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Fortune telling yes no shooter. Fortune telling “Arrow of Fate” online for free

Magic accompanies a person throughout his life. Fortune telling is considered effective. Fortune telling Arrow of Fate is popular among Internet users.

About the arrow of fate

The arrow of fate is a special fortune telling with an exact answer. Its advantages:

  • it is fast;
  • gives a 100% truthful answer;
  • To carry it out you do not need the help of a fortune teller.

The virtual version immediately gives a true interpretation, which simplifies the use of the service. There are 2 types of fortune telling Arrow of Fate: with the exact answer “yes” or “no”, the type using runes. Both have online versions.

Fortune telling using the Arrow of Fate is based on the magic of the item. It pierces space and time, personifies a ray of sunshine and vital energy. It means the irreversibility of events, fate, and therefore is effective in divination for the future. Symbolizes speed, determination, suitable for quick decisions.

You can use the Arrow of Fate to tell fortunes online about the following things:

  • fulfillment of desires;
  • past present Future;
  • instant answers to questions;
  • long-term forecast of actions;
  • cause of problems;
  • diagnostics of relationships with a partner and others.

Online versions have supporters and opponents. Some are confident that this method of divination is ineffective due to the lack of direct contact, others argue that electromagnetic waves efficiently transmit energy, so fortune telling is truthful.

Fortune telling with an answer

To make fortune telling on the Arrow of Fate with a simple answer, you need:

  • Open a site with fortune telling.
  • Focus on your question. Ask it to yourself.
  • Clear your head of unnecessary thoughts and press the arrow.

Online fortune telling Arrow of Fate will give a positive or negative answer. Such divination will help you quickly tell fortunes on pressing issues, even far from professional help.

For everything to work out, they select a really relevant, clearly asked question.

Layout on the cards

Arrow of fate online fortune telling also has another form - a Tarot card layout.

Fortune telling on the Arrow is carried out as follows:

  • The Higher Powers are asking. They also ask vague questions that require a detailed answer and consultation.
  • Click on the deck. A 5 card layout will appear. They are arranged in a certain way and numbered: 1 - present, 2 - development, 3 - correct action, 4 - good moment, 5 - future and recommended actions.

Only the Major Arcana are involved; they explain the fortuneteller’s current state and his near future. The following cards are used:

  • Empress, Emperor.
  • Hierophant.
  • Priestess.
  • Priest.
  • Lovers.
  • Justice.
  • Hermit.
  • Force.
  • Death.
  • Moderation.
  • Wheel of Fortune.
  • Chariot.
  • Hanged.
  • Devil.
  • Tower.
  • Star.
  • Moon.
  • Sun.

Arcana differ in meaning when they are reversed. Each picture is interpreted according to several parameters taken into account by the online fortune-telling Arrow of Fate:

  • archetype;
  • task;
  • target;
  • risk;
  • feeling of life.

Fortune telling using the Arrow of Fate on cards should only be done once regarding one problem. You should not make several layouts in a row until you achieve what you want: this is how the fortuneteller deceives only himself. Already the first combination will be accurate and effective.

Interpretation of straight cards

Arcana Mage means control, confidence, intelligence, symbolizes the masculine principle. The Empress predicts personal growth, for a woman - motherhood, leadership in the family. The Emperor is a male card, it means authority, power, the owner of the house. The Hierophant calls for searching for the truth and analyzing the current state.

The Jester is a card of chaos, naivety, disorder. Peace - to liberation, spiritual perfection, can also be read as a reward. The priestess symbolizes intuition, the subconscious, and has secret knowledge. Priest - a male card, denotes inspiration, wisdom. The Arcana of Lovers predicts trials both in love and in career. Justice means balance, it is a call to think about how much a problem or situation concerns the fortuneteller. Judgment has the meaning of awakening, renewal.

The hermit promises a search for the true path, but with prudence. Strength lives up to its name: you will have to show character or make a strong-willed decision. Death is the lasso of rebirth, transformation of a person, transition between states. Moderation is a symbol of searching for a golden mean, the ability to limit yourself.

The Wheel of Fortune predicts good luck and the favor of higher powers. The chariot has the meaning of road, change.

The Hanged Man is interpreted in two ways:

  • violent death, murder, magic;
  • radical changes in life, not always pleasant.

The devil is a dark sign, a symbol of the fate that weighs on man. The tower indicates destruction, instability. The star promises the emergence of new friends, hobbies, and a general rebirth of personality. The moon is a negative symbol, meaning secrets, slander, gossip. The sun speaks of prosperity in all areas.

Reversed Major Arcana

They are interpreted as the opposite meaning of the direct position. Cards usually have an upright and upside down marker. Some people interpret them as a symbol of the unconscious. Negative signs acquire a good interpretation, and positive ones - a negative meaning. The most negative reverse cards:

  • Emperor, Empress, Priestess, Priest - loss of life wisdom, control, problems with creating relationships, loss of self-determination.
  • Justice, Court, Moderation. Inverted symbols speak of the total injustice of life, excesses that lead to problems.
  • Strength, Death - a person will not be able to withstand the blows of fate, make strong-willed decisions, which will slow down his development.

The Moon and the Tower take on a positive meaning. It is important to interpret the Arcana in the context of the layout: take into account other upright and inverted symbols. In combination with symbols of other ranks, the meaning of High Cards changes dramatically.

In happy moments of life, no one needs additional confirmation that everything is going right. But in moments of emotional distress or in difficult situations, many want to know how to proceed. To find the right way out or alleviate mental suffering, you can use the fortune telling “Yes - no Arrow of Fate.”

Origin story

Even in ancient Rome, in order to resolve any dispute, people turned to a very simple method:

  • Each of the participants in the dispute chose one of the sides of an ordinary coin.
  • Then the coin was tossed up.
  • The dispute was decided in favor of the one who guessed which side the coin would fall on.

This method of solving a question is called “Heads or Tails”, and the Goddess Juno was considered his patron. Despite its simplicity, this method of resolving disputes was approached very responsibly. The ancient Romans believed that with the help of a magical ritual one could get answers to all questions. How to resolve love differences? Who will win in a money fight? Is there prospects in the chosen path? The answers to these and many other questions were trusted to an ordinary coin.

It was believed that only those people who truly believe in it can resort to this method. It could be used no more than once a day.

Modern version

Thanks to modern technologies, in particular the Internet, it has become possible to carry out “Yes - No” fortune telling online. A truthful arrow will always give an answer to any question of interest. Many people have been using it for a long time in order to get rid of hesitation and make the right decision in a given life situation. This is very easy to do, you just need to have access to the World Wide Web. But in order for the Arrow of Fate to react favorably to the question and give its answer, You need to adhere to several conditions during fortune telling:

  • the question must be clear and carefully thought out;
  • you shouldn’t expect the arrow to answer “maybe”;
  • You can’t ask the same question twice in a row, even if you don’t like the answer.

Every person, at least once in his life, needs someone to push him to one action or another. Advice from friends and relatives is often biased, due to their love or unwillingness to take responsibility for the outcome of the current situation. It can be difficult for a person to make a decision if he does not have the opportunity to think everything through carefully and weigh all the pros and cons. It’s not for nothing that the saying was invented: “Measure seven times, cut once.”

It is for such cases that they use virtual fortune telling “Yes or No”. It will help get rid of uncertainty, dispel all fears and give impetus to making a decision. This method of fortune telling is suitable:

But generally speaking, fortune telling “Yes or No” suits absolutely everyone.

It does not require psychic abilities or special skills. And there is also no need for various auxiliary accessories or items that are often used in other types of divination (for example, coffee or cards).

There's nothing smart about tell fortunes correctly using the online method “Arrow of Fate”. To do this you just need:

You should not deceive yourself by asking Strela incorrect questions, since the virtual oracle is not ready to give complex advice. Correct queries subsequently imply only unambiguous answers: an affirmative “Yes” or a negative “No”.

Like all predictors of the future, the Arrow of Fate requires a respectful and serious attitude. Even if you receive an unsatisfactory answer, you definitely need to thank her for it. There is no need to ask the same question, waiting to hear what you want. The first answer from the virtual oracle will always be correct.

Although you can resort to online prophecy every day, it is not recommended to do it so often. A person must make any decision in his life independently, relying only on himself and his own strengths. And such assistants as fortune-telling “Yes or no”, “Heads or tails” can simply lead to the right thought and tell you whether the right choice has been made.

There is no need to worry too much if the answer you receive is not the one you would like to hear. You should always remember that the answer pointed to by the arrow is not the only correct one. Any situation can be changed in your favor, only to do this you need to show maximum desires and efforts.

Attention, TODAY only!

Fortune telling Arrow of Fate is the simplest method of determining the answer to your questions. It does not require much time, but at the same time it is an effective way to solve many issues - the main thing is to formulate them clearly. The quality of the question asked will determine how accurate the result you will get. This fortune-telling system was invented to obtain answers to simple and unambiguous questions.

Focus on the question and click on the arrow



Why do you need fortune telling on the arrow of fate?

Many situations require careful consideration of a comparison of many factors before making any decision, especially a fateful one. Many people who take a responsible approach to their lives, as they say, measure seven times before doing anything, and the free online fortune telling Arrow of Fate comes to their aid, just in time. All your hesitations and doubts will go aside, and the solution to pressing problems will be quick if you trust the Arrow of Fate. For whom will this method of fortune telling be a priority?

  1. For indecisive doubters who need a specific yes or no answer. This system does not deal with the details of situations that worry a person.
  2. For those who need to quickly solve a problem. After all, fortune-telling the Arrow of Fate does not take much time.
  3. Suitable for almost everyone due to its accessibility. This fortune telling is completely free and is always at hand: you do not need to travel or go to a fortune teller, because to use it you only need to have the Internet.

How to tell fortunes using the Arrow of Fate online

The free online fortune telling Arrow of Fate does not impose any special requirements. You need to guess using this method by performing the following sequence of actions:

  1. calm down, remember something pleasant, so that a positive attitude appears, the quality of the result will depend on this;
  2. concentrate on the issue that worries you and think only about it, do not allow extraneous thoughts;
  3. touch the arrow, it will begin to spin right before your eyes around its axis clockwise until it stops;
  4. get an answer.

This method of prediction must be taken very seriously and respectfully, as with any other options for predicting the future.

Rules for formulating questions in fortune telling Arrow of Fate

A correctly and clearly written question is the key to an effective answer.

  1. Formulate questions that provide only a clear answer - “yes” or “no” - and do not imply the presence of any related questions. For example:
    • Will you be able to find a new job this month?
    • Will I get married this year?
    • Will I go to the sea this year?
    • Will I pass all exams?
  2. Ask only once, even if you don’t like the answer. Otherwise, the fortune telling will not be correct, and it will be difficult for you to understand what fate has in store for you.
  3. Ask the question clearly, unambiguously and clearly, avoid uncertainty. For example, the questions “What should I do tomorrow?”, “What should I do with my loved one?”, “Where should I go on vacation?” clearly not suitable for this fortune-telling.
  4. Do not allow unnecessary thoughts to appear that can knock down the arrow, concentrate only on the issue that interests you.

Even if you decide to ask the same question many times, do not forget that there can only be one correct answer, the one that came up first. Keep in mind that no matter what answer the arrow gives you, in any matter you need to make certain efforts and have the appropriate attitude. And if you don’t really like the answer, then you have the opportunity to try to change the situation in reality instead of endlessly clicking on the arrow.

Virtual fortune telling Arrow of Fate is an almost exact copy of Yes - No fortune telling, but it in no way becomes less interesting. The difference between the Arrow of Fate fortune telling is that it can answer your question more specifically; there are only two options - “Yes or No.”

Before you begin fortune-telling the Arrow of Fate, you need to clearly formulate the question. For example: “Should I go to visit today?”, “Does Petrov really love me?”

In difficult periods of life, days and minutes of mental turmoil and torment, many of us strive to receive an answer from above and learn in more detail about what lies ahead for us? Although not all answers, some questions will be answered by a “Yes-No” fortune-telling, online Arrow of Fate a simple and effective way to dispel your own doubts. Fortune telling is, in essence, a kind of virtual adviser who will guide you in the right direction, give practical advice, and at the same time will not take up much of your time.

Anyone can perform a free Arrow fortune-telling for the near future, but in order to receive an accurate and truthful answer from above, take into account a number of rules and recommendations.

First of all, it is worth noting that its prototype was such fortune-telling as Heads and Tails, and fortune-telling itself - Yes or No. The main thing in these types of fortune telling is a clear and specific formulation of the question, to which an unambiguous answer is given, either yes or no, avoiding ambiguity and vagueness.

Who is it suitable for?

The arrow of fate will dispel your doubts

Quick and simple fortune telling with the Arrow is available to everyone, and in this case there are no exceptions or restrictions. On the path of every person there are a variety of situations that require their resolution to make one or another decision.

Sometimes it can be difficult to make this or that choice without thinking through all the circumstances of the case and without weighing all the pros and cons, especially if the decision itself is fateful for you. In this version, one saying comes to mind - measure 7 times and cut 1 time. The Arrow of Fate fortune telling can become such a lifesaver.

Who is this arrangement suitable for?

  1. For everyone whose character is not decisive and who are accustomed to always and everywhere doubt their own strengths and the correctness of their decisions. For them, the positive aspects of this type of fortune telling are that it will give a specific answer to the question you are interested in and will allow you to consider other features and circumstances of the situation.
  2. It is also suitable for those who want to receive an accurate and immediate answer to their own problem and burning question.

But speaking specifically, this type of online reading will allow everyone to receive an answer - it does not require the fortuneteller himself to have a special magical gift and knowledge, special skills and abilities special for the ritual of attribute fortune telling. The main thing for him is to have access to the Internet and the desire to receive an immediate and accurate answer to the question posed.

To get an accurate answer, you should follow a number of rules

There is nothing special or supernatural for fortune-telling - you can get a true, accurate prediction for your question by conducting a ritual request for advice from higher powers, we will apply the following scenario.

At the very beginning, it is worth removing from your own environment all distracting and irritating factors - TV and radio, telephone and any loud noise. Nobody or anything should distract you.

Afterwards, you should sit comfortably in front of the monitor screen and throw away all doubts and extraneous thoughts from your head and soul. The main thing is to tune into a positive mood as much as possible and find bright thoughts, guess without negativity.

Afterwards, clearly and accurately think through your simple and concise question, which you will pose at the very beginning of fortune telling - your thoughts should be occupied exclusively with it. The main thing at this stage is that your question should not give a vague and ambiguous answer. Make clear and short questions.

Then click on the virtual arrow and concentrate on it, watching with your eyes exactly how it moves and in which direction it goes. Then you will receive from the oracle your answer to the question posed - whether it will be positive or negative for you.

Why is it worth asking the shortest and simplest questions to the oracle, to which the latter will answer you yes or no? The thing is that higher powers are not interested in ranting for a long time and giving people long answers. Therefore, for all its apparent simplicity of ritual questioning to higher powers, fortune telling requires a lot of attitude and serious preparation.

Don't ignore the advice of experienced magicians

Since the presented type of online fortune telling - Arrow of Fate - is carried out free of charge, it still does not exclude taking into account a number of tips. All of them will allow you to get a clear, and most importantly, truthful answer to your question.

And first of all, it is important to correctly and competently formulate your question, an appeal to higher powers. It is also important to take into account the fact that you should not ask the same question more than one row per day. The thing is that the answer may change depending on the situation, and accordingly it may confuse you. Therefore, you should not mislead yourself by asking the same question over and over again - wait at least a day between questions.

Regarding the formulation of your question to higher powers, it must be clear and as clear as possible, which will allow you to get the same most understandable and unambiguous answer as a result. When conducting fortune telling, do not be distracted, because even the most insignificant, extraneous thought can “wedge itself” into your question and confuse you in its answer. As a result, you will not have any effectiveness from this type of fortune telling.

You can ask questions for online fortune telling every day. The main thing here is not to forget about the previously mentioned rule - do not ask the same question, do not turn to higher powers with the same question more than once a day. As you can see, the layout does not require special knowledge and skills, preparation, and everyone can resort to it.

Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend that you read it.

How to play - rules and description

Fortune telling was extremely common in the mysticism of the ancient world. Fortune telling with arrows was known among many peoples of Africa and Eurasia. The Scythians read fortunes on arrows before each performance, and the ancient Greeks believed that the will of Apollo the God of Light himself was hidden in the arrangement of the arrows. Even our ancestors used arrows to tell their fortunes, making their way through the vicissitudes of fate.

The essence of fortune telling is simple, but for accurate execution you need to know the ritual. First, you need to focus on the issue that interests you as specifically as possible, putting all your spiritual energy into it, and then click on the arrow. If the magic arrow points to the left, it indicates a positive answer, and to the right means “no” or denial. The arrow will tell you the answers to many questions, the main thing is to formulate them accurately.

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