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Road safety signs. Road signs and their designation

An ordinary cross, enclosed in a triangle with a red border, symbolizes a crossroads.

Sign 1.6 “Intersection of equivalent roads” warns of approaching an intersection of equivalent roads. This means that if you have previously been driving along the main road, then at an intersection in front of which there is a sign 1.6, you will have to give way to someone approaching the intersection from the right.

There are situations when sign 1.6 is not installed before the intersection of equivalent roads. This is mainly in courtyards, in inactive alleys or in rural areas. In this case, you must be able to read the intersection, you must understand whether you have the right of way at the intersection or not.

Sometimes it is useful to look at what sign is installed in front of the intersection of the road you are about to cross. This is a kind of hint by which you can determine your priority. If there is a familiar inverted triangle there, then you can drive safely, this is a 2.4 “ ” sign for drivers who will approach the intersection on the right and give way to you.

Well, drivers approaching an equivalent intersection from the left will have to give way to you, since you are an obstacle for them on the right.

Warning sign 1.6 outside populated areas is installed at a distance of 150 - 300 m, in populated areas - at a distance of 50 - 100 m before the start of the dangerous section. If necessary, signs can be installed at a different distance, which in this case is indicated on the sign.

If this information was useful to you, please write about it in the comments. If you have any questions, write, we will definitely try to help you.

  • road sign cross in a triangle
  • intersection of equivalent roads
  • cross sign in a triangle
  • triangle road sign with a cross

The importance of knowing road signs cannot be underestimated, since they provide the driver with comprehensive information related to road traffic.

These information images indicate what is prohibited, what is allowed on a given section of the road, inform and warn the driver about the danger.

They are divided into nine groups:

  1. Warning. As the name suggests, the purpose of these types is to inform about dangers on a section of the road in order for the driver to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of themselves, passengers and pedestrians.
  2. Priority signs. Indicate to drivers the order of passage through narrow road sections and intersections.
  3. Prohibiting. Appropriate movement restrictions are introduced and also lifted.
  4. Prescriptive. Establish mandatory driving conditions on a lane or section of road.
  5. Special instructions. Designed to organize a certain traffic mode, or cancel it.
  6. Additional Information. These are signs used in conjunction with other types, complementing or clarifying the actions of the latter.
  7. Information types.
  8. Identification varieties.
  9. Service.

Below we will look in detail at the “No Parking” type, which is classified as prohibiting, so first we will take a closer look at this broad group.

Prohibiting varieties

Outwardly, it is very simple to distinguish them - a circle with a red border on a white or blue background, which is quite difficult not to notice. This is a very large group that regulates literally all aspects of road traffic, starting from the maximum permissible speed, restrictions on the weight and types of vehicles, and ending with the ban on entry, parking and stopping of cars on various sections of the road.

It is important not only to confidently imagine what prohibitory signs look like and what exactly they prohibit, but also to understand exactly on which sections of the roadway they operate, that is, to imagine the area of ​​effect of the sign. Let's first figure out where the zone of action of the prohibiting species begins.

Regarding the lanes to which it applies, everything is also quite simple - prohibitory signs only apply to one side of the road, where they are installed.

Of course, there are exceptions to any rule. So, for example, the “Parking is prohibited” type of action established at the entrance to the yard does not apply to persons living in the house or working in an organization located here, if a detour is not provided. There are other exceptions related to the action of this sign, which will be discussed below.

This road symbol can be found very often - a blue circle with a red border, crossed diagonally by one red stripe. It is clear that it prohibits parking of vehicles on any day of the week.

But sometimes you can find it prohibiting parking, for example, only on odd days, or even days - on them one or two white stripes (vertical) are drawn inside a crossed out circle. Accordingly, one lane is crossed out - you cannot park a car only on odd days, two - on even days.

However, there are restrictions here too - the ban is valid only until the evening - until 19.00, so in order not to break the rules, before 21.00 the vehicle must be driven to the other side of the road - as a rule, a sign with a reverse restriction is installed on it.

Well, in the period from 19.00 to 21.00 you can park your car in the coverage area of ​​any sign - you will not break the rules. It should also be noted that there are categories of people who can safely ignore the “Parking Prohibited” symbol.

We will not describe in detail the rules for federal postal vehicles, for which this type does not apply - this is not relevant for us. It is much more important that cars of disabled people of groups I and II and persons transporting such disabled people can park under this graphic element without fear.

No parking or stopping sign

This type, so to speak, is closely related to the road sign we described above. The fact is that where stopping is prohibited, parking is also prohibited, but not vice versa.

You can stop in a “No Parking” zone and you won’t be fined. Let's take a brief look at how a parking lot differs from a stop.

There are no difficulties here, since this issue is covered in some detail in the traffic rules. Understanding the differences between parking and stopping is very simple.

Stopping means keeping the car stationary for no more than five minutes; accordingly, if you stand longer, the actions will be qualified as parking the vehicle.

But if at the same time you perform actions related to boarding/disembarking passengers, loading/unloading a car, then regardless of how much time it takes you, you will make a stop, not a parking lot, even if it lasts at least 15 minutes, at least a whole hour.

Externally, “Parking and stopping is prohibited” is very similar to the prohibitory type we described above, only it is no longer one diagonal red stripe on a blue background, but two intersecting stripes.

It also applies only to its own lane. Exceptions to which this symbol does not apply include only route vehicles. Please note that disabled people in their vehicles can no longer stop in the coverage area of ​​this element, unless, of course, a corresponding information sign is installed under it.

Area of ​​operation of the “No parking” sign

In general, its coverage area is the same as that of other prohibitory images, that is, from the installation site to the first intersection, or to the end of the populated area, if no other symbols are installed that remove the restriction.

However, there are nuances:

  • Firstly, the zone can be defined by a yellow broken marking line at the edge of the roadway: as long as it is there, parking is prohibited, and with the end of this line, the sign’s coverage area ends.
  • Secondly, at the beginning of the article it was not for nothing that we briefly mentioned other road types, in particular, signs used in conjunction with other types to clarify the action of the latter.

Thus, the coverage area signs (vertical arrows on a white rectangle), located under the sign, precisely determine its coverage area.

Thus, if under the graphic element “Parking Prohibited” you see an arrow pointing down, this means the end of the sign’s coverage area - it will be possible to leave a vehicle behind it, unless, of course, other traffic rules are violated. If the sign indicates an arrow pointing upward, this means that the coverage area will begin from the location where the sign is installed, but you can also usually see a number indicating the length of the coverage area in meters.

The direction of movement to which the sign applies is also important. A regular blue circle crossed out with a red stripe, like any other prohibiting type, only applies to the side of the road where it is installed. At the same time, remember also about the “Parking Restricted Zone” view, which is a large white rectangle with a “No Parking” sign drawn inside it - it already applies to the entire roadway.

The parking ban is also canceled by the “End of all restrictions zone” pictogram - a white circle with black stripes crossing it out. By the way, there is a similar sign for the above-mentioned “Parking Restriction Zone”.

Penalty for parking a vehicle in a “No Parking” zone

The Code of Administrative Offenses states that ignoring requirements of this type provides for a fine of 1,500 rubles. And if the offense was committed in Moscow or St. Petersburg, then the fine will already amount to 3,000 rubles.

In addition, the car can easily be sent to a penalty area. In order to receive a fine for illegal stopping or parking, by the way, it is not at all necessary to stop in the area covered by the relevant signs.

If you happen to, for example, leave your car closer than five meters to a pedestrian crossing or on it itself, then you will be given the same fines.

Compatibility with other types

We mentioned above that “No parking” can be installed in conjunction with information signs.

They are divided into a couple of groups:

To protect yourself from monetary losses caused by exorbitant fines and costs of “rescuing” a car from a parking lot, do not neglect the parking rules determined by the corresponding information symbols on the road, markings, etc.

After all, failure to comply with these requirements can cause accidents on the road, numerous casualties, and simply create traffic jams that get on your nerves when driving through a densely populated city. Therefore, do not break the rules, leave your car in the parking lot only in permitted places.

Every pedestrian should know the traffic rules and follow them, including motorists. But not everyone knows that they also apply to pedestrians, since they are also road users.

And in the traffic rules there are special signs that are created specifically for pedestrians, so compliance with them is mandatory.

On their way, every pedestrian encounters certain traffic signs. And it is better if he is aware of their meanings, so as not to get into an awkward situation. All road signs for pedestrians are intended, first of all, to inform and warn them while walking along the street.

Information signs


Such a sign informs pedestrians that there is an opportunity to cross the roadway on a specific section of the road. It has a square shape. And the same sign, but triangular in shape, is intended for motorists, who must be extremely careful in this area and allow pedestrians to pass.

According to traffic regulations, such an information sign should be installed near a zebra crossing, a special marking on the road along which pedestrians should move when driving through the roadway.

Underground crossing

Also serves as an information sign. And he informs citizens about the presence of an underground passage, which must be used if necessary to cross the road. It is especially important to teach this sign to children so that they always use the underground passage and not run across the roadway.

Bus stop

Designed to inform citizens that route vehicles are stopping at a given location. This sign must be installed directly at the passenger boarding area. It has a rectangular shape with a picture of a bus inside.

Tram station

The meaning is similar to the previous sign, only it will carry information about the immediate place where the trams stop. It will be easier for pedestrians to find their way if there are such signs on the street.

It is also installed in close proximity to where the vehicle stops. It is very important to explain to young children the rules of behavior in such places, and how dangerous it can be if they suddenly run out onto the roadway.

Mandatory signs


Such a sign, according to the traffic rules, is prescriptive. And it is installed in those places that are areas for pedestrians. That is, there cannot be any type of transport here, including bicycles.

Since pedestrians are full participants in the road traffic, as the traffic rules state, they must follow the general rules of conduct on the road. Namely, stick to the right lane while driving, and not create interference for other citizens.

A designation such as the beginning of a pedestrian zone will look like an image of a person in a circle on a blue background.

Bike Lane

Also a prescriptive designation. In appearance it is similar to the sign about the beginning of a pedestrian path, but instead of a person, there is a picture of a bicycle.

Such a sign will indicate that bicycles and mopeds are allowed in this place. All other types of transport are prohibited here. Pedestrians can also walk on the bike path if there is no sidewalk nearby.

Such designated zones are created in cities specifically for movement on these types of transport. It is definitely worth teaching children to recognize this sign if it is available in the city. Then their cycling in the specified area will be safe.

Prohibition signs

Entry ban

This sign is classified as a prohibition sign. This sign means that further movement through the territory in front of which the sign is placed is not permitted. This applies to any vehicle, including bicycles. If a person on a bicycle needs to overcome a section of the road that is prohibited for transport, they simply need to continue further movement, but as a pedestrian, carrying their bicycle nearby.

This sign is known to everyone as a “brick”, a white rectangle in a circle on a red background. It is worth noting here that all signs that prohibit this or that action are red.

Bicycles are prohibited

A prohibitory sign looks like an image of a bicycle on a white background in a circle with a red frame. Its installation is appropriate in places where riding bicycles may be dangerous. These are usually busy sections of the road. Also, it is worth noting that you cannot ride a bicycle on the highway, even if there is no prohibiting sign there.

Pedestrian traffic is prohibited

In appearance, such a prohibitory sign is an image of a person crossed out with a red line, in a circle on a white background and in a red frame.

Also, they install it in places where, according to traffic regulations, it would be dangerous to move on foot. And this is not just a busy highway or highway. Such a sign can be installed as a temporary designation on certain sections of the road. For example. When road work is carried out, or repair work on house facades is carried out. Areas dangerous for pedestrians must be equipped with appropriate signs. And pedestrians, in turn, must know them and follow the rules.

Let's sum it up

Almost every modern driver has experience driving outside the boundaries of his “home” city. Obviously, in this case completely different rules of conduct on the road begin to apply. It’s not that separate traffic rules are used, but some sections of them have been adjusted in connection with high-speed driving conditions. In particular, every motorist knows that within the city limits it is allowed to drive at a speed of no higher than 60 km/h (and even then not in all areas), while outside it on the highway this limit rises to 90. In order to differentiate These two zones use a “Settlement” road sign, which secretly establishes speed limits for movement. Let’s try to understand further what they are like, where they are installed, the coverage area and legal aspects of their use.

Form and general provisions

If you refer to the current Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, the signs mentioned above can be found in the information and signage category. Their main purpose is to inform drivers, pedestrians and other road users about the location of nearby settlements and other infrastructure facilities. In addition, some of them are used to organize the direction of movement (for example, at intersections, on broadband roads) or its modes (setting priority speed).

A special feature of the signs “Beginning of a settlement” is a combination of informational and indicative qualities, which automatically classifies them as an independent group of special instructions. In the new edition of the traffic rules, information signs are divided into two categories - informational and special instructions. In this context, it turns out that they simultaneously perform two functions:

  1. They inform the driver about the approach to a certain city or town along the direction of the vehicle’s movement or its end.
  2. Separate speed limits are introduced on designated sections of the road.

The group includes three main signs, each of which is paired (one conventionally indicates the beginning of a settlement, and the second its end):

  • the Settlement sign on a white background is numbered in the Traffic Rules as 5.23.1. On the surface of a white rectangular plate you can find the letter name of the city/village itself. It is duplicated by the sign “End of a populated area” (5.24.1), visually repeating the basic 5.23.1, but it has a red line that crosses out the name diagonally;

  • sign “Image of a populated area” 5.23.2 and duplicate 5.24.2. It has the same white background and shape as the previous one, but instead of the name of a specific locality, it contains the contours and outlines of several buildings closely located to each other;

  • the “Settlement” sign on a blue background (serial number in traffic rules 5.25) and its duplicate version (5.26), indicating the end of the special traffic regime coverage area, are in form and content a complete analogue of the first group. The main visual difference is that the sign is blue, and the outline border and name of the locality are white.

As for the sizes of these signs, they are fully regulated by the state standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 52290-2004. It standardizes, first of all, the height of the font used to display the name of the locality. It is selected from the approved range from 75 to 500 mm. This range of sizes is due to the fact that in both the old and new editions of the standard there is a gradation of sizes from small (I) to very large (IV). Accordingly, each of the standard sizes is used in suitable road conditions. For example, smaller letters are applicable within the city limits or on its border, while large ones are forced to be used in highway conditions, where it is necessary to assess the situation in advance.

In addition, during production, one should take into account the fact that the signs of the first and third groups belong to the category of individual design objects. This is due to the fact that each settlement has a different number of letters in its name, which forces us to make a sign of different lengths (with roughly the same height). At the same time, 5.23.2 and 5.24.2 do not belong to this category and their dimensions in height and length have the same ratio for all four categories.

Why are there so many signs?

Many people who are far from automotive affairs, and even drivers, often have a question: why use as many as six road signs to indicate the beginning and end of populated areas instead of two? The question, of course, is logical on the one hand, but in the legal field everything is not obvious. The fact is that the concept of a populated area from the point of view of the Traffic Rules and the same geography, that is, common sense and logic, which guides the majority of those asking, can be very different.

For example, in administrative-territorial terms, the boundaries of a city and a village are tied to geographic coordinates, a cadastral plan, etc. If we completely simplify this issue, then let’s say that the village ends where the border of the last house, fence or vegetable garden is.

At the same time, the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, as well as those of the rest of the world, tie city boundaries to main, regional, and local roads passing directly through or near a populated area. It is this last statement that becomes the reason that in practice as many as three groups of signs are used instead of one, but more on that later.

Signs on white background

Let's consider a situation when a car, moving in a given direction, approaches a city or village along a road that directly crosses it lengthwise from beginning to end, that is, formally crossing the city limits, the car ends up on a section of the road where, by definition, the Rules for the movement of motor vehicles begin to apply in populated areas.

This means the presence of intersections, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc. along the route. Here, of course, you will have to deal with a lot of markings regulating traffic, but the main thing is why a road sign will be installed at the beginning of the city. Settlement on a white background - this is the current maximum maximum limit. speed at 60 km/h. The coverage area of ​​such a sign does not extend, as in most cases, to the section of the road up to the next intersection, but ends exactly where the duplicate sign is located (5.24.1).

Signs on a blue background

If the route passes near a populated area, conditionally not through the center, but away from the main area, then most often a blue sign for the populated area will be installed, and there is no point in limiting the speed from 90 (or 110 for highways) to 60 km/h. It can also be used if the road runs within a city or town. Then an indispensable condition for the operation of highway speed limits should be the presence of bump stops on the roadsides and in the central part separating the directions of vehicle movement. It should also be mentioned that, according to GOST R 52290-2004, if there is a need to install such a sign on a highway, then its background is changed from blue to green.

However, in 2013, a third pair of road signs on a white background were introduced, namely "Dense Development" (5.23.2) and "End Dense Development" (5.24.2). If the first of them is installed after the Settlement road sign on a blue background, then it automatically sets the speed limit to 60 km/h, as in city limits.

international experience

In addition to the fact that motorists have to travel the length and breadth of domestic roads, some of them have the opportunity or need to travel abroad in a personal or corporate car. And here a logical question arises - “are there signs for limiting speed limits in populated areas, like in Russia?” As an example, we can take the experience of the EU country closest to the former USSR - Poland.