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New rating system: what has changed? Valve introduces Seasonal Ranking When the new Dota 2 ranking system comes out.

This question was answered by a user on the Reddit forum under the nickname Hashmouse, which he himself was able to compose approximate rating / rank table in the new season of Dota 2. The topic itself has become very popular, as everyone is discussing new ranked season in dota. Users share their rating recalibration results, so it was easy for the user to put everything together and create a table.

Let's answer the most popular question What are the percentages of ranks in Dota 2"? This is your rank progress, that is, it shows how much is left before receiving a new rank (skill level).

How much MMR do you need to rank up in Dota2?

This is a new rank that is given to players from 6000 mmr rating.


  • Deity 5- 5780 *approx.
  • Deity 4-5650
  • Deity 3- 5500
  • Deity 2- 5350 * approx.
  • Deity 1- 5100

Changes from last season by 50 points more.


  • Lord 5- 4950
  • Lord 4- 4800
  • Lord 3- 4650
  • Lord 2- 4400
  • Lord 1- 4250

Similar to the previous rank, players need 50 more MMR to rank up.


  • Legend 5- 4050
  • Legend 4- 3900
  • Legend 3- 3750
  • Legend 2- 3550
  • Legend 1- 3350

Legend rank indicators have not changed at all when compared to last season.


  • Hero 5 - 3200
  • Hero 4 - 3050
  • Hero 3 - 2950
  • Hero 2 - 2800
  • Hero 1 - 2650

The Hero rank has changed a lot, as his average has gone up by a whopping 100 mmr, up over 100 points.


  • Knight 5 - 2400
  • Knight 4 - 2200
  • Knight 3 - 2050
  • Knight 2 - 1900
  • Knight 1 - 1750

Knight has also been raised by 70 points compared to the previous season.


  • Guardian 5 - 1500
  • Guardian 4 - 1350
  • Guardian 3 - 1200
  • Guardian 2 - 1050
  • Guardian 1 - 900

And here they raised the minimum wage, before there was a threshold of 840.
Well, the favorite rank of all pro-players.


  • Recruit 5 – 750
  • Recruit 4 – 600
  • Recruit 3 – 450
  • Recruit 2 - 300
  • Recruit 1 - 0-150

I would like to note that there is a general increase in MMR in DotA up to the required rank. Of course, the average rating indicators have changed a lot, since many people want their level to rise only. And the developers also removed the ranks without stars (that is, zero), thus, in order to replace them, it was necessary to raise the value of the ratings in the system a little.
And how was your calibration, dear readers?

0 0 1 0 2

We waited! No more transfers and delayed announcements. The client has already started a new rating season with divisions and medals. We’ll tell you how it differs from the previous system and whether it can solve at least some matchmaking problems.

As it was before

The rating system appeared in December 2013. Now the skill of users was marked not only by the number of victories, but also by the number in the profile, which could be increased by playing in ranked matches. From that moment on, the race for points began.

Over the past three years, the system has had many problems. First of all, these are boosters that offered to buy accounts with a certain MMR for money or give them access to your profile for boosting. Everyone suffered because of this: at medium and high MMR there were players who fell short of them in terms of personal skill, and at low levels, users suffered from ruthless boosters that destroy all interest in the game.

At this time, pro-players and other skilled guys who got to 8-9 thousand points were forced to wait for hours for a rating match. The developers tried to “tweak” the selection system, but each time they faced a new portion of criticism: either the spread of MMR is too large, or the geography of regions is not taken into account, or again it became too long to wait. As a result, esportsmen started second accounts and went to play at low MMR, which could hardly suit its natural inhabitants.

Add to that the players who dropped out of ranked matches after hitting the big mark. Those who during one patch just spammed a strong hero for the sake of numbers. As well as the guys who abandoned the game for several months, and then returned, obviously losing in skill, but without changing the rating. All this turned MMR into not the most significant figure. And the group rating has completely become an unnecessary appendage for the lucky ones who have found friends.

There were plenty of reasons to change. And Valve tried to take the first step into a brighter future.

How the system works now

Instead of numbers, player profiles display divisions and medals. There are seven leagues in total: Herald, Guardian, Crusader, Archon, Legend, Ancient and Divine. Each of them has five levels-medals that reflect the player's progress through the rating system.

But the main change is the need to go through calibration every six months in 10 matches. Initially, the system will take into account the current level of the player, but by the final game, it must assign it to the appropriate category. Calibration games in the first season are based on the MMR of users, and the developers initially even forgot to remove the average player level indicator at the start of the match.

Instead of average MMR and numbers, the player's profile displays his division and medal. Once you have reached a high mark - and even if a streak of failure awaits you further, a high-rank badge will flaunt next to your name. No more depressing and decreasing numbers, from the look of which you no longer want to play. But if you want to follow the progress, in the statistics section, there are still numbers in the upper right corner. And yes, after calibration, they will most likely become smaller than usual.

Group rating is no longer just an extra number. Now wins and losses in the team will be taken into account in your personal rank. You can play with friends and continue to gain stars, and not accumulate an uninteresting number in your profile. True, group games will have less influence than individual games. And after reaching the Ancient level, team victories will no longer affect promotion at all. Further - only in solo.

The leaderboard, which was formed from the top 200 players in each region, will now work differently. All users who have reached the fifth medal of the Divine division will be able to get into it. In addition to a medal and a picture with a rapier, a line in the world ranking is displayed in their profile.

What will it affect?

Now players will not chase numbers, but pictures. The developers, as always, did not share the details, whether something has changed in the "innards" of the system. So far, it looks like the same rating, only with medals instead of round numbers or significant marks.

It is assumed that now the importance of boosting for players will drop significantly. Like, why buy an account upgrade if in a few months you will again have to calibrate on an equal basis with everyone else? But how many will be willing to help you in this calibration! Naturally, for a fee. And again, players will be a couple of levels higher, turning the start of the season into another gaming punishment.

But the new rating system, like any novelty, will attract newcomers and can return those who have abandoned the game. Especially those users who are stuck at a certain digital mark and stop seeing progress. In the hope of changes, they can return to to start their rating life anew. And so every six months, until they notice a catch ...

But no matter how attractive the brave new world with medals and titles may seem, players recommend postponing the calibration. First, Valve has already released several updates that fix minor bugs. Secondly, it is worth waiting a couple of days to understand what factors during the calibration matches affect your future status. Yes, there will be tons of “abusers” with this data, but it will be a bit of a shame to be a “herald” just because you played wardones supports, and the rating is based on your KDA or amount of damage to enemies. In addition, you can track what rating players of different levels receive, so that in which case you do not despair in advance. All of a sudden, they will initially initiate everyone into the "crusaders", no matter how hard you try.

Professional players note that such an updated rating system, even without specific numbers, is a great chance for young and talented guys. It will be easier to break into the top lines of the ranking, and medals will show your current achievements, and not past achievements, so it is now easier to spot a newcomer in the world top.

And viewers will now be able to enjoy dozens of broadcasts of pro-players and streamers who will take new heights. Already, those who have not launched them for months have returned to the streams. Perhaps it will be a little more interesting and exciting than +/-25. For example, Arthur Arteezy Babaev, who decides to take Divine in one stream at all costs.

What is missing from the new system?

Specifics. What has changed, except for the appearance of a beautiful profile picture? Will rivals and allies know your current rating or only the maximum for the season? How will the new medal system affect matchmaking in the rankings? So far, players have only learned about divisions, and everything else will again have to be figured out empirically. If there is something to find out.

Seasonal rewards. A medal is, of course, good and pleasant. But it's not even chocolate. Moreover, you may not like this picture and there will be absolutely nothing to rejoice at. Why not give players a little more motivation than an asterisk on their profile? Chest, set, ticket to the Battle Cup (if they continue to exist). Some kind of reward that will be tangible at least in the inventory.

Changes in the punishment system. “It's not about MMR, it's about people,” the players said when Valve first announced the change in the rating system. Will there be fewer ruiners and angry guys from the fact that they see not a number, but a picture? Definitely not. It's just that instead of "2k MMR trash" they will now call each other "damn heralds". And feed mid again, because they won't get anything for it.

Search by roles. The oldest request from players in any ranking. When you once again play with a pick, as if Na "Vi randomly randomized him on Midas Mode, where instead of support a roaming Slark runs around the map, you will not want to play, even if you are given all the medals in the world. It is almost impossible to agree on the distribution of roles at the planning stage, so why not do it before hitting the search button?

Among the large number of new items that offers Battle Pass, the ability to recalibrate the rating is perhaps the most long-awaited of them. Now you can play Seasonal rating against other owners Battle Passes, and at the end of the season, you will have the choice to keep your old rating or replace it with a new one. This opportunity is the first step in the right direction in addressing issues that the community Dota 2 rendered on public display related to the rating system.

Rating reliability

There are several matchmaking rating issues that are the same across all games WithElo rating. Firstly, your rating is only an estimate of your current strength at the moment, so deviations may appear over time. You can be a player who is able to go up and down 1000 MMR points, or being one of those stuck at the same level of play over time.

There are theories that the new Seasonal rating uses your "hiddenrating". Some players with a high number of losses in ten calibration matches received Seasonal rating higher than their previous standard rating. Another theory says that there is a third "hidden"rating, which is generated based on your ranked and regular matches. In any case, your Seasonal rating will not start from scratch, but build on the history of your previous matches to create a solid and accurate starting point.

Over 9000 MMR

In addition, your rating is less reliable if you haven't played for a long time. IN Dota 2 the meta is volatile, which means your understanding of the game may deteriorate, and then you may need more time to restore muscle memory As in other sports, players in Dota 2 may lose their shape. Those 3,000 ratings that you had before was a measure of your ability to play at that particular moment. Three months later, these figures may no longer be relevant, because
meta in Dota 2 changing at an astonishing rate.

“If you have always been on the same rating, then your level of play is only getting worse.” (c) Aristotle

Time factor is the basis for understanding the new rating system. Without any sign of a decline in the level of the game, the rating will increase over time. Is not « zero system", where behind each +25 MMR points follow -25 MMR points. It's like inflation in the economy: the consumer needs to raise wages so that he can afford the living wage (the price of which always rises). So in Dota 2: if your rating is growing, then you are coping with "inflation", and vice versa.

Therefore, the rise to the top of the rating is classified as a complex and tedious routine. You have to be not only a skilled player, but also have the patience to play game after game. Today's 9 thousand MMR points are last year's 8 thousand MMR points.

Some of the company's games have approached this problem by inventing seasons where, after a certain period of time, each player starts over on a fresh slate. IN Heartstone ladder is updated every month. IN Starcraft 2 about 2 times every 3 months.

valve decided to test the idea with seasons by releasing Seasonal rating, allowing players to recalibrate and giving the right to leave a new rating to replace the old one.


Beyond the complexities of the ranking system , it is also important how the community Dota 2 reacts to this. This system Dota 2 has been unchanged since its release. There were no Seasonal rankings. He was constant. This resulted in a fear of playing when you started a new match, spent another hour of your time on it, receiving either +25, or -25 MMR points. No growth.

Seasonal rating became the so-called “reset” - no one will be able to calibrate above five thousand MMR points, including professionals who will start their climb on the ladder on an equal footing with everyone else. valve continue to experiment with matchmaking, first eliminating All Pick from the list of available mods, and then adding to it hero ban phase. The introduction of seasons into the ranking system will be just a welcome addition.

Seasonal rating important for the game, which is already divided into seasons. Calendar Dota 2 divided into 4 parts: 3 Major tournament And The International. Each of the parts is marked with a large patch. They make Dota 2 fresh, while the rating system continues to stagnate. Even if next season your new rating will be the same as now, this is not a reason to be upset: you have gained experience, and this is the key to future growth.

Update: Start of the season in January 2019!

How to get the maximum rank in the new season?

Your results will determine the rank with which you will start the new season in Dota 2. Having performed well in calibration games, you can significantly increase your rank and get a new medal. To get the maximum rank, you need to win all 10 qualifying games. The previous season's medal will be saved in the profile next to the new medal.

Why are seasons needed in Dota 2?

  • The new season is a great opportunity to prove themselves (from scratch) and achieve better results, because all players will start with a re-calibration. Having calibrated in the third season of Dota 2, you will have only one direction - forward for new ranks.

When is the new season in Dota 2?

  • December 7, 2018 will be exactly 6 months old, which means that the new season will start around this date. Valve often delays the release of a new season in Dota, which means that you can expect the start of the season closer to the new year!

How many seasons have there been in Dota 2?

  • At the moment there is a 2nd season. The new one will be 3rd in a row! The highest rating in the second season is 9890 MMR, this result is a professional player mid one.

We figured out what has changed in MMR games and how it will affect the gameplay in the next six months.


Now your Dota 2 level is shown by numbers instead of special icons. Seven different divisions, from Herald to Divine, include five levels each. It was decided to bring the system closer to Counter-Strike, and doters tired of matchmaking even rejoiced at such changes (although CS:GO players, on the contrary, often expressed their desire to switch to a digital analog of the rating).

However, in our case, Valve simply hid the rating value in the Statistics section. That is, in fact, the numbers have remained, and it is on them that the players will continue to focus, given the misunderstanding of the division system. Of course, having the highest score badge of the season and a place in the ranking for Divine holders will add to the aesthetic beauty of the game, but, in fact, nothing will change in the mechanics of matchmaking.

Herald Guardian Crusader Archon Legend Ancient Divine
0 0 840 1680 2520 3360 4200 5040
I 140 980 1820 2660 3500 4340 5180
II 280 1120 1960 2800 3640 4480 5320
III 420 1260 2100 2940 3780 4620 5460
IV 560 1400 2240 3080 3920 4760 5600
V 700 1540 2380 3220 4060 4900 5740

If it is correct, then it is clear that the developers did not bother much with the division of divisions - all seven are distinguished by 840 rating points, and 5000 and 8000 MMR now do not distinguish anything. Except, of course, the rankings.

It is curious that a survey of players (more than 500 respondents) on Reddit shows a slightly different situation - sometimes people with different ratings have the same rank, and vice versa, at 3000 MMR you can find both Legend and Herald. However, the vast majority of respondents confirm the table above with their results. What causes such serious deviations is not yet clear.

However, it was much more interesting to understand the essence of regular recalibration, which was supposed to help get out of the usual rating.


Alas, for most players, it brought only disappointment. No matter how hard you try, in most cases you will get a rating that differs from the initial one by 100-200 points - that is, what you could gain or lose in 10 regular matches on MMR.

Let's look at another table:

205 respondents told how they went through the calibration and what has changed in their game. So, let's try to figure it out. The closer the dots in the form of geometric figures are closer to the black line, the less the change in the rating - as we see, in the vast majority of cases it is minimal, which proves our thesis from the previous paragraph. Interestingly, most of the points are located above the line; this means that the new ranking indicators are generally slightly lower than the previous indicators.

But pro-players lost several thousand ratings: for example, Suma1L was very surprised by the result of his new calibration.

In general, the top results will now remain in history:

  • Fnatic.Abed - 10,025;
  • Secret.MidOne - 10,015;
  • VP.RAMZES666 - 10011;
  • EG. Arteezy - 10 010;
  • VG.Paparazi - 9 875;
  • SmAsH - 9 766;
  • Saksa-9 620;
  • Immortals.Forev - 9373;
  • Liquid.MATUMBAMAN - 9373;
  • NewBee.Kaka - 9361.

Eg, RAMZES666 received a little less than 7000 MMR as a result of the new calibration, and the leader of the new table became Miracle with an indicator of only 7200 rating.

More and more users are disappointed in the new system. Firstly, the game search mechanism has not been changed much - and group games only increase the possibility of abuse. We did not see any search by roles, or additional measures to improve matchmaking (at least the developers did not report about them).

The seasons turned out to be not what users expected - they depend too much on the previous results of the player, and the replacement of the numerical rating with divisions has not yet found unequivocal support.

In addition, skepticism was added by bugs at the start of the season and calibration problems. A common mistake - until the end of the calibration, the profile displays Herald. Some players unexpectedly got too low a rating, and the qualifiers also raise questions.