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Romanian pie with curd filling and nuts. Cooking cottage cheese pie with the most delicious fillings The most delicious cottage cheese pie recipes

Dancing from the stove to the computer!!

Ingredients for the dough:
For the dough: flour - 500g 100 ml milk (preheated to 30 degrees C) 20 g fresh yeast
1 egg 2 tbsp. sugar 1 tsp salt 70 g softened butter
For filling: cottage cheese - 400g, walnuts in honey -100g, purchased mixture for fillings. Cooking nuts in honey: Mix honey with soy sauce. Then add nuts to the mixture and leave for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally. The resulting honey and nuts were mixed and placed in a jar.


Dissolve yeast in milk, add sugar, salt, butter, egg, flour and knead the dough. Cover and refrigerate for at least 3 hours. Once the dough has risen (the volume doubles), remove the dough from the refrigerator and let it stand for about an hour at room temperature.

After an hour, roll out the dough into a circle 0.6 cm thick. Stepping back 3.5 cm from the edge, lay out the cottage cheese with chopped nuts in a circle, cover the edges with dough and seal the seam well.

It turns out to be such a roller. Cut the roll into pieces 4 cm wide and turn each piece 90 degrees with the filling facing up. Place a nut on top of each roller.

Place the remaining filling in the middle of the pie. Sprinkle with chopped nuts or filling mixture and add just a little sweet sour cream. Brush with egg. Leave in a warm place to proof for 30 minutes. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 30 minutes until golden brown.

... And I wanted to try this homemade pie with cottage cheese as soon as I read the recipe. Imagine: a thin layer of golden-brown dough and a lot of delicious cottage cheese filling with raisins and nuts, the aroma of vanilla and orange zest!

The original on the Povarienok website is called “Romanian Pie”. It immediately seemed to me that preparing it was troublesome, but as things progressed it turned out that it was not at all, everything is quite simple, although a little time-consuming, since you need to chop the nuts and wait until the dough piece has cooled down... although these two tasks can be combined. And then, it’s worth it, because the pie turns out very aromatic and delicious!

For the test:

  • 85 ml milk;
  • 85 g butter;
  • 90 g sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder (10 g);
  • A pinch of vanillin;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • 350-370 g flour.

For the curd filling:

  • 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons semolina (I replaced semolina with 1 tablespoon flour and 1 tablespoon starch);
  • A pinch of vanillin;
  • 1 teaspoon orange zest (I added a tablespoon);
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 50 g walnuts.

How to bake:

Let's start preparing the dough. Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar, a pinch of vanillin and add butter, cut into small pieces.

Heat over low heat, stirring, until the sugar and butter melt. Then turn it off, remove the saucepan from the stove and set it aside to cool until warm, about 30C.

In the meantime, prepare the curd filling. Rub the curd through a colander, as for Lviv cheesecake, so that it becomes airy and tender.

Peel the nuts and grind them into crumbs. It seems to me that it tastes better when the delicate curd filling contains not large pieces of nuts, but small crumbs. Miniature pieces of nuts add a special taste and aroma to baked goods.

Wash the raisins and keep them in warm boiled water until they become soft, then catch them and squeeze them.

Add sugar, eggs, vanillin, starch, flour, orange zest, raisins, nuts to the cottage cheese and mix well.

It's time to knead the dough. Add the egg to the warm mixture and mix.

Then add baking powder and mix well again - see how the mixture has begun to foam slightly?

Now pour it into the flour and knead the soft dough.

The original indicated 350 g of flour, I needed to add a couple more spoons so that the dough did not stick to my hands, while remaining soft and elastic.

Take two sheets of parchment the size of your baking sheet and grease the paper with vegetable oil. Divide the dough into two parts, almost identical in size, one slightly larger than the other.

Roll out the smaller part on one of the sheets of parchment into a cake measuring approximately 20x30 cm, its thickness is 2-3 mm. Transfer the cake along with the paper to a baking sheet.

Roll out the second part of the dough on a second sheet of parchment into a layer slightly larger in length and width, approximately 24x34 cm. Wrap it around a rolling pin so that the dough is on the outside and the parchment on the inside.

Pour the curd filling onto the first, bottom cake layer and smooth it out, not reaching the edges of the cake by a couple of centimeters.

Cover the first with the second cake layer and remove the parchment.

And let’s tuck the edges of the second cake under the first, I also pinched it a little so that the cottage cheese doesn’t run away. Poke the top crust frequently with a fork to prevent it from cracking during baking.

Place the pie in the oven, preheated to 180C, and bake for about 35-45 minutes, until the top is golden brown.

Let the finished pie cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cut into portions.

Romanian homemade pie, like most pastries with curd filling, is much better to cut and tastier to eat when cooled, so let it sit for at least an hour or two...

If you resist, of course, because the aromas in the kitchen are delicious!

You can create such a masterpiece yourself at home and without any special culinary skills. Moreover, today there is an unlimited number of various recipes for cottage cheese pie and many variations of delicious fillings for this amazing delicacy.

Everyone knows that cottage cheese is not only healthy, but also an amazingly tasty and satisfying fermented milk product that can be easily purchased at any grocery store. Cottage cheese pie will be the perfect solution for breakfast, since it is prepared quite easily and quickly. As a rule, these are closed or open pies, the dough of which is prepared on the basis of cottage cheese and eggs, and a wide variety of fillings are placed.

Curd dough for a pie can be yeast, liquid, shortbread and puff pastry.

In this case, cottage cheese can act not only as one of the components of the dough, but also as a filling. Plus, you can add all kinds of fruits, honey, berries, jams, chocolate, dried fruits, preserves, etc. to the pie. But you can add an amazing aroma to your treat with cinnamon or vanilla.

The classic cottage cheese-based pie itself has a rather attractive and appetizing appearance, but at festive feasts it is recommended to decorate it with chocolate, cream, glaze, candied fruits, powdered sugar, nuts, cocoa, coconut flakes or various dough patterns. It is recommended to serve this delicacy cooled to room temperature. To give the dish a more refined taste, you can separately prepare some sweet sauce and pour it generously over the pie.

Chocolate pie with curd balls

This amazing dessert is familiar to many. Chocolate curd pie always turns out to be not only incredibly tender and tasty, but also has an original appearance. The airy, slightly moist texture of the chocolate sponge cake goes well with the soft curd balls inside. To create this black and white masterpiece, use the step-by-step recipe for chocolate pie with curd balls.

Required ingredients and proportions

For the chocolate sponge cake:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 210 g flour;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 cup dry cocoa;
  • 190–200 ml milk;
  • 205 ml boiling water;
  • one and a half teaspoons of baking powder;
  • 35 ml sunflower oil.

For balls:

  • 345–355 g of cottage cheese;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • 1–2 eggs;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • vanilla;
  • 45–55 grams of coconut flakes.

For the glaze:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of dry cocoa;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 28–33 grams of cow's butter.

Step-by-step cooking process

To prepare the balls, grind cottage cheese with egg, sugar and vanilla. Dilute the flour with the coconut ingredients and add to the main curd mixture. Knead thoroughly, roll into balls and put in a cool place for now.

To make a black sponge cake, combine sugar with eggs and foam well. Combine flour with cocoa and baking powder, then dissolve the dry mixture in milk. Mix two masses: egg and flour, carefully pour in boiling water and stir without interruption.

The prepared container should be greased with oil and lined with parchment. Then you need to place the white balls on it in the order you like and fill it with the dark mass. Place your culinary miracle in the oven at 190–200 degrees, baking for 45–50 minutes.

To make the glaze, you need to melt the butter, add water, sugar and cocoa, boil and pour the resulting mass over your cooled black and white pie with curd balls. Enjoy your tea.

The most delicious cottage cheese pie recipes

Cottage cheese pie can be made with a variety of fillings, which can only be limited by your imagination. Below we present you the most popular and delicious recipes for cottage cheese pies.

Quick cottage cheese pie

To make a delicious cottage cheese casserole in a hurry, it is recommended to buy only a natural homemade product (village cottage cheese). But if you don’t have such a chance, you can use the store-bought version with high fat content and exceptional freshness.

So, to prepare it you need:

  • 3 fresh eggs;
  • 510 grams of village cottage cheese;
  • 311-330 g flour;
  • 240 grams of cooking fat;
  • 3 grams of baking soda;
  • 0.5 cups semolina;
  • 1 glass of fat kefir
  • sugar (about 1.5 cups);
  • 135 g raisins;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vanilla.

Combine coarse cottage cheese with full-fat kefir. The egg mass must be beaten with sugar and transferred to the curd-kefir mixture. Then add semolina, raisins previously scalded with boiling water, vanilla, soda and salt.

The mixed mixture should be left for 30 minutes, covered with a towel. This trick is necessary to swell the semolina, which will make our dough thicker and more airy.

After greasing a cast-iron mold or frying pan with cooking oil, add the aromatic curd mass and bake it for 49–55 minutes over low heat. Cool the finished pie and serve with sour cream.

We bring to your attention no less tasty, but still light and easy to prepare, tender curd pie with apples. Containing a simple set of products, this culinary masterpiece won the hearts of not only a lot of amateur household members, but also many demanding gourmets.

To prepare curd dough for apple pie you need:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 3 apples;
  • 175 g cottage cheese;
  • 210 g sugar;
  • 2.5-3 cups flour;
  • 25 grams of cow butter or fat;
  • 3 spoons of curdled milk;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • vanilla;
  • powdered sugar.

To make cottage cheese-apple pie, you need to finely grind the cottage cheese and mix it with yogurt. Beat eggs with vanilla and sugar. Mix the two compositions and add flour combined with baking powder.

You need to thoroughly knead the prepared mass and pour it into a greased or buttered mold. Thoroughly washed apples need to be peeled and cut into medium slices.

Then you need to evenly distribute the apples onto the dough and bake over low heat for about 35–40 minutes. The finished product must be cooled and sprinkled with powdered sugar. In this way you can prepare cottage cheese pie with peaches.

Curd pie in a slow cooker

In modern society, there are many versions of preparing this curd delicacy in a slow cooker. These can be not only sweet options with the addition of berries, chocolate and fruits, but also salty ones - with cheese, garlic, herbs, etc.

To prepare salted curd pie in a slow cooker you will need:

  • 245 g puff pastry;
  • 210 g of cottage cheese;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 210 grams of any hard cheese;
  • 2–3 cloves of garlic;
  • to taste - salt, pepper, herbs.

Roll out the puff pastry that you thawed in advance several times, folding it again. Then carefully place it in the shape of your multicooker, forming the sides to your liking.

Combine the following ingredients: chopped cottage cheese, coarsely grated cheese, herbs (dill, parsley, etc.), pressed garlic, salt and pepper. Beat the eggs thoroughly. Move the aromatic mixture deep into the dough and fill it with fluffy eggs.

Set the "Bake" mode with a 50 minute timer. After this period has expired and your multicooker beeps, open the lid and remove your treat.

Curd pie with crumbs

Many, having tried cottage cheese pie with crumbs at least once, will agree that this amazing dessert occupies a far from extreme place in the hit parade of delicious culinary masterpieces. This delicate crispy base and juicy aromatic filling can surprise even the most spoiled connoisseurs of haute cuisine.

To prepare the dough you will need:

  • 211 grams of puffed flour;
  • 115 g butter;
  • 55 grams of sugar.

For filling:

  • 450–490 g small cottage cheese;
  • 145-155 grams of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • vanilla component.

To prepare your pie with curd filling, you need to prepare shortbread dough. To do this, mix flour and sugar, then, coarsely chop the cold butter, combine it with flour. Grind thoroughly into crumbs and set aside to cool while you prepare the next filling components. To do this, mix grated cottage cheese, fresh eggs, white sugar and vanilla.

Place half of the shortbread crumbs in a special container covered with oil or cooking fat. The next layer will be the curd mixture, and then the rest of the cooled crumbs. Place your treat in the oven at 180 degrees and bake for 45-50 minutes. You can easily check the readiness of the dish with a match or a wooden toothpick.

If the pie is ready, then there should not be any small grains of dough left on it. Also, your culinary masterpiece should have a pleasant golden hue. Remove it from the oven and cool. Bon appetit.

Many people with a sweet tooth are looking forward to the start of the berry and fruit season, since this period allows them to treat themselves to a variety of baked goods with the addition of these delicious and healthy ingredients. Also, curd pie with cherries is far from being in last place in the ranking of fruit and berry desserts. Light crumbly dough, sweet curd layer and piquant sourness of cherries leave an unforgettable impression for a long time.

And to make this delicacy you need to take:

  • cottage cheese (235 g);
  • 3 fresh eggs;
  • 100–110 ml sour cream;
  • 240 g sugar;
  • cherry (435 g with pit) or (275 g without pit);
  • 120 g butter;
  • 215 g white flour;
  • corn starch (33 g);
  • semolina (20 g).

First you need to pit the cherries, place them in a colander and mix with starch. Mix cold butter, flour and 55 grams of sugar until crumbs form, then add 1 egg and prepare the dough. Grease a mold with high sides and spread the prepared dough around the perimeter so that the edges are as high as possible.

Afterwards you need to send the base to bake at 185 degrees for 11 minutes. At this time, you need to grind cottage cheese, 2 eggs, sour cream, semolina and the remaining sugar. The mixture must be thoroughly beaten until fluffy, and you can use a blender.

When the base is baked, put the cherries in it, and then the curd mousse and put it back into the flaming oven for 40–50 minutes, depending on the characteristics of your oven. After removing from the oven, cool and serve to your loved ones.

Curd banana pie

The next dessert will appeal not only to those with an avid sweet tooth, but also to gourmets who value their figure. The basis of this dessert is cottage cheese and bananas, which is why it is not only surprisingly tasty, but also extremely healthy.

To make banana curd pie, take:

  • 435–455 grams of village cottage cheese;
  • 3 hard bananas;
  • 211 grams of butter from cream;
  • 2 fresh eggs;
  • 211 g flour;
  • 155 g sugar;
  • half a glass of semolina;
  • 3 grams of baking powder.

For the dough, take soft butter from the cream, combine it with 55 grams of sugar and rub thoroughly. Saturate the flour with oxygen by sifting it through a sieve and add it to the butter mousse. Add baking powder there and knead the dough. Wrap a piece of dough in film and refrigerate. Grind the cottage cheese to even grains, add the beaten eggs, the rest of the sugar and semolina. This way you will get a uniform filling for your casserole.

To shape your dish, take a large-sided pan and coat it with fat or oil. Then spread half of your dough, pulling the edges in as high as possible. Then place the curd mixture, bananas cut into medium circles, and again place the remaining layer of dough, connecting its edges together.

Place the banana casserole in the oven for 40-50 minutes at 185 degrees. You can eat your treat either cold or hot. Have a nice experience.

Do you want to make a delicious cottage cheese and poppy seed pie with a crispy shortbread base? This combination of aromatic vanilla, crumbly poppy seeds, juicy cottage cheese and delicate shortbread crumbs will cause a real explosion of taste sensations.

Want something interesting?

For the base take:

  • butter (110 g);
  • 1 egg;
  • sugar (56 g);
  • white flour (210 gr);
  • 3 grams of baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt.

For filling:

  • dry poppy 110 gr;
  • crushed cottage cheese 480–510 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • white sugar (110 g);
  • 33 grams of starch;
  • vanilla.

Prepare a shortbread dough based on butter, eggs, flour, sugar and baking powder. Roll out the layer to the diameter of the prepared pan. Cover the coated container evenly with sand, lifting the edges.

For the filling, pour boiling water over the poppy seeds and let sit for 11–14 minutes, then drain off excess moisture using a sieve. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, add sugar, vanilla, starch and grated cottage cheese. Divide the composition into two unequal parts. Place the drained poppy seeds into the smaller one and mix thoroughly.

After this, one spoon at a time, alternating white and black, place two different fillings on the dough. Then place the mold in the oven for 50 - 60 minutes, maintaining 175 degrees. When the time is up, remove the pie and serve with tea.

Pie with cottage cheese and berries

When preparing a cottage cheese pie with berries, it is best to use cranberries, blueberries, currants, blueberries, since using raspberries or strawberries, you risk getting an unsightly puree instead of beautiful fruits as a result of long baking.

So take:

  • butter (155 g);
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 210 g sugar;
  • 480–510 g of cottage cheese;
  • 115 ml sour cream;
  • a handful of any berries (210–280 g);
  • 3 grams of baking powder.

In a well-known way, prepare shortcrust pastry from butter, sugar, 1 egg, baking powder and flour, roll out a thin layer and line a greased form with it, while folding its edges high. Leave the pan with the dough to cool while you prepare the filling.

Meanwhile, mix the crushed cottage cheese, white sugar, sour cream and the remaining chicken ingredients. After stirring well, transfer to the chilled dough, and place the washed and drained berries on top.

Place in the oven for 35-40 minutes, at a temperature of about 175-185 degrees. Enjoy to the full this unsurpassed curd and berry combination.

To prepare cottage cheese pies, you do not need high culinary knowledge. Being such a tasty and versatile product, cottage cheese will complement any sweet or salty dish with its taste and extraordinary aroma.

Delicate, very tasty poppy seed pie, just like when visiting grandma - we have collected 10 of the most interesting recipes for you!

A super simple recipe for making a delicious poppy seed pie. The dough turns out crispy, and the sweet creamy poppy seed filling complements it perfectly. Be sure to cook it, you will love it!

  • Flour - 200 grams (+ 1 tbsp for filling)
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • Cold water - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon (+ 2 tbsp sugar for filling)
  • Poppy - 100 grams
  • Semolina - 1 teaspoon
  • Milk - 120 Milliliters
  • Vanilla yogurt - 200 Milliliters
  • Sour cream - 100 grams

Baking consists of several components: dough, filling and filling. Each component is prepared separately, then a cake is formed and baked in the oven. Poppy pie is served warm or cold, as you prefer.

Let's prepare the dough. In a blender combine: 200 grams of flour, cold butter.

We turn the mass into crumbs. Mix the dough.

Roll out the resulting dough according to the diameter of the mold. Not too subtle!

Place the dough on parchment. Roll it up and put it in the refrigerator.

The poppy seed should be ground and combined with semolina.

Heat the milk in a saucepan, add sugar, poppy seeds and semolina. Cook over low heat for 8 minutes.

Carefully transfer the dough into a baking dish. Prick it with a fork and put it in the oven for 20 minutes, temperature 200 degrees.

Let's prepare the filling. Beat sour cream with yogurt and flour.

Put the poppy seed filling halfway into the finished dough. Fill the top with filling. Bake for 35 minutes, temperature 180 degrees.

Recipe 2: poppy seed pie with kefir (with step-by-step photos)

  • Wheat flour 500 g
  • Chicken egg 1 pc.
  • Dry yeast 1 tbsp.
  • Kefir 250 ml
  • Sugar 10 tbsp.
  • Butter 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil 5 tbsp.
  • Salt 1 chip.
  • Poppy 1 tbsp.

Sift the flour, add yeast, 4 tbsp. sugar, salt and mix. Beat the egg into the dry mixture, add kefir, vegetable oil and add butter, and then knead the elastic dough.

Place the dough in a bowl, cover with a towel and leave to rise in a warm place for half an hour. After this time has expired, you need to knead the dough and leave it again for half an hour.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. To do this, boil the poppy seed in a small amount of water until steaming, then mash it a little. After this, add 6 tbsp. sugar and mix well. The filling is ready.

We divide the finished dough into two equal parts, since we will get two rolls from it.

Roll out the dough into a thin layer,

and put half of the poppy seed filling on top and distribute evenly over the entire surface.

Roll the dough into a roll, cut off the ends,

We connect the ends, carefully pinching them.

We transfer the roll to parchment paper, and then make cuts with scissors, thereby forming petals. We make radial cuts every 1 cm, but not cutting to the end, but leaving the petals fastened together.

Now we begin to form the cake, to do this we turn one petal inward, and leave the next two outside, turning it to the side.

We do the same with the rest of the petals, and as a result we get a figured ring.

We connect the previously cut ends together and place them in the center of the ring. Cover the cake with a towel and leave to proof for 15-20 minutes.

Then grease the pie with yolk and bake at 200 degrees. 20-25 minutes.

Recipe 3: tender poppy seed pie with creamy filling

Very tender, creamy pie with poppy seeds and a light lemon note. The baked goods are simply amazing.

For the test:

  • flour - 250 g;
  • butter - 125 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

For filling:

  • poppy seed - 100 g;
  • curd cheese - 360 g;
  • cream 20% - 80 ml;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • water.

For filling:

  • sour cream - 300 g;
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon - ½ pc.

Add cooled poppy seeds and stir. The filling is very liquid - don't be afraid of that. Pour the filling onto the chilled dough and place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes (the filling should thicken).

All!!! Our creamy poppy seed cake is ready! Let it cool completely in the mold!

Recipe 4, simple: sour cream pie with poppy seeds in glaze

  • 1 tbsp. poppy
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 200 g sour cream
  • 1 tsp. soda
  • 50 ml. wine (to extinguish soda)

For the cream we need:

  • 1/3 tbsp. Sahara,
  • 70 gr. oils,
  • 1 yolk,
  • 1/3 tbsp. milk,
  • 2 table. spoons of cocoa,
  • vanilla,
  • 2 table. spoons of cognac.

First, use a regular electric coffee grinder to grind the poppy seeds.

After this, add a small amount of boiling water (required!), stir, compact and cover with a saucer - let the poppy seeds steam. You only need a little boiling water just to wet the entire poppy mass.

While the poppy seeds are steaming, let's get to the rest of the ingredients. Carefully separate the eggs into yolks and whites (try to ensure that the yolk never gets into the white - otherwise you will beat it into a fluffy foam).

Grind the yolks with sugar.

Add sour cream and stir. It turns out to be a liquid dough, but that's not a problem - let's thicken it :)

Add flour and mix again. It will turn out quite thick, but that’s okay too - let’s thin it out :)

Add steamed poppy seeds.

Grease the pan with oil and turn on the oven to preheat to 200 degrees. This needs to be done now, so as not to waste time and valuable air from the dough later :) (there will be no photos from this stage either - there weren’t enough hands)

Beat the whites into a strong foam and mix with the dough. Add 1 teaspoon of soda to the dough, pre-quenched with a small amount of wine (50 grams will be enough), mix, pour into the mold.

Bake for about 40 minutes. Readiness is checked in the following way - we poke the pie in several places with a match or a toothpick - it should remain dry, without traces of dough.

Grind the yolk with sugar. Add cocoa powder and grind (so that there are no lumps).

Add softened butter, stir; add milk.

Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath; stirring constantly, bring until thickened (for me this process took about 10 minutes, and still, the cream did not thicken much). At the end add cognac and vanilla.

The result is a cream like this. While it is hot, it is liquid and thickens as it cools.

Cut the pie lengthwise.

Spread the halves, put them together, coat the cake on top and along the edges, and leave for several hours (or better yet until the morning) so that the cream saturates the cake.

Recipe 5: how to make poppy seed cake without flour

It turns out tender and very tasty, with a rich poppy taste. Flourless poppy seed cake is good served with a scoop of ice cream or whipped cream.

  • Poppy – 240 g
  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Egg whites - 4 pcs.
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - for greasing the mold (d=20cm)
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - 1 tbsp.

Beat eggs (6 pcs.) into a bowl, add sugar and cinnamon, 50 g. powdered sugar, baking powder and vegetable oil. Mix everything well with a whisk.

Beat chilled egg whites to stiff peaks with 100 g. powdered sugar.

Gently fold the whites into the main mixture and mix gently.

Pour the dough and bake the poppy seed cake without flour at 170 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

Cool the pie and serve with whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream.

Recipe 6: makovnik - pie with raisins and nuts

  • Egg 4 pcs.
  • Baking powder 1 tbsp
  • Granulated sugar 1 tbsp.
  • Nuts 50 g
  • Butter 125 g
  • Raisins 50 g
  • Flour 1 tbsp.
  • vanillin to taste
  • Poppy 1 tbsp.

Wash the poppy seeds and cook for 30 minutes.

Strain the finished poppy seeds through cheesecloth and dry.

Separate the yolks from the whites of the eggs into different dishes.

Add granulated sugar to the yolks and begin to beat.

Then add the slightly dissolved butter and continue whisking until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Then add boiled poppy seeds, washed raisins and fried and slightly mashed nuts to this mixture. Knead with a spatula, add the flour into which the baking powder has been sifted.

Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat until smooth and fluffy.

Add the whipped whites in three additions, gently folding in one direction until the dough becomes fluffy.

This is how the dough turns out after adding proteins.

Place the finished dough in the form in which we will bake. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 35-40 minutes.

Finished baked product.

Let the baked pie cool for about 15 minutes, cut and serve.

Recipe 7: Yeast pie with poppy seeds and milk

  • Chicken eggs (for dough + for greasing) 2+1 pcs.
  • Milk 500 ml
  • Butter 100 g
  • Sugar (for dough + for filling) 6 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil 6 tablespoon
  • Salt ½ teaspoon
  • Vanillin (and vanilla sugar) 2 sachets
  • Yeast 2 teaspoon
  • Flour 6 Cup
  • Poppy 1 Glass

The secret to making poppy seed pies is to properly prepare the poppy seed filling itself. To do this, rinse the poppy seeds well and then cook for 30 minutes over medium heat. After cooking, the poppy seeds need to be allowed to cool and dry. If desired, some cooks twist the poppy seeds through a meat grinder 2-3 times.

You can also add honey, sugar, nuts or raisins to the poppy seed filling to taste. If the filling turns out to be somewhat liquid, then in this case you need to add 2 tbsp. semolina, which will absorb all the excess moisture during baking.

Pour yeast into warm milk. Stir and leave to dissolve. Melt the butter, pour into the yeast. Add salt and sugar, vanillin and vanilla sugar, vegetable oil. Break an egg. To stir thoroughly. Knead the dough. Cover with a damp towel. Place in a warm place for 60 minutes.

Pour poppy seeds into water. Add 6 tbsp. sugar, cook for 30 minutes. until the poppy seeds soften. Drain the liquid and dry the poppy seeds.

Roll out the dough into a not very thin layer. Grease with oil (butter or vegetable - optional). Place the poppy seeds on the dough, distribute evenly, sprinkle with sugar.

Roll the dough sheet into a roll. Connect the ends to make a ring, cut into “petals”.

Turn one “petal” inside the pie and leave the next two. Repeat with all the petals to form a cake.

Leave the pie for 30 minutes, beat the egg, and then brush it on the pie. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake until done. Cool before serving. Enjoy your tea!

Recipe 8: how to make poppy seed pie in a slow cooker

  • Butter – 175 gr. (softened)
  • Sugar – 175 gr.
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Flour – 225 gr.
  • Baking powder – 1.5 tsp.
  • Sour cream – 4 tbsp. l.
  • poppy seed – 100 gr
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp.

Beat butter and sugar until white and fluffy.

While beating, add eggs one at a time, adding a little flour from the total amount with each one so that the mass does not separate.

Add the remaining flour and baking powder and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous dough is obtained.

Add sour cream.

Add poppy seeds.

Mix everything carefully with a spatula.

Transfer the dough (it will be quite thick) into a greased multicooker bowl and smooth the surface.

“BAKING” mode, time 50 minutes.

After the signal, leave the cake in the bowl until it cools completely.

Only then transfer to a wire rack.

Sprinkle the pie with powdered sugar on either side.

Recipe 9, step by step: curd and poppy seed pie (with photo)

  • Homemade cottage cheese 1 kg.
  • Wheat flour 700 gr.
  • Margarine 200 gr.
  • Sugar 400 gr.
  • Poppy 250 gr.
  • Chicken eggs 6 pcs.
  • Vanilla sugar 2 pcs.
  • Starch 3 tbsp.
  • Soda 1 tsp.
  • Vinegar quench soda

Melt the creamy margarine over low heat.

Dissolve 100 g in margarine. sugar, set aside to cool until warm.

While the margarine cools, prepare the filling. Grind the cottage cheese and add 4 eggs.

Add 300 grams to cottage cheese with eggs. sugar, vanillin.

Add poppy seeds, starch and beat everything with a mixer. The filling is ready.

For the dough, combine flour, margarine and sugar.

Add 2 eggs, 1 pack of vanillin, quench the soda with vinegar, knead the dough.

Place parchment paper or a heat-resistant mat on a baking sheet. We spread the dough and form a side. Pour our filling onto the dough. level it out.

Bake the pie in a preheated oven at 190 degrees for a little over an hour, in the “Top-Bottom” mode. The pie is ready. We try it and admire it - it’s tasty and healthy. Bon appetit! Cook with love!

Recipe 10: Shortbread pie with poppy seed cottage cheese filling

  • 65 g well-chilled butter
  • 50 g granulated sugar
  • 150 g flour

For filling:

  • 370 ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 0.5 sachet vanillin
  • 100 g granulated sugar
  • 50 g butter
  • 150 g cottage cheese
  • 80 g semolina
  • 80 g dry poppy seeds

To begin with, I suggest preparing shortbread crumbs, which will serve as the bottom and top layers of our baking. To do this, you just need to combine flour with sugar, and then cut the butter into cubes.

You can simply grind it all with your hands, or you can use a blender.

The crumb is ready - now we’ll just put it in the refrigerator and start preparing the filling.

Poppy filling for pies can be very different. For us, it will consist of two parts - curd and milk-semolina-poppy.

For the curd component, we will simply arm ourselves with a blender again and use it to combine cottage cheese, egg and vanilla sugar.

But for the second component of our original filling, we will first pour milk into a small saucepan, add sugar, semolina and butter.

Now put the pan on the fire and, regularly stirring this milk mass, control the process of its thickening.

Over time, you need to add the washed poppy seeds, mix everything well and keep on the fire for another 3-5 minutes.

The mass must be cooled completely.

And then mix it with curd - our filling is ready.

It's time to turn on the oven to warm up - we need a temperature of 180 degrees.

Now let's prepare a mold - we need a small diameter (18-20 cm) with removable walls. It must first be lined with parchment, and then distributed over the bottom with an even layer of 2/3 shortbread crumbs from the refrigerator.

, http://yummybook.ru, http://www.iamcook.ru, http://ligakulinarov.ru, https://dinne.ru, http://www.multi-recepty.ru, http:/ /w-say.ru, http://probiskvit.ru

All recipes are carefully selected by the culinary club of the website website