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How to write to the aliexpress administration. How to write to aliexpress support in Russian

If any questions or problems arise, AliExpress buyers have confusion: Who can they ask questions to? How to complain about a seller? Where can I write and who can I chat with?

Where to write to AliExpress? Is there an email address?

Previously, there were a number of e-mail addresses (for example [email protected]), to which Aliexpress employees responded, helping to resolve all sorts of issues. But, at the moment, they have stopped responding from these addresses, since the AliExpress administration has stopped working with them. The only official mailing address for buyers is [email protected] You can contact them about fraudulent activities by sellers. For all other questions, it is recommended to contact the AliExpress customer support chat. Here is a page with all the official contacts of Alibaba Group Corporation http://www.alibabagroup.com/en/contact/contacts#slide_customer

How to write to AliExpress support?

For any questions, including payment problems, you can currently contact the support chat.

Previously, the additional AliPay support service worked with payment and refund problems, but since the abandonment of this payment system, financial issues also became the responsibility of the AliExpress customer support chat.

What questions can you contact in the AliExpress support chat:

  • - For any technical questions related to your orders.
  • - For any questions related to problems with your account (profile)
  • - In cases of questions related to promotions and coupons.
  • - In cases of problems with the return of funds and goods.
  • - In cases of problems with payment.
  • - For questions regarding AliExpress rules

You can contact support chat in both Russian and English. But, if you are fluent in English, then it is advisable to use it, since the support is mainly English-speaking and when communicating in Russian they will use automatic translation, which can make mutual understanding difficult during communication.

If you decide to contact support chat in Russian, then write to the point and briefly. Avoid complex literary expressions that may cause problems during automatic translation. Check for errors in words so that the automatic translation can correctly translate your text. If you feel that the operator does not understand your question, restate it in different words.

To make communication more effective, prepare the order number with which you are having problems in advance. If necessary, make screenshots with a graphic explanation of your problem.

How to complain about AliExpress.

There is a special section “Report Center” for filing complaints on Aliexpress.

You can find it in the left menu “My AliExpress” -> “Manage Reports"

A complaint can be filed on the following points.

  1. IPR protection. Complaint of copyright infringement. You can contact us if you find that the seller is selling counterfeits of well-known brands.
  2. Restricted or Prohibited Items. When a seller is found to be selling illegal items such as drugs, weapons, prescription drugs, etc.
  3. Trading rules. In cases where the seller offers to pay for the goods bypassing AliExpress, in cases of requests to confirm receipt of the goods before the actual receipt, etc.
  4. Manipulations with price and product category. In cases of fraudulent actions with product prices, duplication of goods and placement of goods in inappropriate categories.
  5. Other. Regarding spam and attempts to obtain your payment details, or access to your profile.

How to call AliExpress

AliExpress does not have phone numbers to answer customer questions.

Does Aliexpress have an office address in Russia?

At the moment there is a Russian-speaking representative in Moscow, but he does not accept customers.

Have a question? Write it in the comments or chat


Online store " Aliexpress"became popular due to a wide range of products and low prices. If the buyer has any difficulties placing orders, he can contact the site support service.

How to contact Aliexpress technical support in Russian online chat. How to find out the email address of Aliexpress support service and hotline phone number Where is the help section on Aliexpress - frequently asked question

There are a lot of purchases made in the online store, and not every one of them may be successful. Often, users open disputes regarding the return of funds, and when the dispute is won, but the money was not returned, the support service will help resolve this and other issues. Aliexpress».

On " Aliexpress» It is possible to contact the site administration in several ways. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Why do you need support service on Aliexpress?

Users " Aliexpress» can contact the online store support service at any time when the case requires it. True, it is best to contact the administration for serious issues, so as not to once again burden technical support with work.

Here is a list of questions that you can and should contact the site support service with:

  • The order was paid, but the funds were not transferred to the account " Aliexpress»
  • Refund due to product out of stock
  • The package has arrived, but the product does not match the description when placing the order.
  • The user opened a dispute in order to get his money back
  • The product (equipment) became unusable within the warranty period, and the seller refused to repair it.

Video: Aliexpress support service: how to contact Aliexpress support service

Aliexpress is one of the most advanced and popular trading platforms in the world. Here you can find a huge number of products at affordable prices. At the same time, aliexpress is the site where people most often contact support. This is due to the fact that the site is Chinese, and the translation of all the necessary information into both English and Russian (and other) languages ​​is not always of high quality and understandable. That is why many people need the help of consultants to place an order. Contacting the site administration is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The aliexpress system has everything covered, and all issues can be resolved extremely quickly. It is important to know how to contact support so as not to waste a lot of time. We will help you understand the issue.

Ways to contact support on aliexpress

Many customers, if controversial issues arise when ordering, would like not to look for solutions on their own, but to call the operator and receive all the necessary clarifications. Unfortunately, it is impossible to find the administration’s phone number on Aliexpress, since there is no call center in Russia and the CIS countries, and the Chinese phone number is also not listed on the site. But even these nuances should not frighten potential clients when questions arise, because you can contact the support service without calling. When you query “aliexpress phone” in search engines, some information may be returned, but it is important to know that it is impossible to contact the administration by phone, so all numbers provided by search engines will be fake. Often links with supposed Aliexpress numbers lead to fraudulent sites, so you need to be extremely careful.

You can get help on aliexpress in three ways:

  • By contacting the Russian-language chat;
  • By contacting the English-language chat;
  • Addressing an English-speaking robot.

Let's talk about each method separately.

So, the first and most common option in our country is to contact a Russian-language chat. You can contact a Russian-language support service operator who will provide assistance with any questions you may have from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. This is not difficult to do, the system has taken care of everything. You just need to go to the website and find a section called “Help”. This tab contains the following – support service. At the top of the page there will be a window - help in Russian - online chat. You should contact this chat to resolve controversial issues. Chat operators try to provide assistance as quickly as possible, but often you have to “stand” in line. Then, when the operator is free and can answer all questions, a melody will sound, which will notify the client about this. You need to write your question to the operator in the chat, and the employee will immediately answer and help. Photo 1 shows what the page for contacting support looks like.

The second option is to chat in English. There are no time restrictions, so you can get help early in the morning or late at night. For an English-language appeal, you need to know English well in order to write the appeal correctly. Automated translation will be difficult for the operator to understand and misunderstandings may arise. Since the working hours of the English-language chat are 24 hours a day, the client does not need to adapt to the operation of the site and all issues can be resolved almost instantly. Asking for help in an English chat visually looks like this: (photo 2)

Both methods are effective for solving truly complex issues. These could be unresolved disputes, refusals of orders not agreed with the seller, refusal of the seller to refund funds if product descriptions do not match, etc. If the issue can be resolved without personal correspondence, then the ideal option is to contact the automated Eva-Virtual Agent system .

It is important to know that you can write a small message to the smart “robot” Eva - the maximum number of characters in circulation is 140. The text must be exclusively in English. You should also understand that the responses from the system will be accurate, concise, and, of course, template. It is also convenient to use this system to get help because Eva-Virtual Agent is a kind of navigator on aliexpress, and all answers can be received with images and logical explanations.

The Aliexpress support service is excellent at helping resolve controversial issues even without operators. By opening the “Support Service” tab, the client will immediately see a list of the most frequently asked questions. By clicking on a question, you can see a detailed answer. Very often, among the listed issues you can find one that directly concerns the client. Thus, absolutely all controversial situations can be resolved at any time of the day, with or without the involvement of an operator. The support service of this trading platform is at a fairly high level, so making purchases on Aliexpress is safe and convenient!

If any questions or problems arise while making purchases, the buyer can always contact the support service. Until recently, all questions could only be asked to the robotic system “Eva-Virtual Agent”. Today, a new customer service service is available -. Russian-language online support service operates from 8:00-20:00 Moscow time. During non-working hours, assistance in English is available.

How to enter a chat in Russian?

The fastest and most convenient way to go to the help center on Aliexpress is to select “Help” > “Help Center” at the top of the page. Well, if you urgently need to chat, use the direct link -.

The help center page provides a list of the most frequently asked questions about Aliexpress. By clicking on the question you are interested in, you will be taken to a page with a detailed description of the required actions. If you are not satisfied with this answer, you can contact customer support online.

On the right side there is a window with an accessible “Online Chat” button. To enter the chat, click on this button and communicate with the operator in Russian.

Now let's look at Aliexpress online chat from the inside.

When you enter the chat, the connection will begin. If all operators are busy at the moment, you will be put in a queue. You will learn about this in the message that appears in the chat. The connection to the support service operator is accompanied by a melodic ringing sound, after which the support service operator will ask you to ask your question.

In this image you can see the main functions of the chat.

If necessary, you can send an image, save chat history, enable or disable sound notification. To end the conversation, you need to use the “End” button. To improve the quality of service, the buyer can always leave feedback, evaluating the professionalism and work of the support service representatives.

In the chat window, on the right side you can see a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ), as well as Aliexpress tips.

Communication with the “Smart Robot” is also offered.

Robotic system Eva-Virtual Agent

Available in English only. But since this is a robot, all answers will be automatic, template. Eva often helps to find the answer to a question, and can also give good help on the operation of the site with detailed explanations and images. However, if you need resolution of a complex situation related to a personal order, it is better to contact the support operator.

This chat also has a function for exporting replies. If necessary, you can clear the chat field or hide the text under a spoiler if this interferes with viewing. When forming your question to the intelligent robot, please note that the length of your sentence should not exceed 140 characters.

How to enter the chat in the English version of Aliexpress?

In order to enter the chat from the English page, go to the help center section and click the “Customer support” button.

To view the information you are interested in, you must sequentially select:

Type of question.

For some questions, the “Start Chatting” button will be active. If this button is not available in the section you have selected, try opening any other section where the chat button will be available. If the question is related to payment (refund) of funds, then only the Email us button will be available - select a communication method. To contact the Aliexpress care service via email, you must fill out all fields.

At the bottom of the page click on " Support" The site will redirect you to a page with email addresses. Choose any one and send a letter.

Here are the Aliexpress email addresses:

How to write to Aliexpress technical support - email address

Important: The letter must be written in English. You can translate your text from Russian into English using any translator.

This form of communication with Aliexpress specialists is rarely used, since a response to a letter can take a month. It is more convenient to contact via online chat - instant answers, quick resolution of the issue.

Aliexpress technical support - hotline: online phone

Aliexpress technical support - hotline: online phone

Almost all of us find it more convenient to seek advice by calling a hotline. Aliexpress also provides such a service, but calls can only be made while roaming.

Advice: Top up your phone account in advance so that you have enough money for the call.

Important: You will have to speak with the operator in English. Be prepared for this.

Choose any method to solve problems on Aliexpress. Find the answer in a convenient way and enjoy shopping on the largest online shopping platform.

Video: how to contact the site administration on Aliexpress?