Portal for car enthusiasts

Training of drivers of vehicles equipped with special signals. Admission to drivers of ass and ass to drive vehicles with special signals Obtain permission for special emergency signals

Training in advanced training programs for drivers of vehicles equipped with devices for delivering special light and sound signals at the ROST Training Center is carried out on the basis of License of the Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region No. 886 dated September 25, 2015, series 52 L01 No. 0002736 and sample programs approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01.03.2018 N 161 “On approval of exemplary programs for advanced training of drivers of vehicles of relevant categories and subcategories.”

How to obtain permission for special signals

Vehicles of the following organizations are equipped with special signals:

  • Ambulance
  • police (PPS, traffic police, etc.)
  • fire department
  • emergency rescue services (EMERCOM)
  • military traffic police
  • military police
  • National Guard troops
  • and other government bodies according to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 19, 2012 N 635“On streamlining the use of devices for providing special light and sound signals installed on vehicles.”

Conditions for allowing drivers to drive vehicles equipped with special signals:

  • certificate of completion of training for special signals;
  • driving experience of a vehicle of the corresponding category for at least 1 year;
  • medical certificate of the established form.

regulated Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 876 of December 15, 2007“On the preparation and admission of drivers to drive vehicles equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals.”

Accordingly, in order to obtain permission to drive vehicles with special signals, drivers of the above departments are required to undergo advanced training courses for drivers of vehicles equipped with devices for producing special light and sound signals at least once every 5 years.

Where to get training for special signals

In our training center you can take advanced training courses for drivers of vehicles of categories A, B, C, D, equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals, lasting 36 hours.

  • Training period: 1-2 weeks;
  • Requirements for students: availability of a driver's license of the appropriate category;
  • Forms of training: full-time or full-time with the use of distance technologies when studying theoretical material.

The distance learning form is relevant for those students who

  • you need to urgently undergo training without waiting for the group to be completed;
  • additional sources are required for independent preparation for face-to-face classes;
  • it is difficult to attend full-time classes due to heavy workload, shift schedule and other circumstances;
  • The distance from the training center does not allow studying full-time.

During the learning process you

  • get acquainted with regulations in the field of road safety;
  • study the theoretical foundations of safe driving, technical characteristics and design features of vehicles,
  • get acquainted with the rules for using radio communications and devices for providing special light and sound signals;
  • review the basics of driver psychology and ethics, as well as methods of providing first aid to persons injured in road accidents;
  • learn to practice a protective and safe driving style;
  • take a practical course

Group recruitment schedule for special signal programs

The name of the program Recruitment date Automobile plant Recruitment date Sormovo Cost of full-time training Cost of distance learning
Vehicle driver training category "B", equipped with devices for providing special light and sound signals permanent set -

Driver training is carried out in accordance with curricula and programs developed on the basis of standard training programs for drivers of vehicles of the relevant categories (A, B, C, D).

What is this for?

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 2007 N 876 Moscow "On the training and admission of drivers to drive vehicles equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals" clause 3 (regulations) "Driver training is carried out by educational institutions, educational divisions of organizations that have the appropriate license, as well as federal executive authorities, which, by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, are entrusted with the training of drivers, in the direction of vehicle owners"

The training program is designed for vehicle drivers:

  • fire department
  • police
  • Ambulance
  • emergency rescue services (EMERCOM)
  • military automobile inspection (VAI)
  • transportation of dangerous goods, etc.

Training includes studying:

  • regulatory legal acts in the field of road safety,
  • theoretical foundations and practical skills for safe driving in various conditions,
  • technical characteristics and design features of vehicles,
  • rules for the use of radio communications and devices for providing special light and sound signals,
  • fundamentals of driver psychology and ethics,
  • methods of providing first aid to persons injured in road accidents.

Training period:

36 hours.

Cost of education:

from 3500 rubles.

Frequency of training:

Once every 5 years


Upon completion of training, drivers who have completed the training are issued a certificate of completion of driver training to drive vehicles with special signals; the certificate form is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Order No. 1028 of October 15, 2010 “On approval of the certificate form on completing driver training to drive vehicles equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals")

Training for drivers of category “B” vehicles equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals in St. Petersburg

“Unified Personnel Training Center” offers to take the course “Training of drivers of category “B” vehicles equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals.” Course participants can choose the desired training program depending on the specifics of their activities. Students are sent lecture materials by email. Training center specialists are ready to answer all questions from students both during training and within two weeks after completion of the course. The final verification takes place in the form of testing.

Driving ACC, ASF vehicles, which are equipped with special light and sound signals, requires drivers to have the appropriate permit. This requirement is contained in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 2007. No. 876 “On the preparation and admission of drivers to drive vehicles equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals”, namely:
   "2. Establish that from January 1, 2011, drivers who have been trained in the manner established by the Regulations specified in paragraph 1 of this resolution are allowed to drive vehicles equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals.”
According to the “Regulations on the training and admission of drivers to drive vehicles equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals” (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 2007 No. 876):
   "2. State security bodies providing transport services to persons who are provided with state protection, legal entities providing transport services to persons in respect of whom state protection measures have been taken, government bodies, the list of which is approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 19, 2012 N 635 “On streamlining the use of devices for giving special light and sound signals installed on vehicles” , as well as the operation of fire department, police, emergency medical vehicles, emergency services, military automobile inspection, military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, used to carry out urgent actions to protect the life and health of citizens (hereinafter referred to as vehicle owners), provide professional selection and training of drivers to drive vehicles.
   3. Driver training is carried out by educational institutions, educational departments of organizations, having the appropriate license, as well as federal executive authorities, which, by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, are entrusted with the training of drivers, in the direction of vehicle owners.
4. Driver training is carried out in accordance with curricula and programs developed on the basis of standard training programs for drivers of vehicles of the relevant categories.
5. Model training programs for drivers of vehicles of various categories are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the federal governing body of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
   7. For drivers who have completed training and confirmed their qualifications at the final certification, a certificate of completion of driver training for driving vehicles is issued, the form of which is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
   10. Drivers permitted to drive vehicles, are undergoing training provided for by these Regulations, within the time limits established by the owners of vehicles, but at least once every 5 years.”

An approximate training program for drivers of category "B" vehicles equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals was approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2010 N 866.
In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 19, 2012 N 635 “On streamlining the use of devices for giving special light and sound signals installed on vehicles”:
   "3. …. devices for supplying special light and sound signals in the presence of special color schemes on the outer surface of vehicles vehicles are equipped fire department, police, ambulance, emergency services, military automobile inspection, military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, used to carry out urgent actions to protect the life and health of citizens;
4. Prohibit:
A) securing vehicles, on which devices are installed for supplying special light and sound signals in the presence of special colorographic schemes on the outer surface of these vehicles, for officials government agencies, whose duties do not imply the implementation of urgent actions to protect the life and health of citizens;
b) misuse of vehicles on which devices are installed for sending special light and sound signals in the presence of special colorographic schemes on the outer surface of these vehicles.”

The form of the certificate of completion of training of drivers to drive vehicles equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals is established by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 15, 2010 N 1028 “On approval of the form of the certificate of completion of training of drivers to drive vehicles equipped with devices for supplying special light and sound signals.”

15.10. 2015 In this article, we have collected all the relevant information on how you can get a permit for a flashing light in Russia - is this possible in principle? Maybe this is a myth? The whole truth about flashing lights was told to us by one of the employees of the Central Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, who directly controls the circulation of permits for flashing lights in our country. It is no secret that today, flashing lights, like the so-called “thieves’ license plates,” are a kind of accessory that makes an ordinary car stand out in traffic. In pursuit of a “permission for a flashing light,” wealthy Russian citizens are looking for more and more “exits” to the leadership of the Central Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in order to receive the coveted beacon. What is it for? It is no secret that, in accordance with the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, a car with a blue or red flashing light has an advantage over other road users, can drive in the oncoming lane, and violate all conceivable and inconceivable rules. Traffic police officers, having noticed a car with special signals, as a rule, simply turn away. A recent presidential decree naturally reduced the number of flashing lights, first to 990, and a little later to 977. In this case, we are talking about cars without special coloring for operational services (the so-called single beacons). Single beacons are installed on cars of top government officials, federal officials, ministers and some other officials.

So, who is allowed flashing lights in Russia and is it possible to obtain permission for special signals for persons not related to the structures listed below? We will not list the structures that have permits for flashing lights, which cannot be obtained - these are the police, the Investigative Committee, the Federal Security Service. Below we will write in detail about those structures for which it is, in principle, possible to obtain permission for flashing lights.

Cars without special livery for operational services. As noted above, permission for so-called single special signals can be issued at the request of the head of a government agency and on the basis of an order from the head of the Traffic Safety Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. These permits are issued, as a rule, for one year with the personal signature of the head of the TsSN. Single special signals can be installed on any car. The issuance of permits is strictly controlled as the number of permits is limited. Naturally, you can get it through very large connections. It is pointless to discuss the price of this “service”, since money in this case does not matter at all, everything is decided by acquaintances and connections at the very top.

Emergency. In accordance with state standards, ambulances are equipped with special blue signals. Flashing lights on emergency vehicles work best because vehicles with a red cross are respected in our country and are always allowed through. It is no secret that in addition to state ambulance services, there are private clinics that also have the right to special signals. How to obtain permission for special signals for an ambulance? First you need to obtain a license to provide medical services and, in particular, to provide emergency medical services. According to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the types of emergency medical services can be general, psychiatric, obstetric, intensive care and some others. We have fully figured out what the process of opening an emergency medical center looks like and how much it costs. According to the most conservative estimates, a turnkey ambulance license will cost approximately 30-40 million rubles (data as of October 15, 2015). Even after spending such sums, you may not receive a license, because the requirements of the current legislation are so complex that obtaining a license can take from six months to two years. Medical centers, of course, can have an unlimited number of emergency vehicles. However, the price of each of them can reach up to 3-5 million rubles for a new car. Scheme for obtaining permission for emergency flashers. There is a scheme in which medical centers, when selling ambulances, can register it in the name of an individual by writing a purchase and sale agreement, leave the car on their balance sheet, while the permission for special signals is retained. However, medical organizations very rarely sell ambulances in “good” condition; as a rule, these machines last until they become unusable. Naturally, no one is interested in buying junk cars with a mileage of 500-600 thousand kilometers, and besides, it’s risky; the slightest misunderstanding and the medical organization will refuse the car, saying that they sold it to you. In this case, you used the flashing lights illegally and will be deprived of your license, the car’s registration will be canceled and the car will remain a piece of iron in your garage. You most likely will not be able to re-register it and sell it as a regular car (without flashing lights) due to conflicts in current legislation. We also have great doubts about the fact that the medical center will sell you this car, unless the director of this clinic is your best friend, and then it is a big question, because such an “action” could end in the revocation of the license.

Emergency rescue units within the structure of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. Everyone knows the Moscow Rescue Service (MSS), which ceased to exist. The only service that had an unlimited number of quotas for issuing permits for special signals. Today, all emergency rescue units within the structure of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations have a certain number of quotas for issuing permits for flashing lights. Permission for special signals in Moscow (quotas) is very difficult to obtain - it requires lengthy approvals and financial costs. This provision does not apply to emergency rescue vehicles equipped in accordance with the requirements of current legislation, as a rule these are large fire tankers, rescue vehicles based on large minibuses. To put a flashing light on a passenger car, or a business or premium class SUV, a maximum of 1-2 quotas can be allocated for each rescue unit and, naturally, the leaders of these units use them. So, what needs to be done to obtain permission for emergency flashers and how much does it cost? It is possible to register, for example, a charitable foundation and provide sponsorship to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations - the legislation allows this. For example, purchasing a car and donating it to the Private Security Service (the previously existing scheme), obtaining a permit for special signals and further operating the car. In addition, cars with flashing lights can be rented. This analogy also works in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Emergency services of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations do not have the right to uncontrolled issuance of permits for special signals. They only have the right to apply for the appropriate quotas for subsequent issuance of permits. As a rule, all emergency rescue units belong to people very close to the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and personally to Minister Puchkov. Naturally, no one will risk their position by issuing permits for a special signal to “left-wing” people. To officially obtain permission for special signals from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, you need to have at least a very close friend - for example, the head of a unit or formation. It seems to us that the price for this service is also not measured by money, but rather by connections and acquaintances. There is information that emergency rescue teams, due to lack of livelihood, still sin by selling permits for flashing lights, while the cost or price of this service varies from 1 to 3 million rubles per year. The cheaper your car, the correspondingly cheaper the flashing light permit. We cannot confirm or refute this information, since there are no facts confirming that a permit for EMERCOM flashing lights can still be purchased.

Work permit. How to obtain permission for foreign citizens in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

How to obtain a work permit for foreign citizens? There are 2 options: turn to intermediaries and pay a lot of money, or do everything yourself, spending ten times less.

After reading the article to the end and watching our video, you can easily get a work permit for yourself, as well as help your friends and family with this! Let's get started..

— Work permit for foreign citizens and citizens of the CIS.
— Order of receipt.
— Documents required for obtaining a permit.
— Cost of receipt and state duty.
— The nuances of obtaining a work permit in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
— How to check the authenticity of a work permit.
— Receipt deadlines.
— How to get a work permit yourself: procedure.
— Recommended videos.

Work permit for foreign citizens and citizens of the CIS

The phrase “labor migrants” has firmly entered our everyday vocabulary, as well as “illegal labor migrants.” So how are they different from each other? The presence or absence of a special document that allows you to work for the benefit of your family in a country that is foreign to a person, for example, a Ukrainian in Russia.

The legal procedure for obtaining a permit is defined in the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”; it also defines the types of permits, cases of their receipt, labor guarantees for foreigners and covers many other issues.

  1. Permission is obtained by a foreigner who can stay in our country without a visa.
  2. The organization receives permission.
  3. A foreigner receives a work patent.
  4. The document is received by a highly qualified specialist or an organization planning to attract such an employee.

Receipt procedure

1) Work permit, foreigners who arrive in Russia in a simplified manner are issued, both upon personal application to the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, and upon employer's statement- Art. 13.1, which has a head start over those who attract workers from a country with a visa regime: obtaining permission to attract labor migrants is not required - sub. 1 clause 4.5 art. 13.

Lawyer's Note:

We must immediately make a reservation that only adults can work according to the law of the Russian Federation!

An application for obtaining a document is submitted to the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation of the subject where the citizen plans to work.

By the way, if the initial application for a work permit is considered taking into account free quotas for attracting foreigners, then it is extended without looking at these numbers.

The permit may be revoked on the grounds contained in paragraphs. 9-9.2, 9.7 art. 18, namely if a person is recognized as persona non grata, or simply unreliable (committed a crime, etc.).

2) Organizations receive work permits for foreigners, when the countries from which the workers came have a visa regime.

First, the organization receives permission to attract migrant workers, and only then receives permission to work for the migrants themselves.

To obtain permission to attract labor migrants, the office must submit an application contained in the Administrative Regulations, approved by order of the Federal Migration Service of Russia, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, the Ministry of Transport of Russia, the State Fisheries Committee dated January 11, 2008 No. 1/4/1/2. Then a complete package of your documents confirming the registration and legal capacity of the organization (OGRN Certificate, Taxpayer Identification Number, Charter), an employment contract (or its draft), a document confirming payment of the state duty for each planned migrant (6,000 rubles).

After an organization has received the right to attract migrant workers, it must obtain a work permit for its future employees.

3) Certificate/patent for work permit must be received by a foreigner who wants to work for a “private trader” or individual. face.

The procedure for obtaining a patent is regulated in Art. 13.3 Federal Law No. 115. What is needed to obtain a patent:

  • Application for a patent.
  • A document proving the identity of a given foreign citizen and recognized by the Russian Federation in this capacity.
  • A migration card with a mark from the border control authority about the entry of this foreign citizen into the Russian Federation or with a mark from the territorial body of the federal executive body in the field of migration about the issuance of the specified migration card to this foreign citizen.
  • Documents confirming the payment of personal income tax in the form of a fixed advance payment in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees (hereinafter referred to as the tax payment document), for the previous period of employment with individuals on the basis of a patent.
  • Information about the types of labor activities of individuals carried out by such a foreign citizen, submitted in a form approved by the federal executive body in the field of migration.

It is issued for a period of one to three months, and can be extended several times, but for no more than 12 months in total.

To obtain a patent, a foreigner applying for it must contact the Federal Migration Service at the place of temporary residence (stay) with a package of documents specified in paragraph 2 of Art. 13.3.

The patent is valid for the period specified in the patent and it is equal to the one for which the foreigner made an advance payment on income, according to Art. 227.1 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It ends on the day following the last paid day. When obtaining a patent for the first time, you do not need to confirm payment of advance payments.

Employees of the Federal Migration Service must issue a patent or refusal to the migrant within 10 days from the date of submission of all documents.

Lawyer's Note:

A foreigner can only work in the region where he received permission.

After the end of the 12-month period, the “hard worker” has the right to apply to the FMS to obtain another patent.

4) The procedure for obtaining a permit for highly qualified workers is defined in Art. 13.2.

Both the foreigner himself and the host company can obtain a permit on his behalf.

A specialist is a person for whom it is planned pay from 2,000,000 rubles per year(does not apply to teachers, Skolkovo employees, as well as technical and implementation staff of the special economic zone).

The employer who plans to attract such an employee must be a commercial organization, a branch of a foreign organization, a scientific organization and for the past 2 years must not have been held accountable for violating legislation in the field of migration.

After submitting the application, the organization or employee must receive a decision within two weeks.

Documents required for obtaining a permit

What documents will the migration service require to give a work permit?

If the permit is issued employer, then you will need to submit:

Application for issuing a work permit to foreign citizens;

Permission or a copy of the permit to attract foreign labor;

A letter of guarantee from each employee about his desire to come and work;

Document confirming payment of the state duty for each employee - 2000 rubles (clause 25 of article 333.28 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Application for a work permit;

A copy of the foreigner's passport;

A copy of the education document;

A certificate confirming the absence of diseases that pose a particular danger to others

If the work will be carried out at sensitive facilities, then a copy of the permit for their access to such facilities.

If the permit is issued potential employee (in person):

Migration card with marks;

receipt of payment of state duty;

Certificate of absence of HIV diseases

Employment contract, if any;

Photo in color 3x4;

A document stating that he can speak and understand Russian at a basic level, if he suddenly plans to work in the housing and communal services sector, for example.

Cost of receipt and state duty

In Moscow, for example, you can buy a work permit for an average of 25,000, and in the Moscow Region - 38,000. To this amount is added a state duty - 2,000 rubles. And for a patent you will have to pay 1067 rubles per month of work, and the cost of the service.

The nuances of obtaining a work permit in Moscow and St. Petersburg

How to check the authenticity of a work permit

Unfortunately, everything is counterfeited, so organizations working with migrant workers need to know how to distinguish an original permit from a fake.

The easiest way is to check through the website of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation.

The second simplest thing is to look at the resolution in ultraviolet light: on the original you can see thin green stripes on the front side, the thickness is no more than 1 mm, but on fakes the stripes are much wider. Also on the original document there is an inscription on one side (“watermark”) - “FMS”, and on the other “Russia”.

Another way that will allow you to instantly spot a fake is the permit number. In it, the first two digits indicate the year of issue, that is, if it was issued in 2014, then the first two digits will be 14.

Receipt times

The duration of a work permit varies:

  • The permit is issued for the same period as the TRP (temporary residence permit).
  • The permit is issued for the duration of a civil or labor contract, for visa and visa-free workers, for a period of up to 3 years (depending on qualifications: up to a year - unskilled, up to three years - qualified).
  • Up to 3 months if the employee enters on a visa (exception - highly qualified personnel).

How to get a work permit yourself: procedure

  1. We are writing an application to the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service (where you plan to work) to obtain a work permit.
  2. We attach the necessary package of documents (see above).
  3. You receive permission within 10 days (the period for consideration of the application by the FMS).

Video 1: Samuel Ivanov explains in simple words the main points and nuances of obtaining a permit. Video 2: Oksana Veksheneva talks about how to hire a foreign citizen for a legal entity or entrepreneur. Video 3: How to check a work permit or patent for foreign citizens, step-by-step guide. Video 4: Application for employment of a foreign citizen, step-by-step instructions for filling out.

How to obtain permission to build a facility in Moscow via the Internet?

Moscow residents often come to experts for advice. They are interested in how to obtain permission to construct a facility in order to avoid wasting time and reduce the likelihood of refusal by authorized bodies to issue permits. In 90% of cases, the answer is the same - do the work via the Internet on the mos.ru website. The advantages of this method are obvious and include a short processing time, no queues and the ability to transfer documentation electronically. Below we will look at the step-by-step instructions and give useful recommendations.

How to obtain permission to build a facility in Moscow - instructions

The process of obtaining permits through mos.ru consists of several stages. Let's take a closer look at them.

Collection of documents

Before obtaining permission to construct an object, we prepare documentation for submission to the authorized body. Here you will need:

  • A paper confirming the developer’s right to the land plot where the construction of the facility is planned. The requirement is relevant for cases when the land is not registered in the Unified State Register.
  • Approval of government agencies that carried out an examination of design documentation for future work.
  • Approval of the copyright holders of capital construction, if we are talking about the reconstruction of the structure.
  • Information from the project for construction (rehabilitation) work. Papers are provided if the specified information is not available in the IAIS OGD.
  • Decision of the meeting of property owners in an apartment building (if we are talking about reconstruction).

The general algorithm is:

  1. We fill out an application. The document is filled out on the mos.ru website with the required fields being filled in.
  2. We transfer papers as part of electronic communication. At this stage, it is required to send title documents to the land plot, GPZU, a positive conclusion of the project, as well as a certificate confirming the fact of approval of the architectural and urban planning solution of the facility (AGR).
  3. We are preparing a building permit.
  4. We issue permits.

How to apply?

The first step in obtaining a building permit is completing an application. On the mos.ru website, go to the “Business”, “Construction, reconstruction, repair” section, and then select the section with the appropriate name. We are interested in the section “Obtaining a construction permit for all areas, except for OKNs and protected areas.

Next steps are as follows:

  1. Let's get acquainted with the terms of service provision via the Internet.
  2. Click on the red “Get service” button on the right side.
  3. We fill out the application.

Application Form

The application is completed in three steps:

  1. On the 1st, you need to indicate your full name, phone number, e-mail, date of birth, number and series of your personal document (passport). It also indicates who and when the document was issued.
  2. On the 2nd c we note the purpose of the appeal. Options are possible here - for the construction of a capital construction project, for individual housing construction, or the extension of an existing permit. We indicate information about the right to the land plot, whether it is owned or the developer rents the plot (uses it). The cadastral number is written in the same block. A little lower we enter the full name of the object, its type (non-linear, linear), type of work (construction, reconstruction), as well as the volume of activities performed. The scope of the work envisaged is also indicated - phased or in full.

Also on the second page of the application, the certificate of approval of the AGR and the day of its issuance are written down (selected using the calendar). Next, the data on the project in relation to the capital construction object is indicated, namely the number, date (year) and name of the project documentation.

Below, in a special column, the customer who issued the construction project acceptance certificate, the paper number, and the day of issue are indicated. If there are other documents, select them from the list and add them using the special “Attach file” button.

  1. The third step is to decide on the method of receipt. Here, the applicant has two options - personally pick up the papers or send permission for the construction of the facility electronically through the capital's Public Services Portal. Next, we get acquainted with the rules for the provision of public services. This is an important point, because the applicant is responsible for the correctness and completeness of the information provided. By consent, the person confirms that he is obliged to notify the authorized body about changes in the transferred documentation.

Once all the information has been entered, click on send documents or save the application as a draft. In the latter case, it can be sent later after making changes. To return to a previously completed application, simply go to the list of drafts.

After sending the application, you receive an individual number. Information about the preparation of permitting documentation is available in the history tab.

Terms and conditions

Before applying for a building permit, it is important to study the terms and conditions of the service. Here are the basic parameters:

  • Individuals, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities may act as applicants. In all cases, we are talking about applicants who own a certain plot of land and plan to build (reconstruct) an object.
  • There is no need to pay for the provision of the service via the Internet - it is provided free of charge, including in case of renewal.
  • The period for obtaining a building permit is limited to 7 days. Authorized bodies do not have the right to suspend the provision of services, therefore the period of possible suspension is also not specified.
  • The result of the provision of the service is the transfer of permission to the applicant in the manner chosen during the application process. Transfer of papers is carried out through the website, a legal representative, by mail or in person.

Refusal to issue a building permit - reasons

Registration of a service through mos.ru does not always end successfully. There are situations when the authorized body refuses to accept papers. This is possible in the following cases:

  • The documentation submitted for review does not comply with legal requirements.
  • The applicant submitted for consideration a limited set of documents that lacked information.
  • The papers contain incorrect or contradictory information. It happens that data from different documents does not match.
  • Papers that are no longer valid have been submitted for consideration.
  • The applicant applied for permission to construct in violation of the regulations.
  • The application was submitted by a person who did not have the right to do so.
  • The papers are signed with an electronic signature that does not belong to the user who submitted the application.
  • Errors were made when entering information into the application fields.
  • The paper contains conflicting data.

If the documents are accepted, this does not guarantee the issuance of a construction permit. The authorized body has the right to refuse if there is a discrepancy between the transferred papers and the standards established in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in the absence of the necessary documentation, or if the information in the papers does not correspond to the regulations of the planning project. In addition, refusal is likely if construction is impossible on a certain plot of land, documents do not meet the requirements for deviation from certain parameters, as well as in a number of other cases specified on the mos.ru resource.

If the applicant has completed the work taking into account the rules and followed the step-by-step instructions, he receives permission to build the facility within the established deadlines and without additional problems.



All instructions

How to obtain permission to build and put a facility into operation in Moscow. What documents are needed for this? Why might they refuse permission?

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How to get a work permit in Moscow

Work permit

Labor migration is a completely common phenomenon. The flow of workers from other countries is steadily growing, and, despite some restrictions set by the state to attract foreign workers, there are no fewer of them in Russia. On the contrary, many people like the Russian Federation so much that their compatriots come to work with them. However, in order to freely earn money in Russia, a foreigner will have to obtain a work permit.

The permit is issued for the duration of the employment contract, but for a maximum of three years.

To obtain a patent, a foreign citizen legally located on the territory of the Russian Federation, who arrived in the Russian Federation in a manner that does not require a visa, submits to the territorial body of the federal executive body in the field of migration:

For foreign workers planning to settle in Moscow or St. Petersburg, one important fact must be taken into account: when obtaining a permit in one of these cities, a foreigner will be able to work only in one of these cities. To work in the Moscow region or Leningrad region, he will need to obtain an additional permit to work in new areas.

Of course, obtaining permission on your own is quite expensive, so many organizations offer their services. They are paid, and the price consists of the cost of state duty and the services themselves.

Organizations usually receive permission to hire workers themselves, so they will have to pay the state 6,000 rubles for each employee (duty).

How to get a work permit yourself: procedure.

If the employee has changed his place, then no later than 7 days after the incident he must inform the FMS about this.

The permit is issued for the same period as temporary residence permits or for the duration of the employment contract.

So, there are 4 options for obtaining a document confirming the right to work in the Russian Federation:

The permit period can be extended; to do this, 15 days before its expiration it is necessary to submit a corresponding application to the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, and it is extended three days later. If suddenly during the validity of the permit, the employee was fired for some reason, then the migrant can find a new place of work within the same 15 days and continue working; if it was not possible to find a new employer, then the territory of the country will have to leave.

The application is considered within 30 days, and then to receive it, the foreigner must have with him a certificate stating that he does not have HIV infection, and a certificate stating that he does not have anything contagious.

It will not be possible to cheat by receiving a written sanction in another city, but at the same time working in Moscow, since you must work in the locality where you were given the document.

Just imagine what Armenians, Tajiks, Uzbeks and other nationalities have to go through because they came to Moscow and other large cities to do menial work and have not yet found an employer.

A work permit is usually called a document with legal force, with the help of which you can officially get a job.

Registration of the permit will take at least 45 days, after which you will be able to officially get a job in Russia with the following document:

Particularly valuable personnel have no idea where to go to get this very permission.

To legally work in Russia, you need to obtain permission.

How to get a work permit: 10 categories of citizens who do not need a permit + 10 categories that will never be able to obtain this document + 3 stages of obtaining a permit + 5 ways to simplify the procedure for yourself.

How to get a work permit in Russia

Become a highly qualified specialist so that your employer takes care of all bureaucratic procedures for you.

If there are no problems with obtaining a passport and visa (in those countries where it is needed), then you need to start figuring out how to get a work permit, because without it you can only count on a non-prestigious, low-paid position and hard physical labor.

  1. They pose a threat both to the state system of the state and to the lives of its citizens.
  2. They finance terrorist organizations or participate in them in some other way.
  3. Have infectious diseases that can cause an epidemic, have not been tested for AIDS and syphilis.
  4. They suffer from drug and alcohol addiction.
  5. They have a criminal past with an outstanding conviction (even if the crime was committed not on Russian soil, but in another country).
  6. Have been deported from Russia previously (such people need to wait 5 years to get legal permission).
  7. They tried to use false documents or hide some important information about themselves.
  8. They were brought to administrative responsibility in the Russian Federation.
  9. Having a temporary residence permit, they were absent from Russia for more than 6 months.
  10. Were late with taking tests or completing documents.
  • may not be afraid of inspections;
  • will not be punished for violating labor laws;
  • will pay taxes.

    Even if we ignore all the intricacy of the procedure, the lack of professionalism of some government officials, and the boorish attitude towards those who come in large numbers, the worst thing is that you may not get the permission you need as a result.

    Rules for the employment of Ukrainians in the Russian Federation in 2018

    A work permit in Russia is a plastic card with the owner’s personal data. It is important that this document has territorial restrictions, i.e. if the registration was carried out in Moscow, then a Ukrainian has the right to work only in the capital or the Moscow region.

    A migration card allows a Ukrainian to legally stay in the Russian Federation for 90 days. This document is the basis for registering at your place of residence, i.e. issue a temporary residence permit, as well as obtain a work permit for citizens of Ukraine.

    Residents of Ukraine begin their search for vacancies in Russia back at home. Close relationships allow you to find an employer remotely. There are no restrictions on the number of Ukrainians employed.

    To apply for a patent to carry out work activities, you should apply at the place of arrival to the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service in Moscow, the Moscow region or another region. The standard package of documents includes:

    Work patents were issued in Russia on the basis of a quota, just like temporary residence permits. Recently, a new bill came into force that abolishes quotas and introduces a single permit for professional activities in the country. To register this document, you must pass an exam on knowledge of the Russian language, history and culture.

    A temporary residence permit is issued to a foreigner for a period of up to 3 months with the right to extend up to 1 year. Moscow registration and migration registration should be handled by the Russian side. This could be relatives, landlords, employers, etc. When leaving the country, a foreigner must be removed from the migration register. The migration card is automatically canceled when crossing the border back, even if its validity period has not yet expired.

    Before you go looking for work in Moscow, you should consult with an experienced lawyer. A specialist will help you understand all the subtleties and nuances of Russian immigration and labor legislation, which will guarantee successful employment.

    If a Ukrainian was able to find work in Moscow or the Moscow region for a period of more than 90 days, he is obliged to renew his temporary residence permit. Extension is carried out in person at FMS offices. To do this, you must submit an arbitrary application and documents confirming the reason for extending the foreigner’s stay in Russia.

    It is worth noting that the procedure for registering for work in Russia for foreign citizens differs depending on whether they entered the country on the basis of a visa or without one. Ukrainians can cross the Russian border on the basis of a foreign passport. During customs inspection, they must fill out a migration card.

    RVP is issued to foreign citizens based on quotas. Every year, the Russian government establishes a certain number of permits for foreigners to stay in Moscow, the Moscow region and the country as a whole. You can apply for a temporary residence permit without a quota, but to do this you must have close relatives who are citizens of the Russian Federation.

    Most often, Ukrainians get jobs in Moscow or the Moscow region. A mandatory document that you must have with you is a migration card. It is filled out when crossing the Russian border. It consists of two coupons - for entry and exit. A prerequisite when filling out the form is to indicate the purpose of the visit to Russia. When applying for employment, this column must contain the word “work”. You should be prepared for the fact that migration service employees will check the compliance of the purpose of the visit and its implementation. If a discrepancy is detected in Moscow, a foreigner faces administrative sanctions.

    Ukraine and the Russian Federation are fraternal states with an identical mentality, common history and culture. The countries have maintained close cooperation for centuries. Ukrainians often come to neighboring Russia to find work and improve their standard of living. People from a neighboring country are always welcome in Moscow and the regions, but in order to employ a Ukrainian for a certain position, it is necessary to obtain a work permit for Ukrainian citizens. Hiring for a vacant position without this document is illegal and threatens both the employer and the employee with heavy fines.

    Our company has a strong position in the migration services market. What sets us apart from our competitors is our experience, integrity and the number of successfully completed operations. And therefore, assistance in collecting documents for obtaining a work permit for a citizen from the CIS will be provided to you at the highest level. From simple but competent advice to complete and professional support - we will provide you with any assistance.

    The influx of foreign citizens to the Russian Federation for the purpose of earning money has a very diverse characteristic: in some ways this fact is positive for the economy and well-being of the country, but in some cases it has a negative impact on the Russian Federation. But what can be said for sure is that this fact ensures stable and even enhanced work of the FMS, which issues work permits in Russia for foreign citizens.

    Work permit for citizens of non-CIS countries

    • Notarized translation of the passport;
    • Medical certificates;
    • Original migration card;
    • State duty (2000 rubles);
    • 2 photographs, matte color 3x4;
    • Copy of the passport;
    • A copy of registration on both sides (migration registration).

    A work permit for CIS citizens in the Russian Federation must be obtained within 10 working days from the moment of their arrival on the territory of Russia (in cases where the citizen’s stay does not require a visa).

    Preparation of a package of documents for attracting foreign labor.

    Obtaining permission to attract foreign labor for the employer company

    It is worth mentioning separately the moment when this procedure is carried out not by the foreign citizen himself, but by the organization that employs him. When an organization often employs many foreign citizens, it is in its interests that all employees go through all the necessary procedures and start working as quickly as possible. By concluding a contract with us, we will provide it to you. By the way, the organization must also have a permit to attract foreign labor, which we will also take care of.

    period 5-10 days depending on the number of workers applied.

    When all the documentation is ready, you need to strictly follow the instructions for submitting this package of documents for consideration to the FMS. First, you need to draw up an application in which you express your intention to obtain a work permit in Moscow. There are also a number of rules regarding this application that are very important to follow, since an error in the application may result in your being denied permission. Further, all documents and applications are directly submitted to the FMS either by you yourself or by the company that provides your employment (in the prescribed manner). And there is a third option: documents can be submitted by a person representing your interests in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    registration of a package of documents 1000 rub. Per person.

    Current legislation and the requirements of the Federal Migration Service impose certain conditions for obtaining a work permit for foreign citizens. Among the most important and basic documents that will be required under any circumstances are: an identity document; migration card; check for payment of state duty. But in each specific case this list is supplemented. For example, if you want to get a job in the catering industry, you will need medical certificates; to work with children, you will need diplomas in pedagogical and psychological education. As you understand, the list changes depending on the field of activity in which you express a desire to work. But there are other reasons that determine what permit documents you need to submit.

  • Application for permission to attract foreign workers - in 2 copies.
  • Application for the issuance of a conclusion on the involvement of 2 ek.
  • Notarized copies of Certificates.
  • Application for a quota
  • Application to the Employment Center
  • Company profile
  • Flash drive
  • State duty
  • Letter of guarantee
  • Staffing table
  • Order on the appointment of the General Director
  • Power of attorney
  • Certified sample employment contract

    In addition, a Russian legal entity must also submit a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority and a copy of the certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and a foreign legal entity, in addition to the certificate of registration with the tax authority, a copy of the certificate of establishment of the branch and the certificate of its accreditation , as well as a copy of the permit to open a representative office and the certificate of its accreditation.

    A document confirming payment of the state fee for issuing a permit.

    A certified copy of a diploma of graduation from a university or secondary specialized educational institution (apostille);

    The Migration Service is obliged to accept all the listed documents and within 10 days issue a work permit, or a reasoned refusal, which can be appealed within three days in court or the Federal Migration Service itself.

    Certified copies of identity documents (apostille).

    Migration card containing a border control stamp indicating entry into the country

    Receipt of payment of the state fee for the provision of a work permit.

    Certified copies of documents from the previous place of work (apostille);

    A document proving his identity (if the document is in the national language - a notarized translation)

    The second stage is directly obtaining permission to build a house. To do this, you need to provide the following documents to the MFC: GPZU, title documents for the land plot, cadastral passport of the land plot, passport of the owner of the land plot or power of attorney to represent the interests of the owner, as well as a house project. A house project can be ordered from a design organization, or you can also draw it up yourself, since a free form of a house project is allowed. When drawing up a house project, the main thing is to indicate the exact built-up area and the materials from which it is planned to build the house.

    Certified copies of certificates of marital status, presence of children and no criminal record (apostille);

    Let's say you carefully studied this legislative act, heard a lot about the bureaucracy system in Russia, studied a large number of reviews on the Internet, and even stood in a three-day queue in order to submit a large package of necessary documents. An exciting moment of waiting, stress and refusal There are many more such cases than you think. According to statistics from the migration service employees themselves, every third applicant receives such a response. This is a rather frightening figure, considering the number of people who apply to the necessary authorities every day.

    There may be many reasons for receiving a refusal, but it is unlikely that the employees of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation will advise you on this issue. Due to the heavy workload and the impossibility of devoting even a few minutes of time to each caller, the service staff may sympathize with you, but you will still have to go down this path again. Just like in a game, if you haven’t completed a level, start all over again. Only in this case we are no longer talking about fictional characters, but about real human destinies.

    Published by: admin in Work for foreign citizens 04/30/2018 Comments to the post Work permit (work patent) for citizens of Ukraine in Moscow and the Moscow region, Help in obtaining Russian citizenship are disabled 9 Views

    However, get work permit for citizens of Ukraine in Russia, for example, this is not such a simple task. Finding yourself in a foreign and unfamiliar country, without the necessary knowledge about laws and certain rules, you can not only experience negative emotions, but also feel the whole burden, as they say, “in a foreign land.” In this case, there are not only negative aspects of this issue, but also positive ones. Currently, there are not many, but there are companies that provide services for legally obtaining citizenship, work permits and help solve even the most unusual problems that a visitor from another country faces in Russia. Our specialists understand that every visitor needs not only a legal solution to his issue, but also an understanding of the importance of his needs and participation in his future destiny. Therefore, they are ready to meet you, arrange your place of residence and resolve any of your questions regarding the legal registration of citizenship.

    Since 2015, work permits have been replaced by patents.

    Call during business hours for consultation.

    So, if you were not born in Russia and are not its citizen, then you either came on a tourist visa to see the beauty of this country, or you are an emigrant. In the first case, you can only wish you a wonderful time in a multinational and rich state, but in the second case, fill out a form on our website to start the process of legally obtaining Russian citizenship or a legal work permit. The receipt of such documents in Russia is regulated by Federal Law 115, and they can only be issued at the Federal Service for Migration Affairs in the Russian Federation. And this is just the tip of the &iceberg&; Russian legislation.

    Every citizen of the country in which he was born, raised and lives does not require a work permit. Perhaps he had never even heard of it. For the most part, this is the case if his homeland is Russia, America, Canada or one of the European countries. Today, it is there that attractive working conditions and varied life opportunities create a promising "arena&&; for residents of those states who want to improve their social situation.

    We will call you back, answer your questions, and if everything suits you, we will agree on the terms.

    Work permit (work patent) for citizens of Ukraine in Moscow and the Moscow region, Assistance in obtaining Russian citizenship

    We can prepare a document for submission to the FMS.

    These are just the main and most significant points that every migrant who comes to Russia and wants to work on its territory legally and legally should know. However, among other things, there are still a large number of subtleties that can be described endlessly. And this is another undeniable reason to entrust such a vital matter to the professionals of our company.

    Under a patent, you can work for both an individual and a legal entity, including individual entrepreneurs.

    In all other cases, it is necessary to first obtain a quota for attracting a foreign citizen to work.

    That is why, more and more often, employers are asking the question: how to obtain a work permit for foreign employees? In turn, people looking for new career opportunities in Russia are interested in the following questions: how to get and where to get a work permit in Moscow, the Moscow region or in another region of the Russian Federation? What kind of institution should I visit?

    Obtaining a document for work The legislative system of the Russian Federation in the field of migration policy is being improved every year; Laws, regulations and other legal documents are adopted and supplemented to simplify the procedure for obtaining a work permit.

    What is the Federal Migration Service (Federal Migration Service)? And so on. It should be noted that the process of obtaining a work permit and work visa to Russia for companies that employ foreigners often causes a number of difficulties that can drag on for a long time and require significant moral, psychological and time costs.

    To obtain a work permit for citizens of the CIS (for example, citizens of Ukraine) or a foreign citizen in general, it is necessary to go through a thorny path and follow a number of procedures. By the way, he can get it either independently or through an organization that legally employs foreigners in Russia, and he also has every opportunity to get it through a legal representative, who in turn acts as an intermediary, which is provided for by the current Federal legislation. work permit may turn out to be a "surprise". Today, you can find a huge number of organizations that guarantee obtaining a work permit almost on the day you apply to them.

    Work permits for citizens must be obtained from the Federal Migration Service. The foreign citizen must do this in person. What documents must be provided in order to obtain a work permit: Original and copy of passport. Migration card. Both a copy and an original are provided. (For comparison) Temporary registration.

    How to get a work permit in Russia

    A work permit is a mandatory document for temporary employment of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation as employees, as well as for persons who do not have Russian citizenship, but wish to do business in Russia. Obtaining a work permit in Russia for foreigners without a visa. A foreign citizen who wants to find a job in the Russian Federation can apply in three ways:

    At the same time, a number of categories of persons are exempt from the need to obtain permission. These currently include 12 categories of foreign citizens. People who came from the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia can now be employed without a permit or patent. List of documents for completing a job application; national passport or other identity document; diploma of education; medical certificate; your own photograph; a receipt for payment of the state duty, which is 3,500 rubles. A resident of another country can obtain a work permit either personally or with the help of his employer.

    If you need to obtain a work permit, work visa, or citizenship documents, leave a request. A work permit in Russia gives the right to citizens of foreign countries to carry out labor activities within the framework of the law on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    As a basis for obtaining a work permit, the availability of a draft employment contract is primarily considered.

    There is a list of professions approved by Government Decree to which quotas do not apply. In this case, this can be called a facilitated attraction procedure. But this list is very limited and unpopular professions are included in it. The exception, perhaps, is the position of General Director, the design of which, however, has its own nuances.

    (state fee for work permit) +500 rub. (state fee for invitation) Accompaniment of family members of highly qualified specialists 12,500 rubles +500 rubles. (state fee for invitation) To obtain a work permit, you will need to provide: 1) Application form (2 copies); 2) A completed and signed employment contract form with a visa from the HR department and a stamp. To avoid any hiccups in the process of obtaining a work permit, you should carefully study the text of the employment agreement and indicate in it the following data: the term of the contract begins at the moment of obtaining the permit and ends after three years; the contract must be signed by both parties at once; the citizen in whose name the permit is issued must have high qualifications in his industry and this must be reflected in the text of the employment contract; the citizen for whom the permit is issued must enter into a voluntary insurance agreement; requirements for obtaining insurance also apply to all members of the employee’s family if they arrived together; salary must exceed 170,000 rubles per month; 3) A notarized copy of the legal entity registration certificate. IMPORTANT: From January 2015

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