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Is it possible to transport a child in the front seat? Is it possible to transport a child in a child seat in the front seat? At what age can you ride in a car seat?

The adoption of a new edition of the Road Traffic Rules (SDR) has given rise to a new wave of controversy: at what age can you ride in the front seat of a car in 2019, which safety equipment is allowed under the new SDR and which are banned, is it possible to put a child seat in the front seat car in 2019 according to traffic rules, etc.

The first thing that needs to be said: transporting children of any age in cars is allowed both in the back and front seats. There is no distinction made between a truck or a passenger car. But for children of different ages, their own rules for transporting children have been established. They did not change in 2019.

At what age can you ride in the front seat?

In 2019, it is allowed to carry a child in a car from the moment of birth; the traffic rules do not contain any restrictions regarding age. In accordance with clause 22.9 of the Rules, in order to transport children, the design of the car must provide for the presence of seat belts, which can be used either separately or in conjunction with the ISOFIX restraint system.

At the same time, seat belts are used not only to secure small passengers (in most cases, belts alone are not enough), but also to secure child seats and child restraints, which change depending on the height and weight of the child. Various types of child restraint systems are described in detail in GOST R 41.44-2005 (UNECE Rules No. 44).

The rules for transporting children in cars change not only depending on the “dimensions” and age of the child, but also on his place in the vehicle. For the rear seats, the rules are not so strict.

Let's look at it in detail in the table.

Thus, children over 12 years old can ride without a seat in the front seat. They must wear seat belts. If the child is short, it is better to use a so-called booster, which will “raise” the child, then the belts will not put pressure on his neck.

What restraints are allowed to be used?

Previously, paragraph 22.9 of the Road Traffic Regulations contained a clause that other means and devices could be used to fasten a child with seat belts. Now it has been excluded, and this paragraph is set out in a new edition. The main requirement for such products is formulated as follows: they must correspond to the weight and age of the child. In this case, the rules refer motorists to the manufacturers' instructions and regulations.

When choosing a device, you must make sure that it has a special certificate of conformity. The regulatory framework in this matter is as follows: the mandatory criteria that child restraints must meet are contained in the TR of the Customs Union 018/2011. In clause 35 of the CU TR, in turn, there is a reference to UNECE rules No. 44-04 (GOST R 41.44-2005). This GOST identifies 5 weight categories and four types of child restraint devices.

The vehicle owner must follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding the age group of children for whom their product is suitable. It is impossible to make an unambiguous conclusion about the prohibition of certain types of restraint systems or devices; in accordance with the traffic rules, they must comply with the requirements; the Rules do not contain direct prohibitions.

What are the regulations regarding airbags?

Lawyers are often asked whether it is possible to place a car seat in the front seat according to traffic regulations in 2019 with active airbags. We answer - the rules do not regulate this issue, so you must follow the recommendations of the manufacturer. And most operating instructions for child car seats prohibit the use of the product in the front seat with an active airbag. However, there may be exceptions; in some cases, the manufacturer allows you to move the seat away from the front panel of the car.

The rationale is as follows: the deployment of airbags can cause serious harm to the health of the child, and additional precautions have already been taken. Therefore, the airbags must be turned off.

Answers to popular questions

At what age can you ride in the front seat without a child seat? Does the law allow it or not?

In short, the traffic rules allow children over 12 years of age to be transported in the front seat of any car without taking any additional precautions other than seat belts.

Is it possible to carry a small passenger on a booster seat?

A booster is one of the types of restraint devices for children. It is intended for older minor passengers, and the design does not provide for the presence of a backrest or internal seat belts. The product is a small seat with armrests that allows you to raise the child so that you can use a standard seat belt.

When deciding whether to use a booster, you should follow the manufacturer's instructions. For example, all boosters are divided into two groups, 2/3 - intended for children weighing from 15 to 36 kilograms and 3 - for children weighing from 22 to 36 kilograms. Taking these indicators into account, the product should be used: for example, a group 3 booster cannot be used to transport children weighing less than 22 kilograms.

At what age can you drive without a child seat in the back seat?

In 2018, the rules for transporting children in a car allow passengers aged 7 to 11 years to be transported without a car seat in the back row of a car using an approved child restraint system or seat belts.

It is worth remembering that transporting a child in the front seat is only possible in certain cases - subject to certain special rules. You will need to carefully read all of them in advance - this is the only way to prevent standard errors that may occur. It is worth noting that failure to comply with the rules for transporting children can cause serious trouble.

General concepts

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The use of a vehicle to transport passengers is carried out most often today. But it is worth remembering that this process has its own characteristics and nuances. You will need to read all of them carefully.

It is important to note that this process has its own characteristics. This applies primarily to children. It is important to remember that the child must be placed appropriately.

Moreover, the fundamental factor for transportation is age, as well as height and weight. There are certain rules for transporting children, especially for those under 12 years of age. In case of violation, a fairly significant fine is imposed - 3 thousand rubles.

Moreover, the same amount of fine will be assigned to all children in the car who are not wearing seat belts. At the moment there are many different features.

It is important to familiarize yourself with all legally defined rules related to the transportation of a child before proceeding with such transportation. This process has certain nuances and subtleties. It is best to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance.

This will allow you to avoid various problematic and difficult situations. First of all, fines. Moreover, it is not allowed to move further until the violation is eliminated.

What it is

Using a vehicle today is associated with certain dangers. And not only for the driver himself and other road users. But also for those who are in the cabin as passengers.

That is why, before starting to move, it is important to make sure that their location is safe. Special belts will be installed inside the car to secure passengers. It is especially important to pay close attention to the child’s restraint.

This procedure is carried out depending on his age as follows:

  1. Using a standard fastening strap.
  2. In the armchair.
  3. Otherwise, there are special restraint devices in the form of chairs.

The fine if the child is not properly accommodated will be about 3 thousand rubles. You need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances and features of the procedure for positioning the child.

It is very important to remember that today there are several different groups of chairs.

The choice in favor of a certain one must be made based on a number of important factors:

  • child's age;
  • his weight;
  • method of location in the car, fastening.

The child's safety depends 100% on the correct positioning of the child inside the car.

In fact, it is possible to divide children transported in a car according to the way they are placed into the following main groups:

  1. Up to 7 years old.
  2. From 7 to 12 years.
  3. More than 12 years.

It is also important to remember that transporting a child on a motor vehicle is strictly prohibited. For such a violation there is also a fairly significant fine.

Who does it apply to?

The issue of the size of the fine and the regime for imposing it is regulated today.

According to this regulatory document, the driver is primarily responsible for the appropriate placement of the child in the car, but he does not necessarily have to be a parent. Accordingly, the traffic police officer will issue a fine to the driver of the vehicle.

Taxi drivers especially need to be careful in this regard. Often they receive fines precisely for the lack of a special seat for transporting children. Passengers themselves, before calling a taxi, should make sure that there will be special equipment for transporting children.

It is worth noting that recently traffic police officers have the right to stop drivers for a routine document check:

  • at stationary posts;
  • on the road - even if there were no violations.

That is why, before carrying out the process of transporting a child, you need to make sure that it is positioned correctly. Another important point is that after 12 years of age it is possible to place a child in the front seat.

Moreover, a chair is not required for this. At the same time, up to this age, the child must be secured in a special chair. Moreover, to place it in the front seat, you must disable the airbag.

The main reason for this is the danger of injury. If this device in a collision saves an adult from more serious injuries than a broken or even broken nose, then a child flying out at a speed of several hundred kilometers per hour can simply be killed by a pillow on the spot.

There are a wide range of strict rules for placing a child in the front seat, even with restraints. It is best to familiarize yourself with all such rules in advance. This is the only way to avoid many difficult and even difficult moments.

Separately, you need to deal with groups of special seats for children - which must be placed in the car to secure the child.

For 2019, all chairs for children are divided into the following main groups:

Group serial number Child's body weight, kg Age, number of years Distinctive points of the holding device
0 from 0 to 10 0-1 When holding the child, a special fastening belt will be used that passes through the middle of the body. The cradle can be used folded - in this case, the fixation is carried out simultaneously with a special three-point belt
0+ from 0 to 13 0-15 in this case, the child must be in a semi-lying position. It is possible to install the seat with its back relative to the movement of the vehicle
1 from 1 to 18 1-4 in such a design, special five-point belts will be used as a fixing device
2 from 15 to 25 3-7 These types of chairs are characterized by the ability to adjust the back height. The chair itself is secured using standard belts.
0 from 22 to 36 7-12 These seats are equipped with a top strap limiter. A backrest release option is also available on this restraint. The need for such an additional function may arise if the child grows out of such a chair.

It is imperative that you figure out the question of at what age a child can ride in the front seat of a car in advance. Since in the future this will allow you to avoid many difficulties, as well as problematic situations. You need to carefully read all the nuances and features.

Because this will prevent many difficulties and problems. Knowledge of legal regulations will allow and compliance will allow you to avoid fines, as well as injuries to the child when transporting him in a car.

At what age can you ride in the front seat?

The driver of a vehicle in a moving vehicle poses a certain danger in itself. Since the vehicle is controlled - a device whose use is associated with movement at high speed. That is why the possibility of an accident is always present.

Even with careful driving. It is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with all the nuances and difficulties of operating a car. And also with the peculiarities of transporting individual groups of passengers.

First of all, this concerns, of course, children. There are a number of important issues that will need to be worked out first. Before you begin transportation in the front or back seat of your own vehicle.

The main questions will include the following:

  • what the law says;
  • what conditions does it have?
  • safety regulations;
  • important aspects;
  • what is regulated.

What the law says

There are special legislative norms that determine the issue of transporting children. It is also important to distinguish that the transportation of children in an organized manner is different from the transportation of a child in one’s own personal vehicle. It is necessary to be guided by certain legislative norms.

Moreover, since 2019, new rules regarding the organized transportation of children have been adopted. Moreover, for the latter, much more significant fines are imposed - than for the absence of a child seat.

There are the following basic rules regarding the transportation of a child by road:

It is important to note that the placement of the child must be in accordance with all rules. Otherwise, there is a high probability of a fine being imposed.

Also, relatively recently, a law was passed according to which it is not allowed to leave a child alone in a car - if the child is 7 years old or less. Otherwise, a serious fine will be imposed.

Also at the local level, amendments to this law were adopted in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In a number of situations, in the event of a violation of this kind, information will be transferred to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. Since this kind of violation can lead to serious injury and even death of the child.

You need to familiarize yourself with all regulatory documents related to the placement of the child in advance. This will avoid many difficulties, as well as quite significant fines.

It is also worth familiarizing yourself with a number of fines that may occur in case of violation of the rules for transporting citizens:

The last point regarding legal entities is determined by a special document - Part 6 of Article No. 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Parents, as well as other drivers involved in transportation, need to consider the question of at what age can you ride in the front seat? Otherwise, certain troubles may arise.

What are the conditions?

Children under 7 years of age must be transported in a car in a special way, in compliance with certain rules.

The main points are the following:

  • children must be transported in a special restraint chair or a special cradle;
  • if this is possible in accordance with the design of the car, special booster restraint devices are used;
  • the use of other means that are designed to secure the child in an appropriate manner.

It is important to familiarize yourself with all the features of placing children. Moreover, it is worth noting that the rules may differ slightly depending on the country in which the movement takes place.

If citizens are planning to travel abroad, then this point needs to be worked out in advance. Since the fines for incorrectly transporting a child outside the Russian Federation are significantly higher.

Also, according to the type of design, devices can be divided into the following main categories:

  1. One-piece car seats - they can also be real bassinets.
  2. One-piece boosters.

Moreover, there is a standard for manufacturing a certain type of chair. For 2019, the standard is . It is worth noting that recently, restraint devices can be used instead of seats again.

But only applies to children whose weight is no more than 15 kg. Otherwise, the use of a chair is strictly necessary. There are simply no alternatives.

Safety regulations

Separately, it is necessary to note the rules that must be followed when transporting a child.

These rules primarily include the following:

In addition to the indicated points, there are also nuances that are not actually addressed in the legislation. If possible, all of them will need to be disassembled. Because otherwise difficulties may arise.

Even without an accident, a child can be injured. Especially when it comes to a newborn. All points should be worked out in advance.

Video: new rules

Important aspects

The important aspects directly related to the use of a child seat will first of all include the following:

  1. The use of the seat is strictly compulsory for all children under 7 years of age.
  2. Once you reach 7 years of age, use of the chair is not required.

What is regulated

All questions regarding the placement of a child in a car are reflected in the traffic rules. Moreover, this regulatory document is edited every year. If possible, you should familiarize yourself with all the innovations in advance.

Since ignorance of regulatory documents does not relieve one from responsibility. It is also important to study the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - since this is the document that regulates the amount of fines that are imposed for violating the rules for transporting children.

Transporting children in cars must be carried out, first of all, in compliance with safety standards and regulations: this is the main concern of parents who take small passengers with them on the road. In 2016, there were a number of changes in the rules for transporting children. We will consider further what innovations have come into force and what every parent needs to know about this issue.

We transport children correctly

Changes to traffic rules that came into force in 2016 are aimed at ensuring the maximum level of safety when transporting children in cars.

To do this, the following simple requirements must be met:

  • It is prohibited to transport children in the back of a car or in a trailer;
  • It is prohibited to transport children in the back seat of a motor vehicle;
  • It is permitted to transport children in the cabin of a passenger car, as well as in the cabin of a truck (in this case, the transportation of children who have not yet reached 6 months of age requires the presence of a car seat, and children under 12 years of age - a car seat).

Carrying children in the front seat of a car: what you need to know

Children can be transported in both the front and rear seats of the car. The main rule to remember: if the child is under 12 years old, a special restraint seat is required to transport him, either in the front or rear seats.

When installing a car seat in the front seat of a car, it is necessary to disable the airbag mechanism - its deployment in the event of an accident will not protect the child, moreover, it can cause additional injuries to him. The front seat must be moved back as much as possible to increase the space between the child and the body of the car.

Please note that from January 1, 2017, further changes to the rules for transporting children should come into force. Thus, it is planned to allow children under seven years of age to be transported in a car seat exclusively in the back seat.

When deciding to transport a child in the front seat of a vehicle, even using a car seat, you must remember that the seat next to the driver is not always safe not only for children, but also for adults. In addition, children can react very emotionally to the movement and speed of other cars, which is also not always good. These factors speak in favor of children riding in the back seat of a car.

What should a child car seat be like?

A child car seat must be appropriate for the child’s age and height and ensure safety during movement. The child should be comfortable in the car seat: he is secured with seat belts (with soft pads), which should be across the chest and pelvic bones (belts on the stomach and neck can harm the child during sudden braking or in the event of an accident). Other mandatory requirements include the presence of enhanced side protection and an adjustable headrest in the car seat.

The choice of a car seat must be approached as responsibly as possible - after all, the life and health of the child may directly depend on it.

Based on the age and weight of the child, car seats are divided into appropriate groups:

  • from 0 to 6 months (0-10 kg). To transport children less than six months old and weighing up to 10 kilograms, it is necessary to have an infant carrier, which is installed in the back seat of the car and secured with seat belts. It must be installed perpendicular to the movement of the car. Inside the car seat, the child is also secured with restraint straps;

  • from 0 to one year (0-13 kg). A child under one year old, whose weight does not exceed 13 kilograms, will be suitable for a similar infant carrier equipped with five-point internal seat belts;
  • from 1 year to 4 years (9-18 kg). A child up to four years old, whose weight ranges from 9 to 18 kilograms, will benefit from a car seat with an adjustable backrest and internal seat belts. This car seat is installed in the direction of travel of the car;
  • from 4 to 7 years (15-25 kg). A child under seven years old, whose weight ranges from 15 to 25 kilograms, will need a seat with regular, rather than internal, belts. Some seats for this category of children have a certain angle of inclination;
  • From 7 to 12 years (22-36 kg). A child from 7 to 12 years old, whose weight is from 22 to 36 kilograms, and whose height is above 130-135 centimeters, is suitable for a seat without a backrest, but equipped with armrests and guides for a seat belt.

Please note that such a seat (also called a booster) does not replace a full-fledged car seat in terms of safety. In addition, from January 1, 2017, a ban on the use of any other structures other than car seats for transporting children under 12 years of age should come into force.

These are general groups, but it is necessary to choose a car seat, taking into account the characteristics of each individual child. For example, some children 10-11 years old have a height of more than 150 centimeters and a weight at which it will no longer be comfortable in a car seat - in this case, the use of standard seat belts is allowed.

When choosing a car seat, give preference to one that has a backrest that is adjustable in height and width, and whose upholstery is well ventilated or removable (so that the child does not get too hot). Also, before purchasing, make sure that the car seat fits the car and that the child is really comfortable in it.

Responsibility for failure to comply with the rules for transporting children

In addition to the safety considerations that parents should follow when transporting children in a car, legal provisions provide for liability for failure to comply with the approved rules. The absence of a child safety device when transporting children can result in a fine of 3,000 rubles. The same amount will have to be paid for improper use of this device.

This means:

  • the car seat does not match the age or weight of the child;
  • incorrect installation of the car seat in the car, unreliable fastening;
  • use of damaged car seats;
  • the car seat does not comply with safety standards.

Before each trip, check that the car seat is in good working order and that it is securely fastened. Remember that transporting children in compliance with all rules and requirements is the key to their safety. According to statistics, the use of car seats reduces the likelihood of children being injured in accidents several times.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

With the increasing motorization of cities, parents more often began to think about the safety of their child and purchasing a car seat for the child.

At what months do you need to transport your baby in a car seat?

The current Traffic Rules stipulate that a child under the age of twelve must be transported using a restraint device. Moreover, this rule applies to cars standardly equipped with seat belts. From the above, we can conclude that the child should be in a chair from birth.

Until what age can children be transported in a car seat?

The rules stipulate that a child must be transported under twelve years of age with a restraint device. It is worth paying attention to the fact that a restraint device does not necessarily mean a car seat. Firstly, children come in different heights and different builds, so not everyone will be able to fit into a car seat up to the designated age.

A car seat is necessary until the child is small. In addition, there are different categories of car seats: from birth to three years, from three to seven, and so on, depending on the child’s weight. Secondly, in addition to the chair, there are so-called boosters, which are a seat with armrests, but without a back, like a chair. In this case, the child is secured with a simple car seat belt.

What kind of chairs are there and which one to choose?

The most reliable seats are considered to be the ones with, almost all modern cars are equipped with them. Between the seat and the back of the car seat there are two metal loops that are securely attached to the car body. The child seat, in turn, is attached to them with special hooks built into the platform. Thanks to this design, it holds tightly and stays motionless without the need to use a car seat belt. The price for such models, as a rule, bites.

There are also models that are fastened with a car belt, and they can be divided into several types: where the belt is simply threaded in the required places and where the belt is threaded and fixed with clips.

In the first case, having threaded the belt into the chair, it does not fix it, since the belt is in a free state, and is fixed only if it is pulled sharply. Such a chair will dangle and in the event of a collision may move from its place, which is unsafe.

Second option It is also fastened with a regular belt, but at the same time it is fixed in the chair itself with special fasteners, preventing the belt from lengthening and moving the chair. Such chairs are more preferable.

It’s worth choosing from financial possibilities, but you shouldn’t count on safety in a cheap product. Our article will help you finally decide on the choice of a child car seat.

How to seat and buckle a child in a car seat

How to transport newborns in a car seat? Any chair must be accompanied by instructions for use and installation. There are two ways to install a car seat: facing or facing the direction of travel. The second case is suitable for newborns, but is prohibited when using active airbags, since in the event of an impact the airbag may shoot out and crush the child.

As a standard, the chair is placed facing the direction of travel in a sitting position. Chairs for the first category are usually tilted so that the baby can sleep on the road.

For greater safety, it is recommended to install the seat in the rear seat, but the law does not prohibit installation in the front if the restraint system is appropriate for the age and parameters of the child. The safest installation location is the center of the rear seat of the car; in the event of an impact, the passenger will be at a safe distance from different parts of the body.

How to restrain a child? Initially, the child is fastened with the belts of the car seat itself, which have five attachment points and securely hold the baby. In more “adult” seats, the child is fastened with the car seat belts as long as possible. Next, you can use the car’s standard belt, which will secure the child with the seat.

There are additional protective adapters for the seat belt, which are attached to the seat of the child and make the belt less traumatic and not putting pressure on the child’s neck.

What to do if the child does not sit in a car seat

Every second parent asks the question: how to teach a child to sit in a car seat? Firstly, this is unlikely to happen from birth, because the child cannot yet be seated, and not every child will just sit and watch what is happening. You can start teaching at least six months, or better yet, a year; by this time, many children are already starting to walk and sit up.

Secondly, you can start by bringing the chair home and letting your child get used to it. Then, sit him down for a while and at that moment distract him with some unusual toy or favorite cartoon, you can show him pictures in a book or read it together. In other words, you need to create conditions for the child so that he associates the chair with something good.

When the child adapts a little, you can begin to sit him in the seat installed in the car. At this moment, you can turn on good music or show something on your phone, hang a toy, etc. It is better if one of the parents sits in the back seat with him.

Do not forget that the first independent trip for a child is stressful, and how he remembers it is how he will feel about it. It is advisable to always create a favorable environment for him during the trip.

Fine for transporting a child without a car seat

For transporting a child under twelve years of age without a restraint device, the administrative code provides for a fine of three thousand Russian rubles.

You should not neglect the safety of the child and save on it; you must, within your capabilities, try to protect your child as much as possible from a possible set of circumstances. A fine should not be a measure of responsibility, but a person’s consciousness!

Watch also the video with the rules for transporting children in a car seat:

In 2017, new requirements regarding the transportation of children in transport were introduced.

We will tell you what innovations came into force in April 2017 and are in effect until today 2019, and we will also determine which seats can now be used and where it is better to install them, because the driver faces a fine for incorrectly installing a car seat.

How children are transported in a car - requirements for transporting children in 2019

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation number 1177, approved on December 17, 2013, new rules and requirements for the transportation of children have been introduced.

These changes came into effect from July 1, 2017. In 2019 Responsibility includes the following:

  1. Children are allowed to be transported in the cabin/cabin of passenger vehicles or trucks.
  2. There must be documentation for each adult accompanying a group of children. For example, the driver, the medical worker and the manager responsible for organizing the trip.
  3. A charter agreement is required.
  4. There should also be a list of products that are necessary for children. You should also take snacks and bottled water with you.
  5. Carrying children in the back or trailer is strictly prohibited.
  6. The driver and all other persons responsible for the trip must observe safety precautions when transporting children.
  7. Children are prohibited from riding in the back seat of motor vehicles.
  8. If there are more than 8 people in a group, they should be transported by bus.
  9. Children over 12 years old can be transported in the front seat.
  10. Children whose height is above 150 cm and age over 7 years can ride without seats, but with seat belts fastened.
  11. You can replace the car seat with a booster pillow or a triangle adapter. Some sources write that boosters and adapters are prohibited. However, it is not. They still remain relevant for children under 7 years of age.
  12. There should be a special car seat for babies. Children are less than six months old. If you are older, you will need to purchase a car seat.
  13. The car seat must be installed in the rear seat, in a perpendicular position. It should be secured with seat belts.
  14. It is forbidden to carry children in your arms!

There will be one more innovation, but it does not concern transportation. Now preschool children will not be allowed to be left alone in a car parked anywhere.

Carrying a child in the front seat - is it possible and where is the best place to install a child car seat?

Most motorists find it difficult to answer the question of how to properly install a car seat or cradle for further transportation of a child.

According to the new rules, the driver must take into account not only age, but also height small passenger to determine where he needs to be transported.

Carrying a child in the front seat is not prohibited. The new rules do not indicate the age at which children can be transported in front. But, if the child is under 12 years old, he must be transported only in a child restraint- and nothing else!

Important: if the car seat is installed in front, the driver must disable airbag, which can harm a child if a car collides.

If the child is over 12 years old and taller than 150 cm, then he can be transported in front, but be sure to The airbag must be activated.

A car seat is not required here, but the child must be fastened with seat belts.

It is better to install a child car seat in the back seat, preferably in the middle.

A car seat or booster must be installed for each child transported and secured with seat belts.

The cradle should be installed at the rear, perpendicular to: