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Who installs road signs in populated areas. General rules for installing traffic signs

It is impossible to imagine the movement of cars without installed road signs. In most cases, their correct location can significantly reduce the number of accidents on the road.

Not only every driver, but also pedestrians must know the meaning of road signs. After all, crossing the road in an unauthorized place can provoke a serious accident.

Rules for installing road signs

Signs must be positioned facing traffic. When arranging them, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the movement, territorial conditions and visibility in the daytime and also in the dark.

During the day, drivers must see the sign at a distance of at least 150 meters. This is necessary so that the driver can understand in advance why it is installed there and perform the necessary action that the sign indicates.

Authorized employees are required to periodically drive a vehicle on the roads in order to check the visibility of road signs. And then the obtained indicators must be compared with specified in GOST.

When installing signs, it is also necessary to take into account the presence of trees and shrubs. Their foliage should not interfere with drivers' view of the image. If possible, it should be installed away from any vegetation.

No more than 3 signs can be placed in one cross-section of the road. In this case, duplicate signs and traffic information signs are not taken into account.

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General requirements

Each road sign must be located in accordance with GOST-23-457 79, as well as taking into account the instructions for the use of road signs. The Road Directorate is responsible for the number of signs and what types should be installed. It comes from the territorial location of the road.

The installation of each sign must be justified. This is especially true for those whose task is to impose some kind of restriction. The number of signs on the road should be as small as possible. The main task is to establish the reason why it was necessary to install this or that sign.

Signs that are installed due to certain circumstances or that are seasonal must be removed immediately after the cause has been eliminated.

Installation location

Road signs are installed:

  • on the roadway outside populated areas;
  • on mountain roads, beyond or above the shoulder, as well as on embankment slopes and on the right-of-way behind the ditch strip;
  • on the side of the road, while the distance from the road to the sign should be from 0.5 to 2 meters;

Installation of supports on the side of the road is possible if there are cliffs and protrusions. In this case, the edge of the sign should be at a distance of no more than 1 meter.

  • on the dividing strip, to repeat existing signs, on the right side or above the roadway.

Installation methods

Road signs must be installed:

  • in parameter blocks, between blocks or behind them from the side of the slope;
  • if there are no fences, then on a shockproof support;

This is necessary so that after contact with the vehicle it can be cut off without causing damage to the driver behind the wheel.

  • above a support or roadway on an L-shaped support.

For more detailed information, you can contact our specialists online.

Coverage area

Often, drivers, seeing the “Area of ​​Action” sign, do not understand its designation.

It may indicate the following:

  • the range of the dangerous section of the road;
  • how far the road sign extends;
  • the range of a stopping point, possibly several at once.

The concept of the “Area of ​​Action” sign is defined using the signs located next to it. It is important to know their meaning and not to confuse them in order to avoid consequences.

Who has the right to install signs?

Many citizens believe that the traffic police is responsible for installing road signs. In fact, they are very wrong. Since, according to the law, these signs are installed and maintained by the traffic management directorate.

And if it was necessary to install it during the construction of the facility, then the decision is made by the State Administrative and Technical Inspectorate. Traffic police officers must only monitor their technical condition, as well as the correct installation.

Road signs are installed in accordance with the traffic pattern. It is coordinated with many services. Of course, this number includes the traffic police. You can take a look at it at the city traffic management directorate.

This is where the register should be located, which contains every sign installed in the city. If the sign you are looking for is not there, then it was installed illegally.

There is an administrative penalty for illegal installation of a road sign.

Illegally installed signs

Undoubtedly, the problem associated with the illegal installation of signs is very relevant in our country. Quite often, organizations or private enterprises install signs near their territory such as “Parking only for employees,” etc. Such actions are illegal and limit the rights of citizens.

Another of the most common situations in which illegal installation of signs occurs is when residents of a building arbitrarily put up a “No entry” sign. As a rule, it differs in appearance from the road sign approved by GOST.

If you find such a sign, you must immediately report it to the traffic police.

They, in turn, must come to the site, remove the illegally placed sign and find those responsible for this offense.

For more detailed information about penalties, please contact our lawyers on the website.

Road signs not in accordance with GOST: to comply or not?

Quite often these days you can see that a sign is not installed in accordance with the requirements of the law. In this regard, there are cases when drivers, after being stopped by a traffic police officer, simply do not understand at first why they were issued an administrative violation report. It can be appealed, but it is extremely difficult to do so.

First of all, in court you will be required to provide evidence that the sign was not installed in accordance with the existing GOST. Therefore, immediately after the arrest you need to go and take a photo or film the location of this sign.

The date and time of the recording must also be present, otherwise the court will definitely point out to you that the recording was made a month after receiving the protocol.

Also in court it will be necessary to indicate what exactly the Authorized Employees violated when placing the sign. After this, we can only hope that the judge understands.

As practice shows, the judge, without even watching the video, says that the traffic rules were violated and the driver must be punished for this in accordance with the law.

It is necessary to remember and understand that each sign installed on the road performs its specific function. It will be useful only if it is installed in accordance with the rules and regulations. After all, a poorly visible sign will be ignored by the driver and will not perform its intended function.

Proper operation of a car is a complex organizational issue. There are hundreds of components intertwined here that constantly need to be paid attention to. These include technical features and malfunctions, the legal purity of registration documents, knowledge of traffic rules and driving skills, and in the end, even the way your sign is attached to the car is a standard for motorists. It is exactly where and how the state registration plate should be fixed that we will talk about in this article.

What document regulates the installation of a state registration plate?

The main document establishing standards for the signs themselves, including those covering the method and place of fastening the sign, is GOST R 50577-93 “State registration signs for vehicles. Types and main sizes. Technical requirements"

How and where to correctly install the state registration plate on a car

GOST itself primarily applies to production and technological issues, since it contains a list of requirements for state registration marks. In addition, GOST also has an appendix that regulates the installation of state registration plates on a car. Such an application is Appendix 3 “Requirements for the installation of state registration plates on vehicles.” There are quite a lot of requirements, and we present them below in accordance with the current standard - GOST 50577-93. Let's say right away that signs of type 16-18 are transit type signs (on paper).
So, we quote the document, and you try to understand all the intricacies of installing signs on your car, according to the established rules. (GOST text in italics below)

3.1 Each vehicle must be provided with installation locations for the following registration plates (except for plates of types 16 - 18):
one front and one rear - on cars, trucks, utility vehicles and buses;
one rear - on other vehicles.

3.2 Places for installing registration plates must be a flat vertical rectangular surface and selected in such a way that the sign is not blocked by structural elements of the vehicle, becomes dirty during operation of the vehicle, and makes it difficult to read.
At the same time, registration plates must not reduce the angles of the front and rear overhangs of the vehicle, cover external light and signaling devices, or protrude beyond the side dimensions of the vehicle.

The front registration plate should be installed, as a rule, along the axis of symmetry of the vehicle.It is allowed to install the front registration plate to the left of the axis of symmetry of the vehicle in the direction of movement of the vehicle.

The installation location of the rear registration plate must ensure that the following conditions are met.

The registration plate must be installed along the axis of symmetry of the vehicle or to the left of it in the direction of travel.

The registration plate must be installed perpendicular to the longitudinal plane of symmetry of the vehicle with a deviation of no more than 30°.

The registration plate on the vehicle must be located perpendicular to the reference plane of the vehicle with a deviation of no more than 15°.

The height of the lower edge of the rear registration plate from the reference plane of the vehicle must be at least 300 mm, the height of the upper edge of the sign must be no more than 1200 mm.

1 If the design of the vehicle does not allow the height of the upper edge of the registration plate to be located at a height of no more than 1200 mm, the size may be increased to 2000 mm.
2 Measurement of the height of the registration plate from the reference plane of the vehicle must be carried out on a vehicle with curb weight. The registration sign must be visible in a space limited by the following four planes: two vertical and two horizontal, touching the edges of the sign within the visibility angles indicated in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1

The relative location of the registration plate and the registration plate lighting lamp(s) on the vehicle must comply with GOST R 41.4

3.4.7 The registration plate must be installed in such a way that in the dark it can be read from a distance of at least 20 m when illuminated by a standard vehicle sign light.

Note- The requirement does not apply to the inscriptions “RUS” and “Transit”, as well as the image of the State Flag of the Russian Federation.

To fasten registration plates, bolts or screws with heads that have the color of the field of the sign or light galvanic coatings must be used.

It is allowed to attach signs using frames. Bolts, screws, frames must not block or distort the inscription “RUS” on the registration plate, the image of the State Flag of the Russian Federation, letters, numbers or edging.

It is not allowed to cover the sign with organic glass or other materials.

It is prohibited to drill additional holes on the registration plate for attaching the plate to a vehicle or for other purposes.

From January 2019 in Russia, drivers will be allowed to drill additional holes in the sign, but they must not affect the symbols, flag and RUS code.

If the coordinates of the mounting holes of the registration plate do not coincide with the coordinates of the mounting holes of the vehicle, the signs must be fastened through transitional structural elements that ensure compliance with requirements 3.2 - 3.4. 3.6

Registration plates of type 16 -18 must be installed: - on passenger cars and buses - one on the front and one on the rear windshields inside the passenger compartment (cabin) to the right of the longitudinal plane of symmetry in the direction of movement of the vehicle; - on trucks and tractors - one sign on the front windshield inside the cab to the right of the longitudinal plane of symmetry in the direction of movement of the vehicle;

Registration plates issued for motorcycles and trailers must be carried by drivers.

Summarizing the document regulating the correct installation of the state registration plate on the car

So, as you understand, the number of requirements for attaching signs in accordance with GOST is quite extensive and at the same time limiting, that is, there are restrictions on your design fantasies regarding the installation of the sign. In short, firstly, the installation height for most car enthusiasts will be from 300 to 1200 mm (in some cases for special equipment up to 2000 mm). Secondly, the front sign is installed strictly perpendicular to the axis of the machine, on a vertical platform (the error is not specified), but the rear sign may have some installation error, according to Figure 3.1 (shown above)
It is also worth mentioning that the sign must be attached with fasteners matching the color of the sign or using special frames. You cannot drill additional holes to attach the sign. By fulfilling all the requirements described above, you can count on the fact that you will not have problems with the law and, accordingly, will not face administrative liability for the fact that you do not have the state registration plate on your car properly.

The “Beginner Driver” sign has become mandatory since 2009. If it is not on the rear window of a passenger car, a driver with less than 24 months of driving experience will not be able to pass a technical inspection. The presence of this sign warns cars behind that the driver is a novice who has graduated from a driving school and recently received a license. Accordingly, they will be intuitively ready for any incidents and will be able to easily overtake this vehicle.

The Novice Driver sign is very easy to spot from afar. It is a yellow square with sides of at least 15 centimeters. An exclamation mark 11 centimeters high is drawn in black on a yellow background. It is also worth noting that, out of ignorance, some drivers use a triangle with a red border and a black letter in the middle instead of an exclamation mark. This is unnecessary, since this sign indicates a vehicle intended for driving lessons.

The traffic rules do not indicate which specific part of the rear window this symbol should be glued to. Usually it is hooked either in the upper right or left corner. It is clear that if it hangs on the left, it will immediately catch the eye of the person driving behind you. In any case, you need to hook it in such a way that it does not limit the view into the rear window.

The Code of Administrative Offenses and the Traffic Regulations do not currently provide for any fines for failure to install this sign. Its main purpose is to warn other road users about your inexperience. The wording of this sign, like some others, is as follows:

“At the driver’s request, identification marks can be installed...” and then there is a small list: an inexperienced driver, a doctor, a woman driving. Although the presence of this sign is required to pass MOT.

If you have mastered the skill of driving well enough even during practical lessons at a driving school and feel confident behind the wheel, then you are still required to put up this sign. One good thing is that it is not expensive and is sold at any press kiosk or car dealership.

A selection of the most important documents upon request Installation of road signs(regulatory legal acts, forms, articles, expert consultations and much more).

Regulatory acts: Installation of road signs

3. No later than twenty days before installing a road sign or marking prohibiting the entry of all vehicles in a given direction, stopping or parking of vehicles, or designating a one-way road or roadway or exit onto such a road or roadway, citizens are informed on the introduction of a corresponding ban and (or) change in the traffic management scheme, as well as on the reasons for making such a decision. Information can be provided through the official website of the federal executive body, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the local government body in charge of the relevant road, information boards (stands) placed in publicly accessible places near the place where the relevant road signs are installed or markings are applied, as well as in other ways provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal regulatory legal acts.

"GOST R 52289-2004. National standard of the Russian Federation. Technical means of organizing traffic. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guide devices"
(approved by Order of Rostekhregulirovaniya dated December 15, 2004 N 120-st)
(as amended on 12/09/2013) 5.1.2. Signs installed on the road must comply with the requirements of GOST R 52290 and during operation meet the requirements of GOST R 50597.

Articles, comments, answers to questions: Installation of road signs

As follows from the case materials, by the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Astrakhan Region dated April 18, 2011, an additional examination was appointed, the implementation of which was entrusted to the closed joint-stock company "Center for Testing, Implementation, Product Certification, Standardization and Metrology", from the conclusion of which it is clear that the work performed by the plaintiff for the installation of road signs, road markings, and fences for pedestrians at the specified construction site do not fully meet the requirements of design and regulatory documentation.

Open the document in your ConsultantPlus system:
Question: Under what type of expenses and article (subarticle) of KOSGU should the expenses for services for applying road markings, installation of barriers and road signs on public roads be reflected?

Our company, using its own teams, installs road signs, road sign posts, both on temporary supports and by concreting into the ground or asphalt. The signs are secured to the post using clamps and bandage tape. We install signs and information boards in underground parking lots.

Below is the approximate cost of installing a turnkey triangular road sign:

  • production of a triangular road sign – 630 rub.
  • “clamp” fastening 2 pcs. - 150 rub.
  • sign stand L=3 m – 1560 rub.
  • installation of a sign stand in the ground – 1800 RUR.
  • installing a sign on a stand – 250 rub.
  • Departure of the work crew within the Moscow Ring Road - 2000 rubles.
Total: 6390 rub.


Road signs must be installed in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 52289-2004. The types of signs, their number, and installation location are determined by the location approved by the relevant State Automobile Inspectorate. The installation of road signs, as well as their removal on specific sections of roads, is carried out with the permission of the State Automobile Inspectorate of the territory, region, autonomous republic. The installation of each sign and, above all, signs introducing various restrictions, must be justified. The total number of signs on a road section should be as minimal as possible. Short-term or seasonal signs are installed only for the period when they are necessary, and are immediately removed after the reason for installing the sign has been eliminated.

In one cross-section of the road, it is allowed to install no more than three signs, excluding duplicates and additional information signs (plates). In this case, they must be placed: on supports, columns and pillars (masts) horizontally (which is preferable) or vertically; on guy wires, frames and brackets located above the roadway - horizontally at the same level.

On roads outside populated areas, sign supports should be installed outside the shoulders on berms sprinkled to the side of the road (Fig. 3.3, a), embankment slopes (Fig. 3.3, b), on the right-of-way behind the side ditch (Fig. 3.3, c) or above the roadsides (Fig. 3.3, f). The distance from the edge of the roadway to the edge of the sign closest to it should be from 0.5 to 2 m, and to the edge of signs indicating preliminary directions - from 0.5 to 5 m. On mountain roads, it is allowed to install supports on the side of the road in cramped conditions. In this case, the distance between the edge of the roadway and the edge of the sign closest to it must be at least 1 m (Fig. 3.3, d).

Rice. 3.3. Methods for installing signs on roads outside populated areas

It is recommended to install supports behind the parapet on the side of the slope, build them into parapet blocks, or install them between individual parapet blocks. In areas where beam or cable fences are installed, it is recommended to place sign supports behind the fences on the side of the slope, closer to the fence supports, or fixed directly to the fence supports. It is permitted to install signs on the median strip to duplicate signs located on the right side of the road or above the roadway. On a concave profile dividing strip, supports should be installed closer to the roadway in the direction of travel for which the sign is intended. The edge of the sign should not protrude beyond the fence line (Fig. 3.3, e).

Signs for preliminary indication of directions and distance indicators should be installed on supports located on berms sprinkled to the side of the road (Fig. 3.4, a), slopes of embankments and excavations (Fig. 3.4, b) or on the right-of-way behind the side ditch (Fig. 3.4, c ). In areas where fences are installed, sign supports should be located closer to the fence supports so that the distance between the edge of the sign and the support is at least 0.75 m (Fig. 3.4, d). It is recommended to attach preliminary direction indicators to inclined supports installed next to the roadbed (Fig. 3.4, e) or on the slopes of excavations (Fig. 3.4, f). This design of the supports allows the edge of the sign to be placed at a distance of 0.5 - 1 m from the edge of the roadbed, without installing a fence.

Rice. 3.4. Methods for installing advance direction signs

In areas where supports cannot be installed on an embankment slope or next to the roadbed, it is recommended to place sign boards above the curbs or roadway on L-shaped supports (Fig. 3.4, g). On roads of categories I - II, signs can be installed above the roadway on U-shaped supports or guy wires. The supports of load-bearing structures must be located on the berm at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the edge of the road or the edge of the dividing strip (Fig. 3.4, h, i).

In populated areas, signs should be installed on individual supports (Fig. 3.6, a), on the same column with a traffic light (Fig. 3.6, b), on brackets attached to lighting masts, supports of the contact network of trams and trolleybuses (Fig. 3.6, a , d) or the walls of buildings (Fig. 3.6, e), on guy ropes attached to buildings (Fig. 3.6, f), stretched between the building and a special support or between lighting masts (Fig. 36, g). It is allowed to install signs above signal bollards with artificial lighting (Fig. 3.6, h).

The distance from the bottom edge of the sign (excluding the plate) to the surface of the road surface should be: from 1.5 to 2 m - when installed on the side of the road outside populated areas, from 2 to 4 m - in populated areas; from 5 to 6 m - when placed above the roadway or curb.

Signs must be removed from the lighting network wires by at least 1 m, and from the high voltage network wires by at least 2.5 m (Fig. 36, e). Within the security zone of high-voltage lines, hanging signs on guy wires is prohibited.

Rice. 3.6. Methods of installing signs in populated areas

Signs are placed above the curb (or roadway) in the following cases:
a) in areas where lateral placement of the sign is not possible;
b) when this is the only way to ensure good visibility of the sign;
c) if necessary, regulate traffic in separate lanes;
d) with heavy traffic of large vehicles.

Depending on the relative position of the signs on one support, the order of their location is determined in accordance with Fig. 3.7. It is preferable to place signs horizontally.

Rice. 3.7. The sequence of arrangement of several signs on one support

The order of placing signs of different groups on one support should be as follows: priority signs; warning signs; prescriptive signs; prohibition signs; information and directional signs; service signs. When placing signs of one group on one support, the order of their arrangement is determined by the number of the sign in the group.

Exception. If several signs are installed when entering a one-way road, then signs 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 are located above other signs (Fig. 3.8).

Rice. 3.8. Examples of placing sign 5.7.1 or 5.7.2 on the same support with other signs

Road sign posts can be made of various materials that provide sufficient stability under the influence of the calculated wind load, when washing signs manually and mechanically, and also exclude the possibility of intentional damage to the posts by individuals. For this purpose, stands made of pipes with a diameter of 76 mm are most often used.

The length of road sign posts is determined from the condition that the height of the lower edge of the sign above the surface of the roadway must be at least 2 - 2.5 m plus the amount of penetration of the post into the ground. In this case, the upper edge of the sign should rise 0.15 m above the upper end of the post.