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Pig: description and characteristics. Year of the Pig: characteristics of a man Who by year of birth 1971

Pigs are loyal, dedicated and give themselves entirely to the good of the common cause, at least as long as they approve of you as a partner. To forever keep a friend born in the year of the Pig, never try to impose on him your judgments and opinions regarding business relationships. Pigs rarely ask for advice and by their nature cannot adequately respond to such attacks that call into question their viability.

These people don't like to take risks, and tend to stay on the safe, quiet side. Pigs are very methodical and systematic in their work; first of all, they try to estimate the volume of the task facing them, and then, moving forward, step by step, slowly but surely they move towards the intended goal. Such people are hardworking and try to approach their tasks seriously and as efficiently as possible. Power over other people is not at the forefront of their plans, they rarely participate in intrigues, and do not betray colleagues for the sake of their social position.

It is sometimes quite difficult for people of this type like the Pig to see true love in their chosen one, they must experiment and try different options before they can be sure that they have found the right partner.

In general, people of the Year of the Pig are sensitive, caring, romantic, but naive in matters of love; they often try to build their relationship with their partner with a long-term perspective. This is precisely what can turn out to be a big problem for them, since Pigs usually tend to give all their trust to a specific person, and some unscrupulous people can take advantage of such obvious naivety. However, it is safe to say that those born in the year of the Pig are good students, able and willing to acquire new knowledge, and if an unusual situation arises or a mistake in choosing a partner, they can pull themselves together and start all over again.

Typical representatives of the Year of the Pig are tolerant people, allowing their partner the freedom they also need, but the frivolity of such a relationship must be based on a reliable and trustworthy union.

Celebrities born in the Year of the Pig Stars: Mark Bernes, Konstantin Chernenko, Samuil Marshak, Anatoly Lunacharsky, Fyodor Tyutchev, Woody Allen, Glenn Close, Oliver Cromwell, Henry Ford, Ernest Hemingway, Alfred Hitchcock, Elton John, Carl Jung, Michael Parkinson, Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Wolfgang Mozart, Steven Spielberg, Henry Kissinger, Emma Thompson.

In the Chinese horoscope, the Pig is associated not only with prosperity, but also with anger, greed, and greed.

1971 according to the eastern calendar: the year of the Metal Pig

In this article you will learn:

What year is 1971 according to the Eastern calendar?

A person born in 1971 always tries to follow moral and social principles. The mistakes of others and their shortcomings will always be treated with understanding.

The Metal Pig has an extraordinary sense of humor, he attends all kinds of events with pleasure, is positive and friendly. He has a lot of friends. People born in 1971 are the most ambitious of the other types of this sign.

The Metal Pig gifts its representatives with intelligence; self-study and self-education captivate them. They are in no hurry to get into business - they usually work for the state, as specialists are in great demand in their field.

People belonging to the Metal Pig sign are quite principled and do not change their principles and beliefs.

They are gullible, sometimes even too trusting, and can make mistakes about the people they trust.

Features of the Metal Pig sign according to the Chinese calendar

The Metal Pig is distinguished by its good nature and peace-loving nature; it tries in every possible way to avoid unrest. Strives for a calm and prosperous life.

The Metal Pig can solve the most difficult problems, and she also masterfully gets out of unpleasant situations. The iron pig differs from its fellows by being more conservative, cautious, and accurate in actions and words.

Such pigs usually manage to achieve success on the career ladder, thanks to their hard work and endurance. Loyalty to principles earns respect in the Pig, both from comrades and opponents.

The metal pig is easy to communicate with, does not lift his nose, and behaves quite simply. Sometimes she lacks diplomacy and tact; she may even suffer from her own straightforwardness and frankness.

Nevertheless, the Metal Pig has plenty of friends. The representative of the sign is concerned about his reputation and position in society.

Strong family ties and a cozy nest are what the Metal Pig prefers.

In the eastern horoscope, the Pig is distinguished by its ability to show sympathy, non-conflict, and openness to negotiations. Perhaps because of this, she is often declared weak. The pig doesn’t care much about this; its faith in the good, in the fact that good can be found in everything, cannot be broken. Sometimes such beliefs become the cause of misconceptions and even disappointments. The pig is often categorical, especially in the fight for justice.

Pig's interests are varied, he studies a large amount of literature, he can give the impression of an intelligent person, but only at first glance, since, as a rule, his knowledge is chaotic, not deep, but superficial.

A pig can be easily fooled, but sometimes she gets tired of the role of a simpleton, and she becomes distrustful and overly suspicious.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Metal Pig

Like any sign, the Metal Pig has positive and negative traits:

  • It should be noted that honesty and straightforwardness are the basis of her character among the positive ones. The Pig's temperament is calm, she approaches any task intelligently, which is very attractive to others. Pigs are honest, straightforward, thoughtful, purposeful, and peaceful, which makes them great friends.
  • Pigs have few disadvantages, and almost all are related to their advantages. These are traits such as naivety, slowness, idleness, a categorical attitude towards everything, and superficiality.

Years of the Pig according to the Chinese horoscope: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019…

Today, the number of people who are interested in predictions is only increasing. Everyone’s goals are different: some want to improve relationships with friends or a loved one, while others pursue selfish interests. When compiling the characteristics of any person, including those born in 1971, what kind of animal he is according to the eastern calendar is as important a factor as his zodiac sign. This year's people belong to the metal Pig sign.

Boar: main characteristics

The combination of metal and white color of this year’s elements speaks of a person’s calmness and prudence. The patron endowed Pig with integrity. However, representatives of this sign are often too trusting. They have to put a lot of effort into developing their own insight.

People born this year are distinguished by their determination and energy. However, when choosing a profession, they are more inclined to monotonous work. Representatives of this sign rarely open their own business. Thanks to their mental abilities and character, they achieve heights in their chosen field.

The boar is sociable and at the same time ambitious. He loves to attend various events and, thanks to his natural charisma, has a large circle of friends. But when those around them try to move to a closer level of communication, a mask of alienation appears on the Pig’s face. To gain the trust of a representative of this symbol, you need to try hard.

Positive features

The Pig symbol is generous and good-natured. In this regard, he easily finds a common language with literally any person. In a relationship, the emotional component is important for a man, and a woman is looking for a partner who will admire her. Traits for which Pig is valued by friends and family:

  1. For men - politeness, tact, attentiveness, altruism, decency, generosity, readiness to help.
  2. For women - tenderness, grooming, modesty, grace, grace, fidelity, good taste.


The Pig is a person prone to excessive introspection. Because of this, he often withdraws into himself. Representatives of this symbol are highly dependent on the opinions of others, and therefore suffer from sudden mood swings. The main character flaws that Pig sometimes takes his whole life to combat are:

  • Naivety.
  • Greed.
  • Infantility.
  • Compliance.
  • Dependence on the opinions of others.

Features of the zodiac signs

The constellation and planet leave a significant imprint on the life of their ward. Depending on the zodiac sign, the characteristics of the 1971 symbol according to the horoscope have their own characteristics.

Aries. A great leader who infects everyone around him with his positivity. But as soon as you offend him, an avalanche of anger will fall on your opponent. Aries can be entrusted with any work and not worry about its completion. He is distinguished by his high ability to work and the talent to concentrate at the right moment.

Taurus has a positive attitude that, it seems, cannot be spoiled by anything. Their life is measured and not burdened with worries over trifles. At work, Taurus are content with their positions and prefer not to rush forward. Representatives of this sign are good family men.

Twins- a treasure trove of funny stories based on their own experiences. It would seem that not a single day of their life is complete without embarrassment. They meet and part with people very easily, remaining on good terms with everyone. Geminis never need to be asked for advice; they themselves are happy to give it out. Both women and men of this sign are always in search of bright impressions.

Cancers They know very well how to attract attention and stand out from the crowd, but in noisy companies they prefer to stay on the sidelines. As a worker, Cancer is very diligent and responsible. The sign is very serious about completing assigned tasks.

At first sight, a lion seems gullible. But having gotten to know him better, the opponent can discern in him a born leader and a strong personality. Leo spends most of his efforts on helping others, sometimes giving everything without a trace. He feels that thanks to his leadership qualities he can become a kind of beacon for his loved ones. The selflessness of this zodiac may be the envy of the remaining signs. He takes on tasks of any complexity and achieves successful results.

Virgo, born in the year of the Pig, is distinguished by generosity towards loved ones. She values ​​her friends very much and tries to treat them carefully. The combination of these qualities helps Virgo easily establish contacts that help her move smoothly through life. In her work, she strives to enjoy what she does and tries to be useful to her colleagues.

U Libra a highly developed sense of justice and inflexibility. In addition, they are gifted with insight, which allows them not to be afraid to tell their opponent the whole truth. This zodiac sign loves to create beauty around itself, using its natural creativity and creative abilities.

Scorpios do not suffer from complexes, so their path to the top becomes rapid. They can choose absolutely any field of activity and in a short period of time reach unprecedented heights in it. Scorpios are gifted with eloquence and know how to use it wisely. With subordinates, this sign behaves at ease and freely.

Sagittarius, born in the year of the metal Pig, is a sincere and good-natured person. He always worries about his reputation and tries to be polite to everyone. Sagittarius leads an active lifestyle. For a relationship, he is looking for a reasonable and understanding woman.

In communication Capricorn immediately sets its own rules. He is ambitious and loves to manage people. At the same time, Capricorn likes to receive gifts, praise and recognition from others. The combination of this zodiac sign with the Pig symbol is considered the softest among the rest of Capricorns.

Reasonable Aquarius do not strive for universal recognition. They approach what is happening wisely and do only what is truly interesting to them. Cheerfulness allows them to enjoy everyday things, and an excellent sense of humor helps them make friends.

Dreamy and creative Fish They constantly fly in the clouds, so much so that they can completely immerse themselves in their dreams and forget about real life. They show themselves as loyal friends, always ready to listen and help. For relationships, they choose reliable partners who have the makings of a leader, who will be able to completely take over the material component, giving Pisces the opportunity to engage in creativity and self-development.

Compatibility with other symbols

The character traits that people are endowed with by their symbols and constellations leave a big imprint on relationships with others. An important question for people born in 1971 is which animal according to the compatibility horoscope should never be trusted, and which of the symbols of the Chinese calendar should be friends with.

Rat. The good nature of the Pig will help the Rat forget about his self-interest and aggressiveness. This union can develop into a strong friendship, when both partners can forget about everything and have a good time. However, if a spark of love runs between the comrades, then the Pig will be greatly disappointed. He will not be able to calmly watch how the Rat uses his gullibility to his advantage. A family can work out if both allies are intellectually and spiritually developed. The ideal scenario is when the woman is a Pig and the man is a Rat. He is the practical head of the family, and she is his inspiration.

The Bull immediately notices the Boar in the crowd. The Pig's naivety is perceived by the Ox as stupidity, but over time his severity softens, and he begins to treat his comrade condescendingly. The Ox attracts with its authority and seriousness. He can give the chosen one a feeling of security. In turn, the Pig reveals romance in his partner, the existence of which he did not even suspect before.

Alliance with the Tiger noted as the most successful for starting a family. Major quarrels will never arise between the chosen ones, and the marriage itself will become an example for others. The spouses literally understand each other perfectly, and neither gossip, envy, nor betrayal can destroy their attraction.

Rabbit and Boar complement each other perfectly. The leader in this pair will be the Rabbit. He is able to curb the whirlwind of the Pig’s emotions and direct it in the right direction. He will achieve this in his diplomatic manner, that is, unobtrusively ask his chosen one for those things that, due to his delicacy, he cannot refuse him. In the family, the Rabbit will always awaken in his wife the makings of a gallant gentleman.

Another contenders for the title of “ideal family” are rightfully Dragon and Pig. The spouses complement each other so skillfully that they create the image of those same halves. The habit of both characters not to wash dirty linen in public helps maintain their reputation. Over the course of many years of marriage, the Pig will conquer the Dragon with its charm, and he, in turn, will become a spiritual mentor for the chosen one.

Snake. Carelessness and frivolity are the shortcomings of people born in 1971. According to a man’s horoscope, which animal should not reveal these vices is the Snake. She will instantly consider them as a reason for irritation. The boar, in turn, will be able to discern only tediousness and composure in his opponent. Any relationship will lead partners to mutual hostility.

Relationship between Horse and Pig are successfully built through mutual compromise. Even after marriage, a horse does not give up noisy festivities and entertainment. And the spouse is more inclined to home gatherings. Quarrels can be avoided if lovers trust each other.

The Goat's personality is very similar to that of the Pig.. The harmony of relationships consists of the fact that spouses look in the same direction. Both partners are self-sufficient and do not waste their lives on jealousy. For those around them, the union may seem boring and devoid of emotionality, but the partners themselves will feel the happiest together.

Boar and Monkey They will be able to coexist as friends or colleagues, but nothing more. And only if the partners have discussed in advance the boundaries of communication beyond which it is not permissible to go. In love relationships, disagreements will always arise between the chosen ones. The fact is that the Monkey is cunning and prone to going over their heads, and this is completely unacceptable for the Pig.

The Rooster instantly arouses the interest of the gullible Pig using your gift to speak beautifully. The Rooster is also happy to find a worthy listener. However, the Pig’s gullibility has its limits and over time she realizes that her chosen one is an ordinary dreamer. But the sympathy does not fade away. A family idyll is possible if the Rooster does not find fault with his spouse about everyday trifles, which for Pig always come in second place after romance.

Union of Dog and Boar arises on the basis of similarity of positive character traits. Partners can completely trust each other, since deception is impossible in this pair. Most often, the Dog plays the role of an observer, and its chosen one takes on the role of initiator of the relationship. The Pig infects the Dog with its optimism, for which it is incredibly grateful.

The sympathy between two Pigs flashes instantly. They immediately feel a family connection. The union of these two symbols can be called promising. The wife is happy to create coziness in the house and proves herself to be a wonderful mother, and the husband protects the fragile world of his beloved. Representatives of the sign are loyal and rarely leave their family.

In general, people born under the auspices of the metal Pig symbol can boast of the ability to find a common language with any person, and their positive attitude and kindness of soul allow them to achieve success and be in harmony with themselves.

Attention, TODAY only!

1971 who? 1971 is the year of which animal? The year 1971 is the year of the Iron Boar or White Metal Pig. It’s safe to say that all those born this year will be interested in this material.

People born this year have colossal vital energy, always stubbornly pursue their cherished goal and are diversified. This means that the doors to various areas of labor and creative activity are open for them. Pigs have an excellent sense of humor, are charming and witty and love their friends very much.

In general, everyone who was born in 1971 are persistent, enterprising and ambitious people who love noisy companies and practical jokes.

Like any representative of the eastern calendar, the White Pig has both its advantages and its disadvantages, we will share them with the reader.

Positive traits of people born in 1971.

For a man, these are: chivalry, gallantry, dedication, altruism, nobility, willingness to help, self-denial, complete dedication.

For a woman: excellent taste, refinement of manners, excellent intuition, femininity, meekness, thoughtfulness and mystery, innate grace.

In addition to these qualities, representatives of 1971, regardless of gender, have a great understanding of art, know how to appreciate beauty, are always open to new achievements, are trusting and adore children. But sometimes excessive trust can play a cruel joke on such people. Often White Pigs fall under the influence of bad people. They become victims of deception, envious people and self-interested people.

Negative traits of people born in 1971.

All white, metallic pigs are quite tight-fisted and scrupulous, they like to control their partner, monitor his spending and do not allow themselves unnecessary financial expenses, even if they are not strapped for money. They are also very infantile, naive and often fall into love dependence on their significant other. They love their weaknesses and indulge them, especially when it comes to increased appetite.

Well, what can you want from a Pig, she loves to eat well and suffers from gluttony. They are easily suggestible and can be manipulated.

In 1971, such amazing people were born as: Hollywood actor Mark Wahlberg, Jaret Leto, actress Winona Ryder and Denise Richards. This year gave Russian cinematography Evgeny Kryukov, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Vladimir Epifantsev, Vladimir Vdovichenkov. Also this year, star hockey player Pavel Bure was born.
The lucky numbers for those born in 1971 are two, five and eight.
Unlucky ones are one and seven.

  • Lucky colors are yellow, purple, gray and gold, brown.
  • Unlucky colors are red, green and blue.
  • But the flowers the pig prefers are daisies and hydrangea.
  • Now we’ll find out who is ideal for a pig’s partner.
  • Tiger, rabbit (cat) and sheep (goat) are 100% suitable.
  • 80 – 60% – dog, pig, rat, horse and dragon.
  • Almost zero compatibility with a rooster, snake, monkey, bull.

And finally, we note that the metal pig is important for its reputation and recognition in society; it agrees to a lot in order to increase its financial condition. Regarding personal life, home, comfort, warm, trusting relationships come first.

The White Metal Pig is a maximalist, for her there is either white or black, she makes hasty decisions and is too categorical. But it is impossible not to love people born in 1971 for their loyal friendship and devotion to family.

Pig (Boar) is the twelfth sign of the 12-year cycle of the Eastern, or Chinese animal calendar. It is associated with the energy of “yin” and “yang”. Its element is “water”. The corresponding zodiac sign is Pisces.

The pig symbolizes:
honesty, integrity, thoughtfulness, determination, peacefulness, sociability, sensitivitynaivety, slowness, categoricalness, idleness, superficiality

Table of the years of the Pig (Boar)

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Pig

The characteristics of the Pig give a general idea of ​​the sign and introduce it to its positive and negative qualities. It helps to get to know people born in the year of this animal better and to understand the peculiarities of building their personal relationships and careers.

Character traits

Positive. Honesty and directness are the basis of the Pig's character. Her calm, balanced disposition and reasonable approach to everything attract others. She performs well both at work and at home.

Main positive character traits:

  • honesty: The Pig does not look for workarounds and cunning tricks, so you can always rely on it; achieves everything in life through his labor; It is always a pleasure to deal with her in business, as she never “stabs in the back”;
  • directness: her “yes” means “yes”, and her “no” means “no”, and the Pig expects the same from those around her; at the same time, she does not cross the line and knows how to maintain a balance between directness and harshness;
  • thoughtfulness: The Pig thinks first, then acts; She successfully applies this approach in all areas of life and achieves a lot with its help, especially at work;
  • determination: after the Pig makes a decision, it stops at nothing and goes to the end; this quality allows her to always bring what she starts to its logical conclusion and receive well-deserved laurels;
  • peacefulness: does not tolerate conflicts; often acts as a peacemaker in quarrels; knows how to forgive others for their shortcomings; in unpleasant situations always acts more reasonably than everyone else; Peacefulness and sociability make the Pig a wonderful friend.

Negative. The Pig has few shortcomings. Most of them are the flip side of its advantages. With sufficient support from loved ones, she can easily cope with her negative qualities. It is better for her to always consult with others and not make decisions on her own.

Negative character traits:

  • naivety: The Pig is honest and expects the same from others; therefore she is easy to deceive; she often becomes a victim of scammers;
  • slowness: never makes hasty decisions; prefers to think everything over and only then act; therefore, matters are not resolved immediately, but after developing a clear “action plan”;
  • categorical: The Pig is principled; she divides the world into “black” and “white”, “good” and “evil”; therefore, she has no half measures, she always thinks and acts directly and categorically;
  • idleness: loves entertainment and a cheerful life; can easily become addicted to bad habits - alcohol, smoking; she likes to spend money, so even with a lot of earnings she can “lower” it to “zero”;
  • superficiality: The Pig often takes on many things; she strives for knowledge, but lacks orderliness; although she seems to be knowledgeable in many areas, in reality she may turn out to be an amateur.

Love and relationships

The pig chooses a life partner similar to her in character. She surrounds her chosen one with care and well-being, tries to please him in everything. At the same time, if the Pig’s passion remains unsatisfied, then after a while it seeks pleasure on the side.

She is capable of doing everything for the family, even giving up a dizzying career. She loves children and devotes a lot of time to them.

Career and profession

The Pig has enormous working potential. She is energetic and always finishes what she starts. At the same time, he never gets down to business without thinking through all the nuances. She has few “punctures” and problems in her work. For this, her superiors appreciate her.

The pig easily climbs the career ladder. She is lucky in financial matters. She often receives bonuses and highly paid positions. He achieves everything through his own work and never goes overboard.

Recommended professions. The Pig, with its honesty, desire for justice and peacefulness, is suitable for professions in the field of working with people, as well as creative professions where its sensitivity is used. She successfully works as an actor, artist, writer, doctor, and social worker.