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Zodiac horoscope for men and women under the sign Libra. Zodiac horoscope for men and women of the sign Libra Horoscope for Libra by decade

For representatives of the Libra sign, 2016 will be quite successful, not counting their eternal indecisiveness in making decisions and some difficulties in financial terms. You will strive for a social life, make new acquaintances, and even be able to use influential friends for your own purposes!

Famous Libra

  • Catherine Zeta-Jones
  • Will Smith
  • Michael Douglas
  • Brigitte Bardot
  • Monica Bellucci
  • Sting
  • Kate Winslet
  • Matt Damon
  • Gwen Stefani
  • Andrey Danilko

Forecast for Libra women for 2016

Libra women will finally mend their relationships with friends and colleagues, which have been strained over the past few months. Be patient with others and learn to listen carefully to people. will give you prospects both in work and in your personal life, but your indecision and slowness can prevent you from achieving the heights of which you are capable. Learn to make decisions quickly and take responsibility.

Forecast for Libra men for 2016

Libra men will be able to realize themselves in their careers and make new friends. The stars promise you success in all matters, especially those that will be started in the spring and summer of 2016. Your optimism is liked by others and people tend to trust you, which you can use to your advantage.

At the beginning of the year, long-distance trips and foreign business trips are likely. Don't miss the chance to see the world and take a little break from the bustle of the city. The best period for doing business for you will be the period from late spring to late summer. Try to make every effort and hard work at this time - then you will be able to achieve financial heights and recognition.

Love horoscope for 2016

In the year of the Fire Monkey, Libra will especially strive for stability and harmony in relationships. You will be in dire need of love and understanding. Libra women will be able to meet their beloved man at the end of the year, but only if they manage to recognize in time a reliable and loving partner in a completely inconspicuous acquaintance.

Your problem is that you are not always able to accept the gift of fate, considering it just another meaningless event in life. The probability of meeting your soul mate is especially high at the beginning of the year. During this period, devote yourself to spiritual and emotional quests and do not get hung up on daily worries. The stars do not recommend wasting time on frivolous affairs, because while having fun, you may miss meeting true love.

In the new year, Libra should not waste time on short affairs

Libra men will have to literally win their happiness. In the middle of the year you will have a passion, and with it some troubles. You may have to fight with your rival for the lady's favor. Try to figure out if the game is worth the candle! Your innate love of adventure may take you too far, but if your woman stays with you, then there is a high probability that the relationship will be strong and last for a long time.

For representatives of the sign of Libra who are legally married, the stars have prepared a difficult year. In the spring, you may suddenly notice that you don’t have the same feelings for your partner. Do not rush to destroy your family, because you are now in a turbulent stream of events that change every day. In this bustle, it may seem to you that your personal life has cracked.

But you just need to go through a difficult period, after which a white streak will come, and your feelings will return to their previous course. In 2016, especially in the autumn-winter period, it is also important to devote enough time to your children, who especially need you. Or better yet, organize it. The stars are favorably positioned for long trips!

Health horoscope for 2016

Spring 2016 is the best period to undergo a full examination of the body and get rid of chronic diseases. Your frivolity can cost you your health, so there is no point in delaying going to the doctors anymore. Libra women should pay special attention to their joints. Systematic violation of a healthy diet and consumption of large quantities of processed foods can provoke a serious exacerbation of gout.

Before you find yourself captive to pain, get tested and urgently adjust your diet. In the fall of 2016, you should slightly reduce physical activity and not overload your joints, otherwise you will face an extensive inflammatory process. Don't try to outsmart your body - it won't work. There are no other options other than visiting qualified specialists.

Libra must undergo a high-quality medical examination!

2016 will also be a special year in terms of health for Libra men. Your stomach will be your most vulnerable organ. Be sure to undergo diagnostic fibrogastroscopy to make sure that your minor gastritis has not developed into a more serious lesion of the gastric mucosa. A gentle diet based on the consumption of stewed, boiled and ground food will also be useful.

A week of such a diet will help calm your stomach and give it a well-deserved rest. But towards the end of the year, the stars strongly recommend doing sports, even if not too active. Swimming, walking in the fresh air and simple daily exercise will help you increase your endurance and keep your body in good shape.

Money horoscope for 2016

The very beginning of the Year of the Fire Monkey will not be very successful financially for Libra. But the further development of events depends entirely on your determination and ability to approach failures with a cool head. Libra women will miss the chance to improve their financial condition, which can plunge them into depression. Don't be upset - it's better to take this failure as a useful lesson.

Fortunately, in 2016 you will have another opportunity to achieve financial success. The stars recommend that you rely on old friends who will push you towards the right strategy. The middle of the year will be marked by several profitable deals. The Year of the Monkey is successful for investing money in promising businesses - your finances will soon increase several times. But you shouldn’t borrow large sums - you can easily lose them.

Soon Libra will gain financial stability and independence

Libra men will be able to achieve significant heights and financial independence in the summer of 2016. You will have many ideas and ways to implement them, and new business partners will appear. Before you start trusting new people, give them a little background check, and only then can you safely do big business with them. Towards the end of the year, transactions related to the purchase or sale of real estate are favorable for you.

If during the year you manage to expand your work activity, then you will soon be able to achieve absolute success and rapid financial growth. In the fall of 2016, you may be lucky in the lottery, so be sure to try placing bets several times.

Career horoscope for 2016

The career horoscope for Libra is especially successful. The Year of the Fire Monkey has many ways for you to advance your career. From the beginning of the year, Libra women will get into troubles and minor conflicts in the team, but if you manage to get out of trouble with dignity, then by the middle of the year you will be able to apply for a good position.

A good opportunity for Libra is business trips abroad

The main thing is not to rush things, otherwise you may seem too intrusive to your superiors. But Libra men will have better luck at the beginning of the year: you will be in good standing with your superiors and by spring you will be able to noticeably advance up the career ladder. Your hard work will be appreciated, and your ideas and suggestions will be implemented.

A business trip abroad will provide you with a unique opportunity to expand your circle of useful contacts and improve your position in the team. But don’t try to demonstrate your superiority to everyone, otherwise you will undermine your relationships with colleagues.

Brief characteristics of the sign Scales
Lucky numbers 6, 15, 24, 33, 51, 60
Gems Opal, tourmaline
Lucky colors Yellow (lemon), coffee, purple
Patron planet Venus
Lucky months January, February, March, July, September, November, December
Bad months May, June, October
Most Compatible Signs

Irina Zvyagina

Dream big - because in the second half of the year unprecedented prospects will open up before you. And the first new ideas and contacts may appear in your life as early as January 12–15. Both at work and in the family in January, you will have to make difficult decisions on your own, and show a mature position in matters of choice. Strengthening your financial position will give you pleasure. A serious attitude, perseverance and old connections will be the means that will help you take care of a rainy day and acquire guarantees.

February claims to be the most romantic month, and you will lead the parade. From the second half of February to mid-March, new interests will expand your circle of connections. With your elegance and charm, you can catch big fish in your nets, but in March your position will suddenly be shaken. Don't bury your head in the sand, fight for your interests. Caring, sacrifice, guardianship are wonderful qualities if they concern people who need your help, but beware of love out of pity. Keep your financial affairs under personal control. In March and April, there is a possibility of losses due to untimely actions, forgetfulness or impulsiveness. In April, service zeal will reach its peak. The only thing that can distract you from ambitious aspirations is love. And here you have to choose - career or personal life. Both can absorb all your time and attention entirely.

In May, efficiency will decrease due to natural fatigue and decreased interest. Ups and downs in our lives are inevitable. In May, you should relax, enjoy simple joys and accumulate strength. In a romantic relationship, pleasure will be interspersed with the desire to settle down, put down roots, and gain more guarantees and certainty. This is a favorable period for connections that you already have in your life, but don't make big plans for new acquaintances.

At the beginning of June, there is a risk of succumbing to an adventure, being led to the mountains of gold that are promised to you. Most likely, a lot of work awaits you with very modest pay. Towards the middle of the month, something that you despair of finding nearby will come from afar.

In July, pressure from the employer and your family will simultaneously increase. Don’t complain, give both of them their due - and in the second half of the month you will be able to break free and go to some happy and serene place. January and December are more suitable for serious renovations, and in July you can show homeliness by purchasing comfort items, implementing small design ideas, bringing together loved ones in common family events or joint vacations. The third ten days of July and the beginning of August will bring many bright moments into your life. Whatever lifestyle you lead, this time will be conducive to exploring beauty, active social and social life. You can fall in love, become immersed in a new hobby, spend a lot of money on some whim. But on August 5 we will have to return from heaven to earth. Like Cinderella, you will find yourself faced with a mountain of things that need to be sorted out, but what’s most offensive is that your diligence will not seem to be noticed. On August 27, don't miss your chance of great luck. From this day all the most interesting things this year will begin. Do not pay attention to small troubles - this is how the environment reacts to your luck. Attention! For those who are concerned about the problem of excess weight, from September it is advisable to exclude from their menu foods that contribute to a rapid gain of calories. Jupiter will present many unique opportunities throughout the year, but one of the downsides is the likelihood of a rounded silhouette.

September is the best month of the year to choose a new lifestyle and wellness programs. The main thing is that you will have enough patience and diligence to develop a systematic approach and come to terms with limitations.

In October, your thoughts will be directed towards increasing the material wealth that you have. You can invest in risky projects, increase social activity if it promises benefits, or support your partner if fortune is on his side. But in the second half of the month you will be interested only in personal achievements, which will be facilitated by a new environment, trips and new people around you.

In December, it will be time to count your profits, receive rewards and make long-awaited acquisitions. December 25th is one of the best days of the year for Libra, an ideal moment for an important event in your personal life.

Libra is one of the most indecisive signs of the zodiac. They are constantly lost in thought and do not know what decision to make. They complete all tasks for quite a long time and do not tolerate pressure from outside. Libras are very stubborn, so they don’t take advice at all. Representatives of this sign are aesthetes at heart, which is why they highly value beauty. They have many friends and acquaintances. They are very calculating, so they like to make plans and think through everything several steps ahead. They love creativity, get along well with people, and quickly make acquaintances.

What awaits Libra in the year of the Red Monkey?

Libra will remember this year for many years to come. It will be quite bright and dynamic. What events will happen in life will depend on them. Optimists will experience good changes in life, while pessimists will experience bad ones. It is also worth noting that in 2016 it will be more difficult for them to make decisions than ever. They will constantly doubt. This may have a negative impact on their general condition. This year can be called a preparatory year, since it will not bring fundamental changes. It is better to devote your free time to your family or go on a long trip. It is possible to meet old friends.

Love horoscope for Libra for 2016

Representatives of the sign will devote all their free time to their family and their significant other. There is a possibility of family conflicts. Some Libra will have to break off relations with their lovers, although in the future they will try with all their might to restore them. Libras who managed to have children will devote almost all their time to their heirs. Singles can expect romantic dates and vibrant relationships. This is a great time to register a marriage. At the end of the year, several surprises await representatives of the sign. Unfortunately, not very pleasant ones; they suddenly want to remake their other half. As a result, they may encounter a wave of misunderstanding. You need to understand one simple truth - changing another person is a waste of time, so it is better to develop your personality and not shift responsibility to others.

Money horoscope

The Red Monkey will do their best to ensure that representatives of the sign increase their income. Libra will constantly have opportunities to make profitable deals. As a result, they will be filled with excitement and will strive to earn as much money as possible. Some representatives of the sign will want to ruin their ill-wishers. This will help them assert themselves, but is unlikely to strengthen their relationships with colleagues. Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to catch the “financial wave”. Some of them will, on the contrary, spend a lot of money. You shouldn't trust your intuition. Finance loves strict calculations. In 2016, Libra needs to learn not only how to earn money, but also how to distribute and invest it correctly. This is especially true for those who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities. There is no need to let other people meddle in money matters. Libra needs to make all decisions regarding finances independently. It is very important to have a positive attitude. Only in this case, representatives of the sign will experience real success in the field of finance.

Career horoscope

All representatives of the sign who have healthy ambitions will make their dreams of a career come true. Perhaps there will not be a big “leap”, but you will be able to cross several career steps. You can take on any project without a doubt, share your ideas with your superiors, and demonstrate your professional skills in every possible way. The work will bring only positive emotions. Libras who run their own business can also count on success. Their business will truly flourish. Moreover, this will not require any effort. In the summer you can safely invest money in real estate. This will bring additional income. In autumn, you need to be very careful in your relationships with business partners and work colleagues. Misunderstandings will also arise in relations with superiors. Don't be nervous, you just need to clearly formulate your position. At the end of the year, Libra can count on a small surprise. This could be an unexpected promotion or job change.

Health horoscope

During this period, representatives of the sign need to be especially attentive to their health, since there is a risk of serious diseases. Chronic diseases can worsen, so it is imperative to take preventive measures. In addition, astrologers recommend that Libra pay attention to their diet. It is better to exclude fried, smoked and salted foods from it. In the year of the Red Monkey, representatives of the sign risk greatly gaining weight.

The horoscope for the zodiac sign Libra for 2016 promises to be quite exciting, dynamic and unforgettable. There will be important changes in the life of Libra. The most important thing is not to miss this opportunity, because the stars are unlikely to give a second chance. According to the 2016 horoscope, the key influence on Libra will be the Sun. The situations occurring in 2016 will not be standard, however, we can confidently say that solar activity will have a positive effect on Libra and provide them with strong support. Although, this support will actually act as a “fifth leg”, because in the first half of the year, Venus will have the most noticeable influence on the life of Libra, will have a much greater domineering effect. In some situations, solar energy will look rather dull against the backdrop of the powerful influences of Venus. In this regard, the most positive planetary energy flows will concentrate on the sensual and emotional aspects of Libra's life, while the financial sphere will be slightly less successful.

General expected periods for Libra in 2016

If you take a closer look at the beginning of 2016, the period from the first days of January to the end of the second ten days of April will be incredibly successful for Libra representatives in the work sphere. The main thing for Libra is to refrain from turning up your nose. During this period, you will indeed have great potential, but your opinion of your capabilities will be exaggerated. Don't be under any illusion, be very careful with people who flatter you. When it comes to your employees, this is probably normal. However, if your colleagues start bombarding you with excessive amounts of praise, you should become more vigilant. According to the horoscope, at the beginning of 2016, Libra should not go into open confrontation, because many of the events in subsequent stages will largely depend on your current behavior. Thus, do not pay attention to the Hollywood smiles of colleagues and subordinates and the march forward to conquer new heights in work. In love relationships, for the first time, the months of 2016 will be relatively stable; no exceptional or outstanding events are expected in this area of ​​your life.

Starting from the end of April to the beginning of June 2016, the influence of the Sun will completely lose its power, and Venus, on the contrary, will gain greater powers. Especially for the zodiac sign Libra, the stars have prepared a number of quite exciting moments. Libra women need to be more careful than ever. There will be crowds of fans around you, with constant offers to “start a love affair.” You can easily plunge into this world of reckless carnal pleasure! It is vital to take into account the fact that the stars advise Virgos to exercise extreme caution and not make a fatal mistake. Oddly enough, Libra men will be much calmer and more reserved in this regard. If an attractive love affair looms on the horizon, there is no need to reject it. Do what you think is necessary, but keep both feet on the ground and don't fly in the clouds. It would be a big mistake to start a romance without long-term prospects. Do not start a relationship during this period of the year if you do not trust your partner.

The period from July to the end of September will be a harmonious time for the entire life of Libra. At this time, Venus will reduce the intensity of its influence. The level of vital energy in Libra's body will decrease slightly. It won't be decisive, but it will be noticeable. Your level of productivity at work is unlikely to be affected, but Libra may encounter some problems with overall life motivation and desire for spiritual growth. Force yourself to do something through “I don’t want to.” Start reading before bed. At this very moment, it is an objective necessity that is of vital importance to your mind. Otherwise, when winter approaches and suddenly the despondency goes away, Libra simply will not be able to restore the necessary level of vitality to do the work. The more Libra is lazy and procrastinating, the more difficult it will be for them to return to the active process of life. By the way, this will be a good time for introspection and reflection, introspection and sustainable achievement of inner harmony.

The final stage will begin in early October and end in December 2016. For Libra, this will be characterized by a general decrease in work tempo. At this stage, Libra should not focus all their time on work. Don't take on too many projects and get in over your head or you'll end up in a rather undesirable situation. This is at best! At worst, this will lead to a whole cascade of the most unpredictable events. As a result, in order to be fully armed at the end of 2016, so to speak, holding the hand of a loved one in one hand, and holding a defeated dragon in the other hand, you must seriously lower the bar of your own ambition.

Additional information for Libra for 2016

In 2016, you should not strive for unfeasible and unrealistic projects; remember the popular wisdom: “a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky.” Stick to this idea, then all your endeavors should succeed. Moreover, your personal life will begin to unfold in the best possible way. And the reason for this will not be the stars, it is your own abilities and ambitious desires. Your charm and ability to woo the opposite sex will come to the fore. Therefore, do not be surprised that the person you have long dreamed of will be next to you. In general, for representatives of the zodiac sign Libra, such an end to 2016 will be quite natural. The year 2016 is quite unusual for Libra, during which only your wishes will come true.

Financial horoscope for 2016

The financial horoscope for 2016 for Libra promises great prospects, provided that Libra decides on his recognition in work. Incredible hard work and perseverance in 2016 will bring Libra large incomes that Libra could not even think about. The main condition is to be sure to bring your ideas to the end. Don’t put off the things you started “until tomorrow”, take the initiative in your work and take on any activity. In your hands, any project will begin to generate income almost immediately. The results of your work will be converted into amounts with a lot of zeros at the end. And most importantly, the income received in 2016 will be received thanks to your work and skills in twisting the financial flow around yourself.

Horoscope for 2016

Astroprofile Libra

  • Influence: Venus
  • Symbols: scales, all symmetry
  • Colors: blue
  • Stones: aquamarine, sapphire, topaz
  • Favorable numbers: all giving in total 6
  • Element: Air
  • Antipode: Aries
  • Compatibility: Cancer

Libra woman

Women of this sign are distinguished by their prettiness and great charm. For this they can thank their patron planet Venus. Women of this sign are elegant, sophisticated and graceful. Men can't often resist them.

Libra's weakness is jewelry. For Libra women, their clothing style often changes. She feels great both in an evening dress and in a tracksuit with sneakers. The most important thing is that any outfit suits her. The Libra woman has a masculine mentality. They are very smart and quick-witted. It's better not to argue with them. However, they can always listen to a person’s opinion and even accept his point of view.

Libras love to get everything with ease, without spending a lot of effort. In 2016 they will have to be patient. Only in this case will their plans come true. In the first half of the year, you should be careful with money. You should not make large purchases, it is unlikely to be successful. It's better to save the money for a more appropriate time.

If in the new year you want to build a good relationship with your partner and improve your personal life, try not to quarrel with anyone. It is very important! There is a high probability of rupture. Avoid conflicts in the family, even small ones. Only in this case can harmony and understanding settle in your home. In the new year, sort out all the documents and pay attention to work. Don't let things take their course, this is fraught with consequences.

You may make new friends, some of them will be influential people and will be able to help you in some matters. However, do not forget - not all that glitters is gold, take a closer look at people, do not open your soul to everyone. It is important for you to maintain financial stability. Start saving, don’t buy all sorts of trinkets, only the essentials.

Health in the coming year will not bother you much. But you shouldn’t neglect them. It's worth treating yourself to something useful sometimes. Take vitamins, exercise. This will give you additional energy and incentive to live. Listen to your intuition more often, it is developed for you and always tells you the right path.

If Libra is still single, then at the beginning of 2016, there is a high probability that they will meet a lover. However, they will have to take the initiative into their own hands. During the winter months, you will be especially attractive to the opposite sex. It's worth taking advantage of this.

A vacation trip will most likely bring with it a pleasant meeting and romantic relationship. Remember, everything is in your hands.

If you already have a significant other, it would be a good idea to travel abroad together. This will add spice to your relationship and remind you of how it all began. Also, this will be an excellent solution for those who want to have a child. The chances of getting pregnant while traveling are extremely high for Libra in 2016.

If you are single, don’t worry, you will meet your love in the new year. In order for the relationship to end in marriage, try to listen to your partner at first and contradict him less. In the second half of the year, a difficult time may begin for representatives of the Libra sign. Quarrels will become more frequent in your family. Even a rupture is possible. Whether your family will withstand all the tests or not depends only on your wisdom.


Financially, 2016 will start turbulently for you. Work will come at you from all sides. There will be plenty of new tasks, but projects from last year will also need to be addressed. Unfortunately, the beginning of the Year of the Monkey will not be sweet for you. However, it is important not to despair, because everything will definitely come to its senses and return to its place. In general, 2016 promises to be very successful for Libras; their career will take off.

It is important to pay attention to your team. Establish friendly communication with colleagues. Go out with them for walks more often. Sometimes you can learn a lot of interesting things during an informal conversation.

If you hold a supervisory position at work, be very careful about the selection of personnel and the distribution of positions. The success of all your undertakings will depend on the cohesion of the team. If among your subordinates there are lazy people who are not useful, say goodbye to them without regret. You don't need ballast to drag you down.

In the fall, be prepared for the fact that the number of your envious people may increase sharply. Rumors will appear around you. They should be stopped immediately. Stop communicating with people who only take advantage of your energy without giving anything in return.


In the new year, you should pay attention to your health from the very first days. It is very important to avoid psychological breakdowns. The fact is that you will become very vulnerable, and the slightest problem can drive you crazy. A large flurry of rage on your part can lead to disturbances in the nervous system.

If you are an emotionally stable person, then such situations can only lead to various ailments. However, this in turn affects health and requires control. There is a possibility of more serious illnesses due to irritation and constant breakdowns.

Chronic diseases may worsen, and there is a chance that you will end up in the hospital, perhaps even on the operating table. So at the first symptoms of illness, take sick leave and go to rest. This will save you health, time and money later.

For those representatives of the Libra sign who love to eat well, astrologers advise switching to proper nutrition as quickly as possible. You are strictly prohibited from consuming fatty, smoked and spicy foods. There is a possibility of going to a gastrologist.

If you want to maintain beautiful shape and not gain weight, you should limit yourself to eating after six. If you neglect these tips and continue to eat incorrectly, there is a high probability that your blood vessels, joints and heart will begin to suffer.

Finally, go in for sports, start drinking more water and add a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet. If you wish, you can also sign up for a swimming pool or dancing. Any sport will benefit both your physical and emotional state.

Which great woman was born under the sign of Libra?

Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister. She was called the iron lady. In a hundred years, she was the longest-serving holder of this position. The famous actress Brigitte Bardot, as well as such actresses as Monica Bellucci and Gwyneth Paltrow, the Anglo-Austrian actress Naomi Watts, the star of one of the American reality shows, model and actress Kim Kardashian. Also Libra are such actresses as Hilary Duff, Marion Cotillard, Kate Winslet. All of them are charming and purposeful women.

Libra man

Without exaggeration, a man of this sign can be called lucky. The charm of Libra leaves no one indifferent. This man really doesn’t like it when he stays away from something interesting; he always needs to be aware of events. Libras are very good advisers. When their close friends or acquaintances have problems, he will always find the right words to console them and give practical advice.

Libra loves flattery very much. He is happy when someone notices his merits and achievements. In the circle of his friends and relatives, he can even brag without hesitation. In general, the Libra man is a very decent, vulnerable person. He is afraid to make sharp decisions and thinks for a long time before deciding something. Those close to him will always come first. For them, his soul is always wide open.

Love stories in the coming year will cloud the minds of these men. They are even capable of giving up their current passion for an easy new hobby. Libra men will have to say goodbye to many close people. This will benefit them, as they will finally stop being pulled down by other people’s negative thoughts. They will have more time for themselves and work. This is what will lead to the mandatory implementation of the previously outlined goal.

From the very beginning of the year, representatives of this sign will feel great. Thanks to the Fire Monkey, the symbol of the coming year, Libra will feel great self-confidence. They will no longer doubt that they will succeed, which means they will finally stop weighing everything instead of acting.

In the spring, it is best for a Libra man to get rid of his complexes. This is the time when you should think about fulfilling your long-standing desires, for which you previously lacked the courage. It is worth making a serious decision to break off relationships with people who are stopping you from achieving your goal. No matter how difficult it may be for you to do this, in the future you will realize that you were right.

In the summer, these men can shout at the top of their lungs about love for loved ones. However, we should not forget that every word carries consequences, which means that you will have to answer for what is said. The most favorable period in 2016 for Libra will be autumn. Serious acquisitions are possible. It is at this time that money will come into his pocket especially easily.

Pay attention to education. It's never too late to gain new knowledge. They are the ones who can help Libra on their career path in the future.

In 2016, Libra will be overwhelmed by emotions. Their love of love will show itself in all its glory. Every day emotions will overwhelm this man more and more.

There is a big risk that the other half will lose control over him and the man of this sign will go into all sorts of troubles.

It is possible that he will exchange his real girlfriend for a new one. There is a high likelihood of romance at work. Even married Libras will keep an eye on their colleagues and most likely will not miss the chance to seduce one of them. However, they should be extremely careful - competitors and ill-wishers will not miss the opportunity to make his adventures public.

If we talk about free weights, the new year will bring a lot of romances and passionate sleepless nights. At the same time, they will run from serious relationships like fire.


In the new year, workaholic Libras will finally allow themselves to vent and take a little break. They will stop staying up late at work and remember that there is life outside the walls of their office. Men of this sign will begin to look for their path. They can get carried away by creativity, which will have a positive effect on their condition.

You shouldn't start any business ideas in the new year. Working alone will not bear fruit and will only waste their time and money. In the new year, Libra will need praise and admiration even more. They will be ready to spend money on expensive things, accessories, and reputable establishments.


In 2016, most Libras will decide to give up their bad habits. They will actively engage in sports. They will be influenced by Mars, which will give strength and help overcome laziness. They should join a gym or purchase the necessary tools to practice at home.

If a Libra man stops being nervous about trifles and takes his health seriously, then even chronic diseases will fade into the background. Cold baths and contrast showers will be very useful. Positive emotions will give great strength and energy.

In the summer, your health may worsen, as Venus and Jupiter will begin to influence Libra. In any case, you will get sick several times during the year, perhaps even seriously. But don’t give up, the main thing you need at this time is the support of your family and good care.

Your nervous system will suffer due to family scenes. A tense relationship with your loved one will not allow you to relax for a minute. This can lead to nervous disorders, the heart and kidneys may suffer. Be careful, you are at risk of fractures within a year.

Be careful on the street, do not cross the road anywhere and do not conflict with strangers. If your abdominal cavity or other organs are suffering, you will most likely have surgery in the coming year. But you should not worry, as everything will be successful and the illness will be cured. Just in case, it would be a good idea for the scales to get all the tests done.

You need a lot of fresh air, rest near the water. In summer you should be wary of hypothermia. It is undesirable to stay in ice water for a long time. A holiday at sea will come in handy. For Libra who decide to lose weight, this period is very favorable if they eat right and exercise.

Which great men were born under the sign of Libra?

Famous Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi, German scientist Friedrich Nietzsche, poet and playwright Oscar Wilde, Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov, Russian poet Ivan Bunin, American famous actor Michael Douglas, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.