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Penalty for traffic sign violation prohibited. Passed on the sign "No entry": a fine or a warning, when can I pass? The amount of the claim to be paid

Prohibiting traffic signs are one of the most disliked by motorists. After all, they mean the impossibility of moving along the section of the path, and if you ignore them, it is easy to get punished. But there are categories of cars that are allowed to pass under prohibition signs.

A sign that prevents driving is usually found in the following cases:

  • when it is necessary to inform the driver about the proximity of the pedestrian zone;
  • to warn motorists about a damaged road or repair work on it;
  • at the entrance to the territory where the presence of foreign transport is undesirable, for example, to a sensitive facility;
  • to indicate directions in which movement is not allowed (in this case it is combined with signs 8.3.1, 8.3.2 or 8.3.3).

Vehicle categories not covered by the ban

Laws exist for everyone, but not in the case of prohibition signs. Some categories of vehicles are allowed to pass under them:

  • belonging to the disabled, if the car has information announcing this feature;
  • courier service vehicles that deliver goods;
  • public utilities transport;
  • postal service;
  • personal car living in the house, near which the sign is installed;
  • cars of employees of the enterprise, on the territory of which entry is prohibited to the rest;
  • public transport.

What is the penalty for driving under the sign

There are several road signs restricting traffic, and the driver must be able to distinguish one from the other. After all, each has its own meaning. It can be assumed that the penalties for violation differ in the same way as the rules dictated by the prohibition signs. There are also similarities.

For a "pass through"

The designation "no through traffic" (3.2) indicates that the section of the road that can be used to get from one point to another is closed. And you need to find a bypass.

But drivers often ignore the ban, because the punishment for violating it is only a fine of 500 rubles. It is regulated by the 1st part of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings on the carriageway, with the exception of cases provided for by parts 2-7 of this article and other articles of this chapter, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred roubles.

Such an insignificant measure is due to the fact that the offense does not create a big danger on the road. Usually, there is no heavy traffic on the section closed to the passage of other vehicles, so the probability of creating a traffic jam or a collision of cars is extremely low.

At the same time, ignoring the “through traffic is prohibited” sign can create inconvenience for pedestrians, which means a conflict situation. It can also cause undesirable consequences for the offender himself. Therefore, if the motorist does not have good reasons for driving under the sign, it is not worth the risk.

Those who have the right to move where others are not allowed to, should be ready to confirm it:

  • If the driver lives in a house with a “through passage prohibited” sign nearby, he should present a passport with a residence permit to the traffic police officer.
  • A person working at a secure enterprise must always carry a pass with him.
  • Couriers of the delivery service from the store must have documents confirming the professional need to pass under a sign that does not allow it.

For "no entry"

Of all the signs preventing the free movement of cars, the "brick" (3.1) causes the greatest irritation to drivers. Sometimes his presence seems absurd, but you should not ignore the ban. Because the sanction for driving under this sign may differ depending on where and under what circumstances the violation was committed:

  • If the "brick" stands as a limiter to the flow of cars in a certain area, for example, at a gas station or parking lot, the driver will face a fine of 500 rubles, and at best a warning from a traffic police officer. Here the misconduct will "pull" on part 1 of article 12.16.
  • Entry under the "brick" installed before the start of a dedicated lane for public transport threatens with more serious consequences. Therefore, the punishment for him is imposed under article 12.17, part 1.1, which reads:

The movement of a vehicle along the lane for route vehicles or stopping on the specified lane in violation of traffic rules, with the exception of cases provided for by parts 3-5 of article 12.15 ... of the Code, and the case provided for by part 1.2 of this article, entails the imposition of ... a fine in the amount of one thousand five hundred rubles.

  • If the sign prohibits driving towards vehicles that travel in a one-way lane, this violation is punished most severely. After all, the consequences can be the most tragic. For this misconduct, the driver will receive a fine of 5000 rubles, or even lose their rights for 4-6 months. And if he commits a violation again, the VU will be taken away from him for a year. Punishment is regulated by part 3 of article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

There is also an exception to the rule on the inadmissibility of entry under sign 3.1, thanks to which you can avoid punishment. It is regulated by the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2006 N 18:

... based on the content of clause 8.12 of the SDA, it is not prohibited on a one-way road, provided that this maneuver is safe for road users and, taking into account the current traffic situation, is caused by an objective necessity (for example, bypassing an obstacle, parking).

For "Movement Prohibited"

The sign that now has the name "traffic is prohibited" is nothing more than the former
"through traffic is prohibited." It has the same number 3.2 and appearance, it can restrict the movement of not all, but only one type of vehicle.

In this case, in the center of the sign there is an image of a vehicle on which it is impossible to cross a section of the road.

A fine for traveling under it is imposed in accordance with article 12.16 and amounts to 500 rubles. You can avoid paying by getting off with a warning from the traffic police officer.

Are there any differences for a truck

Delivers more problems to other cars due to its overall dimensions. But despite this, the punishment for the act is almost the same as for a similar violation committed in a car. That is, the driver will have to pay money. But the warning as a sanction is not provided here. After all, the punishment is regulated by part 6 of article 12.16:

Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs prohibiting the movement of trucks, with the exception of the case provided for by paragraph 7 of this article, entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

Its next section, the 7th, prescribes to take from the driver an amount of 5000 rubles. But this is possible if the offense is committed in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Signs prohibiting passage are sometimes placed ridiculously and unjustifiably. But in this case, it is better not to risk driving under them. It is better to contact the traffic police with questions and complaints so that the service puts things in order on the road.

Useful video

About the fines for "entry denied" see this video:

Prohibition signs are familiar to all drivers - passing by, not paying attention, threatens to pay money or.

Although a white circle with a red rim - a traffic sign is prohibited - there are exceptions for a certain category of persons and professional vehicles.

According to the laws of traffic rules, the traffic sign is prohibited, although it has exceptions, it warns of the seriousness of the intentions of law enforcement agencies in the event of a traffic violation on the road.

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Type of prohibition sign

This white round stencil with its red inner circle, as it were, says that it is impossible to pass further. Drivers often meet him in cities and rural settlements, where there are park areas, vast courtyards of high-rise buildings.

For all signs installed on the roads, a manufacturing standard is defined in, and the surface is covered with a special reflective substance.

What territory is the sign valid for?

Everyone who drives the vehicle knows that if they meet a white circle with a red frame on their way, driving under this sign and driving is prohibited, except for an exception, a fine will follow from the traffic police without fail.

The ban is imposed regardless of direction, there are restrictions both at the entrance and exit from the territory, it has additional designations.

Each prohibition sign has its own valid zone, only in it the law enforcement officer can impose a penalty.

For signs prohibiting movement, the action is extended to the first intersection on the road, but if there are no intersections, then the termination occurs with the end of the road line. At the same time, regardless of the quality of the paved roadway, unpaved or asphalt.

Who is banned

Usually, a white stencil with a red inner circle is provided with special signs that contain information restricting entry by time or other:

  • closed and forbidden area
  • maintenance work in a particular area
  • close a section of the street for celebrations
  • regulates passage to a residential area, courtyard

A similar sign is installed if there is a side exit to the roadway, an informational explanation is attached to the prohibition - in which direction you can move further.

Who is allowed to pass under the sign

In a number of exceptions, the prohibition for cars does not apply. These include:

  • Vehicles belonging to the fleet or serving businesses located in the area
  • cars of citizens living in the territory
  • minibuses
  • driving their cars or being transported by a driver
  • transport belonging to the post office with a specific designation on it

It is possible to prove to the traffic police officer the legitimacy of crossing the restricted area only by providing him with the relevant permits. A driver with a car serving a store located within a valid sign must have invoices with goods for this business.

If a person lives in the area, he submits a passport with registration. People with disabilities, in addition to certifying documents, supply their car with a sign corresponding to their position.

What will be the punishment

Legislators limited themselves to penalties for violators crossing the prohibited zone.

They believe that the driver does not create dangerous situations if they drive under the sign, of course, when the driver behaves adequately with the representatives who control this section of the road.

It is hardly possible for a person who has not documented his right to travel under a sign to challenge the violation.

The illegal actions of law enforcement officers can only be proved with the presence of data from the video recorder, recorded on camera and submitted to the court.

Rudeness to the police will not bring positive results even to law-abiding people. You should not give "rights" into the hands of the inspector, read the carefully drawn up protocol, sign only correctly and reliably drawn up paper.

The most correct recommendation for drivers is competent movement, attentive attitude to all traffic rules signs. The increase in traffic accidents requires strictness from legislators. Every year the requirements become tougher, the rules are updated, and ignoring serious signs will not bring positive results in accident-free traffic.

The futility of disputes between lawyers and driving personnel has long been confirmed by reports of accidents and road battles.

More about the prohibition sign 3.2 - on the video:

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Often, accidents on the roads are provoked by drivers who are poorly versed in road signs. According to statistics, about 30% of motorists do not know the meaning of one or another limiter, and therefore maliciously violate traffic rules, which is punishable by a fine, and in some situations, criminal punishment. Consider whether a fine for driving under the traffic sign is prohibited.

As the name implies, the limiter means that driving on a certain part of the road is prohibited.

This indicates that the motorist cannot perform any maneuvers on this segment. At the same time, vehicles cannot drive in this section in all directions.

Thus, penalties are imposed on those drivers who drive into the area of ​​the limiter, and on those who leave it.

Sign 3.2 Movement is prohibited looks like a white disk with a red stripe around the edge. There are no symbols or figures inside the circle. In addition to the limiter, a plate with information necessary for the driver can be installed.

Important! The sign restricts two-way traffic. On a one-way lane, this limiter cannot be installed.

Sign coverage area 3.2

The traffic sign is prohibited until the first intersection or until another sign that removes the restriction on the movement of vehicles.

Most often, this limiter is installed in areas where large-scale events are held, at the entrance to closed areas, in the direction of a dead end, on sections of roads where repair work is taking place.

Usually, a sign prohibiting movement is installed temporarily, with the exception of entry into a closed area or into the courtyard of a residential building.

At the same time, vehicles are obliged to stop and choose another way of movement, bypassing the prohibited zone.

What are the exceptions for this sign?

The traffic rules clearly indicate that the limiter is a ban on driving any cars, but it implies an exception for certain categories of vehicles.

Many drivers violate this ban precisely because of the existence of exceptions. While moving along the road, they see that some vehicles continue to move unhindered, and follow their example.

However, as you know, ignorance of the law does not exempt from liability, therefore, every driver must have information about who has the right to violate a traffic sign, and who will receive a fine for this.

No traffic signdoes not affect the following types of vehicles:

  • Shuttle taxis.
  • Shuttle Buses.
  • Cars with a disabled sticker.
  • Federal postal transport.
  • Cars, businesses located in the prohibition zone.
  • Vehicles of citizens registered or working in the prohibited zone.

Attention! Drivers of these categories can move under the sign 3.2 without restrictions, however, they can also be fined if they do not comply with an additional requirement.

By law, vehicles that are allowed to travel in the prohibited area must enter the restricted area at the nearest intersection from the destination, and also leave the restricted area.

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Thus, traffic rules minimize the length of the path along which vehicles that fall under an exception to the rules can move.

If the traffic police inspector notices that the vehicle entered the restricted area in the wrong place, the driver will be fined, even if he falls under the no-ride exception.

What is the difference between traffic prohibited and entry prohibited signs?

As previously described, disc 3.2 or traffic prohibited restricts vehicle movement in both directions. Thus, it is not allowed to pass through a certain territory of any transport, except for exceptions.

Disc 3.1 or no entry, restricts movement to one direction only. Recognizing a road sign is easy. In the middle of the circle, a white rectangle is drawn, resembling a brick in shape.

The prohibition of sign 3.1 applies to any type of car, except for urban public transport. That is, if the limiter is installed on one side of the road, the car does not have the right to enter the lane. In this case, a separate lane is allocated for the movement of passenger urban transport in order to avoid collisions.

In addition to the ban and appearance, these discs also differ in the difference in fines. Entry under the "brick" for the driver is much more expensive, because this offense is considered more serious. And also this offense, in addition to penalties, provides for the deprivation of a driver's license.

What is the fine for driving under a no traffic sign?

The amount of the fine for this traffic violation is set at 500 rubles.

This amount of the fine is explained by the fact that this offense cannot create an emergency situation and is considered relatively harmless.

However, if an accident occurs due to the fault of the driver on a segment prohibited for movement, the amount of penalties may increase by 10 times.

At the same time, depending on the severity of the accident, the driver may lose his license or a criminal case will be initiated against him.

Penalty for the sign the movement of trucks is prohibited

In addition to disk 3.2, on urban and suburban roads you can find a limiter 3.4, which prohibits the movement of heavy vehicles.

This sign looks the same as 3.2, but it has a truck in the middle of the disc. However, not all vehicles are subject to this ban.

It is important to know that if the maximum vehicle weight is not indicated on the disk, all trucks whose GVW exceeds 3.5 tons are automatically banned.

But if the limiter has a mark on the maximum weight, for example, 6 tons, and your truck has a mass of 3.5 tons, the ban does not apply to you. It does not matter at all whether you are carrying cargo or not.

PMM is an indicator that is reflected in the technical passport of the truck and is part of the technical specifications.

It is worth noting that this traffic sign is also prohibited, there are exceptions.

So, under the limiter for the passage of freight transport can overcome:

  • Passenger transport.
  • Trucks that deliver goods to enterprises that are in the ban zone.
  • Trucks that are on the balance sheet of the federal postal service.

The sign "Movement is prohibited" refers to a category in the traffic rules. This sign is the second most important prohibition sign and is numbered 3.2 after all (No Entry). It is a round disk with a white field, bordered around the circumference by a red stripe. The sign is intended to indicate territories and places where entry is prohibited for all types of transport.

Moreover, unlike the “brick”, it prohibits movement in the given territory in both directions. Therefore, it is not installed at intersections before crossing a street with one direction of movement. "Kirpich" prohibits entry to the road section from the specified direction. That is, if desired, the driver can drive into this area from another direction. But if there is a sign “Movement is prohibited”, then the movement of vehicles on this section of the road is prohibited, with the exception of certain categories of transport.

Sign action. Exceptions for vehicle categories

  • to designate a pedestrian zone on a certain section of a street or carriageway;
  • to block traffic during public events;
  • to block traffic for the period of repair work on the road;
  • at the entrance to a yard or a dead end alley along with a road sign indicating a dead end;
  • at checkpoints and entrances to the official territory of various organizations and enterprises.

Plates 8.3, which can be added to the traffic sign "Movement is prohibited"

Sign 3.2 may be supplemented by signs 8.3.1-3 with arrows indicating the direction of the zone of action of the prohibition sign, and 8.5.1-4 indicating the days and times of its operation.

So, for example, this “Movement is prohibited” sign with a traffic direction sign prohibits the movement of vehicles in the direction of the arrow.

No traffic sign for trucks

The sign at number 3.4, which is a white disc with a red border and a black silhouette of a truck, has the name in the SDA “Trucks are prohibited”. It prohibits passage on the established section for all trucks whose curb weight is more than 3.5 tons. If, on the sign in the silhouette of the car, the value of the load capacity is indicated (for example, 8 tons), then it indicates the maximum allowable weight of an equipped truck that is allowed travel.

Road sign "Movement prohibited" for trucks

Just like the previous sign, it has exceptions for a certain category of cars. Its action does not apply to trucks adapted for the transport of people, postal service vehicles and special vehicles of enterprises and organizations located on this site. As in the case of sign 3.2, here it is also possible to enter the specified category of cars only from the side of the nearest intersection relative to the destination.

Road sign prohibiting the movement of mechanical transport

The sign at number 3.3, which is a white disk with a red border and a black silhouette of a passenger car in front, is referred to in the Rules as “Motor Vehicles are Prohibited”. t in the established territory the passage of all types of mechanical transport. Motorized vehicles include any motorized vehicle powered by an engine, with the exception of a moped. They also include tractors, all-terrain vehicles, self-propelled devices.

Road sign 3.3

The ban does not apply to mopeds and the same types of transport that are listed in the exception for sign 3.2 - postal and disabled cars, public routes, official and personal cars of organizations and citizens working or living in the territory where the traffic ban is established. In fact, it repeats all the requirements of the "Movement is prohibited" sign. The difference between this sign and sign 3.2 is that it allows movement for mopeds, bicycles, horse-drawn vehicles.

An exception

  • public transport, the route of which passes through the territory where the ban has been introduced;
  • cars driven by people with disabilities, having disabilities of 1-2 groups, or carrying them. In this case, the car must be equipped with an identification mark "Disabled";
  • official vehicles serving organizations and firms located in the restricted area;
  • personal cars, the owners of which live within the territory where the movement of cars is prohibited;
  • special vehicles of postal organizations, which must have a blue color scheme corresponding to this service with a white diagonal stripe.

Penalty for driving under the sign "Movement is prohibited"

Despite the high importance in ensuring traffic safety on the roads, in terms of the degree of responsibility for violation of requirements, the sign occupies one of the last places. For non-compliance with the requirements of the sign of Art. 12.16 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a minimum administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles. This is due to the low probability of serious consequences for other road users due to violation of the requirements of the established sign.

Article 12.16 part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

1. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings on the carriageway, except for the cases provided for by parts 2-7 of this article and other articles of this chapter, - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred roubles.

If you drove under, then in order to avoid a fine, in no case do not allow through passage through a prohibited area. Stop near the post office, store or any organization and after a while drive back. Such behavior will not be considered a violation of the mark requirement. traffic police inspectors, prove that you stopped by at the request of the employees of the organization located in this territory in order to serve them.

Those persons who, according to the Rules, are allowed to pass under the “Movement is prohibited” sign, must have permits with them:

  • drivers residing in this territory - a passport with a registration mark;
  • drivers of official vehicles serving organizations in the given territory - a consignment note or a ticket indicating the address;
  • employees of enterprises located in a prohibited area - a service certificate;
  • a car serving disabled people must have an identification mark established by the Rules, and disabled people themselves must have a certificate of a disability group;
  • postal workers must have the established color on the car.

If the driver ignores the “No entry” sign and starts moving, he will face a fine of 500 rubles. It must be paid within 60 days. If a citizen does not agree with the punishment, he has a 10-day period to appeal the decision of the traffic police officer. Pay within the next 20 days for a 50% discount.

Traffic rules distinguish a special group of signs that prohibit entry to certain places. Failure to comply with the requirements entails the application of penalties by the traffic police.

The amount of the fine for driving under the sign "No entry" is only 500 rubles. In rare cases, you may receive a warning.

This is interesting! The size of the fine has increased slightly over the past three years. In 2015, it was possible to get 300 rubles for driving under the brick, while in 2018 the punishment is already 500 rubles. At the moment, fines are set, and in the near future are not subject to change.

What can you get punished for?

Signs prohibiting movement include signs 3.1 “Entry prohibited” and 3.2 “Movement prohibited”. Both signs are used to mark areas of roads where the movement of any vehicles, including mopeds and motorcycles, is prohibited.

The "Movement prohibited" sign differs from the "No entry" sign in that it is not placed before turns on one-way carriageways. It restricts traffic on a section of the road in all directions at once, including in oncoming traffic.

Such a warning is most often used to show drivers that the marked section of road is for pedestrians, for example during a road closure on public holidays. They also attract the attention of drivers during repair work on the roadway, at a dead end or at the entrance to closed areas.

Often, next to the sign 3.2, a sign with an arrow is installed, indicating the possibility of further travel - to the left, right or in different directions.

Who can ride under the sign

There are some categories of vehicles that can pass marked prohibited sections of the road:

  • route public transport;
  • postal transport;
  • personal cars of people living or working in the prohibited area;
  • cars of disabled people of groups 1 and 2, as well as transport transporting them;
  • other vehicles serving enterprises located in the specified zone.

As for citizens who leave cars in the prohibited zone due to living or working in the prohibited zone, it will not be enough for them to inform the inspector about this. To confirm the right of way, you must have evidence - a passport, a pass from work, etc. If the driver does not have supporting documents, then he risks getting a fine for driving under the “No Movement” sign.

Can I dispute the fine?

If the driver does not consider himself a violator, then he can appeal against the decision of the traffic police inspector to higher authorities or in court. A special period of 10 days is allotted for this.

In cases where the driver does not have time to submit an application, he can extend the deadline for filing a complaint, but only if he has serious reasons for this - sick leave, business trip, vacation, etc. Of course, evidence of good reasons will need to be attached with the application.

To file a complaint with the State traffic inspectorate, you only need an application, and if the driver goes to court, then he needs a full package of documents, a list of which can be found in court.

The time limit for considering a complaint to the traffic police is 30 days, and in court the case can drag on up to two months.

According to statistics, 90% of court cases end in favor of citizens, so auto lawyers recommend going straight to court and not wasting time considering an appeal to the State traffic inspectorate.

Can the penalty be reduced?

If the motorist did not file a complaint within the prescribed period, then he must pay the issued fine within 60 days.

However, if he repays the obligation within the next 20 days, he will be entitled to a 50% discount, which will allow him to pay a smaller fine.

If the violator ignores the decision and does not pay the penalty, then at the next stop by the traffic police inspector, he will receive the same fine, but already in double size due to the failure to pay the first decision on time.

In addition, motorists who have several unpaid decisions are punished more severely - compulsory work for up to 200 hours or imprisonment for 15 days.

Thus, once received an insignificant fine can grow to unbearable sizes.

Payment Methods

The most convenient way to pay is electronic money transfer online. To do this, you can use the following services:

  • official website of the traffic police;
  • personal accounts of banks;
  • electronic wallets.

If it is not possible to make an online payment, violators can transfer money at ATMs or terminals, contact bank cash desks or Russian Post offices.

It is important to take into account the commission fee of the service through which payment is made. After all, it is included in the amount of the payment, so it is necessary to transfer money as much as is required to fully cover the administrative obligation. Otherwise, the fine will not be repaid, and the debtor will face double monetary punishment.


The punishment of drivers who violate the prescription of signs is regulated by the following rules.

Higher education. Orenburg State University (specialization: economics and management at heavy engineering enterprises).
December 14, 2018 .