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The energy of the mandala cards of fate, what is the layout. Tarot mandalas online

The love mandala is a special sacred circle that contains many symbols, each of which carries a certain meaning and a certain energy. The love mandala contains the harmonized energy of yin and yang. This is not accidental, since only those who suit each other, harmoniously complement the partner’s energy and can interact with it can be happy.

The love mandala is used both to attract love and to improve existing relationships.

What characters does it consist of?

The mandala, which is used to correct the love energy flow, is depicted in different colors, although shades of red and pink are often used. This color scheme is energetically passionate, helping to ignite the senses.

Although, in some couples there are just a lot of feelings, but little understanding. Therefore, the love mandala can be depicted in calmer colors. If we talk about the ornament, there are a lot of circles and patterns with sharp lines, such as triangles.

Such symbols are chosen because circles contain feminine energy, and zigzags contain masculine energy. In addition, squares that are responsible for fundamentality, calmness, and harmony can be used. There are also patterns of flowers. They symbolize beauty and tenderness, the attraction of souls to each other.

The love mandala is depicted as a sacred circle with certain symbols inside. Each of the symbolic drawings has a specific charge of energy. When you decorate a drawing, a special burst of energy occurs, making it possible to fulfill the desire of the person who creates it.

Symbolic signs and colors of the love mandala

Mandalas are very diverse. Thanks to the variety of options available, it becomes possible to select a design to realize various desires in different areas of life.

If you need to attract love to a woman, you should use round patterns. And for representatives of the stronger sex, it is better to give preference to zigzag lines, triangles, rhombuses, and creases.

  • Squares – are responsible for calmness, balance, fundamentality;
  • Flowers symbolize a pure soul, tenderness, and mutual attraction of partners to each other.

At the same time, the color variations of the designs also differ.

How does a mandala work to attract love?

When you have established for yourself which types of love you want to attract into your life (or change your relationship with your loved one), you can begin the ritual itself.

The most suitable time for this will be the evening - it is at this time of day that it is recommended to plan or strengthen love relationships.

Morning symbolizes a new beginning and allows you to attract a new feeling into your life. Half a day is characterized by stability, as well as the elimination of negativity in love relationships.

Working with the mandala is done as follows:

  • you need to take the position that is most comfortable for you;
  • there should be sufficient lighting in the room so that it is convenient for you to work with the mandala drawing;
  • to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of this action as much as possible, you need to use aromatic oil;
  • a lit candle allows you to achieve a positive energy vibration, which is exactly necessary when attracting love;
  • you just need to put the image of a mandala next to you and look at it;
  • at the same time, visualize the image of your loved one (if you have one), but otherwise just imagine what kind of man you would like to attract into your life;
  • start decorating the pattern, starting from the central part and gradually moving towards the edge;
  • when some time has passed, you will feel that your well-being has improved, you will feel that you are filled with positive, fresh energy.

The process of decorating a mandala is very similar to meditation in terms of inner sensations. Due to methodical movements, the train of thoughts is streamlined and the body is completely relaxed. A person is cleansed of negative energy, and instead of it, love spells begin to actively operate.

Mandala for loneliness: for marriage and love

The use of this type of mandala represents a kind of “push” that a person needs in order to gain sufficient courage to realize his plans.

A mandala for marriage helps to accumulate a sufficient amount of the desired type of energy and begin to radiate it into the surrounding space, this is especially important for the fair sex. With the help of a mandala against loneliness, a woman or girl will always feel confident in her feminine strength and attractiveness, and will also find the desired happiness in love in the very near future.

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Most people are accustomed to living according to the principle of least resistance, receiving from life only what it itself gives them. But it’s quite possible to change your reality for the better, to program yourself for happiness, love, success and health. Mandalas - sacred symbols that bring you closer to what you want - will help a lot with this. In this material we will talk about the mandala of love.

The mandala (in this word the emphasis must be placed on the first letter “a”) is a magical instrument actively used by adherents of Buddhism and Hinduism. If you translate this word from Sanskrit, it will mean “circle,” although translation versions such as wheel, cycle, ritual and prayer are often also found.

The mandala is a complex geometric pattern symbolizing the connection of the macrocosm and microcosm. In Buddhism, as well as Hinduism, the mandala is depicted as a sphere - the habitat of gods and Buddhas. You can come across another name for the mandala: “map of the cosmos” or a model of our universe, which allows us to better understand the surrounding reality.

The most popular mandala design is an outer circle within which a smaller square fits. And another circle is often included in the last one. Often the inner circle is divided into details; it can also be depicted in the form of a lotus (a divine flower that is given special attention in Eastern culture).

This inner circle represents a drawing of the sphere of residence of divine beings. The outer circle symbolizes the Universe, and the square in the middle orients it in the 4 directions of the world.

In the process of creating a mandala, each of its drawings is filled with the energy of the person performing this manipulation. Mandala images are found in most Buddhist and Hindu temples.

You may hear believers in the East refer to the mandala as a “frozen prayer.” This is due to the fact that it acts as an expression of a person’s soul when he creates this image.

How the mandala is decorated

It does not play a significant role for what purposes you create a mandala. It is important that you do this according to all the rules. In any case, the sacred image will be multi-colored, so you will need to stock up on the necessary stationery:

  • pencils;
  • pens (ballpoint, gel, oil);
  • felt-tip pens;
  • paints;
  • liners (felt-tip pens with the finest tip from 0.1 mm);
  • rapidographs (pens with a special tube for ink).

Mandala of love and happiness

The mandala of love and relationships has a special meaning and energy. It is used in cases where they want to attract this bright, sublime feeling into their life. But it also makes it possible to strengthen existing relationships.

The love mandala is depicted as a sacred circle with certain symbols inside. Each of the symbolic drawings has a specific charge of energy. When you decorate a drawing, a special burst of energy occurs, making it possible to fulfill the desire of the person who creates it.

Symbolic signs and colors of the love mandala

Mandalas are very diverse. Thanks to the variety of options available, it becomes possible to select a design to realize various desires in different areas of life.

If you need to attract love to a woman, you should use round patterns. And for representatives of the stronger sex, it is better to give preference to zigzag lines, triangles, rhombuses, and creases.

  • Squares – are responsible for calmness, balance, fundamentality;
  • Flowers symbolize a pure soul, tenderness, and mutual attraction of partners to each other.

At the same time, the color variations of the drawings also differ; we will talk about them in more detail later.

As a rule, the choice of color should be made based on your individual preferences. But there are certain characteristics of each color, namely:

  • if you want to attract tender love into your life, give preference to pastel, unobtrusive colors: soft pink, lavender, dim blue.
  • passionate love will be ensured by the use of bright and rich colors: red, crimson, purple and cherry, as well as orange and yellow. These are all colors of power, possessing the masculine energy of Yang (responsible for aggression, excessive activity, seductiveness, sexuality that excites the mind). This is a type of active energy that helps realize your inner potential. It also fills you with vigor, warmth, and calls for active action.
  • in order to harmonize existing relationships in which there is discord, they focus on confident colors, but not too flashy (blue, green, brown).
  • In order to significantly reduce the degree of anger and aggression in a relationship, give preference to cold and calm color variations that successfully cope with negativity (gray, yellow, turquoise).

How does a mandala work to attract love?

When you have established for yourself which types of love you want to attract into your life (or change your relationship with your loved one), you can begin the ritual itself.

The most suitable time for this will be the evening - it is at this time of day that it is recommended to plan or strengthen love relationships.

Morning symbolizes a new beginning and allows you to attract a new feeling into your life. Half a day is characterized by stability, as well as the elimination of negativity in love relationships.

Working with the mandala is done as follows:

  • you need to take the position that is most comfortable for you;
  • there should be sufficient lighting in the room so that it is convenient for you to work with the mandala drawing;
  • to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of this action as much as possible, you need to use aromatic oil;
  • a lit candle allows you to achieve a positive energy vibration, which is exactly necessary when attracting love;
  • you just need to put the image of a mandala next to you and look at it;
  • at the same time, visualize the image of your loved one (if you have one), but otherwise just imagine what kind of man you would like to attract into your life;
  • start decorating the pattern, starting from the central part and gradually moving towards the edge;
  • when some time has passed, you will feel that your well-being has improved, you will feel that you are filled with positive, fresh energy.

The process of decorating a mandala is very similar to meditation in terms of inner sensations. Due to methodical movements, the train of thoughts is streamlined and the body is completely relaxed. A person is cleansed of negative energy, and instead of it, love spells begin to actively operate.

Mandala for loneliness: for marriage and love

The use of this type of mandala represents a kind of “push” that a person needs in order to gain sufficient courage to realize his plans.

A mandala for marriage helps to accumulate a sufficient amount of the desired type of energy and begin to radiate it into the surrounding space, this is especially important for the fair sex. With the help of a mandala against loneliness, a woman or girl will always feel confident in her feminine strength and attractiveness, and will also find the desired happiness in love in the very near future.

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This symbol is sacred in the cultures of peoples of different countries, which helps a person get closer to what he wants. Coloring or weaving a mandala is a meditation, therefore it adjusts the consciousness in a positive way, bringing a person happiness, love, financial well-being, etc. The drawing is a two-dimensional image on a plane or has a relief, three-dimensional shape. The magic circle is carved from stone or wood, embroidered on fabric using colored powders, drawn on sand, and woven with threads.

What is a mandala

This is one of the sacred symbols, which is a geometric pattern. When literally translated, the word "mandala" means "circle" or "circle". The symbol looks like a square inscribed in a circle and decorated with many decorative elements and patterns. Each figure and ornament is arranged symmetrically. While creating a drawing, a person is immersed in a state comparable to the practice of meditation; the image accumulates the positive energy of the creator. This explains why many Buddhist and Hindu temples are decorated with such symbolism.

The word “mandala” appears for the first time in the Rigveda, meaning “space”, “circle”, “totality”. Buddhists believe that the first symbolic image was created in the 8th century by the founder of the Vajrayana, Padmasambhava, who used this ritual geometric object to invoke the deity. Padmasambhava created a mandala and prayed continuously for 7 days, after which a deity descended into the center of the sacred circle to fulfill his wishes.

In the east, the symbol is very sacred: it is recognized by Buddhist and Hindu followers. The monks draw a sacred circle, seeing in the image not just figures or patterns, but an object of worship, symbolizing the structures of the Universe. Creating a mandala helps a person open the subconscious and establish harmony with nature. To achieve such a result, you need to be passionate about knowledge of the inner world, develop spiritually, and be able to meditate.

Mandalas and their meaning

In Eastern countries, the symbol is considered sacred; its image can be found on walls, ceilings, and floors. A circle filled with patterns is drawn during religious rituals, including the Kalachakra initiation. Sand paints are used for this. The destruction of the sacred drawing completes the sacred ritual. What does a mandala mean in a particular culture?


In Buddhist culture, the meaning of a mandala has a sacred meaning. This image came into Buddhist practice from ancient Indian mythology, having received a slightly modified meaning. The ritual symbol appeared in India several thousand years ago and was used as an auxiliary tool for meditation. In Buddhism, images are used in sacred rituals, symbolizing the field of certain saints and bodhisattvas, their habitat after emerging from endless rebirths.

While contemplating the image, Buddhists at the mental level come into contact with the deities in the center of the picture, moving to the highest stage of meditation, becoming one with the cosmic Absolute. Modern psychologists suggest that drawings serve as a tool for internal transformation and self-improvement of people. By looking at or creating a sacred symbol, Buddhists achieve peace of mind, get rid of problems, restore their own strength, and recover from illnesses.


One of the tools for understanding man and the world is bringing different phenomena to a single measure, which is a number. With its help, you can connect seemingly incompatible things, for example, a person’s date of birth and the words he speaks. The numerical symbol of integrity allows you to see how speech works and use it consciously. This will make life more joyful, happier.

Even ancient philosophers adhered to the idea that everything in the world can be expressed in numbers, which at the same time are filled with magical meaning. Modern scientists also talk about similar things, who express the idea that everything that exists in the Universe represents energy flows and information that can be expressed in numbers. The vibration they create affects a person’s life, which is studied by numerology.

This pseudoscience draws all the information it needs to study from a mandala - a drawing of fate created individually for each person. Using this technique, you can trace your life path and identify hidden opportunities. Such knowledge helps to correct shortcomings and use existing abilities, which will provide the opportunity to more successfully solve the tasks set by fate.


According to one version, woven Indian mandalas in the form in which they exist now come from South and Central America. It is known that such symbols were woven by the Huichol Indians living in the territory of modern Mexico. During the colonization of America, many valuable skills in the art were forgotten, and today weaving is hardly remembered. The Indians themselves called such products “God's eye.”

Even children could weave the most primitive patterns: their products were hung in a prominent place, since it was believed that the mandala made by children brings prosperity to the house, through it God protects the family from misfortunes. A wise Indian, the leader of the Dakota tribe, said that everything done by the Power of the World is done in a circle - the sky, the earth, birds' nests, the sun, the moon are round, etc. The seasons also replace each other and are constantly repeated, forming a circle. Thus, the mandala symbolizes the cyclical nature of all living things.


On the path to self-improvement, understanding the structure of the human essence plays an important role. For this there is mandal yoga, which is a type of exercise that combines asanas, vinyasas, mantras and mandalas themselves. The result of these actions is the formation in space of a complex geometric figure oriented to the cardinal points. In the center of the symbol is a practicing person and, if the technique is performed correctly, he feels new unusual feelings located at the level of energy channels.

Mandala for coloring

A magical diagram used in Buddhist and Hindu practices. Creating and coloring a sacred drawing can harmonize a person’s inner state and give strength. The work requires the ability to contemplate and visually perceive the world. The goals of the practice are different: a mandala of love and happiness, material wealth, health, etc. can be created. The drawing is a circle, inside of which there are triangles, other figures and patterns arranged symmetrically. The elements are painted in different colors, which is considered a form of art therapy.

Why are they needed?

Modern publishing houses offer collections of meditative coloring books for sale. What are mandalas and why are they needed? Simple graphic drawings, with the right approach to the creative process, help improve family relationships, attract love into your life, get rid of illnesses and achieve other goals. Coloring diagrams and patterns will help your child learn to concentrate and independently understand his own feelings. Herals and mandalas are a tool for developing thinking, setting and achieving goals.

How to color

Tibetan monks draw real mandalas with colored sand on a flat surface for 2 months. This process is a means of meditation. When the drawing is completed, the sand is blown off and a new one is started. No matter what your goals are when creating color mandalas, it is important to know how to do it correctly. The sacred symbol is always multi-colored, so for the technique you will need paints, pencils or felt-tip pens.

You need to color the drawing from the center to the edges, because this way the drawing will come out organic and the colors will not be smeared by hand. When drawing, completely different colors are used, each of which has a meaning. An example of deciphering popular shades for creating a picture:

  • yellow – prosperity, happiness, joy;
  • red – love, passion, life;
  • black – darkness, danger, despair;
  • green – understanding, support, desire to help;
  • orange – emotionality, ambition, controversy;
  • blue – conflict, mysticism, fear, intuition;
  • lilac – well-being, emotions, worries;
  • purple – emotional dependence;
  • light green – weak energy field;
  • blue – water, sky, source of life.

How to use

To meditate, take a comfortable position, you can light candles, incense, and turn on quiet, calm music. Clear your mind of thoughts and worries, look at the center of the image, but do not focus your gaze. Listen to your inner state without analyzing or evaluating what is happening. As you continue to perceive any feelings, concentrate your attention on them to achieve maximum intensity of these sensations. How to color mandalas? Meditative coloring can take from 5 minutes to an hour; you need to stop the process if you feel tired.

The circle symbolizes the cosmos and is an ancient symbol of peace used in different cultures. Sacred symbols are used for many purposes, including:

  • amulet, protection of a person, home;
  • healing the body, healing from diseases;
  • energy filling;
  • meditation, purification of consciousness, subconscious;
  • raising money;
  • finding love, family happiness;
  • development of character qualities (elimination of negative ones, activation of positive ones), etc.

For women

Coloring mandalas brings sacred energy to a person and influences the outcome of many events. Thus, the figure acts as a tool for getting what you want through meditation. With the help of such technology, plans can be easily realized and dreams come true. Beautiful mandalas for marriage are capable of accumulating and exuding the beneficial energy of a woman. Such drawings are needed so that the girl does not lose confidence and finds family happiness.

For luck

The mandala of happiness awakens the spirit of integrity, helping to feel the joy of life, establishing a person’s mental balance. Contemplating the finished painted drawing, the mind tunes into a positive mood, attracting more happy moments into a person’s life. In addition, the image brings the effects of satisfaction and inner peace, helping to love and accept oneself.

For love

The symbol of relationships carries a special meaning and energy; it is used when they want to attract a bright feeling of love into life. In addition, individual symbols help strengthen existing relationships. While painting the figures, a strong energy surge occurs, making it possible to fulfill the dreams of the person who creates the mandala.

To fulfill a wish

This is a very powerful technique for fulfilling your plans and desires. By creating a magical image, a person imbues the drawing with positive energy, freeing himself from uncertainty and doubt. The completed bright picture is kept in a visible place where the image often catches the eye. Every time you pass by a drawing, you should focus on it and think about what you have in mind.

Family Mandala

Before performing the technique, think about your ideal family relationship, whether it will be passionate or calm. If desired, having tuned in to the desired mood, draw a mandala using universal signs or creating individual symbols. Favorable colors for the family are red, white, blue, purple. If you don't want to draw, use the ready-made template presented below. While coloring it, constantly think about feelings and love.

Do you live following the current that carries you? Are you enjoying the gifts you receive? Are you always satisfied with them? If not, then in this article you will learn about a way to program your own life the way you want it. To get what you want, you just need to use mandalas - symbols that can organize the flows of energy, of which, as we know, everything in our world consists.

With the help of these drawings you can get health, money and, of course, love. Are you unsatisfied with your current relationship or are you looking for the perfect partner? Then the love mandala will be an excellent assistant to you in achieving your desired goal.

What is a mandala

The mandala (pronounced with an accent on the "a" on the first syllable) is an instrument used extensively in Buddhism and Hinduism. Translated from Sanskrit it means “circle”, although concepts such as “wheel”, “circulation”, “ritual”, “prayer” are often applied to it.

The mandala is a complex geometric pattern that symbolizes the connection between the macrocosm and the microcosm. In Buddhist and Hindu practice, it is an image of the sphere where gods and Buddhas live. It is sometimes also called a "map of the cosmos" or a model of the existing universe that allows us to better understand the world around us. The most common mandala design is an outer circle, in which a square is inscribed, and inside the latter there is another circle.

The inner circle is often divided into segments or has the shape of a lotus (a "divine" flower revered in the east) and is an image of the dimension in which the deities are located. The outer circle is a symbol of the Universe, and the square located between them is the orientation to the four cardinal directions.

Mandalas can be depicted both two-dimensional (on a plane) and three-dimensional (in relief). Any materials and tools can be used to create them. So, the most accessible and common option is to draw them on paper or decorate existing blanks. In addition, mandalas are depicted in sand, embroidered on fabric, and created using multi-colored powders and metal, as well as stone or wood.

Images of various mandalas can be found in eastern temples, where they are located on the ceiling, walls and floor. The sacredness of this symbol for the inhabitants of the East is so great that even special rituals are used to depict it. In the future, a drawing created in this way can become an object of worship.

Mandalas are used for some sacred rituals, after which they must be destroyed.

K.G. Jung spoke of this sign as a symbol of human perfection. To this day, it is often used in modern psychotherapy as a tool for deep knowledge of one’s inner “I”.

How to create a mandala

Before you move on to creating a mandala, it is important to decide for what purpose you need it. Since in this article we are talking about creating a mandala to attract love, it is worth thinking about what exactly you want to achieve. Agree, love comes in different forms. For some, it is constantly raging passions, a state of unquenchable fire inside, but for others, love is a quiet crackling fireplace in the comfort of one’s own home, a feeling of peace and tranquility. Think about what kind of love you would like and go from there.

Since the creation of this magical symbol involves the use of special tools, before you begin, make sure you have it available. We will consider the simplest option - creating a mandala on a sheet of paper.

For this action you need to prepare the following items:

  • multi-colored markers (pencils, paints);
  • white sheet of paper;
  • a round object to create a circle (for example, a plate).

Now we will talk about how, by combining all of the listed items, as well as your desire, intuition and feelings, to achieve your goal.

So, it is important to remember that the best effect is achieved by an image that is created by a person independently. For this, different colors and shapes are used. Each of them has general concepts and associations that can be found in esotericism. However, not all people perceive them this way. Everyone may have an individual vision that does not coincide with general ideas. Use this to create your own mandala that will express your aspirations and desires.