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Find out your debts to the traffic police by last name. Check traffic police fines on a driver's license

Here you can find out the fines of the traffic police online for free

Traffic police fines for traffic violations

Quite often it happens that we simply forget about the fines issued by the traffic police and about receipts received by mail for violating traffic rules. It happens that we entrust the right to drive our car to another person and, in principle, we cannot track whether he violates the rules, whether there are traffic police fines on your car through his fault, whether he pays the traffic police fines in a timely manner.

But if the protocol is drawn up and the base of fines of the traffic police contains information on your violation, then sooner or later the state will take measures to collect your debt. Russian legislation establishes a deadline for paying a fine (this is 1 month), and provides for liability for non-payment of a fine by the traffic police. In accordance with Article 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, for late payment of a fine for violating traffic rules, you may be fined - a double fine (but not less than 1000 rubles) or administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

Now many are already aware that traffic police fines unpaid on time can become an obstacle when traveling abroad, buying and selling a car and passing a technical inspection. Therefore, checking the traffic police fines is especially important in cases where you have to pass a technical inspection, you plan to sell a car or are going on a trip abroad. After all, for this it is necessary to pay off the entire debt on fines of the traffic police, if, of course, there is one.

At the same time, many users do not know that traffic police fines can be easily found out by car number, driving license and last name using a special online service.

How to find out the debt on traffic police fines?

Check traffic police fines online - it's convenient, fast, affordable! To find out the traffic police fine via the Internet, you only need a device connected to the network, you do not need to download and install anything on your computer.

With the help of the service posted on this page, you can not only find out the fines of the traffic police for the car, but also take advantage of other useful features. The service offers a verification form, a personal account "My fines" and traffic police fines provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Here are the options available to users of the service:

check traffic police fines for free

This function allows you to check unpaid traffic police fines, both issued to you personally by the inspector, and those that come automatically. You can search for traffic police fines by car number and driver's license number.

pay the traffic police fine via the Internet in a convenient way for you

The proposed service is a place where you can pay a traffic police fine for traffic violations in more than 40 ways! To check whether the traffic police fine has been paid, you need to update the information in your Personal Account or enter the traffic police fines again through the main verification form.

receive notifications of new offenses

Information about the new traffic police fines issued to your car can be received in 2 ways - by e-mail address or by SMS messages to a cell phone.

detailed information about traffic police fines in the section of the Code of Administrative Offenses

All fines of the traffic police are placed here as a list indicating the article of the code, the offense and the amount of the fine for it.

register in the service and get access to your personal account

Here you can view the traffic police fines that you paid using the service.

track multiple vehicles

Control fines for all your cars in one place

Check traffic police fines online

The verification service was created specifically so that the car owner can find out in a matter of minutes whether there are traffic police fines issued to his car number, and, if desired, immediately pay them. The service conducts a check on the current traffic police bases and provides reliable information on fines.

Unfortunately, at the moment the service allows you to check the presence of traffic police fines not in all cities of Russia. This is due to the fact that the traffic police department in other regions does not yet provide the technical opportunity to check the traffic police fines online. However, the service is developing and is constantly working to connect to other regional traffic police bases, so in the future the list of available settlements of the Russian Federation will increase. You can register in the service in order to receive a message to your e-mail in a timely manner when the check of traffic police fines in your region begins.

How to find out unpaid traffic police fines

Find out the presence of traffic police fines - the service is absolutely free!

To check the debt on traffic police fines online, enter the required vehicle details and click the "Check Fines" button. Since the search for traffic police fines is carried out with a connection to the traffic police database, it may take some time to process the request.

Now in the service you can find traffic police fines by state number and by rights (driver's license). In the near future, a check of traffic police fines will be implemented according to the number of the decision drawn up for violation of traffic rules. As soon as such an opportunity arises, we will be able to search for a traffic police fine by the number of the decision.

Here you can see the fines of the traffic police, which are currently listed in the database. If you want to receive information about your new traffic police fines in a timely manner, then it is better to subscribe to receive notifications from the service. Tracking traffic fines by e-mail will cost you nothing, it's free. The cost of an SMS subscription is only 120 rubles. per year, i.e. you can find out traffic police fines by SMS for only 10 rubles. per month.

How to pay a traffic fine

As mentioned above, the capabilities of the service allow you not only to find out how much traffic police fines you have, but to pay off your debt.

Payment of traffic police fines via the Internet using the service can be made in a variety of ways:

cards of payment systems Visa and Mastercard

Safe payment of traffic police fines with a bank card is ensured by reliable protection of information when transferring card data to the processing center. In order for you to be able to pay the traffic police fine with a bank card, it must be of the appropriate type, i.e. have a secret code (PIN/CVV2) indicated on the back of the card.

electronic money

electronic money of payment systems WebMoney, Yandex.Money, [email protected], MoneyMail are accepted for payment

from mobile phone balance

This type of payment is available for subscribers of cellular operators Megafon, MTS and Beeline.

through QIWI payment service

You can pay the traffic police fine through QIWI - wallet at any QIWI terminal or on the w.qiwi.ru website. If you chose to pay traffic police fines through QIWI, you will receive an email with an account number, which must be indicated in the terminal or on the website of the payment system.

by bank transfer (including payment of traffic police fines through Sberbank)

By choosing this method, you can pay the traffic police fine through Sberbank of Russia, as well as a number of other banks.

from an account in Alfa Bank using Alfa-click Internet banking

B must be registered in the Alfa-Click system.

In total, more than 40 methods by which you can pay a traffic police fine online! Choose the one that is convenient for you!

Whatever payment methods you choose for traffic police fines, you will receive notifications by e-mail about the successful transfer of money with payment details. If necessary, you can print a receipt for payment of the traffic police fine, confirming the transfer of money.

Checking the payment of traffic police fines - click the "Update" button in your Personal Account or check again through the main form. The time during which paid fines are deleted from the traffic police database depends on the region and takes from several minutes to a week from the date of payment!

For online payment, the service charges a small commission, the specific amount of which will be indicated after choosing the payment method (select the fine to be paid and click the "Pay" button).

Now you know where to look at traffic police fines online and how to pay them online. When checking and paying fines using the online service, you do not need to constantly keep orders and receipts with you, you do not need to know the details of the traffic police to pay the fine. Paying traffic police fines online will relieve you of the need to stand in lines at banks and notify the traffic police of the debt repayment.

The deadline for paying the traffic police fine is 1 month! Do not accumulate debts for traffic police fines, pay receipts for traffic violations in a timely manner!

Table of traffic police fines (traffic police fines 2013)

You do not need to look for traffic police fines on the Internet, the service already has the relevant information. You can find out the size of the traffic police fine for a specific offense in the section of the Code of Administrative Offenses, where the table of traffic police fines is located. Here is the amount of traffic police fines for each violation of traffic rules in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Beware of scammers!

Dear visitors, please note that unscrupulous sites have appeared on the Internet that imitate checking for traffic police fines and in almost 100% of cases give information that there are supposedly fines. Only in order to get a full report on the fines found, scammers ask you to provide your real phone number in order to pass, as they call, an "anti-spam check". In fact, a subscription to paid SMS services is connected to your number, which is the income of scammers.

So be vigilant when looking for where to find traffic police fines! Better yet, use a proven service on our website if you want to find out traffic police fines for free and get up-to-date information.

Here you can check the fines of the traffic police by car number and rights and pay from it via the Internet!

Modern methods of fixing traffic violations with the help of video cameras have significantly increased the number of fines issued. Now, not a single driver can be sure that he does not have traffic police fines.

The violation of the rules recorded through the traffic camera is processed in the system, and a fine letter is sent to the address of the driver's permanent registration. But not all drivers live by registration or regularly check mail, the letter may be lost or sent to the wrong addressee.

In these cases, modern drivers come to the rescue through numerous online services - from the official website to the Sberbank website and special widgets that anyone can install on their website.

Today we will tell you how to check and find all traffic police fines by last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth.

Is it possible to check the fines of the State traffic inspectorate by last name?

For a long time, car owners had only one way to check fines - a call or a personal visit to the nearest traffic police department. It still exists, but few dare to use it. It takes up personal time (during a visit) or can threaten with unpleasant consequences (suddenly they will immediately make you pay, and even reprimand you).

A much more convenient way to find out about violations is to use special online services, the most reliable of which are the official website of the traffic police and the public services portal. But what kind of data will be required to view traffic police fines?

Many people think that only the full name or their combination with the date of birth will be enough. Actually it is not. In the vast majority of cases, a driver's license number and registration number will be required..

But there is one exception - checking through the website of the bailiffs (more on that below).

There are several reasons for not using initials when checking penalties:

  • With the help of information about the name, surname, as well as patronymic, it is impossible to accurately identify a person. There are a huge number of people with the same initials, even an additional indication of the time of birth does not save;
  • Full name - this is data that is in the public domain, anyone can use it to get information about fines (and this is still personal information);
  • When entering initials and time of birth, it would still be necessary to indicate other data, it is easier to do without them;
  • There is no need to implement new services when there are well-functioning ways to check by the number of rights and vehicle registration certificates (these data are mostly owned only by the drivers themselves).

Everyone can face administrative offenses. In addition, they tend to accumulate, and some can be completely forgotten.

To have a complete picture of the number of fines and the timing of their execution, you can use a number of methods and find out about all violations and for them. Most often, only a surname is required to detect debt.

Administrative fines of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Thanks to administrative responsibility, it is possible to maintain order and balance in a state governed by the rule of law. The flow of administrative responsibility is drawn up in accordance with the current Administrative Code of Russia. Having caused moral or material harm directed at an individual or the state, any citizen of our country can receive a fine.

The vast majority of all administrative accounts for the traffic police. All other offenses are recorded by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, that is, police officers, as well as investigators and interrogators.

To obtain correct information about the fines of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, citizens can use the official website of the bailiff service, this is where all fines not paid within two months- at the official time.

All ways to find out administrative fines

So, there are several reliable and popular options for checking existing fines:

  • website of the State Service;
  • Bailiffs Service;
  • website of the tax service;
  • personal visits to public or budgetary institutions.

How to find out a fine only by last name

Where can you do it?

Website of the State Service

You can find out about all existing fines and debts through the State Services website. First you need to go through the registration procedure in the service. For this you need:

  1. Have a certificate of pension insurance and a passport with you.
  2. Resource administrators will send a confirmation code via Russian Post to the specified home address.
  3. When the code is received, you can log into your personal account.
  4. Go to the "Popular Services" tab.
  5. There you will find sections: “Penalties of the traffic police” and “Checking tax debts.
  6. And also to detect other fines by last name, you should use the section “By departments” - all information about you is stored here in various state institutions.

If it seems to you that the registration procedure on the State Services website is long enough, remember that the services provided by this service are not limited to checking debts. Here you can also start the process of obtaining a passport, sign up for a clinic and much more. Therefore, registration in this service is important and useful.

Bailiffs Service

In order to find out about your debts through the bailiff service, you need to:

  1. Go to the site fssprus.ru.
  2. In one of the forms, enter your full name, in the other - the required region.
  3. Press the "Find" button.

You can find out about existing tax debts through the website of the tax service:

  1. Go to the site service.nalog.ru.
  2. Enter your region.
  3. Then the district (if necessary).
  4. Designate a city.
  5. Locality (if applicable).
  6. Enter street.
  7. Select details for filling out payment documents.
  8. Select the status of the applicant.
  9. Enter identifying data - full name.

In addition, to simplify the operation. You can register on the site through your personal account and find out all the information about your debts. However, for this, you first need to visit any inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Personal visits to public or budgetary institutions

If the indicated methods of checking fines and debts are not suitable for some reason, then you can personally contact the necessary institutions and request information on existing debts to the state.

In addition, you can call the administration and ask to request the necessary information. Have your passport with you to verify your identity.

Debt settlement process

After receiving information about current fines, you should proceed to the procedure for repaying debts.

There are also several ways to do this:

  • if you have the necessary details on hand, payment is made through a bank;
  • ATMs, online services (described above) are also used to pay off debts;
  • money can be transferred using a bank card, various electronic wallets.

Any individual has the right to find out whether the operation to pay the debt was successful. To do this, you can use online services, such as State Services, for example. In addition, you can call a certain authority that considers administrative offenses and request information.

What to do if you do not agree with the fine

Very often offenses are not recorded in the protocol. Thus, the police officers are handed a ready-made decision indicating the amount of the fine and the timing.

If you do not agree that you have committed any administrative violation, you should properly organize your actions:

  1. First of all, you do not need to sign any ordinances of the offense.
  2. You should not pick up a receipt for payment - if you are sure that there are no deeds behind you, therefore, you are not to blame and there is simply nothing to pay for. If you still take the receipt, you automatically accept the blame.
  3. Be sure to write down the details of the police officer who is working with you. Required: full name, title, serial number.
  4. If you know that you did not commit offenses, ask a police representative to draw up a report, not a decision.
  5. If there are witnesses who can confirm that you did not violate anything, you should record them in the protocol.

These should be the first steps, especially in the case of events that have happened on the roads.

But what if the decision related to any administrative offense has already been drawn up and issued? If you are aware of the penalty, then within 10 days you need to file a complaint with the appropriate authority. Given the entire procedure for considering a particular case, a complaint can be brought to court.

Check online

One of the most popular videos on the topic tells how to quickly and easily check the traffic police fines online.

Reading time: 3 minutes

Every year in Russia the number of drivers is growing and, accordingly, the number of traffic violations is increasing. To combat this trend, legislators are constantly introducing new methods of control: they install video cameras to record these violations, create additional traffic police posts, and increase the amount of penalties. The ability to check the traffic police fine by last name, according to some enthusiasts, could be a useful cog in this scheme.

Where and how to check fines

Undoubtedly, it is better to be constantly aware and check for offenses online. When the country was just introducing a system to search for unpaid notifications, there were proposals to create a database of fines on the official website of the traffic police, where the owner could enter a surname and check the debt. But this proposal was rejected under the pressure of such arguments:

Many drivers fall for the tricks of scammers who offer to check traffic police fines by the name of the car owner for free on the official website. Do not fall for such a deception: debts for administrative penalties cannot be recognized in this way.

The traffic police website does not make it possible to check the fine only by last name, the registration data of the vehicle itself is required.

You can not find such a service in the list. Many drivers, trying to reduce the time of online checking of traffic police fines, are looking for an opportunity to find out the debt on the passport on the official website of the State Service. But for such a check on the portal, other personal data is needed from the owner - the number of the driver's license, as well as the number of the certificate of registration of the vehicle itself.

In addition, the attorney service of our partners will be able not only to indicate your unpaid traffic police fines, but also provide you with information about the presence of debts on loans, alimony, housing and communal services and more.

Not only official authorities make it possible to check debts online. A convenient service is offered by Sberbank, one of the most popular system banks.

You can read all the new items in a separate material that describes the benefits and the algorithm.

Website of the State traffic inspectorate

The service of checking fines through the World Wide Web was introduced not so long ago, but every day it becomes more and more popular: after all, checking through your laptop or for offenses does not take much time.

How to look at fines by last name and car number without a driver's license is not a completely correct question, as we have already found out. To identify the existence of fines, you must:

  • go to the official website of the traffic police;
  • click on the "Check fines" button;
  • fill out a special form by entering data on vehicle registration and car number;
  • click on the "Request" button;
  • the system will show the number and amounts of fines or congratulate you on the absence of any.

The advantage of this method is that there is no need to go through the registration procedure on the site.

FSSP website

There are times when the driver simply forgot about paying the penalty. After the time established by law, information about his debt will become the basis for enforcement proceedings.

And at this stage, there really is a way to find out about your traffic police fines via the Internet using your last name. On the official resource of the Federal Bailiff Service, it is enough for a Russian to indicate his full name and region of registration in order to find out about the enforcement proceedings in force against him. To those whose obligations the state has not yet taken control of, the service will inform that there is no information on request.

State Services Portal

If the driver is an active Internet user, he can use the services of the State Services portal. On it you can:

  • find out how many fines have accumulated;
  • or payment systems;
  • set up a notification service about new fines via SMS or e-mail.

To fully use the portal, you must first create a personal account on it.

Other resources

Not a single Internet service for finding and paying fines is complete without accurate data on the vehicle, whether it is Sberbank Online, Yandex.Money, our partners' service or another site.

Advanced users of mobile technology, such as smartphones, can download and use applications for online checking of traffic police fines, but not by last name - by state license plate, driver's license number or other non-personal data.

How can a pedestrian find out about a fine?

As a rule, after entering the requested data on the site, the pedestrian will be shown all the data: when, to whom and for what violation a receipt was issued. And in the territorial division of the traffic police, they will provide all the necessary information about the offense as quickly as possible. You can pay the fine at the office of the patrol service, self-service terminals or through Internet services.