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TNK carbon card for individuals. All about discount cards for gasoline gas stations in Russia Who has a big discount at a gas station

If we discard the specific experience of owners who stick with their soul and gas tank to one brand, then in general, as our expertise shows, you can trust all gas stations of large companies without exception. Most of them offer a high level of service, payment by bank cards, shops and amenities, trying to bind the client with loyalty programs. What does he get by choosing a card of a particular brand? Let's try to figure it out by evaluating the offer of the seven largest gas filling networks.

1. Gazprom Neft

The company's developed network includes 1339 stations in Russia and the CIS. Loyalty card paid - 200 rubles. Further, a progressive scheme for accumulating bonuses is implemented: if you leave less than 5,000 rubles a month at Gazprom Neft gas stations, the status of the card remains silver. Spend on fuel, goods and services from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. - earn for "gold", but more - for "platinum". With "silver" for every 20 rubles. get 6 bonuses, with "gold" - 8, with "platinum" - 10. There are additional promotions of the "Extra" type: when buying more than a thousand rubles, you will earn additional bonuses at the rate of 1 bonus = 10 rubles. (say, for 1500 rubles, 75 “regular” points plus 150 points for the promotion will be credited to the “platinum” card). You can spend on fuel, goods and services at Gazprom Neft points - however, no more than 30,000 bonuses (or 3,000 rubles) per day. The course of "cashing out" - 10 bonuses = 1 ruble. That is, with a "platinum" status from 10,000 rubles. you can save 500 rubles.

2. Tatneft

More than 500 gas stations throughout the country. There are two discount cards to choose from with a transparent bonus accrual scheme. Both cost 120 rubles. and sold at branded gas stations. The names reflect the principle of accumulation of discounts. The first - "Discount for the previous month" - takes into account the volume of refueling fuel: filled in more last month - saved more this month. If you fill up to 100 liters - get a 1% discount, from 101 to 200 liters - 2%, 201-300 liters - 3%, from 301 liters - 4%. The Fixed Discount card entitles you to permanent privileges: you will save 3% per liter. Spent 10,000 - saved 300 rubles.

The company also offers gift certificates, fuel coupons and cards and bonus cards of partners, however, they are valid only in the Ulyanovsk and Kemerovo regions.

3. TNK

The Magistral card for cashless payments, which is also accepted on the BP and Rosneft networks, does not bother us. Our aspirations will be satisfied by the TNK-Carbon accumulation system. 100 rub. - and your spectacular card. Moreover, this is not a simple piece of plastic, but a MasterCard payment system card - the same Lukoil, for example, in addition to storage cards, issues debit cards together with partner banks. Well, TNK has “two in one”: I bought Carbon, deposited money (at a branded gas station, in a Euroset store or by transfer from another bank card) - and pay wherever MasterCard is accepted! Even when withdrawing cash, the amount of bonuses will be 1.5% of the purchase amount.

At the same time, the classic option of accumulating points for purchases at gas stations also works. For every fifty dollars spent on regular fuel, 5 bonuses will accumulate, on Pulsar fuel - 10 bonuses, on purchases in the company store - 15 bonuses. Example: you will receive 900 bonuses if you regularly refuel at TNK filling stations with Pulsar fuel and spend 4,500 rubles on this. per month. You can spend bonuses at TNK gas stations at the rate of 1 ruble = 10 bonuses. From 10,000 rubles spent on Pulsar fuel, the savings will be 200 rubles.

4. Lukoil

This brand has fuel cards for legal entities and co-brand bank cards with their own conditions, but as part of the review, we are interested in a customer incentive program that unites users of one of the largest networks - over 2000 gas stations! - in "Club Lukoil". The card is free, it is issued after filling out the questionnaire at the gas station and begins to operate immediately.

For each spent 50 rubles. 1 point is awarded, as they accumulate, they are used as a discount at the rate of 1 point = 1 ruble. They must be spent within a year. Example: refueled for 10,000 rubles, received 200 points, savings - 200 rubles. Regular promotions allow you to score more points: for example, for refueling before the beginning of November in the amount of more than 1,100 rubles, an additional 50 bonuses will be added to the card. You can spend at the network of LUKOIL gas stations almost as you like: you have chosen a product for 200 rubles. - paid 1 ruble in cash, the rest was covered with 199 points from the card.


Coverage is small - in the Russian network 110 with a small gas station. The loyalty card is called ClubSmart and offers to accumulate points at branded gas stations. The system is tied not to cost, but to volume, and the accrued points depend not only on the type of fuel, but also on the day of the week: on Sundays, double the number of points is awarded to gasoline with the V-Power prefix. On weekdays, 1 point per liter is given for regular grades, 2 for Shell V-Power and 3 for V-Power Racing.

You can also collect bonuses for goods - from 1 to 30. And when buying Shell lubricants, they will immediately give you up to 600 points! Bonuses are converted into gifts from a fixed list. Let's say a 1.25 liter bottle of water is rated at 180 points, a car air purifier at 37,000 points.

6. Rosneft

Let's leave out of the review the system of corporate fuel cards, which are more interesting for carriers, and focus on the loyalty program. There are as many as 2,627 own and leased gas stations in Russia and neighboring countries, a list of network stations with the terms of the program is available on the website, broken down by region. The scheme for accruing bonuses is more complex or, if you like, flexible: 1 point for the purchase of a liter of conventional fuel, 2 points for a liter of 1 branded fuel, and 3 bonuses for every 10 rubles for a purchase at the Rosneft store. purchases. For example, they poured 40 liters of Fora branded gasoline - received 80 bonuses, ate a snack for 500 rubles - another 150 bonuses.

What to spend? Alas, only for gifts from a fixed list. At the time of writing, the most affordable "gift" was a baseball cap (441 bonuses), the most expensive - a thermos with two mugs (8600 bonuses). Fortunately, you can also convert bonuses into fuel - but within the limited-time promotions. On these dates, you can exchange 3990 bonuses for 20 liters of any fuel, except for Super EURO98. Let's try to recalculate: in order to gain this amount only by refueling with branded gasoline, you need to fill in 1995 liters. At a price of 35 rubles per liter, you will spend 69,825 rubles, saving from 10,000 rubles is about 100 rubles!


Gas stations with the yellow-green British Petroleum logo are far from being found everywhere (the network has just over 120 gas stations), but they are well known to residents of the Moscow region. Not surprisingly, BP's partner is the Malina savings system, which covers the networks of trade enterprises in the two capitals. Points can be added to the Malina card when paying bills in restaurants, buying electronics, shoes, movie and plane tickets, car rental, insurance policies... At a BP gas station, it is enough to show the card to the cashier, and when paying for fuel (or other goods) you will be credited with bonuses at the rate of 10 points for 100 rubles. With the accumulated amount, you can pay for purchases both at gas stations and in all retail chains participating in the program at the rate of 20 points = 1 ruble. With fuel, the benefit looks like this: I refueled for 10,000 rubles. - saved 50 rubles.

The cost of buying fuel is a significant part of the expenses of any organization involved in the delivery of goods. It will be possible to reduce them with the help of special cards: they allow you to purchase gasoline at competitive prices and distribute limits for each vehicle. But you can get confused in the variety of offers, so study the rating of fuel cards.

What are fuel cards and how to choose the best

Making a choice pay attention to the following criteria:

There is no universal answer to the question of how to choose a fuel card with the greatest benefit: it all depends on the needs of the enterprise.

Fuel card rating for legal entities

It is difficult to make an objective rating, since comparison in absolute terms does not make sense. For example, you are engaged in transportation on the route Moscow-Kaliningrad: the presence of a network of gas stations in Buryatia or Chelyabinsk will not be an advantage for you. But the level of sales still made it possible to single out the TOP-3 products from oil companies:

  1. Gazprom Neft covers 1,400 filling stations in the Russian Federation, providing Euro-4 and Euro-5 class gasoline and diesel fuel, as well as improved G-drive fuel. Management takes place remotely, and setting limits on the number of transactions and limiting use on weekends has been added to the standard set of operations. The advantages include the simplicity and efficiency of issuance: both works under a public offer and a classic “paper” contract are available.
  2. Lukoil offers a means of payment that is accepted at 2,500 gas stations in Russia and 1,200 in Europe. The company relies on fuel quality that meets Euro-4 and Euro-5 standards. A branded version is also available - improved ECTO fuel. As for management, it can be carried out online: the holder can view transactions, set and change limits, block and unblock.
  3. Rosneft has developed a proposal for fleet owners: wide coverage in cities is complemented by a balanced placement of stations on highways. The number of gas stations in the Russian Federation exceeds 1,700, and the quality of gasoline and diesel fuel reaches the Euro-4 and Euro-5 levels; and improved options are offered - “Handicap” and “Pulsar”. RN-Kart implies the possibility of offline processes: transactions, changing limits and blocking-unblocking are remotely available (the delay does not exceed 24 hours). This will allow you to use the card even if there is no connection at the gas station terminal.

Often, the owners of transport companies choose for themselves a combination of cards included in the TOP-3. Result? They receive a wide network of coverage and refuel at the stations of major oil companies. At these stations, there is always strict control over the quality of fuel and normal topping up in the tank, so the customer is provided with the highest level of trust service.

Fuel card comparison

When compared by the size of the discount, Gazprom Neft occupies the 1st place, because it reaches 10%. There are 3 programs available to consumers:

  1. “Local” is designed for clients working in the region where the contract was concluded.
  2. "Transit" is aimed at the needs of large enterprises. If consumption exceeds 150,000 liters per month, individual discounts are possible at certain highway gas stations.
  3. “Interregional” means a discount when refueling a car outside the local region.

The benefits include the ability to get maintenance on the road or call a tow truck.

The discount on the Lukoil fuel card for legal entities reaches 6.5%, but the brand wins in terms of the number of filling stations: if Gazprom Neft has 1,400, then here you have 3,600 stations at your disposal. The pluses include the provision of a loan, but the option is fraught with overpayments in the future.

Fuel cards from Rosneft for legal entities can reduce costs by only up to 5%, but customers are provided with the following options:

  1. “Local” is intended for carriers operating in the region.
  2. "Transit" will satisfy the needs of enterprises whose activities cover several subjects of the Russian Federation. An additional option “Transit-diesel” is also available: customers are provided with a 5% discount at 464 highway gas stations and 1.5% when refueling at other points. Since the stations are located along the main highways, the option is suitable for long-distance or international transportation.
  3. Fuel Online is designed for small businesses.

Yielding in terms of discounts, Rosneft leads in terms of the number of filling stations(more than 4500), which is beneficial for customers involved in transportation throughout the Russian Federation.

Cards from TNK, called "Magistral Region", have a number of advantages:

  • the discount is set depending on the amount of fuel consumed per month;
  • the coverage network includes 2,000 gas stations in the Russian Federation and the CIS;
  • replenishment can be done via WebMoney.

The main advantage remains loyalty in blocking because it is not done automatically. The company also took care of the ease of use, so the card can be assigned to a vehicle number or to a specific driver.

The best fuel cards: online or offline

To decide which option is best in your case, select the appropriate type:

  1. Online means working in real time. Since operations, including locking on loss, occur instantly, security is at its best. This type includes Licard from Lukoil or the Gazprom Neft fuel card for legal entities.
  2. Offline allows you to make transactions even if there is no connection on the terminal. If drivers have to visit remote areas, the nuance will be decisive. But there is also a drawback, since information about transactions is updated with delays of up to 24 hours. Immediate blocking is also not performed, and in order to change the limits, you need to come to the company's office.

Ease of use depends on the situation.

Do you plan to change limits often? Then a reliable one is for you. offline type proven over decades of work. For those who actively make adjustments, online types.

Universal fuel cards: rating

The main difference between universal cards is that they can be used at gas stations of different networks: they are issued not by oil companies, but by third-party services. Thanks to this feature, truckers do not have to look for a specific station, which will reduce the flight time. When choosing, pay attention to the rating based on the reliability and benefits of the offers.

1st place - Petrol Plus

PetrolPlus is the largest fuel card operator in the Russian Federation. The company's products are accepted at 13,000 gas stations, and customers are offered the following:

  1. “Business Card” for legal entities issued as credit or debit. It is tied to a common account, which eliminates the need to open a separate account for each card. The facility is used to pay for both fuel and overheads and travel expenses, leaving the company free from the hassle of issuing and transporting cash. It is possible to set limits or connect SMS informing, which will allow the manager to control expenses. You can learn more about the advantages of the option that occupies the top line in the rating of fuel cards from the video:

PetrolPlus claims that the cooperation allows savings of up to 25%: VAT refunds and fraud prevention, provided by increased control, will reduce costs.

2nd place - Masters

Masters cards are accepted at 12,000 gas stations. As a result, holders are free to create routes without being forced to focus on the availability of gas stations. The pluses include the following:

  1. The cards are serviced on the networks Lukoil, Rosneft, Shell, Tatneft, etc., and the owners will be able to program the type of fuel and the type of limit.
  2. The cost of services is determined by the amount of fuel consumed. When buying more than 5 thousand liters, the monthly fee is not charged, otherwise it will be 500 rubles.
  3. It is possible to provide a loan against a bank guarantee or surety.
  4. The amount of the discount is set depending on fuel purchases.

Since the use of a single card eliminates losses from falsified cash payments, the overall savings can reach 30%.

3rd place - “Kardeks”

"Kardeks" makes it possible to get fuel at 10,500 filling stations. The option is suitable for carriers, both operating within the same city and covering several regions. Using the card gives an economic effect of 5-25% of fuel costs due to a number of advantages:

  • the ability to refuel on the routes of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Europe, Kazakhstan;
  • reduction of VAT by 18%;
  • selection of attractive filling stations by brand, price, location, and it will be necessary to conclude only 1 contract with Kardex;
  • providing a personal manager who effectively resolves issues (this will free up your employees for other tasks).

The company concludes an agreement and activates the card in 1-2 business days, after which the carrier will begin cooperation on preferential terms with Lukoil, Surgutneftegaz, etc.

The main plus is that the client is immediately issued 2 gasoline cards for legal entities: from Kardex and from Lukoil, and they will be serviced under a single contract.

4th place - Bezindex

The ambitious company Bezindex even managed to become an official dealer of Gazprom Neft. She offers a range of cards:

  1. RN-Kart Magistral, which is a joint product with Rosneft, allows you to pay at 4,800 gas stations. You can order a card for 370 rubles.
  2. A means of payment issued in cooperation with Gazprom Neft is provided free of charge (in case of loss, you will have to pay 300 rubles). The network of available stations includes 1400 pcs.
  3. Topkarta, for which you have to pay 150 rubles, makes it possible to refuel at 1,000 gas stations.
  4. The E-100 card is designed for owners of enterprises engaged in transit transportation. It is distinguished by a wide coverage of the countries that are members of the European Union.

Bezindex also holds promotions: the cardholder can bring new customers and get a discount.

The options provided are designed for fleets with consumption up to 100,000 liters per month.

5th place - "Inforkom"

The company "Inforcom" is valued for its reliability, because in 1991 it was she who introduced consumers to such a product as a fuel card. Now it offers customers the following advantages:

  • the opportunity to refuel at 3,000 gas stations throughout Russia;
  • deferred payment for 12 days;
  • prices are 1-8% lower than in cash;
  • services of a personal manager;
  • the opportunity to work on an advance payment with a 4% discount.

The purchase of fuel is available both at gas stations of large companies and at non-branded gas stations. Since card acceptance is distributed evenly throughout Russia, drivers will not need to look for the right gas station.

Infocom is an official partner of DKV Euro Service, which allowed us to develop an offer for customers transporting across Europe. Using the DKV card offers a number of advantages:

  • the ability to purchase fuel at any of the 65,000 points of reception in 40 countries;
  • refund of European VAT;
  • round the clock support;
  • individual discounts;
  • the ability to control expenses in a personal account with a Russified interface.

The card also allows you to pay tolls by bank transfer, as well as use the services of 11,000 service stations. The long-term presence of the company in the market speaks about the benefits of cooperation with Inforcom.

You can see the ease of management from your personal account by watching the video:

Advantages and disadvantages of using fuel cards

With the right choice, the advantages of using will not be limited to the return of 18% VAT:

  1. Since the calculation will take a few seconds, driver time will be saved: no need to look for change, count money. Payment is carried out with an accuracy of kopecks.
  2. Frauds on the part of cashiers or employees of the carrier company are excluded. For example, having received a coupon for gasoline, the driver will be able to sell it, and later report for the supposedly made refueling. With a fuel card, the option is excluded.
  3. Providing payment deferrals useful if the account was not replenished on time due to protracted holidays.
  4. Cardholders receive 1-8% discount. It is set depending on the company, the tariff and the volume of monthly purchases.
  5. Promotions, discounts and bonuses further save the company's money.
  6. Because the company issuing the payment instrument is required to report and issue invoices, bookkeeping will be easier. This means that employees of the enterprise will be freed up for other tasks.
  7. On the website of processing companies, in most cases, there are gas station locators, where prices for gasoline and fuel are also indicated. The tool will make it possible, if necessary, to lay route, taking into account the location of gas stations.

The disadvantages include only the need to check the balance of the limit and binding to a specific network of gas stations. Disadvantages can be solved by choosing universal means of payment with the possibility of a loan.

In some cases, processing companies charge a fee for the restoration of a damaged or forgotten card, so you need to be careful with its storage.

Why are fuel cards attractive?

The use of payment means improves control over the work of employees of the enterprise:

  1. It will no longer be possible to hand over false checks that drivers present after paying in cash with a report. This type of fraud is one of the most common, since it does not even require collusion with the gas station operator. The checks are in a basket by the window, and the driver can only find the right one. In the future, he complains about the heavy load of the car, poor technical condition or traffic jams, demanding an increase in the issuance of money for gasoline. But due to the reflection of transactions, it is impossible to present false documents: if the amount is not in the reports, then the check is taken in the basket at the gas station.
  2. The use of means of payment from oil companies will prevent refueling cars with low-quality fuel. After all, there are often fuel trucks or stationary containers on the highways: some drivers sell gasoline drained from the tank here, while others refuel on the cheap, and then take checks at gas stations. The result is frequent car repairs, since the use of low-quality fuel affects the condition of components and parts. And in combination with sensors embedded in the tank, transaction verification will prevent the sale of gasoline “on the side”.
  3. Since the card can be assigned to a specific driver or vehicle number, you will prevent it from being passed on to third parties.

Reducing fraud will reduce costs, and a combination of "maps + sensors" will be a reliable way.


When choosing an option, you should focus not only on the rating of fuel cards, but also on the needs of the enterprise. For example, when transporting on certain routes, you will not need an extensive network of gas stations. If the work of your company involves traveling on long routes, then not having to look for a gas station of a certain brand can be inconvenient. Making adjustments for the specifics of the situation, you will choose the card of the right company!

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Today, bonus cards at gas stations present a pleasant surprise for car enthusiasts, namely those who are devoted to any particular gas station. And such remuneration is expressed in the form of a system with the help of which it is possible to accumulate bonuses for the purchase of fuel and similar goods. Let's make a small review and comparison of the possibilities of bonus cards of some domestic gas stations.

Fuel cards from Petrol Plus

A map called ATV by (Petrol Plus)

  • It is accepted at more than 9,000 gas stations in the Russian Federation and CIS countries;
  • There is a discount for 3000 filling stations;
  • Free card issuance;
  • Possibility of 18% VAT refund.
  • Lukoil bonus and fuel cards

Fuel and bonus cards Lukoil

The network of gas stations Lukoil presents bonus cards "LUKOIL-Petrocommerce-MasterCard". It is calculated as follows: upon purchase, 1 point is awarded for 50 rubles, and 1 point equals 1 ruble. Registration of a bonus card is free, it can be valid for an unlimited period.

  • With its help, there is a discount at gas stations;
  • They accept the card at more than 3800 gas stations;
  • It is possible to return 18% VAT;
  • There is cost control.

Shell gas station bonus cards

By presenting this card at Shell gas stations for each purchase, it is possible to receive points under the special Shell ClubSmart program. And for these points you can get gifts from the gas station.

  • Bonuses are awarded for each refueling or purchase;
  • You can exchange bonuses for gifts according to the catalog.

  • Ability to accept the card at Shell gas stations, and at more than 2000 partner gas stations;
  • You can return 18% VAT.

Fuel cards Rosneft

Today, Rosneft has more than 1,800,000 credit cards in circulation. For legal entities, there are fuel cards that operate under the programs "Transit" and "Local", for individuals - loyalty cards.

  • You can return 18% VAT;
  • Fuel cards are accepted by more than 1770 gas stations.

Bonus cards from Neste gas stations

The petrol station from the Neste company presents the Citibank credit card to car owners. As a bonus, the card returns 1% of payments. It is also possible to get 5% discounts on the purchase of purchases in the Quick-Shop. There is a 10% bonus on Quick-Shop car wash services, and a 5% discount on fast food products.

  • Cash back option — 1%;
  • When refueling at Neste gas stations, for each liter - a discount of 20 kopecks;
  • There is a 5% discount in Quick-Shop stores;
  • 10% discount on Quick-Wash sinks.

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The cumulative discount program of Gazprom filling stations allows you to accumulate bonuses and constantly increase the discount on fuel purchases.

When buying a discount card, the client receives a starting (initial) discount of 2%.

Table of discounts and bonuses for the discount card:

Starting (initial) discount on the discount card - 2%.

Bonus 1 000 2 500 5 000 10 000 20 000 50 000
Discount 2,5% 3% 3,5% 4% 4,5% 5%

Bonus scheme:

1 liter of petrol/LPG gas = 1 bonus;
2 liters of diesel fuel = 1 bonus.

Rules for participation in the Accumulative Discount Program:

  • A discount card is issued to a customer at a gas station when buying in cash or by bank transfer. The retail price of the discount card is 250 (two hundred and fifty) rubles, incl. VAT 20%.
  • After payment of the cost, a discount card is issued to an individual. When the card is sold, the customer receives a cash receipt confirming the purchase. When selling, the envelope must be closed.
  • Each card is assigned to the client. To do this, it is necessary to enter in legible handwriting in the questionnaire the surname and initials, the card number (it is printed on the front side) and the contact phone number. This information is required in the following cases:
    — if the client forgets his card at the gas station;
    - if the card is lost (the presence of information about the client in the client database will allow you to restore the accumulated balance and transfer its discount to a new card).
  • After filling out the questionnaire, the client can use the discount card.
  • To credit the filled fuel to the card and accumulate the discount, it is necessary to present the discount card to the operator-cashier of the Gazprom gas station for scanning before refueling.

The lost card is blocked and cannot be restored even if it is found. The number of cards that one person can purchase is not limited.

The validity period of the accumulative discount program is also not limited.

If a defect in the card (manufacturing defect) is discovered when, the card can be replaced at the expense of HPP Retail LLC within the period established by the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" of the Russian Federation.

If the card malfunction occurred due to improper operation, the card cannot be exchanged or returned.

A malfunction can be judged by the following external signs of the card: the color of the card burned out in the sun, scratches, cracks, folds, inscriptions and other damage that occurs when storage and operation are violated.

In these cases, as well as if the card is lost, the customer needs to purchase a new discount card at the gas station (the cost of the card is 250 (two hundred and fifty) rubles, including VAT 20%) at his own expense and write an application to transfer the accumulated bonuses for a new card.

The transfer of the current balance is carried out if there is a receipt with the number of the previous discount card or information in the database about the Client specified in the questionnaire when it was purchased.

Rules for the storage and operation of a plastic card:

  • The card should not be stored near metal or radio emitting objects. Placing magnetized items near the card may damage the applied magnetic tape. The card should be kept away from a cell phone, tablet, microwave oven, router, office equipment. Negative consequences for the card may occur after its prolonged contact with the above items.
  • It is necessary to protect the card from household dust. When storing the card in a dusty place, there is a possibility of destroying data from the chips and demagnetizing the tape. In addition, small debris can cause damage to the surface of the card and the tape printed on the inside.
  • The card must not be bent, stored at an excessively high or low temperature, or immersed in liquid. It is not recommended to drop the card, as this may lead to the destruction of data on the chip.
  • To prolong the life of the plastic card, it is recommended to purchase a protective case.

The discount card should be purchased only at gas stations of the Gazprom network. After the purchase, the customer is required to issue a cash receipt.

* Damaged discount cards are not accepted at gas stations.

In order to identify the unfair use of discount cards of customers, GES Retail LLC reserves the right to block the discount card based on the analysis. To unblock the card, the client must immediately contact the

The car has become a helper for us. It helps us move through heavy traffic in the morning, gives us the ability to travel and just makes driving fun (depending on the car, of course). But have you noticed that refueling an iron unit costs a round sum of money every month. If so, then most likely you would not refuse to save on fuel.

BP gives you this opportunity!

Loyalty program terms

  • Only a citizen who has reached the age of majority can participate in the program. Please note that the promotion is for individuals.
  • Participation in the program is free. Fill out the form, get a card and the new participant is ready!
  • Completing the questionnaire is an important step. Indicate only real passport data, because by doing so you consent to the processing of personal data.

As you can see, you can become a member of the program in just 5 minutes. And now let's move on to the main thing - the accrual of bonus cashback!

Bonus accrual

When you make purchases at BP or from promotional partners, be sure to present your discount card to receive from one to three points for every 100 rubles spent. The number of points awarded directly depends on the status of your card. How to increase it, you will learn later.

You can spend your points only after two weeks, and their validity period is 3 years. If you do not use bonuses, they automatically burn out. You can check your current balance on the bonus program website, at a BP gas station or by calling the hotline.

How to spend points and get benefits?

Bonuses on your card help you get discounts on goods and services from partner stores. According to the terms of the loyalty program, 1 bonus is equal to 1 Russian ruble. Therefore, the more bonuses on your card, the greater your discount on fuel or any related product. You can spend points on the entire purchase, as well as on part of it, and pay the remaining amount in cash.

To use your BP bonuses, when paying for a purchase at a gas station or in a partner store, you need to present a loyalty card. How to get it and how to increase its status, read the next paragraph.

Please note an important point that you cannot receive and spend points on tobacco products. Therefore, you definitely won’t be able to save on cigarettes!

Bonus cards "BP"

You can get a card at any Bipi gas station. But if for some reason the card was not activated at the gas station, how can you do it yourself? There are three ways to help us do this:

  • Send SMS with card number to 7550;
  • Register a card on the official website bp-club.ru;
  • Call the hotline 8-800-234-75-50 and dictate the discount card ID.

Card statuses

Initially, the card has the "Green" status, which gives 1 point for every 100 rubles spent on refueling, as well as 4 points for goods in the Bipi market. But this is not the limit!

To advance to the next level "Gold", you need to refuel over 300 liters in 3 months. Did you fulfill this condition? Congratulations, you now get 2 bonuses for fuel and 4 for goods.

The last stage is the Platinum status. To get it, we fill up from 600 liters in 3 months and get even more benefits: 3 points for fuel and 6 points for goods.

Please note that your status may be burned. To prevent this from happening, fill up your car from 600-900 liters within 90 days.

Sometimes it happens that the client may accidentally lose or damage the card. If this happened to you, then you need to block the old card and get a new one at the Bipi gas station. Unfortunately, there is no function to transfer points to a new card, but it will appear soon.

Program partners

You can spend your money and get points in the following stores and establishments:

  • "Russian AutoMotoClub";
  • "INNA TOUR";
  • "LitRes";
  • Flowwow.

Features of the bonus program

  1. Every motorist can become a member;
  2. The cost of one point is one ruble;
  3. Three card statuses that give increased cashback;
  4. The ability to make purchases from partners and receive bonuses.