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Must display an emergency stop sign for an accident. Fine for emergency sign

Each driver who complies with paragraph 2.3.1 of the Traffic Rules must check the serviceability of his car before leaving, making sure, among other things, that there is a warning triangle.

Do I need to show the inspector a warning triangle?

The law provides for only three situations when you can find out whether or not a car has an emergency sign:

  1. Passing a technical inspection when required to present it. If there is no sign, you will not be able to pass the inspection.
  2. When passing an inspection, which is documented in a protocol. The protocol requires the signatures of two witnesses who observed its progress, and a compelling reason is required to conduct an inspection. If the driver considers it insignificant, then he has the right to challenge the protocol on the basis of Article 19.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses - arbitrariness. Checking for the presence of a sign cannot be a valid reason for conducting a search.
  3. The driver himself will inform the inspector about this.

In any case, if a traffic police inspector legally determines that a car does not have a sign, he can fine the driver.

Moreover, the fact that there is no warning triangle in the car can also be blamed on those drivers who have a sign, but do not comply with GOST R 41.27-2001

Which very carefully prescribes how it should look:

  • triangle side length – 500 mm;
  • the outer part should be made of orange or red reflective material, and the inner part should be made of orange fluorescent material;
  • the sign should be hollow in the center.

In addition, the sign kit must contain instructions, and the sign itself must comply with a lot of characteristics in terms of stability, reflection coefficient, and others.

The vast majority of Chinese products that are available in car dealerships, as they say, are not even close to these parameters. A “harmful” inspector can easily find fault with this, and it will be almost impossible to challenge his decision. After all, the “misunderstanding” that is in the trunk does not comply with GOST, which means it is not a real warning triangle.

Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, under which a driver can be prosecuted, in 2018 provides for two types of punishment:

  • warning;
  • administrative fine in the amount 500 rub.

Is it possible to avoid punishment

If the driver is law-abiding and has not had any fines in the last six months, then the inspector has the right to limit himself to a warning. If a fine is nevertheless issued, then it can be halved - up to 250 rubles, paying it within 20 days.

A traffic police inspector may threaten to ban the use of a car and impound it - they say that Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation allows this to be done. But in fact, the absence of a sign is not the reason why cars are sent to the impound lot.

Penalty for not displaying a warning triangle?

And yet, despite the insignificance of the punishment for not having a warning triangle in a car, it is necessary to have one. In the event of an accident, the sign must be displayed before the arrival of traffic police inspectors, otherwise they will immediately attract the driver under Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which means inevitable fine of 1000 rubles. In addition, there are often cases when other drivers hit a car standing in the middle of the road precisely because there was no warning triangle, which ended up being much more expensive.

Standard situation: there is an accident with two cars on the road, drivers are waiting for traffic police officers, but something is missing... A warning triangle! Driving instructors they say that people who don’t put up the sign are either too forgetful, or those who simply don’t have this sign. But according to the rules, every car must have a big red triangle.

Rules for installing a sign

Let's remember what we were taught when driving lessons at a driving school. A warning triangle must be displayed immediately after an accident. That is, this point is one of the first responsibilities that the driver performs in the event of an accident:

  • stop the car,
  • turn on the emergency lights,
  • put up an emergency stop sign,
  • do not touch or move anything related to the traffic accident.

The distance at which the above sign is placed:

  • in a populated area it is at least 15 meters,
  • outside the populated area - 30 meters.

Remember that the sign is placed at such a distance to ensure the safety of other road users.

What is the penalty for missing a sign?

Today the fine for not having a warning triangle is one thousand rubles. Traffic cops willingly fine careless motorists, and rightly so. After all, such negligence can result in quite serious and negative consequences.

Just imagine what will happen if a huge KamAZ truck drives into a car at high speed, the owner of which did not warn others about the accident in time. The same goes for distance. By placing a sign too close to your car, other drivers simply will not have time to react, especially on a country road, where speeds are by no means low.

Here's what the traffic police say about the route. In this case, 30 meters cannot be called a safe distance. A modern car requires approximately 32-42 meters to make emergency braking at a speed of 100 km/h. Does anyone drive at this speed on the highway? Very rarely. As a rule, the speed is much higher.

That’s why, if you get into an accident on the highway, or your car just breaks down, put a sign 50 meters away. The greater the distance, the greater the chance that other motorists will easily pass you or have time to brake.

If there is a slope, slope, turn, or other objects that limit visibility in front of the accident site, place a sign immediately before the descent or turn.

Perfect option

Let us turn to the experience of European countries. There they carry two warning triangles in the car at once. Moreover, in case of an accident, both drivers place a warning triangle on both sides of the damaged car. In addition, they wear a special vest with reflective stripes. Although this is not necessary, Europeans care more about their safety and lives.

By the way…

Another important point that is often forgotten. If there are two or more participants in an accident, then each (!) of them must display an emergency stop sign.

Yes, indeed, nowhere in the Rules does it say that one sign is enough, or that two red triangles need to be displayed. But the responsibilities of a participant in an accident are clearly stated: display a warning triangle!

Traffic police officers treat this issue extremely carefully and fine such drivers. So don't forget about this and always carry the red sign with you. Otherwise, at least a fine, or new troubles, including accidents, injuries and dented cars.

Video about why it is so important to use a warning triangle in case of an accident:

Good luck on the roads and be careful!

The article uses an image from the site cherinfo.ru

A warning triangle is one of the essential attributes of every motorist. The presence of this item, along with a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher, is checked by the inspector during the technical inspection of the car. In addition, it must be installed in case of an accident. What actions should a driver take if an emergency stop is made? The sign is the first thing you need to install.

New warning signs

New warning triangles are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the state standard GOST R 41.27-2001, which was developed on the basis of the UN Economic Commission for Europe Rules No. 27. Despite the age of adoption of this standard, its provisions regarding the manufacture of warning signs still remain unchanged.

Design and completeness of the new warning sign

The pre-alarm sign has the shape of an equilateral triangle, the side length of which is 50 (± 5) cm. The material for its manufacture is plastic or red plastic.

Each side of the signal triangle includes a reflective strip located on the outside and an internal fluorescent strip, while the width of the external strip must be at least 5 cm. The first is indispensable in daylight, and the second will help at night.

The sign is installed on the ground surface using a metal stand.

The kit includes a cover with the company logo, which in addition to the warning triangle is required to be produced by the manufacturer. A similar icon is depicted on the sign itself.

Basic requirements for placing a signal sign

Requirements for the placement of warning signs are strictly regulated by the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations. If the driver makes an emergency stop, the sign will need to be installed immediately in order to warn other drivers about the existing obstacle.

So, ch. 7 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation establishes the following. An emergency stop sign is displayed in the following cases:

  • the necessary stopping of the vehicle in places that are not intended for this, or where, in conditions of poor visibility, the vehicle may be unnoticed by other drivers;
  • towing a car with a faulty warning light.

If an emergency stop was made, the sign must be installed at a distance of at least 30 m from the vehicle outside the populated area and 15 m within its boundaries. In any case, the warning beacon must be placed on the ground in such a way as to promptly and sufficiently warn other drivers of possible danger.

When towing a vehicle (if its warning lights are faulty), a warning sign is attached to the rear.

Due to the fact that situations on the roads are different, and a warning sign is necessary not only in the event of an accident, this thing is absolutely necessary in every car. How to choose such a sign and not make a mistake? Here's what you need to pay attention to when purchasing it:

  • the product must comply with the requirements of the state standard (the presence of an old-style sign will not save the owner when passing a technical inspection);
  • It is recommended to choose samples with plastic elements coated with a protective layer (this will extend the life of the sign and protect its surface from scratches and other damage);
  • the structure must be strong and stable;
  • The kit must include a cover and instructions for installing the sign.

If you purchase a warning signal, it is not advisable to save heavily. A more expensive copy, in contrast to a frankly cheaper one, has a longer service life, is durable and safe.

Penalties for failure to use a warning sign

The sign in question is classified as an additional element, without which the vehicle is not allowed to move (clause 7.7 of the Appendix to the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation). For its absence, the current regulatory legal acts provide for liability.

So, if the absence of a warning sign is determined by the traffic police inspector who stopped the car, then by virtue of Part 1 of Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, he has the right to apply the following sanctions:

  • warning;
  • a fine of 500 rubles.

If, as a result of an accident, an emergency stop is made, the sign is not installed or the working light alarm is not turned on, the fine will be 1,500 rubles (Part 1 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Nuance. All car owners who are involved in an emergency are required to install a warning sign.

In addition, the absence of a warning sign of the established type will result in refusal to undergo technical inspection.

Every vehicle must have a warning sign. However, this does not eliminate the need to be extremely careful on the road.

⚡️What is the fine for the absence of a warning triangle in a car or for an uninstalled sign during an accident in 2019?

The fine for the absence of an emergency sign is 500 rubles or a warning. Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code, part 1.

The fine for failure to display a warning triangle during an accident is 1,000 rubles. Article 12.27 part 1.

The fine for failure to display an emergency stop sign during a forced stop in poor visibility conditions is 500 rubles or a warning. Article 12.19 part 1

What are the penalties for a warning triangle 2019?

In 2019, the warning triangle is included in the list of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited. Thus, the sign must be present in every driver’s car.

Item 7.7 of the list.

on a bus, passenger car, truck, wheeled tractor: first aid kit, fire extinguisher, warning triangle in accordance with GOST R 41.27-2001;

In addition, according to the traffic rules, the driver is required to display an emergency stop sign in the event of an accident. For failure to display a sign, the driver faces a fine.

Another case when a driver must display a warning triangle is when he is forced to stop where it is prohibited and when he stops where drivers will not be able to see the car based on visibility.

Thus, a driver can be fined for a warning triangle:

  • For the absence of a sign in the car,
  • For failure to display a sign in an accident.

Fine for missing a warning triangle 2019

As mentioned above, the driver is required to have a warning triangle in the car in 2019. For the absence of a sign - a fine of 500 rubles or a warning.

Article 12.5. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited, or a vehicle on which the identification sign “Disabled” is illegally installed.

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article, -

entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

Important: a fine will be issued not because of malfunctions, but because the presence of an emergency sign is mandatory.

Fine for not displaying a warning triangle 2019

The driver is required to have a warning triangle so that he can display it in the event of an accident. This is a mandatory action of the driver to protect other road users. For failure to display a sign, the driver faces a more serious fine - he will be fined 1,000 rubles.

Article 12.27. Failure to fulfill duties in connection with a traffic accident

1. Failure by a driver to fulfill the duties provided for by the Traffic Rules in connection with a traffic accident in which he is a participant, except for the cases provided for in part 2 of this article, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand rubles.

Important: the sign must be displayed both in the dark and in the daytime. In addition, all participants in road accidents display signs. In this case, the sign must be placed according to the rules.

Rules for installing a sign on the road 2019

Paragraph 7.2 of the Traffic Regulations states how to install a warning triangle:

“The sign is installed at a distance that provides timely warning to other drivers of the danger in a particular situation. However, this distance must be at least 15 m from the vehicle in populated areas and 30 m outside populated areas. “

Thus, the sign needs to be set:

  • 15 meters from the car, if the accident occurred in a populated area,
  • 30 meters from the car, if the accident occurred outside a populated area.

This rule is primarily related to the safety of road users. On average, in a populated area, 15 meters is enough for a driver to react and take action, but outside a populated area, a driver needs more time to react.

Everyone who drives a car knows that it is impossible to protect yourself 100% from accidents on the road that lead to traffic accidents. Therefore, every driver carries with him an emergency kit, consisting of a spare tire, a warning triangle, and. According to traffic safety requirements, if the car stalls or another malfunction occurs that prevents it from leaving the roadway, the driver is obliged to put up an emergency sign in front of the car, warning other road users about the obstacle on the road so that they can take a detour maneuver in advance. To this end, the sign must have elements that attract the attention of all drivers.

Warning triangle design

The emergency sign is an equilateral triangle, bordered by a red stripe in the form of warning road signs, with an empty information field, made of plastic. In order for the sign to be visible from afar during the day and at night, it is covered with reflective and fluorescent paint. An extendable leg is attached to the back of the triangle to give it stability in a vertical position. To enhance its mass and stability, a load can be strengthened between the leg and the base of the sign.

The edges of the triangle should have a length of 500-550 mm. The new model of the warning triangle, put into production since 2015, has a plastic frame around the outer perimeter with a light signal strip 50 mm wide. The total width of the strips must be at least 100mm. When purchasing an emergency sign, pay attention to the presence of a fluorescent strip that glows when dimmed. Today this is a mandatory requirement for traffic regulations. With some skill, you can remake old signs yourself to meet new requirements.

Rules for installing a warning triangle and fines for its absence

It is necessary to install an emergency sign on the road mainly in case of an accident or a forced stop on the road due to a car breakdown. It is set at a distance of 15 meters behind the car if the stop occurred in the oncoming lane or at the same distance in front of the car if the stop occurred in the oncoming lane. When stopping on a country road, the sign is placed at a distance of 30 meters from the car. This difference in distances is explained by the difference in speed limits in the city and outside the city.

If a car collision occurs, then before the arrival of traffic police inspectors, both participants in the accident must install signs on the line of their vehicle along the traffic lane.

The traffic police inspector draws attention to the correctness of their installation upon arrival at the scene of the collision and can issue a fine in the amount of 1000 rubles to the driver who ignored this traffic regulation requirement, regardless of the outcome of the proceedings regarding the culprit of the accident.

When committing or participating in an accident, you must perform the following actions in accordance with the established traffic rules:

  1. stop immediately;
  2. turn off the engine and set the light alarm to emergency mode;
  3. get out of the car and place a warning triangle at the distance indicated above;
  4. do not leave the scene of the incident and do not touch objects lying on the road until the police arrive. You can leave the scene of an accident only if it is necessary to provide emergency assistance to the victim, when it is impossible to do this in other ways. In this case, you should fix the position of the car on the road with chalk or other available means.

These actions are subject to mandatory execution in order to avoid unpleasant consequences on the road and new fines from law enforcement officers.

Below, as usual, is a very detailed and informative video from Mikhail Nesterov.

Video: Using hazard warning lights and warning triangles

How to select and store

In the car accessories store you can find many different models of warning triangles. When choosing, you should look at the following details:

  • In its design, the sign must be made of durable and reliable material. Joints made without play ensure reliable placement of the sign on the road surface, resistant to increased vibration and oncoming air flow. The design should be bright, visible from a distance in natural light.
  • The external light-signal frame must have a safety edging made of rubberized or plastic material, preserving the edges from chips and damage, ensuring a long service life and a pleasant presentation.
  • The leg should slide out easily and lock in the open position. The legs should not fold spontaneously. The position of the emergency sign on a horizontal surface with the leg or support extended must be stable; it must not tip over due to air currents emanating from passing cars.

It is advisable to store the sign in the passenger compartment of the car, and not in the trunk, as most car enthusiasts do, since there is a risk of such damage to the body from a collision that it will become impossible to open the trunk. As a result, there is an additional nuisance in the form of a fine for failure to use the sign in an emergency. Since the size does not allow the warning triangle to be hidden in the glove compartment, many drivers keep it under the seat, which ensures its quick removal if necessary.