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Sign spikes traffic rules. Penalty for the absence of the sign "Thorns

The traffic police of Russia reminded motorists that in the case of driving on winter tires with spikes, in addition to observing all precautions, it is also necessary to glue the corresponding mark on the rear window of the car - the “Sh” sign. Otherwise, the driver will have to pay a fine of 500 rubles.

The corresponding amendments to the SDA and the Code of Administrative Offenses came into force on April 4, 2017, and in the spring some motorists already had to pay to the treasury for the absence of a sticker. True, due to weather conditions and the lack of the need to drive on winter tires, there were few such “lucky ones”.

But with the onset of cold weather, drivers “changed their shoes” again, and most often, especially outside large cities, it is studded tires.

The State traffic inspectorate answers about the direct purpose of this sign: “its meaning is to inform drivers who drive behind that studded tires are installed on the car,” the department told Gazeta.Ru.

It turns out that each driver will decide for himself what to see in this warning - whether it be a possible shortened braking distance or the danger of meeting with stones flying out from under the wheels. The department also clarified that issuing a fine or a warning is at the discretion of the traffic police inspector: most likely, if a stopped driver of a car without a sticker, but with spikes, does not show serious traffic violations and unpaid fines, the traffic police inspector can simply warn him with peace of mind . At the same time, it is important to note that

in the event that the car is registered to a legal entity, and the inspector nevertheless decided to issue a fine for the absence of the notorious sign, then it is the driver who will have to pay, and not the organization.

So it is better for professional drivers to carefully study the transport they trust, and, in the case of using rubber on spikes, stick a triangle. By the way, you won’t be able to pass a technical inspection if you are on winter tires without this sign.

With the arrival of the cold season, some motorists complained about the lack of necessary stickers and decided to make them themselves.

As assured "Gazeta.Ru" in the State traffic inspectorate, there will be no claims with "handicraft" signs, the main thing is that they comply with the requirements established by law.

So, in the government decree of 10/23/1993 N 1090 (as amended on 07/12/2017) it is indicated that the sign "Spikes" should be in the form of an equilateral triangle of white color with the top up with a red border, in which the letter "Ш" of black color is inscribed (the side of the triangle is at least 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side).

Despite different approaches to finding the right sign, motorists agree on one thing - in order not to run into a fine, it is better to stick the letter “Ш”.

Drivers will be forced to change their shoes

Despite the rule that drivers are required to drive in winter on winter tires, and not on summer tires, there is no penalty for this discrepancy.

In 2015, legislators proposed introducing a fine of 2,000 rubles. for such a violation, but the initiative was not supported. Theoretically, in this case, the traffic police inspector can issue a fine of 500 rubles for driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions. True, in the “List of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited”, the SDA specifies only tire wear (Section 5 “Wheels and tires”, paragraph 5.1). In the Code of Administrative Offenses, there are no rules regarding liability for not changing summer tires to winter ones.

Meanwhile, the participants of the Safe Roads project called for tougher responsibility for driving in winter on summer tires. “It is necessary to adopt a law on establishing a fine for the use of car tires out of season and to give the regions the opportunity to set their own tire life,” said Sergey, the Safe Roads coordinator.

According to the press service of the project, the adoption of this law will ensure traffic safety on Russian roads.

According to Bidonko, the introduction of fines for the use of car tires out of season will force motorists to switch to winter tires with the advent of cold weather.

“Also, such drivers significantly complicate road traffic, because in order not to get into an accident, they slow down. Of course, only the introduction of fines without educational work will not help, it is necessary to carry out this work annually in the media, social networks, so that drivers understand the importance and responsibility,” Bidonko explained.

As the deputy noted, work on a draft federal law on fines for the use of tires out of season has been underway since 2014.

From April 4, 2017, there are changes in the road rules in Russia that relate to the presence of the “Spikes” sign on cars. Drivers suddenly had to remember about the triangle with a capital letter “Sh”, which, it seems, was not even always talked about in post-Soviet driving schools. There are also a lot of those who drive in our editorial office, so it was also interesting for us to find out the answers to the most important questions on this topic.

Spike sign: mandatory or not, absence penalty 2017. What does the Spike sign show?

Not such a strange question as it seems at first glance. It is important to remember: the “Spikes” sign does not just inform other road users that in winter you are using wheel tires equipped with spikes. The sign warns that due to the presence of spikes on the wheels, your braking distance on slippery roads can be much shorter than other drivers think. And, therefore, it makes sense for all of them to literally stay away from you - that is, at an increased distance, so that in the event of your sudden braking, they simply do not crash into your ass.

In addition, since studded tires are still available in varying quality, studs coming out from under the wheels of vehicles in front is still a common occurrence. So, fellow travelers behind you should be warned: if they do not want to get a solid object identical to the notorious “pebble” in the windshield, then again they should keep at a more respectful distance.

Penalty for the absence of a spike sign 2017: article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

Yes, it's a must now. By government decree (No. 333 of March 24, 2017), the absence of the “Spikes” sign is included in the number of malfunctions in which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited. Thus, starting from April 4, any traffic inspector who did not find this sign on your car can not only write you a fine of 500 rubles (incriminating you with a violation of paragraph 2.5 of part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses - failure to comply with the conditions for ensuring road safety). It is in his power to simply forbid you to move on - until the corresponding malfunction is fixed, that is, until you place the missing sign on your rear window.

The Sign of the Thorns: What other consequences can come from the absence of the Sign of the Thorns?

Another possible nuisance can become a "makeweight" to another - when someone crashed into your car from behind. As we have already said, the spike sign warns the person behind you that your stopping distance may be much shorter than theirs. Accordingly, if there is no such warning, then the traffic cop can easily admit mutual guilt, no matter how you poke him and the other culprit of the accident in the book with traffic rules (clause 9.10 on the need to keep a distance). What this means in your further communication with the insurance company, it is probably unnecessary to explain.

Spike sign in summer: And if I have Velcro or is it already summer outside?

If you do not use studded tires, then the presence or absence of the "Spikes" sign does not concern you - at least not yet. It is possible that after some time the legislator will return to this issue at the suggestion of the traffic police. In principle, it will be logical: like spikes, the lip-system on wheels is designed to fight against slipping on a winter road, and therefore shorten your braking distance in case of emergency braking.

(In fact, according to tests, at low temperatures, the braking distance on the "Velcro" is even less than on the spikes, and in this case it is not very clear what the "Spikes" signs should inform other drivers about. But let's leave it to the conscience of the legislator ).

Now about the seasonal factor. The only rule you need to know is that the “Spikes” sign on your car must appear in sync with the appearance of studded wheels on it. However, it is worth remembering that the operation of summer tires in Russia is legally prohibited from December to February, as, by the way, riding on spikes from June to August inclusive. The rest of the time is a period that is at the discretion of the driver himself, who must be guided by weather conditions. In addition, the will of the local legislator is provided, which can increase or, conversely, reduce the summer and winter periods by regional law, again based on the climatic conditions of the area. The duration of winter in the Krasnodar Territory and Yamal, you see, is somewhat different.

At the same time, the law does not provide for the responsibility of the driver for the presence of the sign "Spikes" on the rear window in the absence of spikes on his wheels. This means that if you have not removed this sign for the summer period, no one will punish you. So it’s not necessary to suffer and peel it off in order to return it in six months, or even in just a couple of months. We would even strongly recommend everyone to have it, regardless of the season and preferences in the type of winter tires. Who knows, maybe a warning that you are on spikes and you have the appropriate braking distance will save you from unnecessary trouble on the road?

Penalty for the absence of the spikes sign 2017. Rules for installing the spikes sign. How to glue (attach) the Spike sign?

According to paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions on the admission of the vehicle for operation, vehicles with studded tires must also be equipped with the appropriate sign of an approved sample in the form of an equilateral triangle with a side length of at least 20 centimeters, with an inner red outline (width stripes - 10% of the length of the side) and a large letter "Ш" in the center of the triangle. The background of the sign is white.

The requirements of the legislation are due to concern for the safety of all road users - spiked wheels can cause a traffic accident:

  1. The braking distance of a car with studded tires is an order of magnitude shorter than that of a vehicle of the same model and configuration, but without studs. It follows that the driver behind the car is likely to fail to stop in time, as most rely on their own experience and keep a safe distance based on the average stopping distance of a vehicle with standard tires.
  2. Poor-quality rubber studding, which manifests itself in the form of spikes flying off during movement. The coincidence of several factors (the speed of the car with spikes, the trajectory of the stud that has flown out, the proximity of the vehicle behind the car with spikes) can damage the windshield of the car behind. In addition to spikes, stones often fly out from under the wheels of an upgraded vehicle.

NOTE: The absence of the “Spikes” sign on a car with studded wheels in most cases is the reason for the refusal to issue a diagnostic card when passing a technical inspection of the car.

The sign must be clearly visible at a distance of 20 meters or more, so it must be mounted on the rear window of the car, and with tinted windows, it must be on the outside.

Thorn sign: Can I make this desired sign myself?

The question is not idle, given that now, in the wake of the general excitement, the “Ships” sign has become a real deficit, and its cost sometimes even exceeds the very 500 rubles that will have to be paid for its absence. In some regions, as in the Sverdlovsk region, the leadership of the territorial divisions of the traffic police even met the drivers halfway and announced a temporary moratorium on the application of sanctions for a formal violation.

Practice shows that excitement is a short-lived matter. But if there is no way to endure (you need to drive), and traffic cops in your area turned out to be not so loyal to those who are driving, then it is quite possible to get by with a temporary replacement of the “factory” sign.

In any case, it is useful to remember that each similar product mentioned in the rules has its own GOST. So "Spikes" - this is a sign in the form of an equilateral triangle of white color with the top up with a red border, in which the letter "Ш" of black color is inscribed. The side of the triangle must be at least 200 mm, and the width of the border is 1/10 of the side of the triangle.

It is also important not to forget about the visibility of the sign - after all, you hang it not for yourself, but for other road users. It should be clearly visible from a distance of at least 20 meters, including at night, which should also always be remembered. If the rear window of your car is tinted, then the sign must be glued to the outside.

In general, if you can meet these requirements, then the Internet will help you - there you can find and print an image of a sign of quite acceptable quality. In this sense, it is easier for residents of big cities, where there are a lot of firms, where you can quickly and cheaply make any sign and sticker to order. On the other hand, residents of smaller settlements may not face a rush demand for this rather specific product: it was probably delivered in sufficient quantities to the local Rospechat.

Thorn sign: What else is important to know?

The requirement for the presence of the “Spikes” sign on the car applies to all drivers without exception. But the fact is that this is not the only sign that, by the mentioned 333rd government decree, has become mandatory for the admission of vehicles to operation. Starting from April 4, 2017, the car cannot be operated if, depending on the circumstances, it also does not have signs: “Road train”, “Transportation of children”, “Deaf driver”, “Training vehicle”, “Speed ​​limit”, “Dangerous Cargo”, “Oversized Cargo”, “Slow Vehicle”, “Long Vehicle” and “Beginner Driver”.

Most of these signs are special. For example, the sign "Transportation of children" applies only to buses, and "Long-length vehicle" - as a rule, is hung on freight transport. It is important to pay attention to the “Beginner Driver” sticker if your driving experience is less than two years. After checking your rights and not finding the appropriate sign on your car, the traffic cop will fine you and prohibit you from driving further.

The current traffic rules indicate that a prerequisite for driving cars with studded tires is the installation of a special identification mark "Sh". It is needed to inform drivers of other cars about a possible danger to them. Is the Thorns sign mandatory today, is there a fine for its absence? More on this and more below.

On 11/29/2018, Dmitry Medvedev signed a government decree, on the basis of which, car drivers were abolished the obligatory gluing of the "Sign of Thorns" and a fine for its absence. Now it is voluntary.

The text below is introductory, before the changes made on November 29, 2018.

Is the “Sh” sign required on the car

To the question of network users whether it is necessary to hang the “Sh” sign on a car, one can answer that in April 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Law No. 333, according to which drivers cannot drive with studded wheels without the “Sh” badge. Based on a number of articles of this law, the presence of this sign in the traffic rules is a prerequisite for operating a car, regardless of the season. In addition, it is impossible to pass a technical inspection if the car does not have a sticker with spikes and corresponding tires. Driving without these rules entails, at best, a fine, and at worst, an accident on the road.

Penalty for not having a sign

According to the same resolution, the traffic police inspector has the right to prohibit the movement of a studded car without an identification sticker, issue a warning or issue a fine of 500 rubles. Everything about this violation is indicated in part 1 of section 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Attention! Installing the “Ш” sign on a car in the absence of winter tires is not considered an offense that will lead to punishment. In accordance with this, it is desirable, but not compulsory, to remove it after replacing the winter “shoes” with the summer ones. But the traffic police do not have the right to fine in this case.

Rules for installing the sign "Spikes"

According to part 8 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, a sign of a standard sample must be placed on all studded cars. Its shape should be like an equilateral triangle of at least 20 centimeters. In addition, according to GOST, it must have a red outline inside (the width of the strip is ten percent of its length), a large letter “Ш” in the center and a white background.

According to the rules, it is required to install a car sign at the back of a mechanical transport. There is no information on installation in other regulations. Therefore, you can install it:

  1. On the rear window;
  2. On the door;
  3. On the trunk;
  4. On any part of the bumper;
  5. On any side of the body;
  6. On any part of the tent.

Legislative requirements are not unreasonable. This rule is aimed at avoiding a traffic accident as much as possible and maintaining the safety of all motorists.

At what time of the year should this sign be placed?

Motorists are required to “change shoes” twice a year: from early December to March and from June to August. The sign must be attached at the moment when the studded wheels were installed.

Note: Driving on summer tires on Russian roads is prohibited by law from December to February, as is the use of studded tires from June to August inclusive. The rest of the time, the driver decides to ride on one or another rubber, based on weather conditions.

Why is it so important?

  • First, the braking distance of a studded vehicle is shorter than that of a car of the same model without such rubber. From this we can conclude that the driver who rides behind such a car will not be able to slow down in time and not crash, even if he has a lot of driving experience and he keeps a sufficient distance.
  • Secondly, due to poor-quality wheel studding, which can manifest itself as flying spikes during the operation of the car, the car behind it may suffer. In particular, this is caused by such factors as the speed of a studded car, the flight of flying studs, the proximity of cars to each other, and more. In addition to flying spikes, fragments of stones can often fly out from under such vehicles.

Note: Due to the lack of an identification mark about the presence of spikes on the car, its deformation or damage, a motorist is often denied a diagnostic card when undergoing maintenance. Therefore, the sticker with the sign must be visible at least 12 meters away. On tinted windows, it is better to place it on the outside of the rear window.

Responsibility in case of an accident

If the relevant legal requirements are ignored, an unpleasant or deplorable situation may arise. If the occurrence of the accident was due to the fault of a careless driver who did not notify other drivers with the appropriate sign, another injured person has the right to go to court and hold him accountable. Judicial practice shows that carelessness plays a role in the case of payment for car repairs and compensation for moral or physical damage. It is likely that the fault will lie not only with the driver who did not notify the other about the studded wheels, but also with the car owner who did not keep his distance. However, the second one will be in a more advantageous position.

Many motorists had to be fined by the CSN inspectors for the lack of a “Sh” sign when the vehicle had studded tires. In a particular case, the actions of the traffic police inspectors are completely illegal, because they replace the items.

So the sign "Thorns" is really obligatory?

Winter in most regions of Russia is replete with precipitation and sleet on the road. The ice crust on the road surface significantly impairs the adhesion of automobile wheels to asphalt or soil. Therefore, braking on ice is often not very effective and, as a rule, leads to a skid of the vehicle.

As a drastic measure to combat this scourge, many motorists equip their car tires with special studs that allow the driver to better control the car on a slippery, ice-crusted road. Since such a device affects the driving parameters of vehicles, a special pictogram must be on the rear window of the vehicle to warn drivers driving vehicles behind.

This “Ш” sign should be installed only on those vehicles on the wheels of which there are studded tires. The purpose of such a sign is to protect all participants in the DD. Wheels with studded tires can lose their studs while driving and can cause damage to nearby vehicles and pedestrians.

What is the fine provided in 2017 if there is no “Sh” sign

Decree of the Government of Russia No. 333 dated March 24. 2017 states that from 04.04. 2017, the traffic police inspector may prohibit a motorist from driving a vehicle with studded tires if such a vehicle does not have a “Sh” sign.

Sanctions for such a violation are predetermined by Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia. The motorist is threatened with a warning or he can be fined in the amount of 5 hundred rubles.

Installation of the sign "Sh"

In clause 08 of the Basic Provisions on the admission of vehicles to drive with studded tires, there must be a sign in the form of an equilateral triangle with a red and a capital letter "Ш" in the middle of the triangle on a white background.

These requirements are explained by the concern for the safety of all, without exception, participants in the DD, because the wheels of vehicles with spikes can easily cause a very serious accident:

The braking distance of a vehicle with studded tires is somewhat shorter than that of a vehicle of the same brand and configuration, without studded wheels.

So, a person driving a car moving behind, most likely, is unlikely to have time to react and stop in time, as many rely on personal experience and keep a safe distance based on the braking performance of vehicles with standard tires.

Poor-quality tire studding is manifested by flying spikes when driving, which can damage the front glass of the car following behind. In addition to spikes, stones often fly out from under the wheels of a vehicle.

"W" should be clearly visible from 20 meters, and therefore should be mounted on the rear window of the car. But if the car windows are tinted, then from its outer side.

Liability of the motorist in the event of an accident

If the owner of the car decides to ignore the requirements of the law, then he should prepare for the most negative consequences. In the event of an accident, a formally guilty motorist who crashed into a car with studded tires has the right to sue a careless motorist who did not deign to warn the other participants in the DD about the features of his car.

Practice has repeatedly shown that judges often lay responsibility for the incident on both motorists. And this is important when resolving your issues with an insurer company: usually, the first and second car owners have to repair damaged vehicles at their own expense. So, the management of the vehicle implies mandatory strict observance of the rules of the DD, and in addition, a respectful attitude towards other participants in the DD. In the end, this behavior also affects the safety of the motorist himself.

In Russia, starting from April 4, 2017, legislative amendments come into force that provide for a traffic police fine for the absence of a “studded” badge on a car in the case of using winter studded tires.

Penalty for the absence of the sign "thorns" on the rear window of the car in 2017/2018

Warning or 500 rubles. (with a discount of 250 rubles)

Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.5 part 1

Checking and paying traffic police fines 50% discount

To check fines from cameras for photo and video recording of violations.

To check the fines issued by the traffic police inspector.

For free notifications of new fines.

Check fines

Checking information about fines,
please wait a few seconds

Initially, the traffic police fine in the amount of 500 rubles for the lack of a “Sh” badge on a car was perceived by the Russian motorist community as an absurd April Fool's joke. Against the background of understandable to all or his appearance seemed nonsense.

With bewilderment to the new illogical rule regarding the "spikes" badge, including the traffic police themselves. A note in the Arguments and Facts newspaper received a great response, in which the deceitfulness of the law was reported with reference to the regional offices of the traffic police.

Unfortunately, after a detailed investigation, the news about the fines of the traffic police for the lack of a sticker "thorns" turned out to be true. The amendments to the legislation were personally signed by Russian Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Unfortunately, on April 4, 2017, a fine of 500 rubles for the absence of a thorns sign is reality

Here is an excerpt from the news from the official website of the traffic police:

In addition, a ban was introduced on the operation of vehicles in the absence of identification marks on them, which must be installed in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety. These are such signs as "Beginner driver", "Spikes", "Transportation of children", "Deaf driver" and others. Driving a vehicle that does not have the indicated identification marks, in accordance with the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (part 1 of article 12.5), entails the imposition of an administrative penalty in the form of a warning or an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

It follows that the fine under Part 1 of Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses from April 4, 2017, Russian drivers shine not only for the absence of the “thorns” (“Sh”) triangle sign, but also for the absence of the “novice driver” sign (we have already reported about this) and the absence of the “Transportation of children” sign, "Deaf Driver"

This circumstance is perplexing. This confusion is justified on several counts. Firstly, a deaf driver on winter tires and with children will have to hang all the glass with badge stickers, and secondly, some car statuses change very quickly, for example, “a child in a car” - the sticker crate is extremely inconvenient in such cases.

Well, the biggest complaint of motorists sounds like - "Why?". A long time ago in the USSR, the “spikes” sign was hung due to the loss of spikes on low-quality rubber, now this phenomenon is in the past. The difference in the braking speeds of cars is also a strange point of justification - in large cities everyone already rides on spikes, and they recently wanted to make the introduction of such rubber mandatory. And if they are all the same, why mark it. Yes, and these ideas about rubber are outdated. Expensive friction tires without studs in a pair slow down better than studded ones - thus the “studded” sign will even be harmful, it will mislead other drivers.

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