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DIY Auto-oscillator ~ 300 kHz with your own hands from the TDA7056A audio frequency power amplifier for Tesla bifilar coils. Generator circuits for treatment with Mishin coils Mishin coil electrical circuit for power supply

1. K174GF2 (XR2206) + TDA7056A (TDA7056B)

Chip sine wave generator K174GF2 (XR2206) and an amplifier toTDA7056A(B)- minimum strapping, 12 volt power supply. TDA7056A(B) is placed on the radiator. You can feed up to 18 volts. During implosion, the distortion is small. (TDA7056A(B) 4.5-18V, 3.5W, up to 300kHz). Capacitors on the 5th leg of the TDA7056A (B) chip can be omitted if there are no pickups on this leg. TDA7056A(B) must be placed on the radiator.

Disadvantages: The TDA7056A is not designed to amplify such high frequencies. Therefore, in this scheme, it will get very hot. Therefore, a large cooling radiator is required. And the circuit will have low efficiency. The amplitude of the voltage supplied to the coil will not exceed half the supply voltage, i.e. 6 volts. A serious disadvantage is the frequency adjustment with a variable resistor. There should be a wire-wound multi-turn resistor. Otherwise, fine tuning to the frequency is problematic. In addition, after a short application, the resistor will be erased, which will lead to uncontrolled frequency jumps.
2.K174GF2 (XR2206) + transistor amplifier, class A

Cons: Same as above. In addition to reduced efficiency. In this case, the amplifier works much better, although perhaps more difficult to set up.

Simplified diagram of Denis Gorelochkin.

3.SG3525A- power adjustment is regulated by the supply voltage (author Denis Gorelochkin)

4. K 561LN2 - sine wave generator, R6, C3 - frequency adjustment

For more than a century, mankind has widely used electricity. Countless different devices have been produced. At the same time, no one thinks about their safety.

Over the past decades, the number of pathologies of the human body has increased, the treatment of which is not subject to medicine. The reason is often not so much a bad environmental situation, but a misunderstanding of the processes in all devices that operate on the basis of the phenomenon of electromagnetism.

If we touch on physical processes, then in nature they proceed in accordance with In simple terms, the performance of an action is impossible without a fulcrum, and while it is being performed, the object and the support receive an equal mechanical impact. If we look at this problem through the prism of vortex processes, it turns out that when creating electromagnetic radiation, the electrostatic plane is taken as the basis.

Mishin's healing coil, reviews of which indicate that it has a high degree of functionality, provides vortex processes. They have a healing effect.

What is destroyed by the radiation of electricity?

Our life is full of continuous pulsations emanating from electrical devices. They are destructive at the molecular level. As a result, an increased energy saturation of molecules is caused, which leads to the formation of large clusters. Many looped structures of the molecules of the human body are not amenable to treatment with drugs due to their high level of strength. Such formations in the body entail the appearance of oncological diseases or block any functions in the body.

The most unified method is the creation of a zone with a reduced density of the medium using electrostatic implosive resonance. This effect is provided by Mishin's healing coil.

The essence of her work is actually built on gravity. True, the range of the device is small. It is only 2-3 meters. The level of transmitted power of such equipment depends on the degree of voltage. The amplifier for the Mishin coil has an output voltage frequency of 12-24 volts. The current indicator should not exceed 100-200mA.

Flat Coil Manufacturing Principles (DMA)

How to make such a device as the Mishin coil with your own hands? Preliminary manufacture of the base is required, on which double-sided tape should be glued. A round protrusion is installed in the center. Its diameter is 25 mm. Around it, the laying of two wires begins, which should lie parallel to the plane of the base.

The generator for Mishin's healing coil can be of a standard configuration. Its power is quite enough for health purposes. The generator circuit for the Mishin coil is presented below.

After the manufacture of such a device, a container is obtained based on a pair of spiral plates that are nested in each other. It is possible to use any copper wire, the diameter of which, together with the insulation, will be no more than 1.5 mm. The diameter of the coil should not be more than 23-25 ​​cm. The wire is fixed from above. You can secure it with tape.

The Mishin coil, the circuit of which is not so complicated, may well be assembled independently. Materials for its manufacture are easy to get at any electrical appliance store.

How to set up a coil on an oscilloscope?

Mishin's vortex coil needs to determine the frequency. For this purpose, a pair of taps is made from the device. You should take the end of one wire from the inside of the coil, and the other end from the outside. In this case, the circuit remains open, and the two terminals of unused plates should be cut off.

When using a standard type generator with a power of 2 W, it is possible to determine the frequency of the device by connecting the oscilloscope probe in parallel with the generator terminals. while slowly increasing. The first frequency is determined at which the generator output voltage is lower. This will be an indicator of the operating frequency of this device.

The second voltage measurement option

Also, the device can be measured using a 10 m resistor, which is connected in series. The highest amplitude value should be determined. This method makes it possible to assess the quality level of the supplied sine in the load mode in the tank.

How to set up by LED indicator?

You can determine the operating frequency of the capacitance using an indicator coil. It is an induction device, which includes two oncoming LEDs.

With this method, you can find the frequency by the maximum indicator of the luminosity of the LEDs. In this case, the generator voltage is reduced. This provides a reduction in the frequency range at which the glow is observed.

Coil Effective Frequency Index

If the wire is firmly fastened and the device is not subjected to strong mechanical deformation, then after setting the optimal power frequency of the capacitance, its frequency indicator will not change during use. For the capacitance design shown above, the center frequency is 310 kHz. In this case, the indicator of the effective frequency range of the supply signal lies within ± 10 kHz relative to the operating frequency.

Such a device has a wide electrostatic spectrum and a low gradient of plane change towards the center of the device during operation. This will effectively affect the central nervous system, eliminate circulatory disorders and many other vortex problems in the body.

Design features of a flat coil with a diameter of 12 cm

Mishin's healing coils with a reduced distance between the plates have a higher level of impact on pathogenic formations. For example, you can use a wire with a cross section of 0.5 mm in varnish insulation. The length of each wire will be 10-12 meters.

The inner diameter will also be approximately 25 mm, and the outer diameter will be 130 mm. This capacity has a high level of efficiency. It can act on the smallest viruses, fungi, eliminate scars and accelerate the process of tissue regeneration.

Features of the configuration of the torus (TMA, donut)

The subsequent reduction in the wire cross section and the overall size of the coil will lead to an even more efficient version of the vortex capacitance. With an outer diameter of 51 mm and an inner diameter of 25 mm, a wire thickness of about 0.1 mm is created.

Such a device is difficult to make by hand. Therefore, it is recommended to use a simplified version of the manufacture of the device in the form of a torus.

Making a torus

To make a torus, you will need about 15 meters of twisted pair cable (UTP 5E). The wire includes four or eight cores, which are twisted in pairs. Remove the outer insulation of the cable and separate one pair from the others.

Almost all types of wires can be used to create such a container. The only condition is that the distance between the wires must be the same throughout. Therefore, twisted pair is the best fit.

Next, a piece of electric corrugation is used. It will become the basis for creating equipment for bobbin winding. The corrugation diameter should be 25 mm. It should be bent into a torus of the desired size. A cut is made on the outside. It is fixed with a pair of turns of insulating tape.

Such winding will ensure the correct formation of vortices. In this case, a whole spectrum of frequencies is formed, where the inner part of the winding is responsible for high performance, and the outer one for low ones.

Before proceeding with winding, the inner wire lead should be threaded into a pre-prepared hole in the corrugation, and after winding, the external leads should be fixed. To fix the winding, it is necessary to remove the corrugation in parts. Twisted-pair pins are untwisted, and unused pins are bitten off

Determination of the device power frequency

Next, you should determine the power frequency of the torus. The generator terminal must be connected from different sides to the wires of the device. To determine the output voltage, the oscilloscope probes are connected directly to the generator terminals.

Then the first indicator of the frequency of the maximum voltage drop relative to the input is determined. In other words, it is necessary to designate the frequency of the maximum conductivity of the capacitance. Further nutrition will take place at this indicator.

Coil power

The coils are powered by a sine (signal from the generator). Power supply by pulses is unacceptable, since it does not have inertia in this mode. The high efficiency frequency range for tori is the same as for flat configuration coils. It is 270-380 kHz.

During the operation of the device, the supply voltage coming from the generator can sink up to ten times or more. In this case, the indicator of the total activity of the power supply can be no higher than 0.1 W. The maximum conductive current power must be limited to 200 mA, and the voltage indicator to 22-24 V.

If these parameters are too high, then this can lead to electrostatic breakdowns, which will be expressed in discharges from the center of the coil.

What generators to use?

A frequently used generator for the Mishin coil is TGS-3. It has an automated resonance setting.

A more professional analogue is the ATTEN ATF20B + model. Its advantages include the presence of a display, USB interface, frequency counter, waveform. Such a generator for the Mishin coil emits a signal that is not subject to distortion.

Mishin coil treatment

So, having prepared a device of the simplest configuration in the form of an inductive coil, it is possible to influence with a therapeutic purpose on any problem areas of living organisms. In most cases, knowledge of diseased points in the body is not necessary at all, since electrostatics automatically acts on painful volumetric structures and contributes to their separation.

What is vortex medicine based on? Mishin Coils provide a natural application of the energy of the environment with the aim of influencing the problems that arise in the carbon form of life. This method is equivalent to the effects of antibiotics, and also serves as a substitute for operations to remove oncological neoplasms. The vortex flows created by the coil will easily restore the affected nerve cells.

What did the device tests show?

What potential does the Mishin coil have? Her treatment gives excellent results. Tests that were carried out over a number of months revealed a high level of efficiency in the use of electrostatic capacity to restore lost body functions. The duration of one session, depending on the disease, ranged from 5 minutes to an hour.

Features of the cure of certain diseases

The Mishin coil causes the release of a large amount of toxins, which must be excreted by the kidneys through the urine. Dealing with so many harmful substances when using a coil is not an easy task. Therefore, treatment begins with the lumbar region.

For the usual mode of cleansing the body, sessions lasting 30-40 minutes will be sufficient. They should be carried out within the first five days. The coil is applied to the lumbar region and chest. The lower back is the most important area of ​​influence in the treatment, as the kidneys are cleansed. These organs, as statistics show, in half of the people are heavily clogged.

The first week of treatment contributes to a significant cleansing of the body. Immunity works in an enhanced mode, tissue regeneration begins.

The duration of the sessions held in the second week can be increased to 60-90 minutes. This is an average. Much depends on the specific case and disease.

For example, kidney treatment should be carried out in sessions lasting half an hour. If after the procedure the patient complains of feeling unwell, weakness, chills, fever, pain, then the Mishin coil has begun its effect. If a person is able to endure the malaise, then a similar session is held the next day. If the state of health is very bad, then the treatment is recommended to be postponed for two days.

Each person is able to determine what intensity of exposure he needs to heal. The patient chooses the duration of the session individually.

At first, the coil may have little effect on obese people. Electrostatics has a certain charge, which is consumed as the slags in the body are broken down. It contributes to the destruction of looped formations. During the next session, without encountering any obstacles in its path, electrostatics penetrates even deeper and copes with the disease. Cellular formation, as a rule, is located in the fatty layer. That is why overweight people require a longer period for treatment. Usually such patients do not feel any results from the sessions during the first five days.

Correct mode selection

After the Mishin coil begins to act, you need to decide how this mode is right for you, whether it is worth adding the exposure time or should it be reduced. If you are on vacation, then you can resort to carrying out everyday procedures of a long duration. So you can cleanse your body in the shortest possible time. You can apply and more conducting short sessions. This intensity applies to people who do not have any severe acute illness requiring urgent treatment.

A local disease, for example, knee pain or migraine, can be affected by another device - a torus. Such a bagel has a point effect and is perfect for these purposes. The impact diameter of the device is approximately 10 cm.

Features of the coil

There are nuances in the operation of the coil that are difficult to explain.

For example, the coil continues to work even when it is turned off. Only the indicator of its functionality in this case is 20%. In addition, the effect extends not only to the person to whose body the coil is attached, but also to people who are at a distance of 3-7 meters from it.

Many are interested in how long a device such as the Mishin coil can be used. Treatment should be stopped after ridding the body of all toxins, as the device ceases to affect the body. You can apply the coil to the body throughout the day, but there will be no effect from this. This is what will become an indicator that you have improved your health.

For more than a hundred years, mankind has been using electrical energy on a large scale. A huge number of all kinds of devices have been produced, which are constantly located directly next to us, but not one of the textbooks gives an accurate physical description of the source of energy itself - electric current. At the same time, we almost do not think about the simplest biological safety of our devices, and, as time has shown, absolutely in vain. Over the past decades, there has been a sharp increase in all kinds of pathologies of the internal organs of a person, the intensive development of cancer and many completely new diseases, in front of which traditional medicine is powerless. The reason for all this is not so much pollution of the environment as a misunderstanding of the physical processes in all our devices based on electromagnetism.

Physics of processes

If we touch upon the physics of processes, then in nature everything is carried out on the basis of the law of conservation of momentum, or, to put it more simply, it is impossible to perform an action without having a fulcrum, and at the moment of its completion, both the object and the support will receive the same mechanical impact. If we consider this from the point of view of vortex processes, then it turns out that when creating any electromagnetic interactions in a standard way, we rely on a transverse electrostatic (electric) plane. Our biological life is now placed in an environment where there are constant pulsations from all our devices that continuously affect molecular structures. The main effect of electrostatics is direct mechanical work to increase the frequency of rotation (twisting) of the vortex shells of molecules and their groups. As a result, their excessive energy saturation occurs, leading to the formation of larger clusters. This phenomenon can be roughly compared with the formation of "balls" of metal after welding, or in relation to the weld itself. It turns out that the sharply increased strength of new formations is associated with the looping of the structure along the electromagnetic axis of the molecular structure. Further impact on such structures by mechanical (shock) methods is ineffective. The same happens in the human body. Many looped molecular structures are not amenable to drug treatment due to their increased "strength". However, such formations in the body lead to the formation of tumors due to their excess energy (hyperactivity), or to the blocking of any other functions of the body.

The solution to this problem lies precisely in the field of electrostatics. An increase in the energy of processes is associated with a decrease in the density of the medium between molecular clusters, which leads to their stability. It is necessary to ensure the flow of the medium into the cluster in order to create the effect of demagnetization. Further, the medium itself will fill the intermolecular space, which will sharply weaken such vortex bonds. The easiest way to do this is to create a low-density zone of the medium using electrostatic implosive resonance. At the physical level, this is the phenomenon of absorption (falling) of the medium into a zone of low density. This process can be created using a simple interturn capacitance. There is only a basic difference between the capacitors we are used to and what we have to do. In the first case, we are trying to increase the capacitance by minimizing the inductance of the capacitor, and in the second case, we create a minimum capacitance, but with a maximum inductance, while the inductance of the plates themselves should tend to zero during operation. Having created such a capacitance, we get the exact opposite of a standard capacitor, it does not accumulate a “charge”, but spins two electrostatic vortices (standing wave), above and below relative to the equator zone. Operation in this mode is possible only in a certain frequency range, which is determined only by the geometry of the container itself. A strong deviation from the operating frequency sharply reduces the conductivity of the capacitance and, accordingly, the formation of electrostatics. In the nominal mode of operation, two zones of decrease in the density of the medium relative to the equator are formed, after which electrostatic suction occurs in the center of the device. At its core, this process is almost the same as the “gravity” we are used to, having only a small radius of action of only 2-3 meters. The power transmitted through such a capacitance depends on the applied voltage. For health purposes, the power of standard frequency generators with an output voltage of 12-24 volts and a current not exceeding 100-200mA is quite enough.

Schemes of generators for treatment with Mishin coils

1. K174GF2 (XR2206) + TDA7056A (TDA7056B)

Chip sine wave generator K174GF2 (XR2206) and an amplifier toTDA7056A(B)- minimum strapping, 12 volt power supply. TDA7056A(B) is placed on the radiator. You can feed up to 18 volts. During implosion, the distortion is small. (TDA7056A(B) 4.5-18V, 3.5W, up to 300kHz). Capacitors on the 5th leg of the TDA7056A (B) chip can be omitted if there are no pickups on this leg. TDA7056A(B) must be placed on the radiator.

Disadvantages: The TDA7056A is not designed to amplify such high frequencies. Therefore, in this scheme, it will get very hot. Therefore, a large cooling radiator is required. And the circuit will have low efficiency. The amplitude of the voltage supplied to the coil will not exceed half the supply voltage, i.e. 6 volts. A serious disadvantage is the frequency adjustment with a variable resistor. There should be a wire-wound multi-turn resistor. Otherwise, fine tuning to the frequency is problematic. In addition, after a short application, the resistor will be erased, which will lead to uncontrolled frequency jumps.

2.K174GF2 (XR2206) + transistor amplifier, class A