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What is the difference between OSAGO and Casco and Dsago and what to choose? What is the difference between Casco and OSAGO and DSAGO? Casco difference.

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What is insurance?

Contract with an insurance company. In certain circumstances, you will receive damages.

What kind of insurance are there? What is auto insurance?

Any insurance is aimed at preserving the life, health, ability to work and property interests of the insured person. If we talk about auto insurance, then there are four main options: OSAGO, DGO + OSAGO, Casco, Green Card.


Compulsory civil liability insurance. This means that it is not the car that is insured, but the responsibility of the driver to other road users. CMTPL payments are established by the state. The payment for repairs is 120,000 ₽. According to the law, the depreciation of the car, which reaches 80%, must be taken into account - this means that the owner of a seven-year-old car will receive 20% of the amount needed for repairs. OSAGO - compulsory insurance, for lack of insurance - a fine.

If you drove through a red light and collided with a car, that is, you became the culprit of an accident, you must pay for the damage from your own pocket. If you have OSAGO, then your insurance company will take over the repair of the affected car. You will have to repair your own car for your own money, since it is not your own property that is insured, but civil liability.


DSO - an add-on for OSAGO, which increases payments. The object of insurance, like OSAGO, is civil liability, and not your own car.


Voluntary motor vehicle insurance. You insure your car against most of the troubles that may arise on the road and during parking.

The car was stolen - the insurance company will pay the cost of the car. Had an accident, lost control - will repair the damage. A mirror was stolen in the parking lot or the car was scratched - the insurance company will pay for the repair.

There are many insurance companies. Each uses its own algorithms for calculating insurance rates for each car. The price of a comprehensive insurance policy depends on the number of thefts of a model in a particular area, the cost of spare parts, car anti-theft equipment, the experience and insurance history of the driver, the volume of the package of additional services and the availability of a franchise. The Casco franchise makes the Casco agreement itself cheaper. The larger the franchise, the lower the cost of the CASCO agreement.

The main difference between hull insurance and OSAGO is the object of insurance. If CMTPL insures civil liability, then Casco insures the vehicle.

It does not matter who is to blame for the accident - Casco returns the damage in any situation.

Each insurer has its own template of documents, but all of them are based on legislation, differ in design and additional services. An example of the policy of our partner "Consent":

Only OSAGO or OSAGO + Casco?



  • Low price.
  • Payment within 30 days.
  • Minor damage can be fixed without the traffic police.


  • The limit for one accident is up to 120,000 rubles.
  • The payment is calculated taking into account the wear and tear of the car. Wear is not taken into account for the brake system, windows, airbags. Depreciation can be 80% of the payment.
  • The only thing that can be disputed is the damage assessment.



  • Large payout.
  • It doesn't matter who is at fault for the incident.
  • Feeling of calm and security.
  • Individual approach, consideration of each insured event separately.


  • High policy price for popular cars, cars older than three years and for young, inexperienced drivers.
  • It is necessary to record each insured event with the police or the traffic police, and obtain supporting certificates.
  • Unscrupulous insurers can delay payments in case of theft, negotiate the cost of repairs with a repair organization for a long time.

How to choose Casco?

Use aggregator sites. They enter into partnership agreements with insurance companies, so you save. site aggregator, we cooperate only with reliable insurers.

The insurance market offers two products: OSAGO and CASCO. Their purchase is necessary for the car owner: all or most of the costs associated with the loss or damage to the car are covered by the insurance company.

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Both products complement each other, but are not mutually exclusive, and the difference between CASCO and OSAGO needs to be clarified when choosing an insurance product.


OSAGO is motor third party liability insurance, all vehicle owners are required to buy a policy. The obligation to purchase a policy is fixed at the legislative level.

The absence of OSAGO from the driver is a violation for which a fine is provided in 800 rubles.

The main purpose of OSAGO is driver liability insurance in case of an accident.

If an accident occurs due to the fault of the policyholder, then the material costs of compensating for the damage to the injured party are transferred to the insurance company.

In the absence of insurance, you will have to pay funds for car repairs and treatment of people from your personal budget.

OSAGO has two main advantages:

  • relative cheapness;
  • availability.

Among the shortcomings - difficulties in obtaining without an agreement on additional insurance, a low limit on the maximum amount of payment.

If it happened with an accident involving a domestic car, then the costs will be fully covered by the insurance company.

But when the injured party has an expensive foreign car, then in case of severe damage, the limit will not be enough and the difference will have to be compensated on their own.

Another disadvantage is the cost of restoring your own car. The insurance company compensates only the injured party.

CASCO is a type of voluntary insurance. The policy is purchased to insure property against theft, theft and damage. It covers any costs associated with damage to the vehicle.

The main advantage of CASCO is the possibility of insurance against any risks.

If the owner was responsible for the accident, the policy will cover the cost of restoring the car. At the same time, CASCO is not used to compensate for damage caused to third parties.

Similar moments

Despite the different principle of operation, OSAGO and CASCO have similar details.

  1. Car insurance. The policy is intended for car insurance, but does not cover transported property. The product is valid for all types of vehicles.
  2. The cost increases after an accident. Even a single participation in an accident as the culprit of the incident increases the cost of the policy in the next insurance period.
  3. Formation of value. The price of insurance is set depending on the age of the driver, driving experience, place of registration.
  4. Uninsured event. The driver will not receive a payment if at the time of the accident he was intoxicated or provoked an accident.
  5. Availability of technical inspection of the car. Before insurance, the vehicle is diagnosed to identify critical damage that may affect driving. The representative of the insurer may ask the car for inspection to compare the data in the diagnostic card with real characteristics.
  6. cooling period. Having insured your car under CASCO or OSAGO, you can terminate and return the premium paid within 5 days.

The listed similar points are the main ones, without exceptions. The only thing that should be added is that this formation is regulated at the legislative level and the insurer does not have the right to make allowances at will.

What are the differences

There are more differences between OSAGO and CASCO, each should be considered in detail in order to understand whether it is necessary to purchase one or another insurance product.

  1. Insurance type. OSAGO refers to mandatory types of insurance, and CASCO - to voluntary. You can refuse the second product, but not the first. The absence of an OSAGO policy refers to administrative offenses for which penalties are provided. Moreover, the insurance company has the right to recover from the culprit of the accident the amount of damage. CASCO does not have such features. If the policyholder became the party injured in the accident, the insurer may recover the amount of damage from the insurance company of the culprit. But individuals do not take part in this process.
  2. Legislation. Third party liability insurance is subject to requirements. And any disagreements on the part of the insurance company can be resolved in court. For example, if the organization wrongfully refuses to pay. CASCO insurance is regulated only by the consumer protection law. The terms of the contract are always ambiguous, they vary depending on the requirements of the insurer. He independently regulates this product, makes adjustments without the consent of higher authorities. Insurance rules are regulated by the insurance contract. And only if the conditions specified in it are violated, you can go to court.
  3. Rates. By formed and approved by the government of the Russian Federation. The insurer is obliged to strictly follow the accepted standards. For CASCO, tariffs are formed by the insurer independently, depending on the pricing policy, the situation on the insurance services market and other indicators. Therefore, the cost of CASCO has significant differences in different insurance companies.
  4. Insurance payments. The amount of insurance compensation is also formed at the legislative level. Limits are set and approved by the OSAGO insurance authorities. When concluding a CASCO contract, the amount of insurance payment is negotiated by the parties. It may be limited by the value of the car or the maximum allowable limit. So, in 2020, for damage caused to property, the injured party can receive a maximum 400 000 rubles. According to CASCO, the amounts of payments reach 3-5 million rubles.
  5. Insurance object. OSAGO protects the property interests of the insured. If he becomes the culprit of an accident, then payments are made to the injured party. The absence of a policy shifts this obligation to the culprit himself. OSAGO also compensates for the costs of treatment of persons injured in the accident. CASCO protects the property of the insured, regardless of the cause of the accident (with the exception of non-insurance cases).
  6. Insurance events. applies only to cases of harm to someone else's car and third parties. This includes an accident, a collision with a pedestrian. Under CASCO, you can receive compensation for almost any action that led to damage or complete destruction of the vehicle. These include:
    • accident;
    • tree fall;
    • actions of third parties;
    • auto theft;
    • theft;
    • damage as a result of natural disasters, etc.
  7. Policy cost. The price of OSAGO has grown significantly over the past 3 years, but still remained within the reach of a citizen with an average budget. The CASCO policy is expensive for the insured, the price varies from 20 to 150 thousand rubles. It depends on the value of the car. And the more insurance risks are included in the contract, the more expensive the insurance is.
  8. Auto examination. To obtain, an independent and fairly rigorous examination will be required. In view of the unprofitability of OSAGO, insurers are trying by any means to reduce costs. This often leads to an underestimation of the actual costs. CASCO also requires an assessment of damage, but such strict requirements are not imposed on the examination.
  9. Proof of innocence. You will have to prove your innocence in an accident in order to receive a payment for OSAGO. To indemnify for CASCO, insurers require proof of their non-involvement in the damage received.
  10. Buying a car. To register a vehicle, a valid OSAGO policy in the name of the new owner is required. A CASCO policy is purchased after registering a car in your name.
  11. Bankruptcy of the insurer. OSAGO users are protected by law. And in case of bankruptcy of the insurance company, payments are made by the Russian Union of Motor Insurers. CASCO insurance implies certain risks for the car owner. In the event of liquidation or bankruptcy of the company, it will be problematic to achieve the required payments.

When calculating the cost of CASCO, many factors are taken into account, which also differs from OSAGO insurance.

So, with voluntary insurance, the increasing coefficient is the absence of a garage for a car, and the decreasing factor is the marital status of the insured.

If there is OSAGO, is it necessary to issue CASCO?


Under the concept OSAGO obligatory civil liability insurance. Every driver is required by law to have such insurance.

It should be noted right away that OSAGO is not car insurance, but your liability insurance. This means that in the event of an insured event (accident, traffic accident), the perpetrator must compensate for all the damage caused to the property of the victim. If there is a policy, the insurer does this, because the liability has been insured. Naturally, the insurer will be responsible for you under the contract, but only within the terms of the OSAGO policy, which are regulated by applicable law. In accordance with the laws, the total amount of payments under OSAGO cannot exceed 400,000 rubles.

In addition, often an insurance company may, on quite legal grounds, refuse an insurance payment, because for certain reasons such an obligation is removed from it, even despite the concluded contract. Such reasons include driving while intoxicated, ignoring the legal requirements of the insurer, etc.

If you have an OSAGO policy, the material damage caused to your car will not be compensated in any way if you are the culprit of the accident.

The benefits of OSAGO are as follows:

  • If, in accordance with a certificate from the traffic police, you are the injured party in the accident, you can contact your insurer with a claim for compensation for the damage caused. This requirement will be satisfied;
  • If you are the culprit of the accident, then the insurer is obliged to cover all expenses (not exceeding 400,000 rubles) to the injured party, if all requirements are met.

The term " recourse claim". It implies that the company can sue the perpetrator of the accident in court so that he compensates for the losses incurred, which appeared after the payment of compensation to the injured party. An insurer can file a claim under certain circumstances: hiding from the scene of an accident, ignoring the legal requirements of the insurer, being intoxicated during an accident, etc.

Casco and OSAGO differences

Policy CASCO- this is a modified version of OSAGO, if you can call it that. What are its pros and cons, when compared with OSAGO?

OSAGO and CASCO have one common factor - these are insurance policies. With the help of CASCO, the car owner can insure the car (starting from minor damage and ending with a complete loss of the possibility of operation and even theft). The CASCO policy does not depend in any way on compulsory liability insurance, therefore its acquisition is completely voluntary and is not regulated in any way in Russian legislation. If you are insured under OSAGO, then no company can force you to issue CASCO in addition. At the same time, on the contrary, it will not work - in any case, OSAGO will have to be issued.

Also insurance policies will vary considerably in purchase cost. As a rule, the cost of CASCO exceeds the cost of OSAGO several times (about 8-10), but in this case there is no need to talk about any strict proportion, because each company regulates the calculation of the cost of CASCO in its own way and uses its own list factors on which the final price of the policy will depend (age of the driver, his experience, accidents in the past, type of car, brand, power, cost, etc.). On the other hand, OSAGO prices are regulated by the current legislation, therefore, no insurance company can change it upwards to one degree or another. At the same time, when applying for repeated OSAGO policies, car owners will be provided with some discounts, but when using CASCO, any bonuses are the internal policy of the insurer and do not depend on anything.

For example, if you bought an inexpensive foreign car, of average power and price, then the cost of an OSAGO policy for it will vary from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. Along with this, CASCO for the same car will cost 30-60 thousand rubles. Such a huge range of prices for CASCO is due to the fact that each insurer has his own views on the cost of voluntary insurance policies.

Naturally, in the contract, when issuing CASCO, it is necessary to specify the moment that the insurance company will be completely exempt from any payments if the car owner violated the terms of the contract at the time of the insured event (he was drunk, fled the scene of the accident, did not go through the appropriate procedures with the insurer after accidents, etc.). In this case, insurance policies are very similar.

OSAGO and Casco what is the difference: table

If not everyone, then many have heard about CASCO and OSAGO, then the DSAGO policy remains unfamiliar. This type of insurance implies voluntary civil liability insurance. A striking example can be given as an explanation for its action: sometimes it happens that during a traffic accident the injured party suffered damage, the total amount of which significantly exceeds the upper limit of OSAGO payments (400,000 rubles, and the damage, for example, is estimated at 900,000 rubles). In this case, the insurer of the culprit of the accident, in accordance with the law, is obliged to pay the injured party no more than 400,000 rubles, so the culprit will have to pay the remaining 500,000 on their own. In such situations, DSAGO saves the position for the culprit of the accident. With this policy, you can increase the limit of payments for insured events.

It should be noted that the cost of DSAGO is often even less than the price of OSAGO. Not today, insurers sell such insurance for 1-2 thousand rubles, taking into account the fact that payments on them exceed 1,000,000 rubles! Of course, this is a very profitable solution for many drivers.

Is it obligatory to purchase OSAGO and CASCO from the same insurer?

No, not necessarily, but many car owners do just that. What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying both policies from the same company?


  • Both policies can be issued quickly enough, because the company's employees have the entire package of documents;
  • Many insurance companies provide a special system of discounts, which is valid when both policies are issued at the same time.


  • The impossibility of choosing an insurance company where you can apply in the event of an insured event. After an accident, the injured party, by law, has the right to apply to two insurers - to his own and to the insurance company of the culprit. When applying for CASCO in a company other than OSAGO, it will be possible to choose from three options.

Of course, this drawback is very conditional, so many experts recommend that both policies be issued in the same insurance company. You also need to take into account that CASCO in the company where you issue OSAGO, at its price, can significantly exceed the price of the policy offered in another company. In this regard, it is recommended to consider the proposals of several insurers at once.

We calmly drive our car, knowing that all our documents are in order, we annually insure ourselves in case of an accident and constantly hear these three words (except DSAGO a little less often), but in fact, not everyone knows what the difference is between OSAGO, DSAGO and CASCO, what is the difference between their coverage amounts, objects of insurance and what to choose in certain cases. Let's find out all this and dot the "and" in this issue of insurance!

What is OSAGO?

So, if we look at the insurance policy, which we are obliged to carry with us and hand over to the police officer upon request (unless we have issued an electronic OSAGO policy), then we can read on this single A4 sheet and understand that we have a policy OSAGO is a policy of Compulsory third party liability insurance, and it is this insurance that the state obliges us to purchase annually.

And here we will clarify the most important thing: according to OSAGO, we insure not at all the car and not ourselves, as many people think, but ours civil liability.

What does this mean? And the fact that if, as a result of an accident, we are obliged to compensate for damage to someone else's property (car and other) or harm to health, then the insurance company will do this for us, because we have insured our liability. Of course, the insurance company is responsible for our mistakes on the road within the limits of the insurance contract, which, in turn, is regulated by law - the Federal Law "On OSAGO", and this law provides that the amount of coverage cannot exceed 400 thousand rubles (and in certain cases - 500 thousand), and also that in certain cases the insurance company is either relieved of the obligation to pay compensation to the victim for the harm caused by you, or the right of recourse claim (more on this below) in other cases. Such cases, for example, may be a state of alcoholic intoxication, failure to provide a car for damage assessment to an insurance company or an independent appraiser at the request of an insurance company, and so on.

An important point - OSAGO does not cover the damage caused to your car if you are the culprit of an accident. And OSAGO will not compensate you for the damage if you are injured, but the culprit does not have an insurance policy or the culprit fled the scene of an accident. Under OSAGO, you will be paid in two cases:

  • If you are a victim of an accident (according to the decision of the traffic police, and not in your opinion), and the culprit of the accident is known, and his auto-civil liability is insured, then in certain cases you contact your insurance company or the insurance company of the culprit, which compensates you for the damage caused damage (when you apply to your insurance company, you will also be compensated for the damage by the insurance party responsible through your insurance company).
  • If you are the culprit of an accident, then if you were sober, did not hide from the scene of an accident, your policy is not expired, did not refuse to provide a car for inspection, then your insurance company pays compensation to the victim. That is, for example, you caused damage for 100 thousand, and issued a policy for 10 thousand. Your insurance company pays the victim 100 thousand, and has no right to demand anything from you.

There is also such a thing as a recourse claim - when an insurance company gets the right to apply a civil claim against the perpetrator of an accident for compensation for the losses incurred by it in order to pay compensation to the victim. Simply put, under certain conditions, when, for example, you fled the scene of an accident, in some cases did not provide a car for inspection and some others, the insurance company can recover from you in court the entire amount that it paid to the victim in an accident.

So, we figured out OSAGO. The turn of CASCO has come - how does such insurance differ from OSAGO, what are its advantages and disadvantages and what to choose?

What is CASCO?

You should start with the fact that the only thing in common between OSAGO and CASCO is the attitude towards cars and the fact that both of them are, in essence, their insurance. But if the motor third party liability of the driver is insured under OSAGO, then under CASCO the property is insured directly - the car (its damage, total structural loss or theft), and CASCO insurance coexists independently of OSAGO, and the acquisition of a CASCO policy is not mandatory by law - in other words, you can to be insured under OSAGO, but not insured under CASCO, but vice versa - it is impossible (unless, of course, the car drives on the roads of our country), because OSAGO insurance is a must, you remember that, right?

Regardless of your guilt in an accident, CASCO insurance will allow you to compensate for damage to your car (but not to you (health), unless this is specifically stipulated in the CASCO insurance contract). Nevertheless, if you are not guilty of an accident, you can contact your insurance company under the CASCO policy, but the insurance company will also not remain at a loss - it will recover the amount paid to you from the insurance culprit of the accident (but if you are the culprit, it will no longer be able to recover ) if the culprit is known.

Unlike OSAGO, the procedure for insurance, payments, the cost of the policy in the case of CASCO is not regulated by a special law - only by the Civil Code, the Law "On Protection of Consumers' Rights", the Ground Transport Insurance Rules and a number of other regulatory legal acts.

But the main difference between OSAGO and CASCO is, of course, the cost of acquiring a policy - CASCO insurance is much more expensive than OSAGO, but it’s quite difficult to give average values ​​​​here in the case of CASCO, since when calculating it, theft of a car model is taken into account, its age, cost, cost of parts and repairs, statistical frequency of participation in an accident and many other factors. But the cost of an OSAGO policy is calculated according to the coefficients established by law, it has a very small corridor for changing the cost by the insurance companies themselves and depends on a much smaller number of factors, such as driving experience, car age, car cost, its power and a number of others. In addition, in the case of OSAGO insurance, discounts are provided for accident-free driving (in the case of CASCO, this is a voluntary initiative of the insurance company and is not a prerequisite for it).

So, for example, if an OSAGO policy for a new Japanese-made C-class car can cost about 7,000-13,000 rubles, then a CASCO policy under the same conditions can reach prices from 50 to 140,000 rubles or more (such a range of prices in a CASCO policy due to the fact that this price is set by the insurance company alone of its own free will).

For CASCO insurance, in the insurance contract, as well as in the case of OSAGO, in most cases it also states that the insurer (insurance company) is exempt from payment if the driver was intoxicated at the time of the accident, the harm was caused by the insured’s intention (the one who acquired a CASCO policy in his name) and for a number of other conditions similar to OSAGO.


But there is another incomprehensible "beast" in the field of auto insurance - DSAGO (or DOSAGO), which stands for voluntary third party liability insurance- in other words, this is an extension of the amount of coverage of OSAGO insurance. The fact is that there are cases when, as a result of an accident, the culprit caused damage in the amount of more than 400 thousand rubles - for example, in the amount of 1 million rubles, and then the culprit's insurance company under OSAGO pays the victim only 400 thousand rubles - the maximum that she is supposed to pay by law, but the rest (600 thousand rubles) - the culprit will be obliged to pay out of his own pocket. And for this case, you need a DSAGO policy - it allows you to expand the amount of coverage in case of an insured event to much larger amounts than 400 thousand rubles (sometimes in some insurance companies the amount of coverage can reach 5 million rubles).

With all this, the cost of the DSAGO policy itself can be significantly lower than even the cost of the OSAGO policy - for example, today you can find insurance companies where you can purchase DSAGO insurance for 2,000-5,000 rubles, and its coverage will be up to 1 million rubles. Agree that this is a "Musthave" item for any driver!

What is the difference between OSAGO, CASCO and DSAGO insurance? Comparison table

Object of insurance Responsibility of the driver in case of an accident Driver's liability in case of an accident (additional extension of the amount of coverage for OSAGO) Automobile
Mandatory? Yes No No
How much does it cost for an average common inexpensive car? (rubles) 6 000 - 15 000 2 000 - 7 000 40 000 - 200 000
The maximum amount of coverage, based on the cost of the policy above, rubles 400,000 (500,000 if injured) 400 000 - 3 000 000 300,000 - 1,800,000 (most often the cost of the car, taking into account wear and tear)
Conditions for non-insured events and rights of recourse
  • Malicious intent of the driver, resulting in harm caused to health.
  • Drunk.
  • Lack of driver's license to drive.
  • Leaving the scene of an accident by the culprit.
  • The offending driver is not included in the list of persons allowed to drive a car.
  • If the insured event occurred within a period not stipulated by the OSAGO policy.
  • If the accident was registered without traffic police officers (according to the European protocol), and the perpetrator did not properly notify the insurance company about the insured event.
  • If within 15 calendar days, except for non-working holidays, from the date of the accident, the culprit repaired the car and did not provide it for inspection to the insurance company.
According to the terms of the contract, which do not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation (as a rule, the state of intoxication of the driver, malicious intent). According to the terms of the contract, which do not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation (most often, the state of intoxication of the driver, malicious intent).

A modern Russian driver does not have to choose between CASCO and OSAGO. It is prohibited to drive a vehicle on the territory of the Russian Federation without concluding an agreement on compulsory third party liability insurance (OSAGO) (Article 4 of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ (as amended on November 28, 2015) “On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners”) .

Insurance of your car against damage and theft under a CASCO agreement is mandatory only when applying for a bank loan to buy a car.

Features of OSAGO and CASCO insurance

For driving a vehicle without a valid OSAGO policy, a fine of 800 rubles is provided, in accordance with Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ. The absence of CASCO insurance is not considered a violation of the rules for operating a vehicle on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The features of OSAGO and hull insurance contracts are clearly presented in the comparative table.

Table. OSAGO and CASCO

Why are they so named Abbreviation of the full name of the type of insurance: "Compulsory third party liability insurance". The term "casco" (from Spanish casco - helmet or Italian - shield) is taken from international legal practice and means transport insurance without taking into account the transported property and the driver's liability in the insurance.
It is not an abbreviation, but in Russia, according to established practice, it is often written in capital letters.
Subject of insurance Driver's liability for damage to property and health of a third party. Personal car from theft and damage, including cases of damage caused through the fault of the owner (except in cases of special intent of the insured to damage the insured object for personal gain).
Application Only vehicles. Any transport (road, water, air, rail).
Insurance type Required. Voluntary.
What is regulated (insurance rules, tariffs, payment terms) Federal Law No. 40-FZ of April 25, 2002 (as amended on November 28, 2015) “On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners”. The internal rules of the insurer. Each insurer independently sets tariffs, insurance rules, payment terms and conditions. Guided by the provisions of the current editions
  • Law of November 27, 1992 N 4015-1 "On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation";
  • Law of February 7, 1992 N 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights". The general rules for the payment of insurance under voluntary insurance contracts were approved
  • Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2013 N 20 "On the application by the courts of legislation on voluntary insurance of property of citizens" .
Policy price (insurance premium) Defined by the state. Tariffs are set according to
  • region of the Russian Federation;
  • age of the driver and his driving experience;
  • the type of vehicle being insured.

There is a discount for accident-free driving.

It is set by each insurer independently and amounts to about 5-10% of the cost of the insured car (it is calculated depending on many indicators, from the age of the driver to the storage conditions of the car).

Full (against damage for any reason) and partial insurance are provided.

A franchise is applied, which reduces the cost of the policy.

Features of the insurance payment Limits of insurance indemnity are set:
  • 400 thousand rubles - for property;
  • 500 thousand rubles - for life and health.

Payments in excess of the established limits, if the damage caused by them is not covered, are made by the culprit of the accident (voluntarily or by court decision).

The person responsible for the accident pays for the repair of his own property damaged in the accident.

The number of payments in case of frequent accidents is not limited.

Written in an insurance contract.

The damage is compensated in full within the limits of the sum insured established by the contract (does not exceed the value of the car fixed in the contract).

Often the sum insured decreases with each payment made.
But you can initially draw up a more expensive contract with a non-reducible sum insured (non-aggregate).

Conditions of imprisonment The presence of a valid diagnostic card of the car (confirming the safety of its operation), obtained as a result of technical inspection. Before concluding an insurance contract, the insurer may inspect the vehicle for pre-existing damage.
Payment terms 30 days from the date of receipt by the insurer of the last of the documents required for processing the payment. Established by the insurance contract and the rules of the insurer.
Estimating the amount of compensation The amount of damage incurred is calculated taking into account the wear and tear of the vehicle affected by the accident according to the standard formula for the ratio of the age and mileage of the car. With or without depreciation, depending on the terms of the contract.
Most often, for new cars - without depreciation, for used ones - with depreciation.
In case of bankruptcy of the insurer Payments are made by the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RSA). RSA does not pay compensation payments. But you can sue for damages.
Possibility of refusal to conclude an insurance contract Not provided. If an insurer licensed for this type of activity refuses to conclude an OSAGO agreement with the car owner, a complaint should be filed with the PCA. The insurer has the right to refuse to conclude the contract, in accordance with the internal insurance rules approved by the company. For example, if the car is not equipped with a certain type of alarm or is old.
General provisions All insurance companies have the right to refuse to pay insurance to persons responsible for an accident if they were driving while intoxicated (not an insured event). The perpetrator of the accident will have to compensate for all the damage caused from personal funds (by court order or voluntarily).

Auto insurance reform in Russia has been quite active lately and has not yet been completed.

The possibility of introducing an “extended hull insurance” is being discussed, which makes it possible to pay compensation in the event of civil liability, without concluding a mandatory OSAGO agreement.

It is planned to significantly reduce the insurance premium (the cost of an insurance policy) for law-abiding drivers with accident-free driving experience and increase it for drivers with an aggressive risky driving style. For this, the consumer is already offered insurance products with telematics.

But, by and large, today the car owner has to choose:

  • whether to conclude only a mandatory OSAGO agreement, the cost of which has increased significantly,
  • or add one of the variants of the CASCO agreement to OSAGO. It will cost even more, but it will save you from the cost of repairing your car.

As a rule, owners of expensive cars, who often move in heavy traffic on the streets of megacities, where minor but fairly frequent damage to vehicles is inevitable, buy both policies.

Accurate drivers of economy class cars, especially in small towns with low traffic intensity, are limited to an OSAGO policy.