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Zodiac horoscope for men and women under the sign Libra. Zodiac horoscope for men and women of the sign Libra What awaits the sign of Libra this year

Libras are too used to “weighing” everything. This is the tautology we will have to learn to get rid of in 2016. You will find yourself in a situation where there is no time left to think. Decisions will have to be made immediately, without the lengthy analysis that you are used to. It won't be very easy. Some will have to “break themselves over the knee.” The surroundings will be so unusual.

The horoscope advises to “close your eyes and give the go-ahead.” The fact is that there will be almost no chance of making a mistake. Everything will work out in your favor, just steer. In the first half of the year, you will have to deal with old debts. Something that has not been remembered for a long time will return to your life, bringing forgotten problems and experiences. Don't try to evade. The debt must be repaid, having dealt with it, so to speak, to the last screw.

Starting this summer, changes will come into your life. Some will feel them in the form of a gentle breeze, while others will be blown away by a terrible hurricane. Don't resist these impulses, joyfully follow them. You will be able to do what you have long dreamed of, realize some talent or create to your heart’s content. It is important during this period to listen to your desires and needs, and not to the advice of others. Don't worry that some of the impulses will lead you away from your normal path. It is there that your soul will find harmony and your body will find comfort.

Love horoscope

The personal front in 2016 will be like a real war. Libra will begin to delve into themselves, trying to understand whether the person next to them is the right one, whether it is worth living with him further (contacting). There will be almost mockery in every word your partner says. His actions will be viewed with suspicion. This period happens to almost all people. The stars recommend not to delay making a decision.

If your partner is truly “not the one,” then stop looking for excuses for him. Let him go and live his own life. Do not torture yourself or the once dear person. But, if you understand that your love is alive, then stop insulting your loved one with vain suspicions. They are most likely unfounded. You should smooth out the unpleasant impression by having a romantic dinner, for example. And then live as before, stopping “filling your head with nonsense.”

It will be most difficult for lonely Libra. The fact is that there will be a lot of acquaintances. You will gain fans, and the old ones will not go away. But there will be practically no chance to decide on a choice. The only exceptions are those who are visited by “love at first sight.” This is the task Libra faces on the love front. Decide right away. If you start analyzing, you will become bogged down in doubts and suspicions.

Financial Predictions for 2016

Nothing threatens Libra in their career. Neither good nor bad is expected. Everything in 2016 will go according to plan. The ups and downs are cancelled. For those who worked on their projects, offering a lot of strength, in the past, the stars predict abundant financial returns. If things were going neither shaky nor slow, then you won’t go broke either, but the treasure won’t fall on your head either.

To increase their income, Libra should find additional income. To do this, you won’t need to run around the city and advertise. She will come to you herself. But! You must agree to the offer immediately. Otherwise, the money will float away to a more efficient person. Chances to suddenly earn extra money will come regularly. Unfortunately, things will make you fuss more than usual, although they will bring good income.

Those Libras who have burdened themselves with loans or debts have every chance of getting out of a difficult situation. Your earnings will help cover your debts. It is not recommended to repeat the sad experience of borrowing. It’s better to set aside a small amount to please yourself and your loved ones with gifts.

It is recommended for Libra to celebrate the next New Year far from their “native land”. You might think about a cruise or vacation in hot countries. You should have enough money for this. And if it seems that things are really bad, then buy a lottery ticket. The horoscope says that you will definitely have the means to travel.

Libra Health in the Year of the Monkey

Difficult conditions and circumstances that will constantly plunge representatives of the sign into worries will affect their health. The digestive and (not for everyone) cardiovascular systems will be at risk in 2016. You should take a closer look at your diet. Is there too much fat in it? Do you sometimes abuse alcohol? All this will not strengthen your body in 2016.

Fortunately, Jupiter will influence you all year. This means strong immunity. Physical health can be maintained without much difficulty, just by using a reasonable (not exhausting) diet. For example, exclude daily cakes and ice cream for those with a sweet tooth. And meat-eaters remember fatty pork only on major holidays. Libras should definitely eat one (or more) fruit every day.

According to your horoscope, exacerbations of chronic illnesses are not planned for you. If this happens, then know that you are so careless with your nerves that they decided to “revenge”. Need rest. Spend a week or two in bed, or better yet, in nature. Then the strength will return to you, the body will stop “slipping.”

Libra women and their horoscope

Ladies whose totem is Libra will be faced with a choice. The year will pass under the sign of the heart. It is personal relationships that will delight and worry you all the time until the planet is ruled by the inventive Monkey. The stars recommend finding and dusting off your famous intuition. The fact is that the mind will not help you deal with feelings. Listen to your heart, it is kind and faithful, it is not capable of deception.

Some Libra ladies will feel an urgent need to remember an old romance. Fortunately, a forgotten gentleman will appear on the way, shining like a copper penny. Married Libra may want to play pranks, but without fanaticism. After a while you will cool down and perhaps even experience something like remorse.

A completely different test awaits single girls born under the sign of Libra. They will meet a “prince” and a “king” rolled into one. Its radiance can blind. Give in to the impulse: taste this fabulous fruit. Just don't get carried away with it seriously. The gilding will most likely be fake. And after this enchanting deception, look at the sides. A real man is nearby. Maybe closer than you can imagine!

Horoscope of Libra men for 2016

Men born under the constellation Libra will be more concerned with material issues. Some will even sometimes feel that the “world crisis” will destroy all their previous achievements. This is self-deception, and of the strangest and worst kind. Everything is going well for you. You just habitually look at the details, forgetting to add up the big picture. You know that investments will definitely return with profit! Why doubt it for the hundredth time?

In the whirlwind of the financial race, cordial relationships will somehow begin to cool. Your loved one will stop seeing you as a hero. And all because, out of habit, you take your depression out on her. Things must be left outside the threshold of a cozy nest. Is there nothing else to talk about with your beloved? Only about problems at work or stock prices?

The stars also wish that you plan your vacation ahead of time. Firstly, this year should be unusual. Secondly, there should be a lady of your heart next to you. Isn't there one yet? Will! - the stars assure.

In 2016, Libra is recommended to pay increased attention to their external contacts. Now you need to communicate as much as possible, make new acquaintances, and not forget about old ones. This will allow you to survive a difficult period (the first half of the year) without any difficulties at all. Be prepared for the fact that you will encounter those you have long forgotten about, and these will not only be old friends, but also old enemies. Although, in general, the Monkey, let’s say, will not offend representatives of your zodiac sign. On the contrary, this year Libra will have a lot of new opportunities to solve all their problems once and for all. The main thing is not to doubt yourself and learn to trust people. But, on the other hand, you should not forget that trust is usually earned, and the first person you meet is unlikely to be worth your attention. Although no one has canceled intuition, has it? In any case, in 2016 you will be on top, because there will always be those nearby who can support you in difficult times.

Love horoscope for 2016 Libra

At the beginning of 2016, much on the “personal front” will depend on what results Libra achieved at the previous stage of life. If things weren’t going smoothly between you and your passion, then you don’t need to wait for a magical deliverance from all your problems in the new year. You will have to work hard to achieve a specific result. In general, the Year of the Monkey will be entirely on your side, although the support will be frankly extraordinary. Your current patron suggests that perhaps you shouldn’t rely too much on your current relationships. Perhaps it’s high time to let go of someone with whom you want to be only, let’s say, out of inertia? Yes, sometimes it can be difficult, but in order to build something new (in particular, relationships), you need to make room for it, and the larger the “construction” is planned, the more radical the clearing must be. Of course, all this is very conditional, but 2016, without a doubt, will bring Libra many bright, romantic moments, if they so desire.

Horoscope for 2016 Libra (family)

As already noted, in 2016 you will make a lot of new acquaintances. Many of them will visit your home and have a direct impact on the development of the situation within your family. Don't be too quick to chase them away (figuratively), especially if they actually have an interest in your relationship. As the classic said, you can’t see face to face, so an outside opinion, especially one that is as unbiased as possible, will come in very handy now. If serious conflicts break out in your country, they will not be as large-scale as happened before. The monkey will make sure that everything proceeds much calmer and more measuredly. Although you yourself, as a representative of the zodiac sign Libra, should also try. Do not rush to make important decisions, now time is in your favor, even if it seems that everything is just the opposite. Your family home is not under serious threat, and domestic quarrels are an obvious pattern that will take place at any stage of life. In general, 2016 will turn out to be quite calm in terms of family.

Horoscope for 2016 Libra (business)

In 2016, representatives of the zodiac sign Libra will experience changes in their career path. But these changes will not be so large-scale, so you can relax, there is no point in preparing for something exceptional. Everything will move along a given vector within the framework of your desires, and this is good, because confident stability, even with minimal dynamics, is a positive result in any business. This especially applies to those who do not work for themselves. These people will not be particularly stressed now, and their income will gradually increase. 2016 of the Monkey promotes the acquisition of new knowledge, so if you suddenly want to get another specialty, now is the time to do it. But know that you won’t receive any special bonuses right away, but over time this will all be very useful to you. 2016 holds considerable prospects; you just need to be able to see them and make the right investments by the end of the year.

Horoscope for 2016 Libra (finance)

In terms of earnings, 2016 will be stable for Libra, but the dawn of the year (the first two to three months) will be significantly different from what you expected. But don’t be alarmed, circumstances that suddenly ruin all your plans will eventually return the situation to normal. In this sense, you will not need any intervention at all. Instead, focus on what you could achieve by investing in new projects. Until mid-2016, the horoscope recommends that you plan, analyze, calculate the situation and all possible options for its development. You are smart, talented and capable enough to understand the patterns that will help you significantly change the balance of power in the arena that has long been your main source of income. The main thing is to remember that at some point you will have to act. Strategy is strategy, and the outcome of the battle is always decided by simple infantry, whose needs should also not be forgotten.

Horoscope for 2016 Libra (health)

In fact, if we are talking about the year of the Monkey and representatives of the zodiac sign Libra, then the health sector is the last thing you should pay attention to. The fact is that current astral tendencies will be entirely on your side. No, this, of course, does not mean that you will become absolutely and irrevocably invulnerable. Various negative situations may happen to you, but, firstly, there will be a minimum of such situations, and secondly, if something like this happens, then you can only blame yourself. The only thing that the horoscope for 2016 recommends to you is to be more attentive to your vacation. You shouldn’t “rely” too much on alcohol and other “negative” things. You also need to relax in moderation, otherwise you are no longer resting, but exhausting your body. Remember this the next time your friends invite you to have a fun Friday night. Your health is in your hands, don't take risks.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2016 for the Red Monkey describes only the general trends inherent in the owners of the zodiac sign Libra in the new year 2016. Due to your uniqueness, the general horoscope for 2016 for the sign of Libra may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can only be obtained by drawing up a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2016. You can get an accurate personal horoscope by clicking on the link below.

Accurate personal horoscope for 2016 of the Monkey for the sign Libra:

The astrological forecast for 2016 is intended for people born between September 24 and October 23.

Libra horoscope for 2016 – joy and luck

Jupiter entered the 12th house of the Libra horoscope back in 2015, and allowed you to catch your breath, rest, sit back, and re-energize. Jupiter can expand your world of fantasy and creative visualization, and open you up to new ideas that never even crossed your mind before. In addition, a good period for your marriage partner at work will begin, which can be good considering that you have been in “critical waiting mode” for some time. Jupiter in the 12th house of Libra offers spiritual protection. The influence of the planet will make you more compassionate, attentive and sensitive. You can get rid of self-destructive tendencies, deep-seated fears and feelings of guilt, intuition will strengthen, and it will be easier to come into contact with your subconscious.

In the first half of 2016, for most Libras, many minor worries and daily worries will disappear if peace settles in your soul and you engage in your own enlightenment. Find the strength to step back a little and see what some things really are. Little by little, mental and emotional boundaries will begin to disappear, and you will be able to calmly control yourself and confront pressing problems. In life, wealth and success will take on a new meaning for you, especially when you begin to look for the sources of spirituality. During this period, your instincts and dedication will reach their peak. Moreover, you may even be convinced that you are ready to devote yourself entirely to mercy and charity, which is so lacking in our lives. You will be extremely inspired by music and visual arts.

When Jupiter moves into your sign Libra in September 2016, you'll begin a new 12-year cycle of life, so you'll need to be prepared and rested. This favorable influence of Jupiter occurs once every 12 years and the main thing for you, Libra, is not to miss good opportunities, to direct your energy to fulfill your most cherished desires. Jupiter in 2016 will definitely help you make your dreams come true, especially if these are not empty fantasies, but truly true desires coming from the heart. In the fall, you will emerge from behind the curtain and find yourself in the spotlight of the whole world. The first half of the year is the best time to calm down, gain self-confidence, and in the second half to gracefully go on stage and bow to the audience like a king.

Starting from September 2016, fortune will rush to Libra, and you will begin to build your career quite successfully. Since you are an inherently lucky and fun-loving person, you are not afraid to take risks and start new ventures, especially if there is even a small chance that they can become profitable. Senior colleagues may be so impressed by your capabilities and achievements that they will undoubtedly have a hand in your promotion. Any attempts aimed at self-improvement will find a response from other people. If your job involves running errands or you regularly deal with people, your social status will increase significantly during this period. Avoid excessive idleness, especially at moments when all the blessings of life begin to flow into your hands in abundance. You also need to avoid vanity.

Horoscope for 2016 for Libra - difficulties and trials

Saturn is in Sagittarius and in the third house of siblings and neighbors... any of which could potentially drive you crazy in 2016. Unfortunately, for now, your relationships with your relatives will be unsuccessful, you will periodically get into clashes with your neighbors... but you will be able to improve your relationships with these people a little later, the main thing is patience!

2016 is a time of deep reflection and hard mental work. You will focus all your attention on acquiring new knowledge and skills: an excellent time to engage in extensive professional training. Your attitude will be serious and will allow you to completely devote yourself to in-depth study of your chosen subjects for a long period.

Saturn in conflict with Neptune: real and unreal

You may be persistently invited to a job that seems ideal to you, but someone from your environment or even from a social network will point out that everything is not as it seems. You will face meanness in your family too. If your father has decided to remarry, then in 2016 a stepmother may enter your life, and you will have to tell your father that she is not at all what she seems.

Horoscope for 2016 Libra - surprises and surprises

When Uranus moved into Aries in 2011, it had an adverse effect on your house of marriage and partners (as well as grandparents, second child and third sibling after you). Any of these people may want freedom, to become an independent person. They will be impatient in their desire for independence, so it will be better if you let them go and don't stubbornly stand in the way. You may develop a new relationship with your partner. He/she may become tired of the routine and begin to seek a higher level of intimacy. The seventh house is the home of your “hidden self,” so “wake up” and heed the truth about those aspects of your life that you thought were safely hidden from prying eyes. Allow this process to proceed safely, gently and easily. Uranus hates everything mundane and ordinary, so 2016 is a time of change and moving in new directions. If not, Uranus may punish you for being conservatist and boring. Don't hold on to the past. What will leave your life in 2016 is not worth keeping, because... life is trying to show you new paths, more promising and useful. Although you will most likely be able to realize the benefits of these changes only over time, when the storms in your life subside and you look at everything with a new, purified look.

When Uranus is in the 7th house of the horoscope, astrologers traditionally predict dramatic breaks in love relationships, the emergence of new love affairs or passionate reconciliations. Of course, all this is quite possible, but Uranus’ passage of the seventh house is often associated with a crisis situation that has arisen not only for you, but also for your partner, all on the same love front. In this case, it is not necessary that the relationship will be broken, but it will certainly change. Your behavior pattern in this relationship will undergo a radical restructuring, and you may find that you are simply afraid to make any commitments. Ultimately, after experiencing this period of life, you will become more confident and at the same time more receptive in general.

Libra horoscope for 2016 – mysterious and spiritual

Neptune is already in your sixth house of health and work. Regarding work, if you are a free person to a certain extent, this period of time can be quite productive in your life, especially when you can direct all your energy to exploring new directions. If you adhere to a strict order in your work, you will feel like you are in slavery.

Just like in 2015, 2016 is the time to engage in psychological counseling, drama, popular science literature, modeling, makeup... the oil and gas sector... fishing - all types of activities typical of Neptune. As for health: doctors can diagnose you, and therefore you will have to run to hospitals, take all kinds of tests and not find an answer... In the field of health, Neptune can bring a disease that is difficult to diagnose. If you are already aware of your health problems, take care of them.

If you engage in esotericism, you may feel much better and more balanced. Neptune is the ruler of film, glamour, modeling, behind the scenes, psychological counseling, therapy, etc. You will achieve a lot by working for people, “creating” others, not yourself; being Pygmalion and not a king. You must have lofty goals.

Libra horoscope for 2016 – major changes

Pluto is in Capricorn, your fourth house of family and mother. It is at the bottom of your horoscope, strengthening your foundation, and reorganizing the principles of life that you were taught in childhood. In 2016, you will likely encounter an influential woman whom you will be forced to confront, and/or you and your mother will have conflicts for primacy in the family. There will be changes in the family circle, and the issue of selling/purchasing real estate may be important. During this period, you can begin to take care of your home and the surrounding area in which you live or work. If you feel unhappy at home, in the city or even in the country of which you are a citizen, it is likely that you are going to change your place of residence. Moreover, various kinds of upheavals may occur in your home. However, this is the most opportune moment to start building your own home. You will be close to nature, the call of your heart: any project related in one way or another to the environment will be successful and will bring you the desired satisfaction.

Under the influence of external events in 2016, you may feel anxious and under pressure from circumstances. There is a chance that your credibility may suffer, especially if you are socially active. In 2016, you should not strive for power, because... satisfaction of personal ambitions, the desire to advance, to get something for oneself - all this can run into serious obstacles.

An eclipse in the sixth house of your daily work. It is also the home of pets and health issues - something in this area will be affected at this time. Fiery energy can cause you to fly off the chain, so do your best to control yourself. Breakdowns will lead to nothing, but you will look bad in the eyes of others.

This eclipse will occur in the first house of the horoscope - the house of your self. It looks like something really important may happen in your destiny in 2016!

Horoscope for 2016 for Libra men

  • Libras born in the first decade (September 23-September 30) can begin training at the beginning of the year in order to broaden their horizons. Successful cooperation with foreign companies will require a non-standard approach. A fateful meeting is expected in the spring.
  • Libras born in the second decade (01.10-10.10) will be able to become the best in the business they are involved in, especially in the first half of the year. To achieve success, you should avoid family conflicts. In the middle of the year, a lucrative partnership offer will be received.
  • Libras born in the third decade (11.10-22.10) will be able to find support from loved ones in the coming 2016. All spending and major decisions should be approached with caution. Spring is most suitable for business and entertainment trips. Changing jobs in 2016 is not recommended.

Horoscope for 2016 for Libra woman

  • Libras born in the first decade (September 23-September 30) are recommended to travel to distant countries at the beginning of 2016. Taking good care of your health will help significantly improve your condition. In 2016, relationships with loved ones and family will improve. The beginning and end of the year is a time of romance and change in relationships.
  • Libras born in the second decade (01.10-10.10) should take care of their health, self-development and finances. An interesting acquaintance is expected in the middle of the year. In the fall, you need to avoid temptations regarding your career. In December it is worth taking a vacation and relaxing.
  • For Libras born in the third decade (11.10-22.10) in 2016 it is worth engaging in self-development and self-realization. New beginnings, non-standard solutions and experiments in various fields will be able to develop talents and learn to defend their point of view.

Horoscope for 2016 for each month for the sign Libra

  • In January 2016, Libra will feel an urgent need to love and be loved. After the New Year holidays, it will take a long time to get back into the usual rhythm of life, but everything will be fine with your health.
  • Libra horoscope for May 2016 A stormy personal life awaits Libra in May 2016. But the month is not at all suitable for changing jobs. Libras should have their eyes checked.
  • June 2106 for Libra will be a month of testing the strength of their relationships with their loved ones. Libra will be successful in their work, but if they overwork, health problems cannot be avoided.
  • In July 2016, Libra will have to help a loved one if he gets sick. Many surprises await them in the professional sphere, but Libra’s health can fail.
  • August 2016 promises cloudless relationships with their loved ones for Libra. When working, it is best to rely on your own opinion. Libras should be wary of injuries during this period.

For a Libra woman, the year will be eventful. Your dreams will come true both in love and in career. For the Libra woman, the horoscope for 2016 promises new romantic acquaintances, marriage, or the news that you will soon become a mother.

Friends and family will support you in any matter. In order to maintain a warm, good relationship with them, you will have to be patient. An envious person will appear in your environment who will try to lead you astray.

Love horoscope

What does the love horoscope for 2016 promise for the Libra woman? Romance and new acquaintances will delight you all year long. The person you once loved will no longer please you and satisfy your desires. You will simply lose interest in him. You will try to find new emotions on the side. The Libra woman will not want to destroy a family and deprive children of a full-fledged family. But she will devote more time to her new object of adoration.

The stars warn that by mid-summer, everything may open up. A representative of this sign will want to save her family with all her might, no matter what. But some Libra women will want to be left alone and try to analyze their attitude towards life and towards people. In the summer, they are likely to focus on the problems of their children and parents.

The end of the year will be busy. Accumulated fatigue will affect relationships. Libra will lose control of themselves and will be constantly drawn into family scandals and squabbles. Try to restrain your emotions and control the situation, sometimes it will be useful to remain silent.

As for single Libra women, the love horoscope for 2016 for the Libra woman foretells a fun romantic time. There will be no end to fans, but finding your soulmate will be problematic. It is possible that the Libra Woman will choose for herself the ideal person in all respects. Not finding this in any of her sexual partners, she will be alone for a long time. The stars advise not to look too far. Perhaps your future spouse is very close, you just can’t see him.

Family horoscope

For most of the year, married Libra women will live in harmony with their loved ones. Shocks can occur in the second half of the year, and most likely through the fault of the representative of the sign herself. You will want something new. But all your flirting on the side can lead to serious consequences in the family.

The stars advise spending more time with your children and husband. Spend time together: arrange family evenings, go for walks, travel. Treat the problems of your loved ones with understanding, even if they seem like a mere trifle to you.

By the end of the year, all problems will end. The scales will tip in favor of the family nest. Perhaps the long-awaited child will appear.

Financial horoscope

Everything is fine with the financial side of the Libra woman this year. Money will go into your wallet easily. The main thing is to invest them wisely in a long-term promising project. At the same time, you need to carefully weigh everything, and under no circumstances trust your intuition.

Cold calculation is the main rule for Libra this year. There is a possibility of losing everything if you take money too lightly. Don't take anyone's advice; the decision to spend money should be your own. The right attitude is the key to success.


At the beginning of the year, a woman of the Libra sign will be tormented by doubts about her work activity. Namely, have you chosen your profession correctly and are you in the right place? Cast aside all doubts, your choice is correct. By March you will feel a surge of strength and fears will disappear.

Work related to creativity will be very easy. At the beginning of spring, the Libra woman needs to plan a large cultural program: visiting theaters, museums and exhibitions. This will bring many useful contacts that will come in handy in the near future.

Mid-2016 is a great time to show yourself and demonstrate your professional qualities. Your boss will appreciate you. The Libra woman's personal business will flourish without any special effort required.

In the fall, troubles at work will arise due to a divergence of point of view between your point of view and that of your manager. Try to avoid open conflicts and restrain yourself. This period may bring a surprise - a job change or transfer to another position.

A person will appear who will play an important role in your future career. By the end of the year, the storm at work will subside. Do not be provoked into conflicts and intrigues, continue to work hard and you will succeed.


The horoscope for 2016 advises the Libra woman to carefully monitor her health. Any mild cold can land you in a hospital bed. Exacerbations of chronic diseases are possible. A Libra woman with weak nerves especially needs to monitor her health. This year you are especially susceptible to nervous breakdowns. At the first signs of illness, you should consult a doctor.

Danger warns those women of the Libra sign who love to eat tasty and satisfying meals. Review your diet, otherwise overeating and fatty unhealthy foods will lead not only to obesity, but also to problems with joints and heart.

The stars advise doing physical exercise, eating more fruit and vegetable dishes and forgetting about food after 20.00. Try to spend more time outdoors, arrange relaxing procedures for yourself. Pay special attention to your facial skin.

In general, the Year of the Monkey is quite successful for the Libra woman. The prospect of career growth and financial stability will give vitality. But you need to pay due attention to your family during this period. Mutual support will only benefit you. Don't forget to relax and travel. A change of landscape will bring new emotions. Be positive and you will succeed.

From the end of April to the beginning of June 2016, the solar influence will completely lose its strength, and the Venusian influence, on the contrary, will gain a much greater scope. Specifically for your zodiac sign, this will be expressed in a whole spectrum of rather interesting moments. Libra women need to be most attentive now. There will be more than enough hussars around, and there will be many opportunities to “start a romance.” In fact, you can easily plunge into this reckless world of carnal pleasure! Although it would not be amiss to take into account that the stars recommend exercising increased caution, since now there is a high probability of the occurrence of diseases of a Venusian nature. In this case, we are talking about an extremely high probability, so, as they say, decide for yourself, but remember the warning. Oddly enough, Libra men will behave much calmer in this regard, despite the fact that spring traditionally “blows the roof off” the entire male population of planet Earth. Of course, if you are offered a very interesting adventure, then it is not at all necessary to refuse, especially since forewarned is forearmed. Do what you think is necessary, but don’t be too zealous in terms of “courage”. Now it would be a big mistake to succumb to some momentary trends, despite the fact that you can well afford, let’s say, controlled adventures in which you will be absolutely confident in yourself and those around you.

The height of the summer period, as well as the first third of autumn (all of September) will turn out to be the most harmonious period of Libra’s life for the entire 2016. At this time, Venus will somewhat reduce the intensity of its influences, and here it is necessary to take into account, so to speak, both sides of the coin. First of all, you will need to get used to the fact that the level of vital energy in your body will decrease slightly. Not exactly critical, but quite noticeable. Performance is unlikely to suffer, but general motivation in life, the desire for spiritual growth - there may be problems with this. Force yourself to read! At least a hundred lines before bed, like in the fifth grade. At the moment, this is an objective necessity that your mind vitally needs. Otherwise, by winter, when the blues suddenly subside, you simply will not be able to restore the required level of performance. And believe me, later it will be much more difficult to do this and the consequences may be the most unexpected. By the way, now it will be extremely useful to engage in introspection, introspection, and a steady desire for inner harmony.

From October to December, the final phase of 2016 will begin, which for you personally, Libra, will be characterized by a general decrease in work rates. At this stage, you should not pay increased attention to work. Don’t take on too many projects, figuratively speaking, don’t jump above your own head, otherwise you will find yourself in an undesirable situation. And this is at best! At worst, a whole cascade of the most unpredictable events will await you. As a result, in order to approach the end of 2016 in full, so to speak, combat readiness with an excellent partner in one hand and a defeated dragon in the other, it is necessary to seriously lower the level of ambition.

Additional information for the horoscope for 2016 Libra

In 2016, do not strive to implement some crazy, unrealistically large-scale projects. Remember the popular wisdom: a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky. Be guided by this thought and you will definitely succeed. Moreover, on the personal front the situation will begin to develop as well as possible. And the fault for this will not be the stars, but your own abilities, spurred on by desires. In general, for representatives of the zodiac sign Libra, this will be a natural ending to 2016, a rather unusual time, during which only your desires will play the first fiddle.