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Understanding car taxes. Car horsepower tax Calculate car road tax

A vehicle tax is a tax on the ownership of a vehicle. The following modes of transport are subject to taxation:

  • Cars
  • Motorcycles
  • Buses
  • Snowmobiles
  • Boats, yachts, motor boats, jet skis
  • Airplanes, helicopters

While the vehicle is registered, the owner is charged tax, regardless of its use. The obligation to pay this tax lies with both individuals and legal entities.

The vehicle tax calculator will help you quickly calculate the amount of tax for your car, motorcycle, motorboat or other vehicle.

Transport tax calculation

The amount of transport tax includes the following factors:

  • Region of vehicle registration.
  • The period of ownership of the vehicle (if it is necessary to calculate the tax for an incomplete year).
  • Vehicle type.
  • Vehicle engine power.

Additionally, for cars whose price is above 3,000,000 rubles, a special coefficient is applied.

Vehicle tax calculation formula:

Sum = R × P × (m / 12) × K rep

R - rate,
P - vehicle power in horsepower,
m - the number of months of ownership in a year,
K pov - increasing factor.

The rate is determined by the type of vehicle, capacity and region of registration. The rates are set by the subjects of the Russian Federation and in different regions they can differ significantly.

Procedure and terms for payment of transport tax

Usually, the tax service sends a notification in paper form to the mail of the owner of the vehicle. This notice lists the tax rate and amount for each vehicle. A receipt for payment through the bank is also attached.

More advanced citizens can get information about the accrued taxes in the taxpayer's personal account on the official website of the Federal Tax Service and immediately pay it, for example, using a bank card. We recommend that you do not wait for a paper receipt, but get access to the taxpayer's personal account (how to do this is described on the website of the Federal Tax Service) and pay the tax without violating the deadlines. A paper receipt may not arrive at all for some reason.

The transport tax must be paid before December 1 of the year following the estimated one. So, the tax for 2019 must be paid before December 1, 2020.

For legal entities

In some regions, there may be reporting periods equal to quarters, after which it is necessary to pay advance payments for transport tax.

The payment deadline for the year also depends on regional policy, but this deadline cannot be earlier than February 1 of the year following the settlement year.

Increasing coefficients for expensive cars

For cars whose cost is more than 3 million rubles, multiplying coefficients are provided:

Cancellation of transport tax

A few years ago, talks began about the abolition of the transport tax in Russia as such and its inclusion in the cost of fuel. To date, no decisions have been made in this regard.

Have you bought a car and “exhaled” with satisfaction? Do not relax, you will not be able to enjoy the purchase for free. For the very fact of owning a car, you will have to pay the state - in the economy, these deductions are called taxes and fees. And those who do not do this, sooner or later end up in the lists of debtors. The state forbids them to travel abroad, perform registration actions, and generally complicates life in every possible way.

Moreover, it is not always possible to get by with one receipt - there can be several payments. The first, concerning almost all cars and owners…

Transport tax

It is also called "road" - it is assumed that the fees are directed to the maintenance of Russian roads. There has long been talk that the transport tax should be included in the price of fuel - then the fair principle "who drives more, pays more" is implemented. But while the tax is charged for the very fact of owning a vehicle.

Article 358 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states: "cars, motorcycles, motor scooters ... registered in the prescribed manner are recognized as the object of taxation." Simply put, the tax mechanism is launched when a car or any other vehicle is registered with the traffic police - information from there is promptly transferred to the Federal Tax Service.

Whether you use the car every day, exclusively on weekends for trips to the country or, as in the case of a motorcycle, only in the summer, it doesn’t matter. The tax rate will not change, it will be charged for each full and partial year of vehicle ownership. But the amount of the fee depends significantly on the machine itself.

Let's count

Although it makes sense for an ordinary owner to calculate the transport tax only before buying a car - if its amount can affect the decision. And then the Tax Service itself will calculate the amount and issue an invoice.

The tax rate depends primarily on the engine power. And also from the subject of the Russian Federation where the owner (not the car!) is registered: Article 361 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation allows local authorities to increase or decrease the rate ten times.

For Moscow, the transport tax is now defined as follows:

    up to 100 hp inclusive - 12 rubles. for horsepower

    up to 125 hp inclusive - 25 rubles,

    up to 150 hp inclusive - 35 rubles,

    up to 175 hp inclusive - 45 rubles,

    up to 200 hp inclusive - 50 rubles,

    up to 225 hp inclusive - 65 rubles,

    up to 250 hp inclusive - 75 rubles,

    over 250 hp - 150 rubles.

The amount of car tax for the year is obtained by multiplying the number of "horses" by the corresponding rate. Example:

Kia Rio 1.4 with 100 hp engine - transport tax: 100 x 12 = 1200 rubles;

Kia Rio 1.6 with 123 hp engine - transport tax: 123 x 25 = 3075 rubles.

This difference is due to the fact that the 1.6-liter Rio falls into the next tax class. For the same reason, the power of many engines, especially for the Russian market, is limited at 149, 199 or 249 hp.

If the vehicle is registered in the middle of the year, you need to use a more detailed formula: multiply the rate by the engine power and by the number of months of ownership remaining until the end of the year, divided by the total number of months in the year. If the same 123-horsepower Rio was bought in May, the tax for the past year will be: 123 * 25 * 8/12 = 2050 rubles.

Almost everyone pays transport tax (see below for exceptions). But some car owners will not be able to limit themselves to them. After all, there is more…

luxury tax

So it is customary to call an additional fee for owning an expensive car - from 3 million rubles. In fact, the "luxury tax" is a raising factor for the transport tax. And it is the same for all regions of the Russian Federation: it is established by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

When determining the multiplying factor, it is not the power of the car that is taken into account, but its price and age. In 2019, the "tax" grid looks like this:

Example: Bentley Continental GT 2017 of release and worth more than 15 million rubles. Standard vehicle tax: 635 hp * 150 rubles/hp = 95,250 rubles - you need to multiply by three. The total is: 95,250 * 3 = 285,750 rubles for each year of ownership.

Upon reaching the age indicated in the table, the car turns from “luxury” into a means of transportation, and the transport tax is calculated without a coefficient.

What cars are considered luxury

How much hard-earned money you personally gave for the car is of no interest to anyone. The Ministry of Industry and Trade focuses on catalog prices, that is, those announced by the manufacturer for each model and its modification. The department publishes a list of such vehicles annually, broken down by the categories listed above. The list is constantly growing, following the prices of cars - today it includes 1194 modifications of expensive models. You can view it.

Accordingly, the fact of buying a car at a discount, at a final price below the threshold, does not save you from a multiplying coefficient. On the other hand, options that sometimes increase the cost of a car one and a half times also do not affect taxation.

Moreover, there may not be an increased tax, even when the base price of a car goes off scale well over 3 million. Simply because the Ministry of Industry and Trade did not include this model in its "luxury" list. For example, there is no Chrysler Pacifica minivan, which costs almost 5 million (but there is a direct competitor, Toyota Alphard for about the same money).

Also, cars that are not officially sold in Russia are not yet in the field of view of the department - the owners of Tesla, Bugatti or McLaren models pay transport tax without increasing coefficients. Another thing is that it turns out to be rather big.

Are the figures of the transport tax so frightening that you want to quickly part with the car? Don't forget about…

sales tax

The sales tax rate for a car is the same as for income - 13 percent of the proceeds from the sale of funds. Both new and used cars are subject to the tax. But not all.

The sale is tax-free if at least three years have passed since the previous purchase of the vehicle. More precisely, from the date of signing the sale and purchase agreement, the donation agreement, or from the date of the death of the previous owner, if the car was inherited by the current owner. In these cases, it is not even necessary to notify the tax office - the Federal Tax Service will receive all the information from the traffic police after the car is re-registered.

In the first three years, you can also save on deductions to the budget. Firstly, no tax is charged if the sale price did not exceed 250 thousand rubles. Secondly, if it turned out to be equal to or lower than when buying. But here you already have to provide supporting documents to the tax authorities.

Did you manage to “hand over” the car for more than you bought? You can use the tax deduction provided for by law in the same 250 thousand from the amount received from the buyer (the method works no more than once a year) or pay "income" only from the difference between the purchase and sale prices.

Is there a recycling fee?

Yes, but most car owners do not have to deal with it. A tribute to the state that is not obvious to taxpayers lies on the shoulders of automakers and importers - it is levied at a time from each car sold. And, of course, it is included in the price of the car.

An individual has to pay a recycling fee only if he imports a car from abroad on his own. In this case, the base rate of collection - 20,000 rubles (for cars) is multiplied by a coefficient depending on the age of the vehicle:

    0.17 - for cars under 3 years old;

    0.26 - for cars older than 3 years.

By the way, for automakers, recycling fee coefficients are already increasing - and the amounts, respectively, are much higher. For example, for any new Lada car (from 1000 to 2000 cm 3), the state charges 20,000 * 2.21 = 44,200 rubles.

Benefits in the payment of transport tax

Not everyone needs to pay the transport tax in full, and some car owners are generally exempted from it. Since the tax is regional, the benefits for it in each subject of the Russian Federation differ from each other.

In addition, sometimes the tax for the car is removed regardless of the identity of the owner. In some regions, relief is given to low-powered (for example, in Moscow, the lower threshold is 70 hp, and in Tyumen - already 150 hp), domestic or very old cars, aged 30–50 years.

Finally, there are common for Russia reasons for zeroing the transport tax:

    while the car is listed as stolen;

    if the car was bought and transferred to the owner through the social security authorities, and also has a power of less than 100 hp;

    cars for the disabled, including those intended for their transportation.

By the way, remember that the “luxury tax” is a vehicle tax escalation factor? Therefore, it also has benefits - for the same categories of citizens (disabled people, large families, etc.). With one important amendment: the power of a "luxury" car should not exceed 200 hp.

Deadlines for paying taxes

According to the Tax Code, information for calculating payments to the budget for the past year must be submitted before April 30 of the current year. In the case of a transport tax, this is usually not required: all data is transferred to the Federal Tax Service from the traffic police. Although there are many cases when tax authorities demand to pay for a car sold long ago. Here, a visit to the Tax Inspectorate cannot be avoided.

According to available data, the Federal Tax Service must send the tax calculation to the owner by November 1, and he, in turn, must pay it before December 1. Didn't receive a receipt? You need to go to the tax office and write an application, because they will definitely not forget to charge you fines and penalties. Alternative options are to make a payment through the taxpayer's personal account or independently generate a receipt on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. The form is accessible, the process is short.

Sanctions for non-payment of taxes

The United States, with its maniacal attitude towards Russian taxes, is still far away, but non-payment of car taxes will not remain unpunished for a long time either. If the required amount does not appear on the accounts of the Federal Tax Service before December 1, then a penalty fee will be charged for each calendar day of delay. The penalty calculation formula is as follows: the tax amount is multiplied by 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (today it is 7.25%) and by the number of days of delay.

And if the owner ignores the payment of the penalty, he will be additionally fined in the amount of 20 percent of the tax, and when the debt exceeds 30,000 rubles, he will be banned from traveling abroad. If this does not work, the Federal Tax Service will go to court, which will seize the debtor's property and forcibly write off the debt from his bank accounts.

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Each car owner must register his vehicle (TC) in the manner prescribed by law, and regularly pay the appropriate vehicle tax. The subtleties of calculating this mandatory payment are regulated by regional laws on transport tax, specifying the terms, benefits and base rates within the limits outlined by the provisions of Chapter 28 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (TC RF). The question arises "How to calculate the tax on the car?".

Owners of vehicles themselves are obliged to control the correct calculation of the transport tax, as well as timely provide changes in information regarding car ownership and documents confirming the right to a tax benefit.

Vehicle tax calculation

The amount of automobile transport tax is determined by a standard formula. The number of horsepower (hp) indicated in the technical passport of the car is successively multiplied by the current tax rate, and then by a coefficient calculated as the ratio of the number of full months of car ownership to the total number of months in a year, that is, to 12.

Example 1

Let's say we are the owners of a Renault Logan car, the engine power is 75 horsepower, and we live in the Moscow region. The transport tax rate in Moscow and Moscow Region today is 12 rubles. Then the cost of transport tax for 1 year will be:

12 rubles x 75 horsepower = 900 rubles.

Example 2

Let's say we own a VAZ Priora car for 9 months and live in Moscow. The rate in Moscow is 12 rubles per hp. The power of the car is 98 horsepower. Then the cost of transport tax for 9 months will be:

12 rub. x 98 hp x ((9 months we own a car) / (12 months a year)) = 882 rubles.

Car tax is paid only for the period in which the car was registered to a specific owner. Only one owner pays for the month of transfer of transport from one owner to another.

The month of car ownership, when calculating the coefficient, is considered complete if the car

  • registered with the traffic police from the 1st to the 15th;
  • or deregistered after the 15th.

In other cases, the month of registration of the car or its deregistration will be taken into account when calculating the transport tax for the other party to the sale and purchase transaction ().

Vehicle tax on a luxury car

The formula for calculating the transport tax for a car whose value is more than 3 mil. rub. and when owning it for more than 1 year:

Vehicle Tax Amount = (Tax Rate) x (L.c.) x (Increasing Coefficient)

Calculation of tax on a car, the value of which is more than 3 mil. rub. and when owning it for less than 1 year:

Vehicle Tax Amount = (Tax Rate) x (L.c.) x (Number of Months Owned / 12) x (Increment Factor)

Increasing coefficient (Chapter 28, article 362 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):

1.1 - for cars with an average cost of 3 million to 5 million rubles inclusive, from the year of production of which 2 to 3 years have passed;
1.3 - for passenger cars with an average cost of 3 million to 5 million rubles inclusive, from the year of production of which 1 to 2 years have passed;
1.5 - for passenger cars with an average cost of 3 million to 5 million rubles inclusive, from the year of production of which no more than 1 year has passed;
2 - for passenger cars with an average cost of 5 million to 10 million rubles inclusive, from the year of production of which no more than 5 years have passed;
3 - in relation to passenger cars with an average cost of 10 million to 15 million rubles inclusive, from the year of production of which no more than 10 years have passed;
3 - for passenger cars with an average cost of 15 million rubles, from the year of production of which no more than 20 years have passed.

Vehicle Tax Calculator Online

You can also use the transport tax calculator on the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) of Russia.

Tax rates on horsepower

The tax rate for a car is determined by the target laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but does not go beyond the limits established by Article 361 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and depends on:

  • engine power in l. With.;
  • region;
  • may be differentiated according to the category, age and environmental class of the vehicle.

For very expensive cars with a price of 3 million rubles or more, additional, increasing coefficients () are applied. In some cases, such a coefficient triples the amount of tax. The lists of models and brands of machines subject to multiplying factors are updated annually by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Table. Transport tax rates in Moscow and Moscow Region.

Name of the object of taxation The tax base Tax rate (in rubles)
(engine power)
Cars up to 100 l. With. up to 73.55 kW 12 p.
Cars over 100 l. With. up to 125 l. With. over 73.55 kW up to 91.94 kW 25 p.
Cars over 125 liters. With. up to 150 l. With. over 91.94 kW up to 110.33 kW 35 p.
Cars over 150 l. With. up to 175 l. With. over 110.33 kW up to 128.7 kW 45 p.
Cars over 175 liters. With. up to 200 l. With. over 128.7 kW up to 147.1 kW 50 r.
Cars over 200 l. With. up to 225 l. With. over 147.1 kW up to 165.5 kW 65 p.
Cars over 225 liters. With. up to 250 l. With. over 165.5 kW up to 183.9 kW 75 rubles
Cars over 250 l. With. over 183.9 kW 150 r.
Motorcycles and scooters up to 20 l. With. up to 14.7 kW 7 p.
Motorcycles and scooters over 20 liters. With. up to 35 l. With. over 14.7 kW up to 25.74 kW 15 p.
Motorcycles and scooters over 35 liters. With. over 25.74 kW 50 r.
Buses up to 110 l. With. up to 80.9 kW 7 p.
Buses over 110 liters. With. up to 200 l. With. over 80.9 kW up to 147.1 kW 15 p.
Buses over 200 l. With. over 147.1 kW 55 p.
Trucks up to 100 l. With. up to 73.55 kW 15 p.
Trucks over 100 l. With. up to 150 l. With. over 73.55 kW up to 110.33 kW 26 p.
Trucks over 150 l. With. up to 200 l. With. over 110.33 kW up to 147.1 kW 38 p.
Trucks over 200 l. With. up to 250 l. With. over 147.1 kW up to 183.9 kW 55 p.
Trucks over 250 l. With. over 183.9 kW 70 rubles
Other self-propelled vehicles, machines and mechanisms on pneumatic and caterpillar tracks (per horsepower) (per horsepower) 25 p.
Snowmobiles and snowmobiles up to 50 l. With. up to 36.77 kW 25 p.
Snowmobiles and snowmobiles over 50 l. With. over 36.77 kW 50 r.
up to 100 l. With. up to 73.55 kW 100 r.
Boats, motor boats and other water vehicles over 100 l. With. over 73.55 kW 200 r.
up to 100 l. With. up to 73.55 kW 200 r.
Yachts and other motor-sailing vessels over 100 l. With. over 73.55 kW 400 r.
jet skis up to 100 l. With. up to 73.55 kW 250 r.
jet skis over 100 l. With. over 73.55 kW 500 r.
Non-self-propelled (towed) ships for which the gross tonnage is determined (for each registered ton of gross tonnage) 200 r.
Airplanes, helicopters and other aircraft with engines (per horsepower) (per horsepower) 250 r.
Aircraft with jet engines (per kilogram of thrust force) 200 r.
Other water and air vehicles not equipped with engines (per vehicle unit) 2 000 rubles

For other regions of Russia, you can find out the transport tax rates.

Video: How is the vehicle tax calculated on the car

Vehicle tax relief

According to most regional laws, veterans and disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Russia and other groups of taxpayers are exempt from paying car tax. The list of beneficiaries-Muscovites even includes representatives (one of two parents) of large families.

But in St. Petersburg, only one of the parents of a family with at least four minor children can use such a benefit, and a number of citizens will be able to use the established benefit only if their vehicle is of domestic production and has an engine with a capacity of up to 150 hp. With.

Deadline for car tax payment

Tax on a car is paid at the place of registration of the car, and in the absence of such, at the place of residence of the owner of the vehicle.

1. Individuals must pay car tax no later than December 1(), based on a tax notice received from the Federal Tax Service along with a completed payment document.

In case of late payment of car tax, a fine will be charged.

IMPORTANT! The tax authorities calculate the transport tax, taking into account the data on the state registration of the car. If the car owner is not entitled to a preferential tax exemption, then, having not received a tax notice before December 1, the owner of the car is obliged to inform the territorial tax office about the vehicle he has and receive a document necessary for paying car tax.

ON A NOTE! Only on the basis of a certificate provided by the internal affairs bodies that the car is wanted, the tax office can suspend the calculation of car tax and continue it from the month of return if the car is found and returned to the owner.

2. Legal entities themselves calculate the transport tax, and make quarterly advance payments (one-fourth of the total amount). If the tax is calculated on an expensive car included in a special list of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, then advance payments are paid immediately, taking into account the prescribed multiplier. At the end of the year, the remaining part of the tax must be paid before February 1 of the year following the reporting year, that is, before the statutory deadline for submitting annual tax returns.

Check online

It will not be possible to find out the amount of transport tax by the state registration number of the car. All data is available only when information about the owner of the vehicle is provided.

Congestion for car tax can be clarified online, through the official websites of government agencies.

1. Personal account of the taxpayer, operating on the website of the Federal Tax Service. You will need to enter an individual taxpayer number (TIN) and a password.

You will first have to activate the service during a personal appearance at the tax office, where after registering the application they will issue an access password fixed in the registration card, the login will be the taxpayer's TIN. When the deadline for calculating the tax on the car, its amount can be checked on the link "Accrued" by selecting the appropriate object of taxation (car). Until the tax is calculated, the results can be viewed in the “Overpayment / debt” column.

2. Portal of State Services, by last name, first name, patronymic and insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) of the payer. You will first have to register by entering personal data in the appropriate fields (full name, date and place of birth, residential address and email, etc.)
Then you need to fill out an application for the provision of information on tax debt. Information is provided free of charge, no later than 5 working days, as the system redirects the request to the Federal Tax Service.

3. The website of the Federal Bailiff Service allows you to find out about overdue transport tax debts. Without prior registration, by entering the full name, date of birth of the debtor in the appropriate search strings and selecting the desired region from the list.

Vehicle tax is paid annually by all car owners. For individuals, the amount of car tax is calculated by the tax service, however, the correctness of these calculations must be controlled by citizens on their own.

If inaccuracies are found, taxpayers are required to inform the Federal Tax Service of the errors made and the need to make appropriate changes. Thanks to the development of modern technologies, it is possible to clarify and correct the calculations received from the tax authorities not only when you personally appear at the tax office or by sending registered letters by mail, but also online, through the personal account of the taxpayer.

  • What changes await car tax next year
  • Features of calculating transport tax for legal entities in 2016
  • Car tax relief
  • Will the transport tax be abolished in 2016
  • About the rate in 2016 of the transport fee
  • The formula for determining the amount of the transport fee
  • Transport tax calculation in Moscow

In 2016, major changes in the calculation and payment of transport tax are expected. The Government of the Russian Federation is considering the option of changing the size of such payments; there is no talk of its complete elimination.

This tax is considered regional, that is, its calculation, payment, accounting, should be handled by local authorities. The objects of taxation are machines and mechanisms.

The calculation of such payments is carried out taking into account the fact that for each region the rate is set by local authorities. If you calculate the amount of transport tax in Moscow, you get a significant difference with the tax on a car in the Moscow region.

The calculation is performed as follows.

  1. A table is needed that shows the transport tax rates for a particular region, for which calculations are performed. The regions have the right to change the rate depending on the year of manufacture of the vehicle, the calculation can be done using an online calculator. The size of the transport tax rate in a particular city cannot exceed the general figure for the Russian Federation by 10 times (restrictions are established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). An exception to the rule will be the owner of cars with a power of up to 150 hp.
  2. You will need for calculations the power indicator of the car that you plan to purchase, as well as the year of manufacture of the car.
  3. We find the desired column in the table, multiply the figure by the power of the car engine. If desired, preliminary calculations can be carried out using an online calculator. If, during the repair of an automobile engine, significant changes were made to the power, the owner is obliged to contact the local traffic police department in order to make changes to the technical passport of the vehicle, the calculations will be performed using other coefficients.
  4. Payment of taxes implies rounding (according to the rules of mathematics), payment is made before June 1 of the current year (clause 3, article 363.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Features of calculating transport tax for legal entities in 2016

According to Art. 362 of the Tax Code, legal entities are required to pay taxes for the use of vehicles. Payment is made at the place of registration of the company, that is, to the regional budget. Among the specific differences of such a tax for legal entities, we highlight:

  • self-calculation of the amount of payments;
  • making advance payments by legal entities (the amount is ¼ of the principal amount);
  • when paying the main amount of tax, advance payments are deducted;
  • submission of legal declarations persons are carried out in the Federal Tax Service - the tax service;
  • Changes are made to the declaration form every year. You can analyze the innovations of 2016 by following the information on the official website of the tax office.

Car tax relief

Federal law exempts from paying such tax:

  • light handicapped vehicles with manual control, if the engine has a power of up to 100 horsepower. All these vehicles must be handed over to the owners through social welfare services;
  • vehicles of the internal affairs bodies, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, penitentiary institutions, fire fighting services;
  • vehicles that are wanted. The owner of such a car provides a document confirming the fact of car theft, his search for the tax inspection department at the place of residence.

In most regions of the Russian Federation, the following categories of citizens are exempt from paying car tax:

Advice! You can check the list of transport tax beneficiaries at your local tax office.

Will the transport tax be abolished in 2016

Deputies of the State Duma have repeatedly put forward proposals to abolish such payments, motivating their proposal with low payments (payment of a transport fee is about 50%). The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation does not support the proposal of the deputies. Representatives of this state department believe that the abolition of such payments caused serious damage to the Russian economy. The deputies proposed instead of the transport tax to introduce a gasoline excise tax. In this case, the amount of tax would directly depend on the amount of fuel consumed by the car owner, regardless of the power of the vehicle.

Elderly people rarely use their car, and they are forced to pay a flat vehicle tax. When replacing it with an excise tax, deductions will be made through transfers of funds by fuel companies. As a result, fuel prices will rise significantly, in a similar way, fuel companies will compensate for tax deductions. You can listen to a review on the topic of transport tax by clicking on the link:

Experts are convinced that this option will be beneficial for both owners of gas stations and motorists. The latter will know for what exactly they are taxed. The Ministry of Finance will also benefit, as the percentage of collection of payments will increase.

So far, the development of a bill to change the transport tax by gasoline excise is only at the stage of elaboration, but there are more and more supporters of such an idea in the State Duma.

The inclusion of the tax in the cost of fuel and lubricants, according to experts, will make it possible to annually invest about 100 billion rubles in Russian roads. The Ministry of Finance and Industry of the Russian Federation is considering options for transforming transport charges. If such a fee is included in the cost of fuel, then the financiers plan to introduce an environmental fee. Owners of cars that belong to the Euro-5 standard will pay a fee in a smaller amount than owners of used vehicles.

The transition in 2016 to the option of a new transport fee implies the payment of two taxes at once: environmental and transport.

About the rate in 2016 of the transport fee

One of the maximum in Russia is the transport rate in St. Petersburg, it is 24-150 rubles for cars, it is used for calculations. For a car that has a capacity of about 100 horsepower, the owner will have to pay a tax in the range of 1700 - 2400 rubles. For Moscow, the amount of payment for a similar car will be 500 - 700 rubles, you can do the calculation yourself.

Some Russian regions had zero rates for low power vehicles. In 2016, it is planned to cancel such privileges, which is negatively perceived by the owners of low-power machines.

The formula for determining the amount of the transport fee

Let's analyze the changes in the calculation of the transport fee, which will occur in 2016. For expensive cars will use increasing coefficients (tax on automotive luxury). There is a list of cars for which such a coefficient will be used. Cars with a purchase price in the range of 3-5 million rubles will be taxed at a rate of 1.5 times the normal rate. If the car costs 5-10 million rubles, the rate is doubled, for cars from 10 million, a triple raising rate will be used. The online calculator for calculating transport tax for 2016 involves the use of the following formula:

S=HB*HC*K, where

  • S - the final amount of payments;
  • HB - the size of the tax base (currently it is determined by the power of the vehicle);
  • HC regional car tax rate, determined for 1 unit in rubles;
  • K is a coefficient that determines the ratio of the number of months of operation of the machine to the calendar number for the reporting time. When a vehicle is deregistered, a full month is included in the period.

Transport tax calculation in Moscow

The capital has its own list of privileged categories of citizens who are exempt from paying the transport fee:

  • heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation;
  • invalids and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, combatants;
  • residents of Moscow with disabilities of groups 1 and 2;
  • Muscovites - participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as citizens working at the Mayak enterprise, the test site in Semipalatinsk, affected by radioactive discharges into the river. Techa;
  • Muscovites who, as a result of testing nuclear weapons, space technology, received a disability.

From the payment of tax (registration of the car is made to this person) in the metropolitan area are exempt:

  • parent or legal representative of a child with a disability;
  • parent or legal representative of a large Moscow family.

The tax is not paid on a moving vehicle with a power of up to 70 horsepower.

For this period in Moscow, the rate is 12 rubles for cars with a power of up to 100 hp, 25 rubles for cars with 125 hp, 45 rubles for cars with 150 hp. and above, 150 rubles for SUVs from 250 hp

Moscow region authorities in 2016 want to raise existing rates. An increase in the transport fee next year is planned by 10 rubles per 1 horsepower for cars up to 100 hp, the figure has not been changed for ten years! At the moment, out of 3 million cars registered in the Moscow region, 1.2 million account for just such a capacity. Using the formula, you can independently calculate the transport tax online 2016 for the Moscow (or other) region.

Vehicle Tax Calculator is designed to calculate the car tax on engine power (horsepower), which is required to pay annually vehicle ownersOSAGO calculator
Car customs clearance calculator
Auto loan calculator
. There is a federal law that determines the base tax rates for cars. But local authorities can increase them up to 10 times and introduce new categories and conditions for its payment, as well as establish benefits.

Individuals must pay car tax for 2020 no later than December 1, 2021, and legal entities no later than February 5, 2021.

Transport tax calculators by regions of Russia
Truck Tax Calculator
Boat transport tax calculator
Motor boat transport tax calculator
Motorcycle Tax Calculator
Snowmobile Tax Calculator
Tractor transport tax calculator

How much the vehicle tax will cost you depends on the type of vehicle and the power of its engine (i.e. the number of horsepower). In addition, do not forget that you should also purchase an OSAGO policy every year. It is worth noting that the "lion's" share of the budget when owning a vehicle is consumed by fuel, so it will not be superfluous to have your own car.

Calculation of transport tax on a car 2020

Altai Territory Amur Region Arkhangelsk Region Astrakhan Region Belgorod Region Bryansk Region Vladimir Region Volgograd Region Vologda Region Voronezh Region Jewish Autonomous Okrug Transbaikal Territory Ivanovo Region Irkutsk Region Kabardino-Balkar Republic Kaliningrad Region Kaluga Region Kamchatka Territory Karachay-Cherkess Republic Kemerovo Region Kirov Region Kostroma Region Krasnodar Territory Krasnoyarsk Territory Crimea Kurgan Region Kursk Region Leningrad Region Lipetsk Region Magadan Region Moscow Moscow Region Murmansk Region Nenets Autonomous Okrug Nizhny Novgorod Region Novgorod Region Novosibirsk Region Omsk Region Orenburg Region Oryol Region Penza Region Perm Territory Primorsky Territory Pskov Region Republic of Adygea Republic of Altai Republic of Bashkortostan Republic of Buryatia Republic of Dagestan Republic of Ingushetia Republic of Kalmykia Republic of Karelia Republic of Komi Republic of Mari El Republic of Mordovia Republic of Sakha Republic of North Ossetia-Alania Republic of Tatarstan Republic of Tyva Republic of Khakassia Rostov Region Ryazan Region Samara Region St. Petersburg Saratov Region Sakhalin Region Sverdlovsk Region Sevastopol Smolensk Region Stavropol Territory Tambov Region Tver Region Tomsk Region Tula Region Tyumen Region Udmurt Republic Ulyanovsk Region Khabarovsk Territory Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District Chelyabinsk Region Chechen Republic Chuvash Republic Chukotka Autonomous District Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District Yaroslavl Region

Buses Jet skis Passenger cars Trucks Snowmobiles, motor sledges Motorcycles and motor scooters Non-self-propelled (towed) vessels Yachts and other sailing and motor vessels Aircraft with jet engines Airplanes, helicopters and other aircraft with engines Boats, motor boats and other water vehicles Other water and air vehicles without engines Other self-propelled vehicles, machines and mechanisms on pneumatic and caterpillar tracks

Vehicle power:


Transport tax payable:

On the basis of the 28th chapter of the second part of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, individuals and legal entities that own the following vehicles are required to pay transport tax: cars, motorcycles, scooters, buses and other self-propelled machines and mechanisms on pneumatic and caterpillar tracks, airplanes, helicopters, motor ships , yachts, sailing vessels, boats, snowmobiles, snowmobiles, motor boats, jet skis, non-self-propelled (towed vessels) and other water and air vehicles registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

You can calculate the car tax for 2020, which you will pay in 2021, using our calculator. In addition, you can independently calculate the tax on the car. Select your region and use the tables with transport tax rates to calculate the amount.

NOT subject to taxation, vehicles:

  • oar boats, as well as motor boats with an engine capacity of not more than 5 horsepower;
  • passenger cars specially equipped for use by disabled people, as well as cars with an engine power of up to 100 horsepower (up to 73.55 kW), received (purchased) through the social protection authorities in the manner prescribed by law;
  • fishing sea and river vessels;
  • tractors, self-propelled combines of all brands, special vehicles (milk trucks, livestock trucks, special vehicles for transporting poultry, vehicles for transporting and applying mineral fertilizers, veterinary care, maintenance) registered with agricultural producers and used in agricultural work for the production of agricultural products;
  • wanted vehicles, provided that the fact of their theft is confirmed by a document issued by the authorized body.

The owner of the vehicle is obliged to pay the tax, even if it is not being used or is being repaired. To get rid of this obligation, it is necessary to remove the vehicle from the state registration.

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