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State subsidy program for car loans. What cars are suitable for a preferential car loan? What government programs exist for buying a car?

The crisis in the country has led to a significant deterioration in the situation in the automobile market. Reduced wages, layoffs, and increased prices for utilities do not make it possible to buy new cars, so preference is given to used vehicles.

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To correct the current situation, the state developed a program to finance half the interest rate on a car loan.

This makes it possible to get a loan to buy a car not at 16% per annum, but at 8%. But the program has its own nuances and it does not work in all banks.

About the program

The car loan program with state support was created in 2013 with the aim of increasing sales of representatives of the Russian automobile industry.

The subsidy quickly gained popularity: banks accredited for this service began to actively offer it to their clients. Sales of domestic cars increased, and the manufacturer and banks began to make profits.

Any adult and individual entrepreneurs can take part in the program.

Its essence is to provide a discount on the purchase of a new domestic or foreign (assembled in Russia) car. It is not the cost of the car that decreases, but the interest rate.

The disadvantage of the program is the limited selection of cars and the number that can be purchased.

As a rule, banks allow the purchase of only one vehicle. Although this rule is not regulated by law.

But when you contact the bank again to purchase a car on a preferential loan, you will almost certainly be refused.

By what legislative act was it adopted?

The regulatory act establishes the right for citizens of the Russian Federation to purchase a Russian-assembled car with government subsidies.

The Resolution states that the subsidy reimburses part of the lost interest. Loan terms and vehicle requirements are regulated.

The regulation has been changed several times. Adjustments were made to it based on the results of the subsidy in the country. For example, the maximum amount has been increased.

At first it was 750 thousand rubles, then 1 million rubles, now it is 1.15 million rubles. Changes were also made to the list of cars; initially it consisted of domestic brands.

Today it is possible to purchase a car from a foreign manufacturer, but it must be assembled in Russia.

The law on state support was extended until the end of 2019. So far, no decision has been made on the possibility of preferential lending in 2019, although a proposal has been made.

Which banks offer car loans with state support in 2019

Preferential car loans have several conditions:

  1. The cost of the car should not exceed 1,150,000 rubles (initially it was allowed to buy a car worth no more than 1,000,000 rubles).
  2. The weight of the machine is no more than 3.5 tons. Applies to all types of vehicles, including vehicles for commercial use.
  3. The car must be produced in Russia in 2015 or 2019.
  4. carried out in Russian rubles.
  5. The purchased car was not previously owned by an individual and was not registered.
  6. The loan is issued for 3 years.
  7. The size is at least 20% of the cost of the car.
  8. Only fixed-term interest is subject to subsidization. They do not include a commission for maintaining an account, payment for an insurance policy, or an increase in the rate for refusing CASCO. The base interest rate for the car loan program is taken into account.

A prerequisite for banks is documentary evidence of income. Initially, CASCO insurance was also an integral requirement, but in 2019 it can be abandoned.

This reduces the likelihood of your application being approved and increases the interest rate, but is not a requirement.

You can purchase a car of the following brands using the state program:

  • Lada;
  • Chevrolet;
  • Citroen;
  • Daewoo;
  • Ford;
  • Hyundai;
  • Mazda;
  • Mitsubishi;
  • Nissan;
  • Opel;
  • Peugeot;
  • Renault;
  • Skoda;
  • Volkswagen;
  • Bogdan;

Not all models of the listed brands are included in the program. It is also not possible to purchase some models fully equipped. A complete list of cars can be obtained from a bank or car dealership.

Within the Russian Federation

86 banks were accredited to provide car loans with state support. They have the appropriate permission, which gives them the legal right to issue loans under a preferential program.

Almost the same in all financial institutions.

The loan term remains unchanged - 3 years and the maximum amount - 1,150,000 rubles:

The bank reserves the right to set the interest rate. But, as a rule, it does not exceed 20%, and for preferential lending - 14%. Also, banks may not provide loans for some car models.

For example, many organizations do not cooperate with Russian machines. And with preferential lending you can only buy foreign cars, domestically assembled.

To apply for a loan, you must have Russian citizenship and registration in the region where the vehicle was purchased. Lending is not available to non-residents, as well as without permanent registration.

Around Moscow

Having a Moscow residence permit, you can get a preferential car loan from almost any bank. It is advantageous to contact a financial institution directly, having first submitted an application and only after approval proceeding with the selection of a car.

But it will be faster to get a loan at a car dealership. You can visit a branch of an official dealer that sells car models available on a preferential loan.

They almost always have various promotions and offer discounts on many cars.

Large car dealerships cooperate with the largest Russian banks, where you can get a loan on favorable terms:

Bank Interest rate, min. Interest rate, max. Approximate overpayment, rub.
Gazprombank 9.83% 13,23% 140 000
Zenith 9.5% 14% 141 000
UniCredit 9.5% 15% 141 000
Expert 10% 20% 148 800
TatfondBank 10.7% 15% 159 700

The overpayment is based on the maximum cost of the car and the minimum interest rate. The cost of CASCO is added to it if the policy is paid for with borrowed funds.

In St. Petersburg

Loan terms in St. Petersburg depend on several parameters:

  • client's level of solvency;
  • consent to CASCO and life insurance;
  • the amount of the down payment;
  • place of loan issuance.

The interest rate increases if you refuse additional insurance and take out a loan at a car dealership. But the change is not critical, only 2-3% is added:

Bank Interest rate is standard Interest rate under the program
Metcombank 18% 12%
Timer Bank 18% 12%
Loko-Bank 17% 11,2%
Union Bank 17% 11%
VTB 24 20% 12%

The percentage is formed individually, after which the bank calculates the discount. It is the difference between the loan rate (base rate of the bank) and 2/3 of the refinancing rate at the time the loan is issued. On average, the percentage decreases by 6-7 points.

Banks are not allowed to inflate interest rates for profit. The base percentage should not exceed 20%, regardless of the client’s solvency.

This leads to frequent loan refusals. If with the classical program the bank can increase the rate to 50%, then with the participation of the state this cannot be done. Therefore, quite stringent requirements are imposed on borrowers.

Benefits and disadvantages of the preferential program

Government subsidies for car loans have their advantages and disadvantages.

At the time of the introduction of the new program, the benefits seemed obvious to all parties: the state benefits from the sale of Russian cars, the manufacturer increases income, banks receive new clients, the borrower buys a car on credit with good benefits.

But there are always two sides to a coin, so it’s worth knowing about the disadvantages of the program, along with the advantages.

One of the disadvantages is the possibility of using transport only for personal purposes, although in practice this point is never tested.

This is explained by the fact that a car used for commercial purposes wears out faster and loses liquidity. Selling such a car is much more difficult than selling a vehicle for personal use.

But it is still not recommended to use the car for a taxi or as an educational vehicle. When insuring, special coefficients are applied that increase the cost of the policy.

And if the insurance company discovers fraud, it will terminate the contract with the policyholder and transfer the information to the bank. And the creditor has the right to demand payment of the balance of the debt before the end of the contract.

For other types of business, using a car is not prohibited if you have the status of an individual or individual entrepreneur.

For banks

For the bank, the preferential program provides benefits in the mass circulation of borrowers. The popularity of this type of car loan has led to an increase in applications and clients.

At the same time, no losses were felt - the state compensated for the discount given to the borrower. At first, almost everyone’s applications were approved. This was the main goal of the program.

Subsequently, the number of people receiving preferential loans decreased slightly. The reason for this was non-payment of loans and accumulation of debts.

Lengthy legal proceedings, confiscation and sale of pledged property are the bank’s actions in case of non-payment of a loan.

And numerous debts take up a lot of time. For this reason, lending with state support is unprofitable for banks.

For car enthusiasts

Borrowers buy a car on credit with a reduced interest rate - this is the main and only advantage of state support.

There are more disadvantages to preferential lending:

  • limited selection of cars;
  • short loan period;
  • relatively small loan amount;
  • mandatory down payment.

The requirements for borrowers are strict, credit history is studied, and proof of employment must be presented.

If with a classic car loan you can do without additional documents or not make a down payment, then to apply for a loan with government support, these conditions must be met.

The borrower must meet the following requirements:

  • age of at least 21 years and at the time of repayment of the last payment not more than 65 years of age;
  • At least 6 months of work experience at the last place of work;
  • absence of children under 6 months for women;
  • presence of a military ID for men of military age.

Plans for 2019

To date, there is no official statement about the extension of the preferential car loan program in 2019.

In August of this year, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Denis Manturov, announced the continuation of state support for the purchase of Russian cars.

It is planned to make adjustments to the current program, perhaps they will be global. For now, citizens of the Russian Federation have access to preferential car loans under the same conditions.

Changes will depend on the results of state support in 2019. Based on the results of the past period, the government will analyze the number of cars sold, demand for the program, etc.

We bring to your attention a list of cars that can be purchased under the state program of preferential car loans and subsidies. This program began in 2015 and continues to operate in the current year 2019.

Conditions of the preferential program with state support for 2017

The loan is issued for no more than 3 years with a mandatory down payment of 20% and insurance. The collateral for this type of loan will be the purchased vehicle.

The cost of the purchased car cannot exceed 1.45 million rubles and a weight of 3.5 tons . Plus, the purchased car must be manufactured in 2016 or 2017.

In order for it to qualify for the program, it is necessary that the vehicle is not registered and not owned by another individual. In other words, you won’t be able to purchase it.

The interest rate will be calculated as 2/3 of the current Central Bank of the Russian Federation , which currently amounts to 8.25% per annum. The contract must specify both the new rate and the one at which the calculation will be carried out.

You will learn about all the nuances from the video:

New conditions in 2019

Let us recall that previously the state carried out and financed preferential car loans due to the fact that the key percentage was very high, loans from commercial banks were prohibitively expensive, and no one wanted to buy cars. To support the domestic auto industry and the banking market, they began to subsidize interest.

Now the refinancing rate has dropped significantly (to 7.25%), bank loans have become more affordable, and the Government has refused to further subsidize the percentage. Now financial organizations themselves set the interest rates that they deem necessary. But certain categories of people still have the opportunity to save.

“First Car” and “Family Car” are new projects that appeared in 2015. According to their terms, the participant will be able to count on a discount of 10% on the cost of the vehicle if it meets certain conditions. For residents of the Far East, a bonus is a discount of up to 25%!

However, you cannot participate in both projects; you need to choose only one. The first is suitable for those who have not previously owned a personal car, but have a driver’s license. The second is suitable for married couples with two or more minor children.

Car requirements

Since the program applies exclusively to the purchase of new vehicles, the purchase will take place at a car dealership. It is there that you need to ask one of the managers about the availability of benefits.

Which cars are eligible for a preferential loan:

  • new (no later than 2019-2019 model year),
  • cars,
  • the cost should not exceed 1.5 million rubles,
  • exclusively Russian assembly.

There is a certain list of cars that are suitable for preferential car loans. If you are interested in the Family Car program, then the full conditions are on the official website hsemeynyy-avtomobil.ru. They are also all listed in the table below:

How to get a subsidy to buy a car?

How can you get a preferential car loan with government support? Everything is quite simple: you choose a car that fits the conditions described above and either contact a loan specialist directly at the dealership, or submit an application to any of the banks offering car loans.

Which banks provide loans with government support? :

What the application process looks like: you collect documents, submit them to a loan specialist for review and wait for the bank’s decision. If it is positive, you draw up a purchase and sale agreement, CASCO insurance, make a down payment and sign a loan agreement.

You can pick up the car as soon as the bank receives funding; the subsidy is transferred on the 2nd day. Please note that when applying for a car loan under the state program, you must take out CASCO insurance for the vehicle, but insurance for the borrower is voluntary, and you can refuse it.

Requirements for borrowers

You should not think that if you nominally meet the requirements of the program, you are guaranteed a positive decision from the bank on issuing a car loan. Not at all, you will be checked exactly the same as other borrowers who receive loans without subsidies.

What do they look at when assessing a client:

  • availability of citizenship and registration,
  • Is there a permanent source of income, official employment,
  • whether other credit obligations apply (assess the debt burden),
  • what is your credit history?

These are general requirements, and each banking institution will have its own internal policies. For example, some banks are ready to cooperate with clients over 21 years old, others - with 26-year-olds. You need to find out such nuances in advance, at the nearest branch or on the official website of the credit institution you have chosen.

The state car loan program, which is specially designed to increase consumer demand for domestically produced cars or foreign cars assembled in the Russian Federation, will help you save money on buying a car.

To understand how the state car loan program works for 2019 and what conditions banks impose on borrowers applying for benefits, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with all the nuances relating to the state loan.

The essence of the car loan program

By definition, the state program of preferential car loans in 2019 provides for the provision of citizens of the Russian Federation with two options for purchasing a car on credit under one of the subsidized programs. There are Family Car or First Car offers to choose from.

  • The Family Car offer is designed for people who have two or more minor children in their family.
  • The “First Car” offer is suitable for families who are buying a car for the first time and do not yet own a vehicle.

Individuals who take advantage of the program receive government subsidies for car loans at reduced interest rates from credit companies for car purchases. According to forecasts of government financial analysts, thanks to car loans, it is planned to increase the sale of cars to 55 thousand units.

As a result of the changes made to the system for calculating interest on a car loan:

  • the rate decreased by 6.7%;
  • an additional one-time discount has appeared, amounting to 10% of the original cost of the car set by the dealership, and when purchasing a car in the Far Eastern Federal District - 25%.

For a brief overview of the changes in the conditions of the preferential state program for providing car loans, watch the video.

Terms and conditions of the program

According to official data, the state car loan program has been extended for the period 2019–2020. The exact duration of the offer depends on how quickly the state budget allocated for car loans is exhausted, so it is better not to postpone the purchase of a car using loan funds.

All citizens of the Russian Federation can take advantage of preferential car loans for their first or family car. The benefit gives an additional discount equal to 10% on loan repayment or 25% if the purchase takes place in the Far Eastern Federal District. The cost of a car purchased on loan should not be more than 1 million rubles, and its total weight should be less than 3.5 tons. The release date of the vehicle is also important - 2019. The mandatory down payment to the bank has been reduced to 20% of the car's showroom price. The state also abolished the need to pay personal income tax on the received subsidy. An indicative list of cars approved by the state for purchase under benefits is presented below.

Requirements for borrowers

In accordance with a suitable preferential program, the requirements of banks for borrowers differ slightly.

To apply for a loan to purchase your first car you need:

  • have a valid driving license;
  • be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • document that you do not own a car before participating in the car loan subsidy program.

To purchase a family car you need:

  • be a citizen of Russia;
  • have at least two children who have not reached the age of majority;
  • do not take out a car loan during the year preceding participation in the car loan program.

Depending on the chosen banking institution, other conditions may be additionally imposed on clients:

  • age 18-65 years;
  • valid registration in the region where the bank is located.

In case of full-time study at a university, the age minimum increases to 23 years. The situation is the same with those serving in the army.

If one of the children is on state support or the parent applying for the benefit is deprived of custody rights, you cannot take advantage of the loan offer.

List of cars under the state car loan program

The car loan under the state program, in addition to the domestic automobile industry, also covers foreign cars that are subject to assembly and packaging on the territory and with the participation of manufacturers of the Russian Federation. Thanks to the increase in the maximum loan amount, the list of vehicles participating in subsidies has expanded. A significant part of the list consists of cars from the AvtoVAZ model range, as well as a line of budget foreign cars, in the production of which the participation of the domestic automobile industry is more than 50%.

Indicative list of cars available under the car loan program:

  • Hyundai (Solaris, Elantra, Creta);
  • Datsun;
  • Nissan;
  • Renault;
  • Volkswagen Polo, Jetta;
  • Chevrolet;
  • Peugeot;
  • Toyota Corolla;
  • Opel Astra;
  • the entire model range of ZAZ and UAZ;
  • Ford (Focus, EcoSport, Fiesta);
  • Skoda;
  • Mitsubishi Lancer;
  • LADA;
  • Bogdan;

Some cars from the general list do not qualify for the program. Therefore, before buying a car, check with the banking institution whether the model you have chosen is on the list of vehicles eligible for the benefit.

Procedure for applying for a car loan

Since the state subsidy program for car loans is not available at some banks, first of all, select a suitable financial institution in your region. Additionally, study all the requirements that the bank sets for borrowers, as they may differ from the conditions of government agencies.

Applying for a car loan includes:

  • selection of a car of the brand that is approved for purchase under the subsidy program;
  • clarifying the nuances of cooperation between salons and banking institutions;
  • submitting an application to the bank along with documents confirming the right to benefits;
  • waiting for a decision from a banking institution, which takes from 3 to 14 days;
  • if the loan application is approved, registration of the car purchase at the dealership;
  • payment of the down payment;
  • registration of a vehicle with the traffic police;
  • registration of an insurance policy for a car;
  • signing a collateral agreement (in the case of a loan, the car acts as collateral);
  • concluding a loan agreement with the bank to receive a loan;
  • transfer of funds by the bank to the bank account of the car dealership that sold the car;
  • transfer of the car to the borrower for use.

Please note that the car will remain encumbered with a loan until the debt is paid in full. Therefore, the sale or transfer of a vehicle to a third party as a gift is impossible.

List of required documents

To get a loan to buy a car using borrowed funds, you need to provide the financial and credit company with:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a document confirming the availability of sufficient stable income;
  • certificate from the place of employment;
  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS);
  • taxpayer identification number (TIN);
  • documentary evidence of the absence of ownership of a car (for the “First car” offer);
  • birth certificates of children under 18 years of age (for the Family Car offer).

What are the advantages of the government subsidy program for car loans? How to get a preferential car loan with government support? Where can I find a list of cars that can be purchased on preferential terms?

The state will help us! For those who are unable to immediately pay the full price for a car or apply for a loan on standard terms, the government has introduced special benefit programs. Subsidizing is beneficial to everyone - it supports the domestic auto industry, attracts customers to credit institutions, and solves the transport problem of citizens.

About how to purchase car loan with government assistance, and who has the right to take advantage of such a program, I, Denis Kuderin, financial expert of HeatherBober magazine, will tell you in detail.

We take the best places and read to the end - in the final you will find an overview of banks with the most favorable terms of cooperation, plus advice on what to do if you are denied a preferential loan.

1. State car loan – buying a car on preferential terms

I'll start with good news- government extended the lending program with state support for 2017 and 2018. There were assumptions that the benefits would be cancelled, but fortunately this did not happen. On the contrary, the conditions became even more interesting.

Now everyone, if their income and credit status meets the requirements of banks, has the right buy a car on preferential terms. Namely, at a reduced interest rate.

For those who don't know, I'll explain.

State subsidies for car loans- This is financial assistance from the government of the Russian Federation, as well as the Ministry of Industry, to car manufacturers and buyers in order to develop the automotive industry in Russia.

The program was not just extended, but in some areas even improved. Now the loan will be issued for more expensive Russian-assembled cars than a year ago. The new conditions officially come into force on May 19, 2017.

State subsidies for car loans have been in effect since 2009, with varying success and temporary fading.

The programs were different, but the essence is the same - the state returns part of the interest rate for clients, and specifically at the current moment - 6,7% (maximum). That is, banks, as is usually the case, do not lose their profits - they are compensated by the state budget.


Auto loan rate for cars Hyundai Russian assembly without government support in Rusfinance Bank amounts to 14% . Under the preferential program, the same model can be purchased on credit at a rate 7,3% (14% - 6,7% = 7,3%) . The savings are obvious - this tens of thousands of rubles per year.

The conditions for car loans with state support are as follows:

  1. Loans are issued in rubles for Russian-assembled cars- for example, VAZ, some models of Volkswagen, Nissan, Hyundai, Renault, Peugeot, Kia, etc.
  2. Price – up to 1.45 million rubles.– until recently, the maximum amount was 1.15 million, and even earlier – 750,000.
  3. Credit term– no more than 36 months.
  4. Year of issue– unregistered cars no older than 1 year are available (you won’t be able to apply for a discount).
  5. Starting bid– no more than 18%.
  6. An initial fee– not mandatory, but this condition is at the discretion of the bank (previously it was necessary to deposit 20% at once).
  7. Vehicle weight– no more than 3.5 tons.
  8. The car remains pledged to the bank– PTS will be issued only after the loan is closed, unless other terms are agreed upon.

Compensation concerns only reduction of interest rates on loans. Nobody gives cash to anyone. But at a preferential rate, you are allowed not only to buy a car, but also to register it.

Because the the amount has increased, the list of domestically assembled foreign cars participating in preferential lending has expanded. Now these are not only budget cars, but also SUVs. A complete list of models available under the state program is on the official website of the car loan program, but each bank has its own list.

The total amount of funding planned by the government for 2017 is 10 billion rubles . With this money you can buy approximately 350,000 cars with government support. So it’s not advisable to think for a long time whether to take it or not. Grab it before it's gone!

Application processing time depends on the bank. Somewhere they promise to give an answer in a few hours, somewhere they ask you to wait a couple of days. Remember that when registering online, the response will be preliminary. You will still have to go to the bank to check documents and make a final decision.

Step 4. Conclude a loan agreement and a collateral agreement

Sign a contract without reading itbad practice. An agreement is needed study from the first to the last page - all sections, especially those in small print. Managers do not always voice details that are important to clients.

What to pay attention to:

  • duties of the parties– what should the bank do and what should you do;
  • ways to pay off debt– it’s great when there are several of them, and at the same time there is an option for payment via the Internet;
  • conditions for early repayment of debt– how to apply for early closure, how much interest will be charged from you;
  • availability of additional commissions– do they charge money for opening and servicing a credit account, how is the commission for financial transactions calculated;
  • final interest rate– it happens that initially you count on one bet, but in reality a completely different one pops up.

The buyer issues contract of sale And registers the car in the traffic police database, after which the vehicle’s passport is transferred for safekeeping to the bank. You pay the down payment, if any, and register the car itself as collateral (encumbrance).

To support the domestic automobile industry, a state program of preferential car loans was developed and put into effect. It aims to expand the opportunities for citizens to purchase a car and support domestic car production. Similar programs have already worked previously, in 2009-2012, as well as in 2014-2017. What is meant by the term preferential car loans, and what are the conditions for the implementation of this program?

Preferential car loan: what will it be like?

A preferential car loan provides for additional conditions for its issuance or repayment. Their presence should attract the buyer and make repayment of credit funds simpler and more accessible. The following benefits are possible:

  • change in the credit rate (reduction or complete absence);
  • change in loan repayment terms (increase);
  • reducing the loan repayment amount due to the repayment of part of the loan funds by the state.

When providing preferential car loans, the first two items on the list are used most often. The 2017 list of benefits stipulates a reduction in the loan rate. This is how the state subsidizes citizens’ purchase of new cars and stimulates interest in the Russian automaker.

Changes in the new state loan program 2018

The 2018 state program differs from the previous year’s program by increasing the limit on the cost of purchased cars. In 2018 it will be 1.15 million rubles (in contrast to the 2016 figure - 1 million). However, this limit still does not subsidize the purchase of expensive cars. It only covers the increase in the cost of a car associated with the fall of the ruble and its devaluation.

Preferential car loan program: loan conditions and list

  • The car loan applies to new Russian-made cars. The selected car must be new. The period of storage of the car (counted from the day the car was released from the factory) is no more than 1 year at the time of execution of the loan agreement.
  • You can purchase a car on preferential terms if its cost does not exceed 1.15 million rubles and its weight does not exceed 3.5 tons.
  • The loan term does not exceed 3 years.
  • To purchase a car, a minimum down payment of at least 20% is required.

The preferential state program also stipulates the possibility of purchasing a foreign car. For this purpose, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has developed a list of foreign-made cars that can be purchased under this preferential program. The list provides mainly budget models that are collected on the territory of the Russian Federation. These are representatives of the brands Deo, Ford, Hyundai, Chevrolet, Citroen, KIA. The list of the Ministry of Industry and Trade provides a list of models that can be purchased under the preferential lending program. Loan applications are accepted until December 31, 2016.

What cars can you buy?

We present to you a list of cars eligible for the preferential car loan program:
Lada Vesta, Lada X-Ray, Chevrolet Aveo, Kia Rio, Hyundai Solaris, Nissan Almera, Renault Logan/Sandero, Skoda Rapid, Volkswagen Polo sedan, Chevrolet Cruze, Citroen C4 sedan, Ford Focus, Kia cee'd/Cerato, Nissan Sentra/Tiida, Opel Astra (Family/J), Peugeot 408, Renault Megane/Fluence, Skoda Octavia, Volkswagen Jetta, Ford Mondeo, Kia Optima and Hyundai i40, Mazda 6, Opel Insignia, Ford EcoSport, Kia Sportage, Nissan Terrano, Nissan Juke, Renault Duster, Skoda Yeti, Volkswagen Tiguan.

How does a preferential car loan with government subsidies work?

In accordance with the terms of the program, the state provides benefits on loan interest. The state repays it in the amount of 2/3 of the Central Bank refinancing rate (as of January 2016, this figure was 8.25%). This reduces the total amount of payments and makes purchasing a car on credit more affordable. As a result, for the borrower the loan interest is reduced to approximately 10%, the rest is paid by the state.

Who will be given and who will not be given a loan?

Preferential car loans may be of interest to ordinary citizens and organizations. Age conditions stipulate that the preferential lending program works for citizens of the Russian Federation aged from 21 to 65 years. To apply for a loan, you will need a civil passport with registration (necessarily in the area where the car is purchased), a driving license, and a 3-month work certificate (provided that you have been working there for at least a year). And also - a copy of the employment contract and work record book. A soft loan may be refused for two reasons:

  • Poor repayment history of previous loans.
  • For women - having children under 6 months of age.

Who gives money?

Funds for purchasing cars are provided by banks selected by the state. The list of designated banks included VTB 24, Sberbank, Rusfinancebank, Rosbank, Rosevrobank, as well as Uralsi, Raiffeisen, Cetelem, Bank of Moscow, Unicredit, Rosbank, Rosselkhozbank, Gazprombank, AiMani, Globex, Baltika, Soyuz, Toyota Bank. What influences the choice of bank:

  • Different banks may vary the period for full repayment of a car loan.
  • The initial percentage of the loan rate from which the refinancing rate is calculated and determines the real interest that the buyer will pay.
  • Set of documents - a wider or narrower list of documents required to obtain a car loan is possible.

Preferential car loans from the state are helping to restore the Russian car market and intensify demand for domestic cars.