Portal for car enthusiasts

How to make a minecraft machine which. How to make a car in Minecraft - step by step instructions

Possibility of using special vehicle will significantly increase your speed of movement, as well as save your own life resources. In addition, the presence of your own car in the game adds prestige to the player and allows you to solve various problems.

How to make a car in Minecraft video

Unfortunately, the creation of a real car with a motor in the game is not provided. Elementary trolleys only remotely resemble a car. How to craft a car without using additional mods can be seen in the video:

To craft a car you will need:

  • 6 cobblestones;
  • 1 saddle;
  • 2 torches;
  • 1 rail.

First, we install a wall of cobblestones laid out in two rows. The wall will prevent the car from moving in an unknown direction. Then we lay the rails in such a way that they go straight into the wall. On both sides of them we set torches. The trolley is placed on rails. Then you need to find a pig, put a saddle on it and lure it into a trolley. The car is ready. Remember to feed your pig regularly. Her role, by the way, can be performed by any other animal, with the exception of the dragon.

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How to make a car in minecraft

To do real car in the game, you need to download an application such as TheCarMod. It is best to choose version 2.2, which has the widest options and features. Don't forget to download the Mod Loader first, without which the application cannot be installed. When installing a modification on single cards, difficulties may arise, since this modification was developed for installation on a server. This mod allows you to use a trolley car in the game, which does not need rails, roads, etc. to move around. With its help, you can travel even through the expanses of water. To do this, it is enough to prescribe the necessary settings within the program itself. The fuel for the car is coking coal. Transport management is fairly easy to implement with a combination of letters W,A,S,D. And the handbrake is activated by pressing Shift.

In a simple minecraft, it is impossible to make a car without mods. But there is one bug, thanks to which you can make such an experiment. True, such a machine will be made of trolleys and looks more like a polygonal trough, it will not be controlled, but you can quickly ride it with a breeze to the first obstacle, after which, unfortunately, it will fall apart. That is, it is rather a trolley that does not need rails.

The bug is that when the carts are close to each other, they repel each other. If you place the trolleys as close as possible to each other, even in each other, the repulsion process will not stop. And a single structure will move jerkily. The main thing is to launch such a transport directly.

How to make a car in minecraft without mods

So, how to make a car in minecraft without mods. First you need to take any hard blocks, let them be stones, and from them you need to build a small hill with a stepped slope, max three blocks high will be enough. You need to put rails on the slope so that you can move off them. From below, under the slope, you need to put rails in the form of a ring with a min diameter of 4 blocks. You can make a larger circle, for example, 8 blocks. The task of the circle is to disperse the trolleys as quickly as possible.

Then, from the top of the mountain, we launch 5-6 trolleys into this circle, where they begin to spin very quickly, almost one into the other. When the sound begins to resemble the roar of an airplane, then they have already accelerated enough. Now, from the circle, you can make a straight road on the 4-5 rail and install a lever at the junction with the circle. When you press the lever, the trolleys will go one into the other in a straight line and, when leaving the surface, you will get a type of car that you can sit in. She will keep driving until she hits something. No one really checked how endlessly the car would go, but it drives 3,000 blocks.

Such a car can go almost indefinitely. This way of creating a car without mods is built on a bug in the game itself. With the help of a variety of mods, you can create quite a lot of different models of cars, and tanks, and other equipment.

Make a car with your own hands without mods, make a decorative and police car on our website.

Mods are needed to create a real car in Minecraft PE, but not all people approve of mods. Some fans of the game want to survive in "pure" Minecraft. And, as it turned out, in the usual MCPE, without any mods, you can build a car.

Decorative car in Minecraft PE.

If you want to decorate your garage or house in the game, then you definitely need a car. Making it is quite simple.

To do this, take wool or concrete, in general, any solid blocks with different colors, and put them in exactly the same way as shown in the pictures below.

Use the glass and buttons on the side of the wheels to shape the car.

Police car in Minecraft

To build a police car, you need to make it in the same way as described above. You just need to change the main color to white.

And in order to make it clear that this is a police car, make Serena out of rugs. On this cars are ready, but they will not be able to drive.

A working train in Minecraft without mods

To create a working train in minecraft, you will need a minimum backfire in Redstone. First of all, we will build a train that will travel from point A to point B. To do this, you need:

  • Slime: 6 pieces.
  • Sticky pistons: 2 pieces.
  • Observer: 2 pieces.
  • Luke: 2 pieces.

Your car must not touch the ground. Put the blocks as shown in the picture below, the observers need to be placed in the direction from the piston, that is, for his face to look into the hatch, this is very important.

In order for the train not to go too far, you need to put a wall of obsidian on its way, it will slow down against this wall. To start the train, you need to click on the hatch that is adjacent to the wall.
On this our train is ready.

A working jeep in Minecraft without mods

This construction is also based on slime like the previous one, this time we will make a big jeep that we can ride ourselves.

  1. Take more slime.
  2. Two pistons and one observer.
  3. The observer will be directed face up.
  4. In order to start the car you need a redsone block.

Build the car according to the pictures below.

If you are reading this, then you want to build a car in minecraft without resorting to the use of modifications. Yes, it is possible and yes, it is not difficult, and there are several ways. Naturally, you will have to decide what exactly you want from your car and, depending on your desire, use one of the methods. Go!

decorative car

The first way is to build a decorative car, that is, a car that will serve as a decoration for your house or the like.. For example, you want to recreate in minecraft some location from another game, on which there will be a street with passing cars and the like. Or you want to build a house, a villa next to which there will be a chic convertible, like in Grand Thief Auto 5, or you decide to build a huge garage in which there will be a whole fleet of luxury cars. In general, it all depends on your imagination. The construction itself consists in the fact that you place colored blocks, usually it is wool dyed in the color you need, in such a way as to repeat the outlines of the car you need in minecraft, it’s difficult to give instructions as such, it all depends on your imagination and ability to spatial thinking . Wool, I think you know where to get it - shear a sheep with scissors. Dyeing wool is even easier - you need to put a block of wool and a dye of the desired color on the workbench. Dyes are obtained from different materials in the minecraft world, such as flowers, cocoa beans, octopuses, cacti or lapis lazuli, you can get them by putting all these ingredients on a workbench, one at a time of course. By mixing colors, you can get shades of a particular color, for example, to get pink, you need to mix red and white dye. Here's an easy way.

Almost a real car

Well, the second way to create a car in minecraft, actually the main one, is to build a kind of car from improvised means . And a kind of semblance is because it will not look like a car, but at least it will be an interesting vehicle for moving around the world, it is not very fast and not very easy to drive, but fun and you can even arrange races with friends on it.

The construction of the machine is quite simple, we will need :
several blocks of stone, trolley, carrot, pig, saddle, rails. And so, for starters, we need to build a wall on a workbench from blocks of stone and install it on the ground. Further from this wall, lay several blocks of rails, 3-4 blocks will be enough. After that, install the trolley on the rails, so that it is close to the wall. Now we need a pig, it can be caught or spawned if you play in creative mode. Catching a pig is not easy, you need to go to the nearest lawn where these mobs graze and then we need a carrot, you can grow it or find it growing in the world, taking out and showing the pig a carrot, we will lure it and it will run after us, so we will bring it to of our installed trolley. We become so that the trolley is between us and the pig and we take out a carrot, the pig runs towards us and gets into the trolley, remaining sitting there.

Then we just put a saddle on it, sit in the saddle and we can control the trolley, the rails, by the way, can be removed, we will ride on the ground. For greater realism, you can throw an invisibility potion into the pig, which we analyzed in the last article, and then you will ride a trolley, and the pig will not be visible. But, unfortunately, this kind of car in minecraft is slow and inconvenient to drive, since it is inverted, that is, the opposite, and to be more precise, when you press forward, you go back, you press back - you go forward, just the same with the sides , if you press to the right, you will go to the left, and vice versa. But if you're playing with friends, you can have some fun racing these extraordinary vehicles. We just build a kind of track, fence it off with fences on both sides, separate the lanes, there may be several of them, depending on the number of participants, and we start.

Video example

Too lazy to build

And finally, the easiest way to get a car in minecraft, if you're too lazy to think of something, then you can just tame the same pig or find a horse in the world and tame it, just put on a saddle and it will turn out excellent transport, not a car of course, but you can ride.


Now you understand that you can’t build a real car with the help of vanilla minecraft, and in order to achieve the desired effect, you need to use mods. There are a lot of such mods now and you can choose according to your taste, but if you, like me, are an adherent of standard minecraft without any additions and changes, then you will have to be content with what is available and build not a car, but an unusual vehicle.

Now you can safely go into the world of minecraft armed with new knowledge about creating a machine and create.

Minecraft is quite an exciting game, the number of fans of which is increasing daily. To diversify the game, developers are constantly creating new plugins and mods that are installed at the request of the players. So, for example, now it is possible to build a car to easily and quickly move around the game space.

Below we will consider two ways to make a car in Minecraft, while spending a minimum of effort and time. You can also watch videos on this topic, of which there are a lot on the network.

Building a car without mods

This method of building a car involves the use of improvised means without the use of any mods. It will take quite a lot of time to build a car, since you will need to find and put together the required elements to create a vehicle. For construction you will need:

  • pig, reins, saddle, rails and trolley (all 1 pc.);
  • torch - 2 pcs.;
  • cobblestone - 6 pcs.

The whole process of building a car is quite entertaining and goes as follows:

  • first of all, a wall should be erected that will not allow the finished car to go back. In the crafting grid in 2 rows, install a couple of cobblestones and you can consider the wall to be completely finished;
  • arrange the rails so that they are close to the wall;
  • now you can start creating the car body and lighting. Install red torches near the rails, and place the previously prepared trolley on the rails;
  • hang a saddle on the pig, lure it, place it in front of the trolley and fix it with reins.

All! Now your vehicle is ready, and for long trips, you must definitely feed the pig, instead of which, however, you can use almost any animal, except for the dragon, of course.

Using mods to create a car

To build a car, you need to download and install The Car Mod on your computer. Next, you need to perform the following operations:

  1. First you need to make wheels. To create them, you will need one iron ingot and leather in the amount of eight pieces. In the grid for manufacturing, you need to place these elements as follows: in the center is an ingot of iron, and around it is leather. As a result of these actions, finished wheels for the car are obtained.
  2. Now you need to do something without which no car can do, namely the engine. To create a motor, you will need to take 2 pistons and place them on the edges of the crafting grid. Red dust should be scattered between the pistons, and two torches should be placed below, between which a furnace should be placed. Now the car engine is ready for use.
  3. The next important step is the assembly of the vehicle. In the top line of the grid for construction, place the iron, after the assembled engine and chest. Place wheels, iron and tires below.

Now the car is completely ready. You can make almost any car, for example, such as in the video. However, before she starts driving, she needs to be refueled. Coal can be used as fuel. And to control the machine you need to use the following keys:

  • when you press W, A and D, the car drives left, right and forward, respectively;
  • C - stop;
  • The car has no reverse gear.

Which of the two methods to use to create a car is up to the player to decide. You can first use the first, simpler, option, which is enough for the first time. And becoming a more experienced gamer, you can install various mods for the most advanced game.