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Pros and cons of having air conditioning in a car. The main enemy of health? Truths and myths about car air conditioning Why air conditioning in a car is dangerous

Very often you hear strange things from people. In particular, there is an opinion that car air conditioners are harmful to health. Perhaps there is some truth somewhere, but then the car is generally fatal. In apartments and offices it is necessary to get rid of refrigerators and other equipment. The picture is very chaotic and absurd. In fact, there is no harm from a car air conditioner if it is used correctly and checked regularly. Agree, it’s ridiculous to suddenly lower the temperature inside the car, catch a cold, and then blame the air conditioner for everything.
But let's talk seriously about the advantages of these devices, their pros and possible cons. Why do you need an air conditioner in your car? A couple of decades ago, domestic motorists could only dream of such devices. The ultimate luxury was a stove that could provide warmth in not very cold weather. But times change, and every year it turns out that a person spends more and more time in a car. This trend has become especially noticeable in large cities. You cannot do without a comfortable climate in the cabin. The hot summer of this year proved the usefulness of air conditioners in cars; without them, using transport could turn into torture, sometimes even deadly. The car gets quite hot from the sun, especially if it is dark in color. And it’s impossible to open the windows if you’re stuck in a traffic jam or just driving around the city. The concentration of exhaust gases mixed with dust and soot is such that a person could suffocate. Only a car air conditioner can save you in such a situation.
In addition, a comfortable temperature in the cabin allows the driver not to be distracted by irritating factors, so he is less likely to make mistakes and have accidents. A person irritated by stuffiness can become angry with others because of the inconvenience and, as a result, behave inappropriately, which is very dangerous on the road. Also, such a person’s reaction speed decreases and fatigue sets in faster.
The difference between a car air conditioner and a regular household air conditioner consists of many details. The main thing is that the air enters the car from the outside, and does not circulate the internal air in a circle. But this is understandable. People in a confined, enclosed space inside a car will eventually use up most of the oxygen, so the supply of air from outside is very favorable. But as already mentioned, you won’t achieve anything good by simply ventilating. The air conditioner takes air from the street, passes it through a refrigerant system and cools it. But there is no need for excess moisture inside, since people already emit it, so the air is also dehumidified. This creates a unique microclimate that makes you feel very comfortable in the car.
Another positive aspect of the air conditioner is air filtration. No one would call the air on the road clean, so by taking it in, the unit not only cools, but also deposits dust and other components. The air entering the cabin is as clean as possible.
All of these benefits show how beneficial a car air conditioner can be. But its advantage is the simplicity of the device. The simpler the unit is made, the less likely it is to break - this simple truth has been known for a long time. But even in this case, the air conditioner requires timely inspection and prevention. It needs to be cleaned periodically, since settling dust can lead to trouble, and, of course, it requires changing the refrigerant and checking all the main working parts. Timely inspection will not allow you to remain halfway without such important equipment.

Stop using the air conditioner in your car ☠

When we get into a car and start it, we often, without thinking, immediately turn on the air conditioning and go about our business. By doing this, you not only risk your health, but also the health of your family and friends. The fact is that when we leave a car on the street, we always close the windows so that no one gets inside. But in a car parked in the shade with the windows closed, 400–800 mg of benzene can accumulate in a day. If you park in the sun when the temperature is above 16 degrees, benzene levels will reach 2,000–4,000 mg, which is 40 times higher than the legal limit.
When getting into a car with the windows closed, people begin to breathe benzene, but this toxin affects the kidneys, bone tissue and liver. Moreover, it is excreted from the body very slowly and poorly. The car's owner's manual says that you should open the windows for 2 minutes before turning on the air conditioning, but the reason is not specified, only a hint of better performance of the car.

Medical justification for the harm of air conditioning

Research shows that before it starts cooling, the air conditioner throws all the air heated in the plastic outside, and with it benzene, a toxin that causes cancer. Therefore, when you get into the car, even if you do not immediately smell the plastic heated in the car, open the windows for a few minutes.

Protect yourself and the passengers who are in the car with you - do not turn on the air conditioning immediately after starting the car engine!

First, open the windows for a few minutes and then turn on the air conditioner. Keep the windows closed for a few more minutes while the car is running. Many of the unbound hydrocarbons found in gasoline (especially aromatic ones, like benzene), as well as various additives, are carcinogenic.

Make it a habit to open the windows when getting into the car so that your body is not saturated with toxins, because the consequences of this can be very tragic!

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In addition to ensuring a comfortable temperature in the cabin in summer, the air conditioner also dries the air. This helps to effectively combat glass fogging all year round, so it is in demand even in winter. However, depending on the outside temperature, the control system may prohibit the air conditioning compressor from turning on. In this matter, the laws of physics and the protective functions of electronics rule the roost.

Physics of the process

The operation of any air conditioner (including a conventional refrigerator) is based on the transition of the refrigerant (freon) circulating through the system from a gaseous state to a liquid state, and vice versa. It is these changes in the state of aggregation that ensure the absorption and release of large amounts of heat (thermal energy).

Freon enters the cabin radiator (evaporator) in a liquid state and at a low temperature. Through the honeycomb of the heat exchanger, it actively absorbs heat from the air, simultaneously drying it, and boils, completely turning into gas. In the system's external radiator (condenser), it releases this energy into the environment, turning back into liquid.

Complete evaporation of freon is critical to the health of the compressor, which circulates it throughout the system. If even a small volume of liquid refrigerant gets into it, it will be fatal. Therefore, various monitoring sensors are included in the control system to eliminate this risk. Based on their readings, the electronics can forcibly turn off the compressor during operation or even prohibit its activation.


Nowadays, the vast majority of car air conditioners use R134a freon. At atmospheric pressure it begins to boil already at -26°C. But in the air conditioning system it is under excess pressure. Accordingly, its boiling point will be higher. The transition to a gaseous state in the evaporator is possible at approximately 0°C. In winter, it often happens that freon simply does not have enough heat from the air in the cabin to turn into gas. This is closely monitored by an ambient temperature sensor and an additional climate control sensor in the cabin. Therefore, under certain conditions outside, the control system will prohibit the inclusion of the air conditioning compressor.

The pressure in the air conditioning system is monitored by a combination sensor. If the pressure is too low or high, turning on the compressor will be prohibited in order to eliminate the risk of damage. This is done so that the system does not activate, for example, when there is not enough freon in it. An important point: when the air conditioner is running, the freon pressure before the compressor is usually about 3 bar, and after the compressor - about 14 bar. A short time after it stops, the indicators are compared. At 20°C this pressure is about 5–6 bar, but at 0°C it drops to 2 bar. And on some car models, this is enough for the control system to block the compressor from turning on.

Depending on the specific car model, pressure and temperature sensors have different priorities. For example, on many machines the control unit is guided by the readings of an external temperature sensor. If the car is driven into a heated garage from the cold, then even when the pressure in the system physically rises to the operating range, the electronic “brains” will need a little more time to realize the real, and not momentary change in environmental conditions and give the go-ahead to turn on the compressor.

The main conclusion: in winter you can safely use air conditioning. This in no way affects the resource of its elements. The only question is whether the control system of a particular car, which has been trained to play it safe, will approve this. On some cars, the air conditioning compressor will turn on even at negative temperatures outside (slightly below zero). And, for example, on some Fords it will refuse to work when a “snowflake” lights up on the instrument panel (the temperature drops below 3°C). It all depends on the software and design of the air conditioning system of a particular car, that is, its performance characteristics. By the way, service technicians recommend regularly turning on the air conditioner in winter to reduce the risk of souring of the metal pressure plate of the compressor clutch.

The air conditioner protection system is very reliable. It relies on the readings of several sensors and has various safety algorithms. In general, little is known about the reality of compressor startup under unfavorable conditions. But if for some reason this does happen and liquid freon gets into it, then its death will be sudden, and the rest of the system elements will not be affected.

Drivers and passengers of foreign cars with air conditioning “catch” not only sore throat, pharyngitis and tonsillitis, but also more serious illnesses - bronchitis and even pneumonia.

Of course, it’s difficult to give up air conditioning, especially in such heat,” says Sergei Bartaev, a general practitioner. “But improper use can lead to serious illness and even death.

From summer to winter

If you believe official medicine, then a person can safely tolerate only a very small temperature difference - from 3 to 5 degrees Celsius.

The difference between the temperature on the street and in a car with a working air conditioner reaches 15 - 20 degrees, noted Sergei Bartaev. – If you are exposed to such changes regularly, the consequences can be very sad.

In other words, if it is almost 40 degrees hot outside, and the air conditioner in the car is set to +20 degrees, then the risk of developing various diseases greatly increases. In addition, if the air conditioner is not taken care of and the filter is not changed in a timely manner, it can become a real carrier of infection.

The interior of a car is a closed space, says the doctor. – If a lot of microbes have accumulated in the air conditioner filter, then their impact on human health increases significantly.

Cool down gradually

To avoid contracting pneumonia or bronchitis, you need to use air conditioning wisely. The most important thing is not to turn it on at full power at once. Let the car interior cool down gradually.

First, lower the temperature by about 5 degrees compared to the street temperature, and after 15 - 20 minutes by another 5 degrees, advises Sergey Bartaev. – Let your body get used to it.

Remember that the optimal temperature for humans is considered to be plus 20 - 25 degrees. Try to stick to this value when using air conditioning.

It’s not the cold itself that’s dangerous, but the changes, says the therapist. – After all, once you get into a car, you periodically get out of it, and then get in again.

Doctors do not advise directing cold air into the legs and face. This can lead to hypothermia and provoke the rapid development of pneumonia.

Take care... the air conditioner!

The condition of the air conditioner must be monitored in the same way as the condition of the entire car. First of all, you need to change filters on time. Microbes, as well as dust and dirt that accumulate inside, are extremely dangerous to health.

Before turning on the air conditioner, you need to close all the windows. If this is not done, both you and the air conditioner may suffer. Due to the double flow of air (from the street and from the air conditioner), the risk of catching a cold increases. But the air conditioner itself is designed only to cool the car interior and may fail due to increased load.

If you get stuck in one of the many Ulan-Ude traffic jams, pay attention to the engine temperature. Slow driving coupled with running air conditioning increases the load on the cooling system and may cause malfunction.

Use your air conditioner correctly

If the car has been standing in the heat for a long time and has become “hot,” then first open all the windows or doors and ventilate the interior. Then close the windows and turn on the air conditioner. Don't forget to install "closed" air circulation.

The number of accidents is increasing due to overheating

According to experts, the lack of air conditioning in a car leads to a sharp increase in the number of accidents in hot weather.
Thus, according to the results of studies carried out by the German automobile club AvD, when the temperature in the car interior rises to 32 ºС, the risk of an accident increases by 15%, and when it reaches 37 ºС by 35%.

Today we cannot imagine driving a car in the hot summer without the comfort that air conditioning creates. However, when using climate control or car air conditioning, we often forget to take care of what kind of air we breathe.

Your car's air conditioning system requires regular maintenance., as well as the braking system, body, interior. Because without proper care and improper use, the air conditioner can be harmful to health.

Large temperature changes outside the window and inside the car, drafts can reduce immunity and cause colds. In addition, a confined space creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and microbes, many of which can cause various diseases.

We offer tips on the safe use of car air conditioners. Having familiarized yourself with them, you will enjoy your trip at any time of the year without fear for your health.

Cooling of the car interior using air conditioning should not occur suddenly. Otherwise, you risk catching a cold.

Before turning on the air conditioning in a car heated by sunlight, ventilate the interior by opening the windows. Do not close the windows for a while while the air conditioner is running.

Optimal for health is the temperature difference outside the window and in the cabin in a range not exceeding 5 °C. Therefore, if the temperature outside is 30 °C or higher, then to create comfortable conditions it is enough to reduce the temperature in the cabin to 25 °C. And only if you are a seasoned person and confident in your health, you can lower the temperature to 18–20 °C.

Maintain a difference of up to 5°C, maximum 10°C, between the inside of the car and the street.

The evaporator creates a comfortable environment in the cabin. It is one of the main elements of a car's air conditioning system: when working, it cools the air and reduces its humidity. It is in the evaporator that a warm and humid environment is created, which promotes the growth of bacteria and fungi. Many of them can be hazardous to health.

Clean the evaporator when it gets dirty at least several times a year!

To clean the evaporator, it is best to contact a service station. Although it is quite possible to do this yourself, the process is labor-intensive and time-consuming. In addition, getting to the evaporator is not so easy. In most cars it is located behind the glove compartment on the passenger side. Using a screwdriver, you need to carefully remove the glove compartment, sound insulation, connect a pre-purchased can of special liquid to the exhaust valve and spray all the evaporator fins. And twice with an interval of 20–30 minutes. And don’t forget to screw back the sound insulation and glove compartment. Or still turn to professionals.

Tip 4. Replace the cabin filter in a timely manner

Over time, the car air conditioning filter becomes clogged with dirt and dust and can become a breeding ground for fungi, mold and bacteria that are hazardous to health.

After making a long trip on a dusty road or standing for a long time in traffic jams in the city during the poplar blossoms, check the cabin air filter. It may be clogged and needs to be replaced.

Replace the cabin filter in accordance with your car's maintenance regulations at least twice a year.

When using the air conditioner while traveling, do not direct cold air towards yourself. You should also close the windows. Simultaneous operation of the air conditioner and open windows when driving create drafts, which most often lead to colds. On a long trip, it is optimal to open the window slightly from time to time.

Direct the cold air flowing from the air conditioner deflector not at your face, but at your feet or windshield.

Tip 6. Do not overuse closing the air intake from the street

The air conditioner reduces the humidity in the cabin. Very dry air has a harmful effect on the body: it dries out the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract. This process is aggravated because drivers, in order to cool the cabin faster, close the air intake from the street - and it begins to circulate only inside the cabin.

Turn off the air circulation from the cabin every half hour to take it from the street. This will help keep the air humidity favorable for mucous membranes.

If you cool the interior using a car air conditioner, experts recommend doing this regularly. Turn it on not only in hot, but also in cold weather, since prolonged stagnation is harmful to the mechanics of the climate control system of the air conditioner.

If you use climate control or air conditioning correctly, observing the temperature regime, and clean its elements in a timely manner, then driving a car in the hot summer will only be a pleasure. Have a nice trip!

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