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Road sign "Caution children. Where and in what cases are identification marks for the transportation of children traffic police fines for a sign a child in a car

In recent years, the legislator has tightened the rules for transporting children. This applies not only to the presence of a mandatory restraint with secure fixation of a minor passenger. Motorists received other instructions. As a result, more and more questions arise. It is curious in what cases and where it is necessary to install the Child in the car sign. Sometimes it is vital to know exactly how it should look and what punishment threatens for its absence.

The list of recent innovations adopted last year includes a number of mandatory warning signs designed to alert other road users to the presence of certain conditions.

So, the legislator obliges drivers to signal with a special sign that:

  • studded tires installed;
  • the vehicle is transporting cargo that is classified as oversized or dangerous;
  • the driver does not have the appropriate driving experience;
  • the driver has a hearing problem.

Despite the fact that the sign indicating the transport of children is included in the list of mandatory, its use is necessary only in some cases.

The legislator clearly regulates the appearance and size of the identification mark "Transportation of children". This is a yellow square with a red frame (10 times less than the side), inside which two black silhouettes of people are depicted (as on road sign 1.23).

The exact size is also regulated. For installation on the front glass - a square of 25x25 cm, on the back - a square of 40x40 cm.

The legislator does not oblige drivers of light vehicles to install a “Child in a car” sign on their car. Its mandatory presence is regulated by traffic rules only for bus drivers, and if there are certain conditions.

According to the state standard, the identification plate must be installed within the framework of the current traffic rules.

As a result of recent legal innovations, "the bus is installed in all cases when organized transportation of underage passengers is carried out. This imperative legal norm is enshrined in clause 22.6 of the SDA. According to GOST, the installation of the sign "Transportation of children" is mandatory both in front and behind the bus.

Must meet several mandatory criteria:

  • by bus, which does not apply to route transport;
  • the number of minor passengers cannot be less than 8 people;
  • absence of parents with children.

An exception is the appointment of legal representatives as group escorts.

In all other cases, the carriage of minors is not covered by this article and does not oblige the driver to use identification marks on his transport.

In fact, this rule is mandatory for carriers organizing the transportation of minors on charter buses, as part of children's excursions, deliveries to summer camps, etc. The considered legal norms do not apply to drivers of personal cars, private taxis, shuttle buses.

Differences in child transport signs

Not every driver knows what the “Child Transportation” identification mark looks like in accordance with the current traffic rules, and where to install it. Many are sure that stickers in the form of a yellow triangle or rhombus, which often come with branded chairs and infant carriers, are the legally accepted standard.

In fact, these two plates have nothing to do with the standard. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 333, the carrier is prohibited from transporting minors in the absence of an appropriate identification mark, since such a trip falls under the concept of "organized". However, the driver in his car may well transport a child even without a yellow sticker on the rear window.

If desired, the owner of the car can place an identification sticker "Children in the car", the main thing is that it does not interfere with the driver's view, so it is better to do this on the rear window.

It is worth noting that such signs do not give any advantage over other road users. They only attract attention, notify the presence of small passengers in a car or bus, signal drivers of other cars to be extremely careful, keep their distance and carefully maneuver.

For a long time it was believed that the safest place is behind the driver. This theory was explained by the fact that in case of danger, the driver instinctively takes the collision away from himself, respectively, the greatest blow falls on the opposite side. There are other opinions. It is believed that it is best to transport a child in the back, behind the front passenger seat.

According to many car owners, to ensure the greatest safety, it is enough to install a child car seat in the back row of seats. Of course, this position will reduce the load in a frontal collision, but no one is safe from an accident with a side impact or a car overturning.

Thanks to the emergence of modern crash tests, specialists are able to simulate various accident situations, thereby obtaining the most accurate data, including the safety of passengers located in different places in the car.

Recent studies have proven that the best place to transport toddlers and teenagers is the middle seat in the back row. It is this place that reduces the risk of injury by 15-25% in most accidents.

The test results can be easily explained by the technical features of the car:

  1. The center part of the rear row is subject to the least pressure as a result of body deformation.
  2. And it's not just side collisions. In the event of a frontal impact or a car overturning, the main load is taken by the side parts of the roof and body. But not all cars, even modern models, are equipped with the right belts in this place.

At the same time, we must not forget about a high-quality infant car seat or a seat for a small passenger, which securely fixes the baby sitting in it. Unfortunately, many parents neglect this rule, saving on the purchase of a good restraint, or do not fasten their children, explaining this as an inconvenience for them. In this case, the percentage of injury, even in a collision at low speed, increases several times.

The car child seat must be fixed to the body with a modern ISOFIX rigid attachment system.

By following the unwritten rules for transporting children in a car, the driver will be able to ensure their maximum safety while driving.

If the driver has any doubts about the legality of issuing fines and their amounts, it is necessary first of all to refer to the current traffic rules and legislation. After all, a sanction can be imposed only in case of violation of the legal norm established by the legislator.

In the situation under consideration, drivers of light vehicles are not obligated to install a special sign in case of transportation of children. Modern models of such cars do not provide for the transportation of more than 8 people. So, the responsibility in the form of a fine for the absence of an identification sticker does not threaten the driver.

Another thing is the bus driver, who falls under the rule governing the organized transportation of minors. In the absence of a plate, the size and appearance of which is established by the rules of traffic rules and GOST, the offender may be held administratively liable.

What is the punishment if there is no identification mark

For the absence of mandatory signs on the rear or front glass of a car, an administrative sanction in the form of a fine of 500 rubles may be applied to the driver. At best, the traffic police officer will only issue a warning.

In the framework of the issue under consideration, it should be noted that Art. 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the responsibility of the driver for the improper transportation of minors. In case of violation of traffic rules, he faces a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

You can also get a fine of 500 rubles for having a “Children in the Car” sticker if it is attached to the windshield and interferes with the driver’s view, which is also a violation of clause 7.3 of the current traffic rules.

The modern market offers consumers a huge selection of child restraints - from budget to premium. Crash test experts and experienced parents are sure that saving on a car seat for a child is not worth it.

After all, it is responsible for several indicators at once:

  1. Transportation safety.
  2. Comfort for the little passenger.
  3. Ease of use for parents.

Therefore, when choosing the optimal model of a car restraint for your child, it is important to adequately evaluate several important parameters:

  • safety;
  • comfort;
  • ergonomic and aesthetic appeal.

Not so long ago, the Zero.1 Elite model from the German manufacturer Recaro was recognized as the leader in production that meets all the criteria. The car seat was awarded the international annual German Design Awards. The company has been a leader in its segment for several years now.

According to experts, the Recaro Zero.1 Elite child car seat, in addition to its attractive appearance, meets all quality standards and is able to ensure maximum safety and comfort for a small passenger during a trip.

The seat rotates 360 degrees, allowing it to be positioned backwards, as recommended when carrying babies. Effective lateral support will provide the greatest safety during a possible collision.

As a convenient addition, the manufacturer has provided a removable carrying. Its main feature is compatibility with adapters of many modern stroller models.

Having seated the child in a car seat that meets the requirements of GOST, the question remains about the sticker on the car. Whether it is worth installing a special identification plate “Child in the car” on a passenger car is up to the driver. The law does not oblige to equip such cars with special identification marks of this type. Although in most developed countries, traffic rules provide for mandatory rules for drivers of cars with children.

In addition, according to the results of sociological surveys, the presence of such a sticker makes the majority of drivers pay more attention to the car with the sign, change their driving style, exclude dangerous overtaking, and keep their distance.

All road users, both pedestrians and drivers with passengers, especially when transporting children in a car, are all exposed to various kinds of dangers along the way. Accidents and accidents happen even for no apparent reason. They are always unexpected, meaningless, offensive, and most importantly, they can lead to big problems. In order to protect everyone in the car and reduce the risk of serious consequences, you should clearly follow the rules of the road.

The task of the driver is to ensure that adult passengers use seat belts. If there are children in the car, arrange them in the safest way. When traveling in a car with children, you must follow the rules for transporting children in a car.

Rules for transporting children in a car according to traffic rules

The most important rule regarding the transportation of children in a car: transportation of children under 12 years old in a car and younger must be carried out in a fixed seat using a special restraint.

  • children under 7 years of age can be transported in a car only in car seats and using boosters (seat belt adapters and guide straps are prohibited);
  • from the age of 7, a child, when driving in a car in the front seat, must be in a child car seat, a booster is put on or another restraint is used;
  • children from 7 years old, when driving in a car in the back seat, are allowed to be transported without car seats, using regular seat belts.

These devices are commonly referred to as car seats and infant carriers, but sometimes they just look like child-sized seats with a pillow and an outer triangle located on the abdomen or chest. Retaining straps are attached to this rigid apron. These non-standard designs fall under the wording of "other means ... that allow you to safely fasten the child with belts ... provided for by the design of the vehicle" (paragraph 22.9 of the SDA)

How to transport a newborn in a car according to the rules

Infants (up to six months) ride in a car while in a cradle. Inside it has latches that securely hold the child. The cradle itself is attached to the seat belts in the back seat. In this case, the arrangement is obtained perpendicular to the direction of the vehicle.

From six months to a year, it is recommended to carry babies in a special chair where they can both lie down and sit. Such child restraints can even be placed in the front seat - if the mother is driving, the child will be calmer there. Moreover, they install the chair so that the child sees either the front windshield or the rear window. The second option is preferable, because. causes less anxiety for the baby - he sees his mother's (or father's) face. Parents don't have to turn their heads to look at it either.

Important! When placing the restraint in front, it is necessary to turn off the airbag mechanism - in an emergency, it can cause great harm to the baby, severely injure him.

Rules for transporting young children in a car

Children older than a year and a half are transplanted into a car seat, which will be used until about 4 years old. Parents usually mount it securely in the back seat of the car, although forward transport is also possible. Different backrest configurations and child restraints in the car eliminate the risk of injury at the time of an accident. The FEST child restraint is especially common.

The difference in the dimensions of a one-year-old child and a four-five-year-old is quite significant. Therefore, when choosing a chair with a baby, you should not buy a chair "for growth". The chair should immediately be ergonomic, and the younger the child, the more important it is. If the safety bends, latches, and straps fall outside the physiologically intended areas, then the chair should be rejected and other designs should be inquired.

In some cases, an additional pillow, securely fixed inside the device, will help, which will raise the child a little, shift the proportions. It is important that during the transportation of children in a car it is possible to prevent the child from slipping out of the chair, as well as a rough impact on risk areas (neck, solar plexus). Fixation in the chair should be strong and reliable, but not tight and painful.

Rules for the transportation of schoolchildren

It is at this age that the car seat is most often replaced with a booster - a high rigid pillow with armrests. This device does not have its own restraints, but allows the child with certain parameters to "fit" into the framework of standard seat belts.

Manufacturers claim that it is possible to transport children in a booster from the age of 3, and some from 9 months, but reality indicates that this is premature. For small children, one belt, even the most durable and well-suited, is not enough, it will not be able to reliably and conveniently fix the position of the body.

Therefore, the best option is to transfer a student to a booster when the previous chair is not enough. This fact is perceived positively by the child almost always, because. clearly shows that he has grown.

When choosing, you need to find a device in which the child will be comfortable right now, and not someday.

If it is not possible to purchase a booster, an adapter is put on the seat belt. This is a rather rigid device made of soft material that changes the direction of the standard car seat belt. With its use, the strap does not pass through the vital areas of the body and does not threaten injury. In addition, the fixation of the child becomes more reliable, because. belt is tighter.

An exception

The main criterion for judging the need for child restraint devices is now not so much age as height. The seat belts of the car are designed for passengers with a height of 150 cm. If a child under the age of 12 is taller than one and a half meters, then he no longer needs special children's devices.

New rules for transporting children by bus - group transportation

The new rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses state that the transportation of children in vehicles of organized groups of children of more than 8 people is possible only by bus. It is forbidden to use micro- and minibuses as a vehicle.

Important! This rule does not apply to private trips of large families - they often have minivans and minibuses at their disposal. In this case, the rules for transporting children in a car apply. Also, according to the general rules, children from several families travel accompanied by their parents in a private vehicle.

The rules for the organized transport of a group of children by bus and the rules for the transport of schoolchildren on a bus state that an organization that transports children must have an appropriate license.

The bus is equipped with the sign "Children" on the windshield and rear window.

Before the trip, a complete list of children and accompanying persons from among the representatives of the sending organization is compiled, a route is developed with the designation of places and times of stops. Documents are received by the traffic police and issued to the driver.

Each seat is equipped with a seat belt. Before driving, the driver must make sure that all passengers are fastened. It is not allowed to carry passengers without providing a separate seat.

Unauthorized people are not allowed on the bus.

Transportation is carried out mainly during daylight hours.


For non-compliance with the rules for transporting children in a car, a fine is provided. Currently, its size is 3000 rubles.

Thus, traveling with children, even for the shortest distance, must be arranged in accordance with all the rules. The necessary safety equipment will help maintain health and life in the most difficult traffic situations.

Children get used to following the rules without problems. Having met during the very first trips in their lives with the algorithm of actions before leaving and the rules of conduct on the way, they have no idea what could be different. This is a great way to instill the rules once and for all: parents just need to always follow them.

Problems arise for some adult motorists: not everyone considers it necessary to change something in the interior of the car in order to comply with safety requirements, not everyone is ready to spend money.

But in fairness, it must be said that most drivers treat the safety regulations and the rules for transporting children in a car very responsibly. It becomes good form to give not only a bath and a set of diapers for the birth of a child, but also a good car seat or cradle. This approach of young parents, as well as grandparents, who do not forget to install devices for their grandchildren in their cars, cannot but rejoice.

The number of motorists is growing every day. And children who grew up in strict compliance with safety requirements will become excellent road users in the future.

The car has long been not a luxury, but a means of transportation. Parents with children without a vehicle have a very difficult time.

When transporting children, special attention must be paid to their safety.

This is not only about the fact that the child, of course, should be in a child seat and be fastened with seat belts. This, finally, is already taken for granted in Russia.

It's also about the fact that a culture of driving a car has not been formed in Russia. Everyone drives on our roads as he wants and, often, the right of the arrogant and strong prevails on the road. Few people in the stream keep their distance, few give way to a rebuilding car in a continuous stream ...

Having 23 years of accident-free driving experience behind him, accustomed to “automatically” think not only for himself, but at least for two “fools” around over the past year, the author of the article managed to get into an accident twice, and there were children in the car ( fortunately, everything is in order with them), and the car after the accident cannot be restored.

The cause of accidents and damage to the car was the failure to keep the distance of the vehicles behind due to the youth, carelessness and inexperience of their drivers.

The idea was simple - hang a "Keep your distance" sign on the back. The sign was printed on a color printer, laminated and attached to the rear window of the car. To my surprise, it had absolutely no effect due to the almost complete lack of ethics and culture among our drivers.

This made me think about how to ensure the attentiveness of a motorist walking behind. Having thought well, I made a truly brilliant decision! But it was extremely difficult for me. At first, when it came to mind, it looked just wild: a driver with a quarter of a century of experience, with categories B, C, hangs a “Beginner driving” sign (an exclamation mark on a yellow background).

It was very difficult to overcome myself. But the decision was made, and for greater reliability, the sign “Children in the car” was added to the sign “Behind the wheel of a novice”.

Looking at my creation from behind, I came to the conclusion - if I met such a vehicle, then I would decide that the driver is driving, from whom any maneuver can be expected, and he also has children on board, which is doubly dangerous !!! Any driver tries and prefers to stay away from such a car!

Having traveled for a month with these screaming yellow signs, I realized that it was simply impossible to come up with a better one !!! Cars behind began to maintain a distance as much as 3 meters more than usual. Tailers (this is how I call those who “get on the tail” in the stream and try their best to overtake, even despite the risk of being smeared in the oncoming Kamaz) began to fundamentally not attach themselves behind. In general, the desired effect was achieved. For the first time in the last 10 years, driving has become a pleasure, and at times it even began to seem to me that the culture of our drivers began to approach the European one. Only 2 signs on the glass, and Russian drivers wake up with a feeling of heightened attention to your car!

Probably, instead of an exclamation point, a shoe works, meaning that “A girl is driving” - but this is not my option.

Sign baby in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free The sign of the child in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free The sign of the child in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free

Sign baby in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free The sign of the child in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free The sign of the child in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free

Sign baby in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free The sign of the child in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free The sign of the child in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free

Sign baby in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free The sign of the child in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free The sign of the child in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free

Sign baby in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free The sign of the child in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free The sign of the child in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free

Sign baby in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free The sign of the child in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free The sign of the child in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free

Sign baby in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free The sign of the child in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free The sign of the child in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free

Sign baby in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free The sign of the child in the car. Sign children in the car. Child on board sign. Sign baby with us.Sign baby on board. Download for free

The author of these lines has always been surprised by the craze that has turned into a meaningless, but no less persistent tradition, to stick assorted stickers with the same content on the rear windows of their cars -, “Baby in car” and their analogues. At some point, surprise turned into downright psychiatric interest, and I decided to investigate the issue in more detail. After all, the presence of such a sticker is absolutely not regulated by law. What motivates people who consider it necessary to notify the surrounding automotive reality that they have children? One of the most quasi-logical, from the point of view, explanations for the need for a sticker was the following. The sticker is affixed to the side of the car where the child seat is usually installed and the child rides.

In the event of an accident, the driver of the car flying behind will supposedly see the picture, understand where and try to turn away! For seconds and fractions of seconds during which an accident lasts, people sometimes do not have time to think anything, not to mention looking out for some kind of sticker! Another “logical” motive for the appearance of a “notification” about the presence of a child in the car sounds like this. In the event of a severe accident, rescuers or people who are nearby will see a sticker on the glass (not broken?) And understand that there is a child in the car who is not able to get out on his own. And save him! And if at the time of the accident he is not on board, the rescuers will stubbornly continue to look for him? Within a radius of a kilometer from the scene of an accident, one must assume that he was suddenly thrown out or he ran into the forest ...

On the Internet, as it turned out, the following explanation for the need for a children's sticker is popular. Its adherents refer to some study by Australian scientists (it's good that they are not British), which allegedly proved that a child in a car distracts the driver from driving it more than talking on a mobile phone. And therefore, when transporting a child, it is necessary, you see, to warn other road users about their incomplete adequacy. It sounds crazy, but for those who drive a car not according to traffic rules, but according to the Code of Administrative Offenses, it looks more than convincing. Perhaps the most plausible explanation for the appearance of triangles "" on the rear window can be considered the fact that such a sticker is free of charge when buying many models of child seats. Here car owners sculpt it - especially since "everyone does it."

Other explanations for the popularity of the Baby on Board stickers include the following. For example, the irrepressible need to notify fellow tribesmen that the car owner has reproductive organs and he successfully uses them. Or vice versa - as a reminder to mankind of the benefits of contraception. It can also be assumed that a warning about a child in a car means that a doll or a bottle of water can fly out of the open window of the back door at any time. The sticker, by the way, can serve as a signal for a traffic police officer to pay attention: is the child fastened and is there a baby in the car

You can also find out information about this sticker and the penalty for its absence in this video:

Sign "Thorns":

"Disabled person"

This sign is also marked with a yellow square. It has a sign 8.17 traffic rules in black. The width of the sides should be 150 mm.

Sign 8.17 "Disabled":

It should be emphasized that it can only be used by drivers of the first and second disability groups. It also applies to cases of transportation of disabled people or disabled children. Learn about the penalties for violating the rules for transporting passengers.

In conclusion, I would like to say that any changes in the current legislation are dictated by the realities of everyday life. If decals have been developed, then they carry their useful component for society.

And if parliamentarians have established liability for violating the rules for their use, it means that society is not yet able to independently understand the full importance of these signs. To ensure safety, it is necessary to discipline motorists, and what to use as leverage on a person, if not a blow to the pocket.

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