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Open a dispute with the seller. How to open a dispute on Aliexpress and get your money back


It was not by chance that I highlighted the word ON TIME and you will soon understand why. So how to open a dispute on Aliexpress? Here are step by step instructions...

First, I will analyze a typical situation when the package did not arrive. A few days before the transaction closes, you should receive a letter in your mail with approximately the following content:

Just yesterday I received a letter saying that the speedometer I ordered for the bicycle was lost somewhere along the way. Or maybe the seller simply didn’t send it, I don’t know and will never know. But I’m not worried because I’ll get my money back and here’s how you can do it.

How to open a dispute on Aliexpress?

At the beginning go to the Aliexpress website and we find the goods that were lost on the way. Opposite the product you will see an OPEN DISPUTE button:

We are redirected to the order page and here the OPEN DISPUTE button appears again. You need to check the box next to the product and click this button:

First, you will be asked: Received the goods or not? If not, then check the box and then choose according to the circumstances. Usually I write in this situation that the goods are still on the way, but the transaction period is already expiring.

In any case, you will need to explain what happened - in English. If you don’t know English, then just open Yandex and type the word TRANSLATION in the search, a small window will appear in which you can write in Russian and immediately receive a translation:

That's it, we described the problem, now you can press the SEND button. But you shouldn’t expect that everyone will immediately rush to solve your problem; a timer will be turned on for several days so that you and the seller FIRST try to solve the problem amicably.

If the seller does not write anything to you, and the time expires, then the second phase of the dispute begins.

How to escalate a dispute on Aliexpress?

After the allotted time has passed, the button ADVANCE DISPUTE will appear. This means that now there is no turning back and representatives of the site will decide who is right and who is wrong.

Escalation of the dispute on aliexpress

Most often, this is not that difficult to figure out, and if you are truly right, you will win the argument easily.

How to win a dispute on Aliexpress?

To win a dispute on Aliexpress, you need to provide evidence that you are right. What could it be?

  1. If the goods have not arrived, then you must make sure that the track number is not tracked and the seller will not be able to prove in any way that the goods have reached you.
  2. If the goods are damaged, it is better to immediately take a video or photo of the packaging of the goods at the post office. These files must be attached when you open a dispute.
  3. If the product is of poor quality, then you need to do the same as in the second point, but you can take a photo or shoot a video at home.


If the deal has already been closed, but the product turned out to be of poor quality, then all is not lost. You need to open a dispute with the seller within FIFTEEN days.

If you didn’t have time to do this, then say goodbye to the money; it will be difficult to do anything.

How to close a dispute on Aliexpress?

What if you reached an agreement with the seller and he is ready to pay you a penalty? In this case, you can close the dispute, as there is a special button for this:

But do not close the dispute until the seller fulfills his promises, since then it will be difficult to return everything back - you CANNOT open a dispute twice!

As you can see, opening a dispute on Aliexpress is not a tricky matter, everything is done simply and conveniently. The site has millions of customers and has accumulated vast experience in such matters.

If you have questions or don’t know what to do, write in the comments, I’ll help in any way I can….


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Many Internet users are familiar with this foreign Internet site with inexpensive goods. A lower price encourages you to make a purchase, but sometimes sellers send the wrong product or it simply doesn’t arrive. Opening a dispute on Aliexpress will help you get a full or partial refund of the purchase amount.

When to open a dispute on Aliexpress

On Aliexpress, a dispute with a seller is a generally accepted format for clarification of relations if the supplier does not fulfill its obligations. This is direct communication, where you have the opportunity to express your grievances and provide evidence through a special form. Only you will participate in it, without third parties in the form of the site administration. You should open a dispute on Aliexpress if:

  • the goods have not arrived to you, and the end of the transaction is less than 2-3 days;
  • The package arrived, but the contents do not match the description on the website (wrong size, color).

If the goods are not received

On the trading platform, when purchasing, the delivery time for the goods to the buyer is usually indicated (the movement is often tracked by a tracker); it is often about 40 days. This is due to the fact that the warehouses are located in China, and the order has to travel a long way. It should be understood that parcels may be on the road almost until the end of protection. It is not recommended to open a dispute ahead of time; this should be done if there are only 24 hours left.

The order for residents of Russia indicates delivery within 2 months, but due to the peculiarities of Russian Post, you can request a full refund after 90 days. Sellers are familiar with the peculiarities of logistics and will not refund anything before this period. You can safely request an extension of time up to 3 months, only after 90 days you can start a dispute.

After receiving the goods

Sometimes a situation occurs when a purchase has reached you, but has not met your expectations. The Aliexpress administration ensures that all sellers fulfill their obligations in good faith and do not deceive buyers, therefore the description of the product on the website must correspond to reality. You have a reasonable right to argue for a refund with the seller for the following reasons:

  • defect, defect;
  • does not match the description;
  • fake;
  • mismatched item size (shoes, clothes);
  • damage;
  • low quality;
  • quantity mismatch (paid for 5, but received 2).

How to open a dispute on Aliexpress correctly

According to the rules of the service, you can open a dispute (dispute) 6 days after sending. In fact, the package does not go as much to the CIS countries. The deadlines for filing were described above: if the time is running out, you need to start a dispute. Instructions on how to open a dispute on Aliexpress:

  1. log in to your account;
  2. click the “My Aliexpress” tab;
  3. open the “My Orders” page with orders.

Here are all your purchases on AliExpress. The easiest way to open a dispute is from this window. Next to each product there are several options:

  • View Detalis – view order details, full information;
  • Confirm Order – confirm receipt;
  • Open Dispute – open a dispute.

Before opening a dispute on Aliexpress, make sure there are sufficient grounds for this. Click the appropriate button opposite the product. A standard form will open, in it you need to send:

  • reason for return;
  • type of compensation;
  • order details;
  • attach evidence.

It is not always clear to new users in what language to open a dispute on Aliexpress. The generally accepted option on the trading floor is English, and the dispute should be conducted in this language. To make a claim, you only need basic knowledge of the language; you can use an online translator. Some people do not open a dispute on Aliexpress for the reason that a couple of Russian characters slipped through the text (often the letter “s” or “o”) or the message exceeds the allowed number of characters.

What to write when opening a dispute on Aliexpress

Dialogue during a dispute is usually conducted in English, but sometimes the seller tries to write in Russian with the help of a translator. As a result, the sentences turn out awkward and sometimes lose their meaning, so it is better to use the generally accepted one. The form for filling out a dispute is simple - here are the main points that should be indicated:

  1. Opposite the line “Did you receive your goods?” (whether the goods were received) must be set to “Yes” or “No” (No).
  2. In the line “Please tell us your solution” you should assess the damage received. If the defect is minor or the discrepancy is only in color, then you can request a few dollars in compensation. When it is not possible to use the product, you should demand the full amount.
  3. The “Do you want to ship the goods back” option implies sending the goods back for replacement. Don't agree to it because you will waste a lot of time. It is much easier to win the dispute and get your money back. In addition, you will pay for return shipping.
  4. The “Please write your request detail” section provides the opportunity to write in more detail about the problem with the product, contact the seller (write everything in English).
  5. To attach evidence (photos, videos), you need to use the “Please Upload Attachments” item.

What evidence do you need to provide?

Every buyer who is looking for how to properly open a dispute on Aliexpress must understand that no one will take your word for it, you need to add evidence to the application. Photos or video materials can play this role. Always when opening an order from Aliexpress:

  • turn on the video camera on your phone (if you don’t have a regular one);
  • remove the box and the product from all sides;
  • inspect for defects, low-quality materials, and damage.

If you open a dispute and do not support it with evidence, in 99% of cases you will be denied payment. It is possible to open the parcel at the post office to check its condition. In case of damage, employees must draw up a report that would describe the condition of the order at the time of receipt, but no one uses this method. Don't forget to show the delivery address and other data from the box in the video.

Terms for consideration of consumer claims

After a dispute has been opened on Aliexpress, the seller is given 15 days to reach an agreement with you. A consensus must be reached that would suit both, otherwise the application will turn into a claim and will be sent to the site for consideration. The administration will study it from 7 days to 2 months. The process turns out to be lengthy, so it is better to negotiate with the seller and not waste time.

Sometimes they are in no hurry to respond to a dispute, you can wait 5 days, and if there is no communication from the supplier, you can escalate the request and change it to a claim. If your dispute is open, and the product has arrived and you are completely satisfied with its quality, it is better to close the return request and confirm receipt. Otherwise, you will receive a penalty to your buyer reputation on the site.

How many times can you open a dispute on Aliexpress?

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to know how to reopen a dispute on Aliexpress. This possibility exists, you have the right to do this the required number of times as long as the transaction is protected from the site. You can open a dispute even within 2 weeks after confirmation of receipt of the order. If you have accepted the seller’s terms and conditions regarding your complaint, then there is no longer an opportunity to file a complaint again. You will receive what was specified in your agreement.

Please note that if you frequently open disputes with different sellers and win them, your account may be blocked, especially if you were the only one who filed such claims. Each profile has a “buyer rating” parameter. You may get "bad karma" for frequent complaints, and other sellers will avoid doing business with you. This is a kind of protection from “problematic” or unscrupulous customers.

Video: what does it mean to open a dispute on Aliexpress

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And after another day, the dispute was forcibly closed, with a decision to return half of the amount paid to me.

Throughout the entire dispute, at the bottom of the page, a chronology of events is kept. This is how events developed in my dispute. The buyer's actions are marked in blue, the seller's in red and the aliexpress administration's in green.

Thus, the entire dispute system is based on "suggestions." The buyer offers to return the money to him (in whole or in part) and if the seller agrees (clicks accept under the buyer’s offer), the dispute will be closed immediately without involving the administration. Or in response, the seller can offer his own solution (for example, a partial refund or a full refund, but with the return of the goods), and the buyer will either accept or refuse such a decision. Both the buyer and the seller can propose solutions multiple times (and also edit them). But if within 7 days you do not come to a mutual decision (either the buyer clicks “Accept” under the seller’s decision, or the seller clicks “Accept” under the buyer’s decision), then the aliexpress administration will join the dispute, study all the evidence provided and offer its solution. In any case, the dispute will be closed with some kind of solution and it will not necessarily suit both sides of the dispute.

Therefore, always describe the problem as accurately and clearly as possible (preferably without emotions, politely) and provide as much evidence as possible that you are right. in this case, the probability of resolving the dispute in your favor will tend to 100%.

1.5 Filing an appeal

If for some reason you are dissatisfied with the resolution of the dispute and want to file an appeal, then you just need to click on the “Submit a Complaint” button (by the way, in the old dispute system, filing an appeal was much more difficult and not everyone could do it).

The appeal button is available within 7 days after the dispute is closed. Don't miss this time.

When filing an appeal, you will be asked to complete a standard form. There is nothing complicated about it, you choose what you are not happy with and describe the situation (as always, as detailed and polite as possible). If you're lucky, the aliexpress administration will change its decision regarding your complaint.

1.6 Refunds

Refunds based on the results of a dispute take several days (3-5 business days), sometimes longer, depending on the payment method and the bank. The money is returned to where it was paid from. If you paid by card and the card became inactive at the time of return, the money is returned to your bank account and can be obtained using your passport at a bank branch, or transferred to another (valid) card via Internet banking. You should check with your bank for more details, as rules may vary from bank to bank.

The stage of the return can be viewed in the order details on the "Payment" tab.

2. Dispute over non-receipt

Next, let's look at a simpler example. Dispute over non-receipt. The goods were paid for, but not received within the established time frame. More than 90 days have passed. I am patient and do not open a dispute until the last minute, allowing the seller to extend the transaction period. But when it becomes clear that the goods will not arrive, I still open a dispute.

2.1 Opening a dispute

To start the dispute process, you need to click on the "Open dispute" button in your aliexpress personal account, in the order properties. First, of course, you need to write to the seller your complaints, in case he wants to resolve them without opening a dispute.

Since the goods have not been received, I select the "Refund Only" claim. That is, the goods have not been received, which means there is no need to return them. But they should return the money to me, since I did not receive the goods.

From the issues drop down list I select that the track number is not trackable (because the track number is not actually tracked). And I describe my problem (in English). You can also attach photo and video evidence, if available (for example, a screenshot of the fact that there is no information on the track number).

2.2 Dispute management

The dispute procedure itself does not differ from that described in the first part of this article (section 1.2).

2.3 Dispute resolution and refund

My dispute went as quickly as possible (lucky, one might say). The seller did not answer anything (the seller’s store was already closed, and the seller himself seemed to have abandoned business on Aliexpress) and the dispute was automatically resolved in my favor. And after a few days I received the money back.


In this article I tried to talk only about the “mechanics” of the processes. I did not touch upon the topics of how to behave in a dispute, at what time to open, what can be demanded in a given situation, and other issues relating to the “details” of specific cases. There are a lot of situations and it is impossible to give a universal answer to each, especially within the framework of one article.

I remind you that it is best to ask questions about dispute management on the forum in the Disputes on Aliexpress section, for example in the Dispute on Aliexpress topic, help is needed. There they will answer you faster and the communication itself within the forum format will be more convenient.

You may also be interested in other articles on the topic of disputes on aliexpress:

Thank you for being with us, happy shopping and less disputes!


Important addition.
When considering a dispute, aliexpress mediators do not see your correspondence with the seller. If you need to show correspondence to mediators, then you need to take a screenshot of the correspondence (if necessary, highlight important information on it) and attach it as evidence.

Any transaction on the Chinese online platform Aliexpress has certain protection. If something suddenly goes wrong with the order, the buyer can open a dispute and put forward his demands to the seller. It is only important to do it correctly, clearly knowing after how many days you can open a dispute on Aliexpress.

If you are interested in the question of how much to open a dispute on Aliexpress, most likely you had to deal with one of the reasons why you need to do this. A dispute on Aliexpress is also called a dispute. You can open a dispute on the world-famous trading platform if:

  1. Didn't receive the ordered product. The order may not be sent by the seller at all (if he turns out to be dishonest) or may get lost during its journey to you. Such cases are not uncommon, so the buyer has the right to open a dispute after the delivery guarantee has expired. This is approximately 60 days after the merchant dispatches the order. If an open dispute was resolved in your favor, your money for the goods was returned, but it still arrived, then it is better to honestly inform the merchant about this. He will issue an invoice, which you will pay, after which you will live with a clear conscience.
  2. We received the goods, but they were not the ones we ordered.. For example, instead of a case for iPhone6, there was a case for iPhone5.
  3. Received a defective product. This also happens often, because the product is still made in China. And this is worth taking into account.
  4. We received the product with damage. Surely, transportation rules were violated, so it is quite appropriate to demand a refund. After all, you expected a product of proper quality, safe and sound.
  5. Received an item that does not match the specified size or color. If you took the correct measurements, indicated the correct size of clothes or shoes, and in the end you received a completely wrong size item, then you can safely start a dispute with the seller.
  6. Received less quantity of goods. For example, you ordered 3 pairs of shoes, but received only 2 pairs. Feel free to open a dispute and return the money paid for 1 pair of shoes.
  7. We received a product that is missing some components. For example, when ordering a cell phone, it was indicated that a charger was included, but in the end there was no “charger” in the box with the phone. You need to open a dispute and request a refund.

To win an open dispute, it is important to provide the correct reason for opening it. Having started a dispute, you will need to provide Aliexpress mediators with certain evidence that you are right.

How many days in advance can I start a dispute on Aliexpress?

So how many days in advance can you open a dispute on Aliexpress if, for example, the goods did not arrive or were of poor quality? A dispute opens:

  • only for a valid order that was paid for by you and sent to you by the seller;
  • no earlier than 5 days after the seller’s note about sending the order;
  • no later than 15 days from the moment the goods were delivered or the button to receive the order was pressed.

But you shouldn’t wait until the last minute and wait for the goods to arrive any minute. It is better to think about the problem with the transaction at least 5 days before the protection ends. Its duration is important here - if 60 days are allotted for this, then you should think about returning the funds paid for the goods after 55 days. To open a dispute, you need to click the appropriate button and fill out the form provided.

There is no point in opening a dispute when the protection period is still quite long. In this case, the supplier will absolutely ask you to be patient and wait, and may also increase the order protection period by another ten days, causing confusion among the buyer.

And if previously it was possible to open a dispute only until the order was closed, then since 2015, a payment verification function has been provided for buyers. If you do not follow the terms of transaction protection, the order does not arrive within the specified time frame or turns out to be defective, then it is possible to open a dispute within 15 days from the moment the order is closed. The main thing is not to miss this time in order to successfully return your money.

How long will the dispute last?

If it so happens that you had to open a dispute, then its duration depends on both the seller and the buyer. Sometimes a controversial situation on a well-known Chinese site is resolved within 3 days from the moment the dispute was opened. But it can drag on for a much longer period. The maximum time to resolve the problem is 90 days. During this period of time, the unpleasant situation regarding the transaction is resolved by Aliexpress mediators, who consider the arguments of both parties to the transaction.

Now you have information about when and for how long you need to open a dispute on Aliexpress. This will allow you to act in a situation that is not in your favor when making a purchase on a Chinese site much more confidently. This is especially important for novice buyers, who often have many questions when ordering goods on Aliexpress.

The parcel is still on the way - how many days in advance should I open a dispute with the seller?

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