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Registration with the traffic police requires a fine. Fine for late registration of a car

Registering a car is one of the first steps after purchasing a car. And so on August 7, 2013, by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, new provisions were introduced regarding the regulations and rules for registering a vehicle.

Now it will be possible to register a car in any region of Russia, in any traffic police department, and this will not depend on the place of state registration of the car owner. Another innovation is the receipt of duplicate numbers if they are stolen or lost.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs was able to keep the provisions that were in the old car registration system, but they were also able to reduce the number of documents for registration and simplified the procedure itself. After these changes, registration now takes only an hour instead of three hours.

And it includes: checking all the information (about 20 minutes), inspecting the vehicle (20 minutes). When asked about registration or refusal, 10 minutes are allotted. And the remaining 10 minutes will be spent getting all the documentation and registration plates. But there are 15 minutes, which are set out in a separate paragraph, this is the time in line to receive an application.

The list of documents required for registration is:

  1. Passport
  2. Vehicle passport
  3. Document confirming ownership
  4. 2 transit signs
  5. OSAGO policy
  6. Customs documents if the car was brought from abroad and was not previously registered in the Russian Federation

The procedure itself looks like this:

  1. You arrive at the registration point (it is important that the car is washed so that the inspector can accurately determine the color of the car)
  2. Place the car at a vehicle inspection point, where it will be checked by a traffic police inspector
  3. Then you submit all the documents along with the application to the document submission window and wait for the final result.
  4. Then you attach the received numbers to your vehicle.
  5. Provide your insurance agent with your state registration number.

With the introduction of the changes, it was planned that registration for purchased cars from car owners would be carried out without issuing new numbers, but only the registration data would be changed, the number would remain the same.

One of the new products is also considered to be the use of an electronic queue using the Internet and the state portal of State Services, where it is possible to fill out an application in the required form.

What are the consequences of late registration of a car?

If the registration of a vehicle is delayed, this may complicate the life of the owner, since for this he will have to bear administrative liability in the form of a fine.

For violation of the rules for registering a car, the fine is from 1500 to 2000 rubles. Officials will pay for late registration of a vehicle from 2000 to 3500 rubles, legal entities from 5000 to 10000 rubles.

In addition, there is liability for driving a vehicle that is not registered in the prescribed manner. If the violation was committed for the first time, the administrative fine will range from 500 to 800 rubles. If the driver is caught committing the same violation again, the punishment will be much more severe: fine of 5,000 rubles, or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 1 to 3 months.

Well, in the end, I would like to say that the procedure has become much easier and takes a minimum of time. If it is not possible to write a statement at one of the traffic police departments, then this can be done via the Internet. And the whole procedure has become really simpler for ordinary motorists.

By the way, if you drive without MTPL insurance, you will also face a fine. Which? Read the article Do you drive without insurance? Pay the fine

In 2013, amendments were made to the legislation, according to which the procedure for registering vehicles changed. The changes took effect in mid-October 2013.

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Possible reasons for delay

Registration is now carried out using the following methods:

  • You can re-register a car at any traffic police department in any Russian region. The registration address does not matter. The procedure itself is fairly quick and takes no more than one hour;

15 minutes are allotted to accept the application, then the official checks the information and, after inspecting the vehicle, issues documents and license plates.

If the car was not registered by registration, the code on the plates will correspond to the code of the city where the registration took place.

  • If your car is stolen or lost, you do not need to go through the re-registration procedure. You should contact the company engaged in the production of duplicates with a vehicle registration certificate;
  • car owners can keep the registration number for themselves. To do this, you need to come to the traffic police and issue a new license plate with which the car will be sold. The old license plate is deposited with the traffic police;
  • When selling a car, preliminary deregistration is not required. This only needs to be done when taking the car abroad and when writing it off as scrap.

The new owner must re-register the car in his name within 10 days after purchase.

If the transaction is concluded orally, this fact is confirmed by the personal presence of both parties at the traffic police.

If the buyer of the car did not complete the inspection within ten days, but committed violations of the Traffic Rules, all fines will be sent to the former owner.

In this case, the seller can submit an application to the traffic police to terminate the registration, and the new owner will be assessed considerable fines.

Let's consider the amendments made to the Administrative Code:

  • the old way:. Violation of the rules of state registration of vehicles, mechanisms and installations.

Violation of the procedure for state registration of a vehicle leads to a warning or a fine:

  • as it is now: Article 19.22. Violation of the rules of state registration of vehicles, mechanisms and installations

Violation of the procedure for state registration of vehicles leads to a warning or a fine:

Let's look at cases in which a fine is imposed for late re-registration.

Article 19.22 does not directly list the violations for which fines are assessed. There are also no references to the legal framework in the article.

Thus, a fine can be assessed for violating any state registration rule.

What do you need to know when re-registering a car? Examples of violation of the registration procedure:

Fine for late car registration

The owner of the car or the person operating it is required to register or adjust registration information during the period of validity of the “Transit” sign.

Or register within ten days after concluding a contract for the purchase of a car, deregistration, customs clearance and other situations requiring changes in registration information.

If the new owner does not register the car in the first ten days after purchase, he will be charged a fine. There are many reasons why the buyer did not do this.

Some are simply not familiar with the new rules, but this does not relieve the person from administrative responsibility. Others purposefully avoid the procedure, but are not aware of the possible consequences.

Fine for a traffic police officer (official)

It is not allowed to restore the registration of a car written off as scrap, or the registration of which has ceased at the request of the copyright holder due to disposal, sent to the registration authority.

If a traffic police officer violates the conditions outlined in paragraph 13 of the rules and restores the registration of a car that was previously deregistered due to disposal, he will also be issued a fine.

Another provision of the rules that may be violated by an official.

The vehicle is registered only to the copyright holder (legal entity or individual) registered in the title, agreement or other title document.

If an official makes a mistake and registers a vehicle for a person who does not have the right of ownership, he will be issued a fine.

In general, the text of the registration rules is short, and you can independently study all the circumstances under which a fine may be issued.

It should be noted that there is a separate fine for driving a vehicle that has not passed the registration procedure in the manner prescribed by law.

Here we mean direct control, i.e. a fine will be issued if a traffic police officer stops the car and it turns out that it is not registered.

In this case, the numbers are removed and the registration certificate is confiscated. For registration, the car will need to be delivered by tow truck.

If the delay is repeated, the driver may be deprived of his license for up to three months.

What are the sanctions?

After the adjustments were made, the fines increased significantly. There were several reasons for the tightening of measures. In this way, the state fights resellers and regulates the tax issue.

Previously, it was much easier to pay off a fine of 100 rubles than to pay transport tax.

So, how much will you now have to pay for late re-registration of your car?

For individuals

The Code of Administrative Offenses establishes the following rule: citizens who untimely re-register a car will pay a fine of one and a half to two thousand rubles.

Moreover, this rule applies to vehicles of any kind, as well as mechanisms and installations.

For a passenger car

If the car belongs to an individual, therefore, the penalty will be from 1500 to 2000 rubles.

On a motorcycle

According to the Code of Administrative Offences, a fine of 1500-2000 rubles applies to all vehicles provided that they belong to an individual.

If the delay is due to the fault of an official, the amount of the fine increases to 3500 rubles. For enterprises, the fine is up to ten thousand rubles.

For a car trailer

The fine for untimely re-registration of mechanisms and installations is 1500-2000 rubles.

For organizations and individual entrepreneurs

The fine for a legal entity is 5000-10000 rubles.

An individual entrepreneur is not a legal entity, therefore, a fine for him will be charged as for an ordinary citizen - in the amount 1500-2000 rubles.

By taxi

If an individual entrepreneur works in a taxi, the fine will be up to 2000 rubles. For legal entities the fine is up to 10,000 rubles.

For a truck

The size of the fine depends on who owns the vehicle - an individual or a company.

By bus

The size of the fine depends on who owns the vehicle - a citizen or an organization.


In case of violation of the procedure for registering sea or mixed vessels, a fine will be collected in the amount of 1500-2000 rubles from individuals, from officials - 3000-4000 rubles, from enterprises – 30000-40000 rubles.

It should also be noted that driving a passenger taxi, bus or truck designed for transporting people (with more than eight seats) and not passing state technical inspection entails a fine of 500 to 800 rubles.

For a second violation, the amount of the fine increases up to 5000 rubles.

The table clearly shows the amount of fines for late re-registration of a vehicle:

Violation of vehicle state registration rules Driving a vehicle that is not registered or has not passed inspection
For individuals One and a half to two thousand 500-800 rubles, repeat violation – five thousand rubles + imprisonment for three months
For a passenger car
On a motorcycle
For a car trailer
For individual entrepreneurs and legal entities For individuals (IP) – 1500-2000, for enterprises – 5000-10000
For taxi For individuals – 1500-2000, for officials – 2000-3500, for enterprises – 5000-10000 500-800 rubles
For truck
For bus
Others (sea vessels, mixed navigation vessels) For individuals – 1500-2000, for officials – 3000-4000, for organizations – 30000-40000 rubles

How and where to pay

Any fine issued must be paid. Failure to pay a fine is an offence. For delay, an administrative fine of double size will be charged ( not less than 1000 rubles).

You can pay an administrative fine at a bank branch, through an ATM, or through an online account where a bank card is linked.

Buying a new car is a joyful event in the life of Russians, but at the same time, according to the law, it represents a source of increased danger, subject to mandatory state registration within a clearly established period.

We will talk about why it is important to carry out registration actions on time, the consequences of violating these rules, and in what cases the amount of sanctions can be reduced or avoided altogether.

○ Fine for failure to register a car.

Everything needs to be done on time, including registering the car. Otherwise, there is a high probability of paying a fine.

The very fact of violating the registration rules, including late registration, already entails a significant fine, the size of which depends on who committed it.

If an individual can limit himself to a fine of 1500 – 2000 rub., legal entities will pay from 5000 to 10000 RUR. under Part 1 of Art. 19. 22 Code of Administrative Offences:

  • “Violation of the rules of state registration of vehicles of all types (with the exception of sea vessels and mixed (river-sea) navigation vessels), mechanisms and installations if registration is mandatory - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; for officials - from two thousand to three thousand five hundred rubles; for legal entities - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles.”

The same responsibility applies in the event that there is a change in the personal data of the owner of the car, but no changes were made to the STS within ten days.

○ What are the consequences of failure to register the new owner?

The minimum that a driver faces for driving a car that is not registered on time is specified in Part 1 of Art. 12.1 Code of Administrative Offences:

  • “Driving a vehicle that is not registered in the prescribed manner shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to eight hundred rubles.”

The fine doesn't seem all that huge 500 – 800 rub., but those who are not sufficiently motivated by this can be convinced by Part 1.1 of the same article:

  • “Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in Part 1 of this article shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to three months.”

That is, you need to not only be prepared pay 5,000 rubles, but also risk losing your witness certificate for period from 1 to 3 months.

Reading time: 4 minutes

Buying a car is not such a simple matter. It takes time to find a model that meets the price and quality requirements. And after this, the registration procedure follows, and this must be done within a certain period, otherwise you may receive a fine for late registration of the car. Documents, deadlines and responsibilities will be discussed further.

Registration rules

Vehicle registration is carried out at the traffic police station at the place of residence, but this is not a mandatory condition. The driver can do this at any other point in our country. The procedure does not take much time. Checking documents and cars and entering them into the database will take about an hour (that’s how long is allotted by law). In this case, you can leave the old numbers - the owner will simply be changed in the database (subject to the consent of the former owner).

Documents that will be checked:

  • An application, a sample of which will be provided to the traffic police.
  • Passport.
  • Contract for the purchase of a car.
  • Insurance.
  • Receipt of payment of the duty.
  • Transit numbers (if any).

Additional documentation may be required, namely:

  • If there was a replacement of any equipment with license plates, the documents for it.
  • If the design of the vehicle has been changed, documentary evidence of the vehicle’s compliance with safety and operational requirements is required.

Registering a new car is almost no different from the procedure for a used one. The only difference is in the transit numbers.


A fine for registering a car late in 2019 may be imposed if 10 days are missed from the date of purchase of the vehicle. Only during this period the car owner has the right to drive with a purchase and sale agreement in hand. But you must have the agreement with you, otherwise you cannot escape the sanction, and you will have to appeal it in court.

Amount of punishment

Now let's move on to responsibility and try to figure out what the size of the fine for expired car registration in 2019 is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Late registration

Violation of the car registration rules is an administrative offense. To begin with, if the traffic police misses a deadline, the driver may be required to write an explanatory note. As for the fine for late registration of a vehicle, its size has increased significantly since 2013. Previously, for such a violation one would have to pay 100 rubles for ordinary citizens, up to 300 for officials, and for legal entities - no more than 3,000 rubles.

In 2019, the amount of the fine for late registration of a car ranges from 1.5 to 2 thousand.

But it is intended only for ordinary drivers. For officials, the penalty will be 2-3.5 thousand rubles. As for the liability of legal entities, for them the fine for late registration of a vehicle in 2019 varies from 5 to 10 thousand.

In practice, it happens that the new owner does not specifically register the car, then traffic police fines, for example from video recording cameras, go to the previous owner. In addition, when registration is not carried out for a long time, he will also have to pay car tax for this period. To avoid these costs, the previous owner can come to the traffic police with a purchase and sale agreement and write a statement to terminate registration. But this can only be done after the expiration of the period provided for registration. Then the unscrupulous buyer will have problems.

Timely registration will help avoid unnecessary problems for both the seller and the buyer, provided that the car is purchased on the secondary market.

Driving in an unregistered vehicle

The law provides for punishment not only for late registration, but also for driving a vehicle that is not registered. What is the fine for failure to register a car in 2019? From 500 to 800 rubles, Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for drivers who drive onto the road in an unregistered car.

There may be fines for not registering a car on time. To do this, it must be repaid within 20 days. This rule does not apply only to repeated driving of an unregistered vehicle. In this case, you will have to bear full responsibility for the offense.

How to avoid punishment

The only way to avoid a fine for late registration of a car is to register it within the prescribed period. Such measures will help you avoid unnecessary problems and costs.

Act within the law and adhere to deadlines. If you do not agree with the punishment given, challenge it. Under no circumstances should this matter be left to chance. For late payment, liability is provided, which threatens to increase the amount of the monetary penalty by 3 times or even arrest. Information about this can be read in a separate article; we hope it will help you in resolving controversial situations.

Registering a car with the traffic police: Video

Purchasing a car is a lengthy process that involves its further re-registration. The new owner is obliged to confirm his rights to own the car by registering it in his name within the time limits established by law. If he does not manage to complete this procedure on time, he is given a fine for late registration.

Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses regulates the process of registering a vehicle. According to parts 1 and 1.1, no more than 10 days are allotted for this process from the moment it came into the ownership of another person or was deregistered. For violation of the vehicle registration deadlines, penalties are applied to the person who owns it.

Amount of fine in 2019

What the fine will be for late registration of a car in 2019 depends on the status of its owner. Punishment of individuals, officials and legal entities involves penalties in accordance with and is determined by the following penalties:

  • for an owner with the status of an individual – from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles;
  • for those who have the status of an official - from 2 to 3.5 thousand rubles;
  • for enterprises (persons with legal status) – from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

The same punishment will follow if information about the driver’s identity has changed, but this data was not entered into the vehicle’s STS.

After purchasing a vehicle, it is allowed to operate it without registration under an agreement that records the fact of purchase and sale. The validity of this document is unlimited, so there is no penalty for an expired vehicle purchase and sale agreement. However, the driver faces punishment if he drives a car under a sales contract without wanting to register it for more than 10 days.

This violation is classified as administrative. In accordance, the fine for failure to register a car is 500-800 rubles.

The penalty does not imply the cancellation of the obligation to register the car. Its goal is to stimulate the car owner to carry out this process in a timely manner. If he ignores this requirement within a year after execution of the sentence, then he will be held accountable for a repeat offense. According to Part 1 of Article 12.1 of the Administrative Code, a fine of 5,000 rubles is imposed on the driver. As an alternative punishment, restriction of the right to drive for a period of 1 to 3 months is used.

If the car has a trailer, then it is also subject to registration. Otherwise, the driver must pay.

Innovations for legal entities

The legislation made concessions to legal entities, allowing them not to register a car if it was purchased along with registration documents. In this situation, the fine for failure to register a car within 10 days loses its relevance.

How can a seller protect himself?

Sometimes someone who sells a car encounters an irresponsible buyer. He does not register the car for a long time, and then all fines are sent to the address of its former owner. The best way to avoid problems in this situation is to be present when the car is registered. If this is not possible, then the vehicle seller can take the following actions.

  • Contact the traffic police with a request to cancel the old registration and write off all penalties. To achieve justice, the owner of the car must document the fact of transfer of the vehicle into the possession of another person.
  • Write a statement that the theft has been committed and put the car on the wanted list.
  • Cancel the purchase and sale agreement (this issue is resolved in court).