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Rooster man horoscope. Rooster

According to the eastern horoscope, the Rooster man is a very mysterious person. It is difficult to decipher even when you think you know it well. This is explained by the fact that inside he experiences very violent emotions and experiences, which, however, he does not let out.

This results in a very complex personality and a disharmony between what he does and what he says out loud. According to the horoscope, the Rooster man loves to impress others, and often people who are interested in him can perceive the signals sent to him in a completely different way. This creates a lot of confusion, misunderstanding, and later disappointment.

The Rooster man can present himself well, takes care of his appearance, and often takes care of physical training that keeps his body in decent condition. Unfortunately, personal life can be very turbulent - for various reasons. The ancient Chinese did not prophesy anything good for marriages concluded with a young Rooster. Only in his mature years does he have a chance to find calm love.

Rooster man in love

It is known that every Rooster needs not just one hen, but a devoted harem or at least several fans who are in love with him as a deity. If the male Rooster disappears, then look for him not in a bar with a bottle of beer or vodka, but in your girlfriend’s bed. This is an incorrigible womanizer - until the moment he truly falls in love.

The characteristic of the Rooster man is such that even if he loves a woman very much, he does not clearly show his feelings. He is often very reserved because he is afraid or embarrassed to express himself, or maybe it’s just not in his character. He cannot be called a great romantic, but he is completely devoted to his woman. And if he really cares about her, is interested in her feelings, then he is able to completely refuse flirting with other ladies. It must be said that it is, of course, not easy for a Rooster man to be faithful in a love relationship, because he is constantly surrounded by their company, and he is very flattered by their interest.

Male Rooster in sex

The 100% Rooster has something of the king of life. He loves women, their company, sincerely admires beauty and is constantly exposed to the sweet temptation to succumb to their sex appeal. The Rooster man is a sexual instigator, his appetite for various experiments and “tricks” is simply enormous.

Horoscope: Rooster man in a permanent relationship

When the time comes to start a family, he becomes a typical homebody and is very reluctant to leave the house where he feels very good. The Rooster man in a relationship expects complete devotion, trust, and unconditional acceptance of his personality. As the eastern horoscope warns, if he cannot get the feeling of stability he so expects, then, of course, the relationship is not destined to last long.

Besides being an impressive lover, the Rooster is quite practical in everyday life. He knows how to make good money, but can also spend a lot of money, including on secret mistresses. When he creates a family, takes care of its well-being and prosperity, he becomes a generous husband. Although he is not a model of fidelity, he is sometimes jealous of his companion, like Othello. The husband of the Year of the Rooster constantly monitors her imaginary lovers, and you should not play on this great weakness of his.

Only a well-groomed woman can attract a Rooster man, and then keep him and go through life as a beloved companion. A person born in this year attaches great importance to the beauty of his partner, but not so much to her physical advantages, but to her general style. How to please a Rooster man and seduce him? Be original and “high class”.

The Rooster is an intellectual; he often likes to talk about various topics. His common hobbies are politics and journalism, so participating with him in rallies, demonstrations or parades, supporting his views on social life can be an effective way to win over the Rooster man.

A man born in the year of the Rooster has little chance of remaining unnoticed in a company. It’s as if an amplifier is built into it: a loud voice, broad gestures, direct gaze. The Rooster man is active and talkative, he is always ready to take on a challenge or have fun. His openness is an integral character trait; like a character from “Adventure Time,” he is always ready for adventure and interesting stories.

The Rooster man goes through life with his visor open, which makes him very attractive in the eyes of others, including the opposite sex. He has many friends who know that the Rooster man will always come to the rescue and be honest with them. And women especially value him for his courage and openness, which make the Rooster man an exotic “product” on the grooms’ market.

How to win a Rooster man

To win a Rooster man, first you will have to break through the crowd that surrounds him from morning to night. He is an extrovert who loves to be the center of attention and events. Well, if events don’t happen for a long time, he creates them himself. Thanks to his ability to make the atmosphere around him bright and noisy, the Rooster man often becomes the organizer of various events - parties, buffets, discussions, meetings. In them, you can be sure, he assigns himself the main role, which he is usually one hundred percent passionate about. Therefore, the first and most difficult rule of seduction with a representative of this sign of the Chinese horoscope is to attract the attention of the Rooster man.

This can be done with the help of some extravagant act or bright clothes in which you can safely go to the Brazilian Carnival. Just don’t take away the palm from the Rooster man when it comes to the brightness of his actions. It is enough to capture his attention just once, and then move on to active admiration mode. You won’t have to fake it - the behavior of the Rooster man is so unpredictable and non-trivial that it’s difficult to resist delight.

If it comes to a meeting-date, it is best to arrange it in some popular place filled with people. Remember, the Rooster man is not a supporter of quiet cozy nooks! He is attracted to places where he can express himself, showing everyone not only his new suit, but also the depth of his inner world. In addition, the Rooster man loves to talk about himself and his hobbies. Ask clarifying questions, listen carefully and do not interrupt - it will not be difficult, because he is an excellent storyteller, in whose stories there is room for humor and intrigue.

Relationship with a Rooster man

In a relationship with a Rooster man, the main thing is to always remain calm and balanced. From the very beginning, agree to resolve difficult situations with him without scandals, otherwise he himself, due to his straightforwardness, does not always feel where the line between “possible” and “impossible” ends. This is why in a love relationship with a Rooster man, it is important to let him know when what he says is unacceptable and unpleasant. If you convey this idea to him clearly and briefly, the Rooster man will adjust his behavior, because the representative of this sign of the Chinese horoscope does not set out to offend a loved one. And if he does it, it’s not out of malice.

The Rooster man will be proud of your relationship with him, and on occasion he will definitely brag to his friends and family about what an amazing woman he got. Also, with pleasure and pride, he will introduce his beloved to his wide circle of friends. In general, when meeting a Rooster man, he always adheres to the principle “my friends are now your friends.” It is not surprising that the number of friendships in his life is simply off the charts.

It’s easy to make new acquaintances with him: wherever you go - on vacation, to the theater or even to the forest to pick mushrooms - the Rooster man will be able to quickly find “great guys with whom you can have fun.” So you are unlikely to be bored while sitting at home. At the same time, the Rooster man respects the warmth and comfort of his home nest and will not refuse to spend time with you alone, in the most romantic setting.

The Rooster man takes care of his family, considering it his duty to provide financial support to loved ones. Something is bothering him, he speaks about it directly, and is unlikely to harbor a grudge in his soul. In general, the Rooster man is used to solving all problems that arise immediately, without delay. And even though it may not be very pleasant - like tearing off a band-aid with one jerk - but the heavy sensations are much less extended over time.

Sometimes, in the process of sorting out the relationship with the Rooster man, it may seem to you that the degree of drama on his part is somewhat exaggerated, but you quickly get used to this feature of his: the Rooster man is really not alien to a certain amount of theatricality and grotesqueness in the manifestation of his feelings. Both negative and positive.

Accustomed throughout his life to being the center of attention, the Rooster man will be extremely furious if he sees someone flirting with his woman, and she, horror of horrors, responds kindly. You shouldn't do that! Giving a Rooster man a reason to be jealous is like waving a red rag in front of a bull: pointless, desperate and extremely dangerous. Try to confess your love to him more often, give him confidence that he is the main person in your life, and then the Rooster man will melt and do everything in his power to make you happy next to him!

"Rooster Man according to the Chinese Horoscope", Nadezhda Zima

When interested in a love horoscope, pay special attention to the compatibility of the Rooster man with other signs. According to the eastern calendar, representatives of this sign are extraordinary and bright personalities who are extremely popular with the opposite sex.

General characteristics of the sign

A man born in the year of the Rooster has a number of undeniable advantages that certainly distinguish him from other signs. This is an active and purposeful person who pays great attention to the business she has chosen in life, therefore she takes her work very seriously, devoting a lot of time to the development of various professional skills and abilities.

The Rooster is always confident in himself, so he easily gets along with different people, in addition, he likes to shock the public, attracting everyone's attention. Thanks to their openness, courage, natural attractiveness and innate charm, men of this sign easily conquer women's hearts.

Description in a relationship

Each sign undoubtedly has their own preferences for a partner. It is clear that in order to build this or that union, it is necessary to take into account a number of character traits of your future soul mate.

According to the Eastern horoscope, do representatives of the stronger sex manifest themselves in love and sexual unions?

In love

Since the Rooster man is used to dominating in love, he will do everything possible to win the woman he likes. At the same time, he gets carried away very easily and cools down no less quickly in his feelings. When a representative of this sign meets his soulmate, he will do everything to make her happy and their family union to be a success. When courting their chosen one, the stronger sex will certainly conquer her with courtesy and gallantry, and surprise her with pleasant and unexpected surprises and gifts. Their relationship will be bright and emotionally rich.

  1. This is the undisputed leader in relationships.
  2. Men born in the year of the Rooster want a woman to be attentive to them and always take care of their appearance and clothing.
  3. In addition, the intellectual level of development of the partner is of great importance, otherwise they simply will not have common topics for conversation, and he will immediately get bored in such a relationship.

In sex

According to his characteristics, a man whose year of birth is considered the year of the Rooster is sexually suitable for many signs, since from birth he has a special attractive magnetism. Women find representatives of this sign sexy and want to have them in their bed.

By the way, the most famous lovers in the world were born in the year called the Year of the Rooster. Since sex plays a very important role in their lives, they never cease to amaze their partners with their boundless imagination and love of experimentation.

Compatibility with other signs

When choosing a partner for life, it is very important to pay attention to such a concept as compatibility of zodiac signs. Let's take a closer look at which year the Rooster man is most compatible with. Which of the signs, according to the eastern horoscope, is most suitable for creating a strong union with him?

Rat (Mouse)

Not the best couple. Constantly arising difficulties will interfere with both friendships and work, and family relationships. In this union, each partner makes high demands not only on himself, but also on his significant other.

As a result, many claims and unjustified expectations accumulate between lovers, and the relationship gradually deteriorates and cools.

Bull (Ox)

The union will succeed if both partners make concessions to each other and begin to behave like adults. Overall, this relationship will be successful. A woman will be pleased that she has such an attractive and sexy partner; next to him she will always feel like a goddess.

Despite his flighty character, the man remains faithful to his girlfriend, appreciating the care and reliable support that she provides him. Over the years, the couple's love will become stronger, and the relationship will develop into a happy union.


Not everything in this union will always go smoothly and without problems, but in general such relationships will work out perfectly. Both partners are bright and extraordinary individuals who value personal freedom. At the same time, the Rooster and the Tiger have a lot of common hobbies and interests, thanks to which they will never be bored with each other.

The woman in this couple will not want to give up leadership to her partner, because of this, conflicts and mutual claims are likely. But loving and appreciating their couple, the stronger sex will easily smooth out all the misunderstandings that arise.

Rabbit (Hare, Cat)

The problem in this case will be the different temperaments of the partners. The Rooster is very emotional and open to everything new and unknown, while the Rabbit is calm, unhurried, accustomed to thinking through and calculating its actions in advance.

Even if the lovers make concessions, it is unlikely that their union will be happy, since the partners will not be able to develop in such a relationship. The most memorable year for them will be the first year of their relationship.

The Dragon

But this union promises to be not only successful, but also happy. The life together of the representatives of the signs will be filled with positive changes. The Rooster man, thanks to his love of adventure, will be happy to make the wildest dreams and fantasies of the Dragon woman come true.

This is a fairly harmonious union. Even if conflicts occur, the partner will quickly improve the relationship by yielding to his beloved.


Although both the Snake and the Rooster are problematic signs in the horoscope, their union will undoubtedly be strong and lead to a happy family life. It is with this partner that a woman will reveal herself as a homemaker.

Having found each other, lovers will remain faithful and sincere in their feelings, having lived together for decades. Representatives of these signs easily forgive each other's mistakes.

Horse (Horse)

Relationships are only possible if the partners agree to personal freedom. When dating a Horse woman, the Rooster man will feel great, but attempts to start a life together or family will cause many difficulties.

It will be difficult for this couple to find a common language and come to an agreement, since everyone hears only themselves. The lovers will begin to spend most of their time arguing, endlessly proving that they are right.

Goat (Sheep)

The combination of these signs in the horoscope is not the most successful. Each of the partners is accustomed to being given special attention and care. The Rooster, as a rule, does not think about money, but the Goat, on the contrary, needs a sense of security, which a stable financial situation can provide it with.

In addition, it will be difficult for such a couple to find a common language and find true spiritual intimacy. Therefore, partners often break up, even after living together for several years.


It is easy for a Monkey woman to charm a man of this sign. Carried away, she will make every effort to create a good relationship with him. But whether such a union will be happy depends on how much the partners will try to hear and understand not only their other half, but also themselves.

It is very important for the partner in this relationship to feel that the woman needs the relationship with him as much as he does. If the Monkey values ​​his loved one, the union has a chance of success.


A serious relationship in this couple most likely will not work out, since both partners are very emotional and dreamy, it will be difficult for them to get along in everyday life.

People whose birth year is the year of the Rooster value their career, so they will pay little attention to everyday issues and raising children. Because of this, of course, scandals and quarrels will arise, since each spouse will demand understanding and support from the other.


The stumbling block in these relationships will be the different life goals and aspirations of the partners. It will be surprising if they ever create a married couple. The partner is too restless and changeable in his views, which will certainly irritate the other half.


The relationship will last as long as the partner is ready to put up with this state of affairs. As soon as she gets tired of pleasing and chasing her lover all the time, she will break them off and find herself a new partner.


This is what the compatibility horoscope of the Rooster man with other signs looks like. However, when choosing a partner, do not forget that a person, first of all, creates his own destiny. The characteristics of the sign in question allow us to conclude that it is almost always compatible with other signs, and therefore we are talking about one’s own priorities and willingness to make compromises.

The Rooster - a military man, administrator or mechanical engineer - engages in sex very decisively, fixated on the end result, which is usually absolute pleasure and satisfaction.

He is conservative, loves to flirt, he is open and self-confident.

A man with the sign of the Rooster must have special skills in sex and have his own “credentials” in order to win the heart of a lady.

These are men who incredibly love compliments and in everything that has to do with matters of the heart, they show sensitivity and openly demonstrate a desire to fully have rights over their partner.

They are constantly concerned about finding a worthy couple, they are always worried and show impatience when they want to please a strong, even dangerous and fatal woman.

Passion, perversion, excess - this is exactly what such an unceremonious and secretly voluptuous lover as the Rooster craves.

According to Chinese astrology, a man with a Rooster sign is incredibly sexy, very fertile and can have more children than any average family.

His soul is very conservative, and his nature is completely Yin, and therefore public recognition is not at all what he needs.

Despite his inherent reserve, the Rooster, however, is a passionate lover. It's practically a powder keg! Any female who has her eye on this perspicacious man who can see right through people (like a laser beam) must be aware of what she is getting into.

Sexually, a man with the sign of the Rooster has a penchant for sadomasochistic techniques and loves to act out fantasy sex scenes. He loves the game of master and master, and he uses it to bring a woman to an insane orgasm, and then he makes her suffer with the desire to experience the same pleasure again. He marinates her slightly, pausing, only to drag her back into the bedroom and have her beg him to repeat the “experiment.”

Such a man loves drama in the bedroom, and therefore no shy or bashful woman will tolerate his “stuff” and will immediately throw him out along with his belongings.

He likes sex to be energetic, he likes to use force, he likes his woman to submit to him and be “sick” with love for him.

A man with the sign of the Rooster is one for whom myriads of women personify the ideal lover, combining an enterprising and independent businesswoman, an angelic mother and an incredibly playful lover

If his lover agrees to play with him the games invented by his rich imagination, she will see that she is dealing with a loyal, attentive and stable lover.

When a man with the sign of the Rooster is more depraved, he cannot be gentle, and secretly he likes to feel like a “slave” in sexual games with his mistress.

A man with the sign of the Rooster is not the best lover, and it is not easy to live with him. He wants a woman who never gets discouraged, who can accept his intense emotions and drama, and who has a healthy sense of self-worth.

The Rooster man cannot stand indifference, even when I ignore him.

years of birth: 1909 1921 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017

The rooster belongs to the Yang group of animals. This is the tenth sign of the Chinese horoscope. Its time is from 17 to 19 hours. The season that brings good luck is autumn, and the peak period is September. According to the European Zodiac, it corresponds to the sign of Virgo. Its fixed element is Metal. The color that brings happiness and prosperity is yellow. Flowers and plants that bring good luck are hawthorn, sunflower, gentian, palm and orange tree. The most favorable countries for the Rooster are England, Austria, Ghana, Haiti, Paraguay.

There is a belief that Roosters spread throughout the world from the Scandinavian countries and their ancestor was the Gallic Rooster. There are no legends associated with it, it is simply a symbol. During the revolution in France, the Rooster was a symbol of revolutionaries. This is not in vain, because no one can deny his combativeness and tenacity. It is believed that the Rooster symbolizes the Sun, since with its morning singing it calls the mighty luminary to the sky. In India, it personifies solar energy, and in Japan - the revival of the first light. In China, the Rooster symbolizes the five main virtues. This is a real harbinger of good, with his appearance and gait he lures good spirits, with his comb he resembles the noble Chinese Rooster - this is the image of the patron and a symbol of life. With his calling cry, he heralds the coming of the day and disperses the evil spirits of darkness. We know that according to all legends, witches, sorcerers and vampires are able to act only until the first cock crow. The rooster represents youth, light and hope.

In nature there are a huge number of different Roosters, which amaze with their incredible colors and length of feathers. They are always businesslike and casual, regarding their human masters as servants for their important person. When there were no clocks yet, the rooster served as an alarm clock, and even now in distant villages where civilization has not yet penetrated, people get up at the call of the rooster in order to begin field work.

In general, the life of the Rooster does not promise great success. They typically experience many ups and downs throughout their lives, both in love and work. Poverty will alternate with wealth.

If the Rooster was born in the spring, he will be less of a braggart. In childhood, adolescence and adulthood, the Rooster is often burdened with problems that cause him to rise and fall. During such periods they experience both happiness and failure. They may find themselves either in a noisy circle of people or in complete isolation. But, as a rule, in the second half of life their situation stabilizes, they acquire a good job and position in society. Then their life becomes calm and they live to a deep and happy old age.


These are very versatile individuals who actively participate in all areas of activity. Very bright, elegant, beautifully dressed, because they love when people pay attention to them. They show great taste in everything. Roosters know how to present themselves and cannot go unnoticed. They begin to put themselves in order even before everyone wakes up. These people are rarely satisfied with themselves. They are very pleasant in communication. Completely relaxed and... do not depend on the assessment of others.

Roosters are very educated and know how to carry on a conversation on any topic. They are adored in any company, they are welcome guests at any party. These are real secular people. Roosters love to show off their knowledge; this is their kind of protection. They also love to be the subject of salon gossip and to be conspicuous with their colorful clothes. No psychological genius can figure out if they're really that laid-back, or if it's just great acting? It’s just that Roosters know very well all their strengths and weaknesses. In fact, this is just a fragile creature that is afraid of public exposure.

Just because Roosters are easy to communicate with, this does not mean that they are easy to get along with. They are too selfish and do not like to be contradicted. First of all, they care exclusively about their peace of mind and well-being, finding this quite normal. At the same time, they are completely indifferent to the condition of others. They do not tolerate even the slightest interference in their own affairs and never interfere in those of others. Roosters are distrustful and difficult to fool. They will do some real research before believing. If, by their standards, the information is true, then they will take the necessary actions. Deep down at heart they are very conservative both in politics and in the family. These people are convinced that they are always right and infallible.

Despite this, Roosters are terribly sensitive and sentimental. They are greatly appreciated by those around them, because Roosters can provide assistance in the most critical situations. They are very kind and helpful, happy to carry out other people's orders. But if they feel that they are being exploited and their kindness is being used for personal gain, they will kick the impudent person out.

People often turn to them for advice - no one can understand the essence of the problem better than the Rooster. These people are capable of showering you with fantastic ideas, but this does not mean that they can be implemented. They prefer to keep their problems to themselves. Roosters have difficulty accepting help from others, and this complicates relationships with others. Roosters do not like to feel dependent even on friends.

Roosters are always original, sometimes to the point of eccentricity. They are easy-going and never get impatient. Sometimes they withdraw into themselves, not wanting to reveal the reasons for their experiences. Those born under this sign love to dream of their own castles in the air and imagine themselves as heroes. These are real warriors, geniuses and philosophers in slippers. They do not know how to live according to a stable schedule, but their moral principles are completely indestructible.

Sometimes they are drawn to adventure, but at the same time they are very concerned about their safety. They cannot be called cowards, because they boldly face danger. This is the bravest sign of the Chinese horoscope.


Roosters often surprise others with their attitude towards money. They absolutely cannot stand control and are used to managing their own funds. They are not able to save and budget correctly. Their expenses always significantly exceed their income. There is hardly a Rooster who knows how to manage his financial affairs. Therefore, they often fall into financial dependence and suffer disasters. They spend their money with incredible ease, without thinking about the consequences. But sometimes their greed awakens, especially if they are next to a rich person. Knowing that you can pay your bill, they will never pay for you as a courtesy.

They are not embarrassed by the lack of money in their account. On the contrary, they feel much better when there is no money, since the problem of where to spend it disappears. Apparently, the Roosters have little interest in financial power; they need money to satisfy their needs and desires. This makes them dexterous, flexible and allows them to easily endure any hardship and need. Roosters perceive everything as it is. They are realists in everything.


These people can succeed in any profession because they are very confident in themselves. -Roosters are smart, dexterous, they know how to win and are endowed with incredible eloquence. They adore comfort and therefore strive for high material well-being, but cannot do routine work. The Rooster needs creative work related to travel and travel. They love professions that involve spectacle, because here they can spread their tail and turn into a peacock.

Roosters are very disciplined, but sometimes they are drawn to exploits. At such moments they may make a mistake. Roosters are vain and rise through the ranks through a harmonious combination of persistence, directness and energy. They stop only when the goal is achieved.

People born under the sign of the Rooster are highly valued, but not everyone agrees with them. Roosters do not know how to compromise even with the most powerful authorities. Their most powerful weapon is charm; it works wonders. But this weapon does not always work. For many Roosters, their professional lives are extremely unstable. They tend to frequently change the direction of their activities, so they jump from place to place, forgetting about the future. Only the Family can have the proper influence on him. When the Rooster is married, he looks at his professional responsibilities differently.

These people easily withstand extreme situations and easily find suitable solutions. Of course, impressionability can play a cruel joke on them - then the Roosters simply get lost in the details. But in any case, they do not tolerate outside interference; they are able to solve all problems on their own. In their work they are always organized, almost pedantic. They never lose enthusiasm and boldly rush forward.

Having a dreamy nature, they can become lazy. Sometimes they grab a large piece that they cannot swallow, after which they are very disappointed. Money does not come easily to Roosters, but if they overcome their daydreaming, they will definitely achieve success. But there is another side to the coin. If the Rooster fails to overcome his absent-mindedness, he will turn into a philosophical vagabond. At the same time, it is impossible not to notice it.

Roosters are very suitable for work on the land and for public positions where constant contact with people is required. They usually quickly spend everything they earn. They take on great financial risks, often leading them to ruin. The rooster does not know how to save.

They make excellent commercial agents, cooks, bartenders, salesmen, estheticians, manicurists, hairdressers, cosmetologists, dentists, surgeons, officials, military personnel, firefighters, police officers, bodyguards, waiters and teachers.


The rooster is distinguished by another phenomenon - it matures very early. However, Roosters skillfully organize their future and choose their partner correctly. They know how to take care of themselves and those close to them. Their wisdom helps to properly adapt to loved ones. This is not surprising, because they are very sociable and energetic, which helps in everyday communication.

Roosters are capable of bringing the atmosphere of love to perfection. If their partner cannot appreciate their efforts, they will quickly turn away from him and try to find someone else or devote themselves to their career. Roosters cannot tolerate ignorance and behave frankly in any situation.

Representatives of this sign can be carried away by passion, but at the same time they will never lose their heads. There is no need to pay attention to the frivolous appearance - intelligence and prudence are hidden behind their appearance. They do not like to retreat; they know the feeling of victory. But if victory comes easily, they quickly forget about the loser. Roosters prefer difficulties; they are attracted to impregnable barricades.

In love, Roosters sometimes suffer failures due to an indomitable desire to keep their beloved. They may be disappointed because their dreams sometimes diverge from reality. They can be reproached for infidelity, because Roosters are too loving and are accustomed to looking for something new, unknown. But this is not an easy matter, because they are very jealous of their independence. So Roosters may accidentally pass by true love, which they will regret for the rest of their lives. They have a similar attitude towards friends. Roosters are terribly jealous and do not tolerate rivals. They may not show it outwardly, but inside they will be seething. They never suffer from indifference. Under no circumstances should they be suppressed by all-consuming passion. It's better to find an approach from the other side. They are incorrigible talkers - they need to throw a suitable topic and try to listen to them. They can also be seduced by delicious cuisine and interesting gossip.


There is no need to pay attention to the appearance of the Rooster. Although at times he looks like a dreamer, he treats family responsibilities with great responsibility. Roosters love order and are endowed with unshakable morality, so they are partial to conventions and laws. They easily adapt to the family atmosphere even after a hectic bachelor life. If Roosters marry, they do not do it for convenience.

Roosters adore their spouses and surround them with constant care, despite their selfish nature. If discord begins in the family, they try in every possible way to overcome the misunderstanding. They are always against extremes. Roosters decide to divorce only when agreement is absolutely impossible. Roosters have incredible straightforwardness, so they cannot tolerate hypocrisy around them.

Roosters are wonderful parents, albeit domineering ones. Roosters cannot stand lies and tricks: if children start to play around, it makes them angry. Roosters are overly sensitive natures; their adherence to principles often causes protest among children. Roosters do not tend to compromise; they often behave selfishly.

But since they themselves do not notice this, their conscience is calm. The main thing is to give the family everything they need. If someone close to you gets into trouble, the Rooster will immediately react and make every effort to help. In relation to children, the Rooster is often selfless.

Children born in the year of the Rat, Hare, and Dog will feel somewhat embarrassed in the Rooster family, as they love to be pampered. Therefore, these children will consider themselves misunderstood and hate their parents. Children - Sheep, Oxen and Boars - calmly obey their demanding parents - Roosters. Children-Dragons, Tigers and Horses will refuse to obey, which will only cause rage in the Rooster, and it can come to a mortal fight. Snakes and Monkeys are the best children for the Rooster family, because friendly, open relationships are always established between them.


These are people who follow a certain order in everything. They want to have connections according to certain rules. It is very difficult for them to surrender to a passion that they cannot control. The Rooster is constrained by practical logic, so, first of all, he tries to sort out his life, and then he looks for a partner. His sex life, as a rule, begins very late. Sometimes it happens that he comprehends his biological purpose after thirty. He opens for. sex when others are already having an intense sex life. Most Roosters are more intelligent than representatives of other signs. The trouble is that they cannot find a partner who meets all their requirements.

Roosters tend to rate people low and therefore may miss a suitable candidate. They should not be considered cold, they are simply people who are used to strictly controlling themselves. Their secret desires often remain hidden. Their modesty is a natural state; you will never know about their sexual experience.

Roosters believe that they can improve themselves through hard work. When they encounter some kind of sexual problem, they begin to delve not only into their partner, but also into themselves. They can be sincere and patient, but they do not always listen to the call of their heart. Their energy is enough for two or three people. They are extremely careful in all new connections. They know what their partners want. If the partner does not know what he wants, the Rooster will definitely find an option that will give him pleasure. For Roosters, sex is more of a duty than a physical need. They like those who know how to control themselves and wait for the moment when sex becomes inevitable. Roosters view courtship as foreplay that must be passed through.


Roosters know how to show off. If they like someone, they will use all their talents to seduce the victim. They will spin around in front of the object of their desires, spreading their tail, stunning him and ultimately charming him. Roosters flirt with great ease, but will never show their feelings for the sake of idle pleasure. Roosters look at these issues philosophically.

Roosters require increased attention and always know how to recognize falsehood in a relationship. In everything they want to be a kind of accomplices. They simply love their lovers to follow them on their heels and listen to them with their mouths open. They are very loyal and will do anything to maintain their bond.

If Roosters cheat, they do it not for the sake of new pleasures, but because of the need to be convinced of their own irresistibility. And there is no need to make a scene - it will only amuse them. With constant negative reactions from his partner, the Rooster may become offended and leave, although he will remain a faithful friend, without retaining any anger in his soul.

If there is a need to buy a gift for the Rooster, you need to choose something from clothing or something needed in everyday life. They always like what people think about them - for them attention is above all else. The Rooster is very easy to seduce: you need to immediately shower him with compliments about his intelligence and appearance. But if there is nothing more to talk about and the time has come to part, it is enough to hint at their abnormal thinking and excessive talkativeness. They will not stay close to such a person.


Duke of Edinburgh, Erol Flint, Yoko Ono, Dolly Partens, Peter Ustinov, Richard Wagner, Cardinal Richelieu, Goebbels, Marie de Medici, Andre Maurois, Jean de La Fontaine, John Colet, Enrico Caruso, Catherine the Great II, Fenimore Cooper, Katherine Hepburn, Vladimir Belyaev, Leonid Vereshchagin, Lev Ginzburg, Andrei Gromyko, Bekjamin Goodman, James Jones, Marcel Carne, Vadim Kozhevnikov, Martti Larney, Stanislav Lem, Juliet Mazina, Neil Miller, Yuri Nikulin, Bella Rudenko, Andrei Sakharov, Jean Paul Belmondo, Claude Bernard , Yves Montand, Philip Augustus, Johann Strauss, Rabindranath Tagore, Giuseppe Verdi, Queen Victoria, Eugene Paton.


Rooster and Rooster

These partners live peacefully, although there are also violent emotions hidden here. They are always interested in being together, and it never comes to discord or misunderstanding. When they love their partner, they show a lot of emotions, and if they are indifferent to him, they openly talk about it. Roosters cannot stand other people's shortcomings, while not noticing their own. This situation can only cause disagreement. But this does not mean that the matter will end in war. A family can be strong if they have children.

Rooster and Rat

The Rat immediately pushes the Rooster away. The Rat sees only the shortcomings of its partner; it cannot stand vanity and superficiality. But if the Rat had taken a closer look at the Rooster, it would have found positive traits in him. In aggressiveness, they can argue with each other, so that their relationship can turn into a real war. In addition, both of them do not know how to save at all. At first they behave too wastefully, and then they finally go bankrupt. In this combination, it is better if the man is born a Rat and the woman a Rooster. Then her* thriftiness will help preserve the remaining savings.

Rooster and Ox

These partners get along without problems. The Ox allows the Rooster to straighten his feathers, because he knows that the Rooster needs communication. Vol himself absolutely does not know how to maintain small talk. The Rooster leaves the toiler Ox to earn his bread, but he prefers to sing. The rooster is not the most hardworking animal, but at the same time it is very diplomatic and can predict the irritation of its partner. They will always be able to find harmony. True, in this union it is impossible to do without friction, for example, if Vol invites friends to dinner and does not inform about it on time. However, these are the little things in life. The union is ideal for business: the Rooster leads, and the Ox executes.

Rooster and Tiger

This is a very difficult union. The sensitive and loyal Tiger is not sensible enough to understand the actions of the Rooster. The Tiger is often perplexed by the actions of people. But the Rooster cannot be judged only by external actions. The Rooster makes an irresistible impression, which sometimes creates a false impression of his PERSONALITY. In alliance with the Tiger, everything goes well for them at first. The power-hungry Tiger is flattered by the adoration of the Rooster. But soon the Rooster’s boasting begins to irritate the Tiger, and he begins to criticize him. The Rooster cannot stand comments and suffers from the injustice of his partner. Things take an undesirable turn, the Rooster feels misunderstood and decides to retire to where people are more tolerant. But before he leaves, he will frankly tell the truth to the Tiger. They can maintain friendly relations, be wonderful lovers or companions, but not for long.

Rooster and Hare

This is a very strange and dangerous alliance that can end in a fight - be it love, friendship or work. Even the patient Hare cannot withstand the fidgety Rooster. At first he will be amused by the awkward actions of his motley partner, but then it will get boring. The Hare's patience is running out and he begins to get angry. The Rooster can literally bring you to a white heat, then the Hare loses control and wants to pluck the Rooster. The Rooster has no bad intentions, and therefore will consider the Hare simply evil. In this case he will be right. If the man is a Hare, then he will try to make the Rooster woman an obedient mistress. But she will not be able to play this role to the end. As soon as he goes beyond the threshold, she will definitely fly out the window. If a man was born in the year of the Rooster, then the Hare woman will simply bite him to death with her criticism.

Rooster and Dragon

Both love to shine and show off, but they do it in different ways. The Rooster wants to please everyone, but the Dragon is simply created to be brilliant. Everything is going quite well in this union. The Rooster tries to show himself in all his splendor thanks to the Dragon. He admires the Dragon and is proud that he managed to attract his attention, and flattery for the Dragon is the most important thing. True, it will not happen without crises. Quarrels can arise from mutual misunderstanding. The Rooster does everything selflessly and takes great care of his appearance, and this can irritate the Dragon. He loses patience, and the Rooster can only leave.

Rooster and Snake

According to the Chinese horoscope, this union is considered ideal. They can achieve balance as spirit and consciousness unite. These allies can always come to an agreement, because they feel each other perfectly. They appreciate the inherent elegance of both of them, look great next to each other and make the impression of a wonderful couple. When they go out into society, they take a long time and scrupulously select clothes in order to be at their best. The Rooster loves to rant about his successes and victories, and the Snake listens to him with pleasure and comments with humor. The Snake feels very calm next to the Rooster, because this is the only person who can understand it. The snake will learn to perceive him as he really is. Oddly enough, She will patiently endure his primacy, because she intuitively feels that they are suitable for each other. Even if there are quarrels, they will still be able to find a common language.

Rooster and Horse

This union has every chance of failure. Both are trying to improve themselves and are used to taking care of themselves. For these allies, the opinions of others are very important; they are picky and touchy - especially the Rooster. A competition arises in their relationship, in which everyone tries to emerge victorious. In addition, their similarity does not contribute to the deepening of relations, but, on the contrary, depresses them. The Horse will be annoyed by the Rooster's efforts to spread his tail outside the house. She will begin to suffer, and they will begin to get on each other's nerves. The silence between them will drag on, and, as you know, both need communication. As a result, they will begin to look for communication on the side.

Rooster and Dog

These people have a lot in common, but they look at love and social life differently, which is why they sometimes don’t understand each other well. The Sheep next to the Rooster feels completely safe, since the Rooster is used to working for everyone. The egoist Rooster will require the constant presence of the Sheep and her boundless love, and this is difficult for the Sheep. The Rooster will remain disappointed, and the Sheep will be offended and go to seek happiness elsewhere. If in this union the woman is a Rooster and the man is a Sheep, she will torment him with endless reproaches for being loose and irresponsible. This union can only survive with a full understanding of each other's shortcomings. ROOSTER AND DOG

These people are similar in only one thing: both love criticism, which is the cause of discord. The Rooster criticizes constantly and does not even realize it. The dog, in turn, cannot tolerate it. the Rooster's boastfulness and carelessness - she spends a lot of time raising him. But no matter how hard the Dog tries, she still will not be able to change her original partner. Their relationship could turn into the Battle of Borodino. In this case, both will suffer, because they are too sensitive. If they behave more restrained, then their union can last a very, long time.

Rooster and Boar

The calm and thick-skinned Pig will not pay attention to the Rooster’s injections. Boars know how to appreciate the kindness and nobility of the Rooster, which he does not particularly boast of. The boar knows how to curb the aggressiveness of his motley friend and calms him down in time. The Rooster will never humiliate the Pig and will not exploit him. These people get along well and excellent companionship is established between them, based on mutual understanding and talkativeness. The union is based more on intellect than on passion and love. At the slightest danger, they always rush to each other's aid. There is always an iron order in their home, which cannot be destroyed even by outside interference.