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Pilyugin leaves. The head of the Kostroma Ministry of Internal Affairs, who left after the scandal, found a replacement

Rumors that Pilyugin was moving to our city had been circulating among the Ryazan policemen for a long time. For some reason, few of them believed that acting. chief Igor Semiokhin will become a full-fledged leader.

But, strictly speaking, Pilyugin does not move to our city, but ... returns. After all, a few years ago, Nikolai Nikolayevich valiantly worked for the benefit of the people of Ryazan, heading the Moscow District Department of Internal Affairs. Remembering Pilyugin of those years, colleagues speak of him only on the positive side.

Adequate, competent man, - says one employee of the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Ryazan Region about Colonel Pilyugin. “I never heard anything bad about him. Powerful, thorough ... He did the work without shouting and fuss. I don’t know what happened to him in Kostroma ... We ourselves read on the net and are surprised.

And to be surprised, indeed, there is something. On Internet forums in Kostroma, there is only talk about the corruption cases of Colonel Pilyugin. Say, Nikolai Nikolaevich took over the entire gambling business of the region.

The fact is that in the Kostroma region gaming clubs were banned a year earlier than throughout Russia, - says Aleksey Emelyanov, editor-in-chief of the local newspaper "My City - Kostroma". - Machine guns of underground clubs were confiscated and transferred for storage to a special warehouse of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As it turned out later, for a certain fee, on the orders of allegedly Pilyugin, the machines were transferred either to their owners or to those who wanted to engage in the gambling business.

- Can you say something good about him? For example, the Ryazan policemen remember him only with a kind word.

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This rule worked with him and with our former governor. I can’t say anything good about him, the policemen I know only spit at the mention of him. Unfortunately, there are people who are hard to find something good.

The corruption scandal gained such momentum that many federal media became interested in the topic, including the Vesti - Duty Department program. But a journalistic investigation is one thing, and an internal audit is another. A special commission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the investigating authorities did not find signs of a crime in the activities of Nikolai Pilyugin.

Nikolai Nikolaevich is a very literate man, - talks about his former leader Head of the Press Service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kostroma Region Valery Vekhov. - He is a good boss and a great person. All the attacks that were on him were the usual "order". We wanted to sue all these TV channels, "Duty Part", but the ministry forbade us.

By the way, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" called the Kostroma police three months ago to confirm or deny rumors about a possible transfer of Pilyugin to Ryazan, but Nikolai Nikolayevich's subordinates did not believe in such a prospect.

You know, we are service people, wherever they send us, we will go there, - continues Valery Vladimirovich. - But no one will let Colonel Pilyugin go (laughs - ed.). We need such professionals.

But whether the Kostroma law enforcement officers did not keep one of their bosses, or whether the Ryazan police officers need such professionals is not known. The fact remains - Colonel Nikolai Pilyugin became the head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Ryazan region.

Auditor's "cases"

How did the new head of the KRU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Pilyugin become famous?

According to the correspondent of The Moscow Post, a new head of the control and auditing department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been appointed. They became police general Nikolai Pilyugin. Pilyugin headed the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Ryazan region for quite a long time, at the time when it was headed by Igor Slyunyaev-Albin, who later moved to St. Petersburg to the post of vice-governor.

But it's not even about Slyunyaev. The appointment of a person like Nikolai Pilyugin as the chief police auditor caused bewilderment even in law enforcement circles. Too many scandalous stories happened when Pilyugin was the head of the Ryazan Ministry of Internal Affairs.

game boss

At the end of the 2000s, the Ryazan region was deeply involved in scandals around illegal gambling casinos, the fight against which became widespread at that time. More precisely, almost ubiquitous. This campaign somehow did not spread to the Ryazan region.

Having somewhat modified their work, gaming clubs continued to flourish. Just by going illegal. Under the watchful eye of law enforcement agencies and their moral and physical support.

In 2010, a corruption scandal erupted in the Kostroma police department. 113 slot machines confiscated from the owners of underground casinos disappeared from the guarded warehouse of the Department of Internal Affairs.

Colonel of militia Vladimir Busygin appeared in the dock, who testified in court that he received the order to hand over the equipment from the deputy head of the regional police department, Colonel Nikolai Pilyugin.

Busygin submitted to the investigation a recording of a conversation with businessman Yan Kucherovsky, who testified that in order to return the seized slot machines, he gave Pilyugin a bribe of 700 thousand rubles through an intermediary.

If such a scandal had happened in the capital, policeman Pilyugin, who fell under suspicion, would certainly have been removed from his post - for the duration of the check, so that he could not put pressure on the specialists who carry it out.

However, for some reason an exception was made for the Kostroma colonel. At the time of the check, he was not only not suspended from work, but even promoted: in the absence of General Vasily Kukushkin, Colonel Pilyugin repeatedly acted as head of the regional police department.

Is it any wonder that the inspection of the internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not see the corpus delicti in the actions of Colonel Pilyugin.

And after Pilyugin put on (quite legally!) General's epaulettes. And the money in the basement casinos continued to flow like a stormy river. Leaving someone without pants, and enriching someone to incredible proportions.

At the same time, every resident of the Ryazan region knew where and under what guise such establishments were hiding. And more than once this was signaled to the police. Only here, under all sorts of signs, casinos, as they say, cut coupons.

So the casinos were exposed to the public

The topic of corruption of local authorities and the police in protecting underground gaming clubs and casinos came to the federal level after one of the central television companies made a story about this.

And evil tongues continue to associate the unprecedented prosperity of the gambling business with the name of the crystal-clearly honest and decent Colonel Pilyugin.

Judging by the materials of the preliminary investigation, the modest police colonel, who, judging by official declarations, has an annual income of just over 900 thousand rubles, in fact turns out to be a very wealthy gentleman.

Housing issue does not spoil?

According to federal media, the Pilyugin family, consisting of four people, owns three well-appointed apartments in Ryazan and a luxurious cottage of about 200 square meters in the elite village of Sergeevka in the Ryazan region.

One of Pilyugin's houses

Still, at the disposal of Pilyugin and his family (this is his wife and two daughters) there are two apartments in an elite building in Ryazan. According to the most rough estimates of realtors, the value of the property of Colonel Pilyugin, his wife and two daughters is at least 50 million rubles.

Pilyugin's apartments are located here

However, this did not stop 10 years ago to ask the mayor's office of Ryazan to give him, Pilyugin, a separate apartment. The mayor's office simply could not do this, given that Pilyugin and his family are more than provided with their own housing.

But ... the Ryazan officials, apparently covered the head. Pilyugin's apartment was allocated, and not for social employment, that is, temporarily, but with the right to further privatization! When the apartment was privatized in such a miraculous way, he sells it at a bargain price ... to the then mayor of Ryazan, Vadim Bloshchitsyn.

And now such a police rank moves to Moscow and becomes the chief auditor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs! As they say, Pilyugin is actively lobbied by the head of the ministry's own security department, General Alexander Makarov.

He and Pilyugin served together in Ryazan for a long time: Makarov as head of the Department of Internal Security, Pilyugin as head of one of the regional police departments.

Makarov is said to be very close to Minister Kolokoltsev. And, using this, he strengthens his position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. With such a sophisticated and resourceful person as Pilyugin, this will be much easier to do.

Major General of the Internal Service Pilyugin Nikolai Nikolaevich was born on July 18, 1969 in the city of Ryazan. In 1987-1989 he served in the Armed Forces. In 1998 he graduated from the Ryazan Institute of Law and Economics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with a degree in jurisprudence.
In 1990, he entered the service of a police officer of the patrol service department at the department of internal affairs of the Zheleznodorozhny district executive committee of the city of Ryazan. From 1993 to 2000, he served in various units of the criminal investigation department of the criminal police of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ryazan region.
In 2000, he was appointed to the position of deputy head of the regional department of internal affairs of the Moscow district of the city of Ryazan.
In 2001, he was appointed to the post of head of the regional department of internal affairs of the Moscow district of the city of Ryazan.
Since May 2005, he served as First Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Kostroma Region - Head of the Criminal Police.
In 2012, he was appointed head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Ryazan Region.
In June 2014, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 713, he was awarded the special rank of Major General of the Police.
In August 2017, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 392 dated August 21, 2017, he was appointed Head of the Control and Audit Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
By the same Decree, he was awarded the special rank of Major General of the Internal Service.
He was awarded 3 state awards, award weapons and a number of departmental awards.

The resignations of the offending bosses “due to loss of confidence” declared by the president do not work in the regions. At least in Kostroma, where Nikolai Pilyugin, an exceptional colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, serves.

The first exception. gambling.

In 2010, a corruption scandal erupted in the Kostroma police department. 113 slot machines confiscated from the owners of underground casinos disappeared from the guarded warehouse of the Department of Internal Affairs. Colonel of militia Vladimir Busygin appeared in the dock, who testified in court that he received the order to hand over the equipment from the deputy head of the regional police department, Colonel Nikolai Pilyugin. Busygin submitted to the investigation a recording of a conversation with businessman Yan Kucherovsky, who testified that in order to return the seized slot machines, he gave Pilyugin a bribe of 700 thousand rubles through an intermediary.

Photo: http://superjedi.ru/viewtopic.php?id=2111
If such a scandal had happened in the capital, policeman Pilyugin, who fell under suspicion, would certainly have been removed from his post - for the duration of the check, so that he could not put pressure on the specialists who carry it out. However, for some reason an exception was made for the Kostroma colonel. At the time of the check, he was not only not suspended from work, but even promoted: in the absence of General Vasily Kukushkin, Colonel Pilyugin repeatedly acted as head of the regional police department. Is it any wonder that the inspection of the internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not see the corpus delicti in the actions of Colonel Pilyugin.

The second exception. Apartment.

In 2007, the Kostroma Regional Duma introduced a ban on the existence of the gambling business in the Kostroma Region. However, despite the adopted law, underground clubs and casinos continue to flourish in Kostroma.

This gambling club worked for years in house number 14 on Industrialnaya Street in Kostroma, where the police stronghold is located. http://superjedi.ru/viewtopic.php?id=2111&p=6

And evil tongues continue to associate the unprecedented prosperity of the gambling business with the name of the crystal-clearly honest and decent Colonel Pilyugin. Whether this is true or not, I do not presume to judge, however, judging by the materials of the preliminary investigation, the modest police colonel, who, judging by official declarations, has an annual income of just over 900 thousand rubles, in fact turns out to be a very wealthy gentleman.

Pilyugin's mansion on a private island in the village. Sergeevka. Source: http://superjedi.ru/viewtopic.php?id=2111&p=7
According to federal media, the Pilyugin family, consisting of four people, owns three well-appointed apartments in Ryazan and a luxurious cottage of about 200 square meters in the elite village of Sergeevka in the Ryazan region.

According to the most rough estimates of realtors, the value of the property of Colonel Pilyugin, his wife and two daughters is at least 50 million rubles.

Despite all these riches, in 2007, General Kukushkin sends a curious petition to the Kostroma mayor's office. He asks acting. the head of the administration of Kostroma, Vadim Bloshchitsyn, to allocate to his exclusive deputy Pilyugin a free three-room apartment from the municipal housing stock - bypassing dozens of apartmentless officers of the Internal Affairs Directorate. In his petition, Kukushkin modestly kept silent about the fact that Pilyugin and his family do not fall under the category of those in need of housing, given the abundance of square meters already owned. If Pilyugin was given an apartment, then, according to the law, it could only be given temporarily, as official housing, for the period of work in the Kostroma Department of Internal Affairs. However, for some reason, Bloshitsyn, like Kukushkin, makes an exception for Pilyugin, providing him with a free three-room apartment in a new building on Novo-Polyanskaya Street in Kostroma, and not as office housing, but under a social lease agreement, with the possibility of further privatization! And the crystal-clearly honest policeman Pilyugin uses this opportunity without a shadow of a doubt. Through an ingenious scheme, he transfers the municipal apartment to the ownership of his family. Then, at the height of the 2009 crisis, he extremely successfully sells it to an intermediary for 2.7 million rubles, and with the money received from the transaction, through another intermediary, he acquires a new apartment in an elite mansion on Myasnitskaya Street. Then the former municipal apartment on Novo-Polyanskaya, so successfully privatized by the exceptionally honest policeman Pilyugin, is acquired through an intermediary by the notorious Mr. Bloshchitsyn, having paid with the funds of the now bankrupt municipal enterprise Kostromagorvodokanal. This machination in December 2011 is revealed by the check of the KSK, however, there are no legal consequences for either Pilyugin or Bloshchitsyn.

Another apartment is in this building. http://superjedi.ru/viewtopic.php?id=2111&p=6
As in the previous time, at the time of the check on the legality of the privatization, the new general of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs, Alexander Stepin, does not remove Pilyugin from work, and the check again for some reason does not find any crime in Pilyugin's actions.
The third exception. Investigative.

When the local and federal media become aware of the scandal with the Pilyuginsky apartments and the plundered property of the water utility, the exceptionally honest colonel begins to defend himself like a hunted animal. For reporters who dare to write or shoot a story about the financial and managerial genius of the Kostroma police, open surveillance begins, and on the eve of the release of articles about Pilyugin, for some reason, Pilyugin's subordinates come to some journalists and begin to express direct threats to physical safety. Despite the threats, several reports are aired. Then Pilyugin, declaring that his dignity had been hurt, filed gigantic lawsuits against journalists and participants in television programs, demanding a total of about 1.5 million rubles from the "offenders" - in fact, this is the cost of another comfortable apartment in Kostroma. Pilyugin submits documents to the courts about allegedly legal ways of obtaining his fabulous wealth. However, obvious inconsistencies are suddenly found in the documents presented by him.

So, in the story of the famous elite cottage in the village of Sergeevka, it suddenly turns out that Colonel Pilyugin allegedly took out a loan to build the mansion. However, the presence of an encumbrance (unpaid loan) for some reason does not prevent him from "selling" the mansion to his brother - just on the eve of the privatization of the municipal apartment in Kostroma. That is, he deliberately worsens his living conditions. For an ordinary person, such a deal would mean only one thing - a refusal to register as in need of housing, and, consequently, a refusal to provide a municipal apartment for social rent with the right to privatize. But not for Pilyugin. As an exception, bypassing the law "On the Police", Article 30 of which prescribes to register only really homeless citizens, the Kostroma mayor's office simply gives Pilyugin housing - without any registration. Meanwhile, about 13,000 families have been languishing in queues for improving housing conditions in Kostroma alone for decades! But this does not bother the crystal-clear Pilyugin. Immediately after the completion of the privatization of the municipal apartment on Novo-Polyanskaya, Pilyugin's brother, in a related way ... gives an elite mansion in Sergeevka to Pilyugin's wife, so that square meters in the family of an exceptional colonel grow by leaps and bounds. It is a pity that they also do not grow with hundreds of other homeless officers.

The exception is final. Award.

A few years ago, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev introduced such a reason for the resignation of the most odious officials as "loss of confidence." The concept appeared for those in respect of whom there are no criminal cases yet, but with whom normal work is no longer possible due to an insurmountable protest against the methods of their work in society. After the resignation "due to loss of confidence" of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, in many regions there was hope that those who discredited themselves in the eyes of society would then lose their posts. Alas, this did not happen in Kostroma. Neither the mass protests of citizens against "werewolves in uniform" near the building of the Internal Affairs Directorate, nor the massive collection of signatures from residents of the region to Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, demanding Pilyugin's resignation, helped either.

On June 21, the Investigative Committee completed another check in the real estate fraud case, in which the name of Colonel Pilyugin appears. I don't think it's worth pointing out that no one suspended Pilyugin from work during this inspection. As a result, in relation to the colonel and employees of the Kostroma administration, with the participation of which the city lost the already scarce square meters of housing, the investigation issues a decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case, and Colonel Pilyugin becomes the hero of the day: the leadership of the Internal Affairs Directorate presents him with a departmental medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - "for merits in management activities.

Photo: http://44.mvd.ru/news/275375/
This is how in Kostroma the persons involved in corruption checks miraculously turn into order bearers. And this vicious practice, alas, is far from being an exception to the rule.