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Fortune telling by date. Fortune telling by a person's date of birth

Vanga’s prediction based on a person’s date of birth (table) has interested many people who want to know their future. In contrast to astrological forecasts, which should be done almost every day of the year, the Bulgarian blind seer compiled a magic rectangle, putting in it the values ​​of numbers from 1 to 40, assigning each number its own meaning.

The result is a kind of collection of advice on what to do in life.

Date of birth as a way to find out purpose: Vanga’s table

The chaotic, at first glance, arrangement of numbers helps everyone, according to their year and month of birth, to find out their life purpose, following the indicated direction of which they can achieve success and prosperity.

How the blind woman managed to draw her table and calculate its value remains a mystery. The age of clients who can find out why they came into this world is limited to the years of birth from 1940 to 1995. Either Vanga did not have time to extend her prediction table, or did not want to.

Or maybe she just thought that this particular category of people would be interested in their future. One can only guess what awaits those born after 1995.

The magic of numbers has always attracted clairvoyants and astrologers, who wanted to prove that using the numbers that make up the date of birth of a certain person, one can see the pattern of events in the life of each person that is unique to him. Numerology is the science of the dependence of numbers on the main events in the life of each individual.

Vanga's prediction by date of birth table is a clear example of how the Bulgarian seer used the science of numbers.

Interpretation of table numbers

  • 1. Achieve everything you want. The road is clear.
  • 2. Chance, circumstances or people who appear at the right moment will help you get what you want.
  • 3. Well, there will be many obstacles along the way. Be patient and persistent.
  • 4. Success awaits those who do not give up. Those who persevere will succeed.
  • 5. There is power in knowledge. Accumulate them.
  • 6. Take your time. Everything will work out if you don't rush things.
  • 7. During difficulties, do not lose your head. This will help you cope with your problems with dignity.
  • 8. Circumstances favor you. Add a little of your courage and willpower.
  • 9. Be patient and remain calm, the rest will not help you.
  • 10. You will have to achieve everything yourself. Help from other people can only do harm.
  • 11. You will get what you want unexpectedly. Pleasant surprises.
  • 12. Realistically assess your strengths and skills. Otherwise you will be in trouble.
  • 13. Periods of depression. During these periods, it is better not to make efforts, but to postpone desires until a more opportune moment.
  • 14. Everything has its time, you will get everything.
  • 15. Frequent misunderstanding of others, which will interfere with the fulfillment of desires. Single.
  • 16. Your strong point is surprise. Don't plan, improvisation will be more effective.
  • 17. Think about your desires - do you really need it?
  • 18. Wait for favorable moments. Outside of their desires it will be impossible to fulfill.
  • 19. You create your own life. Take advantage of every chance that fate gives you.
  • 20. Absolute harmony with the world - you get what you give.
  • 21. What seems interesting will be abandoned. Life itself will give you direction for development.
  • 22. Egoists will have a hard time. Get over it. You need to be more diplomatic and look for allies.
  • 23. The fulfillment of your desires benefits not only you, but also those around you.
  • 24. Your ideas will be brought to life.
  • 25. There is dissonance between your expectations and reality. Think over several ways to achieve and choose the optimal one.
  • 26. You can be a leader in your own family. It may happen that you have no other option. Embrace this turn.
  • 27. There is no limit to perfection. Therefore, you will always have to engage in self-improvement. And it's good for you.
  • 28. Be more optimistic and look at problems from the outside - then you will find unexpected solutions.
  • 29. You will always be in contact with people. This is your strength.
  • 30. Be tactful with people - this will help you achieve success.
  • 31. You will be able to realize even the impossible - if you catch the right moment.
  • 32. During a crisis, do not lose your head. You may have to completely change your lifestyle. But it will be beneficial.
  • 33. There are times when you don’t believe anyone, not even the mirror. In times like these, don't start new things.
  • 34. Sometimes, to fulfill your desires, you will have to invest more than you will receive in the end.
  • 35. The more zealously you strive to reach the top, the slower you will go to it. Do not take unnecessary actions - one, but calculated blow is much better than ten “in the milk”.
  • 36. People envy you, but don’t worry, spiteful critics are only capable of gossip.
  • 37. The love of spending money is not the best quality. Learn to save.
  • 38. Just wanting is not enough. We'll have to do the work ourselves.
  • 39. The right information received at the most opportune moment helps you.
  • 40. The more you work, the more you get.

Years of birth in the table are paired with dates separated by a period of 28 years, which in astrology is considered the third part of the 84-year cycle of revolution of the planets, except Pluto and Neptune, around the Sun. Every 28 years are characterized by personal growth of a person associated with the influence of certain planets.

No one can change the nature of the influence of planets and its results. Considering Vanga’s table from this point of view, the seer invented a way to calculate the meaning of life for every person living on Earth. It is enough to take into account the cyclicity of 28 years.

The 12 months at the top of the table correspond to the zodiac signs representing the animals of the Chinese astrological calendar. Using the meaning of each sign, the emotional and psychological background of events occurring throughout life, common to a certain circle of people, is determined. The tendency is not necessarily formed in specific life situations, but these characteristics are inherent in all people from the selected category.

The prediction of the clairvoyant Vanga, how to determine a person’s life purpose by the person’s date of birth, helps to reveal the table compiled by the seer. If you know the pattern that is embedded in every cell of the picture, then you can easily continue the prediction by adding later or earlier dates of birth of people.

The first people on earth predicted the future by signs, observing the behavior of animals, birds and insects. This is how they ensured their safety by anticipating floods, frosts and earthquakes in advance. When man separated from nature, knowledge took over and weather prediction ceased to be relevant. But the need for knowledge of the future has not been exhausted! And then they popularized fortune telling with cards and other materials to predict love, success or failure.

The first people like Vanga appeared - seers, psychics. With the development of mathematics, more scientific methods of predicting fate appeared, and one of them is Numerology. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa of Nettesheim, physician and philosopher, described it this way:

“Each number has a power that the number or symbol for representing a number expresses not only quantitatively. These powers lie in the occult connections between the relations of things and principles in nature, of which they are expressions.”

Character Definition

Each number in numerology has a meaning by which you can predict a person’s fate, compatibility with other people, life schedule, presence of children, future of relationships without Vanga's talents and fortune telling cards. Knowing the numbers from 1 to 9, you can add a complex number, as well as vice versa - adding them together to arrive at a simple number.

Over time, numerology became part of fortune telling on cards. The letters also acquired a digital meaning, giving meaning to the first and last names, which affects the presence and number of children parents have.

  1. We write down the date of birth in the form: 02/15/1973 - day, month and year.
  2. Add all the numbers together: 1+5+0+2+1+9+7+3=28
  3. We add the resulting number using the same principle, reducing the result to one digit: 2+8=10=1+0=1
  4. Result: 1 - we read all the characteristics and compatibility corresponding to this figure.

This is how we get the main, leading characteristic of a person and compatibility with people. When fortune telling by date of birth, it is also important to pay attention to the numbers it consists of. In our example, there are no 4, 6 and 8. The corresponding qualities are almost or completely absent in a person, which can unknowingly frighten the parents of children born on such a day. But each person is given his own set of qualities - the only one that needs to be developed.

Number Character Weakness Compatibility
1 Individuality. The center of the company, a bright and energetic personality. He is distinguished by his willfulness and ability to defend his point of view and lead. There is a risk of contracting star fever. In the absence of philanthropy - an upstart, a braggart. 2, 4, 7
2 Soft. Loves children. Easily adapts to life circumstances. Avoids conflicts. Values ​​family and friends. Infantility. Needs support. Avoids responsibility. 1, 3, 4, 6
3 Optimist. Flexible and energetic. Responsible and active. Always ready to help, but demands respect in return. Spiritual. The assistance provided to them may be a disservice. 6, 9
4 Contradictory. Revolutionary, but all for the benefit of others. Kind and loving. Makes decisions quickly and gets down to business. Strong. Shrew. Any rules make him furious. As a child, it is important to show him the responsibility that follows his actions. 1, 2, 7
5 Experimenter. A lively and sharp mind, does not accept boring everyday life. It does its job easily and quickly. Stands out from the crowd. Evokes love. Any
6 They get discouraged if something doesn't work out. Only a new project brings them out of the blues. Arrogant, frivolous. Defiant behavior is typical. Hysterical. 4
7 Compassionate. A brilliant philosopher. Prone to mental work. Talented. It’s hard to start any activity or relationship. Avoid conflicts. 2
8 Lonely. Lover of order. Realist, strives for independence and prosperity. Coldness and lack of emotionality scares away the people whose love he needs. 2
9 Organizer. Active and hardworking. Always strive for success and goals. Erudite and independent. There is a risk of underestimating your abilities and failing. Merciless. 3, 6

Number of reincarnations

Fortune telling by date of birth makes it possible to find out not only personal characteristics, simplifying the work of parents and helping in relationships and love. Calculations can show how much reincarnation this is. There are only 15 lives, so when we get a larger number, we sum up its parts to a number ranging from 1 to 15.

  1. To do this, we write the date again (02/15/1973), without dots and zeros: 1521973
  2. When adding numbers we get 10, and when adding 1+0=1. We add both numbers to the existing numbers: 1521973 10 1
  3. From the third number (10), subtract the first digit of the first number (1521973) multiplied by 2: 10-(1 x 2)=8
  4. If you get a two-digit number, enter it. Then reduce it to one digit by summing, as we have done so far, and enter the last option, obtaining such a construction. 1521973 10 1 8 …
  5. We remove the zeros and sum up the numbers in the bottom row - this is the number of lives a person has lived. 1+1+8=10

Life schedule

Calculating the graph will help determine our energy capabilities in accordance with the 12-year life cycle. To do this, you need to multiply the numbers from the date of birth (02/15/1973): 15 x 2 x 1973=59190

The ordinate (Y) axis of the graph is a scale from 0 to 9. The abscissa (X) axis is a time scale with 12-year time periods. In this example, the X axis will correspond to the following series of dates: 1973 - year of birth. Then every next 12 years - 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, etc.

From the example it follows: number 5 corresponds to the year of birth (1973), number 9 - 1985, and so on, until you get a graph that clearly displays our energy state in life.

Fortune telling by date of birth is a way to get to know yourself better, look into the future and get acquainted with prospects. Simple methods will help you unravel the secrets of acquaintances whose birth time is known to the girl.

In the article:

How to guess by date of birth for marriage: arm yourself with a calculator or count in a column. Birthday numbers are multiplied rather than summed. For example, a person was born on December 17, 1985. The estimated wedding year is 2020. The calculations look like this: 17 x 12 x 1985 x 2020 = 817978800.

A wedding is likely when there is at least one eight after multiplication. A person’s wedding in 2020 is highly likely.

Simple fortune telling by date of birth for marriage
Date of Birth:
Planned wedding date: Send

No weddings this year

Low probability

High probability of wedding

How to guess by date of birth for previous reincarnations

Pythagoras argued that a person lives fifteen lives: no more, no less. The opinion is disputed, for example, it claims that she has already lived 150 lives. Fortune telling by date of birth is based on the statement that a person is reborn fifteen times.

Enter date of birth:

To know

The number is calculated by simple calculations. Let’s say they are calculating how many lives a person who was born on December 25, 1985 has lived.

  1. Write the numbers in a row, omitting the zeros: 25121985.
  2. Sum them up: 2+5+1+2+1+9+8+5 = 33.
  3. The result leads to a single digit: 3+3 = 6.
  4. The numbers are added in a row: 25121985 33 6 .
  5. From the two-digit number obtained by summation, subtract the first number of the series, multiplied by two: 33-(2x2)=29.
  6. Bring the resulting number to a single digit: 2+9 = 11 = 1+1 = 2.
  7. Both numbers are added at the end of the row: 25121985 33 6 29 2.
  8. Sum up the numbers from the resulting series, except for the numbers that relate to the date of birth: 3+3+6+2+9+2 = 25. If the result is a number greater than 15, reduce it to an unambiguous form: 2+5 = 7 .

It turned out that a person lives for the seventh time.

Fortune telling by date of birth - chart of possibilities

Fortune telling by date of birth with a schedule determines the energy capabilities or energy state in which a person is located. The result will not be accurate: they rely on readings corresponding to one year out of twelve. Based on the data obtained, a graph is constructed based on a twelve-year time cycle.

Fortune telling begins with drawing a graph. The Y axis is a scale from 0 to 9, showing the level of energy reserve. The X axis is a scale corresponding to years of birth. The first is the year of birth. To get the next divisions, add 12 to the number. If the year of birth is 1996, the divisions on the X axis are: 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032, 2044...

To get the Y axis coordinates, multiply the numbers from the date of birth. For example, a person was born on January 26, 1996. The calculations look like this:

26 X 1 X 1996=51896

You will get five points that are responsible for a person’s energy state and are marked on the graph. Numbers and years correspond:

  • 5 - 1996;
  • 1 - 2008;
  • 8 - 2020;
  • 9 - 2032;
  • 6 - 2044.

The meanings of the numbers are the level of vital energy, the number of opportunities given to a person by fate. This is the degree of pleasure that life gives. 0 means minimal capabilities, 4 and 5 mean average, 9 means maximum level of vital energy.

There are more and less dots. The fewer points, the more stable the energy state. The more there are, the more often the situation changes. After completing the calculated group of cycles, the schedule is repeated. Its duration depends on the life expectancy of a person, and not on the number of points.

Fortune telling by date of birth for love

Fortune telling by date of birth for love dots the i’s so that the girl decides whether to try to save the relationship or whether the partner is categorically unsuitable, based on compatibility according to numerology.

To find out about love using numerology, add the numbers from the partners’ birth dates. Let’s say they are calculating how compatible people are who were born on 02/27/1987 and 03/28/1988. Calculations:

2+7+0+2+1+9+8+7 = 36

2+8+0+3+1+9+8+8 = 39

3+9 = 12

They look at the interpreter to see what kind of union the combination of numbers 3 and 9 promises:

  • 1+1 - learn to give in to each other, otherwise it is impossible to get along together.
  • 1+2 - learn to be correct, otherwise the relationship will not work out.
  • 1+3 - a strong union, but one of the partners imposes his own opinion on the other.
  • 1+4 - people complement each other, but in order for the relationship to be strong, they learn harmony.
  • 1+5 - if you don’t try to command each other, the relationship will last until the end of your life.
  • 1+6 - the relationship is ideal.
  • 1+7 - you can learn to live together.
  • 1+8 - good colleagues or business partners, but love will not come from the relationship.
  • 1+9 - people are too different, it’s better to let go of the situation.
  • 2+2 - a guy and a girl are perfect for each other.
  • 2+3 - harmony in everything.
  • 2+4 - a woman understands and appreciates her partner.
  • 2+5 - people attract each other.
  • 2+6 - harmony and reciprocity.
  • 2+7 - learn to show feelings so that relationships improve.
  • 2+8 is a good union.
  • 2+9 - good friends, but bad spouses.
  • 3+3 - the ability to find an approach to each other.
  • 3+4 - harmony, even though people are different.
  • 3+5 - no future for the couple.
  • 3+6 - a calm and long family life.
  • 3+7 - either take into account the wishes of the partner, or break up.
  • 3+8 - union is impossible.
  • 3+9 - good compatibility, but only in intimate life.
  • 4+4 - stability, strong family ties.
  • 4+5 - misunderstanding that wins.
  • 4+6 - a happy family with many children.
  • 4+7 - measured family life.
  • 4+8 - trust each other for the relationship to work out.
  • 4+9 - learn to understand each other.
  • 5+5 - a freedom-loving but faithful couple with a strong relationship.
  • 5+6 - if there is no fidelity in the relationship, the union will fall apart.
  • 5+7 - good business relationship, but family will not work.
  • 5+8 is a strong union thanks to the passion and ambition of the partners.
  • 5+9 - relationships are full of adventures.
  • 6+6 - strong family with children.
  • 6+7 - unpredictability, a union of two creative natures.
  • 6+8 - relationships will develop only in the absence of a material component.
  • 6+9 is a strong pair.
  • 7+7 - if there is openness, the relationship is strong.
  • 7+8 - if you listen to each other and do not limit your partner, the marriage will work out.
  • 7+9 - general ideas and spiritual closeness.
  • 8+8 - both partners are ambitious, love power: if you cope with the problem, the relationship is strong.
  • 8+9 - incompatible people.
  • 9+9 - happy couple.

Fortune telling by date of birth for the future

To find out what awaits in a few years, use a simple date of birth for the future. Add up the numbers of the date of birth. For example, fortune telling for a person who was born on April 29, 1989. Calculations:

2+9+4+1+9+8+9 = 42

Similar calculations are carried out for the date for which the prediction is needed. They tell fortunes for the day, month or year. Suppose you are interested in how June 2017 will go:

0+6+2+0+1+7 = 16

Sum up the resulting numbers, bringing them to a single-valued form:

Look at the meaning of the result in the interpreter:

  • 1 - bad period. Troubles, illnesses and injuries are likely. They are vigilant because of the risk of being deceived. Beware of scammers and thieves. Money luck will turn away.
  • 2 - do whatever they think is necessary. Any endeavor will lead to success. The person will receive the help they need. Interesting acquaintances are possible.
  • 3 - to achieve success, you have to work hard. You cannot rely on luck and the help of others. Having gotten rid of laziness, they get down to business.
  • 4 - expects to enjoy a well-deserved reward: vacation, promotion, marriage, other pleasant event.
  • 5 - rest. Work will not be productive. The person is too tired mentally and physically.
  • 6 is a good period. Achievements are valued so as not to offend Fortune.
  • 7 - it is not recommended to take risks in order to avoid many problems and not worsen the situation.
  • 8 - you will have to start doing what others used to do for a person. New opportunities, reduction of financial difficulties.
  • 9 - planning, but not implementing plans. Things you have started will not bring good things.

Are there fortune telling for children by date of birth?

There are no reliable fortune telling for children based on their date of birth. Numerological techniques are not designed for accurate information. In the case of fortune telling for marriage, the probabilities of the occurrence of an event in different years are traced, but here it is necessary to find out the specific number of children in life.

In some cases, it is difficult to determine your destiny without the help and guidance of higher powers. Fortune telling by date of birth and year of birth is a sure way to find out as much information as possible about yourself. If necessary, in a similar way they obtain information about other people whose fate is not indifferent. It is worth understanding this ritual, which is available to anyone.

You can find out about your future using fortune telling by date of birth.

It is impossible to predict all the events in your life, but it will not be a problem to determine its most striking stages in one day. If you want to find out more information about yourself, you don’t need to leave home and go in search of a prophet. Fortune telling for the future by date of birth means having a piece of paper, desire and free time.

For a numerological forecast, you need to sum up all dates of birth in the correct order. For example, the calculation of a person with data on February 15, 1975 looks like this: 1+5+0+2+1+9+7+5=30. The resulting result is also added and the magic number three is formed.

Further actions depend on the desire to find out more about a specific date or a whole month in a person’s life. If a fortuneteller wants to be aware of what will happen to him on November 21, 2018, then he should add all the numbers again: 2+1+1+1+2+0+1+8=16; 1+6=7. Then add the two resulting numbers: 3+7=10; 1+0=1.

Decoding the result:

  1. 1 - Anxious period. During it, you should be wary of injuries, illnesses and financial losses. It is possible that the fortuneteller will encounter the machinations of dishonest people.
  2. 2 - Safe time. During this time, you can safely start a new business, make interesting acquaintances and enjoy life.
  3. 3 - Difficult period. Being lazy for a long time will not work in order to continue to stay afloat.
  4. 4 - The best hours of life. On this day, a major event will happen in the form of a wedding or receiving a coveted position.
  5. 5 - Comfort zone. It's time to take a break from everyday worries.
  6. 6 - Lucky period. However, you should not relax, because if you behave recklessly, Fortune may turn away from the fortuneteller.
  7. 7 - Dangerous time. The situation can only be saved by either complete inaction or caution in all actions.
  8. 8 - The period of emotional maturation. You should prepare for the fact that it is time to become an independent person.
  9. 9 - Planning time. It is better to postpone the implementation of plans for the future.

All digits of the date of birth are summed up

A happy tomorrow will definitely come if numerology has been used for the benefit of a person. The result obtained can then be double-checked when fortune telling on cards. Full name and date of birth will make fortune telling for the near future even more productive.

Calculation of fate

Our future depends on how we behave. Fate cannot be deceived if a person with an easy-going character begins to behave aggressively. For this reason, you initially need to calculate the number of your life line.

Let's return to the previous example: 02/15/1975, which means 1+5+0+2+1+9+7+5=30. The resulting result is also added and the main number three is formed. This is what you need to start from when deciphering the necessary information. The remaining indicators (1, 5, 2, 9, 7) demonstrate that a person can behave differently in situations that are important or critical for him.

The numbers of the date of birth will tell about the character of a person

Decoding the main number:

  1. Bright personality. Born leaders have no trouble becoming masters of life. Fate is favorable to its favorites as long as they do not cross the line of what is permitted in relation to less strong-willed people.
  2. A flexible person. The advantages of such a character are a large number of friends, because people are always drawn to kind people. Its disadvantages are that by being too complaisant, you can completely ruin your destiny by trusting a selfish person.
  3. Optimist. Such “little souls” are rarely unhappy, because they find positive sides in any trouble. Their passion for life is also enough for other people.
  4. Rebel. Rebel personalities are among the revolutionaries who want to change everything around them. Their fate depends on the direction in which they direct their irrepressible energy.
  5. Experimenter. A measured lifestyle is not for such idea generators. The fate and happiness of such people depends on the ability to implement as many new beginnings as possible into reality.
  6. Cholerics. Individuals with explosive temperaments, despite their hysteria, can be happy. It all depends on their ability and desire to listen not only to their emotions, but also to the opinions of other people.
  7. Philosopher. In terms of career growth, people who like to think rarely have difficulties. However, in their personal lives, they may lose their love due to the desire to live not with their hearts, but with their minds.
  8. Single. Eight people do not consider themselves unhappy people, even if they do not have friends and family. Sometimes they may allow a few people to approach them, but they will rarely see them. Singles are able to build a career if it is not related to social activities.
  9. Leader. Nines, like ones, build relationships with people on the basis of their own superiority. In life, they achieve any goal, unless they meet a more powerful person on the way.

Compatibility calculation by date of birth

Relationships between a man and a woman often do not work out not because of a lack of love between them, but because of the energetic incompatibility of the couple. With fortune telling by year of birth, you can avoid mistakes on the personal front in advance.

Numerology is a science that does not tolerate approximations, and such calculations can be demonstrated using a specific example. Let's consider a woman with a date of birth of 02/15/1975 and her husband, who was born on 08/16/1970.

We add up the dates of birth according to the same scheme:

  1. Woman. 1+5+0+2+1+9+7+5=30; 3+0=3.
  2. Man. 1+6+0+8+1+9+7+0=32; 3+2=5.

Numerology will help you find out if lovers are suitable for each other

The following combinations are associated with fortune telling by date of birth and year in a couple:

  • 1+1 - concession to each other will preserve the relationship;
  • 1+2 - tact in every word and deed will make the couple happy;
  • 1+3 - the union is strong, but there is no equality in it;
  • 1+4 - the couple loves each other, but there is no complete harmony in it;
  • 1+5 - an alliance is possible if there is no violence in it;
  • 1+6 - perfect pair;
  • 1+7 - working on relationships will bring happiness;
  • 1+8 - the relationship is similar to a business partnership;
  • 1+9 - the couple has no future;
  • 2+2 - partners are ideal for each other;
  • 2+3 - a harmonious union with good prospects;
  • 2+4 - complete mutual understanding between partners;
  • 2+5 - a huge force of attraction between lovers;
  • 2+6 - the feeling is mutual and sincere;
  • 2+7 - a little more tenderness, and everything will work out;
  • 2+8 - stable union;
  • 2+9 - we are talking about friendship;
  • 3+3 - man and woman understand each other;
  • 3+4 - lovers with different views on life will be together;
  • 3+5 - marriage is impossible;
  • 3+6 - an excellent union for many years;
  • 3+7 - either humility or separation;
  • 3+8 - complete incompatibility;
  • 3+9 - intimacy without mutual understanding;
  • 4+4 - strong family;
  • 4+5 - resolved misunderstanding;
  • 4+6 - happiness in the family;
  • 4+7 - family life without conflicts;
  • 4+8 - happiness is possible only with trust;
  • 4+9 - unstable couple with misunderstanding;
  • 5+5 - open relationship without betrayal;
  • 5+6 - separation due to betrayal;
  • 5+7 - excellent business partnership without love;
  • 5+8 - union of gambling people;
  • 5+9 - emotional couple;
  • 6+6 - comfort and peace in the family;
  • 6+7 - a couple of creative people;
  • 6+8 - without financial background - a strong union;
  • 6+9 - spouses faithful to each other;
  • 7+7 - a strong union in the presence of frankness;
  • 7+8 - strong marriage if you want to understand your partner;
  • 7+9 - relationships on a spiritual basis;
  • 8+8 - if ambition is eliminated, marriage is possible;
  • 8+9 - relationships are impossible;
  • 9+9 - happiness in the family.

Card reading

Magic pictures can not only entertain a person, but also convey useful information. Anyone from his circle has the right to tell a person by date of birth.

For fortune telling you need to use Tarot cards

The most popular and simple ritual involves the use not of playing symbols, but of the Tarot:

  1. Adding numbers. They are summarized according to the principle of the previous examples (02/15/1975: 1+5+0+2+1+9+7+5=30=3+0=3=personal number).
  2. Definition of the term. Before fortune telling begins, it is necessary to clearly state the period when the event should occur.
  3. Shuffling and laying out cards. You need to stop at the picture that corresponds to your personal number. In the mentioned case, fortune telling stops when the third symbol is drawn, which will mean the main event in life.
  4. Limitation - the ritual is not repeated until the end of the intended time period. You also cannot guess with the date of birth of another person, because the Tarot will not be saturated with the personal energy of the person who wants to know his destiny.

Fortune telling by date of birth for a child

Numerology does not give a clear answer to the question of bewitching a child by name, surname and date of birth. For this reason, parents who want to know the fate of their children usually use cards to tell fortunes.

If a woman wants to get pregnant, then she is able to calculate the period of her desired motherhood using a ritual with stones. The day it is held does not matter and includes the following steps:

  1. Planning. The baby’s date of birth is calculated taking into account the mother’s reproductive age, which should not be delayed until 40 years.
  2. Choosing a location. The necessary attributes - stones - are collected on the shores of clean reservoirs.
  3. Counting stones. Their number depends on the period when the birth of a child is planned. Another stone is added to the total amount of collected material, indicating the time of gestation.
  4. Signature of water cobblestones. They are numbered by the number of expected years before the planned birth of the child.
  5. Placing stones in water. The last of them, whose record is not erased, will mean the year of the long-awaited event in the life of the fortuneteller. If the last stone turns out to be number zero, then it will be difficult for her to get pregnant.

It’s worth telling fortunes about a person’s date of birth, if only to protect yourself from troubles and not to commit rash acts. You should not be afraid of the described actions, because such a study of fate cannot harm a person. With fortune telling by name and date of birth, he will never disappear.

Numbers, certain combinations of numbers, symbols, signs that appear in one way or another influence the fate of the inhabitants of the earth. When a person is born, he acquires a huge number of different abilities, talents, character, behavior, advantages, and disadvantages.

Most characteristics are encrypted by the life path number, say magicians. The Life Number can influence the methods by which a person will achieve what is destined by fate.

Prediction by date of birth can reflect everything that is inherent in us at the moment of birth, directing us in a certain direction where you can fully reveal your potential and apply your abilities. Fate will repeatedly test a person’s resilience, and as practice shows, it is the number that can become a kind of barrier that can protect against adversity, troubles, losses, failures, and help overcome difficult moments.

In the numerological chart of fate, the number of life has the highest magical value, according to professional numerologists.

It has the ability to indicate the most striking character traits and exhibit incredible magical activity.

The influence of date of birth on fate

Any newborn appears on the planet in a certain year, month, day, hour, all these numbers are unique, inimitable, characteristic of one person, numerology teaches. Adept magicians claim: each day, year, month, hour corresponds to certain vibrations of the cosmos, the positions of the planets of the solar system. Therefore, it is possible for a numerologist to predict fate by date of birth, even online.

Heavenly forces are able to endow a newborn with certain traits that can introduce phenomenal, expressive differences into his personality from other children. It is impossible to change the birthday number; it reflects planetary phenomena on a cosmic scale at the moment of the birth of a newborn, and has a huge impact on fate until death. Knowledge of numerology will allow you to solve many problems and prepare for positive and negative changes.

Remember, there are numerological numbers that can change the fate of a newborn only if you make effective constructive efforts.

You need to build your present and future on your own, without counting on outside help. On the other hand, the owners of some magic numbers are incredibly lucky; luck will accompany them at every stage, however, in some way they are also unique.

Subtleties of determining your own destiny

Since fate greatly depends on the numbers given to a newborn, you need to learn how to mathematically calculate the number of fate. To obtain information about your own unique number, you need to simply calculate it. Astrologers claim that the solar system includes 9 major planets; so many numbers can magically correct the line of fate.

The number is reduced to a single figure by the method of natural addition, the resulting figure is a “spiritual, characteristic number.” The full number is obtained by adding the components of the date of birth - day, month, year. As a result, it must be reduced to a simple numerical value, which will vary from 1 to 9.

To calculate your future based on your date of birth, you need to add the numbers of your name and date of birth together.

The resulting figure will reflect how best to achieve your goals, in which area there is the greatest chance to manifest yourself, and whether you should expect third-party support. It is worth noting that the numbers 11 and 22 cannot be reduced by simple addition. Therefore they are the highest octaves of two and four. Thus, to determine the future, it is enough to find out the number and ask about its meaning online.