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Church name Sasha. Alexandra's name day, Alexandra's angel day

When, according to the church calendar, Alexandra's name day: April 2 - Alexandra of Amission, martyr; March 31, November 19 - Alexandra of Corinth, virgin, martyr; May 6 - Alexandra of Rome, Empress, martyr.

Characteristics of Alexandra's birthday:

From the ancient Greek language - the protector of people, protecting - the female form of the male name Alexander It is possible that the word originally comes from the name of the ancient Greek hero - Ales (Alez, Alest), a descendant of Hercules, king of Mycenae.

As a child, Alexandra is somewhat shy, reads a lot, studies well. Due to the fact that Sashenka often likes to “snack”, especially various “yummy” that her parents (mainly her grandmother) spoil her with, she looks like a kind of “bun” against the background of her peers.

However, in high school, increased sports, a moderate diet, general cleaning in the house, which Sasha often voluntarily takes on, completely relieve her of extra pounds. And already at the age of 17-18, Sasha turns from a “bun” into a gazelle - playful, cheerful, graceful, able to keep up a conversation with any young man. Her fans are more than enough.

However, Alexandra is in no hurry to get married. First of all, she strives to get a good education, and she wants to choose an ideal life partner, such that he is both a friend, a lover, and an assistant in household chores. She herself is a wonderful housewife in the family, a caring mother, she knows how to find a common language with children. Alexandra is respected by colleagues at work. She can be a good doctor, translator (she has a penchant for foreign languages), an economist (accountant), teacher.

Rectilinear, deliberately rational, forcibly entering into the perfection of virtues, Alexandra is such in her phenomenality, in her cruel truth, while in the depths she is blind, insanely persistent. Female randomness, not seeing itself and not recognizing itself, that's what it is. Meanwhile, pushed by a blind will, Alexandra is persistent, stubborn, firmly holding on to what she has planned as a reasonable and proven goal.

Congratulations on the name day of Alexandra:

Do not forget to celebrate Alexandra's name day and congratulate Alexandra on the day of the angel.

Our fish, chicken bird,

We glorify today - Shurochka!

Alexandra on her birthday

We want to enjoy:

To make life seem like a fairy tale

Paint your world with cheerful paint,

And so that there was already a complete paradise -

Gather us all together!

Alexandra, poppy color,

The sun is not warmer

Congratulations to you with a soul

Made by the whole family.

We wish you love

Happy birthday congratulations

Happiness, joy, smiles,

In the sea - goldfish

Catch and guess

Everything you could dream of.

We hug you, Sasha,

Our dear friend!

On the day of the Angel, we congratulate you,

good and faithful friends, and we wish you strong love!

At least Alexandra, at least Sasha's name,

you will always be sweet to us, just smile!

For your firm unbending character,

we love and respect you. Be happy!

The female name Alexandra comes from the male Alexander and means “protector of people” or “protector” in Greek.

Venerable Alexandra Diveevskaya (Melgunova), commemorated June 26

With the name of Alexandra, she took monastic vows Agafya Semyonovna Melgunova. Her husband died at the age of 25. She had a little daughter in her arms. Agafya leaves for Kyiv and finds shelter in the Frolovsky Monastery. She thought that she would remain here forever to serve the Lord, but the will of the Most Holy Theotokos was different. Once, in a subtle dream, She appeared to mother Alexandra and indicated that she needed to go to the northern lands and look for a place where she needed to found a monastery, which would be equal to Athos, Kiev and Iberia.

After consulting with the spirit-bearing elders, she went on a journey, hiding her tonsure from everyone. It is not known how long she was on the way, but in 1760 Agafya Semyonovna Melgunova stopped in Diveevo. In a subtle dream, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to her again and indicated that this was exactly the place where the Fourth Destiny of the Mother of God was destined to be. Mother Alexandra sold her estates left by her husband. With the money she received, she helped the poor, orphans, built more than 12 churches. For about 3.5 years, the future abbess of the Diveevo Monastery was engaged in property matters, at which time her daughter died, and around 1764, she returned to Diveevo.

Soon, Mother Alexandra will start building a church in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. According to the surviving data, the construction took about 5 years. Slowly, residents began to appear here, a community was formed.

Agafya Semyonovna always did alms, but she did it in secret and was awarded a gift from the Lord - blessed tears. Both mother and sisters worked very hard, knitted, sewed, prayed a lot and fasted. Shortly before her death, she took the Great Schema with the name of Alexander.

Icon of St. Alexandra Diveevskaya

Passion-bearer Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova, commemorated February 8 (Novomuch.), July 17

Alice Victoria Helena Brigitte Louise Beatrice, the future empress, the passion-bearer Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova, will also be baptized in the name of Alexander. She was born in Darmstadt in 1872. Her parents were Duke Ludwig the Fourth of Hesse and Duchess Alice, who died at the age of 35 from diphtheria while caring for the sick.

Little Alice began to live with her grandmother Queen Victoria. From childhood, the girl kept a diary, which subsequently made it possible for believers to know the depth of thoughts and feelings of this amazing woman.

At the age of 12, she visited Russia for the first time, and five years later, the young princess was again in St. Petersburg. During this visit, she felt a deep feeling for Tsarevich Nicholas. But the Romanov family dreamed of another bride: the daughter of Louis Philippe Bourbon of Orleans, Count of Paris. But the heart of the future emperor reciprocated, and already in 1894 Nikolai Alexandrovich proposed to her.

Preparation for the betrothal consisted mainly in the transition to Orthodoxy, because the princess was a Lutheran. She did not dare to do this for a long time, but the Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna, who had already accepted the Orthodox faith, came to the rescue.

Soon, through the Sacrament of Confirmation, she was received into the Orthodox Church with the name of Alexander. In the same year, after the death of Alexander III, the wedding took place, and two years later, the coronation to the royal throne.

Icon of the Passion-bearer Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova

Alexandra Feodorovna immediately became a faithful assistant to her husband in all his affairs. They became a model of a Christian family: close-knit, standing in the faith of Christ, faithful to each other. Year after year, children began to appear: Princess Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and only in 1904 Tsarevich Alexy. Unfortunately, the begged heir turned out to have a hereditary disease - hemophilia. Thanks to great tact and endurance, the disease was not known to the general public, but became a secret of the royal family. Fear for the health of the boy, perhaps, was the main reason why Grigory Rasputin appeared in the palace, since he stopped the bleeding thanks to hypnosis.

The royal family was inseparable from the Orthodox Church, they did a lot for the construction of churches, monasteries, and participated in the Church Sacraments. In 1903 they became participants in the canonization of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

The Empress tried to improve the life of the suffering people, she opened houses of industriousness, orphanages, sewing workshops, helped the crippled, the sick, the poor. During the Russo-Japanese War, the martyr herself organized medical trains to the front, which delivered the most necessary medicines to the battlefields.

The most difficult and terrible times of apostasy from the faith, slandering the royal family were approaching. In 1917, the emperor abdicates the throne. A few days later, the arrest of both the sovereign and the empress with children followed. On August 1, they were transferred to exile in the city of Tobolsk. Here they stayed for 8 months, and then they were taken to Yekaterinburg.

On the night of July 16-17, 1918, the lives of members of the royal family were cut short. This terrible murder will forever remain in the memory of the Russian people. The canonization of the royal family took place in 1981 by ROCOR. In Russia, they were glorified in 2000 at the Bishops' Council.

Orthodox holy wives with the name Alexander

Dates are in the new style.

  • Alexandra (Dyachkova), Prmc. February 8 (Novomuch.) March 14
  • Alexandra, mts. October 18
  • Alexandra (Samoilova), Prmc. February 8 (Novomuch.) March 22
  • Alexandra (Ustyukhina), mts. February 8 (Novomuch.) December 23
  • Alexandra (Smolyakova), mts. February 8 (Novomuch.)
  • Alexandra (Lebedeva), mts. February 8 (Novomuch.)
  • Alexandra (Romanova), Passion-bearer, Empress February 8 (Novomuch.) July 17
  • Alexandra (Hvorostyannikova), novice February 8 (Novomuch.) September 30
  • Alexandra (Chervyakova), priest, schema nun February 8 (Novomuch.) October 13
  • Alexandra Amisiiskaya (Pontic), mts. April 2
  • Alexandra of Ankirskaya (Corinthian), mts., virgin May 31, November 19
  • Alexandra Diveevskaya (Melgunova), St. June 26
  • Alexandra of Rome, Nicomedia, mts., Empress May 6

When is Angel Alexander Day?

The name Alexander consists of two Greek words, one of which means "protector" (Alex), and the second (Andros) - a man.

  • As a child, little Sasha can be a sickly child, but in adolescence he begins to get involved in sports, he is interested in hardening. In adulthood, this is no longer a weak boy, but a strong and persistent man.
  • A man named Alexander achieves his goal. As a rule, at work, he takes the position of chief and skillfully manages his team. Those who are subordinate to Alexander speak of him as a just person.
  • Alexander can become addicted to alcoholic beverages. Being drunk, he loses control over himself, trying by all means to be the first among the partners in the feast. Only serious events in the life of his relatives can turn Alexander away from alcohol.
  • Alexander sees himself in his dreams as a romantic in love, but in reality his dreams remain dreams: he perceives women as a hobby, trying to be friendly and charming with everyone. Ladies hear a lot of compliments from him. But if Alexander swears his love to one woman, then, having met another, he surrenders with the same ardor and faith to feelings for a new chosen one.

Alexander's name day (angel's day) - dates by month

Alexander's birthday in January

  • January 8 - veneration of the memory of the righteous martyr. Alexandra Krylova and martyr. Alexandra Volkova
  • January 10 - the church honors the righteous Alexander Ciceron and martyr. Alexandra Dagaeva
  • January 14 - veneration of the memory of the righteous martyr. Alexandra Trapitsyna, martyr. Alexandra Organova
  • January 17 - veneration of the memory of the righteous martyr. Alexandra and torment. Alexander Skalsky
  • January 30 - the church honors the memory of the righteous martyr. Alexandra Rusinova
Alexander's patron saint Rev. Alexander of Svir

Alexander's name day in February:

  • February 7 - veneration of the memory of the righteous martyr. Alexander the Roman, son of mts. Felicity of Rome
  • February 17 - veneration of the memory of the righteous martyr. Alexander Pokrovsky and martyr. Alexandra Sokolova
  • February 19 - the church honors the righteous martyr. Alexandra Telemakova
  • February 20 - veneration of the memory of the righteous martyr. Alexandra Talyzina
  • February 21 - veneration of the memory of the righteous martyr. Alexandra Abissova

Alexander's birthday in March:

  • On March 6, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexander Vislyansky
  • On March 8, the church honors the memory of St. Alexander of Constantinople
  • On March 10, the memory of martyr. Alexandra Vinogradova
  • On March 14, the memory of martyr. Alexandra Ilyenkova
  • On March 17, the memory of martyr. Alexandra Likhareva
  • On March 22, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexander of Sebaste
  • On March 25, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexandra Derzhavina
  • March 26 is the day of remembrance of martyrs. Alexander Pidnsky
  • On March 28, on this date, the church celebrates two days of such Saints: Alexander of Sida (Pamphylian) and Alexander of Egypt, Caesarea
  • March 29 is the day of remembrance of martyrs. Alexander I of Rome
  • March 30 is the day of remembrance of martyrs.

Angel Alexander Day

Alexander's birthday in April:

  • April 9 is the day of remembrance of St. Alexander Vochsky
  • April 23 is the day of remembrance of martyrs. Alexander the African
  • April 27 is the day of remembrance of martyrs. Alexandra Orlova
  • On April 28, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexandra Gnevusheva
  • On April 30, the church honors the memory of St. Alexander Svirsky

Name day of Alexander in May:

  • On May 3, the church honors the memory of St. Alexander Oshevensky
  • On May 4, the church honors the memory of St. Alexander of Sinai
  • On May 24, the church honors the memory of St. torment. Alexander Petrovsky
  • On May 26, the church honors the memory of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander of Rome, Alexander Zaozersky, Alexander of Tiberias
  • On May 27, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexandra
  • On May 29, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexander of Jerusalem

Name day of Alexander in June:

  • June 1 is the day of icon veneration of such holy martyrs: Alexander Saulsky, Alexander Eroshov
  • June 2 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexander of the Aegean
  • June 8 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexandra
  • June 11 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexander of Alexandria
  • June 20 is the day of icon veneration of such holy martyrs: Alexander Preobrazhensky, Alexander Osetrov, Alexander Makhetov, Alexander Zuev
  • June 22 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexander of Prussia
  • June 23 is the day of icon veneration of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Krodamnsky, Alexander Andreev
  • June 26 is the day of icon veneration of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander of Moscow, Alexander of Arkhangelsk
  • June 27 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexandra Parusnikova

As a child, little Sasha can be a sickly child

Name day of Alexander in July:

  • July 1 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexander Krutitsky
  • July 6 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexander Miropolsky
  • July 10 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexandra Sidorova
  • July 16 is the day of icon veneration of St. Alexander of Constantinople
  • July 21 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexandra Popova
  • July 22 is the day of the veneration of the icon of Alexander the Egyptian
  • July 23 is the day of the veneration of the martyrs of Alexander Nikopolsky

Name day of Alexander in August:

  • On August 2, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexander Arkhangelsky
  • On August 7, the church honors the memory of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander, Alexander Sakharov
  • On August 11, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexandra
  • On August 14, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexander of Perga
  • On August 20, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexander Khotovitsky
  • On August 24, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexander of Rome
  • On August 25, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexander Komansky
  • On August 27, the church honors the memory of St. Alexandra Urodova
  • On August 29, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexandra Sokolova

Alexander skillfully manages his team

Alexander's name day in September:

  • September 3 is the day of icon veneration of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander,
    Alexander Elohovsky
  • September 4 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexander Ratkovsky
  • September 9 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexandra Tsitserova
  • September 12 is the day of icon veneration of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Nevsky, Alexander of Constantinople, Alexander Svirsky
  • September 13 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexandra Lyubimova
  • September 17 is the day of the veneration of the holy martyrs: Alexander Blokhin, Alexander Nikolsky
  • September 20 is the day of the veneration of the holy martyrs Alexander Peresvetov, Alexander Medvedev
  • September 22 is the day of the veneration of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Vinogradov, Alexander Ilatov
  • September 26 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexandra Aksenova

Name day of Alexander in October:

  • On October 3, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexandra Tetyueva
  • On October 4, the church honors the memory of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Fedoseev
  • On October 5, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexander
  • On October 8, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexandra Smirnova
  • On October 9, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexander Levitsky
  • On October 11, the church honors the memory of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander, Alexander of Kaluty
  • On October 13, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexandra Orlova
  • On October 14, the church honors the memory of the holy martyrs: Alexander, Alexander Agafonnikov
  • On October 24, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexander Grivsky
  • On October 25, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexander Pozdeevsky
  • On October 30, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexandra Schukina
Alexander's name day by month

Name day of Alexander in November:

  • November 2 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexandra Orlova
  • November 3 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexander Bogoyavlensky
  • November 4 is the day of icon veneration of the Holy Martyrs. Alexander Lebedev, Alexander Adrianople, Alexander Andreev
  • November 5 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexandra Solovieva
  • November 12 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexandra
  • November 13 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexander Vozdvizhensky
  • November 14 is the day of the veneration of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Smirnova, Alexander Shalay
  • November 16 is the day of the veneration of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Parusnikov, Alexander Zverev
  • November 17 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexander Petropavlovsky
  • November 20 is the day of the veneration of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Krylov, Alexander Ilyinsky, Alexander Kurmyshsky
  • November 22 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexander of Thessalonica
  • November 23 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexandra Medema
  • November 25 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexander Arkhangelsky
  • November 27 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Alexandra Chekalova

Name day of Alexander in December:

  • December 2 is the day of memory of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Mishutin, Alexander Serebrov
  • December 3 is the day of remembrance of martyrs. Alexandra Sakharova
  • December 6 is the day of memory of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Nevsky, Alexander Uksusov
  • December 7 is the day of remembrance of martyrs. Alexander of Corinth
  • December 8 is the day of remembrance of martyrs. Alexander Vershinsky
  • December 17 is the day of remembrance of martyrs. Alexandra Posokhin
  • On December 22, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexandra Buravtseva
  • On December 23, the church honors the memory of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Tuberovsky, Alexander Shklyaev
  • On December 25, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexander of Jerusalem
  • On December 26, the church honors the memory of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Pospelov, Alexander Yuzefovich
  • On December 28, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexander Rozhdestvensky
  • On December 29, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexandra Kolokolova
  • On December 30, the church honors the memory of martyr. Alexandra Savelova

You will learn about the secret and meaning of the name Alexander by watching the video.

Video: The mystery and meaning of the name Alexander

Every month. On January 17, the church commemorates the holy martyr Bishop Alexander, who died for the faith, and the martyr Alexander of Rome. In March, Alexander has six name days at once: on the 3rd, 8th, 22nd, 26th, 28th and 29th. These are the days of memory of Alexander Medvedsky, the founder of the monastery of the Unsleeping Saint Alexander, the martyr Alexander of Sebaste, the holy martyr Alexander of Pindsky, the priest of the city of Side, the holy martyr Alexander and Pope Alexander, respectively.

On April 9, the church commemorates the Monk Alexander of Votsky, who served in Soligalich in the 10-12th century, and on April 23, the martyr Alexander the African. - the day of memory of Alexander Svirsky, whose relics were found in 1641. In May, Alexander can be congratulated for two days in a row - on the 3rd and 4th, when the Monk Alexander Oshevensky and Alexander of Sinai are commemorated, and then on May 26 and 29 on the days of memory of the holy martyr Bishop Alexander of Tiberian and Saint Alexander, Bishop of Jerusalem.

On the day of the name day, it is customary for righteous Christians to attend church, take communion and confess. After that, you can arrange a small meal for your loved ones and remember the saints with prayer.

In June, Angel Alexander Day falls on the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, 22nd and 23rd. These days, the church reads a commemoration for Alexander Petrovsky, Alexander of the Aegean, Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, Martyr Alexander, who died in 1794, Bishop Alexander of Prussia and the soldier Alexander, who died a martyr's death, respectively.

In July, Alexander celebrates the 22nd and 23rd (the day of memory of Alexander of Egypt and Alexander of Nikopol). In August, the Russian Orthodox Church commemorates Hieromartyr Alexander (August 7), Martyr Alexander of Perga (August 14), Martyr Alexander of Rome, son of Martyr Claudius of Rome (August 24), and Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop of Comana (August 25).

The autumn months are marked by the following name days of Alexander: September 12 (Alexander, Patriarch of Constantinople; Alexander Svirsky; holy noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, in schema Alexy), 5 (righteous Alexander), October 11 (Alexander Kalitsky, a blacksmith who met martyrdom in the 6th century ), October 30 (Martyr Alexander Shchukin of Nizhny Novgorod), November 4 (Bishop Alexander of Adrianople), November 22 (Martyr Alexander of Thessalonica). And in December, Angel Day can be celebrated on the 6th and 25th in the days of memory of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky and the bishop of Jerusalem, the holy martyr Alexander.

The best gift for a person celebrating Angel Day is an icon of a saint, but it is also customary to give various church symbols, jewelry with the first letter of the name, or souvenirs appropriate for this holiday.

Alexandra's name day

Alexandra, whose name is translated from Greek as “courageous,” celebrates Angel Day six times a year: in April, when the martyr Alexandra of Pontus is commemorated on April 2; May 6, on the day of memory of Alexandra of Rome - the Empress, who met martyrdom for her faith; May 31 is the day of memory of the martyr Alexandra of Corinth. In June, Alexandra has a name day on the 26th (St. Alexandra Diveevskaya), and in July on the 17th (Empress Alexandra, holy martyr). November 19 is another day of memory of the martyr Alexandra of Corinth.

You can talk for a very long time and a lot about how much the name affects the fate of a person. No one can give certain examples or facts, but nevertheless, it must be believed. For future parents, a lot of information has been prepared today, which relates to how best to name a child so that he is happy. Therefore, you should not ignore it.

Today, the name Alexander does not lose its popularity. It has its roots, like most names in ancient Greece. The exact translation of the name means "protector of people." This name was liked by Jews and Muslims, who pronounce it a little differently and call the boys Iskanders. As before, so today the name is very common and loved by many.


The translation of the name shows that Alexander will protect people. Boys with this name have a very strong-willed and sometimes tough character towards their goal, they can move confidently and very successfully, but never using other people for this. Alexander will achieve everything on his own.
This name can be called rather problematic, because from early childhood, parents may face constant health problems. The baby may be sick all the time. In any weather and time of the year, he can catch a cold or even catch a sore throat. Inflammation of the lungs, cough and runny nose can become a real mother's childhood nightmare for little Sasha. Parents really need to be very patient with the baby. Their support and belief that everything will pass will definitely help him survive a rather difficult period and get rid of all problems.

Gradually, Sash will begin to justify the meaning of his name, and by adolescence he will become a real protector for his family and friends. All illnesses will indeed remain in childhood, and sports and an active lifestyle will replace drops for the nose and cough drops. The boy will be happy to practice outdoors, he will definitely go to the section he likes and will stubbornly earn victories in competitions. All this will become the best immunity from any disease, and by adolescence the boy will have very strong and good health.

Among classmates and school friends, Sasha will become the real soul of the company. He knows how to joke very witty and can always keep up the conversation. The boy very easily finds a common language with other children, therefore, as a rule, he has many friends. Sometimes a boy can be found alone. Such moments are very important for him, he can calmly, alone with himself, be able to think about exciting questions or make an important decision. Leaving everyone is a forced measure that helps him find peace of mind. The boy is very critical of all his achievements and very often worries about non-existent problems in vain. He strives to constantly be the best, therefore he critically evaluates all his actions and actions.

Alexander may have one very serious and fatal flaw. Unfortunately, very often the owners of this beautiful name do not know how to cope with their craving for alcohol. It all starts in adolescence. Yard companies and the first beer is a standard path through which almost all boys go. After beer, some begin to try stronger alcohol, but in their student years, one can observe how young people simply drink away their lives, finding their charms in it. Sometimes Alexander at such a moment simply cannot stop. One company replaces another. In this case, he will no longer look for friends, but simply drinking companions.

At the first sign of alcohol consumption, parents should begin to strictly control this moment. Threats and prohibitions will not give anything, but you need to constantly boil it with a teenager. In the event that all this really turned into a problem, then it simply cannot be hidden. The sooner treatment begins, the better.

Alexander can independently refuse to drink alcohol. As a rule, this happens only after a very big and painful shock occurs in life. Such a situation can open your eyes to everything that happens and will cause a complete rejection of alcohol.


In a love relationship, Sasha manifests himself as a real hero. He gladly compliments his chosen one, constantly gives flowers and literally wears them in his arms. He practically dissolves in this romance and creates an atmosphere of warmth and love around the girl. Such a sublime and happy time for a young person can last a very short time. Interest can disappear as quickly as it arises. When another appears on the horizon, a desire immediately arises in him to win and conquer her heart.
Alexander will be happy to pay attention to women all his life, compliment them, no matter what their relationship is. It can be a cashier in a store or even just a passerby. A feature of the character of such a loving man is indecision. He can look at the girl with adoration and do nothing until the moment when she herself shows interest in him.

Women for Alexander very rarely come to the fore, much more often you can observe a situation where he will gladly exchange an evening with his beloved for a meeting with a friend. On the one hand, he wants to show himself as a wonderful hero - a lover, and on the other hand, he can do nothing for this, but simply say beautiful words. You can not try to lure a man down the aisle with cunning. He very quickly understands and feels all the tricks and tries to end such a relationship. Marriage can only be with the girl who wins his heart with her love and devotion. In it, he will see a life partner and will gladly propose marriage to her.


Alexander manifests himself as a rather creative person. Therefore, if desired and have the ability, he will be able to realize himself in some kind of creative field. He will be quite ambitious in his approach to work. Sometimes this can be an advantage, but in some cases it can be a disadvantage. You need to prove your words at work in practice, and some problems may arise with this.
Alexander in the business sphere can show himself as an excellent leader and organizer of the work process. He will have everything lined up clearly and competently. In a team, he will be able to make important decisions, for which, if necessary, he will bear full responsibility. Alexander is good at fulfilling diplomatic missions, thanks to his sharp mind, a man can quite easily see the root of the conflict and try to resolve it as quickly and efficiently as possible. There may be certain obstacles on the path of life and work, but you will definitely need to go through them on your own in order to realize all your abilities and abilities.

In the work, Alexander will be able to very accurately calculate the material benefit. He has a rather diplomatic relationship with money. He will be able to make the right investment so that the capital brings income, which will allow him to live in peace for his own pleasure. Such an attitude towards money will contribute to the fact that in this regard he can become a completely successful person.

Genetics, stars and many other factors absolutely independent of parents influence the character and fate of a person, but in one they will definitely be able to make their choice - to give a name that will become a happy talisman and amulet. It is worth listening to the advice of experts who will tell you how best it will be for the baby.

When, according to the church calendar, Alexander's name day:

Ketom: August 25 - Alexander Komansky, bishop, holy martyr. Spring: March 29 - Alexander Nevsky, Grand Duke; March 28 - Alexander Sidsky, priest, holy martyr