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The main road sign is white. Rules of the road about the sign of the main road

These tags are designed to help the driver drive safely and without endangering other road users.

One of the main inanimate assistants to the driver are the priority indicators. They tell who has the advantage on the roadway, who has the right to drive first and, therefore, on whose side the law enforcement officers are more likely to be in the event of an accident.

One of the most common marks is the "Main Road" sign.


In the code of rules of the road is listed under the number 2.1.


The road sign "Main Road" is easy to recognize among others. It is made in the form of a rhombus. The inside of this plaque is yellow and has a white border.

Area of ​​effect

The action of the sign "Main road" applies to the section of the road to the first intersection along the way.

However, sometimes, for greater confidence of drivers, a sign is also installed on the roads, indicating the end of the benefit zone. It looks like pointer 2.1, but is numbered 2.2 and the diamond will be crossed out in this case.

the main road

Now let's talk about what it means and what advantages it gives to the motorist.

What is considered the main road?

However, the rules also state that the main road is any paved carriageway in relation to the adjacent unpaved one. In this case, the placement of a sign that determines the priority is optional.

How to behave on the main road?

It must be remembered that on such a stretch of the road you have an advantage over those who are moving on secondary carriageways. However, this does not mean that you need to rush headlong, knowing about your advantage, ramming everyone and everything.

It must be remembered that traffic situations are different. Sometimes you need to let the other car complete the maneuver. In the end, do not forget that not all motorists can boast of a level of attention comparable to yours. And some owners are completely poorly oriented in the varieties of road signs.

Additional signs

Traffic light

It must be remembered that if the “Main Road” sign is installed next to the traffic light, then those settings that the light regulator gives will be relevant. Road markers in this case begin to operate only if this intersection becomes unregulated (when the traffic light is off or its flashing yellow light).

If the yellow rhombus is set near the road in splendid isolation, then the main road goes straight. However, there are marks that indicate where the priority lane turns.

Such pointers are made in the form of white squares. They show a drawing of an intersection, and the main road is highlighted with a "thick" black line.

If you are going to pass an unregulated intersection with a “Main Road” sign and an indication of its turn, but you cannot pass a car that is also moving on a priority roadway, remember the rule of interference on the right. The advantage will be with the driver whose car is such a hindrance to another.

Interaction with a pedestrian crossing

It would be useful to note that even a car that moves along the main road must be stopped in front of the zebra. Pedestrians crossing the carriageway at an unregulated crossing always have an advantage over motorists.

Signs - "synonyms"

The sign denoting the main road does not always look like a yellow diamond familiar to many. Every driver needs to know and remember about these labels. Since they are installed infrequently and mostly outside the city.

Therefore, the unexpected appearance of such a pointer sometimes introduces motorists into a stupor. These are pointers numbered 2.3.1 onwards. They are called "Secondary Road Crossing Signs" or "Secondary Road Adjacency Signs".


These labels appear as white triangles with a red border. A road branch is depicted inside the triangle. The main road on it is highlighted by a "bold" line. The secondary roadway looks noticeably thinner.

opposite signs

Give Way

There is one pointer that can be contrasted with label 2.1. It's a "Give way" sign. It means that the driver is moving along the carriageway, which is not endowed with any advantage, and he should let the rest of the traffic participants pass before passing the intersection.

It looks like an inverted white triangle with a red border.

Sometimes a red octagon is installed with it, on which STOP is written in white letters. This is a sign called "Movement without stopping is prohibited." This means that a driver approaching an intersection must stop without fail before continuing to move. even if it seems to you that there are no cars around. There is a penalty for violating this requirement.


With such a label, indicators of the direction of the main and secondary movements can also be installed so that drivers can better understand in which direction the flow that has the advantage is moving.

Sometimes the driver has priority not only at the intersection, but also on a straight road that does not intersect with any carriageway. Priority signs are also set there. But others.

These signs are called "Overcoming traffic advantage" and "Overcoming traffic advantage". They mean that a certain section of the road has the right to be the first to pass a motorist who is moving in the main direction.

Most often, such signs are installed on very narrow sections of the road, where only one car can fit.

If there are no signs

We know that in the absence of signs, an unregulated intersection is crossed according to the principle of “interference from the right”. However, what to do if a car is moving from each of, for example, four directions? After all, for each of the machines there is an obstacle on the right in this case.

This is one of the nonsense of traffic rules. The fact is that this situation is not regulated in any way by the rules of the road. You can drive through these areas as you please. However, it is better to do this carefully.

Crime and Punishment

Violation of the requirements stipulated by the priority signs is punishable and is referred to as “failure to provide an advantage”.

This is considered a serious and dangerous violation. But, however, the rights for it are not taken away. However, a monetary fine to the "author" of the violation is guaranteed. True, the amount of this penalty will depend on the city in which the incident occurred.

But it would be useful to note that non-compliance with priority very often causes minor or serious accidents. Therefore, often due to disobedience to signs, drivers have to lose much more value than the money spent on paying fines.

For violation of the requirements of priority signs, a fine is provided

That's all you need to know about the Main Road label. Knowing the rules is good, but driving by the rules is even better. However, do not forget that, armed with knowledge of your own priority, it is not always possible to cross the intersection without collisions.

Therefore, remember that attention and understanding that other drivers may break the rules are your best friends while driving.

(function(w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function() ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -136785-1", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-136785-1", async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script"); s .type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this , this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

Sign "Main Road" - meaning, size and colors

Priority signs perform a very important function - they tell drivers who on a given section of the road has the advantage in traffic, and who should give way.

If all drivers took into account the requirements of these signs, then the number of traffic accidents would be significantly reduced. But, unfortunately, so far we can state the disappointing fact that having a driver's license and your own vehicle is not always a guarantee that a person really knows the rules of the road and will be able to figure out any situation.

In this regard, it would not be superfluous to recall such an important sign as the "Main Road".

We all saw this sign - both drivers and pedestrians - it is a yellow rhombus in a white frame.

Where is the "Main Road" sign posted?

It is installed at the beginning of the road, moving along which we have an advantage over drivers entering it from adjacent roads. The end of its zone of action is indicated by another sign - a crossed out yellow rhombus "End of the main road".

The sign "Main Road" is duplicated at each intersection. If he stands in splendid isolation, without additional signs, then this indicates that the main road goes further straight. If we see the sign "Direction of the main road", then this indicates that the road turns in the indicated direction, respectively, we cease to use the advantage if we go further straight.

If we are moving along the adjacent road to the intersection with the main one, then the signs “Give way” and “Movement without stopping is prohibited” will notify us of this, that is, we must stop, let all the cars traveling along the main road pass, and only after that start moving along the route we want.

The "Main Road" sign is usually installed at intersections where there are no traffic lights.

Requirements of the sign "Main road"

Priority signs do not prohibit anything, they only indicate to us which side should have the advantage when passing through intersections. However, the main road outside the city also means that parking is prohibited on this stretch of road. That is, if you wanted to get out of the car for a few minutes to stretch your bones or move, sorry, into the bushes, then break the rules. Wait until a road pocket appears, and then you can safely stop.

(function(w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function() ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -136785-3", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-136785-3", async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script"); s .type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this , this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

Sign combinations

As already mentioned, the sign "Main Road" can be one, or with a sign for the direction of the main road. At intersections, it is installed with the sign "Road crossing" and we must give priority to pedestrians who have already stepped onto the roadway. Approaching such an intersection, you need to be especially careful and slow down.

If we see the sign "End of the Main", then this indicates the intersection of equivalent roads and we must start from the principle of interference on the right. If "End of Main Road" and "Give Way" are together, then it says that we should provide an advantage.

Outside the city, this sign, according to GOST, is not required to be installed at all intersections. Signs of adjunction and intersection with secondary roads will tell us about who enjoys the advantage.

Penalty for violation of this sign, failure to provide an advantage

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses and traffic rules, failure to provide an advantage when crossing intersections is a very dangerous violation, which in many cases can lead to serious consequences.

If the inspector or the camera recorded the fact of the violation, then the violator is expected a fine of one thousand rubles. This requirement can be found in article 12.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, part two.

How to cross intersections with the sign "Main Road"?

If you are approaching an unregulated intersection along the main one, this does not mean that all drivers from secondary roads are ready to give way to you - perhaps they do not understand the signs, but they have bought the rights. Therefore, it is imperative to slow down and make sure that no one is rushing headlong.

If you cross an intersection where the main road changes direction, then the rule of interference on the right will help you to pass with those drivers who leave from the opposite side of the main road. Everyone else must wait until the cars pass through the main section, and only then start moving.

(function(w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function() ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -136785-2", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-136785-2", async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script"); s .type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this , this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

The main road sign refers to graphic displays, which, by their presence, can determine the priority of vehicle traffic. However, the rules of the road do not determine its priority in all situations. In what cases is a road sign indicating the main road valid, what is more important on the road - a sign or intersection markings, what interval does the sign cover and how to understand when the driver has the right to move without interference?

Appearance of the designation and features of its interpretation

What does road sign 2.1 look like? In accordance with the traffic rules, the designation indicating such a road is displayed in the form of a diamond, which is filled inside with the same smaller figure, painted yellow, the gap between the main figure and the smaller one is represented by a white field. Since such a graphical display is directly related to the priority designations, all vehicles moving in the direction of this particular route will have an advantage. Accordingly, in the event that a motorist enters the main road with such a sign from other, secondary ones, they will have to give way.

Despite the apparent clarity, passing through intersections or determining the advantage when driving cars often encounters difficulties associated with the following:

Options for marking the directions of the main road on a roundabout
  • The presence of a sign of the end of the main road 2.2 - in some situations, motorists do not always notice such a sign, indicating that the main road has essentially ended and you continue to move along the secondary one.

Scope of the designation

Regarding the coverage area of ​​the designation in accordance with the SDA, the following can be noted:

Features of choosing the priority of movement

It is worth noting that every motorist, even though he has the priority of driving along the road, moving along it in the intersection zone, must make sure that there are no obstacles and only after that continue driving.

Consider some features of the choice of traffic priority:

  • In the event that a motorist moves clearly along the main road, he will have an advantage on an unregulated section of the road;
  • Under the condition of a traffic light working at the intersection or an installed traffic controller, the action of the plate does not apply to making maneuvers. In the event that at a certain time of the day or due to a breakdown (power outage, etc.) the traffic light does not function, the motorist should be guided only by the established additional signs;
  • In the event that the road changes its direction, the one who continues to move along it will have priority. For example, if the road goes to the left and the driver also needs to turn in the same direction, then he will be more important in front of all other vehicles. The remaining situations are determined by the rule of interference on the right or by the presence of additionally placed symbols. For greater clarity, even when studying the rules of the road, all types of typical situations are considered in the form of pictures or photos - in this way, the future driver can visualize each specific case and how it is necessary to act in it.

In the event that the motorist ignores the effect of the designation 2.1, then such a fact may entail liability and imposition a fine of 1000 rubles.

Traffic rules are a bible for motorists, but sometimes simple and understandable warnings can cause a lot of controversy and difficulties directly while the car is moving. Let's talk about a sign that everyone knows, even a child, but do not underestimate its importance and simplicity, many pitfalls are stored in perhaps the most common road sign "Main Road".

It is referred to as a priority designation, which regulates the priority of a vehicle entering an intersection that is not additionally regulated (by a traffic light or a traffic controller).

It is important and raises many questions, both for beginners and experienced drivers. At first glance, a simple meaning can have controversial situations in certain conditions. The most difficult thing to perceive is the effect of the rule in places where the carriageway changes direction or the termination of its zone of action. We will try to understand these and many other questions.

How is the Main Road sign depicted?

The badge is a yellow diamond-shaped plate with a white border. It is the only one of its kind, and for good reason. It can be recognized from afar, only by visually observing the outlines, even from the side of oncoming traffic.

As a supplement, they use signs indicating the direction and turn of movement, there are several of them, as well as other explanatory marks.

On a white background, a mini layout of the intersection is schematically depicted with a black outline, where the main direction is indicated by a bold line, and the secondary direction is indicated by a regular line.

Typically, such explanatory boards are not used independently, they always cooperate with the main road sign and no other.

Which roadway is given priority?

The mark is set along traffic that has priority over other crossing carriageways. The designation of this type is located, as a rule, in places of unregulated intersections or entrances to adjacent territories. Its task is to regulate the sequence of entry or crossing of an unregulated intersection.

In the case when the interchange is equipped with a traffic light or a traffic controller is attached to it, the priority action is canceled. A plate (8.13) may be installed under the sign, which indicates the direction of movement. This information is necessary so that the driver of the vehicle can easily determine the order in which to enter the intersection.

Experienced motorists are advised to slow down when approaching an intersection and pay attention to the right corner in relation to traffic. If the sign is absent, then it is necessary to look at the opposite left corner, then to the corner after the roadway. These manipulations will help to accurately understand the situation in this area and understand which in turn it is necessary to pass. In simple terms, it is worth assessing the situation at the entire intersection and paying attention to the priority of each of the traffic participants at this intersection.

If there is no main road sign

In built-up areas, the priority sign "Main Road" is installed in front of each intersection. But what if this is not installed? The markings directly on the roadway (on the surface), as well as the location and order of the roads adjacent to the main one, will come to the rescue.

Pay attention to coverage. So, for example, the main roadway with an asphalt surface in relation to the dirt or gravel, or any roadway in relation to the adjacent exits from the territories. The entrance to the territory, residential area will never be the main roadway.

Important ! Even if the surface of the road, which is secondary or exit from the territories, is made of solid material: asphalt or concrete, it will still not have the status of the main one or be equated with it.

Features of choosing an installation site

The structure is installed in advance on a stationary pole or above the roadway on an overpass or arch, that is, a warning is installed before entering the intersection, taking into account the necessary distance for the driver to take measures and decisions while driving along the roadway. The alert is located at each intersection, that is, the intersection. This precaution is used to avoid misleading the motorist due to the effect of other alerts.

The following signs may be encountered along the way:

  • "Give Way";
  • "Joining and Crossing a Minor Road".

They are installed at the intersection of the main and secondary roads. However, these signs indicate only a temporary action applicable only to this denouement. If, for example, there is a give way sign on the corner, then this means only one thing - you should not interfere with traffic going along a secondary road, but by no means the end of the main road.

The action does not apply in relation to pedestrians and in a residential area, despite the fact that people are also road users. There are also cases when the driver after an accident complains that the pedestrian did not give way.

As a substitute for "Main Road", one of the forms of the "Join Main Road" sign can sometimes be seen. It is installed in advance, so in the conditions of the city it is difficult for motorists to navigate in this case. This combination is more often used outside the settlement.

Outside the city, the sign of the main road is not duplicated and is canceled only by the appropriate signal. Outside the city, a similar priority is set in areas of complex interchanges.

It is also worth remembering that if the road is designated as the main one in the conditions of the suburbs, then parking on this section of the road on the carriageway is strictly prohibited. The authorization to operate is a cancellation sign or a valid parking and resting sign.

Area of ​​action of the sign Main road

In fact, the combination does not have a specific area of ​​​​action: it only sets priority in the place where it is located. That is why it is duplicated at every intersection. To cancel the priority, the main road cancellation sign is applied. However, this does not mean at all that, while the carriageway becomes not the main one, such a sign states the fact that there is an intersection of roads of equal status ahead.

The rules of the road state that the priority applies to the place of its cancellation, but in practice this is not always the case.

Often there are signs under the sign informing the driver about the change in the direction of the priority road. If this sign is absent, then the main direction is straight.

As a rule, it is precisely those intersections where the priority changes direction that cause difficulties. The peculiarity of the situation lies in the combination of two problems: exit to the intersection with equivalent and unequal directions. By the way, the rules of passage of an equivalent intersection can be seen in this video.

In this case, it is worth considering not only the signs located directly in front of the car, but also those that are installed at the intersection as a whole, at all its corners and directions. As mentioned above, only a complete analysis will help to make the right decision. Do not forget about the "golden rule of the driver" - an obstacle on the right.

The division of intersecting paths into main and secondary using the symbol 2.1 helps to streamline traffic at the intersection, to establish the order of passage of this zone. Failure to comply with its requirements is dangerous, it can lead to an accident, at best - to punishment under the Code of Administrative Offenses. About how to drive under the road sign "Main Road", where the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits influence ends, complementary symbols, read further in the article.

Read in this article

Interpretation of the road sign "Main Road"

2.1 is included in the precedence character group. It shows which direction gives the car the advantage of passing through the intersection. There are other requirements of this sign regarding the permitted and prohibited actions on the priority line outside the point of intersection with the secondary. What to do in Zone of Influence 2.1:

  • Vehicles traveling in the direction indicated by it have the right to climb onto the intersection and leave this territory first. Moving on the secondary is obliged to yield.
  • The same rule works when it is not about the intersection, but about the adjoining segment. He is secondary. Cars from it can turn to the priority one only after the passage of vehicles that were already on the last one.

There are special requirements set out in 2.1 if it is attached outside a built-up area. The rules concern not only the passage of intersections of different directions and the need to provide an advantage in traffic.

What other symbols are on the main

On the path of vehicles moving in the priority direction, there are also signs:

  • 2.3.1. Warns drivers that they will soon be at a point where unequal roads converge. And that the advantage for them when driving through this zone is preserved.
  • 2.3.2-2.3.7. The symbols show that a secondary direction adjoins the main direction in front. And the priority for cars moving along the first one in this section is also not lost.

Installation locations

Symbol 2.1 can be seen within the city, village or between settlements:

  • At the convergence of tracks without a traffic light, that is, unregulated. Here, the road symbol must be obeyed unconditionally, that is, you must pass this zone first. The rest of the vehicles pass the cars moving along the path marked 2.1.
  • Before an intersection with a traffic light. In this case, the signals of the latter are more important than the requirements of the sign. You can only go on green, everyone stands on red. The requirements of 2.1 are met only with a faulty or switched off traffic light.
  • Before the junction of the secondary path to the priority one on only one side. The rules for driving this section are the same as at the unregulated intersection of unequal roads.
  • On a segment outside the intersection. Here 2.1 duplicates the same pointer set earlier in front of the intersection. It means continuation of the priority path. And the requirements here are special.

Near 2.1 there may be a road sign "Direction of the main road" - 8.13. The image shows which way it goes. For a vehicle turning there, the advantage is preserved when this car is an obstacle on the right for another already moving along the priority path. But even if the first car goes straight, that is, moves to a secondary path, it can proceed in front of those who were there.

Installation outside the village

Influence 2.1 does not end after the last path crossing. In addition, the sign can be duplicated, that is, show the continuation of the priority direction. And if so, on this segment it is strictly forbidden for cars, motorcycles to park for parking on the side of the road, even for a short time.

It is necessary to overcome the site or find a symbol at this distance that allows you to stop for a rest in a certain place. Usually such signs are available, as well as a parking space.

Sign "End of the main road"

In traffic rules and real life, 2.1 is adjacent at some distance to the pointer 2.2. The road sign "End of the main road" indicates that from this point all intersections are equivalent. And if we are talking about a segment between settlements, parking is allowed there in the absence of other prohibitory signs.

2.2 does not turn a road that was formerly the main one into a secondary one. Both become equal. But the cars driving on the earlier priority lose the advantage in traffic at the next intersection. You will have to pass it, guided by clause 13.11 of the SDA:

At the intersection of equivalent roads, with the exception of the case provided for in paragraph 13.111 of the Rules, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles approaching from the right. Tram drivers should be guided by the same rule among themselves.

And also paragraph 13.12:

When turning left or making a U-turn, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving straight or to the right on an equivalent road from the opposite direction. Tram drivers should be guided by the same rule among themselves.

If there is a traffic light at the convergence after 2.2, its signals become decisive for drivers.

Sometimes directly with the symbol "End of the main road" can be seen 2.5. It means the need for vehicles to stop before moving on. More often, such a combination of signs occurs at railway crossings or intersections, road junctions, where visibility is poor.

Mandatory stopping makes driving on difficult sections safer. Drivers have the opportunity to assess the situation. And those who turn in this direction have time to see the opponent.

Road sign "Give way"

Sometimes the fact that the paths at the intersection are divided into priority and secondary is not indicated by the symbol 2.1 standing on the first, but by a different pointer. There is also a road sign “Give way”, the main road, if present, retains its significance.

Symbol 2.4 is set in the secondary direction. Vehicles traveling on it are obliged to let those who are on the preferential pass. 2.1 and 2.4 often side by side at the intersection. But they are located at different points of this rectangle, since they do not belong to the same road.

Sometimes 2.4 can be seen next to 2.2 or at a short distance from it. The combination means that the road, after being a priority, has become secondary, and not equivalent to the one with which it intersects. And from this place, the transport traveling along it must give way.

Penalties for violations

Ignoring the symbols of priority is punished in accordance with part 2 of Article 12.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. The driver who did not let the opponent moving in the direction indicated by 2.1 will be forced to pay a fine of 1000 rubles. He will punish himself if an accident occurs due to a violation. After all, it is this motorist who is recognized as the culprit with all the ensuing consequences.

The "Main Road" traffic sign gives priority to some vehicles and demands concessions from others. But in the end, everyone wins, because order and traffic safety are maintained with it. Moreover, the requirements of the symbol will not have to be fulfilled when there is no one on the priority road.

Useful video

Watch this video on how to drive to the road sign "Main Road":

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