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Fortune telling for an Aquarius man for the near future. General characteristics of Aquarius

Lucky numbers: 2, 4 (all numbers divisible by 4), 8, 9, 11, 13. Time for success. Days of the week – Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. Months: end of May - beginning of June, end of September - beginning of October, winter. Years: 2021, 2028, 2035, 2042, 2049.

Unlucky periods. Days of the week: Tuesday, Sunday. Months: end of April - beginning of May, end of July - beginning of August, a month before the birthday. Years: 2017, 2024, 2031, 2038.

Items of power: airplane and flying bird (metal figures or paintings), key. Place any of these items near the place where you spend a lot of time. Talisman stones: garnet, light sapphire, opal, amethyst, lapis lazuli.

Astropsychological portrait. Independence and originality, friendship and camaraderie with everyone, eccentricity and stubbornness - these are the main traits of Aquarius. He believes that those around him do not understand him, is often offended, and can behave defiantly. To some extent he is right. Aquarius is the most incomprehensible sign of the entire zodiac, and the behavior of its representatives often alarms others. It is always unpredictable: these people act in their own way, based on their own experience. At the same time, they do not consider it necessary to share the motives of their actions with others.

The life principle of Aquarius is absolute justice. He will defend it regardless of whose interests are infringed. These people like to express their opinions directly, but do not impose them on others. They cannot tolerate flattery, hypocrisy and lies, although they themselves are guilty of all this. They behave the same in any society and do not adapt to anyone.

Despite his extravagance, Aquarius is not a loner or a hermit. He adores friends, cannot live without communication and easily establishes contacts, but his affections are shallow, he does not let even the closest people into his soul, he is always somewhat detached, his mind is cold and practical, prefers the position of an observer and never gets into the thick of things. Fighting is not part of the philosophy of Aquarius; it is not an aggressive sign. True, he will not give up his position, no matter what external pressure he experiences.

Aquarians have spontaneous outbursts of revelation, sometimes reaching the point of prophecy. These people can guess the thoughts of others and come up with ideas that are ahead of their time. Aquarius' judgments change every now and then. Aquarius can easily throw away what he worshiped yesterday and express opposing points of view on the same issue. He may be hampered by the lack of clear principles, a free attitude towards morality and public opinion. However, much is forgiven for his charm.

Line of fate. There are many changes in the life of Aquarius. In their youth, Aquarius spends a lot of time searching for their place in life. In adulthood, changes become manageable; they follow internal changes. Aquarians love to travel. On long trips, especially abroad, they are lucky.

Health. People of this sign cannot boast of good health. They are susceptible to cardiovascular diseases with circulatory disorders. In old age, they often develop atherosclerosis and form varicose veins. They need to move more, be in the fresh air and sleep, while they do not like physical activity, love to wrap themselves up, and have poor sleep due to increased nervous excitability and active mental activity. Aquarians especially need food containing sodium chloride (common table salt) and vitamins C and E. Recommended diet: honey, lemons, hard cheese, greens. It is important not to forget about blood-forming foods - milk, fruits, berries, fish and game.

Love, sex, marriage. Aquarians are usually happy in their personal lives, although they are fickle in their affections. They are attracted to new partners, new sensations, but this is not sexual promiscuity. In his soul, Aquarius poetizes love, he needs a renewal of feelings, the introduction of fresh emotions, which is why he is changeable. Outwardly, Aquarians may appear cool, which does not mean indifference. Love, marriage, sex play an important role in their lives; they cannot imagine themselves without all this. Aquarians do not like to commit themselves, they get married more than once, because they are tired of the monotony of family life and need to renew their relationships. This is achieved either by creating several families, or by flirting with a permanent partner. You shouldn't be afraid of Aquarius's romantic interests. If he is deeply attached to his soul mate, then he will not destroy the family, his hobbies do not mean betrayal. Sex is far from the first place in Aquarius’ list of life values: if there is no spiritual and emotional intimacy with the object of passion, Aquarius will not agree to physical intimacy.

People of this sign show their sexuality in an unusual way. On an emotional high, they can experience intense love, but it does not always affect the sexual centers. So one should not confuse Aquarius's amorousness with his true nature. Aquarius sincerely becomes attached to a loved one, and although this will not be clearly manifested outwardly, the relationship will last a long time. With those they truly love, Aquarians are constant. The trouble is that Aquarius rarely gets along well with anyone; there is always something that doesn’t suit him in his partner.

The best partners for an Aquarius man– women from the signs of Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius. Compatibility with Taurus, Cancer, Leo and Pisces is average. There is no compatibility with Aquarius, Virgo and Scorpio.

The best partners for an Aquarius woman are: men from the signs of Gemini and Libra. Compatibility with Leo, Sagittarius, Virgo and Scorpio is average. With Aries and Cancer, the union is based on sex. There is no compatibility with Taurus, Pisces, Capricorn and Aquarius.

Aquarians have blue, green or gray eyes, directed somewhere into the unknown distance. Their hair is light brown, straight and silky, their complexion is pale, their height is above average, and their facial features are thin, clearly defined, like the profiles of Roman emperors on ancient coins.

Freedom-loving Aquarians are mostly witty, original and independent, but they can also be timid, affectionate, diplomatic and compassionate. They love to use the words “friend” and “friends”. Thus, President Roosevelt, also an Aquarius, invariably began his addresses to the people on the radio with the words: “My friends.” Aquarians do have a lot of friends, they easily make new acquaintances, but they are more interested in quantity than quality, and they rarely become attached to anyone for a long time. Such people can easily become friends with the rector of the university, as well as with the local drunkard or giggling schoolgirl. Aquarians are well versed in psychology, and the opportunity to analyze human nature attracts them to more and more new acquaintances. Nevertheless, they never abandon their former friends in trouble, and they can even say to their former lover or wife: “Let’s remain friends, huh?”

Aquarians, ruled by Uranus, can be interested in politics, sports, horses, cars and anything else. Their ruler, the planet Uranus, has endowed them with a rebellious spirit, and they instinctively feel that the world needs a radical, revolutionary remake, but when it comes to politics, they behave very carefully. Open fighting on the barricades is not for them.

Astrology teaches that what Aquarians are thinking about now, humanity will comprehend only in fifty years. This may be true, but so far it does not close the gap separating Aquarius and other people in the present. Many among Aquarius are truly geniuses, but genius often borders on madness, and it is not always easy to establish a “watershed” between the two. Aquarians have a rare ability to calm the mentally ill, hysterical people and frightened children, which is obviously explained by their highly organized nervous system. They themselves cannot boast of remarkable health, since they are especially susceptible to vascular diseases with circulatory disorders. They suffer from cold in winter and damp heat in summer. As they age, they often develop atherosclerosis and varicose veins, especially the legs. They need to move a lot, be in the fresh air and sleep, while they sit still, wrap themselves up and do not open the windows, and their sleep is short and restless due to increased nervous excitability and mental activity.

Aquarians do not have a good memory and easily fall into the category of “absent-minded professors,” but this deficiency is fully compensated by subtle intuition, sometimes an almost magical premonition of future events and the ability to guess other people’s thoughts. So, when the phone rings, he almost always knows in advance who will be on the other end of the line. On the other hand, these people are unusually easy to hypnotize and, knowing this, rarely agree to hypnotic suggestion, which is a mistake, since medical hypnosis would quickly relieve them of many of the obsessions from which they suffer. There is nothing supernatural in their thinking. Being a true researcher by nature, Aquarius will never make a final conclusion in his field of knowledge until he analyzes everything thoroughly, and then nothing can change his point of view.

Aquarians are very truthful, do not tolerate lies, and also do not like to lend or borrow money to anyone. A person who borrowed a tenner and did not return it on time died in his eyes forever. Although Aquarians are considered to be idealists, they are actually very good at understanding what's what, while idealism is mainly based on blind faith and unfounded optimism. And this is not at all typical for them.

The metal of Aquarius is radioactive uranium, and the stone is dark blue sapphire, connecting the wisdom of the past with the secrets of the invisible, distant future.
Aquarius Man
Despite the fact that Aquarians love to talk about friendship, their attitude towards love is somewhat peculiar. A girl can remain a “good friend” for a very long time, but only when he outwardly begins to show hostility towards her can one suspect that he is seriously interested in her as a woman. He will hide his feelings for a long time and carefully, but when he finally gets used to the idea that he is truly passionate, he will show himself as a gentle and attentive lover.

A woman who likes Aquarius and wants to achieve reciprocity should first “intrigue” him a little, since solving all sorts of secrets gives him great pleasure. Why did she act this way and not otherwise, what is behind this - indifference or just a game? These and other questions may torment him until he reveals all your secrets. But not all women like to be this kind of “bug under a microscope,” and many cannot stand this test and turn away.

The ideal of Aquarius is a female friend to whom you can talk not only about love, who will not demand mad love and throw up scenes of jealousy. They are not very generous with gifts and sometimes believe that a bouquet of daisies is quite sufficient to express their feelings.

Some Aquarians tend to make cleanliness a fetish. Behind this lies their almost neurotic fear of germs and viruses, which can penetrate into the sphere of intimate life. Therefore, one should not be surprised when Aquarius says that women's cosmetics cause him allergies - he thinks about it so much that as a result he actually breaks out in a rash, causing complete bewilderment to doctors.

Unlike Cancer, Capricorn or Libra, he tries to avoid marriage or delay it in any way. He can rant for a long time about the charm of platonic love, or say that he still cannot support his wife properly, or that he must support his elderly parents, or that he is unworthy of his chosen one, etc. So the matter can drag on for years, until one fine day he discovers that all his bachelor friends are already married and he is left alone. Then his pride kicks in and he finally proposes.

Having become a husband, Aquarius usually does not like to interrupt his previous friendships and generally prefers to consider himself still free, coming home whenever he pleases. Waiting for him until late and arranging scenes of jealousy makes absolutely no sense, since he is not inclined to cheat, and any accusations can only cause a violent play of his imagination, and he will tell a lot of tall tales.

Sometimes Aquarius likes to be alone - do not bother him and treat this with understanding, then you will be rewarded with warmth and frankness. People of this zodiac sign often achieve great success in life. They may become Nobel laureates or invent a time machine. Aquarians barely manage to support their family and very rarely find themselves well off. If they have money, they will save it for the implementation of some brilliant idea. An Aquarius husband can easily forget his wedding anniversary, but he is able to give his wife a bouquet of violets in January. Christmas? Who said Christmas has to be on December 25th? You can celebrate it anytime - if you're in the mood!

For Aquarius, children are simply good comrades who need to be helped to cope with their difficulties: teach boys how to kick a ball into a goal, and girls how to fix a broken doll. In addition, such a father knows how to listen well and tell fairy tales, being carried away by the adventures of the three little pigs or Snow White no less than the children. As for solving difficult arithmetic problems, he is simply a professor. Children adore their Aquarius father and enjoy spending time with him.
Aquarius Woman
Who is the most mysterious, beautiful woman in the Zodiac? Well, of course, Aquarius. Only Libra can compete with her. They dress unusually, the variety of clothing styles is extraordinary, hairstyles range from modest buns and curled curls to shaved heads. By temperament, they are moderately passionate and, like Aquarius men, can be content with platonic love for a long time. Relationships with these women can be very pleasant, unless you encroach on their freedom and the opportunity to communicate with friends, as well as on their various entertainments and interests - choreography, painting, theater, literature, the fight for peace, etc.

In general, Aquarians are a bit of a witch - they have incredible intuition and the gift of foresight. They predict the future, and their predictions, although not immediately, will certainly come true. After all, they are women of the future and know what will happen tomorrow.

Just like Aquarius men, women born under this sign are not particularly eager for marriage and, before tying the knot, they thoroughly study their chosen one, consult with friends and family, although they do not have a decisive vote and their opinion is of academic interest only.

Women under the rule of Uranus are ideal wives for promising politicians, scientists and teachers. They are exceptionally witty, pleasant to talk to, naturally behave in any company, are not jealous, trust your word, will not rummage through your pockets and briefcase in search of love notes and look for traces of lipstick on handkerchiefs, but as soon as such a woman finds out for sure that her husband is not faithful to her, she will leave. Aquarius knows that she can live well alone: ​​she has many good friends and varied interests! And you can simply remain good friends with your ex-husband or lover. Therefore, divorces are common among Aquarius.

Aquarians do not like to borrow and lend money, but if they take a small amount, they will return everything on time, without reservation. Such women are simply a godsend for a man, since they are not wasteful and fear debt like fire.

Aquarius has his own view of the world, don’t try to change her, and if you don’t want to lose her, don’t be jealous, critical, angry, greedy.

When a child appears, she is a little lost at first - after all, she must now devote all her time and attention to one baby, and she is used to devoting it to many at once. But he gradually adapts to his son or daughter, although he does not like to show his feelings outwardly. She is by no means a cold mother, but still somewhat reserved. This does not prevent her from taking part in all sorts of school events, as well as treating her children’s friends and girlfriends as equals, as if they were her own friends. Aquarius mothers are very tolerant of the behavior and even misdeeds of their children, but they demand absolute truthfulness from them, which is how they achieve complete mutual understanding with their children. She knows how to quickly dispel their fears and convince them that no evil monsters are hiding under their bed, and in a moment turn their tears into laughter, will be very affectionate with them when they are sick, and carefully look after them. Such a mother is not too demanding of her children in performing household duties and observing hygiene rules.

Compatibility horoscope: Aquarius zodiac sign fortune telling - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.


Despite the fact that Aquarians love to talk about friendship, their attitude towards love is somewhat peculiar. A girl can remain a “good friend” for a very long time, but only when he outwardly begins to show hostility towards her can one suspect that he is seriously interested in her as a woman. He will hide his feelings for a long time and carefully, but when he finally gets used to the idea that he is truly passionate, he will show himself as a gentle and attentive lover.

Who is the most mysterious, beautiful woman in the Zodiac? Well, of course, Aquarius. Only Libra can compete with her. They dress unusually, the variety of clothing styles is extraordinary, hairstyles range from modest buns and curled curls to shaved heads. By temperament, they are moderately passionate and, like Aquarius men, can be content with platonic love for a long time. Relationships with these women can be very pleasant, unless you encroach on their freedom and the opportunity to communicate with friends, as well as on their various entertainments and interests - choreography, painting, theater, literature, the fight for peace, etc.


The first six months are the most favorable for romantic relationships, especially for women. However, in the summer, women will be disappointed in love, and Aquarius men may meet their fate by the fall. Married Aquarians must remember that any conflicts in married life must be resolved with a cool head and a warm heart, without making hasty and therefore stupid decisions.

Aquarians are always active and energetic; in this regard, it seems that they are not afraid of any ailments, and are even beyond the control of the years. The Year of the Fire Monkey can become fatal when long-standing and secret sores suddenly surface. Therefore, Aquarians should seriously pay attention to their health, for example, quit smoking, stop transmitting, choose a health complex for themselves, and so on. You don’t have to go to the doctors for now, unless, of course, something serious happens.

In material terms, certain difficulties await Aquarius women, but men can even take risks - the stars will help them get out of any difficult situation with honor. The only thing they should not do is borrow money.

TALISMAN STONES OF THE ZODIAC SIGNS AQUARIUS Main stone - Turquoise Those born from January 21 to February 1 - under the influence of Venus - are shy and delicate, melancholic and sophisticated in love. Lucky stones: aventurine, amethyst, rock crystal, pearls,...

BEST TRAITS OF AQUARIUS ZODIAC SIGNS Friendliness, empathy, curiosity and deep soul.

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Aquarius zodiac sign fortune telling

The sign symbol is wings, Aquarius, sage, youth, silver hands, birds, airplanes.

The colors of the sign are lilac, gray, blue-green, violet (unlucky color black).

Stone Aquarius sign: garnet, opal, zircon, lapis lazuli, amethyst.

Flowers: violet, narcissus, myrtle.

Talisman: key, icon.

Lucky day: Wednesday, Saturday.

Unlucky day: Sunday.

Favorable numbers: 2, 4 (all numbers divisible by 4), 8, 9, 11, 13.

Aquarius born from January 21 to February 1 is under the influence of Venus; these individuals are timid, tactful, melancholic and sensitive to love.

Aquarius Those born from February 2 to February 12 are under the influence of Mercury; individuals are smart, affectionate, a little ambitious, highly moral, and also have a well-developed sense of humor.

Those born from February 12 to 20, Aquarius are under the influence of the Moon; their personality is often deceived in their expectations, they are very pleasant in communication, know how to control themselves, are impressionable, do not tolerate lies, and are persistent in their convictions.

There are strong and weak Aquarians. But, in principle, this is a combination of meekness and selfishness. In general, this is a combination of an angel and a devil. They cannot stand unnaturalness, do not like showiness, but they tend to confuse others. In relation to yourself Aquarius does not tolerate conventions, nevertheless, in family life he adheres to traditions. Their desire is to be an individual unlike anyone else, but at the same time, they strive to be loved. Can't stand material dependence

but strive for prestigious

position in society.

Aquarians care about everything, they must be aware of everything that is happening around them, they must always get to the very essence of what is happening. They rarely engage in any scams. They are observers of life, however, they tend to have very generous souls. These are sensitive natures, often wavering between the arguments of reason and instinct.

Some Aquarius personalities are prone to religion and mysticism, feel nature, and are alien to hatred. Some of them tend to trust people, often even too much. Sometimes they are too naive, but sometimes they cannot forgive, they are rarely tormented by remorse. The other type, on the contrary, is very closed, withdrawing into themselves with every mistake, they think more about the future and are often full of the most unrealistic plans. They must always be above others and do not tolerate orders or interference in their activities. Besides

However, they are very jealous, they can even be hostile, inattentive to others, following the slogan “do as I say and as I do.”

They love variety in clothes. Women Aquarius They prefer uniqueness, becoming elegant only through the selection of colors, without the lack of jewelry and makeup. Some of them, in their uniqueness and originality, reach the point of extravagance. Aquarius always looks for and finds something exceptional, unique, super fashionable.

Since childhood, Aquarians do not think about work or achieving any heights. They simply do any work with soul. They estimate correctly

They always find opportunities to realize their goals, however, sometimes they replace quality with quantity.

Aquarius performs best in the arts, as well as lawyers, psychologists and electronics. They can also be excellent mentors and inventors.

Aquarians are rarely interested in money, in any case, money for them is not a goal, but a means to achieve opportunities. Instead of luxury, they prefer convenience and restraint. This often prevents them from becoming “obese” morally, physically and mentally. This type of Aquarius prefers to spend better than hoard the money of others. At the same time, they observe discipline in everything and are jealous of their responsibilities. They are true to their word and always with great

They carry out the work assigned to them with responsibility, since work is the most important thing in their life.

Aquarius They work well in a team, are very sociable, and are excellent at social work. Aquarius often completely lacks a sense of envy and calculation. They tend to calmly accept the worldview of the people around them. Aquarius is always calm and always finds mutual understanding with his superiors. They often get a very unexpected promotion at work. They make good bosses, since they can not only give orders, but also know how to explain how best

However, there is another type of Aquarius who are influenced by Uranus. This species sometimes behaves very strangely. His life may seem naively sublime to many, full of strange but wonderful events, fabulous luck and such failure. This species feels better when it has no money than when it is rich.

In love, Aquarius often reveals a mixture of feelings with mental ideas. They often think about the impossible, create for themselves a difficult-to-achieve ideal, which does not always exist in reality, that is, they imagine the chosen one not at all as he really is, so disappointment soon sets in. And so for the sake of friendship they give up love.

Some Aquarians settle for dubious happiness, where the tenderness of feelings is subordinate to the will. Others try to hide their former sensuality under ostentatious coldness, which sometimes even manifests itself in the form of cruelty and cynicism.

The desire for prestige, a trap for Aquarius. Those who believe that Aquarius can be bent by life and especially love are greatly mistaken. This is far from true. Feelings pass through them, leaving the heart aside. They cannot be taken to places they do not want to go.

Most of all, Aquarius values ​​friendship and chosen affections. They rarely hate, but value their freedom most of all. Aquarius will never be a dog on a string. This is unacceptable for them.

Aquarius men They almost never wear wedding rings, because even when married they consider themselves free. And if the relationship becomes a burden for them, then they simply break it off. This is why Aquarius has the highest rate of divorces. They are more comfortable with a company of friends rather than with one specific person, so they treat strangers better than their own family.

Aquarius women They are often unwilling to agree in love, they are indifferent to the opinion of society, the religion of the chosen one, his nationality. However, like men, they prefer freedom. These individuals are very graceful and gentle. If a man stops satisfying them in any way, their love simply disappears. But if a man tries to become consistent with the ideal of his chosen one, then the woman will help him in every possible way in this until she puts him on a pedestal.

The best advice for an Aquarius is to never sacrifice love for friendship.

For marriage, friendship and cooperation, Aquarius needs to look for Leo, Libra, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius. Taurus and Scorpio are the worst combination with Aquarius.


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His motto is "I KNOW"

Fixed sign, ruler of the sign-Uranus. The element is air.

Good places- cinemas, train stations, mountains, rocks.

Color spectrum- gray, lilac, blue-green, violet.

Black is an unlucky color.

Stones- sapphire (but not dark), garnet, opal, amethyst.

Symbols- Aquarius, silver hands, wings, flight of birds and airplanes, zigzags, youth, icon.

Lucky numbers in the lottery- 9, 14, 19 and their combinations 91419…

Aquarius Temperament: Dynamic, sanguine.

Aquarius character: Kind, sociable, tactful, cheerful, original, inventive, good intelligence, intuition.

Aquarius professions: Psychologist, teacher, scientist, inventor, artist, astrologer. In general, Aquarius is prone to new and original professions. Among Aquarius there are many astrologers, original thinkers, aviators, racing drivers, electricians, radio engineers, psychoanalysts, various kinds of researchers and those who do unusual things. Aquarius is good as a manager, assistant, personal secretary, public relations specialist, production organizer, head of the supplier and consumer relations department. In fact, in every work, Aquarius strives to use non-standard methods, so he can be involved in unofficial medicine, can be an expert in scientific research and experiments, in modern production, in managing communications.

Science and higher education: Engineering sciences, physics (nuclear), radio electronics, cybernetics, social sciences, psychology.

Production activities: Electricity and radio communications, electrical engineering. Aviation and astronautics, transport construction. Nuclear industry - production of isotopes, nuclear fuel.

Medicine: Neurology, radiology, electrophysiology, homeopathy, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and hypnology.

Art: Directing, ballet, dramaturgy. Writers and actors.

Sport: Aviation and parachuting. Winter sports: skiing and skating, alpine skiing.

Work of Aquarius: His principle is absolute fairness, as he derives confidence from communicating with other people. He has a bad attitude towards tedious and mediocre work, but if he still has to do it, he will bring into it a creative element and a piece of his own bright individuality. Among his colleagues, Aquarius stands out for his unconventional attitude to assignments and orders, so it’s not bad if his boss also turns out to be a creative and extraordinary person. Aquarius has a good sense of the trends of the times, as well as the factual side of what is happening.

Aquarius Career: Aquarius is a leader by nature, although upward mobility is achieved only through one's own efforts. The average Aquarius is not recommended to strive for positions of authority, especially if he is aware of his inability to stop his flight of fancy. Aquarius can bury himself in his own superiority and demand from subordinates what they cannot provide.

Aquarius Business: Electronics industry, applied (not system) programming. Unofficial medicine, Internet services, modern means of communication. Aquarius definitely needs companions to restrain his unconventionality and troubles with the law. An Aquarius needs to choose a companion who is sufficiently down-to-earth so that he can bring him down to earth and keep him within the framework of the law and generally accepted norms.

Aquarius Health: Aquarius does not tolerate a polluted atmosphere, cold, or noise. He is prescribed “silence and solitude therapy.” Aquarius is characterized by varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, arthritis, blood diseases, and vision diseases. Responds well to magnetism and other non-traditional types of therapy. Aquarius is shown the elements phosphorus and soda. Herbs include marjoram. From homeopathy - witch hazel.

Aquarius Partners: Good compatibility with the signs Gemini and Libra. Poor compatibility with the signs Scorpio and Taurus. This, although correct, is too general a statement. The true compatibility of two people (and not just zodiac signs) must be assessed specifically, knowing the dates of birth of the partners.

Aquarius zodiac sign fortune telling

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Aquarius. Characteristics of the Zodiac signs.

Symbol: Aquarius, silver hands, wings, flight of birds and airplanes, zigzags, youth, sage.

Colors: gray, lilac, blue-green, violet (black color is unlucky).

Stone: garnet, zircon, light sapphire, opal, amethyst, lapis lazuli.

Happy day: Wednesday Saturday.

Favorable numbers: 2, 4 (all numbers divisible by 4), 8, 9, 11, 13.

Born from January 21 to February 1 under the influence of Venus - shy and delicate, melancholic and refined in love.

Born from 2 to 12 February under the influence of Mercury - gentle, intelligent, a little vain, moral, and have humor.

Born from 12 to 20 February under the influence of the Moon - natures are disappointed, reserved, modest, sensitive, truthful, adamant, pleasant.

There are weak and strong Aquarians. In general, this is a combination of an angel and a devil. They hate theatricality, they don’t want to produce effect, they don’t want to be impressive, but they don’t mind shocking. They want to do something nice, but mostly for themselves. They are alien to conventions in relation to themselves, but old-fashioned in family matters. They don’t want to be like anyone, but they want everyone to love them, they want to be free from the burden of the material world, but they strive for power, position, prestige.

They are curious, they are attracted to everything new, until they get bored, until they comprehend the whole truth. They rarely throw themselves at anything. They are contemplative of life, but can also be generous in spirit. There may be something subtle, gentle, smooth about Aquarius. They fluctuate between instinct and reason. They can be almost strangers to their own emotions.

Many are religious, mystical, understand nature, vegetarians, full of good intentions towards everyone, they do not know hatred. Their politeness is simplicity, some are trusting, sometimes too much. They are undiscerning, a little naive, they lack a sense of remorse, guilt, others, on the contrary, restrain their sensitivity, do not open their feelings, seclude themselves on every mistake, focus their intuition on the future, and achieve the highest goals. They want to be not only equal, but also superior, they resist if they are told what to do or restrained, they can become jealous, unfriendly, insensitive, imprudent, putting forward the slogan: “do as I say, and not as I do.”

Taste for clothes is varied and contradictory. Women prefer originality to everything. Some can create a seductive effect in the absence of jewelry or embellishment through subtle color selection. Some take originality to the point of extravagance and eccentricity, looking for something rare, unique, even shocking and even scandalous; there are also trendy ones.

No early career passion or ambition. They bring a human touch to everything they do. A profession can occupy a significant place in life. They can be highly conscious, disciplined, and responsible. They keep their word and do what is required of them.

They have an excellent sense of teamwork and are good at social work. They are unenvious and uncalculating, always ready to accept the point of view of others, have a good disposition and excellent relationships with their superiors. Often they are given an unexpected promotion. They know how to give orders, how to explain what should be done, no one can get a newbie up to speed better than them.

They find a way to implement their own ideas, although quantity sometimes suffers from quality.

The best field of application is the field of art, everything related to cinema, radio, television, pedagogy, education, invention, work as flight attendants, spiritual mentoring, sociology, psychology, social work, law, aeronautics, engineering.

They are rarely interested in money. Some people neglect money out of stupidity. Most famous Aquarians died in deep poverty. Making money is not one of the goals; they rarely want luxury; they prefer simplicity, even moderation, which keeps them from “obesity” - physical, mental and moral.

These are the worst owners, they hate checking accounts. They would rather spend than save.

But there are other Uranus-ruled Aquarians who lead persistently strange lives, sometimes martyrdom, that can seem romantic, full of disruptions and surprising events, unexpected shocks, amazing good and bad luck. They may be happier when they are poor than when they are rich.

Emotionally, Aquarius reveals itself in a complex way; his sensitivity merges with his own imagination. They like to dream about the unusual, especially in their youth, surround the object of love with a mystical aura that rarely corresponds to reality, in other words, they often idealize the chosen one, then they become disappointed and abandon love in the name of friendship.

Some settle for “relative” happiness, in which old sentimental traits play a subordinate role. Others hide their inner vulnerability under a layer of ice mixed with brilliant hardness, some may even become cynical, detached, deliberately unpleasant, even disgusting, but this is rarely the case.

The thirst for prestige is a trap for Aquarius. The idea that they can be easily affected by life, especially love, is an illusion. Passion may pass through them, but it will not destroy their hearts. It can be stimulating, but it rarely takes them where they don't want to go.

They invariably return to the purity of their source - friendship and chosen affections. They rarely bother with hatred; even more than Gemini and Libra, they want to be free. A relationship where they are a “bird in a cage” is unbearable for them.

Aquarians rarely wear wedding rings. If they are enslaved by relationships, they only think about liberation, which they prepare in silence. Aquarians have the highest divorce rate. They are more willing to give themselves to a company than to one person. They can give more to strangers than to members of their own family.

Women can be intractable in matters of love and not pay attention to public opinion, religion, or nationality. Like men, they want freedom. They are extremely feminine and sensitive. If a man disappoints them, then their ardor decreases and may disappear altogether, but if he is trying to restore a good opinion of himself, the woman will do everything possible to help him until she puts him on a pedestal.

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“Aquarius, Aquarius, don’t spill everything you wear!” This is exactly what children usually scream when they play one famous game. So the stars shout to Aquarius not to splash their talents left and right, but to try to take a balanced approach to choosing their future path. Nature has endowed the representatives of this sign with high intelligence, developed emotional intelligence and amazing good nature, which irritates many.

Indeed, when a person accepts what is said to him with a smile, it is very easy to mistake him for an arrogant person who is indifferent to others. In fact, this is not so, and many Aquarians themselves suffer from this peculiarity.

Next year, the air sign will have to reconsider its attitude towards life in order to make it even better. Natural courage and perseverance in achieving goals, as well as the support of a four-legged friend - the symbol of the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, will help Aquarius solve a number of vital tasks and free themselves from the pressure of society. The 2018 horoscope for Aquarius will tell you what is in store for this zodiac sign.

General forecast

Aquarians, whose prime of youth also falls on the new year 2018, must be prepared for the fact that they will finally have to choose their life’s work. If you are tormented by doubts regarding the need for further education or a change in professional activity, do not worry - feel free to return to the walls of the educational institution and gnaw on the granite of science.

The desire to learn and learn something new is the main trait of any Aquarius, so go ahead to new discoveries. Otherwise, you will face constant regret about the missed opportunity. But there is something to miss, because this kind of decision will have a direct impact on the quality and standard of future life. Simply put, in 2018 Aquarians will be faced with a choice - go with the flow, or take a risk and make their dreams come true.

Don’t give up the chance to do what you love, because it’s not in vain that Saturn shared his best qualities with you: tireless perseverance, frantic efficiency and endless potential for realizing your talents.

In principle, we can say that Aquarius, especially those born in the second half of the zodiac cycle, will one way or another have to reconsider their attitude towards life: clarify relationships with some people, establish new contacts and break ties with old ones that have been dragging them down for a long time to the bottom. It just so happens that many representatives of the air sign are faced with a huge number of envious people hiding behind friendship. The New Year will put everything in its place and help Aquarius accept the fact that not all people are kind and sincere.

FAVORABLE COLORS: shades of blue and blue, blue-green, violet, lilac, gray and silver.

LUCKY NUMBERS: 2, 4, 8 (all numbers divisible by four), 9, 11, 13.

LUCKY DAYS FOR AQUARIUS: Wednesday, Saturday. It is on these days that important things should begin.

Love sphere

Those Aquarians who have already decided on their choice of life partner, exhale - the person snoring on the next pillow is exactly the one destined for you by fate. And this could be called a bold statement if it were not for the fact that not everyone can get along with Aquarius, which means that the person who had the strength and courage to win your heart is simply doomed to die with you on the same day.

No, Aquarians are not particularly quarrelsome, it’s just important for them to be on the “same wavelength” with a person. Then they will be able to completely trust their partner and fall asleep cuddling with him, despite the fact that sometimes it is hot and not very comfortable. Therefore, you should not expect any troubles in the future. On the contrary, there is a high probability that Aquarius, who have not yet legalized their relationship, will have a wedding before the end of the year and, with the permission of the registry office employee, will be able to kiss each other.

Aquarius, who have been married for a long time You also won’t have to worry about the future of your relationship. To maintain your family hearth, try to tell your significant other as often as possible how much you love her and how lucky you are to have her. Usually these words make even the one who pronounces them warmer, let alone the others.

Lonely Aquarius They also run the risk of meeting a person who can replace all the people on earth - friends, parents, brothers and sisters. For single men, the precursor to a fateful acquaintance may be a trip to distant places or a business trip to a neighboring city, and in general, a meeting may take place at the most seemingly inopportune moment for this - at the entrance, in line for chocolates on sale or in a friendly company, where they will lead the mysterious stranger.

And if at first glance it seems that this is not your person, take a closer look - in fact, this is the person you need, and his behavior is caused by nothing more than a desire to attract attention to himself. A cutesy girl most often is not one, but, you see, you want to look at her. So in this case, despite the fact that Aquarians can boast of amazing insight, even they make mistakes, they just do it less often than all other zodiac signs.

Concerning free representatives of the fair sex, then next year the exact man you want to see next to you will appear on the horizon. As someone great said: “Beware of your wishes, they tend to come true,” so when creating the image of an ideal gentleman, be careful - a playful Dog will bring to your door a person who will “meet all the specified requirements,” no matter how funny it is sounded.

However, the Aquarius woman should also go towards her happiness, and not coldly accept love that has fallen on her head. Whatever one may say, there are two people involved in a relationship, and if Aquarius cannot trust her lover and release her feminine charm, then there is nothing to expect from such a relationship - not a single man, even one deeply in love, will play with one goal.

In this regard, next year air sign girls need to pay great attention to how they express their emotions and try to get rid of the fear of unhappy love.

Remember, a love prediction guarantees a favorable outcome only if you open your heart, and nothing else.

The Yellow Dog will pay special attention in matters of the heart to Aquarians born in her year, whether they are 12 years old or 60. As a kind parent, she will connect hearts, pushing people together who, at first glance, belong to completely different worlds. But what will this world do if the Dog manages to unravel the tangles of fate and pull out exclusively red threads from them?

  • Aquarius has the best compatibility with the air element zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra And Aquarius. There is a favorable prognosis for love and marital relationships here.
  • Good compatibility with Sagittarius And Aries. Love promises to be stormy and can bring a lot of positive emotions to each of the partners. Partners will inspire each other.
  • Union with Scorpio may be useful for your career. Long-term relationships can work out if both partners allow themselves to be controlled a little.
  • Union with Taurus- for emotional support. But if partners find a common language and come to terms with their differences, then the union has a greater chance of becoming happy.
  • Relationship with Pisces can give you an advantage financially. A happy marriage is possible, but it will require the maturity and wisdom of the partners.
  • The best choice for marriage is a lion. Partners will be attracted to each other like magnets.
  • Partnership with Capricorn will be fruitful for spiritual development. This union becomes stronger after some time. This combination is much better for long-term relationships and marriage than for short-term romance.
  • WITH Virgo Strong love and marriage are possible if both partners have strong feelings for each other.
  • Good relationship with Cancer possible if both partners are more attentive and sensitive towards each other.


If we talk about careers and potential heights, then everything is quite simple. At the moment, Aquarius stands at a crossroads of possible roads, so it is quite difficult to predict anything. The success or failure of certain undertakings depends only on their actions.

Representatives of the sign who dare to follow their desires will experience resounding success, especially if they develop in the humanitarian direction: journalists, translators and artists can gain an unforgettable experience of working abroad, and one trip promises to be fateful. The only thing left to do is to put aside the opinions of others and do as your heart desires. And even though many will not approve of your action, at least you can find out who really wants you to be happy, and who is just holding on to your kindness.

For Aquarians with a technical mindset, it will be easier in this regard: having long ago decided on a profession, they only have to move from one career ladder to another, reaching the next professional height. The careers of the so-called “techies” will go up quite quickly next year and this, if you think about it, is not surprising, because the extraordinary intelligence of Aquarius helps them solve complex problems in a short time and generate non-standard ideas that usually cause a sensation.


In the area of ​​health, the Year of the Dog 2018 for Aquarius does not foretell any serious problems. It just so happens that representatives of this sign naturally have good immunity and health, so they can even avoid a cold.

However, in winter it is worth paying attention to the quality of shoes - very high heels or slippery soles can lead to a minor, but very unpleasant injury. To avoid problems with the ankle, try to choose shoes that are not very narrow, otherwise problems with veins may also appear.

For those Aquarians who have difficulties with their physical fitness, the astrological forecast does not advise them to worry about the impossibility of solving their problem; on the contrary, next year is suitable for changes like no other, even if these are changes in lifestyle and appearance.

Before tormenting yourself with diets and looking for a magical method to improve your parameters, pay attention to your eating habits - this will bring much greater results than hoping for revolutionary methods that, as a rule, do not work.

In our article you can read about “”. Sign up for the pool, buy a gym membership and start with something simple, and then the results will not be long in coming. And in general, in this matter it is worth remembering one simple truth: “A healthy lifestyle is healthy because a person must be healthy. And if a person is unhealthy, then this is already an unhealthy lifestyle.”


The Aquarius financial horoscope for 2018 also looks very favorable. Some representatives of the sign will be able to change their field of activity to one that brings more serious income, which means that they will not have to expect financial difficulties.

In general, fortune telling with money is an extremely thankless task, as any astrologer will tell you. A person either knows how to earn money or he doesn’t. And how good it is that Aquarians are precisely those signs that know how to handle money. With due diligence, next year will become a landmark year for many Aquarians, especially for those who dare to develop their own business. Air signs, as a rule, are not stupid and sometimes cunning, so they will not have any special problems with organizing work.

Unexpected sources of income that will fall like snow on their heads include the sudden receipt of an inheritance. The exact date, of course, is unknown, however, this event will most likely happen in one spring month.

Any astrological forecast is fraught with a feature that does not always play a positive role in people’s lives. So, you tell one person that a great future awaits him, and he will lie down on the sofa in order to wait for it faster. To prevent this from happening, it is worth understanding an important point: astrology talks about the possible development of events, but how they will actually develop depends on the person and his personal choice.

As the great Baron Munchausen would have said if he had lived in this amazing time: “Choose, gentlemen, choose, walking along someone else’s road is not yet a sign of a happy future!”

This sign, the sign of Aquarius, is the eleventh in the series of signs of the zodiac horoscope, and is believed to be a sign of perspective, the future, and new projects. Aquarius symbolizes intellectual development through communication and communication. Of all the signs, he is the most idealistic and humanitarian sign of the zodiac, with a strong sense of community, brotherhood and devotion.

The patron saint of Aquarius is Uranus, the planet of change and revolutionary transformations, representing novelty, innovation, a powerful engine of progress, an insatiable craving for adventure and freedom. Uranus, also called the planet of rebels, its energy is radical, sudden, and unpredictable.

Aquarius is the third among the zodiac signs of the element of air, and this means that its intellectuality is expressed as an intuitive connection of the universal principles of our world.

Aquarius rules the eleventh house of the horoscope, the sector associated with friends and colleagues, intellectual pleasures, socialization and attitude towards society. This house describes personal hopes and desires, social, collective and humanitarian issues.

Aquarius is a fixed sign; it always resists controlled behavior and opinions and judgments imposed from the outside. Aquarius always forms his own opinion, but what is unusual is that, without any problems, if necessary, he is able to abandon it and adapt to the situation. But, if suddenly someone dares to put pressure on Aquarius, they will definitely recognize his stubborn and eccentric nature.

A positive quality of an Aquarius is definitely their ability to accept and sympathize with many points of view at once, they are able to understand each of them. His wide-ranging understanding of causes makes him an excellent mediator. Aquarians are unusually independent and extremely unique people with a deep spiritual world, and their inherent intuition, loyalty and ingenuity make Aquarius a welcome guest in any company.

Naturally, Aquarians have some weaknesses, and the most glaring negative trait is that they can be erratic in their actions. From time to time, Aquarians can be absent-minded, inadequate and unrealistic, confusing their own interests with public interests. And sometimes they can be so distant that others think of them as inaccessible and reserved people.

Personal horoscope
An astrological horoscope often helps us to clearly understand internal contradictions, possible difficulties and future events awaiting us on the path of life. However, general horoscopes that describe a whole group of people according to a specific zodiac sign are rarely able to give us accurate advice; only personal horoscopes compiled according to the data of a specific person are capable of this. Use one of the following astrological forecasts: