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Why do fingernails grow down. Why do toenails curl: the main reasons

I have very dry skin, hair and nails, and if I learned to cope with the first two points relatively quickly, then I struggled with the third for years, until this fall.
Due to dryness, the nail plate twisted so much that in the mornings the phalanges of the fingers hurt! What you see in the photo is not the worst case.
In places of especially strong bends, longitudinal and transverse cracks appeared, which led to through faults. During the heating season, when the level of air humidity dropped sharply, the situation worsened to the point that sometimes I could not grow my nails at all, because. these cracks appeared at the very base. Due to twisting, the decorative coating also cracked, top-dryers were especially sensitive to this, which literally broke at the edges, dragging along the colored varnish, too, which reduced the durability of the manicure.
In addition, dry, dehydrated nails become inelastic, and therefore any mechanical damage automatically leads to chipping. Partially I fought this with the help of collagen, but even it did not completely eliminate the problem.
I was tired of putting up with this state of affairs and I was determined to find a way to stop the twisting and brittle nails. And I found it!

In the beginning, I will talk about the methods that I used before. Perhaps one of my intermediate options will be the most convenient and effective for you.

Minimum length and truncated shape

Trimming your nails to zero is one of the options that some people use successfully. And it really helps someone, but not me. Even with a free edge length of 1 mm, the nail plate is mercilessly twisted.
If the nails do not bend inward strongly and evenly on each side, then you can try to cut out a square slightly tapering towards the end.

But this method didn't work for me either. First, I prefer the traditional rectangle. Secondly, the nails on my index and thumbs curl more than others, and they do it mainly on one side, i.e. changing the shape on the appearance of the nail plate will not particularly affect. Thirdly, this method does not solve the problem of brittleness.

Moisturizing bases and wax

The first thing that comes to mind for any person who is faced with dry nails is moisturizing bases. I, too, naively believed that such means could radically change the situation, but alas. No special the base, nor the rubbing of the wax, did not live up to expectations.

Cream under the nails at night

This unpleasant procedure was actively advised to me in all manicure communities where I applied for help. It doesn't hurt, but it's not the most pleasant feeling. Partially, this method still reduces curl, by about 50%, but another problem appears. Apparently during the night my nails absorb so much cream that at each contact with water they straighten too much and start to flare. Approximately as in this photo with a "wonderful" manicure.

After some time, they, of course, return to normal, but I don’t like such a side effect at all.
Most importantly, avoid dyes in the composition of the funds! I once applied a cream with sea buckthorn and walked with red nails for a week.

gel polish

Bearing in mind that after a manicure with a three-phase method of applying gel polish, my nails did not curl or break (well, of course, with such and such a number of layers), I decided to use the same method, but on the inner surface of the nails. I don’t want to cover my nails from above, as is usually done, my length grows very quickly and such a coating would have to be redone every 5-7 days. In addition, the removal of gel polish has always severely damaged my nails.
However, this method also turned out to be not for me. The first coat of gel polish did not work, the nails remained soft and continued to curl, although not as much as before. The second layer improved things a bit.
etiy fixed the result. Yes, the nails became completely inflexible and strengthened, but the thickness of the resulting coating was impressive, especially in the center. I have a very pronounced arch (arched bend) of the nail, so when applied, the gel polish quickly flowed into the very middle, leaving the edges half-bare.
In addition, due to the base / top, the free edge of the nail became transparent. In principle, this problem can be solved by using a translucent colored gel polish, which is usually chosen as the basis for a French manicure.
The durability of such a coating is questionable. Everything will depend on your nails, the quality of the gel polish and your lifestyle. Personally, I kept it from a couple of days to a week, and then flew off in one piece.
The convenience of adjusting the regrown part of the nail also raises doubts, because when applying gel polish again in 2-3 layers on a strongly grown free edge, it will lead to a thickening of the already large previous coating.

Acrylic Powder

Once, having once again repaired a strong crack along the edge, I noticed that in the place where there is a patch of acrylic powder and glue, the nail is less folded into a tube. Then I decided to check whether this design, applied to the back surface of the nail, would keep it from twisting. The result amazed me! The nails were securely fixed and protected from chipping! I even deliberately beat them on the edge of the table, yeah, with all my might, and they didn't break. O_O Fantastic.
The scheme is simple:

  • We steam the nails until they straighten to the desired width. I usually use cream, so it's faster.
  • We remove all the cream and degrease the back of the nail.
  • Apply a thin layer of glue for tips and rhinestones, immediately lower the nail into acrylic powder and remove it after a couple of seconds. No need to twist it back and forth, otherwise lumps may appear.
  • Shake off excess powder with a brush and cover it all with regular varnish.

Combined method

Very often, gel polish and acrylic powder are used in tandem, but are usually used on the front side of the nail.

  • Degrease the nail plate.
  • Cover with a layer of base under gel polish, without drying it in a lamp, sprinkle with powder on top.
  • Wiping off the excess with a brush, they are sent for polymerization in a lamp.
  • Cover with a layer of gel-top.

Nothing can break such armor ... but it is difficult to remove, and there will be problems with adjustment as it grows. Use on the back of nails is questionable. Therefore, I will leave this method to those who constantly do manicures with gel polish.

I hope everyone finds something useful in this article. Strong nails to you.


In the warm season, every woman dreams of the perfect pedicure, which can be proudly demonstrated to others by wearing open sandals. However, if the nail is wrapped on the foot, making a beautiful pedicure is quite problematic. Twisting toenails is a problem familiar to many of the fairer sex. What is its reason? You can find out about this by reading the information below.

By the general appearance of the nail plates, one can judge the state of human health. Ideally, the nails on the feet, as well as on the hands, should be smooth, even and shiny. If they suddenly change their shape, begin to curl up and are difficult to cut, this should alert their owner. This condition of the nail plates may indicate various pathological changes in the body. To understand why the toenails curl, you need to consider in detail the main causes of this defect.

The nail plates on the toes can curl due to a genetic predisposition. If the woman's closest relatives suffer from the same problem as her, then heredity should be blamed for the ugly shape of the nails. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to correct the appearance of the nail plates in this case. There is an opinion that regular nail extension procedures can slightly correct their shape and make them more even and attractive. However, in order to eliminate the defect, an experienced master must build up the nail plates on the legs.

Wrapping of the toenail is often preceded by mechanical trauma to the nail plate or its lunula. In this case, the surface of the nail can not only become thick and uneven, but also darken. Injury occurs not only when a finger is struck, but also when wearing tight or uncomfortable shoes, so for those who dream of a perfect pedicure, it is important to purchase high-quality and appropriately sized closed shoes.

If the toenail curls up, the reason for this may be a lack of necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements in the human body. Correction of nutrition, as well as taking multivitamin complexes prescribed by the attending physician, will help solve the problem.

Folding nails on the fingers of the lower extremities can signal a malfunction in the work of internal organs. In order not to miss the development of any pathology, with a sudden change in the shape of the plates, an examination of the body should be done.

Some types of fungal infections can also cause curling of the toenails. The antimycotic agents prescribed by the doctor will help to eliminate the problem.

Nails often curl due to a banal lack of fluid in the body. To correct the situation, a woman should try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily (in hot weather - 2 liters), and also regularly lubricate the nail plates with any moisturizing oil.

In older people, twisting of toenails occurs due to age-related changes in the body and is often not associated with the development of diseases, beriberi, or moisture deficiency. It is almost impossible to level the nail plates in adulthood, however, if you regularly treat them with emollients and do not neglect professional pedicure, you can significantly prolong youth nails.

Knowing why toenails curl, you can prevent the development of this problem in yourself. Proper nutrition, drinking regimen, regular visits to doctors and wearing comfortable shoes will be the key to maintaining a beautiful shape of the nail plates for a long time.


This is probably the structure of the nails, if you grow your nails by cm, I think they definitely won’t wrap themselves in a tube, and the shape can be corrected with a nail file. I like long nails, but when they reach a certain length, they begin to curl inwards. Definitely vitamins A and E. And although there are special vitamin complexes for nails and hair, I prefer natural products. Does anyone know what else, besides calcium, affects the growth and health of nails?

It seems to me that the change in the shape of the nail comes from a lack of some substances.

All the procedures you described are good, but this will not affect the shape of the nails in any way.

By the way, I noticed that after contact with water, the nail plate is leveled.

At first, the plate will turn yellow, but this unaesthetic shade will disappear overnight.

Iodine also helps a lot not only in the composition of the baths, but also in its pure form. It should be applied daily at night.

You can apply the juice twice a day. It is not necessary to rub it into the plate or keep your fingers in it, you can simply dip the tips of your nails into the pulp of the cut half of the lemon.

Then we tried to put a small plate under the corner so that the corner could not pierce it, and when the nail grew back its shape changed. Maybe, unfortunately, but I do not accept nail extensions (and hair, by the way, too). I see no reason to give substantial sums of money to supplement (or replace) what nature has given. And only 2 nails on each hand. Therefore, I rarely grow long ones, I manage with an average length.

If you know exactly why the fingernails curl and are sure that this is not due to internal diseases, then these methods can be applied independently at home.

If before your nails were even, and now you do not know why they are bent, then the problem is not hereditary.

In this infusion, hold your finger until it cools down.

Heksichek, your experience and feedback is very valuable. Please write, if it's not difficult and you know, the name of the base for the treatment of exfoliating nails from twisting.

Forget about beautiful tight shoes.

I have this problem began about 10 years ago, when I began to actively type on the keyboard. Could it be a lack of moisture? I also faced this problem. Thus, this defect can be tried to be eliminated, including at home. Internal diseases of the body. First of all, it is beriberi and age-related changes.

Yes, and what Dubinushka said about hair may be stupid, but the opinion is widespread. It was not in St. Petersburg and for a long time. And this was said after 3 deletions. I was filmed, but what's the point .... Girls who faced such a problem, tell me!


All my life my nails have curled wildly, even if the free edge is only 1mm.
nail polish and without. At what not all nails are twisted, but mainly those on the left hand. My nails are naturally thin, but they are quite hard and break mostly when they are square. You can't call them weak and soft. They exfoliate only from unsuccessful filing and unscrupulous polishing of the butt. I constantly moisturize the nail plate with waxes, creams, oils, I do baths, but to no avail. Nails become more well-groomed, but still look like tubules. Once I bought Smart Enamel nail polish to thicken my nails and it gave a wonderful result. I used varnish as a base in two layers under a color coat. My nails really got thicker. This was especially noticeable during regrowth. There was a wave on the nails. It was possible to see where the new thicker plate was, and where the thin old one was. Completely "junk" grew back and was cut off in 5 months. New strong nails began to grow by leaps and bounds, and stopped curling. They have grown to a length that I have never had almost 1 cm of free edge. My nail bed has lengthened a bit. I was crazy) Then the varnish ended, and I started using Smart Enamel for nail growth, from which the nails began to curl a little. Then I bought a new bottle of thickener and resumed use, although the effect decreased. After some time, after reading positive reviews about the Mertz laser file, I bought it and tried it. It was a disaster. The nails split so that I had to cut the entire length under the root. The nails became thin and weakened. For two months I did not paint my nails with anything, even with medical varnishes, so that they could rest. Every day I did special saline baths from DNC. They sell ready-made salt mixtures with oil, herbs, ants, and special oil gels for exfoliating nails. In addition to the baths, I rubbed waxes, oils, creams into my nails and cuticles many times every day. At night, she generously lubricated her hands with cream, applied it under the nails, and poured oil on the cuticles. I drank a lot of water a day, adjusted my diet. Hoping for the best, she resumed the use of the thickener, but did not achieve a positive result. the effect disappeared completely. At this point, the nails are as thin as they were before using this drug. Apparently initially the improvement was only temporary. At the moment, the foliation has come to naught, the nails are again thin and hard, outwardly healthier, but the twisting has returned, despite all the manipulations. When I take a bath, the nails straighten and become as smooth as those of mere mortals, but it is impossible to fix them in this state. If you have time to make up them in this “expanded” form, after drying they will look a little better than usual, but no more. I'm currently using Dance Legend Spa Top thin nail restorer, but it's too early to talk about the results.

Based on personal experience, I have formed my (!) list of reasons for curling nails:

1) Heterogeneity of the nail bed.
My left hand nails are more affected by twisting. There are more twisted nails on it: a nail on the thumb, index, little finger. On the little finger, the nail began to curl after the nail bed “broke off” a little, i.e. shortened. I do not know why. On the thumb and forefinger, the nails have been curled for as long as I can remember. The most ahtung I have on the index. On it, the nail is twisted only from one corner and it is very striking. I noticed that the nail bed on this nail is higher from one corner and lower from the other. Where it is above there is no twisting, where below it is on the face. The nail on this side simply lacks support. All my attempts to lengthen the nail bed on this finger have so far led to the fact that it has lengthened from the angle where everything was fine anyway, and where it “breaks off” everything is still the same. has not yet grown. On the right hand, only the nail on the thumb is twisted for the same reason. The rest of the nails are fine.

2) Thin nails.
I have very thin nails. In this case, grinding, which I at one time abused, is absolutely contraindicated. When nails are as thin as mine, making them even thinner is stupid, because. they will curl even more. Once I slammed the heavy iron door of the gate with all my might, forgetting to remove my finger. Then she bit the finger of the other hand with a stapler in the very cuticle. The result: two wavy and pitted “fucks” (two nails of the middle fingers), like the road to Belev. The uneven surface was very an eyesore to me. She began to grind one nail, and after him all the rest for the company and rushed. After grinding, my nail plate begins to “peel off”, and then exfoliate. Even after waxing.

3) Excessive filing of side bolsters and nails from the sides.
This cup also did not pass me by. One of the "faks" grows at random. Looks like he's so traumatized by the incident with the iron door that he wants to escape from his finger. For a long time and hard I sawed out the desired shape, sawing off the nail on one side and achieved the desired result. Then, out of sports interest, she began to cut out others, but it got worse. On the side where I sawed off, the skin began to peel off a little from the nail. Having lost support on one side, the nail began to curl. Also, the situation was aggravated by my mania not just to cut, but sometimes to cut off the nail ridges with scissors. That's how much it was possible to cut off the skin to the maximum, cut off so much. It seemed to me that it was so beautiful, and the nails again lost their support. I stopped cutting the rollers, began to apply and intensively rub the oil not only into the cuticles, but also into them. Now the rollers look more aesthetically pleasing, well moistened, you don’t even need to file a little. They noticeably tightened up and now the nails have something to hold on to.

3) Overdried nail plate.
For several years, when I did not know the elementary rules of manicure, I did not use the base and applied colored varnishes on bare nails. Naturally, they turned yellow, were not protected from chemistry, dried out and therefore curled up. Sometimes the twisting process was even physically felt immediately after painting. The lack of proper nail care made its contribution: moisturizing, nutrition, etc. Also, poorly selected zhdsl dries nails. I love glitters and often remove them with foil. The more often I soak my nails like this, the worse it affects their condition.

4) Unsuitable base/lacquer/dryer.
This also happens. For example, Belvedere healing varnishes do not suit me. After application, the nails immediately curl. Drying Inm Out The Door twists my nails only when I apply it either too abundantly, or layers of colored varnish have not dried under it, or there are too many of these layers and it’s hard for my nails from this design. By the way, the more layers on the nails, the greater the likelihood of twisting. But Inm Northern Lights is generally beautiful, although it differs only in the presence of sparkles. With her, everything is always perfect and does not twist. Just don't shake it. Sometimes twisting is affected not only by any individual of the means, but by all of them together in a particular combination. All this is found out by trial and error, and very individually.

Many resources mention general dehydration of the body and excessive length of nails as reasons. This is not my case, so I can't comment. There are probably other factors that I may have overlooked or not realized. I hope my post will be informative enough and useful for those who are sick. Om mani padme hum.


The main causes of bending nails

Down or up, the nail plate can bend for various reasons. Most often, this phenomenon occurs due to the development of some serious problem. To eliminate it, it is important to determine the true cause of the bending of the nails in an adult or a child.

Curling nails down

Causes of bending the nails on the hands down in a child or adult:

  • genetic feature of the human body. To eliminate the defect caused by such a reason, experts believe that it is necessary to systematically build nails;
  • if the lunula area is injured, the nail may begin to grow bent, deformed. In the case when the master makes the wrong extension for the woman, the pathology of the nail plate may also occur;
  • the use of low-quality varnishes and means for removing them greatly dry the surface of the nails on the hands, because of which they begin to bend down;
  • inside the nails can be bent due to internal features in the state of the body. For example, vitamin deficiencies and age-related changes can lead to curling of the nails. Such a defect, especially in old age, is difficult to eliminate, but possible;
  • liver diseases or the development of a fungus on the nails also cause bending and twisting of the nail plates;
  • problems in the work of internal organs thin the nails, as they no longer receive the necessary nutrients and fluid.

To prevent curling of the nails, it is important not to wait until they grow too large. Be sure to do a systematic neat trimming of the nails. It is also necessary to select only high-quality and natural products for the care of nails, cuticles and hand skin.

Curling the nails up

The nails on the hands can twist not only down or inward, but also up.

Upward, the nail plates begin to bend for the following reasons:

  1. Due to malnutrition. An unbalanced and harmful menu leads to the fact that the nails begin to receive less of the necessary nutrients and vitamins. Also, harmful products lead to problems with the liver, badly affect the functioning of the whole organism. If failures occur in the human body, nails, skin and hair are the first to suffer. Therefore, it is important to try to eat only healthy foods - vegetables, fruits, drink freshly squeezed juices and fruit drinks.
  2. Too much brittleness. Nails also break due to a lack of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, magnesium or zinc. They are the main building material of healthy and strong nail plates. To prevent brittle nails, it is recommended to use calcined cottage cheese, drink fermented milk products, and also adhere to only a healthy diet.
  3. Plate too dry. If nails that are too long start to curl, they are not getting enough water. To eliminate dehydration, moisturizers and oils for plates and cuticles are applied.
  4. Due to damage to the nail layer. The structure of the nail may suffer due to improper care, or poor quality manicure. Often the nail layer is damaged by an iron nail file. Such a tool in the hands of a non-specialist leads to thinning and damage to the nail, as a result of which it begins to bend.
  5. The development of a viral infection in the body. Viral diseases also cause a change in the shape of the nail plates. Under the influence of viruses, they become thin, cannot hold their shape and begin to curl. To eliminate such a pathology, it is important to cure the virus, as well as trim the nails as they grow.

Often in a child, the nails begin to bend in different directions due to the influence of a fungal infection. It is important to show the baby to a dermatologist or mycologist. The specialist carefully examines the problem and prescribes an effective treatment for the disease. Once the fungus is cured, the nails will be healthy, strong and able to hold their shape.

If the nail in an adult or a child is damaged, it becomes less elastic, loses its density, and when it grows back, it begins to bend, twist up.

Most often, too thin and brittle nails begin to twist up. This phenomenon affects the edges of the nail, which lack vitamins.

If a person uses detergents without gloves to clean the house, his nails may also begin to curl after a while. Since such cleaning products adversely affect the structure and strength of the nail.

Troubleshooting summary

To eliminate the hereditary bending of the nail plates on the hands, it is recommended to do therapeutic baths with rubbing medicinal products. Massage of the nail rollers also helps a lot.

Strengthening bath for curly nails in a child or adult:

  1. In two liters of water, add a tablespoon of salt and five drops of essential oil.
  2. Soak your fingers in a warm bath for 10 minutes.
  3. After the procedure, wash your hands under the tap, blot with a napkin and apply a special hand product and strengthen the plates and cuticles on them.

You can add a few drops of iodine to the bath.

You can also strengthen the nails with lemon juice. It is rubbed into the surface and wait until it dries completely. After consulting with the master, you can rub orange, lemon, pine, burdock, linseed or castor essential oil into the plates.

If you notice that the nail on the hand of a child or an adult is bent, to cure it, you can massage the cuticle and the nail itself using essential oils or vitamin creams. Massage actions increase blood flow and create all the conditions for the healing substances of the cream or oil to have the most positive effect on the nail plates.

Knowing for what reasons the nails on the hands are bent, you can fix the problem and make the plates strong and beautiful. If the pathology occurs in a child, show it to a specialist. The doctor will conduct a study and tell you what needs to be done to strengthen the nails. If the problem has visited the nails of an adult, it is recommended to listen to the advice of a manicurist.


Why do nails curl?

The deformation of the plate can occur in different ways:

  • take the form of a trapezoid;
  • be covered with recesses or bulges, twisting in a certain side;
  • become soft and flat, curl up into a tube;
  • touch the cuticle, growing into its corners from the outside and twisting in the opposite direction.

Such an unpleasant phenomenon as bending the nail up or down can affect the tips of the plate or its entire surface.

Possible bends of the plate are shown in the photo.

Causes of curling nails down

Several main factors can provoke bending of the plate.

  1. hereditary predisposition. In this case, the nails are twisted on the index and middle fingers.
  2. Injuries, bruises of the nail plate, improper extension.
  3. The use of low-quality materials for manicure (varnishes, means for their elimination). Such procedures greatly dry the stratum corneum, which leads to its depletion and downward bending.
  4. Fungal infections.

Diseases of the internal organs can also affect the condition of the nails. Due to a malfunction of vital systems, the plates stop eating normally and become thinner.

Why bend your nails up

Often the plate is twisted up, certain reasons contribute to this.

  1. Nutrition. The wrong diet contributes to the fact that the nails lack the necessary vitamins and minerals. In addition, harmful products greatly affect the functioning of internal organs, failures in which negatively affect the condition of the nails.
  2. Shortage of building components- zinc, magnesium, calcium. The lack of minerals adversely affects the appearance of the nails, they become brittle, thin and bend upwards.
  3. Dehydration of the stratum corneum. Long nails usually suffer from a lack of moisture.
  4. Nail damage. Occurs due to improper care or inexperienced use of nail files, especially iron ones. They can severely injure the stratum corneum and provoke its thinning, which leads to twisting and deformation.

Viral infections can also cause distortion of the shape of the nail.

What to do if the nail plate is wrapped?

You can eliminate the twisting of the nail plate using traditional medicine recipes and following the recommendations of a specialist.

How to fix the bend of the nail with folk remedies

So that the nails do not bend in different directions, it is necessary to eliminate their fragility, fragility and weakness. There are several effective recipes for this.

Wax mask with essential oil

Melt 20 g of wax in a steam bath. Add 4-7 drops of olive or coconut oil to the hot liquid. Dip your fingers in a warm consistency for 2-3 seconds, then immediately put your hands under a cold stream of water. Particles of the mask remaining on the fingers do not need to be removed. They will penetrate into weakened areas and nourish them with essential trace elements and vitamins.

The procedure is best done at night. The course of treatment is 5-7 procedures (1 session every 3 days).

Revitalizing Red Pepper Mask

Ground pepper (1/2 tbsp.) Mix with 10 ml of boiling water and 1 tbsp. l. baby cream. Place the ingredients in a steam bath, stirring continuously for 5 minutes. After cooling, spread the creamy slurry over the entire surface of the nail and under its regrown part. The cuticle also needs to be processed. Leave on for 20-25 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Such a mask helps to increase blood circulation, stimulates growth and restores a weakened plate. The procedure is recommended to be done no more than 1 time per month, so as not to provoke excessive dryness of the stratum corneum.

Baths with olive oil

It will take 100 g of olive extract. Dip your fingers into the heated liquid for 10-12 minutes, then blot them with a towel and allow the oil to absorb on its own, then wipe off any excess.

Several such sessions will nourish the deformed areas and the skin around them with the necessary moisture and vitamins (A, E, K).

Salt treatments

Dilute iodized salt (15 g) in 200 ml of warm water. Dip your fingertips into the solution so that the liquid covers the nails. The duration of the manipulation is 10-15 minutes 1 time in 3 days.


Rub a small amount of cosmetic oil or cream with a soft brush and with light movements into the nails and cuticles. Manipulation is recommended to be carried out for at least 10 minutes. This will improve blood circulation around the bed, normalize the metabolism of nutrients in the tissues.

Massage is especially good for children. If a child has a bend of the nails up or down, vitamin creams and essential oils can be rubbed into the plate. Massage movements contribute to the maximum absorption of nutrients into the stratum corneum.

If the nails bend and change their shape, see a doctor. Recipes become powerless if the reason for the deformation of the plate lies in violations of the internal organs. Therefore, first you need to undergo a complete examination, and only after the exclusion of diseases, proceed to get rid of nail defects.

Important Tips:

  1. If the deformation of the plate is congenital, you need to wear short nails or build up artificial ones.
  2. It is important to pay attention to nutrition. It should be complete and include the whole complex of vitamins.
  3. It is necessary to use gloves in case of prolonged contact with water (washing dishes, hand washing).
  4. Lead an active lifestyle (walking in nature, swimming, running). This will strengthen the immune system and have a beneficial effect on the state of manicure.
  5. Use manicure tools correctly, make sure that the nails do not dry out (use a moisturizer regularly).

The fragility and thinning of the nail plate often leads to its twisting in different directions. If the nails began to bend, in most cases, this indicates a lack of nutrients in the body. Such a defect is also evidence of a violation of the manicure technique, the abuse of varnishes and gels, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle. In any case, you first need to determine the cause, and then proceed to treatment.


Causes and Treatments

1. The first reason why nails can bend is their innate feature, heredity. Moreover, when the nail is short, it can look completely normal, and when it grows back, it can bend up or down, thereby spoiling the shape. This can be on one, two fingers, or all at once. Sometimes the corner is bent only on one side, and sometimes it is such a pronounced defect that on long nails they are practically wrapped in a tube. The most interesting thing is that this does not depend on whether the nail platinum is thin or thick. If this is the case for you, then there are two ways out: either grow your nails only to the length at which the bend is not yet visible, or use extensions.

2. The second reason is acquired. This can occur primarily due to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Therefore, the nails become dull, brittle and thin and begin to curl. Here you should do their restoration. It is recommended to refrain from painting nails with varnish. Rub special manicure nourishing oils into the cuticle area. You can also drink a vitamin complex. You can read about which complex is better to choose here.

It will be useful to make salt baths for nails. Here is one option:

  • In 150 milliliters of warm water, add 1 tablespoon of iodized salt, stir until it dissolves. Lower your fingertips so that your nails are completely in the water. Keep it for 8-10 minutes until the water cools down. It is better to repeat such a bath once every two days. After the bath, rub the nourishing oil into the cuticle area, which was described above (it is better to buy oils in pharmacies, marked to strengthen nails and hair).

Take care of your nails and be healthy! Always yours, Tanya =)

Hand care is a significant part of body care and, as a rule, women devote quite a lot of time to this. Regular professional manicure, self-filing and varnishing, hand and nail skin care - these are the few things that almost every one of us does every day. However, efforts do not always give the desired result, often the nails do not look the way we would like, and there are many reasons for this.

Very often, the nails change their normal shape, deform, and among the types of deformation, curving nails are the most common. What is the reason for this phenomenon and can you cope with it yourself?

The deformation of the nails can be varied: this is a pronounced trapezoidal shape, and ingrown nails in the outer corners, and dents of various directions, and increased fragility. The bend of the nail plate up or down is a very common deformation of the nails, it can be expressed in the bend of the entire nail plate or only its outer corners.

The problem is far from being only aesthetic in nature, since curving nails cause inconvenience, cling to clothes, tear expensive tights, but, most importantly, they also cause pain, since the hooked nail comes off, and often, as they say, “with meat”. So what prevents nails from growing properly and causes them to deviate “off course”?

Why do fingernails curl up or down?

There may be several reasons for this phenomenon. The first, and most common, is an acute lack of vitamins, such that it significantly worsens the condition of nails and hair.

  1. The basis, so to speak, of the phenomenon is either malnutrition associated with nutrient restriction, various diseases in which the absorption of nutrients from food is impaired, such as anemia, dystrophy, anorexia. As a rule, after the root cause is eliminated, the shape of the nails is quickly restored. To begin with, after discovering an unfortunate phenomenon, we would advise you to strengthen your diet with vegetables, protein foods, and it would also be nice to drink a course of vitamins and microelements.
  2. The second reason for bending nails is improper care and passion for nail extensions. It is no secret that aggressive sawing of the surface of the nail plate, prolonged wearing of artificial nails thins the natural nail plate, as a result of which it becomes very vulnerable and changes shape. If a similar problem has become relevant after repeated extensions, it is worth giving the nails a rest for a couple of months. During the rest period, be sure to drink a vitamin-mineral complex, do not varnish your nails, take baths with sea salt and essential oils, rub burdock oil or castor oil into the nail plates. To strengthen the nail plates, apply special strengthening balms on them.
  3. There is another reason for bending nails - this is a congenital feature. In this case, the bending is often more pronounced. Regardless of the thickness of the nail plate, after growing to a certain length, the nails begin to bend up or down, and so much that they literally curl up. In this case, one can only sympathize and recommend either growing the nails only to a safe length so that they do not bend, or resorting to nail extensions in any of the acceptable ways. With the genetic nature of the problem, the nails are bent mainly on the index and middle fingers, while on the others they have a completely normal shape.

What to do if the nails are bent?

  • If the bending of the nails is not hereditary, then you can try to cure this unaesthetic phenomenon on your own. The course of treatment includes baths, rubbing and massage of the nail folds.
  • If changes in the direction of nail growth are also associated with a change in their color, delamination, then most likely the reason lies in a fungal infection, which should not be treated on its own. It is best to contact a dermatologist and get qualified help.
  • Baths for the treatment of deformation of the nail plate are made both with sea salts and essential oils, and with soda and ordinary salt. All these substances perfectly strengthen the nail plate. You can also prepare a bath with iodine water.
  • The concentration of salts in the water should not be high; a tablespoon of salt is enough for a container of two to two and a half liters. Essential oils for this volume are usually taken five to seven drops.
  • Bath with iodized salt (you can take sea salt and drip five drops of iodine)
  • For 150 ml of hot water, take a tablespoon of salt, stir so that the salt is completely dissolved, and place your fingers in the water. The bath lasts until the water has completely cooled, then the hands are rinsed with clean water, blotted with a soft cloth, special manicure oils or creams are rubbed into the nails, excess oil is removed with a napkin and nail balm is applied.

Iodine is an excellent remedy for nails, and in this case, you can apply it to the nail plate like a regular varnish with a brush. Before applying, you need to remove the varnish from the nails with a nail polish remover that does not contain acetone (or it is better to refrain from varnishing at all for the entire period of treatment). It is best to treat nails with iodine at night - in the morning there will be no trace of iodine. It is completely absorbed, gradually making the nails stronger and correcting all their defects.

Lemon juice should not be neglected either - daily rubbing fresh lemon juice into the nail plate will quickly correct all the irregularities of the nails.

Rubbing oils, manicure and essential oils into the nail plate will also help solve this problem. Special oils are used that your manicurist can advise, essential oils of neroli, orange, lemon, pine. Well help burdock oil, linseed and castor oil.

Massage of the nail folds and nail plates with vitamin hand cream, nail oil or your favorite essential oil also has a very effective effect on correcting nail plate defects. Oils saturate tissues with essential substances, and massage causes increased blood flow and creates all conditions for the best absorption of nutrients by tissues.

Do not ignore any changes in the condition of the nails, because it is the nails that first of all signal us about problems in the body, which are best corrected quickly, without leading to serious violations.

All my life my nails have curled wildly, even if the free edge is only 1mm. With and without nail polish. At what not all nails are twisted, but mainly those on the left hand. My nails are naturally thin, but they are quite hard and break mostly when they are square. You can't call them weak and soft. They exfoliate only from unsuccessful filing and unscrupulous polishing of the butt. I constantly moisturize the nail plate with waxes, creams, oils, I do baths, but to no avail. Nails become more well-groomed, but still look like tubules. One day I bought "Smart Enamel" polish to thicken my nails and it gave a wonderful result. I used varnish as a base in two layers under a color coat. My nails really got thicker. This was especially noticeable during regrowth. There was a wave on the nails. It was possible to see where the new thicker plate was, and where the thin old one was. Completely "junk" grew back and was cut off in 5 months. New strong nails began to grow by leaps and bounds, and stopped curling. They have grown to a length that I have never had almost 1 cm of free edge. My nail bed has lengthened a bit. I was crazy) Then the varnish ended, and I started using "Smart Enamel" for nail growth, from which the nails began to curl a little. Then I bought a new bottle of thickener and resumed use, although the effect decreased. After some time, after reading positive reviews about the Mertz laser file, I bought it and tried it. It was a disaster. The nails split so that I had to cut the entire length under the root. Nails became thin and weakened. For two months I did not paint my nails with anything, even with medical varnishes, so that they could rest. Every day I did special saline baths from DNC. They sell ready-made salt mixtures with oil, herbs, ants, and special oil gels for exfoliating nails. In addition to the baths, I rubbed waxes, oils, creams into my nails and cuticles many times every day. At night, she generously lubricated her hands with cream, applied it under the nails, and poured oil on the cuticles. I drank a lot of water a day, adjusted my diet. Hoping for the best, she resumed the use of the thickener, but did not achieve a positive result. the effect disappeared completely. At this point, the nails are as thin as they were before using this drug. Apparently initially the improvement was only temporary. At the moment, the foliation has come to naught, the nails are again thin and hard, outwardly healthier, but the twisting has returned, despite all the manipulations. When I take a bath, the nails straighten and become as smooth as those of mere mortals, but it is impossible to fix them in this state. If you have time to make up them in this "expanded" form, after drying they will look a little better than usual, but no more. I'm currently using Dance Legend Spa Top thin nail restorer, but it's too early to talk about the results.

Based on personal experience, I have formed my (!) list of reasons for curling nails:

1) Heterogeneity of the nail bed.
My left hand nails are more affected by twisting. There are more twisted nails on it: a nail on the thumb, index, little finger. On the little finger, the nail began to curl after the nail bed “broke off” a little, i.e. shortened. I do not know why. On the thumb and forefinger, the nails have been curled for as long as I can remember. The most ahtung I have on the index. On it, the nail is twisted only from one corner and it is very striking. I noticed that the nail bed on this nail is higher from one corner and lower from the other. Where it is above there is no twisting, where below it is on the face. The nail on this side simply lacks support. All my attempts to lengthen the nail bed on this finger have so far led to the fact that it has lengthened from the angle where everything was fine anyway, and where it "breaks" everything is still the same. has not yet grown. On the right hand, only the nail on the thumb is twisted for the same reason. The rest of the nails are fine.

2) Thin nails.
I have very thin nails. In this case, grinding, which I at one time abused, is absolutely contraindicated. When nails are as thin as mine, making them even thinner is stupid, because. they will curl even more. Once I slammed the heavy iron door of the gate with all my might, forgetting to remove my finger. Then she bit the finger of the other hand with a stapler in the very cuticle. The result: two wavy and pitted "fucks" (two nails of the middle fingers), like the road to Belev. The uneven surface was very an eyesore to me. She began to grind one nail, and after him all the rest for the company and rushed. After grinding, my nail plate begins to "flake off", and then exfoliate. Even after waxing.

3) Excessive filing of side bolsters and nails from the sides.
This cup also did not pass me by. One of the "faks" is growing at random. Looks like he's so traumatized by the incident with the iron door that he wants to escape from his finger. For a long time and hard I sawed out the desired shape, sawing off the nail on one side and achieved the desired result. Then, out of sports interest, she began to cut out others, but it got worse. On the side where I sawed off, the skin began to peel off a little from the nail. Having lost support on one side, the nail began to curl. Also, the situation was aggravated by my mania not just to cut, but sometimes to cut off the nail ridges with scissors. That's how much it was possible to cut off the skin to the maximum, cut off so much. It seemed to me that it was so beautiful, and the nails again lost their support. I stopped cutting the rollers, began to apply and intensively rub the oil not only into the cuticles, but also into them. Now the rollers look more aesthetically pleasing, well moistened, you don’t even need to file a little. They noticeably tightened up and now the nails have something to hold on to.

3) Overdried nail plate.
For several years, when I did not know the elementary rules of manicure, I did not use the base and applied colored varnishes on bare nails. Naturally, they turned yellow, were not protected from chemistry, dried out and therefore curled up. Sometimes the twisting process was even physically felt immediately after painting. The lack of proper nail care made its contribution: moisturizing, nutrition, etc. Also, poorly selected zhdsl dries nails. I love glitters and often remove them with foil. The more often I soak my nails like this, the worse it affects their condition.

4) Unsuitable base/lacquer/dryer.
This also happens. For example, Belvedere healing varnishes do not suit me. After application, the nails immediately curl. Drying Inm Out The Door twists my nails only when I apply it either too abundantly, or layers of colored varnish have not dried under it, or there are too many of these layers and it’s hard for my nails from this design. By the way, the more layers on the nails, the greater the likelihood of twisting. But Inm Northern Lights is generally beautiful, although it differs only in the presence of sparkles. With her, everything is always perfect and does not twist. Just don't shake it. Sometimes twisting is affected not only by any individual of the means, but by all of them together in a particular combination. All this is found out by trial and error, and very individually.

Many resources mention general dehydration of the body and excessive length of nails as reasons. This is not my case, so I can't comment. There are probably other factors that I may have overlooked or not realized. I hope my post will be informative enough and useful for those who are sick. Om mani padme hum.

Bending of the nails occurs in people regardless of age and physiological characteristics of the body. Such problems can appear for various reasons and manifest additional symptoms.

Let's look at why fingernails curl down and how to deal with this problem.


With a uniform growth rate and adequate surface treatment, the nail usually has a normal shape and good resistance to aggressive influences.

With slow growth, its surface is subjected to greater external influence and, as a result, with bends. It can become thin, soft or brittle depending on the lack of proteins, vitamins and minerals in the body.

Deficiency leads to the fact that the nail is bent sideways or over the entire surface at the slightest physical impact. Such disorders occur as a result of metabolic disorders, poor nutrition or the presence of serious diseases. It also happens that when you press on its surface, it starts with corners and happens.

metabolic disorders

Exchange disorders are temporary and permanent. Temporary disturbances include physiological conditions such as pregnancy and starvation.

During pregnancy in women, as a rule, in 50% of cases, failures of metabolic processes develop. As a result, they become thinner and begin to bend, first on the sides, and then over the entire surface.

In the second pregnancy, in 90% of cases, additional hair loss, skin peeling and brittle teeth occur. Depending on the physiological characteristics of the woman's body, the number and variety of symptoms may differ in each individual case.

Permanent physiological disorders of metabolic processes include anorexia and diabetes mellitus. As a result of an acute lack of nutrients, tissue growth slows down, and the tissue itself has an altered structure. As a result, brittleness and excessive softness, bends and delamination are observed, regardless of the influence of the external environment.

With diabetes, there is an accumulation and increase in the amount of sugar in the fingers. Sugar crystals cause deformation and tissue necrosis. One of the signs of diabetes is a change in the shape and structure of the nails.

Beauticians say: If the nails began to curl down after wearing artificial nails for a long time, they need to be cleaned of all cosmetic chemicals and take a break of several weeks from repeated extensions.


Some people with the advent of a certain age develop metabolic disorders that cause during growth. Also, there are people with physiological characteristics, in which the normal growth of nail tissue is impossible and requires constant care.

Treatment in such cases can be lifelong and often requires surgery with occasional cosmetic treatments.

Infection by fungus and bacteria

There are many fungi that cause. Often, when the skin of the hands is affected, deformities are formed with a curvature up or down.

Not proper care

Nail extension leads to deformation, thinning and delamination of the nail tissue.

There is a bend up or down, depending on the depth of the gash and the duration of the use of aggressive substances. Photos of bends can be seen above.


To treat the bend, it is necessary to act on the root cause of the disease. Therefore, the first step is to consult a cosmetologist, dermatologist, surgeon, depending on the complexity of the manifestations. At the beginning of therapeutic measures, nutrition should be normalized, protein products, vitamins and minerals should be consumed in sufficient quantities.

If the cause of the disease is improper care, you need to take a break from visiting the beautician for 1 to 2 months. During this period, special restorative agents must be applied to the surface.

Since this problem can be corrected only by complex treatment, it is additionally recommended to make baths with sea salt, rubbing wax, honey, castor and burdock oil into the nail plate. If the cause of the appearance is a fungal infection or a serious illness, then the doctor should prescribe treatment after a thorough diagnosis.

The appearance of the first signs of curvature indicates the development of metabolic disorders in the body. During normal functioning of the body, the nails, as a rule, retain their shape.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the diet, the general condition of the body and consult a doctor.


A beautician or a doctor is often asked: What can be done to prevent the nails from curling? And the answer for each individual case will be different. Firstly, it is necessary to observe a diet with the periodic addition of products that are unique in their composition.

It is advisable to eat cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream or drink uncollected milk once a week. It is recommended to use complex vitamins and add beef and pork to food in large quantities.

In regions where it is not possible to eat fermented milk products, calcium deficiency can be compensated for with special dietary supplements or eggshells. Bioadditives are used according to the instructions, and the shell according to the following principle. The shell is taken from the eggs of domestic hens, which have a veterinary examination of their normal health.

It is washed using laundry soap in hot running water, then poured over with boiling water and dried. Dried shells are ground to a powder and taken 1 - ½ teaspoon once a day for two weeks. Such prophylaxis is recommended for pregnant women during childbearing.


At the first sign of deviations, it is necessary to seek advice from a cosmetologist, dermatologist or surgeon. If necessary, undergo a set of diagnostic measures to detect the exact cause of the bending of the nails on the fingers. Timely diagnosis and treatment will avoid many complications.

A poor diet, an unbalanced or inappropriate diet, skipping lunch or dinner can be the result of poor nail health. It is important that proteins and trace elements enter the body in the required amount. It will take about a month to six months to treat curly nails. Start with protein. This element is vital for the body in general and for nails in particular. Per kilogram of a person's weight, 1-1.5 grams of protein should be supplied daily. You should change the diet in favor of foods such as chicken, meat, eggs, milk, sea fish.

The second most important element for the body, which is not enough if the nails are twisted, is magnesium. You need to consume up to 400 mg of magnesium per day. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is quite difficult to satisfy the need for this trace element with the help of food alone. Meat is richest in magnesium. But in order for the body to receive the required amount of a microelement, you need to eat up to 2 kilograms of meat per day. Therefore, the lack of magnesium is replenished with the help of drugs, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The lack of calcium, the third element necessary for healthy nails, can be filled with fermented milk products. The body should receive approximately 800 mg of calcium per day.

The basis of healthy nails - vitamins

To improve the condition of the nails, it is worth increasing the intake of vitamins B, C, E, A. The key to strong and beautiful nails is vitamin B. It is recommended to include brewer's yeast, milk and eggs in the diet. It is the lack of vitamin B that makes nails curl and brittle.

If the nail looks old, has lost its attractive appearance, and begins to curl up - perhaps there is not enough vitamin C in the body. To do this, you should eat more citrus fruits and various berries, such as gooseberries.

If the nails do not grow well and begin to curl, you need to eat more legumes, nuts, oils, which contain vitamin E. It is he who is responsible for the growth and youth of the nails.

There are no beautiful nails with a lack of vitamin A in the body. If the poor condition of the nails, their delamination and twisting are accompanied by frequent diseases and inflammatory processes, then the immune system is weakened. Vitamin A, which is abundant in carrots, vegetables, and butter, will help strengthen immunity in general and get rid of curled nails.