had insignificant thrust, which did not allow them to be used for launch into orbit, but in a plasma jet engine the power is much higher, since the hot gases flowing from the engine nozzle initially provide good thrust, and being at the same time plasma, they can be used for additional acceleration using electric current Lorentz force.

In this design of the UFO engine, electrical energy is used to accelerate ionized gas, the speed of outflow of gases reaches 50 km/sec.

Similar developments were carried out by the aerospace company Lockheed on the F-117A project. It is not yet known exactly what further work will lead to, but it is assumed that the aircraft will be able to achieve an acceleration of 5 km/sec and jump into space.

Sources: realstrannik.ru, www..ru, nlo-inform.ru, vzglyadzagran.ru

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UFO and antigravity. The operating principle of the UFO engine. Scientific rationale for the operation of the UFO engine

Vladimir Zabelyshensky

UFO and antigravity.

The current level of science allows us to conclude that there are three main forces at work in the Universe: gravity, magnetism and electricity. This statement was the result of the work of a number of outstanding scientists, who, first of all, include Faraday, Maxwell, Planck and Einstein. In 1923, their followers - American scientists Brown and Biefield, California Institute of Special Research, studying the connection between electricity and gravity, came to the discovery of the effect of electrogravity. This discovery marked the beginning of the development of a completely new scientific direction. Brown showed that for every electromagnetic phenomenon there is an electrogravitational analogue, in particular, the movement of a charged body under the influence of the interaction between electric and gravitational fields in the direction of the positive electrode. In 1939, Brown created the theory of electrogravity and then developed it into the field of electrohydrodynamics.

It is noteworthy that the Brown effect was not predicted, even to any first approximation, either by the Theory of Relativity or by modern theories of electromagnetism. As soon as Brown's theory of electrogravity became available to scientists and technical specialists at aerospace centers, it amazed with its ease of implementation and the highest degree of experimental evidence of all provisions of the theory. However, even at the end of the 20th century, despite the practical implementation of the Brown effect in the creation of fundamentally new aircraft, many, due to their ignorance, consider the gravitational engine to be an obscure exotic thing.

The essence of electrogravity is that a flat capacitor charged with high DC voltage tends to move towards the positive pole due to a decrease in its weight /1/. The change in the weight of the capacitor depending on the polarity of the voltage applied to it is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig.1. Changes in the weight of a capacitor depending on the polarity of the voltage applied to it.

The experiments revealed fundamental features:

The dielectric material between the two plates of the capacitor must have the ability to store electrical energy in the form of an “elastic” voltage without corona discharge and subsequent breakdown at the edges of the capacitor, for example, in the form of a disk. A measure of this ability is the “k” coefficient of the material. The higher the value of this coefficient, the greater the effect of electrogravity;

The effect of movement of a freely suspended capacitor is directly proportional to the area of ​​the capacitor plates and the magnitude of the voltage applied to the plates;

The effect of electrogravity becomes more pronounced as the mass of dielectric material between the plates increases. (T.T.Brown Patent, 3,187,206 dated June 1, 1965, USA).

The distribution of an electric charge of a certain polarity over sectors of the upper and lower surface of a flat capacitor allows you to control the direction of movement of the capacitor. Figures 2 and 3 show the principle of changing the direction of flight of objects according to the theory of electrogravity.

Fig.3. The principle of changing the direction of flight of objects.

In his experiments, Brown used object models in the form of a triangle, a square, a square with edges truncated at the corners, and a saucer. He ultimately concluded that the saucer shape was the most effective shape. An analysis of the flight of the saucer in Brown's experiments showed that during the flight of the model in the air, none of the known aerodynamic principles of the wing is used.

When considering electrogravity in relation to a UFO, we must keep in mind some features of its flight. As is known, the Earth is surrounded by a gravitational field, the magnitude of which decreases with distance from the Earth and ultimately becomes equal to zero. A UFO, creating an area of ​​its own gravitational field, changes (deforms) the gravitational field of the Earth. This area acts like a wave with a negative pole at the top of the wave and a positive pole at the base. The flight of a UFO is similar to a surfer sliding on a wave. Thus, by changing the orientation and sign (polarity) of the electric field on the upper and lower surfaces of the body, the UFO is able to move inertia-free in any direction. As is known, there are some consistently observed features of UFO flight. So, before starting from a hovering position, the UFO leans forward, and before stopping in horizontal flight, it leans back. The descent of a UFO, as a rule, occurs using the “falling leaf” method, reminiscent of the movement of a pendulum. Paul Hill, who studied these flight characteristics at NASA's Langley Research Center, came to the conclusion that such evolutions of UFO flight are contrary to aerodynamic requirements, but are completely compatible with the fundamental differences in the operation of a field anti-gravity system.

Experimenting with various forms of his flying models, Brown describes the process by which the driving force is generated to achieve controlled flight. In accordance with the theory of electrogravity, the upper part of the dome-shaped disk is an anode, under a positive charge of 100-200 kV. The cathode, to which a negative charge is applied, is the central lower part of the housing, the diameter of which is approximately 3 times smaller than the upper, dome-shaped part of the disk. The dome is mechanically connected to the small anode part by an electrode located vertically in the center of the disk.

Ion plasma moving at high speed in the direction of the concave part of the dome creates pressure along the entire profile of the anode, which leads, in a particular case, to vertical movement of the disk. The plasma that escapes the dome accelerates back to the cathode. Its own gravitational field is created both inside the volume of the disk and in the peripheral region outside the disk. The electrical model of Brown's disk is shown in Figure 4./2/.

Fig.4. Electrical model of Brown's disk.

The main conclusion following from Brown's theory, confirmed in experiment, is that there is an electromagnetic correlation factor between gravitational mass and inertial mass, which, under certain electromagnetic conditions, can be reduced, canceled, inverted or increased.

Demonstration flights of Brown disks, 1 m in diameter. and more, around a high mast with power supply through wires, showed that a low pressure area is created in front of the leading edge of the disk. This area, like a buffer wing, displaces air in front of the flying disk, which eliminates the formation of a supersonic barrier and heating of the disk body. Speaking to scientists and representatives of the aviation industry, Brown already noted that the electromagnetic processes accompanying flight cause not only the glow of the disk, but also a negative effect on animals and plants.

Observations of low-flying or hovering UFOs at low altitude, as well as the detection of the so-called. step voltage on the surface of the earth during their landings confirm the presence of an electric field around the UFO. The strength of this field, according to indirect estimates, is 1 – 1.5 million volts per square cm. surface of the UFO, which corresponds to the calculated values ​​​​obtained in Brown's experiments.

In 1953, Brown held a demonstration for senior military officials. It showed the flight of two disks 3 feet in diameter. They reached speeds of several hundred miles/hour. Soon, work in this direction was classified.

During Project Winterhaven, Brown sent a proposal to the Pentagon to develop a disc-shaped electrogravitational combat aircraft such as the Mach-3. It was a significantly improved version of his test discs shown earlier. Using large vacuum chambers, Brown showed that his disks could fly more efficiently in an airless environment. This made a due impression on US military specialists.

Once Brown's discoveries became known, some scientists began to talk openly about UFO flight technology. None other than Professor Hermann Oberg, considered the father of the space age, who later worked with Wernher von Braun for the US Army Ballistic Missile Agency and NASA, stated the following in 1954: “It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and are spaceships.” from another solar system. They fly using artificial gravity fields... They produce high voltage electrical charges in order to push air out of their path, and the air begins to glow in strong electromagnetic fields as a result of the ionization of molecules of various gases in the air.

Firstly, this can explain the glow... Secondly, this can explain the noiselessness of the UFO flight..." /3/. We now know that he was essentially correct in his assessment. A.V. Frolov, an adviser to the Physical Society of Russia, examining Brown's developments, notes that the active force acting in electrogravity is the result of the asymmetry of the orbital motion of electrons in dielectric atoms located in an electric field. The asymmetry creates a centrifugal force gradient and a nonzero linear component of that force. If we take the surface area of ​​the dome equal to 100 sq.m. the electrical capacitance will be about 1 µF. The use of special ceramics as a dielectric allows you to increase the dielectric constant (specific capacitance) to 80. At a potential of 100 kV. the gradient of the acting force will be equal to 80 tons. Because the magnitude of the force increases as a quadratic function of the applied potential; it is advisable to increase the potential, and not the surface of the dome or the object as a whole. So the essence of electrogravitational propulsion is to use a very strong positive charge on one side of the vehicle and a negative charge on the other. The ability of a capacitor to hold a charge (factor K) is a comparative technical characteristic. If the K coefficient for conventional dielectrics is 6-8, then the use of barium titanate oxide (sintered ceramics) gives a coefficient of 6,000 with the prospect of increasing to 30,000, which is quite sufficient for supersonic flight.” /4/ Calculation of the gradient of the acting force is shown in figure 1.

F=qE 0 (1/ ε1 -1/ ε2)

ε1=1 ε2=80 (ceramics)

area S=100m 2

capacity C 0 =10 -6 F; C= ε2C 0 =8×10 -5 F

potential φ=10 5 V

charge q=CU=8K

field strength E=10 5 V/m

F=8×10 5 (79/80)=7.9×10 5 (N)

F=7.9/9.8×10 5 =80T

Fig.1. Calculation of the gradient of the acting force.

In one of their conclusions, based on Brown’s work, experts note the following: “Electrostatic energy sufficient to implement the Mak-3 apparatus is possible using megavolt voltages and a K coefficient of more than 10,000″ /5/.

Despite Brown's solid research, they further point out that: “One of the major difficulties in 1954 and 1955 was the effort to convince aviators of the seriousness of electrogravity experiments /6/. Report of the British company Gravity Rand Ltd. in 1956 is consistent with this assessment /7/.

Aviation Report magazine made multiple references to antigravity projects and cited many of the companies involved in research in this area. Quotations from this magazine, given in a report by Aviation Studies (International) Ltd. /8/ hint at what is happening behind the scenes.

In 1954, company specialists noted that: “... progress was slow. But there are indications that the Pentagon is willing to sponsor a number of devices to help further progress."... "Testing of experimental devices predicts completion of the first drive before 1960 and the 1960s will be entirely spent developing it to perfection, although some combat capabilities will be available ten years from now.” (Aviation Report, No.12, October 1954) /9/.

During this time period, many of the major companies in the military-industrial complex were cited as leading research projects and testing in the field. For example: “Companies named in the new statement exploring the use of gravity include Glenn Martin, Convear, Sperry-Rand, Sikorsky, Bell, Lear Inc. and Clark Electronics.” Among other companies that showed interest earlier, we note Lockheed. Other reports cited point to AT&T, General Electric, as well as Curtis-Wright, Boeing and North American as having electrogravity research groups. During the same period of time, a report from the Gravity Rand company notes that: “Companies are already specializing in the development of individual components of the electrogravity disk” /11/. However, in the area of ​​predictions, Aviation Report states the following based on extrapolation of technological advances: “Thus, this century will be divided into two parts - almost to the present day. The first part belongs to the Wright brothers, who anticipated almost all the fundamental laws in which gravity was a difficult opponent. In the second part, gravity will be the great provider.

Electrical energy, practically unusable for movement in the first part, becomes a kind of catalyst for movement in the second part of the century.” (Aviation Report, No.7, September 1954) /12/.

Looking back in history, it is easy to say that they lost the point of division. Did they really lose her for half a century? After reading the mentioned reports, it becomes quite obvious that there was a lot of interest in anti-gravity among a number of very well-known companies, as well as in the Ministry of Defense. What happened to this interest and why did it fade over the next four-plus decades? After all, T. Brown showed that there was a provable connection between high-voltage fields and gravity. Why was this topic kept from the scientific community and publications in the open literature until the 90s? A review of recent statements by former military and civilian employees working on classified projects sheds light on research activity in these areas during the second half of the century. And it turns out that during this period significant breakthroughs were made, but they were hidden from the eyes of scientists and the public.

Latest scientific developments.

In this section we will look at developments in the field of anti-gravity since the late 80's, as well as scientific research and testimony from witnesses associated with military and secret groups that indicate that a solution to gravity has been found with the possibility of its application in technology. Although general relativity has been unable to explain Brown's Electrogravitational Theory, as well as any other antigravity phenomena, recent findings by physicists using the methodology of quantum electrodynamics suggest a theoretical framework with which to explain electrogravity.

Recent work by employees of the Institute for Advanced Study of the Alpha Foundation provides a solid theoretical foundation for anti-gravity effects within the framework of the theory of electrodynamics and includes reports by Evans /13/, Anastasotsky /14/ and others.

Previously, in his revolutionary work in 1994, Alcubière showed

that space travel at superluminal speeds is, in principle, physically possible and will not contradict the fundamentals of the theory of relativity /15/. Puthoff later analyzed these definitions in light of existing SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) paradigms, which argue that we cannot be visited by extraterrestrial civilizations due to the speed of light limitations imposed by general relativity. On the contrary, he believes that traveling at the speed of light is undoubtedly possible /16/. This leads to a reduction in the time required for interstellar travel and the possibility of visits from extraterrestrial civilizations. Our limited understanding of physics and scientific arrogance kept it all taboo in some areas for most of the 20th century. While Brown's Theory of Electrogravity has found its way into US aerospace projects, there are alternative theoretical approaches to creating artificial, controlled gravity.

In 1999 Fran Di Aquino, Doctor of Physics at the University of Sao Luis, Brazil, has published a number of papers on the theory of aircraft using the anti-gravity principle. In the work “Gravity and electromagnetism; correlation and grand unification”/17/ he showed that gravitational and inertial masses are correlated taking into account the electromagnetic coefficient (multiplier). The consequences of this correlation make it possible to transform the Mach Principle into the Theory of Gravitation, obtaining a new relativistic expression for mass. In addition, it became possible to generalize Newton's second law of motion, to calculate the differential equation for entropy (the second law of Thermodynamics) directly from the Theory of Gravity. Another fundamental consequence of the correlation under consideration is that, in specific ultra-high energy states, gravitational and electromagnetic fields can be described by the same Hamilton function.

Attempts to establish a correlation between gravitational and inertial masses have been made since Newton. However, only recently it was established that a gravitational particle decreases its mass with increasing temperature and that only at absolute zero (T = 0) are the gravitational and inertial masses equivalent. Fran Di Aquino showed that the long-standing assumption of a correlation between gravity and electromagnetism turned out to be correct. Initially, using formal methods, it was shown that there is a so-called electromagnetic coefficient (multiplier), which relates to gravitational and inertial masses. Now it is possible to theoretically substantiate the process of gravitational mass control.

As has been shown, the inertial effects of a material body can be reduced and even canceled out if its gravitational mass can be reduced or canceled accordingly. A particle with no gravitational mass is not subject to relativistic effects. Its gravitational mass does not increase with increasing particle speed. It's interesting to note that, according to Di Aquino, this means that a particle with no gravitational mass can reach or even exceed the speed of light. Such a particle is characterized by two fundamental parameters: it becomes a particle with momentum P=0 and energy E=0. These “ghost” neutrinos are so named because, lacking momentum and energy, they cannot be detected. Even so, their presence can be confirmed by an existing wave function that describes their presence.

Inertial forces in the modern version are expressed as Fi=miai , while the equivalent gravitational forces, Fg=mgag . In this case, the equivalence ai=ag is satisfied . Therefore, the equations of General Relativity will be preserved. It is known that photons do not have inertial mass, do not absorb other photons, and do not have gravitational mass. If we consider a certain source of electromagnetic radiation with a certain power, frequency and radiation density, then in accordance with Aquino’s theory, it is possible to create a so-called “shield” of photons around this source, which will prevent the exchange of gravitons between particles in the “shield” and the rest of space ( Universe). Region shield” begins at a distance from the source, where the radiation density reaches a value at which photons will counteract each graviton in the region of the electromagnetic field of the source. Moreover, these interactions are instantaneous, because the speed of photons in this case should be infinite, because they are quanta of electromagnetic interaction. This is exactly the speed of photons that will be in shield."

If we imagine a spaceship with a positive gravitational mass equal to X kg, and a negative gravitational mass equal to, for example, 0.001 kg, then this condition is sufficient to create a “shield” by photons emanating from the surface of the spacecraft. In this case, the gravitational mass of the ship will be equal to 0.001 kg. If the ship's propulsion system creates only F=10N, the spacecraft will acquire an acceleration equal to 104 m/s. Thus, due to the photon “shield” around the spacecraft, its gravitational interaction with the Universe will be absent. Consequently, there will also be no inertial forces on the spacecraft, in other words, the ship will lose its inertial properties. In addition, a spacecraft can not only reach the speed of light, but also exceed it, because, as has been shown, a particle with missing gravitational mass will not be subject to relativistic effects. The key issue of today is the creation of a compact source of electrical energy that makes it possible to obtain voltages of more than 1 MV and electric fields with a strength of 1-1.5 MV per sq. cm. surface of the aircraft. There are several solutions to this issue, including the conversion of nuclear energy or the use of vacuum state energy.

Energy of the vacuum state.

The most revolutionary physics discoveries have been made in zero-point energy, or vacuum state energy, which is illustrated by the Casimir effect, whereby two metal plates placed together attract each other due to an imbalance of quantum vibrations. The prospects for using the energy of zero-point oscillations or the energy of the vacuum state are enormous. Einstein’s student John Wheeler once said: “Figuratively speaking, the vacuum energy contained in the volume of a coffee cup would be enough to evaporate all the oceans of the Earth.” The theoretical foundations of the energy of the vacuum state were described in several works by Puthoff, starting from the late 80s. /18,19/.

Physicist Stephen Greer, commenting on the research and practical achievements of scientists at the University of New Hampshire at a radio briefing on January 30, 2003, noted that, judging by the amazing devices that he saw in work, by mid-2004 the United States will be able to create industrial designs converters of vibration energy of subatomic particles of free vacuum into electrical energy. “These are extremely compact, lightweight devices and have no moving parts. I want to tell you that the UFO mystery has been a mystery for decades for one, most important reason - we needed to have time to monopolize the study of the source of energy in UFOs."

Various technological methods for extracting this energy have been described - recent work by Anastasotsky et al. /20/. Bearden's book on the theory of zero-point energy will appear soon /21/. There is significant evidence that scientists since Tesla have known about this energy, but its existence and potential uses have been hidden for more than half a century /22/.

The connection between observations of electrogravitational phenomena and the discovery of zero-point energy leads to a new, expanded understanding of the nature of matter and gravity. We turn to the following question: what keeps the universe in perpetual motion? Or, more specifically, where do electrons get energy to maintain rotation around atoms? The simplistic answer is that it comes from a vacuum state. Puthoff /23/ describes the process as follows: “I discovered that we can consider the electron to be continuously emitting its energy, as classical theory says, but at the same time absorbing a compensating amount of energy from the omnipresent ocean of zero-point energy in which the atom is immersed. Equilibrium between these two processes leads to the correct values ​​of the parameters that determine the minimum energy or orbit of the ground state.

Thus, there is a dynamic equilibrium in which the energy of zero-point vibrations stabilizes the electron in the orbit of the ground state. It turns out that the stability of matter itself depends on the ocean of electromagnetic energy of zero-point oscillations that supports it.”

Moreover, it turns out that the rotation of electrons provides inertia and mass for atoms. These theories relating electron spin, zero-point energy, mass and inertia have been presented in a number of recent scientific reports, notably Heisch and his colleagues who have provided a possible explanation for the Biefeld-Brown effect. It turns out that the high voltage field creates an electromagnetic barrier that blocks the atomic structure of the atom from interacting with the zero-point vibration field. This slows down the electrons, reducing their gyroscopic effect and thus mass and inertia, making them easier to move.

This inexhaustible source of energy will allow us to abandon the use of all types of fuel and transfer any transport, industrial and social facilities to electricity consumption thanks to vacuum energy.