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Cranberry pasta for the winter. Harvesting cranberries for the winter

A beautiful undersized shrub grows, which in early autumn flares up with hundreds of small rubies. This is a cranberry - a berry rich in all kinds of vitamins and microelements, healthy and just very tasty. The "internal vitamin" world of this berry is incredibly diverse: ascorbic and benzoic acid, citric and quinic, ursolic and malic, vitamin PP, B (the whole group), K, pectins and glycosides, sugars and much more.


Perhaps, it was this rich combination of vitamins and organic substances that allowed cranberries to take a leading place among garden and wild berries. It was her beneficial properties that allowed her to take a pedestal and be known as a natural natural cure for many diseases. For weakened and sick organisms, this berry is simply irreplaceable, obligatory and indicated for all recipes.

However, for an ordinary healthy person, cranberries will not be superfluous in the diet. It boosts immunity, removes harmful substances from the body, helps fight colds and prevent more dangerous diseases. But few housewives know what can be done with cranberries in order to stock up on medicinal berries for the winter and preserve the benefits hidden by nature inside it. Today we will tell you how to properly harvest this berry and what reserves from it can be preserved for the winter.

Storage without conservation

First, let's figure out what can be done with fresh cranberries, in addition to canning. Our ancestors kept cranberries simply in a cold cellar, carefully sorting and removing rotten berries and drying the good ones. It is recommended to scatter the berry in a loose layer so that it is well ventilated. Previously, the berry was stored in the senets, scattering right on the floor. But in urban housing, of course, this option is not suitable. And in this case, you will not have to wait for long-term storage. Cranberries with this method tend to wither and dry, which is completely undesirable.


What can be done with cranberries if there is a large freezer? Of course, subject the berry to a deep freeze. This is the second, but the most popular way to preserve all the benefits that nature has in this berry. For storage in the freezer, it is better to choose those berries that have already been exposed to frost in natural conditions. As a rule, experienced gardeners wait until the first light frost grabs the cranberries, only after that the berries are picked.

Before freezing, it is recommended to sort out the cranberries, carefully examine them for rotten spoiled berries. Then rinse, lay out on a clean kitchen towel in a thin layer and allow to dry naturally. After that, we pack the clean and dry berries in bags and store them in the freezer for storage. If you have a very ripe berry, then for freezing it is better to choose not plastic bags, but a plastic container with a lid.

Frozen berry jam

What can be done with frozen cranberries? There are a lot of options: compotes, juices, fruit drinks, jams and mashed potatoes. But today we will prepare an amazingly tasty and incredibly healthy cranberry jam. It will not contain any unnecessary ingredients. Sugar and berries - that's the whole secret of making tender, melting in your mouth and amazingly fragrant jam.

The proportions of the products in this recipe are 1 * 1, that is, per kilogram of sugar you will need to take the same mass of berries. Frozen berries should be allowed time to thaw on their own. No microwaves!

In a large container with a thick bottom and stacks (it is best to take a cauldron for pilaf), we place the berry and pour the right amount of granulated sugar. Immerse the blender in the mass and grind until a homogeneous consistency. Next, we dissolve the sugar by placing the pan on the stove and letting the berry mass simmer over low heat for five to seven minutes.

It remains to remove the container from the fire and, gently shifting with a spoon, grind the hot berry through a sieve. We no longer need the peel and seeds of cranberries. As a result, you should get a translucent cranberry jam. When it hardens, it will resemble a pliable fragrant jelly.

Cranberries soaked

If you have large stocks of healthy berries, then you can not only dry or freeze them, but also soak them. Since ancient times, people have known what can be made from lingonberries and cranberries. The berries were sorted out, poured into large ones and filled to the top with ice-cold well water. Some heavy load was placed on top and the berry was left alone for a month or two.

At present, of course, no one uses tubs and barrels to store berries, but the method of urinating cranberries still exists today. For storage, ordinary glass jars with a capacity of three liters are used. The berry is moved, washed and poured into a jar. Water or a special syrup is poured (1 liter of water, a pinch of salt, a spoonful of sugar, 2 cloves, a pinch of cinnamon).

dried berry

What else can you do with fresh cranberries? A very popular option is drying. The process is carried out using a special kitchen unit for drying berries, vegetables and mushrooms or in the old fashioned way - in the oven. To dry the berries in the oven, you must first rinse it, and then boil it for a couple of minutes in boiling water. Next, spread foil on a baking sheet, scatter the berry and send it to the oven for 4-5 hours. Remember that the layer should not be very thick. Every 30-40 minutes, the berry must be monitored by turning it over.

When drying is over, do not dare to remove the berry. At room temperature, it should cool down and “reach” for another 1-2 hours. And after all these manipulations, we put the cranberries in glass jars for storage.

Cranberry compote

If you are a conservation lover and are wondering what can be done with cranberries for the winter, then you will like the option of making compotes. The case is simple, fast and does not require special costs.

The classic recipe for cranberry compote is characterized by the following set of products:

  • Berry - one kilogram.
  • Sugar sand - 550-650 grams.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.


As in the case of other storage methods, it is recommended to carefully sort out cranberries before cooking compote, removing bad berries. Rinse them under running water with a colander. Now we put the berries in a saucepan, fill it with water, pour sugar and do not turn on the fire, but let it stand. Ten minutes is enough for the cranberries to swell. Now you can turn on the fire and cook the berry for compote. It will quickly give away all the useful juice contained inside and, consequently, useful substances and vitamins.

As soon as the water begins to boil, we detect five minutes. Then turn off the gas, let the compote cool down a bit. During this time, you can prepare the banks. They are recommended to be thoroughly washed with soda, sterilized. If you like berries in compotes, then you can leave them. If not, then we take out the cranberries with a slotted spoon, and pour healthy water into jars and roll up the lids.

What can be done with cranberries if you are a lover of compotes? There are a lot of options and combinations:


What can be done with cranberries for the winter if you are a lover of sweet preparations? Of course, jam. We suggest you prepare a very healthy and fortified jam from berries, walnuts and apples. It can be served on the table with pancakes, pancakes, used as a filling for pies, pies, bagels, croissants, sweet pizza, etc.

Required Ingredients

  • Cranberries - 1kg.
  • Two glasses of water.
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.
  • One large green apple.
  • A handful of chopped walnuts.

How to cook

As in the case of making jam, jam berries need to be clean, processed, free from rotten or unripe "brothers". In order for cranberries to be soft and give out healthy juice faster, they should be blanched in hot water for ten minutes.

While the berry will "rest" in boiling water, prepare the syrup. Pour two glasses of water into a deep saucepan, add sugar and put on medium heat. Bring to a boil, wait for the sugar to dissolve. Remove the heat and add the berries to the pot. Cook over low heat for about ten minutes. This will be enough for the jam to harden later, and the berry does not lose its beneficial qualities due to exposure to high temperatures. At the last stage of cooking, you can add a few apple slices and a handful of chopped walnuts. Also, lemon zest or even a whole fruit, cut into large pieces, will go great in such a jam.

What can be made from twisted cranberries?

A very popular recipe is grated or ground cranberries with sugar. Such a blank will be perfectly stored for a long time, and the berry will not lose its useful qualities, since it will not be subjected to heat treatment at all.

The recipe will require one kilogram of granulated sugar and the same amount of washed and dried berries. Cranberries should be mashed. A meat grinder, food processor or blender can help in this process. Twisted cranberries are covered with sugar and left for two hours at room temperature. All that remains is to decompose it into jars and store it in the refrigerator or cellar.

What can be done from cranberries. Preparations for the fight against colds

We have already told a lot about what can be made from cranberries. There are still a lot of recipes left. A very quick and healthy preparation is made from cranberries and honey. A jar of such a natural medicine will be just a lifesaver during the period of colds. Two or three spoons of cranberries with honey for breakfast with tea, and your immunity will say no to flu and SARS.

The cooking process in this case is very similar to the previous one, only instead of sugar, honey is added to the twisted cranberries in a 1/1 ratio. You can grind the berry with a blender, gradually adding honey. So the mass will be more homogeneous. We pour it into jars. We store in the cold.


Another option for harvesting cranberries for the winter is juicing. The berries must be thoroughly washed. It is recommended to sort them out, rejecting bad cranberries. For cooking, two kilograms of berries and 0.5 liters of water are taken. Pour the berry into the water and, bringing to a boil, immediately turn it off. This is done so that the cranberries soften, and it is more convenient and faster to squeeze the juice from it.

Press the juice with ordinary gauze. She will quickly separate the cake. Bring the resulting healthy liquid to a boil again, cook with sugar (to taste) for three to five minutes. Pour the resulting juice into sterilized jars and roll up with metal lids using a key.


In conclusion, I would like to offer you a healthy and very tasty drink, which is obtained from cranberries by fermentation. This is the answer for those who do not know what to do with cranberries, for those who do not like sweet jams or jams.

The liqueur is prepared from 750 g of sugar, a liter of water and a kilogram of berries. The fruits should be mashed with a spoon or crush, put into a bottle with a narrow neck, pour water and add granulated sugar.

We mix the ingredients in a bottle, wrap it with gauze. We leave the drink for a few days. After 48 hours, making sure that the fermentation process has begun, we put a medical glove on the neck. We make several holes in it that will allow air to escape. In this state, the liqueur “rests” for another 40-45 days. Next, we filter the liquid, removing the berry cake, and pour it into storage containers.

Now you know what preparations can be made from cranberries for the winter. If there is an opportunity to buy this most useful berry in the market or pick up this most useful berry in the nearest forest, then do not neglect this opportunity. It will take you a minimum of time to cook, and the benefits will be enormous.

The undeniable benefits of cranberries encourage home cooks to take care of its presence on the table not only during the picking season, but also in winter. We bring to your attention the best recipes for preserving bright red berries. Harvesting without long-term cooking, delicious compote and jelly, a recipe for sweet cranberries in sugar. The harvesting methods we have collected are distinguished by minimal heat treatment, which allows us to preserve all the beneficial substances of the miracle berry.

Cranberries on the table - medicines from the table

In the cold climatic zone of Russia and Europe, in swamps and on moist forest soil, a silvery shrub with fiery red dots spreads along the ground. Cranberries have a pronounced sour taste, you can’t eat a lot of them. Yes, and it’s not necessary, because each tiny berry is unique in its composition:

  • rich complex of organic acids;
  • pectin substances;
  • sugars, glycosides;
  • vitamins of group B, PP, K.

The healing spectrum of cranberries is very wide, it is used for a number of serious diseases. Therefore, we can safely say that the periodic use of red berries helps to forget about medicines.

This berry is not only healthy, but also tasty in the form of drinks and jams, as an addition to vegetable and meat dishes.

How to prepare cranberries without boiling

Recipes for harvesting miracle berries for the winter are distinguished by a significant variety and creative approaches of hostesses and cooks. One of the basic principles of canning is minimal or no heat treatment. Soaked berries, for example, are harvested by simply pouring cranberries with clean cold water.

It's a paradox, but you can "cook" cranberry jam without cooking. To do this, you need a kilogram of cranberries and the same amount of sugar:

  1. It is necessary to clean the berries from twigs, leaves and other debris.
  2. Rinse well under running water, dry on a paper towel.
  3. Mix cranberries with half of the prepared sugar and chop with a wooden pusher so that the sugar is completely dissolved. A blender is not suitable for this purpose, since the acids contained in the berries can react with the metal.
  4. Sterilize several jars, place the finished fragrant mixture in them, cover with the remaining sugar.
  5. Close with metal or polyethylene lids and take to a cold place.

In winter, such a vitamin-rich jam will be indispensable for compotes and cranberry fruit drinks, and just for drinking with tea during acute respiratory diseases.

Attention! Cranberries differ from other berries harvested for the winter without boiling in that they do not have to be stored in the refrigerator. Just a cool place is enough. The fact is that as part of a useful berry - citric and benzoic acids, which does not allow it to deteriorate.

Freezing Cranberry Recipe

For preparing salads and vegetables, sauerkraut and creating sweet and sour, spicy and spicy sauces in winter, cranberries canned in the freezer are useful. Usually, a fully ripe berry, harvested after the first frost, is used for this.

Advice. To strengthen the immune system and increase the tone of the body, it is recommended to use 100 gr. cranberries a week.

There are 2 recipes for freezing peat "sourness".

The first option involves the use of berries of any size, whole and slightly crushed. They are washed and stacked in portioned containers, then frozen.

For the second method, it is advisable to prepare large, whole berries. The washed cranberries are thoroughly dried and scattered in a thin layer on a tray. After 2-3 hours, the red lights placed in the freezer are ready to be poured into a plastic container. On the lid of each food container it is worth sticking a leaflet with the date of freezing and the name of the product. Such berries will decorate any dish!

Dried cranberries will support immunity in winter

Experts recommend another way to harvest cranberries for the winter. It was actively used by our ancestors. Berries scattered on a flat surface could previously be stored for months. To do this, they did not need to be processed, it was enough just to find a dry, cool place in the house.

Attention! It takes 5-6 hours to dry the berries in the oven at a temperature of about 70 ° C. It is necessary to turn the fire berries over from time to time for even drying. In an apartment with central heating, this is impossible, so the cranberries are simply dried in the oven, and then put in hermetically sealed storage containers.

Cranberries in sugar - a favorite delicacy of children

Candied cranberries are also considered a simple recipe for peat berries grated with sugar (this option is given above). But we have chosen for you another interesting way to harvest cranberries. Candied berries look like candy and are popular with kids. Sometimes this is the only way to get the baby to eat the “vitamin”.

For cooking you will need:

  • 500 gr. cranberries;
  • the same amount of sugar, or a little more;
  • water.

How to cook:

  1. Wash and sort out peat wealth. Pierce each berry with a toothpick.
  2. Boil water in an enamel saucepan with most of the sugar until it is completely dissolved.
  3. After cooling, pour the berries with the resulting syrup, cover and refrigerate overnight.
  4. The next day, drain the syrup (it can be used separately) and wait for the berries to dry.
  5. Roll each cranberry in sugar so that it is completely covered with it.

A treat for kids is stored in the refrigerator, but, alas, the shelf life of this dish does not exceed two weeks. However, candied cranberries are eaten much earlier.

We cook cranberry compote without worries

To prepare a fragrant cranberry compote, you will need a saucepan and water. Cooks advise not to use a large amount of sugar. Perhaps a drink without sugar, or with a small amount of it, will seem more refreshing and tonic to you. How to cook cranberry compote?

  1. Boil water with sugar added to taste.
  2. Dip the cranberries into the syrup, wait for it to boil again and immediately turn off the drink. Compote is ready.
  3. Before harvesting for the winter, cranberries are boiled for 5-10 minutes. and rolled up in pre-prepared sterile cylinders.

Advice. To give a spicy note before the drink is ready, you can add cloves, vanilla or cinnamon to it.

Cranberry compotes will amaze with their original taste if you add any berries and fruits to them. Suitable apples, currants, raspberries, cherries, rose hips, sea buckthorn, raisins, dried apricots.

How to cook tender cranberry jelly?

There is nothing difficult in preparing jelly; according to this recipe, a sweet drink with sourness is prepared in 15 minutes. You need to collect the necessary ingredients:

  • 3 art. frozen berries;
  • 1.5 l. water;
  • 5 st. l. starch;
  • 1 st. Sahara.

To prepare cranberry jelly, you will need starch, water and sugar

Action steps:

  1. Bring a pot of water to a boil.
  2. Put sugar and keep on fire for 5 minutes. after boiling.
  3. While starch dissolves in water, strain the resulting compote.
  4. Put the drink without berries back on the stove. After the appearance of bubbles, slowly, in a thin stream, pour in the starch and mix the jelly well.
  5. Switch off immediately when signs of boiling appear.

Cranberry is a bright red berry, a resident of swamps. She is called swamp, queen of swamps, northern, crane. Spherical or egg-shaped berries of a red-burgundy hue contain in their composition such an amount of vitamin C that it is ahead of lemon and other citrus fruits in this indicator. This is not the only advantage of cranberries; many more useful treasures are hidden in it. That is why the berry began to be collected and used for medicinal purposes in ancient times. A specific bitter-sour taste is a serious obstacle to eating the berry in its pure form, so various dishes are prepared with it, boiled, harvested, and juices. The usefulness of cranberries from such processing does not decrease, and the taste qualities noticeably benefit.

The effect of cranberry juice on the body

The product is widely known as an effective antibiotic of natural origin. In acute and chronic viral diseases, exacerbations of infections, it is recommended to use it in combination with the main drug therapy. Cranberry juice is effective as a prophylactic and remedy against diseases of the genitourinary system: inflammation of the appendages and ovaries in women, nephritis, cystitis, urethritis. The content in the product helps to remove stones from the kidneys and bladder.

In the fight for beauty and anti-aging, cosmetologists recommend paying attention to a cranberry drink, as it is rich. These substances protect skin cells from aging and enhance the process of their regeneration. The introduction of the product into the diet will help improve complexion and make wrinkles less pronounced.

Cranberry is a berry known for its detoxifying properties. Juice is recommended to drink to cleanse the blood from the effects of antibiotics, to remove salts of heavy metals from the body, and is also advised to people who have been exposed to radiation exposure. It helps a lot with poisoning with heavy toxins, and is also used as a prophylactic against cancer and anemia.

The product contains a significant supply of iodine, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Normalization of metabolism is another useful bonus of taking cranberry juice. With obesity, impaired water balance and metabolic processes, cranberry juice must be introduced into the diet. It is also useful for diabetics, since ursolic acid, which is in the berry and a drink from it, can bring blood sugar levels back to normal.

The intake of juice will benefit the cardiovascular system, because the substances in its composition fight bad things, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots.

The most famous way to use cranberry juice is to treat colds. Already at the first symptoms of malaise, fever and chills, you need to drink a glass of a drink made from warm and cranberry juice. This will give the body an impetus to fight the disease, reduce fever and inflammation.

The product copes well with inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, as it has a wound healing and antiseptic effect. And for the teeth, its benefit lies in getting rid of caries, periodontal disease, and plaque.

Chemical composition of cranberry juice

Vitamin treasury is contained in cranberry juice. The content of vitamin C in the product goes off scale - it bypasses lemons in this indicator, and only blackcurrants have surpassed cranberries and drinks from it.

Mineral composition
12 mg
14 mg
6 mg
16 mg
1 mg
130 mcg
0.19 mg
10 mcg
Rubidium 44 mcg
17 mcg
1 mcg
2.3 mg
19 mg
155 mg

100 g of the product contains 45.5 kcal, 0.4 g, 0.3 g, 11 g.

For skin diseases, mix half a glass of water and juice, add a teaspoon and drink the mixture three times a day, an hour after eating.

For hypertensive patients, it is advised to prepare a drink with honey in proportions of 1/1, consume 1 tablespoon three times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals. People suffering from diseases of the stomach and pancreas are shown to take cranberry juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1/1 before meals, 50-100 g.

From fever, the patient is given a mixture of 200 g of juice, settled for 1-2 hours, 50 g of cranberry juice and 15 g. You need to drink the drink in small portions, 5-6 times during the day.

In case of flu, colds, coughs, bronchitis, the product is mixed with honey to taste, so that it is not too acidic, and drink 100 g before meals.

Use in cosmetology

When looking for skin health products, don't forget that effective products can be found not only on the shelves of cosmetics stores. Cranberry juice, taken internally, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, making it more elastic, healthy, smooth. In addition, it is also used as a component of masks, massage ice cubes and tonics. However, only freshly squeezed sugar-free products are suitable for these purposes.

In order to get rid of unwanted pigmentation, use a napkin moistened with juice. It is applied to the skin for 10 minutes, after which the face is washed with cool water. First you need to test for allergic reactions - apply the juice to the inner bend of the elbow, where the skin is very sensitive, and follow your own feelings. If redness and burning sensation do not appear within 5-7 minutes, then the remedy can be used.

It is worth using face and hair masks with juice no more than 1 time in one and a half to two weeks. They are kneaded in a non-metal bowl, such as an earthenware or glass bowl.

Preparing a drink in reserve

The basis for obtaining juice from a berry is the process of squeezing or twisting. For these purposes, use a meat grinder or juicer, or you can simply crush the cranberries in a mortar.

Cranberries normally tolerate the fresh storage process, in addition, they can be frozen for the winter. Boiling reduces the amount of vitamin C in its composition. You can also make juice in this way, but it loses some of its benefits.

The simplest recipe: cranberries are twisted or crushed by hand, rolled into sterile jars without adding any components and tightly closed with lids. The product is stored in a refrigerator or cellar without heat treatment.

Healthy Pumpkin Recipe:

  • 1 kg of cranberries;
  • 1 kg ripe;
  • about 400 g of sugar.

To prepare a drink take:

  • 2 kg bright orange carrots;
  • 1 kg of cranberries;
  • 2 cups of sugar.

Carrots are well washed, peeled, finely chopped and steamed. The resulting puree is passed through a sieve. Cranberries are sorted, washed, peeled and crushed, thus obtaining juice from it. After mixing carrots with berries, they are sent to a slow fire, not allowing to boil, and warmed up for about 3-5 minutes. When the dish has cooled, it is rubbed again through a sieve. It turns out quite thick, and at this stage it can either be passed through cheesecloth or diluted with water. After adding granulated sugar, the drink is stirred, heated over low heat for 15 minutes, without boiling, after which it is poured hot into sterile jars. After the product has cooled, it is stored in a dark, cool place.

Uses of cranberry juice in cooking

Since the product has a strongly pronounced sour taste, it is practically not used as an independent dish. From it you can make syrup for ice cream by adding sugar and heat-treating it. Cranberry juice is used as food coloring. In small quantities, it is added to the impregnation for cakes and biscuits, creams and desserts. Some marinades with the addition of this drink give the meat a stunningly tender structure due to the high content of acids in the juice.

Most often, the product is found in recipes for alcoholic cocktails, in combination with,. An unusually rich taste is given by a mixture of cranberry with, with grenadine, raspberry vodka, soda. The combination of cranberry juice with lemon vodka, Cointreau liqueur and juice is the recipe for the famous Cosmopolitan cocktail.

Harm and contraindications of the product

What definitely cannot be done with this drink is to drink it on an empty stomach. Even in a diluted state, the amount of acids in it can negatively affect the walls of the stomach. For those who have problems with the liver, as well as people suffering from stomach ulcers or acute gastritis, it is better to stop drinking cranberry juice in any form. There are also cases of manifestations of individual intolerance and allergies - this is a direct indication to exclude the product from the diet. With caution, it is necessary to use juice for pregnant women, after consulting with the doctor.

In addition, cranberries do not interact well with certain drugs: Valium, Glucotrol, Tamoxifen, Elavil, and other blood thinners. The product reduces the effectiveness of diclofenac.

Of course, a product made from berries collected in polluted areas with unfavorable environmental conditions can cause significant harm to the human body.

The healing properties of cranberry juice are as unique as the taste of this drink. It has a strong stimulating effect: as if shaking the natural resources of the body, the product supplements and enhances them with a set of vitamins and nutrients from its own composition, thereby improving health, giving vitality and vigor.

Since ancient times, people have known the healing properties of cranberries, they call it the “Queen of the Swamps”. This burgundy berry can really have a regal effect on our body. It is ahead of all vegetables and fruits in terms of the amount of antioxidants that are contained in its juice. These substances can be a barrier to the development of vascular and heart diseases, and even cancer. In addition, they remove poisons from the body. “Swamp grapes” (there is such a name) is a pantry of vitamins and minerals: vitamins C, B, PP, K, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and others. Thanks to this unique composition, "sour balls" help to cure many ailments. Cranberries are indispensable for various manifestations of cystitis and other diseases in this area. The acids contained in cranberry juice create an environment in the bladder that is unfavorable for the development of harmful bacteria. In addition, these sour berries are a natural antibiotic, because they contain a lot of benzoic acid and phenol, cranberry drinks are useful for infectious diseases. Cranberries also help to cope with many diseases of the oral cavity.

Most of the nutrients in freshly squeezed juice. Cranberries serve well frozen, so there is no problem to get such a drink at any time of the year. However, many people prefer to stock up on healing juice ahead of time, because they do not want to store large volumes of berries in the refrigerator or prepare a vitamin gift for relatives.

To prepare cranberry juice for the winter, you can use one of two options - pasteurization or hot bottling. Pasteurization involves heating the workpiece to 70-80 degrees, and then pasteurization or sterilization of full cans at a temperature of 70 to 100 degrees, the duration depends on the volume of the cans. Hot bottling involves a short boil, and then distribution to banks. Even if the recipe calls for pasteurization, you can try hot pouring. The hostess focuses on her goals - the maximum preservation of vitamins or long-term storage. In addition, you need to do what is convenient - for example, three-liter jars are inconvenient to pasteurize or sterilize, so you can heat the juice to 95 degrees, but do not boil it, and pour it into jars.

Do not forget that cranberries have one more feature: after the first pressing, there is still a lot of liquid and nutrients left in the pulp. You can dilute it with water in the ratio - for 1 kg of pulp 1 liter of liquid, heat it up, press it again and make juice with syrup from sugar with a concentration of 45-50 percent (0.8 - 0.9 liters of syrup per liter of juice of the second pressing). Second-pressed cranberry juice adds a special taste and vitamin charge to blends. Now not many people know how to make cranberry juice. I bring to your attention several recipes.

A sip of this fragrant juice will help support the immune system in the winter season. This drink goes through only a short boil, so it retains almost the entire vitamin bouquet. This drink will be appreciated by both old and young. Scientists have proven that cranberries contain resveratrol, this miracle substance fights cancer cells, reduces cholesterol in the body, rejuvenates the body, has an anti-inflammatory effect and can even improve skin condition, reduce acne.


  • Cranberries - 2 kg.
  • Water - 2 cups (400 - 500 ml.)

Cranberry juice preparation:

  1. Thoroughly wash the cranberries (although there is an opinion that you should not wash a ripe fresh berry, because there will be a loss of juice, but then it should be a berry of your own collection, you definitely do not need to wash frozen cranberries) and dry.
  2. Grind the berries with a meat grinder, blender or crush.
  3. Transfer the berry mass to an enameled pan, add about 200 ml of water per 1 kg of pulp, put on the stove, heat to a temperature of 70-80 degrees, do not allow the water to boil.
  4. Cook for another 5-10 minutes at the same temperature.
  5. Wipe the cranberry puree through a sieve, separate the cake (you can cook fruit drink or compote from it), so that there is less pulp in the juice, you can filter it through cheesecloth.
  6. Return the pan with the workpiece to the fire, wait until the water boils (or bring it to a degree close to boiling - 95 degrees, but not lower), cook for another 3-5 minutes (at this stage, you can add sugar, focusing on your taste, but you can manage without it).
  7. Pour the drink into sterilized jars and roll up.
  8. Put the jars upside down, wait until they cool, and check the quality of the seam.

Store in a dark, cool place.

If the farm has a juicer or a press, cranberries are squeezed through a juicer; with this method, there is no need to dilute the drink so much with water, it must be boiled and rolled up.

Cranberry juice can be prepared not only by hot filling, as described in the step-by-step instructions, but also by pasteurization. In this case, after filtering, the drink is heated to 85 degrees, poured into jars and pasteurized full cans at a temperature of 90-95 degrees, focusing on a thermometer - 0.5 liters - 10 minutes, 1 liter - 15 minutes.

Sunny Cranberry Juice Pumpkin Recipe

This juice combines the beneficial properties of cranberries and pumpkins. In addition to those vitamins that are in cranberries, the sunny vegetable contains unique substances - for example, vitamin T, which activates the metabolism. The drink retains a maximum of medicinal properties, since the components of the blend are not boiled. Juice can be drunk with honey.


  • Cranberries - 1 kg.
  • Pumpkin (ripe, juicy) - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - to taste (about 400 gr.)

Cranberry juice is very easy to make:

  1. Wash the pumpkin, remove the skin and seeds.
  2. Grate pumpkin on a coarse grater.
  3. Pour a little water into the resulting substance and cook over low heat for about an hour.
  4. Get juice from pumpkin puree using a juicer of any kind.
  5. Clean and wash the berries.
  6. Pour the berries so that the water protrudes 20-30 mm above them.
  7. Put the saucepan on the stove, heat it so that the water does not boil - the duration of this process depends on the ripeness of the cranberries (very short blanching may be enough).
  8. From soft berries to get juice, for this purpose, use a juicer or press.
  9. Mix pumpkin and berry juices, add sugar, send to the stove, boil for 5-6 minutes.
  10. Place the juice in sterilized jars or bottles.
  11. To be sure, cover with sterile lids and sterilize at 100 degrees for about twenty minutes - depending on the volume of the jars (they should all be the same volume).
  12. Roll up, turn the lids down, let cool and check for leaks.

Recipe for cranberry juice with beets

This vegetable juice gives an amazing combination of taste and healing properties. Beetroot juice will help with blood problems, and during menstruation it will reduce pain. Also, beetroot helps to reduce pressure, and improves the condition of blood vessels. The body perceives beetroot juice best of all in a blend, it is better to use it in small quantities - somewhere around 50 g, and a glass can be allowed in this composition.


  • Beets - about 1.5 kg. (you need to get 600 ml of juice)
  • Cranberries - about 0.6 kg. (you need to get 400 ml of juice)

How to make cranberry juice with beets:

  1. Thoroughly wash the beets, cut off the root and stalk.
  2. Blanch the root crops together with the peel over steam with the lid closed for at least thirty minutes.
  3. Grate the beets on a grater without peeling the skin first (you can chop in a meat grinder).
  4. Squeeze the grated beets, then strain the juice through gauze (you can squeeze it not manually, but with a juicer or a press).
  5. Wash the berries, dry.
  6. Blanch for about 1-2 minutes until softened.
  7. Get juice using a juicer or a press (you can also manually, but you will get less juice).
  8. Mix two types of juice in an enamel saucepan, if desired - you can add sugar.
  9. On a small fire, heat up to 70-80 degrees, do not allow the workpiece to boil.
  10. Pour into jars or bottles that have been sterilized.
  11. Sterilize in water brought to a boil, the duration of the procedure depends on the volume of the container (0.5 liters - 10 minutes; 1 liter - 15 minutes, etc.).

Cranberry-carrot juice for health and tranquility

This berry-vegetable combination will give a person a real vitamin boost, because. juice undergoes minimal heat treatment. Carrots add beta-carotene to the drink, which improves the condition of the skin and eyesight. In addition, carrots are a source of magnesium, a mineral that fights stress.


  • Carrots - 2 kg.
  • Cranberries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 2 cups (about 0.5 kg.)

Cooking process:

  1. Wash carrots thoroughly, peel and cut into small pieces.
  2. Blanch the root crop for a couple until it becomes soft.
  3. Rub the carrots through a sieve.
  4. Crush the cranberries a little.
  5. Warm up for three to five minutes, not allowing the mass to boil.
  6. Rub the berries through a sieve.
  7. Mix two types of puree, add granulated sugar (if you want the juice to be more liquid with less pulp, you can either squeeze everything out with a juicer, or skip the juice again through cheesecloth, or dilute it a little with water).
  8. Stir, heat over low heat for 10-15 minutes, not allowing the workpiece to boil.
  9. Pour the juice into jars, roll up (after bottling, to be sure, you can still sterilize the jars).

Store until use in a cool place without strong light sources.

How to make cranberry juice from frozen berries with apple juice?

Together with this juice, a person will receive a double dose of vitamin C and iron. Sweet juice will appeal to both children and adults. Cranberries give the drink an unusual astringency. In addition, the juice is very easy to prepare.


  • Apples - 1 kg (requires 0.7 liters of juice)
  • Cranberries - 0.3 kg (requires 0.15 liters of juice)
  • Sugar - 140 g and water - 200 ml (to obtain 0.2 liters of sugar syrup with a concentration of 70 percent)

Cooking juice from frozen cranberries with an apple:

  1. Wash and peel apples.
  2. Squeeze out the juice, use a juicer or a press for this.
  3. Defrost cranberries.
  4. How to squeeze juice from cranberries? Squeeze the juice with a juicer or press (you can take the juice of the second extraction).
  5. Prepare sugar syrup, if less syrup is obtained when dissolving sugar, you can add water to the desired amount.
  6. Combine two types of juice and sugar syrup in an enamel saucepan, cook until boiling, then cook for another 3-4 minutes.
  7. Hot pour into jars or bottles, tightly cork or roll up, turn upside down, wait for cooling.

You can also cook for the winter with leftover apples.

Healthy cranberry juice with pulp


  • Cranberries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.3 kg.
  • Water - 0.65 liters.

Cooking process:

  1. Mash fresh cranberries with a wooden pestle in an enameled saucepan and heat to a temperature of 65-75 degrees (frozen cranberries do not need to be heated, they allocate juice well after defrosting).
  2. How to squeeze juice from cranberries? You can simply wipe the berry with a sieve.
  3. Prepare sugar syrup, stir sugar in water over low heat in accordance with the proportions.
  4. Combine syrup with berry puree.
  5. Heat the workpiece in an enamel saucepan to 65-70 degrees.
  6. Pour into sterilized jars or bottles.
  7. Sterilize in water brought to a boil, the duration depends on the volume of the container: 0.5 liters - 20 minutes, 1 liter - 20 - 30 minutes.

Cranberries are called the "forest doctor", therefore, like any medicine, it has contraindications. Excessive consumption of this drink can stimulate the deposition of oxalates, which together with calcium form kidney stones. Cranberries absorb harmful substances well, so it is advisable to collect it in ecologically clean areas. Drinking large amounts of the juice of this berry may interfere with the action of certain medications, as cranberries affect liver metabolism. For example, this berry weakens the effect of diclofenac. In addition, cranberry juice should be used with caution by hypotensive patients and people with a history of gastritis with high acidity. There is a general recommendation - cranberry juice should be drunk in moderation, because it can bring both benefit and harm.

Cranberry juice for the winter is an excellent preparation that contains a huge amount of useful vitamins. Making cranberry juice is easy. There are many simple and quick recipes.

Cranberry juice for the winter is an excellent preparation

Cranberry juice is not only delicious, but also very healthy. With regular use, the drink has the following effects:

  • Protects against viral and infectious diseases. It's all about the positive effect of the berry on the immune system due to the high content of vitamins C and E.
  • Restorative action. The juice also has antipyretic properties. That is why it is always prescribed to patients with high fever.
  • Regular use of such a delicious medicinal potion helps to achieve energy and mobility. The person becomes more resilient. This is due to the high content of tannin in cranberries.
  • Thanks to the juice, you can cope with some diseases of the kidneys and the genitourinary system, such as cystitis.
  • Due to the fact that this berry contains a lot of potassium and magnesium, the juice from it is recommended for people with heart disease. Its regular use is the best prevention of diseases such as heart attack, stroke, angina pectoris and so on. Also, this juice is useful for hypertensive patients.
  • The work of digestion is normalized.