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Road signs of special requirements. Road signs

Group 5 is of particular importance among traffic symbols for traffic rules. These signs dictate a certain mode of movement or cancel it. It is important for everyone to understand what should or should not be done in the zone of their action, because the fines for neglecting the requirements are quite large. Read the article about what the signs of special prescriptions are.

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Road signs of special requirements

Symbols from group 5 set requirements not only for motorists. Some of them are more for pedestrians, others for cyclists. The general list includes the following road signs of special requirements:

  • 5.1. Marks the beginning of the motorway. From this moment on, cars can drive at a fairly high speed, and less than 40 km / h - in no case. Therefore, low-speed vehicles cannot be followed under 5.1. It is unacceptable here to stop and park, if there are no appropriate signs, turn around, use reverse gear, and learn to drive.
  • 5.2. Limits the highway. From here, the prohibitions imposed by the previous designation are cancelled.
  • 5.3. Indicates that the road from it is intended only for cars or buses, bikes. Other vehicles and pedestrians are prohibited from following it. Traffic rules under 5.3 are the same as for the motorway. The sign can be combined with signs showing the direction. Limits its influence 5.4.
  • 5.5. Prescribes to go in a single direction. That is, among all the lanes of the road for oncoming traffic, there is not a single one. Under 5.5, it is permissible to park on both sides of the roadway, if it can be driven in 2 lanes or more.
  • 5.6. Completes a one-way road. Now there is a strip (or several) on it for the oncoming one.
  • 5.7.1, 5.7.2. These signs of special traffic regulations indicate in which direction it becomes one-way. 5.7.1 does not allow a left turn at an intersection if it is in front of it. Near 5.7.2 you can not go right. And it is allowed to turn around under both symbols.
  • 5.8. Shows that there is a reverse movement on the site, that is, on the same lane it can change direction. Drivers should look at the traffic lights located above the rows. Cancels this feature symbol 5.9.
  • 5.10. Means the exit to the track with reverse traffic from the normal road. Located at the beginning of the site.
  • 5.11.1. Indicates that a lane for route vehicles is allocated on the roadway. And everyone else is forbidden to follow it, to stop. Terminates the influence of the character pointer 5.12.1.
  • 5.11.2. Opens the road, where a lane for cyclists is allocated. You should drive along it towards the flow of cars moving along your lane. This segment ends with the sign 5.12.2.
  • 5.13.1, 5.13.2. They indicate the exit to the road with a lane for public transport, where he must follow the general flow of the vehicle. Near 5.13.1, you cannot turn right at the intersection. Around 5.13.2 the same maneuver is forbidden, but to the left. You can turn around in both cases.
  • 5.13.3, 5.13.4. Open exits to the site next to for cyclists. They are instructed to drive towards the general flow of the vehicle.
  • 5.14. Point to the lane for public transport. He needs to go in the same direction in relation to other vehicles. The latter are not allowed to move along this row or stop on it. The strip for shuttle cars ends where there is a symbol 5.14.1.
  • 5.14.2. Opens a lane dedicated to cycling or moped riding. For other vehicles, it is closed, they are not allowed to stop on it. The strip ends at the symbol 5.14.3.
  • 5.15.1, 5.15.2. Each has arrows. When choosing where to follow the lane, you need to look in which direction they point. All other paths are closed. But if the arrow allows you to go left, then you can turn around. The bans do not apply to route vehicles.
  • 5.15.3, 5.15.4. The first marks the beginning of an additional row on the rise or intended for braking. 5.15.4 is set to indicate a section of the middle lane of a 3-lane carriageway. Follow it in the direction of the arrow. Symbols 5.15.5, 5.15.6 limit the zone of influence of the indicated designations.
  • 5.15.7. Demonstrate the direction of following the lanes. If a vehicle is depicted on one of the arrows of the symbol, this type of vehicle cannot drive in this lane.
  • 5.15.8. Shows the number of lanes on the road and the traffic rules for each (direction and mode, which is indicated by an additional image on the arrow).
  • 5.16-5.18. They are fixed at the places of stops of the route transport. For all other vehicles, these signs of special regulations for traffic rules prohibit parking in this area.
  • 5.19.1, 5.19.2. Set up a pedestrian crossing. All vehicles in front of them should slow down to allow a person walking across the road to pass if necessary.
  • 5.20. Indicates an artificially created unevenness on the canvas. Here, too, you should moderate the speed.
  • 5.21. Opens a residential area where vehicles are prohibited from passing through, speeds above 20 km / h, parking with the engine running. The pedestrian has priority here. Valid 5.21 until designation 5.22.
  • 5.23.1 and 5.23.2. Installed in front of the settlement. The first one has its name written on it. The second shows a graphic designation. In the zone of their action, it is necessary to reduce the speed to the optimal 60 km / h. Restrictions are lifted on symbols 5.24.1, 5.24.2 , meaning that the further territory is not a settlement.
  • 5.25. Set to designate a city or village where traffic rules for this type of road sections should not be observed. The sign refers only to the segment where it is located. Ends on a character 5.26.
  • 5.27. Opens a section of the track where it is forbidden to park the vehicle. The area of ​​effect is limited by the symbol 5.28.
  • 5.29. Indicates that parking is regulated. And when parking a car, you should pay attention to additional signs. After the symbol 5.30 regulated parking ends.
  • 5.31. Instructs to go through the site no faster than the number on it allows. Ends with the designation 5.32.
  • 5.33. Opens an area where only pedestrians and sometimes cyclists are allowed to follow. Ends her pointer 5.34.
  • 5.35. It is installed on the territory where it is impossible to drive a vehicle with an environmental class lower than that indicated on it. The indicator should be displayed in the STS or not at all in the documents. The sign ends this zone. 5.37.
  • 5.36. Analogue of the previous character. But it sets a limit for trucks and self-propelled vehicles. Influence extends to the sign 5.38.

Coverage according to traffic rules

The area of ​​influence of group 5 symbols depends on the installation location:

  • if the sign is on the right side of the road, it works there;
  • when placed above a strip, it only works on it.

The area of ​​application of signs of special regulations is almost always limited to other relevant symbols. Or it is outlined by markings (as the designation of stops, "zebra").

Signs of special regulations are among the easiest to understand. You only need to do what they ask. Then the movement will become not only safer, but also more comfortable.

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Until 2006, signs of special instructions and information signs were part of the same group and were called information and indication signs. Now they are divided according to their purpose. Outwardly, almost all signs are made in the form of a square or rectangle and contain a white image on a blue background. Color combinations on other signs serve as a source of additional information about the features of the movement.

Signs of special regulations

5.1. Motorway.
5.2. End of motorway.

A motorway is a well-maintained road designed for unhindered high-speed traffic. On such a road, you can move at a higher speed. The entrance to the motorway is marked with the sign 5.1., and the exit from it - with the sign 5.2.

5.3. Road for cars.
5.4. End of the road for cars.

The road for cars is somewhat inferior in terms of the degree of improvement of the highway. In addition to the speed limit, the same special traffic rules apply on it as on the motorway.

Most roads in Russia are not marked with signs 5.1. or 5.3.

5.5. One way road.
5.6. End of a one-way road.

There are no oncoming vehicles on a one-way road. Sign 5.6. always placed before an intersection. Having passed it, the driver enters a section of the road with two-way traffic. By default, it is considered that the road on which there is no sign 5.5. is a two-way road.

5.7.1., 5.7.2. Access to a one-way road.

Signs help the driver to orient themselves before entering a one-way road and indicate the direction of movement along it. They are not prescriptive and do not oblige you to move in the direction of the arrow. Based on their own needs, the driver can drive through the intersection in a straight line or turn around. Thus, at a standard intersection, one-way exit signs allow driving in three of the four possible directions.

5.8. Reverse movement.
5.9. End of reverse movement.

In reverse traffic, the same middle lanes of the carriageway can be used for driving both in the forward and reverse directions. The direction of movement depends on the intensity of the traffic flow. Thus, the throughput of the road is increased and the number of traffic jams and congestion is reduced. Reverse lanes are marked with road markings and special traffic lights. It is they who allow or prohibit movement at the current time in a certain direction along the reverse lane.

Signs 5.8. and 5.9. the boundaries of the area where reverse movement is possible are indicated. In a particular situation, you should be guided, first of all, by traffic lights, and not by signs.

5.10. Departure to the road with reverse traffic.

The rules for turning onto a road with reverse traffic are different from the usual rules for turning. Their main goal is to eliminate the situation when the driver may be on the reverse lane while the traffic on it goes in the opposite direction. Sign 5.10. forbids driving in the forward direction and turning at the intersection.

5.11.1. Road with a lane for route vehicles.

The sign indicates a one-way road along which a bus or trolleybus route is laid. For the return of public vehicles to the starting point of the route, a separate lane is allocated at the left edge of the carriageway. Regular vehicles should not occupy this lane. The rest of the lanes can only move in one direction.

5.11.2. A road with a lane for cyclists.

Mopeds can move along such a lane for cyclists, unlike bicycle and bicycle paths isolated from the road.

5.12.1. The end of the road with a lane for route vehicles.
5.12.2. End of the road with a lane for cyclists.

These signs are placed in front of an intersection and act similarly to the "End of One-Way Road" sign.

5.13.1., 5.13.2. Departure to the road with a lane for route vehicles.

These signs are installed before the intersection. They do not prohibit movement directly or a turn. The flogging should be carried out in the direction of the arrow on the sign, which is not related to the bus. If you are not a driver of a public vehicle, a passenger taxi or a bicycle, then this sign is equivalent to the sign “Entering a one-way road” for you.

5.13.3., 5.13.4. Departure to the road with a lane for cyclists.

The signs allow cyclists and moped riders to travel in all four directions. Other vehicles can only move forward, backward and in the direction indicated on the sign by a common arrow.

5.14. Lane for fixed-route vehicles.
5.14.1. End of lane for route vehicles.

Signs also indicate the presence of a lane for the movement of public vehicles on a certain section of the road. The main difference is that the lane is designed for passing buses, trolleybuses, bicycles and taxis.

5.14.2. A lane for cyclists.
5.14.3. End of the lane for cyclists.

Such a lane is intended for movement exclusively for the movement of bicycles and mopeds in the direction of the passing general flow of the vehicle.

5.15.1. Directions of traffic on lanes.
5.15.2. Directions of movement along the lane.

These signs are installed only on a multi-lane road near intersections. They are located above the roadway and help the driver to orient in advance and choose the right lane for further movement (straight, right or left). The left arrow allows a U-turn, provided it points to the leftmost lane. It is forbidden to turn around from the other lanes even if there are left arrows. Route vehicles may deviate from the requirements of signs 5.15.1. and 5.15.2. in order to ensure traffic safety.

5.15.3. Beginning of the strip.

5.15.4. Beginning of the strip.

An additional lane on the right is usually formed due to the expansion of the road, on the left - due to the redistribution of traffic in the middle lane between passing and oncoming directions.

5.15.5., 5.15.6. End of the strip.

5.15.7. Direction of lanes.

This sign is installed not in front of the intersection, but on the stretch, on the section of the road outside the intersection. The arrows serve to distribute the lanes of the carriageway between oncoming and passing vehicle flows in conditions where the road markings are poorly visible under a layer of mud or snow.

5.15.8. Number of lanes.

The sign is designed to streamline traffic on a multi-lane road. In heavy traffic, vehicles traveling at low speed should occupy the right lanes of the carriageway, and vehicles moving at a higher speed should be in the left lanes. In the event that on the arrows of the signs "Beginning of the lane", "Direction of movement along the lanes" and "Number of lanes" there is a reduced image of a prohibitory or prescriptive sign, the driver driving along this lane should comply with its requirements.

5.16. Bus and/or trolley bus stop.
5.17. Tram stop.
5.18. Parking lot for taxis.

There are certain restrictions in places indicated by signs, caused by an increased likelihood of people entering the roadway, as well as the risk of collision created by public vehicles departing from stops. That is why all other drivers must take the necessary precautions. Accordingly, signs 5.16.-5.18. needed not only for those who use public transport.

5.19.1., 5.19.2. Crosswalk.

Signs indicate the boundaries of an unregulated pedestrian crossing and are installed on opposite sides of the road with an offset. Road markings "zebra" is applied between them. If there is no zebra, drivers should follow the signs.

5.20. Artificial unevenness.

The sign informs the driver about the location of the speed bump.

5.21. Living sector.
5.22. End of residential area.

A residential area is, in fact, any courtyard or intra-quarter territory. In any yards, not even marked with signs 5.21. and 5.22., the driver must comply with the relevant traffic regulations.

5.23.1., 5.23.2. The beginning of the settlement.
5.24.1., 5.24.2. End of the village.

5.25. The beginning of the settlement.
5.26. End of the village.

Signs denoting built-up areas introduce or remove certain requirements for built-up areas or country roads. Immediately after passing signs 5.23.1. and 5.23.2. traffic rules concerning settlements come into force, including speed limits, a ban on sound signals. These requirements supersede signs 5.24.1. and 5.24.2. Sign 5.25. only informs about the name of the settlement, which is usually located away from the road, and leaves in force the requirements of traffic rules for country roads. In this case, the driver should not lose vigilance and independently assess the need to take the necessary measures for the safe passage of such a section of the road. Places of installation of the signs "Beginning of the settlement" and "End of the settlement" may not coincide with the geographical boundaries of the city or town.

5.27. Parking restricted area.
5.28. End of restricted parking area.

5.29. Controlled parking zone.
5.30. End of regulated parking area.

5.31. Zone with a maximum speed limit.
5.32. End of a zone with a maximum speed limit.

5.33. Pedestrian zone.
5.34. End of the pedestrian zone.

The listed signs are valid on a certain section of the road to the nearest intersection. To extend the introduced restriction, repeated signs are installed. In cases where one or another traffic order needs to be extended to a territory that includes neighboring streets, adjacent courtyards and intra-quarter driveways, all its entrances are marked with signs indicating the beginning of the restriction zone, and exits - with signs indicating the end of such a zone. In such a situation, the requirements of the sign are valid at any point in the designated area, and neither the intersection, nor the end of the settlement, nor any other landmark can cancel them.

Information signs

Such signs, as a rule, do not dictate special requirements to the driver, but only help to navigate the road. However, some of them have certain features that cannot be neglected.

6.1. General maximum speed limits.

The sign is installed at customs checkpoints at the entrance to Russia in order to inform incoming foreign citizens about the speed limit in force in the country.

6.2. recommended speed.

The sign differs from the prohibiting counterpart 3.24. and prescriptive 4.6. He doesn't give strict instructions. The driver can drive both at a higher and at a lower speed, guided by the traffic situation, weather conditions, and the technical condition of the vehicle. However, the selected speed must ensure road safety. The zone of action of the sign extends to the nearest intersection or to the end of the dangerous section if installed together with a warning sign.

6.3.1. Place for a turn.
6.3.2. Reversal zone.

Signs indicate a place on the road where, if necessary, you can make a U-turn. Only one car can fit in the U-turn, there can be several in the area. In the latter case, the maneuver must be performed carefully to avoid collision with other vehicles.

In places marked with signs 6.3.1. and 6.3.2. turning left is always prohibited. The reason is simple. Signs are installed on multi-lane roads outside intersections. When making a U-turn, the driver finds himself in the far left lane and does not interfere with those traveling in other lanes. When turning left, he has to cross all the lanes, creating the danger of a side collision.

6.4. Parking (parking space).

The sign can be supplemented with a sign regulating the method or features of parking. You can park the car in any place not prohibited by the Rules, even if there is no sign 6.4.

6.5. Emergency stop lane.

The sign is installed on steep slopes before the exit to a special "trap", which is an uphill branch from the main road. If the brakes fail, the driver can send the car into a "trap", in which the speed will be reduced due to the rise. Thus, accidents can be avoided. The sign "Emergency stop lane" is installed at the beginning of the descent with a sign "Distance to the object".

6.6. Underground pedestrian crossing.
6.7. Overhead pedestrian crossing.

Despite the presence of a pedestrian crossing, the driver still needs to be extremely attentive and careful. Even if a pedestrian violates the Rules of Traffic Regulations, the driver is not relieved of responsibility for an accident if he had the opportunity to prevent it.

6.8.1.- 6.8.3. Dead end.

Such signs are installed at the intersection, provided there is no through passage in one of the directions of traffic. In this case, the driver can move in the direction of the dead end.

6.9.1. Advance direction indicator.

6.9.2. Advance direction indicator.

6.10.1. Direction pointer.

6.10.2. Direction indicator.

6.11. Object name.

6.12. Distance indicator.

All these signs are made in a large size and are designed to inform the driver of the information necessary on the way. Signs with a green background refer to motorways, those with a blue background refer to other country roads, and those with a white background refer to settlements.

6.9.3. Movement scheme.

Signs show how to drive in the right direction in a situation where turns are prohibited at a traffic intersection or an intersection with a complex traffic pattern.

6.13. Kilometer mark.

Kilometer signs have a blue background when installed on country roads, green - on motorways. They are the best guide on country roads for employees of operational and other services in the event of an emergency, an emergency or an accident.

6.14.1. Route number.

6.14.2. Route number.

Every road on the map has a number. It starts with a letter and ends with a number. Sign 6.14.2. installed before a junction or a turn. It indicates the direction in which you should go to get on the road with the indicated number. Sign 6.14.1. without an arrow indicates that you are on this road.

6.15.1.-6.15.3. Driving direction for trucks.
6.16. Stop line.

Before the stop line, you must stop if there is a prohibitory traffic light (or traffic controller) or a sign "Movement without stopping is prohibited." The stop line is indicated either by road markings or directly by a sign. The latter is used only with traffic lights and is installed on the same support with it. Marking and sign can be used at the same time. Driving at a prohibitory traffic light beyond the stop line is a violation of traffic rules, punishable by a fine of 800 rubles (Article 12.12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

6.17. Detour scheme.

6.18.1.-6.18.3. Detour direction.

Signs with a black image on a yellow background are temporary. They are installed in front of a section of the road blocked in connection with road works or holding any events.

6.19.1., 6.19.2. Preliminary indicator of rebuilding to another carriageway.

Such signs are used only on roads with a dividing strip. The latter is depicted on the sign with a thick black line. If it becomes necessary to block one of the carriageways, traffic is carried out along the remaining carriageway in both directions. Rebuilding on it and returning back is carried out at breaks in the dividing strip. Signs are placed in front of them.

6.20.1., 6.20.2. Emergency exit.

6.21.1., 6.21.2. Driving direction to the emergency exit.

Signs are placed in tunnels in case of evacuation.

Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses:

Article 12.12, part 2

Failure to comply with the requirement of the Rules of the Road to stop in front of a stop line marked with road signs or markings of the carriageway, with a prohibitory signal of a traffic light or a prohibitive gesture of the traffic controller, entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 800 rubles.

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Vehicle categories:

Category "B" includes cars and small trucks with a gross weight of up to 3.5 tons inclusive, and category "C" includes trucks with a gross weight of more than 3.5 tons. A conditional boundary can be drawn on Gazelle cars - having a GVW of 3.5 tons, they belong to category B, and everything larger than Gazelle belongs to category C. Trucks of category "B" in all paragraphs of the traffic rules (with the exception of two cases, which we will discuss separately) are equated to cars, which means that a driver's license of category "B" allows you to drive such vehicles.

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On this topic.

Signs of special regulations introduce a special mode of movement, mandatory for road users, and also cancel this mode.

5.1 "". The road on which the requirements of the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation, which establish the procedure for driving on motorways, apply.

5.3 "". A road reserved for the movement of cars, buses and motorcycles only.

The main difference between signs 5.1 and 5.3 is that "Motorway" is always the main one, and "Road for cars" can be secondary. At the same time, sign 5.3 does not prohibit the movement of vehicles whose mass exceeds 3.5 tons. Reversing on roads marked with signs 5.1 and 5.3 is prohibited.

5.5"". A road or carriageway on which vehicular traffic across its entire width is in the same direction.

  • U-turns are prohibited on a one-way road.
  • Reversing on a one-way road is not prohibited unless prohibited by the appropriate road sign.
  • Stopping and parking on a one-way road in a built-up area is allowed on both sides of the road, unless prohibited by the relevant road sign or markings.

5.7.1, 5.7.2 "". Drive onto a one-way road or carriageway. Sign 5.7.1 does not prohibit a U-turn on an intersecting road against the direction of one-way traffic. When turning right at an intersection where sign 5.7.1 is installed, the driver should move as close as possible to the right side of the carriageway. After the turn, it is allowed to use the entire width of the carriageway.

5.8"". The beginning of a section of road where one or more lanes can change direction.

5.10 "".

When turning onto a road with reverse traffic, the driver must move in such a way that when leaving the intersection of the carriageways, take the rightmost lane. Changing lanes is allowed after the driver is satisfied that traffic in that direction is also allowed in other lanes.

5.11 "". The road along which the movement of fixed-route vehicles, cyclists and vehicles used as a passenger taxi is carried out along a specially allocated lane towards the general flow of vehicles.

When entering a section of the road marked with sign 5.11, the driver must understand that he is moving on a carriageway for which one-way traffic rules apply. At the same time, route vehicles (and only) can move towards the general flow of traffic, on which dipped beam or fog lights must be turned on at any time of the day and season.

5.12 "".

5.13.1, 5.13.2 "". It is forbidden to drive into the lane allocated for route vehicles.

5.14 "". A lane intended for the movement of only route vehicles, cyclists and vehicles used as a passenger taxi, moving along with the general flow of vehicles.

Usually, the lane allocated for route vehicles is indicated by horizontal markings 1.23 (the letter "A" depicted on the asphalt). In the event that the lane for route vehicles is separated from a separate carriageway by a solid line, other vehicles are prohibited from entering it; if intermittent - it is allowed to enter when entering the road with a right turn, as well as for boarding and disembarking passengers.

5.14.2 "" - the lane of the roadway intended for the movement of bicycles and mopeds, separated from the rest of the roadway by horizontal markings and marked with the sign 5.14.2. The effect of this sign extends to the lane above which it is located. If the sign is installed to the right of the road, its effect extends to the right lane.

5.15.1 "". The number of lanes and permitted directions of movement for each of them.

5.15.2 "". Permitted lane directions.

Sign 5.15.1 is installed in front of the intersection - it determines the number of lanes at the entrance to the intersection and the direction of movement along the lanes at the intersection itself. In the case of a large number of lanes or with a very wide carriageway, signs 5.15.2 are installed above the lanes. The action of each such sign applies only to the lane above which it is installed, and the number of lanes is determined by the number of signs.

Signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2, allowing a left turn from the leftmost lane, also allow a U-turn from this lane.

Signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 do not apply to route vehicles. The effect of signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2, installed in front of the intersection, applies to the entire intersection, unless other signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2, installed on it, give other indications.

5.15.3 "". Beginning of an additional lane on an uphill or deceleration lane. If the sign placed in front of the additional lane shows the sign (signs) 4.6 "Minimum speed limit", then the driver of the vehicle, who cannot continue driving along the main lane at the specified or higher speed, must change lanes to the right of him.

5.15.4 "". The beginning of the section of the middle lane of a three-lane road intended for traffic in this direction. If the sign 5.15.4 shows a sign prohibiting the movement of any vehicles, then the movement of these vehicles in the corresponding lane is prohibited.

Signs 5.15.3 and 5.15.4 indicate the beginning of an additional lane - usually this is a local widening of the carriageway for a bus stop, a braking lane, an additional lane on the rise. Or is it an additional lane before the intersection.

5.15.5 "". End of an additional lane on the rise or acceleration lane.

5.15.6 "". The end of a section of the middle lane on a three-lane road intended for traffic in this direction.

Signs 5.15.5 and 5.15.6 indicate the end of the local broadening or the end of the acceleration band. Approaching such signs, the driver must change lanes from the ending lane to the adjacent one.

5.15.7 "". If the sign 5.15.7 shows a sign prohibiting the movement of any vehicles, then the movement of these vehicles in the corresponding lane is prohibited. Signs 5.15.7 with the appropriate number of arrows may be used on roads with four or more lanes.

5.15.8 "". Indicates the number of lanes and the lane modes. The driver is obliged to comply with the requirements of the signs on the arrows.

Signs 5.15.7 and 5.15.8 regulate only the number of lanes. Sign 5.15.7 determines the number of lanes reserved for both passing and oncoming traffic. Sign 5.15.8 sets the number of lanes for movement in the same direction and introduces a certain mode of movement along the lanes.

Drivers must comply with the requirements of the signs on the lanes shown on the signs 5.15.1-5.15.8.

5.16 "".

5.17 "".

5.18 "".

5.19.1, 5.19.2 "". If there are no markings 1.14.1 or 1.14.2 at the crossing, sign 5.19.1 is installed to the right of the road at the near border of the crossing relative to approaching vehicles, and sign 5.19.2 - to the left of the road at the far border of the crossing. The spacing between characters determines the width of the transition.

5.20 "". Indicates the boundaries of artificial unevenness. The sign is installed on the nearest border of artificial unevenness relative to approaching vehicles.

To inform the driver about approaching a pedestrian crossing or an artificial unevenness on the roadway, signs 1.22 and 1.17 are installed.

5.21 "". The territory where the requirements of the Rules of the Road apply, establishing the procedure for driving in a residential area.

5.22 "".

5.23.1, 5.23.2 "". The beginning of a settlement in which the requirements of the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation are in force, establishing the order of movement in settlements.

5.24.1, 5.24.2 "". The place from which on this road the requirements of the Rules of the Road, establishing the order of movement in settlements, become invalid.

Signs 5.23.2 and 5.24.2 may be installed:

  • if the regime of a settlement needs to be introduced on a section of the road with buildings that are not included in any settlement;
  • at secondary entrances to the settlement;
  • at the beginning / end of residential development in cases where the road repeatedly crosses the boundaries of the same settlement.

5.25"". The beginning of a built-up area, where the requirements of the Rules of the Road, which establish the procedure for driving in built-up areas, do not apply on this road.

5.26"". The end of a built-up area where the requirements of the Rules of the Road, which establish the procedure for driving in built-up areas, do not apply on this road.

5.27"". The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins, where parking is prohibited.

5.28 "".

5.29"". The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins, where parking is allowed and regulated using signs and markings.

5.30 "".

5.31 "". The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins, where the maximum speed is limited.

5.32 "".

5.33"". The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins, on which only pedestrian traffic is allowed.

5.34 "".

Signs 5.27, 5.29, 5.31, 5.33 differ from signs 3.28, 6.4, 3.24, 4.5, respectively, with plates 8.5.4, 8.5.5-8.5.7, 8.5.1, 8.6.1-8.6.9 in that their effect extends not to a section of the road, but to a certain zone and is not interrupted by intersections or anything else, only by signs that are installed at all exits from the zone.

So, in the arsenal of the Traffic Organizers there are warning signs, priority signs, as well as prohibiting and prescriptive signs. It would seem that this is enough - we will place these signs in the right places on all roads, and proper safety is ensured.

In principle, this is so, only there will be a lot of signs to put. Well, here, for example, the motorway - stopping, turning around, the movement of pedestrians, bicycles, horse-drawn carts and much more are prohibited here, and the permitted speed limit is up to 110 km / h. Imagine how many signs you need to put along the highway, and even repeat them regularly! It seems much more rational to inform drivers with one sign that they are moving along the motorway, and in the Rules to describe in detail what is allowed and not allowed on the motorway.

Similarly, a road within a built-up area and a road outside a built-up area are two different zones with two different modes of traffic. At the same time, both inside the settlement and outside it, there may be other, more local zones with their own special traffic modes, for example, a section of the road with reverse traffic. Or, say, a one-way road. Or a road with a lane for route vehicles.

These are all zones with special traffic modes!

And any intersection! “Isn’t this a zone with a special traffic regime!” And places of stops of route vehicles! And the crosswalks!

These are also short zones with special traffic modes!

In fact, it turns out that the driver constantly moves from one zone (with its own special mode of movement) to another zone (with a different special mode of movement). But then the driver must be informed all the time about the beginning and end of the next zone. This task is solved by the Signs of Special Orders! That is what they are designed for.

Signs of special regulations introduce or cancel certain modes of movement.


Rules with one sign 5.1 introduce a special traffic regime on this section of the road:

Throughout the entire length from sign 5.1 to sign 5.2, drivers are required to comply with the requirements of Section 16 of the Rules "Traffic on motorways".

After 500 meters, the section of the road with the status "Motorway" will end. Drivers should be prepared for the fact that a section of the road with the status "Normal road outside the settlement" will soon begin.

And this is a zone with a completely different mode of movement.

road for cars

According to the method of organizing traffic, all roads can be divided into three types:

– highways;

– roads for cars;

- other roads.

On highways, an increased speed limit is allowed, but far from everyone is allowed there, and the orders there are very, very strict.

On other roads, everything is absolutely democratic - everyone is allowed to drive and walk without exception, there are no those strict restrictions that apply on highways, and as a result, the maximum allowed speed is lower - 90 km / h.

This is if the case takes place outside the settlement. If in a populated area, then the maximum is 60 km / h.

road for cars occupies an intermediate position.

The rules extended all the requirements to this road section 16 "Traffic on motorways", however, the speed limit was left the same as on other roads.

The fact is that the "Road for cars" does not reach the "Highway" in terms of its engineering arrangement. There may not be a dividing line here and, most importantly, there may be intersections at the same level.

And by the way, which is very important - the sign 5.3 does not make the road the main one in relation to the crossed roads! So, when passing through such intersections, look at the traffic lights, and in their absence, at the priority signs.

Figuratively speaking, the "Road for cars" is the embryo of the highway, and if the fetus develops in the right direction, then someday signs 5.3 and 5.4 will be replaced by signs 5.1 and 5.2. And then, please - the allowed speed is up to 110 km per hour, and this road is always the main one.

Reference. The photo shows a fragment of the Third Transport Ring in Moscow (TTK). And since the Third Ring Road is a road in a settlement, the maximum speed limit here is 60 km/h. And since it is also a “Road for cars”, then everything is prohibited here as on the “Motorway”: stopping and parking vehicles, turning around, reversing, training driving, etc. and so on. (See Rules, Section 16, "Traffic on motorways").

Another thing is that on any road they can allow an increased speed limit with the help of appropriate road signs (which, by the way, is done in some sections of the Third Ring Road).

The beginning of the village. End of town

In accordance with the Rules, a settlement is a built-up area, the entrances to which and the exits from which are marked with signs 5.23.1 - 5.26. It is extremely important to understand:

For drivers, the border of the settlement is the place where the sign is to be installed!

Why did the Rules need as many as three pairs of characters with the same name? Here's the thing. Relatively speaking, the Rules divided all settlements into “serious” and “non-serious”.

“Serious” settlements are indicated by signs on a white background, “non-serious” settlements are indicated by signs on a blue background.

The background of the sign is white, therefore, this is a serious settlement.

Therefore, we are entering a zone in which all the requirements of the Rules relating to settlements apply.

In particular, the maximum permitted speed is 60 km/h.

We leave the village "Rubtsovsk". After the sign, a section of the road outside the settlement begins.

And on roads outside the settlement, a different mode of movement operates (in particular, the maximum permitted speed is 90 km / h.).

This sign denotes sections of roads with buildings that are not included in any settlement. These can be holiday villages, stand-alone enterprises, facilities under construction, etc.

This built-up area simply does not have a name, but for security reasons it is required to introduce the same traffic regime here as in a “serious” settlement.

And pay attention! - this sign, like the previous one, has a white background, black symbols!

That is, from the place of installation of this sign, the zone also begins, in which all the requirements of the Rules related to settlements apply!

This is also a settlement, only, in accordance with our conditional classification, it is a “frivolous” settlement.

The name is written in white letters on a blue background and, despite the proud word "Paris", you can continue to move at a speed of 90 km / h.

And in general, the entire section of the road, enclosed between such signs "Beginning of the settlement" and "End of the settlement", according to the method of organizing traffic, is no different from an ordinary road outside the settlement.


“Pedestrian crossing” is a section of the carriageway on which the appearance of pedestrians is allowed by the Rules! And since the Rules allowed pedestrians on the roadway, then, probably, the same Rules should have taken care of their safety. And they took care - they introduced a special regime for the movement of vehicles at the pedestrian crossing.

Almost all maneuvers are prohibited in the pedestrian crossing zone, namely:

I do not urge you to memorize all this now. In due time, we will talk about this in more than detail and reveal the logic of all these restrictions. Now our task is to understand that the signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 do not just inform drivers that there is a pedestrian crossing here.

Sign 5.19.1introduces a special mode of movement, and sign 5.19.2this mode cancels!

It should also be understood that these signs are double-sided, and therefore drivers in both directions see the same picture, namely:

Sign 5.19.1 is on the right side of the road;

Sign 5.19.2 is on the left side of the road.

Designated stopping places for shuttle vehicles

A bus or trolleybus stop is something like an unauthorized pedestrian crossing - people may appear on the roadway here.

Given this circumstance, the Rules in the areas of designated stops of route vehicles have introduced restrictions very similar to those in force at pedestrian crossings.

In places of designated stops of route vehicles it is prohibited:

- Reversal.

- Driving in reverse.

– Vehicle parking. (Stopping is allowed, but only for boarding and disembarking passengers and only on condition that this does not interfere with route vehicles).

And again, I'm not suggesting that you memorize all this now. We will talk closely about how to behave at public transport stops in the near future.

Now my task is to convey to you that signs 5.16 and 5.17 were invented not so much for passengers as for drivers.

And even, perhaps, first of all for drivers, and then for passengers.

Direction of lanes. Lane direction

If there are no signs or markings in front of the intersection giving any indication, then the traffic order is established by the general principle:

- you can directly from all lanes;

- to the right - from the right lane;

- to the left and to turn - from the left lane.

But it may happen that at the intersection of ten cars, nine always turn left (this is where the place that attracts motorists is located).

With such an organization of traffic at this intersection, an absurd picture will always be observed - the left lane is clogged with an endless line of cars, buses, motorcycles, and the other two lanes are practically not used.

But this is a completely different matter - there are signs in front of the intersection showing the permitted directions of movement from each particular lane. It is clear that now you can turn left from two lanes, of course, while observing the row.

Note! - signs direct movement from the leftmost lane is prohibited, and, looking at the picture, it is clear why.

At the same time, signs that allow a left turn also allow a U-turn.

You only need to know that always and everywhere at any intersectionU-turns are only allowed from the far left lane and looking at the picture, it is clear why.

It remains to say a few words about how these signs are placed on the roads.

If there are two or three lanes in a given direction, a one common sign 5.15.1 "Direction of traffic on lanes".

At the same time, it can be placed above the road, but it can also be placed on the right side.

If there are three lanes or more in this direction, then for reliable orientation of drivers it is better to hang above each lane own individual sign 5.15.2 "Direction of movement along the lane".

And one more important moment!

Unlike prohibition and prescriptive signs, signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 do not act on the first intersection of carriageways, for the entire intersection!

And this is quite logical - drivers must choose the lane they need before entering the intersection, and this can only be done if you know exactly how you can drive through the entire intersection from this lane.

In this case, as a rule, the signs are also duplicated by markings.

Direction of lanes

There are also signs in the Rules with the same name - "Direction of traffic along the lanes", but with a different number - signs 5.15.7. On these signs, arrows are only straight. Such signs are installed not in front of intersections, but on sections between intersections in order to duplicate road markings.

Pay attention - the first two signs have an odd number of stripes! These signs are just invented for roads with an odd number of lanes. They are reversible and show drivers in both directions how many lanes each has.

Marking is an unreliable business, it can be erased in places or hidden under the snow. And how then will you order the drivers to share a three-lane road for two?

So here is the sign, everything is shown on it!

At the same time, with the same sign, you can introduce some other additional restriction, for example, to prohibit the movement of heavy trucks along the middle lane.

Such a sign will also be useful on a two-lane road in cases where the order of movement along it can be ambiguously perceived by drivers.

Agree that if there is no marking or it is not visible under the snow, then if there is such a sign, everything is clear is a two lane roadtwo-way traffic . And the centerline of the markup -solid (as on the sign) and, therefore, any exit to the oncoming lane is prohibited!

Sign 5.15.8 "Number of lanes"

If the main purpose of sign 5.15.7 is to show the number of lanes in each of the directions and only then (if necessary) to introduce some new mode of movement, then the main purpose of sign 5.15.8 is precisely to introduce a new mode of movement, well and at the same time, willy-nilly, show the number of lanes in this direction.

In fact, the new speed limit will begin from the place where those distant signs were installed (the "Maximum speed limit" signs used with the "Lane" signs).

And in order to inform drivers in a timely manner that a zone with a special traffic regime begins, sign 5.15.8 will be installed in advance: outside settlements - at a distance of 150-300 m, in settlements - at a distance of 50-150 m from the beginning of the road section, at which the new speed limit will take effect.

Beginning of the strip. End of strip

Sign 5.15.3 will be installed if an additional lane appears on the right.

Please note that in this situation, after the sign, the traffic mode changes: if before the sign the road was two-lane with a discontinuous axial marking line, then after the sign the road became three-lane, and the axial line became solid, and now it is strictly forbidden to enter the oncoming traffic lane.

The new mode of movement can be made even “newer” by applying cryptograms of prohibiting or prescriptive signs to the main sign.

In this case, the image of the prescriptive sign 4.6 "Minimum speed limit" is applied on the left arrow. And, therefore, everyone who cannot move at such a speed is required to change lanes to the right lane.

Drivers will be informed that the additional lane is ending by sign 5.15.5 “End of the lane”.

An additional lane may also appear to the left of the driver (with the same width of the carriageway).

This happens on three-lane two-way roads, when the middle lane is given to drivers in both directions for alternate use.

The fact that the middle lane goes into use for oncoming traffic will be warned by both markings and the sign 5.15.5 "End of lane".

One way road

The section of the road enclosed between these two signs is also a zone with a special traffic regime.

What is the peculiarity of this mode of movement. Firstly, on such a road it is impossible to turn around (the consequence of a turn on such a road will be movement along the “oncoming lane”).

And, secondly, on a one-way road (in a built-up area!) You can park both on the right side and on the left.

Exit to a one-way road

A sign installed in front of an intersection informs drivers that one-way traffic is organized on the intersecting road.

But this is, in itself, a special prescription.

First, do not try to turn left, towards the traffic. Secondly, if you turn right, then remember - this is a one-way road, and here you have your own, special orders.

And, finally, the main question - is it possible to cross this road and is it possible to turn around here?

Why not? I don't see any signs here forbidding straight ahead or U-turn. There is only a sign informing drivers that one-way traffic is organized on the intersecting road.

Otherwise, this is an ordinary intersection (two roads intersect), and nothing prevents you from crossing it or turning around at it, as well as at any intersection.

And again, on the intersecting road, one-way traffic, only now in the direction to the left.

So, you can’t turn right (there is an oncoming lane), and everything else - please.

Road with lane for shuttle vehicles

Exit to the road with a lane for route vehicles

For drivers of urban passenger transport, the road is their work shop. Here they carry passengers and must do it strictly in accordance with the established schedule.

But how do you order to comply with the schedule, if throughout the entire route every now and then there are “dead traffic jams”. There is only one way out - in problem areas, allocate one of the lanes for the movement of only route vehicles, that is, prohibit all others from moving along this lane.

Sign 5.11.1 consists of two characters:

- on the left is a route vehicle moving towards;

- on the right - a vertical white arrow, very similar to the one depicted on the sign 5.5 "One-way road".

Sign 5.11.1 informs drivers that a special traffic regime has been established on this section of the road, namely:

1. No matter how many lanes there are on a given road, all of them (except the extreme left one!) Are designed for movement in one direction.

2. The leftmost lane is separated from the rest of the carriageway by a solid marking line, and is intended for traffic in the opposite direction. And this lane is given to route vehicles.

Pay also attention to the marking 1.23 (the letter "A" on the roadway). This marking additionally informs drivers that this lane is intended for the movement of route vehicles.

Drivers approaching this intersection must be informed that a special traffic regime has been organized on the intersecting road.

This problem is solved with the help of signs 5.13 "Exit to the road with a lane for route vehicles."

Note! - these signs, like the previous ones, also consist of two parts:

- a route vehicle is shown at the top;

- below - a horizontal arrow, exactly the same as on signs 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 "Entering a one-way road."

That is, no matter how many lanes there are on the crossed road, they are all designed for one-way traffic (in this case, to the right). And only one lane (farthest from us) is intended for movement to the left, but it is given to route vehicles, and it is forbidden to enter it!

But other than that, it's an ordinary intersection (two roads intersect), and nothing prevents you from crossing it or turning around at it, as at any intersection.

But it may be so - route vehicles have been given the lane closest to us, and they are moving to the right.

So, we can’t go right, but everything else is welcome.

And they ask about this in the exam:

Shuttle lane

Of course, the previous option, when route vehicles move towards the main stream, is the most rational. In this case, no one moves next to the route vehicles in the same direction, and this creates ideal conditions for the unimpeded movement of city buses and trolleybuses.

Unfortunately, such an organization of traffic is not always possible - sometimes you have to take and select one of the lanes on an ordinary multi-lane road and give it to route vehicles.

In this case, sign 5.14 will be hung exactly above this lane along with sign 8.14 "Lane".

Such a combination informs drivers that it is this one lane, and not the entire carriageway of this direction, that is allocated for route vehicles.

Of course, it is preferable to separate this strip with a solid longitudinal line, but this is not always reasonable. For example, if now a solid line is drawn instead of a broken line, then no one will be able to drive into the courtyards and other territories adjacent to the right, and it will become impossible to pick up or drop off a passenger on this section of the road.

But the sign can be installed on the right side of the road.

In this case, there will be no additional plate 8.14 "Lane". If the sign is installed not above the road, but on the right side of the road, this automatically means that only the rightmost lane is intended for the movement of route vehicles.

We will talk about how to behave on such a road, what is possible and what is not possible here, when we get acquainted with Section 18 of the Rules “Priority of route vehicles”. In the meantime, our task is to learn how on a regular road a lane is allocated for the movement of shuttle buses and trolleybuses.

And further!! You, as future drivers, need to know that the sign 5.14, which indicates the lane for route vehicles, is often used together with the sign 8.5.2 "Working days".

Therefore, this band can also be used by us mere mortals. , but only on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

And here is the question: Is it possible to cross this solid marking line on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays?

The Rules have this requirement:

Rules. Appendix 2. Road markings and their characteristics. The very last paragraph. In cases where the meanings of road signs and marking lines contradict each other,Drivers must follow road signs.

And again the question:

Do the requirements of the signs now contradict the requirements of the markup?

But, perhaps, they do not contradict. There is no dispute between signs and markings!

Signs are just ALLOWED drivers to use this lane on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays WHAT SHE IS.

That is, the markup has not gone anywhere! You can drive into and out of this lane, but only in places where markup allows it!

Otherwise, drivers will be punished, however, not 3,000 rubles (as on weekdays), but only a warning or a fine of 500 rubles (for violation of the road marking requirement).

Road with a lane for cyclists. A lane for cyclists.

If the movement of cyclists is organized towards the main stream, drivers will be informed about this by a sign 5.11.2 "Road with a lane for cyclists."

The Rules say this about this sign:

Rules. Annex 1. Sign 5.11.2. A road along which the movement of cyclists and moped drivers is carried out along a specially allocated lane towards the general flow of vehicles.

If bicycles and mopeds move in the same direction as the main stream, then another sign is provided for this case - sign of special requirements 5.14.2 "Lane for cyclists".

Departure on the road with a lane for cyclists

Sign of special requirements 5.13.3 informs drivers that an unusual traffic order has been organized on the crossing road, namely: intersecting road - a one-way road, but there is a lane for cyclists , and the cyclists are moving towards the main stream.

You can’t turn left, but everything else - please - right, straight ahead and turn around is not prohibited.

And here it will not be possible to turn right, but everything else (straight, left and turn around) is not prohibited.

There are as many as two lanes for cyclists, but the road is a normal two-way street, and no sign is required.

Only when turning right or left, do not end up in the cyclist lane, drive into the lane reserved for motorized vehicles.

Road with reverse traffic

A picture familiar to everyone: Friday, the end of the working day, a huge traffic jam stretched from the center to the region - everyone is going to the country. And towards, in hot and stuffy Moscow, one or two cars.

On Sunday evening, the picture will change exactly the opposite: an endless flow of cars to Moscow, and almost no one from Moscow.

Oh, how good it would be if, in some magical way, traffic organizers could move the “double solid line” either to the left or to the right as needed. Unfortunately, such technologies have not yet been discovered, but they have come up with a road with reverse movement.

Look what happened to the center marking line - it is from double solid evolved into doubleintermittent , and the strokes are long, and the gaps between them are short.

This marking alone informs drivers that reverse traffic is organized on this road.

In addition, reversing traffic lights are installed above the two middle lanes, and if green arrows are turned on, then you can move in our direction along three lanes.

If red crosses are turned on for us, it means that green arrows are lit for oncoming drivers, and now there is only one lane left in our direction - the far right.

Summarizing !

Section of the road enclosed between signs 5.8and 5.9this is a zone with a special ( reversible!) mode of motion.

Departure on the road with reverse traffic

In this case, there are only three lanes on the intersecting road, and the middle lane is marked on both sides with a double dashed marking line. It is the middle lane that is intended for reverse movement, and in order to understand this, this marking alone is enough.

And, nevertheless, at each exit to such a road, a sign 5.10 will be installed without fail. And, as you can imagine, this is completely unnecessary. It is archival that drivers know for sure that this is a road on which a non-standard traffic regime operates.

Students. And if we now turn onto this road, which lanes can we occupy?

Teacher. Wherever you turn, right or left, in this situation you can only drive into the rightmost lane. The rest of the lanes can only be taken after you make sure that traffic on them is allowed by reversing traffic lights.

Students. Can you drive straight?

Teacher. This is not a prohibition sign and not prescriptive (if you have not forgotten, they are round). This sign only informs you that reverse traffic is organized on the intersecting road. Other than that, it's just a regular crossroads (two roads intersect) and, like any other crossroads, you can continue moving in all directions.

Living sector

In everyday life, a “residential zone” is a place where people live, that is, in fact, any settlement. At the same time, in any settlement there are local places where the generally accepted regime of traffic cannot be allowed. Such places are, first of all, all courtyards without exception, or, for example, the so-called "sleeping areas", or individual streets in the business part of the city. In a word, these are places where it is not advisable to completely prohibit traffic, but it is necessary to provide comfortable conditions for residents and pedestrians.

It is very simple to inform drivers that they are entering a residential area - it is enough to install signs 5.21 at all entrances, and, starting from this place, drivers are required to comply with the requirements of section 17 of the Rules "Traffic in residential areas" until they reach the stop sign 5.22 "End of the residential area".

Once again I draw your attention! - any yard is always a "residential area", and here the installation of a sign is not required.

We will get acquainted with all the details of the traffic regime in residential areas later, when we go through the corresponding section of the Rules. In the meantime, I strongly recommend that you learn the following:

1. In residential areas, the maximum permitted vehicle speed is 20 km/h.

2. In residential areas, pedestrians can walk both on sidewalks and along the entire width of the carriageway, and at the same time they are endowed with the right of way to move.

Other local areas

Before we talk about these local zones, let's go back a little.

You already know that the “No Parking” sign is valid from the installation site to the nearest intersection along the way.

At the same time, the signs are valid only on the side of the road on which they are installed. It would be absurd to force drivers to also look at what prohibitions apply to the opposite side, especially since the signs also have their backs to them.

Now imagine that in the entire coastal region of the city of Gelendzhik (from the coast to the red line) it will be necessary to introduce a special traffic regime - the speed is not more than 30 km / h, and parking is prohibited from 7.00 to 19.00. This is how many signs you have to put! Not only at the beginning of each intersection, but also on both sides of all streets, lanes, driveways and dead ends.

It is precisely for such cases that the signs with the word "Zone" are intended.

It is enough just to place them at all entrances to the coastal region, and the problem will be solved. Agree that everything is very clear - the signs inform drivers that they are entering a zone with a special traffic regime. And in this case, the effect of these restrictions does not apply to the nearest intersection, but to the entire territory of the zone.

That is, on any side of any road inside the zone!

Naturally, at all exits from the coastal area, signs "End of the zone" must be installed.

Well, it's a pedestrian zone. Motorized vehicles are prohibited here.

As for non-mechanical vehicles, this should be dealt with separately.

In July 2017, another change took place in the Rules - the interpretation of sign 5.33 "Pedestrian zone" was changed.

Was: Sign 5.33 “Pedestrian zone”. The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins, on which only pedestrian traffic is allowed.

It became: Sign 5.33 “Pedestrian zone”. The place from which the territory (section of the road) begins, on which the movement of pedestrians is allowed, and in the cases established by paragraphs 24.2 - 24.4 of these Rules, cyclists.

What follows from here!

1. Paragraph 24.2 refers to cyclists over 14 years old, but in this paragraph the concept of “Pedestrian zone” is not mentioned at all. So cyclists over the age of 14 are still not allowed to ride in the pedestrian zone.

2. As for cyclists under the age of 14, in accordance with paragraphs. 24.3 and 24.4 they could ride in the pedestrian zones before. So the change in the interpretation of sign 5.33 is of a formal nature (in fact, nothing has changed). The movement of motor vehicles is strictly prohibited in pedestrian areas! The movement of non-motorized vehicles is also prohibited, but there is one exception - children under the age of 14 can ride a bicycle.

Local zones with restriction of ecological class

What is the environmental class of the vehicle.

The environmental class of a vehicle is determined by the amount of harmful substances in the exhaust gases.

There are five environmental classes: Euro 1 - Euro 5. The higher the class, the less harm to the environment.

One or another environmental class is assigned to the car on the basis of tests that must be carried out in special laboratories.

In Russia, the environmental class began to be assigned to cars recently. Therefore, a good half of our transport does not have this class at all. Legislators took this fact into account and decided to introduce environmental stringency in stages.

Between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2021 restrictions imposed by environmental labels apply only to those who have an environmental class indicated in their registration documents. AND do not work for those who do not have an environmental class in their documents!

From July 1, 2018, this sign prohibits the further movement of motor vehicles (including all cars) whose environmental class (indicated in the registration certificate) is less than the number on the sign.

If your registration documents do not indicate the environmental class, you can continue driving, and no one will punish you for this.

But this will not always be the case. Coming July 1st, 2021, and from now on, no concessions to anyone. Under this sign, both those whose environmental class is indicated (if it is less than the number on the sign) and those who do not have information about the environmental class in their documents will not be able to move.

If your documents do not specify the environmental class of the car, and you do not want to fall under the effects of environmental restrictions, it makes sense to change the vehicle registration certificate before 2021!

This sign prohibits traffic freight cars with a maximum permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons (if the environmental class of the car is lower than indicated on the sign).

For vehicles of category “ IN" This sign does not apply you can keep moving ).

The rules of the road, it would seem, have all the necessary designations - forbidding, informational, priority, and so on. But a separate niche is occupied by signs of special prescriptions. It is about them that we will tell you.

What do the warning signs indicate?

Let's start with a simple example. We all know the sign - the motorway. If you look at the rules of the road, you can read that a special driving order has been established on this route. Vehicles with a speed of less than 40 km / h are not allowed to stay here. Also here it is necessary to move at a speed of no more than 110 km / h. Pedestrians cannot stop and move on such a road - this is not a complete list of restrictions for a freeway.

Now imagine how many signs will have to be installed on such a road so that the driver can immediately understand all the restrictions that are prescribed for him. By itself, the sign "motorway", which, by the way, refers to the signs of prescriptions, contains a lot of rules. Now think about the great meaning of the signs of special prescriptions with explanations. You can see them under the article, where you can leave your comments.

So, we have determined that only one sign of special traffic regulations contains the rules of several prohibitory, priority, information signs. There are several pointers in this group that are mandatory to study. To make it clear to the reader of this article what is at stake, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video about the signs of special prescriptions:

It is worth clarifying that in the village and outside the city, there are separate sections of the roadway, which are regulated by specific rules. For example, reverse or one-way traffic. This is clarified by the signs of special regulations. Each intersection in the city is a zone of high accident rate, since the passage is carried out from different directions. Here it is important to establish the order of passage of intersections, if there are no other means of regulation. This is also facilitated by special pointers.

So, in general terms, our readers managed to determine what the signs of prescriptions are. For greater clarity, check out the table after the article, where you can leave your comments and clarifications for other visitors to our site.