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Dogwood salty recipes. Pickled dogwood with spices

What skillful housewives just don’t come up with to surprise guests. And you don’t have to rack your brains over the idea of ​​​​preparing an interesting snack. It is enough to pay attention to the well-known dogwood. These berries make a wonderful spicy preservation. The whole process of preparation will take you a minimum of time.


  • Dogwood - 400 g
  • Hot pepper - 1/4 pc.
  • Carnation - 2 pcs.
  • Allspice - 2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 1/2 tbsp.
  • Vinegar - 50 ml
  • Sugar - 3 tsp
  • Water - 150 ml


Portions - 0.5 l
Cooking time - 20 min

How to cook

First you need to do the marinade. Pour water and vinegar into a saucepan. Cut hot pepper into rings. Put it in a container with liquid. Add salt, cloves, bay leaf, sugar and peppercorns. You can use other spices that you like (tarragon, Provencal herbs, pepper mixture). To stir thoroughly. Sugar and salt must be completely dissolved in the liquid.

Sort out dogwood. For preservation, strong red berries are needed. Separate the dogwood from the ponytails. Place the berries in a colander. Rinse with cold water. Prick the berries with a toothpick. Pour the dogwood into the saucepan with the marinade. Place the container on a minimum fire. Boil the berries for 15 minutes from the moment the marinade boils.

Treat the glass jar and lid with baking soda powder. Rinse with water. Steam sterilize the jar for 20 minutes. Boil an iron lid for 5 minutes. Place boiled dogwood berries in a sterile jar using a boiled ladle. Fill a container with berries with marinade. The liquid should reach the edges of the neck. To cover with a lid. Roll up with a conservation key. Turn over the glass jar. Cover with a warm blanket. In this position, leave the container to cool for the whole night. Store in a cool place. Delicious marinated appetizer will surely please your guests. Such dogwood can be used to decorate various salads. Bon appetit!

Dogwood blanks for the winter

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Did you know that mankind has been familiar with dogwood for more than five millennia? Small oblong fruits, covered with a smooth scarlet skin with juicy pulp, contain many useful substances. Berries improve appetite, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, diuretic and circulatory systems. The plant is considered the champion in the presence of iron. Well, have we convinced you to prepare wonderful dogwood blanks for the winter? Recipes can be found below!


Wash the berries. Place the fruits in a container with an enameled surface and cover with water by 1 cm. Cook in a closed state for about half an hour or forty minutes over low heat until they become soft.

When the dogwood is cooked, lay it out on an open surface until it is at room temperature. Do not pour water from under the berries! Make a puree out of them (it is better to use a sieve with large holes for this). Next, combine the puree with the broth again. Add sugar (take about 0.7-1 kg per liter of the mixture).

After that, boil the mixture again on low heat. In this case, it is necessary to constantly stir and remove the fat. This should be done until the amount of mixture in the pan is reduced by two-thirds. Vanillin can be added if desired.

Then place the prepared mixture in jars and roll up for the winter.

Dogwood five-minute jam recipe


In this recipe, the fruits are used with seeds.

Place the washed berries in a container for cooking.

Add water and sugar.

Start cooking on high heat.

After boiling, reduce heat.

During further cooking, remove the foam.

Five minutes later, remove the jam from the fire and roll it into sterilized jars for the winter.

Cover with a blanket until the jars are cool. Great source of vitamins in winter!

Compote for a three-liter jar


Wash jars and lids beforehand. Place the washed dogwood berries in a jar so that one / two thirds of the free space remains to the top.

Cover the fruits with boiled water, close the jars and leave to cool (no less than forty minutes).

Then again remove the infused liquid from the jars, add sugar and return to the jars. Roll up and cover with something warm to cool completely.

Recipe without cooking (dogwood grated with sugar)


Sterilize containers for seaming in advance.

Prepare the product: remove the tails from the berries, wash and mash (using a sieve!). Add to sugar and mix. Place in jars and roll up. Store the workpiece for the winter in a cold place.

Pickled dogwood like olives


Sterilize jars. Pierce the washed fruits a little. Mix water with vinegar, salt and sugar. Cover the berries with this water and cook for a quarter of an hour. Place one bay leaf and three carnation flowers in each jar. After the fruits are cooked, place them (along with water) in jars and roll up.

Dogwood jelly, preservation recipe without gelatin


Wash the fruits, put them in a saucepan with an enameled surface and cover with water. Then cook until the peel on the berries bursts and juice comes out of them.

Extract all the pulp and peel from the juice. Add sugar, boil until the juice is 2/3 of the initial volume. After that, pour in 250 ml of apple juice and cook until cooked.

When hot, place in jars, let cool, cover with paper and tie.

Video jam recipe:

Pickled dogwood

For five liter jars: 1.5 liters of water, 500–600 g of sugar.

At the bottom of liter jars, lay 7-10 peas of allspice, 1-2 small pieces of cinnamon, 5-8 pcs. cloves, and then tightly lay the dogwood fruits. Pour filled jars with hot marinade 0.6% concentration (temperature 60 ° C). Filter sugar syrup through 3-4 layers of gauze, then heat it to a boil and pour in 200 g of 5% vinegar or 12 g of vinegar essence of 80% concentration.

Pasteurization time at 85 ° C for half-liter jars - 20 minutes, liter - 25 minutes.

This text is an introductory piece. From the book Salads, snacks, assorted - 8 author Cooking Author unknown -

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Dogwood compote (option 1) Dogwood - 1 kg, sugar - 650 g, water - 350 ml1. Place the prepared dogwood fruits in sterilized jars.2. Prepare the syrup, heat it to a temperature of 60 ° C and fill it with dogwood.3. Cover the jars with lacquered metal lids, place in

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Pickled dogwood For five liter jars: 1.5 liters of water, 500–600 g of sugar. At the bottom of liter jars, lay 7-10 peas of allspice, 1-2 small pieces of cinnamon, 5-8 pcs. cloves, and then tightly lay the dogwood fruits. Pour filled jars with hot marinade 0.6%

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Dogwood with sugar For 1 kg of dogwood: 1 kg of sugar. Put the ripe cornelian fruits in jars, sprinkling with sugar. Seal the jars, store in a dark cool

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CORNEL Dogwood fruits are juicy cylindrical (or oval) pink, yellow, ruby ​​or dark red. Dogwood is a valuable food product; it is consumed fresh and canned. Sweetish-sour dogwood fruits contain sugars, organic acids,

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Dogwood with sugar Peel the ripe fruits of the dogwood from the stalks, wash, put on a sieve to strain, and pour a thin layer to dry. Put in 3-liter cylinders, layering with sugar - the same amount of sugar per kilogram of fruit. Seal jars tightly and keep in

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Goji, Barberry, Dogwood: Spot the Difference Goji is called a red diamond, and these are not just beautiful words. As mentioned earlier, in ancient times, with the help of these berries, people defeated hunger and illness, and therefore their value was poetically equated with the cost of precious stones.

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From the book Canning without sugar and vinegar. 1000 grandmother's recipes author Kara Elena Viktorovna

Dogwood Dogwood is distributed in the western part of Ukraine (mainly in Transcarpathia), in Moldova, Crimea and the Caucasus. On the territory of Russia, dogwood can only be found in the forests of the North Caucasus. Here, dogwood thickets occupy an area of ​​​​over 10 thousand hectares. Derain, hornfels, cotoneaster

From the author's book

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Dogwood In folk medicine, dogwood is used as a tonic. Its fruits are also shown in diabetes mellitus. Juice diluted with water (1: 1) is prescribed 1/3 - 1/4 cup 30 - 40 minutes before meals as a sugar-lowering

From the author's book

Pickled dogwood Marinade: for 1 liter jar - 1.5 tbsp. water, 100 g sugar, 5 cloves, 5 allspice peas, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar - bring to a boil. Pour the dogwood marinade in jars, sterilize for 20 minutes,

From the author's book

Salted dogwood At the bottom of a liter jar - 2 bay leaves. Pour dogwood in jars with salted boiled water, sterilize for 25 minutes. Such dogwood is very suitable for meat and fish dishes, it can be used to decorate salads.

From the author's book

Dogwood Dried dogwoodDried dogwoodMature dogwood fruits Put the dogwood in one layer on a cloth or thick paper. Dry in the sun or in the oven at 50-60°C, turning frequently. Store the finished product in linen bags, wooden boxes or cardboard

Dogwood fruits are often harvested for the winter. Compotes, various sauces are very common. However, there is also an unusual preparation, pickled dogwood serves as its quality. This appetizer is often compared to olives, but their taste qualities differ significantly. Pickled dogwood for the winter is a great alternative to pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. The process of canning dogwood is quite simple, any housewife can handle it. The workpiece is well stored for a long time, even if the jars are in a warm room.
Pickled dogwood can be served on the table with meat dishes and strong drinks. Guests and all family members will appreciate this kind of appetizer.

Pickled dogwood for the winter


  • Dogwood - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Red pepper - 1 piece;
  • Vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pieces;
  • Currant leaves - 5 pieces;
  • Parsley greens - a bunch;
  • Carnation - 3 buds;
  • Black peppercorns - 5 pieces.

Cooking process:

First you need to prepare all the necessary ingredients. Dogwood must be selected solid, without damage. Thus, conservation will also have an attractive appearance. Berries must be thoroughly washed with water, cut off all tails.

The next step is to prepare the marinade. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and put it on fire. After it warms up, you should add sugar, vinegar, all the necessary spices and seasonings.

Then you need to pour dogwood berries into the pan, and bring the marinade to a boil.

First you need to prepare jars for canning. To do this, they need to be sterilized. At the bottom of the prepared jar, you need to lay bay leaves, clove buds, black pepper. Currant leaves and parsley must be washed under water, and also placed in a container.

After that, it is necessary to pour dogwood with marinade into the jar.

It remains only to roll the blank into banks. Lids also need to be prepared in advance. To do this, they must undergo a sterilization process.

Snack for the winter is ready. After canning, the jars must be turned upside down and wrapped. In this position, they should be left for a day. After this time, winter blanks can be removed in a cool place for further storage.

Pickled dogwood will not leave indifferent any of the guests. This kind of appetizer must be present on the festive table without fail. Its taste will appeal even to real gourmets.

Bon appetit.

Salted dogwood

At the bottom of a liter jar - 2 bay leaves. Pour the dogwood in jars with salted boiled water, sterilize for 25 minutes.

This dogwood is very well suited to meat and fish dishes, they can decorate salads.

Valeria Vilevich, Sevastopol, Crimea

From the book Salads, snacks, assorted - 8 author Cooking Author unknown -

From the book The Complete Encyclopedia of Home Canning. Living vitamins in winter author Krylova Elena Alekseevna

Salted dogwood At the bottom of a liter jar - 2 bay leaves. Pour dogwood in jars with salted boiled water, sterilize for 25 minutes. Such dogwood is very suitable for meat and fish dishes, it can be used to decorate salads.

From the book Preparations. Easy and right author Sokolovskaya M.

Dogwood compote (option 1) Dogwood - 1 kg, sugar - 650 g, water - 350 ml1. Place the prepared dogwood fruits in sterilized jars.2. Prepare the syrup, heat it to a temperature of 60 ° C and fill it with dogwood.3. Cover the jars with lacquered metal lids, place in

From the book Canning. Big Book of Recipes author Mikhailova Irina Anatolievna

Pickled dogwood For five liter jars: 1.5 liters of water, 500–600 g of sugar. At the bottom of liter jars, lay 7-10 peas of allspice, 1-2 small pieces of cinnamon, 5-8 pcs. cloves, and then tightly lay the dogwood fruits. Pour filled jars with hot marinade 0.6%

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Dogwood with sugar For 1 kg of dogwood: 1 kg of sugar. Put the ripe cornelian fruits in jars, sprinkling with sugar. Seal the jars, store in a dark cool

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CORNEL Dogwood fruits are juicy cylindrical (or oval) pink, yellow, ruby ​​or dark red. Dogwood is a valuable food product; it is consumed fresh and canned. Sweetish-sour dogwood fruits contain sugars, organic acids,

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Dogwood with sugar Peel the ripe fruits of the dogwood from the stalks, wash, put on a sieve to strain, and pour a thin layer to dry. Put in 3-liter cylinders, layering with sugar - the same amount of sugar per kilogram of fruit. Seal jars tightly and keep in

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From the book Salads, Appetizers and Assorted author Recipe collection

Goji, Barberry, Dogwood: Spot the Difference Goji is called a red diamond, and these are not just beautiful words. As mentioned earlier, in ancient times, with the help of these berries, people defeated hunger and illness, and therefore their value was poetically equated with the cost of precious stones.

From the book Canning without sugar and vinegar. 1000 grandmother's recipes author Kara Elena Viktorovna

Dogwood Dogwood is distributed in the western part of Ukraine (mainly in Transcarpathia), in Moldova, Crimea and the Caucasus. On the territory of Russia, dogwood can only be found in the forests of the North Caucasus. Here, dogwood thickets occupy an area of ​​​​over 10 thousand hectares. Derain, hornfels, cotoneaster

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Dogwood In folk medicine, dogwood is used as a tonic. Its fruits are also shown in diabetes mellitus. Juice diluted with water (1: 1) is prescribed 1/3 - 1/4 cup 30 - 40 minutes before meals as a sugar-lowering

From the author's book

Pickled dogwood Marinade: for 1 liter jar - 1.5 tbsp. water, 100 g sugar, 5 cloves, 5 allspice peas, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar - bring to a boil. Pour the dogwood marinade in jars, sterilize for 20 minutes,

From the author's book

Dogwood Dried dogwoodDried dogwoodMature dogwood fruits Put the dogwood in one layer on a cloth or thick paper. Dry in the sun or in the oven at 50-60°C, turning frequently. Store the finished product in linen bags, wooden boxes or cardboard

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Salted cheese Alpine cheese 4 l milk, 150 g yoghurt, rennet For brine: 1 l water, 400 g salt Heat milk to 20 °C, add yoghurt, stir. Cover the bowl with a lid and leave overnight at room temperature. In the morning, heat the milk to 30°C. Rennet extract