Portal for car enthusiasts

What is the .asi file extension? ASI file extension Is there a universal method for opening unknown files.

If the .ASI file is known to your system, you can open it by double-clicking the mouse or pressing ENTER. This operation will launch the applications associated with the .ASI file installed on the system. If the system meets the file for the first time and there are no corresponding associations, then the action will end with the system's offer to find the appropriate software on a computer or on the Internet.

Sometimes it happens that the wrong program is assigned to serve the .ASI file type. This happens as a result of the action of malicious programs such as viruses or malware, but most often it is the result of an erroneous combination of the application with the .asi file extension. If, while servicing a new .ASI file type, we specify the wrong program to the system, the system will erroneously recommend its use whenever a file of this type is encountered. In this case, you should try to select the appropriate application again. Right-click on the .ASI file, and then select the option "Open With ..." from the menu, then "Choose default program" . Now select one of the installed applications from the list above and try again.

Programs that will open the .ASI file

Manual editing of the Windows Registry

If our system cannot cope with the .ASI extension and failed all the automatic and semi-automatic methods of teaching it this art, manual editing of the Windows registry remains. This registry stores all the information related to the operation of our operating system, including the connection of file extensions with programs for their maintenance. Team REGEDIT inscribed in the window „search for programs and files” or "run in the case of older versions of the operating system, gives us access to the registry of our operating system. All operations carried out in the registry (even not very complex ones regarding the .ASI file extension) have a significant impact on the operation of our system, so before making any modifications, you should make sure that you have made a copy of the current registry. The section we are interested in is the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. The following instructions show, step by step, how to modify the registry, specifically the registry entry containing information about the .asi file.

Step by step

  • Press the “start” button
  • In the "find programs and files" window (in older versions of Windows it is the "Run" window) enter the "regedit" command and then confirm the operation with the "ENTER" key. This operation will launch the system registry editor. This tool will allow not only to view existing records, but also to modify, add or delete them manually. Due to the fact that the registry of the Windows system is key to its operation, all operations carried out on it should be performed judiciously and consciously. Careless removal or modification of an inappropriate key can permanently damage the operating system.
  • Using the ctr+F key combination or the Edit menu and the "Find" option, find the .ASI extension you are interested in by typing it in the search engine window. Confirm by pressing OK or using the ENTER key.
  • Backup copy. It is extremely important to back up the registry before making any changes to it. Each change has an impact on the operation of our computer. In extreme cases, an erroneous modification of the registry can make the system unable to restart.
  • The value you are interested in regarding the extension can be manually edited by changing the keys assigned to the found .ASI extension. In this place, you can also create the necessary entry with the a.ASI extension yourself if this is not in the registry. All available options are in the submenu (right mouse button) or in the "Edit" menu after placing the cursor in the appropriate place on the screen.
  • After you finish editing the entry for the .ASI extension, close the system registry. The introduced changes will come into effect after restarting the operating system.

I warn you right away, it will be difficult, but not everything is as scary as it seems.
Let's write a simple plugin, the function of which will be: on pressing a key, we give our player a bunch of bucks, for a rich and happy life!
Article for beginners, it will be useless for experienced coders.

Get to the point! To get started, download the integrated development environment, and in simple words - a program in which programmers work their magic. I chose a free and quite convenient, and most importantly simple - Dev C ++ 5.11.
You can download it
You can choose anything, for example Code Blocks, or Visual Studio C ++, a matter of taste, I recommend Code Blocks.

I warn you in advance, if you could not install this program for yourself, or download it, then you should not read this article further.

We launch the program, click in the menu - create ---> project and select the DLL.

We save our project in any pre-created folder under the name AsiPlugin.
The source code of the project opens before us, we don’t touch anything, all you need now is a function called DllMain.

What is DllMain? This is a function that can be called by the game at startup and, accordingly, everything that you have in mind will be executed in this section of code. For our little experiment, we need the following piece of code:

Case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: ( // here we write our action and it will be executed. break; )

What do we need in order to replenish the player's account? That's right, first find out when we pressed the key!
I will give you a template for this function and you can use it later.

Void OnTimer(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, UINT idTimer, DWORD dwTime) ( if (GetAsyncKeyState(0x47) & 0x8000) // if G is pressed, 0x47 is the key code ( // then execute our code here) )

Keyboard codes can be found.
This section of code will be constantly repeated and each time the state of the G key will be checked.

Next is the hardest part. We need the address of a variable that stores the amount of the player's money. Using this address, we count the money into our variable and write the new amount.
We go here (here you will find the main addresses of the variables of the game)

We see our address: 0xB7CE50 - Money.
How to use it you ask? I explain!

DWORD Many = *(DWORD*)0xB7CE50; // get money.
*(DWORD*)0xB7CE50 = 1000000; // give money to the player

DWORD Many = *(DWORD*)0xB7CE50; // how much money does the player have? if(Many

Next, we need to start a timer that will perform our function and ask each time: did we press a key?
It's done like this - SetTimer(0, 0, 200, (TIMERPROC)OnTimer); // 200 interval in milliseconds

As a result, we get the following code:

Void OnTimer(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, UINT idTimer, DWORD dwTime) ( if (GetAsyncKeyState(0x47) & 0x8000) // if G was pressed ( DWORD Many = *(DWORD*)0xB7CE50; // get the amount of money if(Many

Now we have to compile our program and try it in the game. I want to draw your attention right now. Select 32 bit compiler in Dev C++, otherwise our plugin won't work.
See the picture for how to do it and what to click to compile.

Did it work without errors? If yes, then we go to the folder with our project and find the DLL file that we got. Rename the extension to ASI and drop it into the game folder. Important! Don't forget to install AsiLoader , or CLEO 4 .
That's all. Start the game and press G. Does everything work? Well done, congratulations!
Ask what's next? I will answer: study programming, maybe you will become a modding guru, and maybe even cooler.
For those who did not succeed, I give the plugin AsiPlugin.rar and project source lesson.rar.

Useful links:
Programming books can be downloaded.
Addresses and functions of Gta San Andreas, there you can also find the base for IDA, in which there are a lot of interesting things. How to use IDA I'm afraid a separate article is needed.

Thank you for your attention, I hope you liked the article! Good luck to all!
p.s: If the article is of interest, then in the next article I will teach you how to use GTA functions and, for example, spawn cars.

The article is exclusive for the site site, when copying the material, you must specify a link to the site.

What is this ASI file?

An .asi file contains data related to variables used in a network application project.

ASI files are used as part of projects created by Alpha Five (Alpha Anywhere since 2013), which is software used for network application development.

Program(s) that can open the file .asi


How to open ASI files

If a situation has arisen in which you cannot open an ASI file on your computer, there may be several reasons. The first and at the same time the most important (the most common) is the lack of a suitable application that supports ASI among those that are installed on your computer.

The easiest way to solve this problem is to find and download the appropriate application. The first part of the task has already been completed - you will find programs for servicing the ASI file below. Now it is enough to download and install the appropriate application.

This site also defines other possible causes causing the problems with ASI files.

Possible problems with the .ASI format files

The inability to open and work with the ASI file does not mean at all that we do not have the appropriate software installed on our computer. There may be other problems that also block our ability to work with the Alpha Five Storage Format file. Below is a list of possible problems.

  • Corruption of a ASI file which is being opened
  • Incorrect links to the ASI file in registry entries.
  • Accidental deletion of the description of the ASI from the Windows registry
  • Incomplete installation of an application that supports ASI format
  • The ASI file which is being opened is infected with an undesirable malware.
  • There is not enough space on the computer to open the .asi file.
  • Drivers of equipment used by the computer to open a .asi file are out of date.

If you are sure that all of the above reasons are absent in your case (or have already been ruled out), the ASI file should work with your programs without any problems. If the problem with the ASI file has not been solved, it may be due to the fact that in this case there is another rare problem with the ASI file. In this case, only the help of a specialist remains.

Unix Static Object Code Library Format
.a2w Alice Program World Format
.actx DS Game Maker Action Description Format
.ada ADA Language Source Code Format
.addin Microsoft Visual Studio Addin Format
.ads Ada Package Specification
.agi Asterisk Gateway Interface Format
.alb Alpha Five Data Dictionary
How to associate a file with an installed program?

If you want to associate a file with a new program (eg moj-plik.ASI) you have two options. The first and the easiest one is to right-click on your chosen ASI file. From the open menu select an option Select default program", then the option "Revisit" and find the required program. The entire operation must be approved by pressing the OK button.

Is there a universal method for opening unknown files?

Many files contain data in the form of text or numbers. It is possible that during the opening of unknown files (for example, ASI), a simple text editor popular in the Windows system, which is Notatnik will allow us to see some of the data encoded in the file. This method allows you to view the contents of many files, but not in the same form as the program designed to serve them.

I warn you right away, it will be difficult, but not everything is as scary as it seems.
Let's write a simple plugin, the function of which will be: on pressing a key, we give our player a bunch of bucks, for a rich and happy life!
Article for beginners, it will be useless for experienced coders.

Get to the point! To get started, download the integrated development environment, and in simple words - a program in which programmers work their magic. I chose a free and quite convenient, and most importantly simple - Dev C ++ 5.11.
You can download it
You can choose anything, for example Code Blocks, or Visual Studio C ++, a matter of taste, I recommend Code Blocks.

I warn you in advance, if you could not install this program for yourself, or download it, then you should not read this article further.

We launch the program, click in the menu - create ---> project and select the DLL.

We save our project in any pre-created folder under the name AsiPlugin.
The source code of the project opens before us, we don’t touch anything, all you need now is a function called DllMain.

What is DllMain? This is a function that can be called by the game at startup and, accordingly, everything that you have in mind will be executed in this section of code. For our little experiment, we need the following piece of code:

Case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: ( // here we write our action and it will be executed. break; )

What do we need in order to replenish the player's account? That's right, first find out when we pressed the key!
I will give you a template for this function and you can use it later.

Void OnTimer(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, UINT idTimer, DWORD dwTime) ( if (GetAsyncKeyState(0x47) & 0x8000) // if G is pressed, 0x47 is the key code ( // then execute our code here) )

Keyboard codes can be found.
This section of code will be constantly repeated and each time the state of the G key will be checked.

Next is the hardest part. We need the address of a variable that stores the amount of the player's money. Using this address, we count the money into our variable and write the new amount.
We go here (here you will find the main addresses of the variables of the game)

We see our address: 0xB7CE50 - Money.
How to use it you ask? I explain!

DWORD Many = *(DWORD*)0xB7CE50; // get money.
*(DWORD*)0xB7CE50 = 1000000; // give money to the player

DWORD Many = *(DWORD*)0xB7CE50; // how much money does the player have? if(Many

Next, we need to start a timer that will perform our function and ask each time: did we press a key?
It's done like this - SetTimer(0, 0, 200, (TIMERPROC)OnTimer); // 200 interval in milliseconds

As a result, we get the following code:

Void OnTimer(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, UINT idTimer, DWORD dwTime) ( if (GetAsyncKeyState(0x47) & 0x8000) // if G was pressed ( DWORD Many = *(DWORD*)0xB7CE50; // get the amount of money if(Many

Now we have to compile our program and try it in the game. I want to draw your attention right now. Select 32 bit compiler in Dev C++, otherwise our plugin won't work.
See the picture for how to do it and what to click to compile.

Did it work without errors? If yes, then we go to the folder with our project and find the DLL file that we got. Rename the extension to ASI and drop it into the game folder. Important! Don't forget to install AsiLoader , or CLEO 4 .
That's all. Start the game and press G. Does everything work? Well done, congratulations!
Ask what's next? I will answer: study programming, maybe you will become a modding guru, and maybe even cooler.
For those who did not succeed, I give the plugin AsiPlugin.rar and project source lesson.rar.

Useful links:
Programming books can be downloaded.
Addresses and functions of Gta San Andreas, there you can also find the base for IDA, in which there are a lot of interesting things. How to use IDA I'm afraid a separate article is needed.

Thank you for your attention, I hope you liked the article! Good luck to all!
p.s: If the article is of interest, then in the next article I will teach you how to use GTA functions and, for example, spawn cars.

The article is exclusive for the site site, when copying the material, you must specify a link to the site.

This page explains how you can easily convert a .asi file to PDF using the free and easy to use PDF24 Creator. The described conversion method is free and simple. PDF24 Creator installs a PDF printer and you can print your .asi file on this printer to convert the file to PDF.

What is needed to convert an ASI file to a PDF file or how to create a PDF version of your ASI file

ASI files or .asi files can be easily converted to PDF using a PDF printer.

The PDF Printer is a virtual printer that can be used just like any other printer. The difference from a regular printer is that a PDF printer creates PDF files. You are not printing on a physical piece of paper. The PDF printer prints the contents of the original file into a PDF file.

Thus, you can create a PDF version of any file that can be printed. Simply open the file with a reader, click the print button, select a virtual PDF printer, and click the "Print" button. If you have a reader for the ASI file, and if the reader can print the file, then you can convert the file to a PDF.

The free and easy to use PDF printer from PDF24 can be downloaded from this page. Just click on the download button to the right of this article to download the PDF24 Creator. Install this software. Once installed, you will have a new printing device registered with Windows that you can use to create PDF files from your .asi file or convert any other printable file to PDF.

Here's how it works:

  1. Install PDF24 Creator
  2. Open the .asi file with a reader that can open the file.
  3. Print the file on the virtual PDF24 PDF printer.
  4. The PDF24 helper opens a window where you can save the new file as a PDF, email it, fax it, or edit it.